Maintenance Management
Maintenance Management
Maintenance Management
I take this opportunity with much pleasure to thank all the people who have helped me through the course of my journey towards producing this presentation. I sincerely thank my subject Incharge , Astt. Prof. Ms.Pritika Pathak for his guidance, help and motivation and also having faith in me for this topic. Apart from the subject of my study, I learnt a lot from her, which I am sure will be useful in different stages of my life. I would like to express my gratitude to Sharda University Which gave such a great platform where I can learn as much I can. I Mohan Gupta hereby declare that I tried a lot to capture all the things related to the topic Maintenance Management in a nutshell. The contents of these slides based on information generally available to the public from sources believed to be reliable.
What is Maintenance
The term maintenance means to keep the equipment in operational condition or repair it to its operational mode. Maintenance can be defined as a combination of actions carried out to replace,repair,service (or modify) the components or some identifiable grouping of components in a manufacturing pant. So that it will continue to operate at a specified availability for a specified time.
Functions of maintenance
1. To develop maintenance policies, procedures and standards for the organization. 2. To ensure scheduled inspection and lubrication of plant, machinery and equipment. 3. To carry out periodic inspections of equipment and facilities to know which may lead their breakdown and storage. 4. Inspection and lubrication of existing equipment. 5. monitoring of faults and failures using appropriate techniques
Functions of maintenance
To keep record of all maintenance work. To insure scheduled inspection and lubrication of plant ,machinery and equipment. Maintenance of installed equipment and facilities. Installations of new equipment and facilities.
Modifications of already installed equipment and facilities. vi. Management of inventory. vii. Supervision of manpower. viii. Good housekeeping ix. To handle deposition of scrap or surplus material.
Types of maintenance
Characteristics of Break-down Maintenance System:
* No services except occasional lubrication unless failure occurs * No maintenance men on regular basis * Maintenance done by sub-contractors * No organized efforts to find out reasons * No stock of spares * No budget * No records * Initially it looks economical
A procedure followed regularly i.e.,., A cyclic operation recurring periodically. Advantages 1. Simple to establish & follow 2. Little or no clerical work 3. High degree of prevention by intercepting developing faults. A more advanced stage of routine maintenance calls for 'service instructions on a pre-printed schedule and checklists'. Examples: * Check all compressors first on Mondays. * Lubricate completely two machines daily.
Disadvantages * Routine maintenance may not provide the service specified by the manufacturer * We may ignore information regarding preceding breakdowns * Service required for a machine at different frequencies may be ignored * All similar machines may be serviced at same frequency irrespective of working hours.
Characteristics of Planned Maintenance * Instructions are more detailed than in routine maintenance * Calls for differently timed service for the same unit * Schedule is drawn with dates * Need for establishing the work-load for the crew * Entails considerable planning effort, faithful implementation and recording
System which strives to reduce the likelihood of failures. To achieve prevention of breakdowns Planned service is carried out with the explicit additional objective of detecting wear points and ensuring perfect functioning by replacing parts which could still be used were it not for the assurance that is required.
Occasional use of statistical analysis/methods for determining life expectancies of parts. The system employs Measuring & Inspection Devices. This phase is Predictive maintenance
Corrective Maintenance
Services carried out to restore an item to an acceptable working condition.
- Break-downs
- Malfunctioning & - Deteriorating conditions
3. Load schedule and the progress report of the various maintenance crews will give information with respect to their availability.
4. Special Material for maintenance and Spare Parts records in the stores will be the source of information as to their availability.
5. Plant
Production schedule is the source of information as to the time when the equipment could be available for maintenance work and necessary servicing.
The size of the maintenance organization and the complexity of the plant's maintenance functions. Which will determine the types and frequency of schedules. In general, however, there are three principal classes of schedules which should be used regardless of the plant size. They are:
1. The preventive maintenance master overhaul and inspection schedule. 2. The daily man assignment schedule.
3. The area maintenance schedule.
Maintenance Control can be of three types as follows:1. Work Control 2. Equipment Control 3. Cost Control Work Control is done through periodic reporting of the progress of various maintenance activities. Equipment Control is the process of carrying out
Failure Analysis and Downtime Analysis and of taking corrective measures such as Design-out Maintenance and Design-for Maintenance. Cost control is exercised by the identification of high-cost areas through periodic reporting of PM Costs & CM Costs department/section/equipment-wise and initiating necessary action to reduce the same.