Evolution of TQC
Evolution of TQC
Evolution of TQC
The first step in the development of the quality field was operator quality control in the manufacturing job upto the end of the 19th centuary .according to this, each worker could totally control the quality of personal work. In the early 1900s, the focus was on foreman quality control in which many individuals performing a similar task were grouped and directed by a foreman,who then assumed responsibslity for the quality of the work of the group.
During the period 1920-1930,focus was on inspection quality control in which a group of inspector were assigned the resposibility of controlling the quality of the output of the workers. The fourth step of quality control viz,statistical quality control came into practice in factories after world war 2.Inspector were provided with few statistical tools such as sampling and control charts.
Principles Of TQC
Top Management Policies:These are statements regarding how the quality of products and services fits into the business strategies of the organisation. Support of the top management is crucial to the total commitment of the organisation and to the production of suprerior products and services. The philosophy of defectfree production,Do it right the first time and continuous improvement are fundamental to tqc.
Quality control training for everyone: comprehensive training programmes involving participation of every employee from the shop floor to the board room, both staff and line,as well as suppilers and major customers are essential for implementing the TQC philosophy
Product or service design: product design should ensure product quality. The degree of product standardisation can have important specifications for product quality.For example standarised product designs facilitate implememtation of justin-time production which leads to superior quality.
Quality Materials From Suppliers: suppliers involvement in the companys quality control programs ensures supply of materials of highest quality from them. For example, Ford Motor Company has about 300 suppliers whose personnel attend Fords training program in quality control. Ford has long-term supply contracts with its suppliers in order to achieve highest quality at competitive costs.
Control In Production: Total commitment to producing products and services of perfect quality, a commitment to strive relentlessly for improvement in product quality and the constant diligence applied to improving every detail of manufacturing brought the japanese manufacturers to where they are now as far as product quality and productivity are concerned. Distribution,installation and use : TQC must include packaging, shipping methods and installation of the products at the customers premises. If the product gets damaged during shipment or if it is not properly installed, the product performance will be affected and customers equate this poor performance with poor quality.
1:Marketing evaluates the level of quality which customers want and for which they are willing to pay. Engineering reduces this marketing evaluation to exact specifications. Purchasing chooses, contracts with sand retains vendors for parts and materials. Manufacturing supervision and shop operation exert a major quality influence during parts making, subassembly and final assembly. Mechanical inspection and functional task check conformance to specifications. Shipping influences the calibre of packaging and transportation. Installation and product service ensure proper operation by installing the product according to proper instructions and maintaining it through service.