For Administration
For Faculty
For Students
For Tech Support
For specific information or access to applications please contact the UIT Help Desk via email
For SIS access, please contact your department's SIS designate(s)

The University is committed to taking every reasonable step to protect the confidentiality and privacy of the information contained in the records of applicants/students. These records are kept for academic purposes only and should not be used otherwise. Unless compelled to do so by law, or authorized by the student in writing, users of the University's Student Information System will not disclose the confidential contents of student records to any party outside the University or to non-authorized members of the University community.
Non-web SIS applications are now available on WebFAS by means of RemoteSALv2. For more information, please visit our RemoteSALv2 Information Page.
Please note that the SIS web apps work best with Internet Explorer (IE) 7 or 8, and Firefox 3.x The latest versions of Safari and Chrome may also be used.
Javascript will need to be enabled in your browser for some of the SIS applications