What is Environmental
awareness is an
integral part of the
movement's success.
Examples of
Environmental Issues
That Need Fixing:
Here are several cause-and-effect
problems that harm our
•Oil Drilling- This issue is one that
causes a great deal of environmental
destruction. Oil spills and offshore
drilling poison marine life, oil drilling (on
land) suffocates the earth, and the
combustion of fossil fuels add to the
increased atmospheric COz, which in
turns causes the progression of global
warming and ocean acidification.
•Deforestation- Millions of acres of
forest are cut down for industrial benefit,
such as large scale farming, oil mining,
and the production of paper goods.
Deforestation causes wildlife and
biodiversity extinction. The International
Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)
has a Red List of environmentally
threatened species with up-to-date
•Production of Plastic Goods-
Currently our society creates a great
deal of waste and much of that waste is
comprised of plastic. According to the
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
in 2010 alone 31 million tons of plastic
waste was created. This waste ends up
all over the globe in both land and
water, a good example is the Great
Pacific Garbage Patch.
Possible Project Ideas
•1.Instead of driving to work or
school, take the bus, carpool, walk,
or ride your bike to cut down on
greenhouse gas emissions.
•2.Consider investing in appropriate
technology like clean power (solar or
wind), if not for your home maybe
for a community center.
•3.Buy reusable products such as glass
bottles, reusable bags and cups etc.
Avoid buying paper towels, plastic
bottles and bags.
•4.Start composting and recycling, which
will help cut down our waste production.
•5.Support local businesses and farmers
by only buying organic food at farmers
Global warming
•Increase in Earth's average temperature due
to human activities, primarily the emission of
greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide (CO2).
This phenomenon has been accelerating over
the past 50 years, causing significant
environmental and societal impacts. Nearly
all of the hottest years on record have
occurred since 2000, reflecting the
seriousness of this global issue.
Causes of global warming
•Global warming is primarily caused by
the greenhouse effect. This occurs when
greenhouse gases, such as CO2,
methane, and nitrous oxide, accumulate
in the Earth's atmosphere and trap heat
from the sun. Instead of the heat
escaping into space, it remains in the
atmosphere, causing the planet to warm.
The main sources of these gases are
•Burning fossil fuels(coal, oil, natural
gas) for energy and transportation.
•Deforestation, which reduces the
Earth's capacity to absorb CO2.
• Agriculture and industrial processes
that release large quantities of
methane and other gases.
In the U.S., the largest source of
heat-trapping pollution comes
from burning fossil fuels to
produce electricity, especially in
coal-burning power plants. The
transportation sector is the
second-largest contributor,
generating over 1.7 billion tons of
Impacts of Global Warming on
Global warming has significant effects on
weather patterns and climate. Scientists have
- Hotter
and longer heat waves, leading to
severe health risks and crop damage.
- Increased
frequency of extreme weather events
such as hurricanes, floods, and droughts.
- Stronger
hurricanes, with warmer ocean waters
providing more energy for tropical storms.
A notable example is the
California drought, which was
intensified by 15-20% due to
global warming. Warmer oceans
have also fueled stronger
hurricanes like Hurricane Katrina
and Hurricane Sandy, both of
which caused devastating
impacts in the U.S.
Broader Environmental and Economic Impacts
1. energy related
2. non-energy related.
•Energy related emissions arise
through power generation, transport,
industry, and buildings (heating and
other fuel use).