Leadership & Power
Leadership & Power
Leadership & Power
Dr DT Chigori
Leadership Power and influence
Five Principles of Visionary Leadership
• A term generally used to describe someone who has a clear sense of the future and the actions
needed to get there ......Successfully.
Leadership With Vision
• Is beginning with a clear vision,
• Communicating that vision to all concerned,
• And motivating and inspiring people to pursue the vision in their work.
Challenge the Process - Be a pioneer - encourage innovation and support people with ideas.
Be Enthusiastic - Inspire others through personal enthusiasm to share in a common vision.
Help Others to Act - Be a team player and support the efforts and talents of others.
Set the Example - Provide a consistent role model of how others can and should act.
Celebrate Achievements - Bring emotion into the workplace and rally "hearts" as well as "minds."
Leadership Power and influence
• The ability to get someone else to do something you want
• Good managers use power in ways that influence others to
work hard and willingly apply their efforts toward the
accomplishment of organizational objectives.
The Sources of Power
Based on things managers can offer to others:
• Rewards
• Coercion (punishment)
• Legitimacy (formal authority)
The Sources of Power
Based on the way managers are viewed by others:
• Expert (expertise)
• Reference (charisma or personal reputation)
Leadership and Empowerment
• Definition: The process of giving individuals the confidence,
resources, and authority to make decisions and take actions.
• Giving people at all levels of responsibility the opportunity to
act and make relevant decision on their own
• Key Aspects: Delegating responsibilities, providing necessary
tools and support, encouraging autonomy, and fostering a culture
of trust.
• Benefits: Increased motivation, improved job satisfaction,
higher productivity, and enhanced creativity.
Leadership Traits
and Behaviors
Personal Traits
Relatively stable and enduring
characteristics of an individual.
• Researchers have been unable to isolate a
definitive profile of effective leadership traits,
• Research indicates that physical traits have no
relationship to leadership success.
Personal Traits
Task: Leadership Assessment Traits Quiz
Leadership Behaviors
Leadership Behaviors
Leadership behavior has two basic underlying dimensions: ( Blake and Mouton's
Managerial Grid)
•Concern for People
•Concern for the Task
How A Task-Oriented
Leader Behaves
Plans and Defines Work to be Done
• Assigns Task Responsibilities
• Sets Clear Work Standards
• Urges Task Completion
• Monitors Performance Results
How a People-Oriented Leader Behaves
Leadership Styles
Abdicative or Laissez-faire: Low
concern for both task and people.
Directive or Autocratic: Low concern
for people, high concern for task.
Supportive or Human Relations;
High concern for people, low concern
for task.
Participative or Democratic: High
concern for both people and task.
Contingency Theories
of Leadership
Modern leadership theories reflect a contingency perspective which attempts to match situational
demands with appropriate leader behaviors.
Contingency Theories
of Leadership
When a manager's decisions are
highly participative, the leadership
style is more subordinate-
Contingency Model
Suggests that the key to leadership success is putting the styles to work in situations for which
they are good fits.
The first step in applying Fiedler's theory is to
understand one's predominate
leadership style.
• The second step is to diagnose the amount of
situational control available to the
• The third step is to obtain a match between
leadership style and the situation.
Fiedler's Contingency Model
Leadership Style
• Relationship-oriented
• Task-oriented
Situational Control
• The extent to which a leader can determine
• what a group is going to do, and what the
• outcomes of its actions and decisions are going to be.
Contingency Model
Situational Variables
Quality of leader-member relations
• Degree of task structure (H/L)
• Amount of position power (S/W)
Contingency Model
Contingency Model
Prospective leaders should actively seek situations which match their leadership style, and when a
mismatch occurs:
Hersey-Blanchard Situational Leadership Theory
This contingency theory suggests that successful leaders adjust their styles depending on the readiness of
followers to perform in a given situation.
• Readiness refers to how able, willing, and confident followers are in performing required tasks.
Hersey-Blanchard Situational Leadership Theory
• Delegating - allowing the group to make and take responsibility for tasks...
• Participating - emphasizing shared ideas and participative decisions...
• Selling - explaining task directions in a supportive and persuasive way...
• Telling - giving specific task directions and closely supervising work...
House's Path-Goal
Leadership Theory
Effective leadership clarifies the paths by which subordinates can achieve goals, helps them to progress
along these paths, and removes barriers to goal accomplishment.
House's Path-Goal
Leadership Theory
• Directive Leadership
• Letting subordinates know what's expected.
• Giving directions on what should be done and how.
• Clarifying the leader's role in the group.
• Scheduling work to be done.
• Maintaining definite standards of performance.
House's Path-Goal
Leadership Theory
• Supportive Leadership
Showing concern for subordinates.
• Doing little things to make the work pleasant.
• Treating group members as equals.
• Being friendly and approachable.