Change Management: "We Must Pledge Once More To Walk Into The Future."
Change Management: "We Must Pledge Once More To Walk Into The Future."
Change Management: "We Must Pledge Once More To Walk Into The Future."
What is change ??
Something different It is a fact of life to be welcomed - or something that occurs from time to time and disturbs our equanimity and is to be resisted Establish a business model that works and perpetuate it for as long as possible - with the same organizational motivations of survival, safety and comfort
Input costs Competition
2. Unplanned Change
Electronic commerce
Digital convergence
Information Superhighway
Planned Change
Goals Of Planned Change help org. adapt to change change employee behaviour Planned Change In Terms Of Order Of Magnitude 1st Order (Transactional Change) 2nd Order (Transformational Change)
Unplanned Change
...Change that is imposed on an organization and is unforeseen..
How To Facilitate Change In An Organization: Create A Felt Need For Change Implement Change
Stabilize Change
Resistance To Change:Resistance to change is the action taken by individuals and groups when they perceive that a change that is occurring as a threat to them Reasons For Resistance:fear of the unknown lack of competence low trust not being consulted changes to routines
What is Diagnosis ?
Diagnosis is the process of understanding how the organization is currently functioning, and it provides information necessary to design change interventions
It is also a collaborative process between organization members and the OD (organization development) consultant to collect pertinent information, analyze it, and draw conclusions for action planning and intervention
Organizational Culture
Effective Communication
Strong Leadership
THE CHANGE AGENTS ROLE Dealing with Resistance to Change Management Styles for a given situation LEWINS THREE STEP CHANGE MODEL
a sound plan
designation of specific employees as change agents who lead the organization through the journey.
The Flundonian Group is a Change Agent Company committed to inspiring and empowering individuals, organizations, and communities to reach their greatest leadership potential through the process of Change Agent Leadership Change Agent Leadership is designed to EQUIPE Global Change Agent Leaders with the necessary skills to prepare them for their work within the home, business, community, and around the globe.
details rationale
Participation in the process
ownership commitment
Empathy and support
Minimize Uncertainty
Achieve Goal