HinoPak Motors (PVT) LTD
HinoPak Motors (PVT) LTD
HinoPak Motors (PVT) LTD
Company Profile
Formed in 1985 Hino Motors Limited, Toyota Tsusho Corporation, Japan, AlFuttaim Group, UAE and PACO
Industry Background
82 vehicle assemblers
Employment : 192,000
Total investment : Rs.98 billion
Financial Highlights
2004 2005 2006 2007 2009 2010
Sales - Net Gross Profit Operating Profit Profit / (Loss) after Tax
5,521.80 6,367.61 6,392.28 7,826.78 12,151.02 11,127.55 770.09 509.40 335.73 661.51 435.06 242.96 834.58 1,387.64 1,279.14 560.18 323.88 967.78 590.05 794.35 69.92 389.48 15.29 -148.07
Issued, Subscribed & Paid up Capital Reserves / Accumulated Profit Long Term / Deferred tax Liabilities
900.10 1,043.51 1,298.84 1,764.55 1,544.04 1379.97 60.01 63.64 84.36 65.59 44.44 81.79
Financial Analysis
2004 Financial Ratios Gross profit ratio Net profit margin Return on Assets Return on Equity Debt equity ratio Current ratio Quick ratio Interest cover ratio Dividend payout ratio Price earning ratio Total assets turnover ratio Fixed assets turnover ratio Inventory turnover ratio 13.95% 6.08% 10.00% 32.78% 0.05 1.34 0.46 52.79 31.40% 5.95 1.62 8.09 3.11 10.39% 3.82% 7.70% 20.81% 0.05 1.42 0.31 8.13 30.60% 8.58 2.01 7.64 3.19 13.06% 5.07% 7.80% 22.76% 0.05 1.39 0.36 11.57 40.20% 5.90 1.54 7.39 2.66 17.73% 7.54% 12.00% 31.24% 0.03 1.50 0.54 15.32 50.44% 12.57 1.59 8.79 2.62 10.53% 0.58% 1.40% 4.19% 0.02 1.34 0.53 1.17 31.04% 50.13 2.43 12.74 4.42 3.50% -1.33% -2.58% -9.85% 0.05 1.23 0.47 0.1
-14.75 1.94 12.08 4.02
Major Problem
Forex Risk of Raw Material Import Decreasing Availability of CNG High Oil and Diesel Prices
Minor Problem
Resistance to Technological Change Technical Competence of the recruits
Strategic Alternatives
involve workers at all levels of the strategy formulation process
Strategic Choice
Involve workers at all levels of the strategy formulation process. Sense of mission and ownership for the organization.
Utilize their full potential for the achievement of the organizational goals.