Ralph is a freelance copyeditor, web designer and teacher at Page Affairs.
Ralph's articles

In this quick tip, we show how easy it is to add animated background gradients and images to text on the Web, with handy demos.

Learn what CSS logical properties are, how they work, and what they're useful for, even if you're not working on a multilingual site.

In this quick tip, we'll look at how to use the subgrid feature of CSS Grid to align the content of boxes that sit side by side.

Learn how easy it is to add gradient effects and patterns to text on the Web, with demos and tips on browser support and accessibility.

Learn simple ways to style the HTML details element, which is a very useful element for revealing and hiding bits of content on a web page.

Learn how to use the CSS gap property, which makes it super easy to add space between elements without the need for hacky margin solutions.

Follow these simple examples to learn how CSS Grid allows us to easily lay out elements on a page to create a range of flexible layouts.

Learn how to use the keywords and functions of the CSS Grid repeat() function to create responsive layouts without media queries.

Learn how to use the CSS aspect-ratio property, with practical examples, alternatives for older browsers, and other useful things to know.

Learn how to use CSS object-fit to determine how images fit within a given space, and how to position those images with object-position.

Learn how to set the size of a background image with the CSS background-size property, and how to position it with background-position.

Authors writing for publications are more and more expected to submit their writing in Markdown format, so it pays to be familiar with this simple syntax.

Grab SitePoint's free Docker cheat sheet, which gathers all the commands you’re most likely to need in your Docker workflow.

Ralph Mason discusses things you should think about when planning, scoping out and pitching article ideas to publishers, and how to write a killer outline.

Paul answers anything and everything about CSS positioning — from floats and relative, absolute and fixed positioning to table display and even flexbox.
Ralph reviews the main uses of apostrophes in writing, covering possession and missing letters, it's vs its, and apostrophes with verbs and plural nouns.
Spicing up your emails with Markdown is easy with Markdown Here, a simple extension for Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Thunderbird, Evernote, WordPress and more.