Intels 8279 is a general purpose keyboard display controller that simultaneously drives the display of a system and interfaces a keyboard with the CPU
I/O Control and Data Buffers : The I/O control section controls the flow of data to/from the 8279. The data buffers interface the external bus of the system with internal bus of 8279
The I/O section is enabled only if CS is low. The pins A0,RD and WR select the command, status or data read/write operations carried out by the CPU with 8279
Control and Timing Register and Timing Control : These registers store the keyboard and display modes and other operating conditions programmed by CPU. The registers are written with A0=1 and WR=0. The Timing and control unit controls the basic timings for the operation of the circuit. Scan counter divide down the operating frequency of 8279 to derive scan keyboard and scan display frequencies
Scan Counter : The scan counter has two modes to scan In the encoded mode, the counter provides binary count that is to be externally decoded to provide the scan lines for keyboard and display In the decode scan mode, the counter internally decodes the least significant 2 bits and provides a decoded 1 out of 4 scan on SL0-SL3( Four internally decoded scan lines may drive upto 4 displays).
Return Buffers and Keyboard Debounce and Control: This section for a key closure row wise. If a key closer is detected, the keyboard debounce unit debounces the key entry (i.e. wait for 10 ms). After the debounce period, if the key continues to be detected. The code of key is directly transferred to the sensor RAM along with SHIFT and CONTROL key status.
FIFO/Sensor RAM and Status Logic: In keyboard or strobed input mode, this block acts as 8-byte first-in-first out (FIFO) RAM. Each key code of the pressed key is entered in the order of the entry and in the mean time read by the CPU, till the RAM become empty
The status logic generates an interrupt after each FIFO read operation till the FIFO is empty. In scanned sensor matrix mode, this unit acts as sensor RAM. Each row of the sensor RAM is loaded with the status of the corresponding row of sensors in the matrix. If a sensor changes its state, the IRQ line goes high to interrupt the CPU
Display Address Registers and Display RAM The display address register holds the address of the word currently being written or read by the CPU to or from the display RAM. The contents of the registers are automatically updated by 8279 to accept the next data entry by CPU
Input ( Keyboard ) Modes : 8279 provides three input modes. These modes are as follows: 1.Scanned Keyboard mode 2.Scanned Sensor mode 3.Strobed input
Scanned Keyboard Mode : This mode allows a key matrix to be interfaced using either encoded or decoded scans. In encoded scan, an 8*8 keyboard or in decoded scan, a 4*8 keyboard can be interfaced. The code of key pressed with SHIFT and CONTROL status is stored into the FIFO RAM
Scanned Sensor Matrix : In this mode, a sensor array can be interfaced with 8279 using either encoded or decoded scans. With encoded scan 8*8 sensor matrix or with decoded scan 4*8 sensor matrix can be interfaced. The sensor codes are stored in the CPU addressable sensor RAM. Strobed input: In this mode, if the control lines goes low, the data on return lines, is stored in the FIFO byte by byte
Scanned keyboard 2 key lockout: Simultaneous key depression is not allowed When the key is pressed for next two scans 3 conditions may occur 1. If no key is found pressed, the key code is entered into FIFO RAM along with Ctrl & Shift 2. If another key is pressed, no entry occurs in the FIFO,If all the key are released before first key the code is added to FIFO if not ,no entries are made
3. If two key are depressed with in debounce cycle, it is simultaneous depression neither key will be recognized N Key Rollover Each key press is treated independently. 3 condition 1. If key is still pressed after debounce cycle entered into FIFO 2. If other key are pressed they are recognized and entered into FIFO 3. If simultaneous depression occurs ,the key are recoganized in oreder and entered into the FIFO
Output (Display) Modes : 8279 provides two output modes for selecting the display options
1.Display Scan : In this mode 8279 provides 8 or 16 character multiplexed displays those can be organized as dual 4- bit or single 8-bit display units 2.Display Entry : ( right entry or left entry mode ) 8279 allows options for data entry on the displays. The display data is entered for display either from the right side or from the left side.
Programmable clock : The clock for operation of 8279 is obtained by dividing the external clock input signal by a programmable constant called prescaler. PPPPP is a 5-bit binary constant. The input frequency is divided by a decimal constant ranging from 2 to 31,decided by the bits of an internal prescaler, PPPPP
c) Read FIFO / Sensor RAM : This word is written to set up 8279 for reading FIFO/sensor RAM. In scanned keyboard mode, AI and AAA bits are of no use. In sensor matrix mode, the bits AAA select one of the 8 rows of RAM. If AI flag is set, each successive read will be from the subsequent RAM location.
X dont care AI Auto Increment Flag AAA Address pointer to 8 bit FIFO RAM
programmer to read the display RAM data. AI is auto increment flag and AAAA, the 4-bit address points to the 16-byte display RAM that is to be read. If AI=1, the address will be automatically, incremented after each read or write to the Display RAM.
e) Write Display RAM : AI Auto increment Flag. AAAA 4 bit address for 16-bit display RAM to be written.
f) Display Write Inhibit/Blanking : The IW ( inhibit write flag ) bits are used to mask the individual nibble . The output lines are divided into two nibbles ( OUTA0 OUTA3 ) and ( OUTB0 OUTB3 ), those can be masked by setting the corresponding IW bit to 1. Once a nibble is set, the entry to display RAM does not affect the nibble even though it may change the unmasked nibble.
The blank display bit flags (BL) are used for blanking A and B nibbles.
Here D0, D2 corresponds to OUTB0 OUTB3 while D1 and D3 corresponds to OUTA0OUTA3 for blanking and masking. If the user wants to clear the display, blank (BL) bits are available for each nibble as shown in format. Both BL bits will have to be cleared for blanking both the nibbles.
g) Clear Display RAM : The CD2, CD1, CD0 is a selectable blanking code to clear all the rows of the display RAM as given below.
CD2 must be 1 for enabling the clear display command. If CD2 = 0, the clear display command is invoked by setting CA=1 and maintaining CD1, CD0 bits exactly same as above. If CF=1, FIFO status is cleared and IRQ line is pulled down. Also the sensor RAM pointer is set to row 0. if CA=1, this combines the effect of CD and CF bits. Here, CA represents Clear All and CF as Clear FIFO RAM.
All zeros ( x dont care ) AB=00 A3-A0 =2 (0010) and B3-B0=00 (0000) All ones (AB =FF), i.e. clear RAM
End Interrupt / Error mode Set : For the sensor matrix mode, this command lowers the IRQ line and enables further writing into the RAM. Otherwise, if a change in sensor value is detected, IRQ goes high that inhibits writing in the sensor RAM.
For N-Key roll over mode, if the E bit is programmed to be 1, the 8279 operates in special Error mode. Details of this mode are described in scanned keyboard special error mode. X- dont care.