Bariatric Surgery Alok
Bariatric Surgery Alok
Bariatric Surgery Alok
Weight Control:
Fashion Statement or a Medical Necessity?
Historical Perspective
Paleolithic era >25,000 years ago
Epidemiology of Obesity
31.3% of U.S. males
34.7% of U.S. females 30% increase in the last 10 years Health care costs - >$100 billion/year Results in 300,000 preventable deaths each year in the U.S. 6-7% of total sick care costs in the Western world due to obesity
Indian Scenario
20-30% of adults and 10-20% of children are obese. Its fast gaining unmanageable proportion.
Obesity is not a condition. It's a disease needing medical intervention. Surgical treatment is a medical necessity as it is the only proven method to achieve sustained long term weight loss. Bariatric Surgery does not involve liposuction or abdominoplasty. Involves reducing the size of stomach with or without a malabsorptive procedure.
Olshansky SJ, et al. A Potential Decline in Life Expectancy in the United States in the 21st Century. NEJM, 352(11):1138-1145, 2005
Energy Expenditure
Consequences of Obesity
Obesity is associated with a rise in many comorbid conditions, including:
Type 2 Diabetes Hyperlipidemia Hypertension Obstructive Sleep Apnea Heart Disease Stroke Asthma Osteoarthritis Cancer Depression
BMI Levels
1981 Knowler WC et al.Am J Epidemiology
Metabolic syndrome
MS is a clustering of risk factors : High levels of triglycerides and serum glucose. Low levels of high-density lipoprotein. High blood pressure. Abdominal obesity.
Effects of Obesity Surgery on the Metabolic Syndrome Wei-Jei Lee, MD, PhD; Ming-Te Huang, MD; Weu Wang, ARCH SURG/VOL 139, OCT 2004
Dieting is highly ineffective - 95% long term failure rate Often results in higher weight than before the diet
Low calorie diets (LCD)
Consist of 800-1500 kcal/day
LCD recommended over VLCD because of equal efficacy at 1-year LCD has been shown to reduce body weight by 8% at 6 months but benefit does not persist at 12 month
Appetite suppressant NE and Serotonin reuptake inhibitor Side effects: Increase HR, Blood Pressure, nervousness and insomnia Mean weight loss 4.45 kg at 12 months
Pharmacotherapy Orlistat
Lipase inhibitor: decreases absorption of fat. Side effects: diarrhea, flatulence, bloating, abdominal pain, dyspepsia
2-12 fold increase in mortality in both sexes. Mortality rate revert back to normal following Bariatric Surgery. Statistically significant improvement in associated co-morbidities with 10% wt loss. Cancer mortality rates higher in obese patients. Increased Fertility after Bariatric Surgery.
Goals of Surgery
* To achieve long term and medically significant wt loss (Surgery a medical necessity as its the only treatment option to achieve long term wt loss) * Prevention of secondary complications of morbid obesity * Adhere to the time tested principle of therapeutic intervention has to be less harmful than the disease being treated
Goals of Surgery
Obesity a psychological and Biological challenge for the patient Lack of respect for morbidly obese by the society 80% of them feel disrespect by the medical professionals Negative attitude of general public; weak willed, ugly, awkward and self indulgent Obesity a stigma leading to increased psychological distress and disorders. At high risk of developing affective, anxiety and substance abuse disorders.
Bariatric Surgery
1991: NIH establishes guidelines for the surgical therapy of morbid obesity Recommends BMI criteria BMI > 40 BMI > 35 + significant comorbidities
This therapy now referred to as Bariatric Surgery
Restrictive > Malabsorptive Short-limb/Roux-en-Y gastric bypass Long-limb/distal Roux-en-Y gastric bypass Malabsorptive > Restrictive Biliopancreatic diversion (BPD) BPD with duodenal switch
Sleeve Gastrectomy
Per se a restrictive procedure but mostly used as an adjunct to duodenal switch for a better outcome
Roux-en-Y GBP
3 hour procedure 3-4 days in-house 4-6 weeks Return to work 60-70% EBW loss @ 2 yrs 0.5-1.0% Risk of Death
Laparoscopic 3 hour procedure 2 days in-house 2-3 weeks Return to work 60-70% EBW loss @ 2yrs 0.5-1.0% Risk of Death
Roux-en-Y GBP
Weight loss: 65-70% EWL Weight loss plateaus at 1-2 years Operative mortality: 0.5% Operative morbidity: 5% (pulmonary emboli, anastamotic leak, bleeding, wound infection)
Roux-en-Y GBP
Combines the advantages of both restrictive as well as malabsorptive procedures
Staple line failure Marginal ulcers Narrowing of stoma Vomiting
LAGB Complications
Failure: 20-25% Slip: 5.6% Erosion: 0.6% Access Port or Tubing: 1.7% Death: 0.05% Pulmonary embolism: 0.1%
Foreign body Slower weight loss Lower overall weight loss Higher failure rate Poor operation for sweet eaters
Simple to perform Adjustable Lowest mortality Minimally invasive Shortest operative time No need for vitamin and mineral supplementation
Biliopancreatic Diversion
A complicated malabsorptive procedure
Biliopancreatic Diversion
Highest malabsorptive component
Best long term weight loss Allows larger quantity of food intake
Greater chances of chronic diarrohea,,stomal
Duodenal Switch
A combined procedure where a part of duodenum is kept in the digestive pathway, regulating release of gastric contents in to the small bowel
Duodenal Switch
Advantages Better absorption of Vit B12 Better eating quality Eliminates stomal ulcers Disadvantages Same as biliopancreatic bypass
Disadvantages Protein and calcium malnutrition Most complicated Malodorous stool and flatulence
Type 2 DM Resolution
% Resolution (95% Confidence Interval) 989
Gastric Bypass
Gastric Banding
Operative mortality:
0.1% purely restrictive surgeries 0.5% gastric bypass 1.1% biliopancreatic diversion or duodenal switch
Life Expectancy
Christou found that the 5-year death rate in the Bariatric surgical group was 0.68% compared with 16.2% in the medically managed patients and 89% relative risk reduction.
Flum and Dellinger found a 27% lower 15-year death rate in those undergoing gastric bypass.
After the first postoperative year, the long-term survival advantage increased to 33%