HS- Thrombolytic agents
HS- Thrombolytic agents
HS- Thrombolytic agents
Anticoagulants :
• Introduction, General principles- Classification, Mechanism of
action, Adverse effects, Contraindications,
• Therapeutic Uses and Drug interactions.
Antiplatelet agents:
• Classification, Mechanism of action, Adverse effects,
Contraindications, Therapeutic Uses.
Darwinism and Risk of
Cardiovascular Disease
Blood Clotting
1. Vascular Phase
2. Platelet Phase
3. Coagulation Phase
4. Fibrinolytic Phase
Thrombosis Vs Fibrinolysis
Drugs used to reduce clotting
Anistreplase is a combination of
streptokinase and the
proactivator plasminogen.
• M/A:
• Activates plasminogen directly, T1/2 10-15 mins.
• Fever
• Hypotension and Allergy (Rarely)
Alteplase (rt-PA)
• Recombinant tissue plasminogen activator
• Non-antigenic, Expensive
• Co-prescribed with Heparin
• M/A
• Activates gel phase plasminogen already bound to fibrin
and has little action on circulating plasminogen.
• Rapidly cleared by liver, T1/2 4-8 mins (slow IV infusion)
• S/Es
– Nausea
– Mild hypotension and fever
Seen more with Streptokinase
• Re-thrombosis can occur following thrombolysis,
and therefore anticoagulants such as heparin are
usually co-administered, and continued after
thrombolytic therapy for a period of time.
That’s All