Hippo Therapy
Hippo Therapy
Hippo Therapy
Postural control
Organized at two functional levels: 1. First is -Direction specific adjustment when the equilibrium of the body is endangered or generation of direction specific patterns of postural adjustment. 2. Second level is involved in the fine tuning of the basic, direction specific adjustment according to multisensorial afferent input from the somatosensory,visual and vestibular systems.
Benefits of Hippotherapy
Improved coordination Increased head and trunk control Improved gait
The horses gait provides a precise, smooth, rhythmic and repetitive pattern of movement to the rider that is similar to the mechanics of human gait. The rhythmical movement plus warmth of the horse is hypothesized to decrease hyper tonicity and promote relaxation in spastic CP.
Rationale contd..
Adjusting to the horses movements also involves use of muscles and joint movements
Rationale contd..
Movement of the horse provides a variety of inputs which may be used to facilitate: Improved contraction Joint stability Weight shift Postural equilibrium responses
Physical Benefits
Improvement in 1. Balance 2. Strength 3. Coordination 4. Muscle tone 5. Joint range of motion 6. Weight bearing 7. Posture
Psychological Benefits
Improvement in: 1. Self-confidence 2. Self-esteem 3. Motivation 4. Attention span 5. Spatial awareness 6. Concentration 7. Verbal skills
Search Stratergy
A systematic literature search of a total of 11 medical, scientific and arts bibliograhical databases was performed. The search dates covered a period from inception of the databases up till May 2010.
Including criteria
A quantitative study design The investigation of the effect of Hippotherapy or THR on postural control or balance The study group comprised children or adults with CP.
Total of 8 studies were included In which 84 children with CP were included, of which 76 felt some positive effects.
The pooled data from 8 studies has shown a statistically significant effectiveness of hippotherapy or THR among children with CP. Postural control and balance are important elements of motor tasks. Postural Stability is essential for the accomplishment of increasingly complex motor skills and coordination.
Discussion contd..
Several sensory deficits are associated with CP such as problems in: Vision Proprioception Cutaneous perception Which may contribute to impaired posture and balance control.
Discussion contd..
Hippotherapy and THR are comprehensive strategies to improve postural control and balance which in turn help in their daily activities, independence and quality of life. Changes in the horses gait velocity facilitate righting and equilibrium responses which enable development of dynamic postural stabilization.
Outcome measures
Different methods were used to measure effectiveness: Video recordingd Surface EMG Force plate (centre of pressure displacement) Photographs (passive range of movement of pelvis)
Discussion contd..
In 21 of 39 children with CP who continued their Physiotherapy during the period of study or sat on a barrel or in an artificial saddle, a positive effect was observed.
Differences in effects were observed between Mild and Moderate CP. Sample size of children with CP in intervention group was small. Children also differed in the type and severity of CP. Outcome measures were very diverse. Duration of therapy was extremely variable ranging from a single measurement to 6
The measurement of effectiveness of hippotherapy and THR that was done was based on a comparison sample which were too small and population with CP too diverse. This analysis does recoomend either hippotherapy or THR as a form of therapyto improve posture and balance.