Jugular Venous Pressure: It's Easier Than It Looks
Jugular Venous Pressure: It's Easier Than It Looks
Jugular Venous Pressure: It's Easier Than It Looks
JVP Summary
Its easier than it looks !!! Just never taught properly Look for descents not waves Time deepest descent with systole This is the x' (prime) descent !!!
Occurs during systole due to RV contraction pulling down the TV valve ring descent of the base A measure of RV contractility If the dominant descent is systolic-this is the x' descentand JVP waveform is normal
Continuing Medical Implementation ...bridging the care gap
JVP Inspection
JVP Inspection
Look at the JVP and simultaneously feel the carotid or auscultate to identify systole Say systole, systole, systole, down, down, down, X', X', X' and look for systolic descent Descents are easier to see due to greater amplitude and frequency
Continuing Medical Implementation ...bridging the care gap
The v wave is inferred as the positive wave between x' and y The x descent rarely seen
visible in 1o heart block
...bridging the care gap
X' deeper than Y X' shallower, now = Y CV wave
Tricuspid regurgitation
Complete heart block Tamponade Constriction RVContinuing Medical Implementation infarction
CV wave
Irregular cannon A waves JVP brisk X' > Y JVP brisk X' & Y descents X' less exaggerated than Y JVP low amplitudethe care gap ...bridging
Pulsus Paradoxus
Venous return normally increases with inspiration Despite this, BP normally decreases by up to 8 mm Hg on inspiration This paradoxical response is due to:
Increased pulmonary capacitance Increased negative intra-thoracic pressure with inspiration and The phase lag between right and left sided events
Pulsus Paradoxus
An exaggerated drop in SBP (>10mmHg) with inspiration
in constrictive pericarditis, filling is truncated in early to mid diastole
Kussmauls Sign
in constriction, venous return increases with inspiration and a high right atrial pressure resists filling resulting in an increased JVP
Pulsus Paradoxus
Tamponade without
atrial septal defect severe aortic stenosis aortic insufficiency LVH with LVEDP left ventricular dysfunction decreased intravascular volume (low-pressure tamponade)
RA pressure tracing
rapid X- and Y-descent, W or M pattern failure to decrease with inspiration (Kussmauls sign)
RV pressure
RVEDP > 1/3 of RVSP dip and plateau configuration of RVDP (square root sign)
LV and RV pressures
discordant changes
Pericardial Knock (early diastolic sound)
Venous Pulse (X- and Y-descend) M-Mode Echo (thickened pericardium)
Validity of the Hepato-jugular Reflux as a Clinical Test for Congestive Heart Failure
John Ducas MD, Sheldon Magder MD, Maurice McGregor MD
(Am J Cardiol 1983;52:1299-1303)
Continuing Medical Implementation ...bridging the care gap
Normal JVP
Normal JVP < SA at 45o Visible when exceeds 7 cm above reference point in RA = 5 cm < SA Visible to height 20 cm > SA (25 cm > reference point) Correlate with CVP 5-19 mm Hg
25 patients studied 6 with normal resting LV function 16 with potential bi-ventricular dysfunction 3 with RV dysfunction Abdominal pressure 35mm Hg applied with rolled up manometer Patient instructed to breath normally JVP estimated 12 seconds after compression Hemodynamics, esophageal and gastric pressure recordings obtained simultaneously
Continuing Medical Implementation ...bridging the care gap
PCW mean 10.5 +/- 1 mm Hg in patients with negative HJR PCW mean 19 +/- 3 mm Hg in patients with positive HJR Positive HJR correlated with PCW > 15 mm Hg