Operations Management
Operations Management
Operations Management
Physical: as in manufacturing operations Locational: as in transportation operations Exchange: as in retail operations Physiological: as in health care Psychological: as in entertainment Informational: as in communication
Transformation Process
Physical: as in manufacturing operations Locational: as in transportation operations Exchange: as in retail operations Physiological: as in health care Psychological: as in entertainment Informational: as in communication
Operations Function
Operations Marketing Finance and accounting Human resources Outside suppliers
Division of labor
dividing a job into a series of small tasks each performed by a different worker standardization of parts initially as replacement parts; enabled mass production
Interchangeable parts
Mass production
Lean production
Measures of Productivity
Productivity Increase
Become efficient
output increases with little or no increase in input both output and input grow with output growing more rapidly output increases while input decreases output remains the same and input is reduced both output and input decrease, with input decreasing at a faster rate
Achieve breakthroughs
Operations Strategy
Strategy: Chapter 2
Setting up facility so that it works smoothly and efficiently Designing jobs and work to produce quality products Managing complex projects
Managing supply chain Predicting customer demand How much to produce and when to produce it How much to order and when to order
Forecasting: Chapter 11