Active Contour Models: (Snakes)
Active Contour Models: (Snakes)
Active Contour Models: (Snakes)
Amyn Poonawala
EE 264
Instructor: Dr. Peyman Milanfar
What is the objective?
To perform the task of Image Segmentation.
What is segmentation?
Subdividing or partitioning an image into its constituent
regions or objects.
Why use it when there are many methods already existing??
Problems with common methods
No prior used and so cant separate image into
constituent components.
Not effective in presence of noise and sampling artifacts
(e.g. medical images).
Use generalize Hough transform or template
matching to detect shapes
But the prior required are very high for these
The desire is to find a method that looks for any
shape in the image that is smooth and forms a closed
Active Contour Models
First introduced in 1987 by Kass et al,and gained
popularity since then.
Represents an object boundary or some other salient
image feature as a parametric curve.
An energy functional E is associated with the curve.
The problem of finding object boundary is cast as an
energy minimization problem.
Framework for snakes
A higher level process or a user initializes any curve
close to the object boundary.
The snake then starts deforming and moving towards
the desired object boundary.
In the end it completely shrink-wraps around the
(Diagram courtesy Snakes, shapes, gradient
vector flow, Xu, Prince)
The contour is defined in the (x, y) plane of an image as a
parametric curve
v(s)=(x(s), y(s))
Contour is said to possess an energy (E
) which is defined as
the sum of the three energy terms.
The energy terms are defined cleverly in a way such that the final
position of the contour will have a minimum energy (E
Therefore our problem of detecting objects reduces to an energy
minimization problem.
int int snake ernal external constra
E E E E = + +
What are these energy terms which do the trick for us??
Internal Energy (E
Depends on the intrinsic properties of the curve.
Sum of elastic energy and bending energy.
Elastic Energy (E
The curve is treated as an elastic rubber band
possessing elastic potential energy.
It discourages stretching by introducing tension.
Weight o(s) allows us to control elastic energy along
different parts of the contour. Considered to be
constant o for many applications.
Responsible for shrinking of the contour.
( ) | |
elastic s
E s v ds = o
( )
dv s
Bending Energy (E
The snake is also considered to behave like a thin metal
strip giving rise to bending energy.
It is defined as sum of squared curvature of the contour.
|(s) plays a similar role to o(s).
Bending energy is minimum for a circle.
Total internal energy of the snake can be defined as
( ) | |
bending ss
E s v ds = |
2 2
| | | | )
elastic bending s ss
E E E v v ds = + = (o +|
External energy of the contour (E
It is derived from the image.
Define a function E
(x,y) so that it takes on its smaller
values at the features of interest, such as boundaries.
Key rests on defining E
(x,y). Some examples
( ( ))
ext image
E E v s ds =
( , ) | , )|
E x y x y = VI(
( , ) | ( ( , )* ( , )) |
E x y G x y I x y
= V
Energy and force equations
The problem at hand is to find a contour v(s) that minimize
the energy functional
Using variational calculus and by applying Euler-Lagrange
differential equation we get following equation
Equation can be interpreted as a force balance equation.
Each term corresponds to a force produced by the respective
energy terms. The contour deforms under the action of these
2 2
( ) | | ( ) | | ) ( ( ))
snake s ss image
E s v s v E v s ds = (o +| +
ss ssss image
v v E o | V =
Elastic force
Generated by elastic potential energy of the curve.
Characteristics (refer diagram)
elastic ss
F v = o
Bending force
Generated by the bending energy of the contour.
Characteristics (refer diagram):
Thus the bending energy tries to smooth out the curve.
Initial curve
(High bending energy)
Final curve deformed by
bending force. (low
bending energy)
External force
It acts in the direction so as to minimize E
External force
ext image
F E = V
Zoomed in
the contour v(s) is represented by a set of control points
The curve is piecewise linear obtained by joining each
control point.
Force equations applied to each control point separately.
Each control point allowed to move freely under the.
influence of the forces.
The energy and force terms are converted to discrete
form with the derivatives substituted by finite differences.
0 1 n-1
v ,v ,.....,v
Solution and Results
Method 1:
is a constant to give separate control on external force.
Solve iteratively.
ss ssss image
v v E o | V =
Method 2:
Consider the snake to also be a function of time i.e.
If RHS=0 we have reached the solution.
On every iteration update control point only if new
position has a lower external energy.
Snakes are very sensitive to false local minima which
leads to wrong convergence.
, , ) ( , )
ss ssss image t
v s t v s t E v s t o ( ) | ( V =
( , )
( , )
v s t
v s t
( , )
v s t
Noisy image with many local minimas
WGN sigma=0.1
Weakness of traditional snakes (Kass model)
Extremely sensitive to parameters.
Small capture range.
No external force acts on points which are far away
from the boundary.
Convergence is dependent on initial position.
Weakness (contd)
Fails to detect concave boundaries. External force
cant pull control points into boundary concavity.
Gradient Vector Flow (GVF)
(A new external force for snakes)
Detects shapes with boundary concavities.
Large capture range.
Model for GVF snake
The GVF field is defined to be a vector field
V(x,y) =
Force equation of GVF snake
V(x,y) is defined such that it minimizes the
energy functional
2 2 2 2 2 2
( ) | | | |
x y x y
E u u v v f V f dxdy = + + + + V V
ss ssss
v v V o | + =
( ( , ), ( , )) u x y v x y
f(x,y) is the edge map of the image.
GVF field can be obtained by solving following
Is the Laplacian operator.
Reason for detecting boundary concavities.
The above equations are solved iteratively using time
derivative of u and v.
2 2
( )( ) 0
x x y
u u f f f
V + =
2 2
( )( ) 0
y x y
v v f f f
V + =
Traditional external force field v/s GVF field
Traditional force
GVF force
(Diagrams courtesy Snakes, shapes, gradient vector flow, Xu, Prince)
A look into the vector field components
Note forces also act inside the object boundary!!
Traditional snake GVF snake
Cluster and reparametrize the contour dynamically.
Final shape detected
The contour can also be initialized across the boundary of object!!
Something not possible with traditional snakes.
Medical Imaging
Notice that the image is poor quality with sampling artifacts
Magnetic resonance image of the left ventricle of human heart
Problem with GVF snake
Very sensitive to parameters.
Slow. Finding GVF field is computationally
Applications of snakes
Image segmentation particularly medical imaging
community (tremendous help).
Motion tracking.
Stereo matching (Kass, Witkin).
Shape recognition.
M. Kass, A. Witkin, and D. Terzopoulos, "Snakes:
Active contour models., International Journal of
Computer Vision. v. 1, n. 4, pp. 321-331, 1987.
Chenyang Xu and Jerry L. Prince , "Snakes, Shape,
and Gradient Vector Flow, IEEE Transactions on
Image Processing, 1998.
C. Xu and J.L. Prince, Gradient Vector Flow: A New
External Force for Snakes, Proc. IEEE Conf. on Comp.
Vis. Patt. Recog. (CVPR), Los Alamitos: Comp. Soc.
Press, pp. 66-71, June 1997.