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Mapss Process Mapping Course

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Process Mapping Training Workshop


This MAPSS Project is one of the Demonstrator projects funded by the Department of Healths Information for Social Care (IfSC) initiative.
The project would also like to thank Deloitte & Touche for their contributions in the training materials.

Goals and Objectives

Introduction to the project

To understand why organisations are modelling Business Processes To develop a common understanding of process mapping tools and techniques To understand that process mapping is a skill that will support ongoing initiatives To gain some experience of writing process maps To analyse and develop concrete suggestions for improvement and to create a basis for future change initiatives


Where you work Current Role

Your view of Process Mapping


Agenda Morning
09:30 10:00 Workshop opening & Introductions
10:00 11:00 Module 1 11:00 11:15 Break

11:15 12:45 Module 2

12:45 13:00 Summary 13:00 14:00 Lunch

MAPSS Project - overview

This project is one of 2 process mapping projects being supported by the Department of Health across England.
The objectives of the project are to: To deliver as set of agreed symbols for mapping social care Produce a public domain user guide for process mapping Develop public domain training materials Produce a range of As is and To be process maps To map cross-agency flows, inc. data flows for Caldicott purposes Develop a business case for national co-ordination roll out and to Explore options for future repository support, possibilities include SCIE, Dept of Health and ADSS IMG. Thereby establishing a shared knowledge base. The project will help to address the requirements set out in the DoH guidance note Information for Social Care as will as helping CSSRs across London to develop best practice approaches and benchmarking capabilities for delivering customer focussed social services.

The project plan

Phase 1
Obtain funding & agree PID

Phase 2

Agree standard symbols

Prepare manual

Refine manual

Trainin g Day

Prepare process maps

Trainin g Day

Prepare process maps

Explore repository options

Develop preferred option for repository







Links with other projects

There are 2 process mapping pathfinder projects being undertaken:

This one Stockton on Tees Consortium which will concentrate on the Integrated MH Services, mapping the As is and As if processes from referral to Discharge

The relationship between the two is the agreement to share all the
deliverables and lessons learnt from the process mapping

Lessons learnt and findings will be disseminated and shared via the
DoH Website.

We are linking with LEAP and IDEA to build on investments already made

Course Outline

Module 1 Introduction to Process Mapping

Module 2 Tools & Techniques

Module 3 Building Process Maps

Module 4 Uses & Applications

Practical 1

Practical 3

Practical 2

Module 1 Introduction to Process Mapping

Module 1 Introduction to Process Mapping Module 2 Tools & Techniques Module 3 Building Process Maps Module 4 Uses & Applications

Practical 1

Practical 3

Practical 2

What is a Business Process?

A process is...

A series of related activities that flow through an organisation

Not limited to a single function or department Something that can be viewed from end to end
Process Trigger Input
Policy development Assessment Customer Service Order Fulfilment Application Procedure

Value-Added Output


Functional View v Process View

Functional orientation

Process orientation

Problems with Functional working

Repetition Bureaucracy

No ownership
Management frustration Too many steps Customer forgotten Opportunities for error or even corruption

From Functional to Process View

Successful re-engineering requires a shift from function to process

Stage 1 P u r c h a s i n g R e c e i v i n g P u r c h a s i n g Stage 2 R e c e i v i n g Stage 3

P a y m e n t

P a y m e n t

Requisition to Payment Contact to Cash

Recruit to Retire

C u s t o m e r s

Functions drive the business

Processes are acknowledged, but Functions dominate

Processes drive the business

What is Process Mapping?

Process mapping is a tool that is used to understand, analyse and document processes and activities in an organisation and assist in identifying opportunities for improvement
A process map displays the sequential steps involved in converting a specific input into the required output

Why Process Map?

Typical reasons for conducting process mapping include:

To improve a process, you must understand the process Complexity of processes and lack of understanding constrains managements attempts to improve processes Analytical skills and process mapping skills allow us to understand and communicate processes to management, staff and users Identifies efficiency issues and where systems can support these

Advantages of Process Mapping

Process mapping can be extremely valuable because it can identify improvements in a number of aspects in the work place, including:
Increases understanding of the work process Provides understanding of resource allocation Documents training procedures Tracks workflow Increases staff awareness

The Process Framework

Continuous Improvement

Identify and understand Best Practices

AS-IS Design

Analyse & Evaluate

TO-BE Design





Turn TV On

No Is TV plugged in? Yes No

Does picture come on?


Plug in TV

Is picture good?


Does picture come on?


Call TV repair man

An action plan for implementation containing identified and prioritised suggestions for improvement. Documented differences between existing work flow and Best Practices. Identified problem areas using root cause analysis Documented existing work flow with highlighted problems.
Suggestion for improvement - Quick Fix
Problem Solution Due date Effect

No Yes

Adjust knobs

Is picture good?


Watch program





Best Practices vs. existing workflow 1 Best Practice 1 GAP: 1. 2. 3.

Cross-functional process map

Prioritised suggestions for improvement x



4. Best Practice 2 GAP: 5. 6.



Prioritised Action plans

Quick Fix Project

1. Automate..........

2. Simplify........

x x x x x

3. Eliminate.......


Process mapping symbols


System Activity
Direction of Flow


Start or End


On Page Connector


Off Page Connector

Required information for process mapping

We need to understand the following in order to process map:

The key responsibilities of the process area

The key activities of the process area

The main sources of data input for each activity

The key deliverables of each activity

Recipients of the outputs of each activity (internal & external)

Key Performance Indicators e.g. cycle time for process

Key volumes related to an activity e.g.no. of items produced per day

Prepare Use standard flowchart symbols Flow from top left to bottom right Bring people together who know the process to prepare Execute Use group facilitated sessions with process owners Use individual interviews where appropriate Document process and technology opportunities for improvement as you go Understand cost, quality and time (processing time and elapsed time) implications as you go

Questions to ask about a processes activities

Who are the customers of the process? Who performs each activity? What generates the process/task? What forms and reports are used? What computer systems and files are used? How do we do it? Why do we do it? What decisions are made in the process? What happens next? What sequence are the activities performed in? Who reviews it and when? How long does it take? What is the nature, frequency and cause of errors/problems? How are errors/problems/exceptions handled? What is the output? How many? Where does the output go?

Summary - Module 1
A Business Process is a collection of linked tasks that consume inputs, add value, and produce an output of value to an internal or external customer Business processes span multiple functions or departments Process Mapping aims to make the process visible To improve a process, you must understand the process The continuous improvement framework helps create a value-added outcome The deliverables of process mapping are essential for identifying improvements

Module 2 Process Mapping Tools & Techniques

Module 1 Introduction to Process Mapping Module 2 Tools & Techniques Module 3 Building Process Maps Module 4 Uses & Applications

Practical 1

Practical 3

Practical 2

As-Is Process Design

Process mapping is a process...
Conduct individual interviews

Select a process

Plan and schedule resources (process owners,

rooms, dates, times, materials, agendas, etc..)

Select Technique

Document As-Is process and opportunities for improvement

Core team reviews output

Conduct focus group mapping

Connect to redesign/ design phase if applicable

Modeling Techniques for As-Is Process Design

Workflow and Process Dependency Modelling

Flowcharting Cross-Functional Flowcharts

Workflow/Dependency Diagram
1. Set New Account Critieria 2. Accept New Account 3.Determine Requirements 4. Allocate Manpower 5. Allocate Supplies 6. Sell Lottery tickets 7. Select Winning Ticket 8. Announce Winning Ticket 9. Accept Credit Information 10. Accept Personal References 11. Approve/Reject Loan

Dept A

Dept B

Person C

Sequential dependency Parallel dependency

Repetitive dependency

Optional dependency

Module 1

Module 2 Tools & Techniques

Module 3

Module 4 Uses & Applications

Introduction to Process Mapping

Building Process Maps

Practical 1

Practical 3

Practical 2

Workflow Modelling Exercise

Case Management Process

Look at the handout

Work individually for 10 minutes Simplify the process using the Workflow Modelling Technique In the columns, add departments, customer, specific people In the rows, specify the activities
Dont afraid to be descriptive Keep to high level activities/processes

Add the boxes in the appropriate columns and flows between them

Case Management Process 1st Draft

Care Planning Statement of Need Statement of Services to meet need Statement of services arranged Unmet needs



Fixed criteria service

Care Plan

Arrange Services

Initial Assessment

Emergency Service

Ongoing case-work intervention

Services Provided

Provider Monitor Services


Full Assessment

Purchaser Monitor Services

Review Needs


Advantages of Workflow Modelling

Simple to understand
Identifies Processes Identifies dependencies

Highlights the number of hand-offs

Finds black holes Easy to document metrics Can show by person, department, geographical location etc.

Turn TV On

Start/End Decision

Does picture come on?


Is TV plugged in?




Plug in TV

Is picture good? Yes Does picture come on? No

Call TV repair man

No Yes

Adjust knobs

Is picture good?


Watch program


Cross-Functional Flowcharts - Swim Lanes

Publication Process Publication Process
Order received Request

Printing Dept

The information to be published is collected

Printing Process

Packaging Dept

The printed material is stuck and bound together

Spelling checks for grammar and spelling are run

QA Dept

Ready for distribution?


Order Fulfilment Process

Cross-Functional Flowcharts - Swim Lanes

Use workshops / focus groups Keep things moving

Encourage everyone to join in

Energise, share and build Use Paper / Brown Paper Technique / White Board / Flipcharts / PC based tool (e.g. Microsoft VISIO)

Suggested steps in process mapping

Start with a high-level flow (Context Diagram) and then drop to the next level of detail if necessary (i.e. sub processes) Define the beginning and end of each sub process (stay focused) Define key inputs and outputs Walk through each key sub process step by step Don't waste time: If you get bogged down, take a break or move on to another area Identify process and technology opportunities for improvement as you go or at the end of each sub process Verify the accuracy of the flow

Process mapping DOs and DONTs

DO map the process as it actually happens DONT map the process as you think it happens or as you think it ought to happen DONT restrict your process map to the activities in your own department

DO think about the process across the entire organisation

DO talk to the other people who are involved in the process

DO define the beginning and end of the process before you start
DO the process map at a high level DO ask questions

DONT work in a vacuum

DONT attempt to process map before you identify a beginning and an end

DONT get bogged down with too much detail

DONT struggle on your own

Expected results

Re-check the process by looking at the following:

Start, end points and customers should be clear Inputs and outputs should be identified

Indicate title of person / area responsible for each task

A person not familiar with the process should be able to easily understand the flow without any explanation The level of detail should be adequate to describe inefficiencies

Module 1 Introduction to Process Mapping

Module 2 Tools & Techniques

Module 3 Building Process Maps

Module 4 Uses & Applications

Practical 1

Practical 3

Practical 2

A basic process mapping example - sending a fax

In teams, spend 15 minutes drafting a process map for sending a fax

Use the Brown Paper Technique
Write activities on Post-it notes Stick them to the brown paper (or nominate someone to do this) Move Post-its around until activities have been properly sequenced Add other model components (function, resource, etc.) Remember to use swim lanes where necessary Run through process checking for accuracy

A basic process mapping example - sending a fax Example answer

Depicts the start of the process Depicts a step taken by the actionee Depicts a decision point always has yes/ no outputs Depicts an action generated by or related to the system

Yes goes right


Compose fax on computer

Do you want to save a copy?

No goes down


Save copy of fax to database

No Represents readable data such as printed output Refers reader to a follow-on process map

Print fax
Defines area of responsibility for actionee Depicts a functional area or actionee e.g. department

Send fax to recipient

Send a copy to CEO?


See Process no.2

Recipient Recipient receives fax



Depicts the end point of the process

Adding Metrics

What do we want to measure? Time - value, cycle, waiting, Keep In View (KIV), productive / non-productive Volumes - transactions/day, units/hour, % Rates or Costs - computed, fixed, per unit Equipment Used - cost PIs Value Added - real value, business value, no-value

Advantages of using Metrics Illustrates contribution or non-contribution of the activity Shows bottlenecks, idle time, productive time Basis for measuring success

Adding Metrics - an example

An Insurance Companys Metrics for their Claims Process:
Process/KPI Deal with call Deal with Call Back Slip Transfer to Supervisor Update Client File Send Claim Form Reimburse Client Average Claim Value Non-rejected claims Cycle Times Non-Investigated Investigated/Assessed (5%) Processing Costs per claim Non-Investigated Investigated/Assessed 80 400 13 29 13 29
Time Taken (mins) Add. Costs () Delays (days) %

5 10 1 5 20 30 20 50 74 72 2 20

Analyse the results

Summary - Module 2

The As-Is process design is the most important part of the process improvement exercise
Modelling Techniques
Workflow and Process Dependency Flowcharting Cross-Functional Flowcharts /Swim Lane Modelling

Always re-check the process

Ask lots of questions to ensure a correct design

Metrics and PIs are used as a basis for measuring success

Agenda Afternoon
14:00 14:30 Introduction to module 3
14:30 - 15:30 case study 15:30 15:45 Break

15:45 16:15 case study continued

16:15 16:40 Module 4 16:40 17:00 Summary and Next Steps

Module 3 Building Process Maps

Module 1 Introduction to Process Mapping Module 2 Tools & Techniques Module 3 Building Process Maps Module 4 Uses & Applications

Practical 1

Practical 3

Practical 2

Using Microsoft VISIO 2000

An automated process mapping tool

Basic Flowcharts Cross-Functional Diagram (Swim Lanes) Cause & Effect Diagram (Fishbone)

Use Help files

Visio - Cross-Functional Flowchart Template

Module 1 Introduction to Process Mapping

Module 2 Tools & Techniques

Module 3 Building Process Maps

Module 4 Uses & Applications

Practical 1

Practical 3

Practical 2

Your task ...

Choose a process you are familiar with in the workplace

Map the process using the Cross-Functional Flowchart Method (Swim Lanes)

Re-check the process

Analyse the results List some problems and improvements

Using VISIO 2000

Use the process you have mapped by hand

Transfer this process into a Visio document Use the Cross-Functional Flowchart template

Summary - Module 3

Microsoft VISIO 2000 is a valuable tool for automating and documenting various design techniques
Process Mapping takes practice

The process maps act as a basis for the Analysis and Evaluation phase

Module 4 Uses and Applications of Process Maps

Module 1 Introduction to Process Mapping Module 2 Tools & Techniques Module 3 Building Process Maps Module 4 Uses & Applications

Practical 1

Practical 3

Practical 2

Identify opportunities for improvement

During process mapping we should go beyond understanding the current flow to identifying areas for improvement, such as:
Process opportunities

Technology opportunities and issues

Short-term fixes or urgent action items

Identify opportunities for improvement Process opportunities

Once we have our process maps, we can begin to analyse them for process opportunities for improvement. Specifically, we can improve the work flow by using the following analysis techniques:

Value Chain Analysis

Why-Why Diagram
Cause and Effect Diagram Critical Analysis

Value Chain Analysis

Real value added (RAV) Business value added (BAV)

The value that is added to the required deliverable by each stage of the process.
Verbs which are likely to have no business value: Copying Checking Collating Approving Counting Storing Preparing Filing Searching Retrieving Accumulating Moving Revising Inspecting Editing Rework

Non value added (NAV)

Value Chain Analysis - Red Flag

Loops Hand-offs

Repetition/Duplication of effort (within a process or across divisions) Black holes Unused data stores WHY? Temporary data stores Overlapping processes Processes which have many steps Sequential steps which could be done in parallel Omission of critical steps Unnecessary paperwork Unnecessary delays Insufficient linkages between other processes, divisions, customers or suppliers

Why-Why Diagram
Bad quality milk Bad quality milk Milk gone off Milk gone off Milk gone off Milk gone off

Fridge Cold Fridge Cold etc. etc.


Can't go to store Can't go to store No Milk in Fridge No Milk in Fridge Housemates Housemates finished milk finished milk

Local store closed Local store closed Large store too far Large store too far To eat cereal To eat cereal To feed cat To feed cat Rent too high Rent too high Too many debts Too many debts Insufficient Salary Insufficient Salary

No Money to buy No Money to buy milk milk

Cause and Effect Diagram

Outside Influences
Housemates finished milk Expired Faulty Fridge Fridge not cold Milk gone off

Cheap Milk

For breakfast For Micky the cat

No money

Effect, Problem or Objective

Large store too far Milk ran out Battery dead Lazy Closed on Sundays Poor Salary Small Store Insufficient Rent too high Mortagage Student loans Too many debts

No Milk in Fridge

Left lights on Old battery Car won't start


No Money

Critical Analysis

is being done

is it being done

What Else
is being done

is doing it

are they doing it

Who Else
could do it

Are they doing it


When Else
could it be done

Is it being done


Where Else
could it be done

is it being done

that way

How Else
could it be done

Visio - Fishbone Diagrams

To-Be Design

Customer Needs & Wants

Executive Executive Vision Vision

Opportunities Opportunities from As-Is from As-Is Analysis Analysis

Visioning Workshops

Implementation Implementation & Change & Change Planning Planning

Best Practices Best Practices Experts Experts Benchmarks Benchmarks Goals Goals PIs PIs

Design Principles

Work Backwards See the business through the customers eyes Focus on the logical workflow first What first, then who, where, when and how Look at I.T. as an enabler Assume Paradise Principle to start with Minimise hand-offs Use Triage principle Integrate tasks / activities Place decision making close to the customer / transfer Simplify Test using PIs and metrics Have a single point of contact - Ownership

Identify opportunities for improvement Technology opportunities and issues

During the process mapping we will capture current system limitations as well as ideas for ways technology can enable a more effective or efficient process:
Identify potential uses for new technology (e.g. automation, better availability and sharing of information, etc.) Understand current system constraints (e.g. information not available on a timely basis due to batch processing, hardware capacity constraints, lack of interface between key systems, etc.)

Identify opportunities for improvement Short term fixes or urgent action items
Once we have our process maps, we can begin to analyse them for Quick-wins. These opportunities represent Issues that need to be addressed immediately for control, improved profitability and other reasons Significant benefit with relatively low investment required
Prioritised suggestions for improvement

x x

x x x x x

Ease of implementation

Summary - Module 4

Process Mapping and Analysis identifies critical problems that need to be resolved
Business processes are re-designed to achieve ambitious business goals Business Value is added Quick Win projects are identified Improvement Opportunities are identified I.T. is used as an enabler for competitive advantage The investment is justified using metrics and PIs

Next Steps
Prioritise the main processes you have identified Process map at least one of them by the end of Week 1 (or continue to work on the one you have started) Start of with the high-level process (Context Diagram) Decompose this process into sub-processes Dont hesitate to ask for Help.

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