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March 2018
Ensuring Maximum Operational
Performance Fouad Ghoneim, PMP®, SSYB®
Electrical Manager - ASEC Cement
The cement industry is said to be an energy-intensive industry together with steel,
paper and petrochemical industries. The percentage of energy cost in Portland cement
production cost is ~ 60 - 65%. If the energy cost is reduced, the manufacturing cost is
lowered, resulting in increasing the company’s profits.
Energy in
Cement Industry
Plant Energy
Specific Energy
Energy in Cement Industry
Energy distribution among
cement manufacturing
There are four major section for energy
consumption in cement plant (Raw Grinding,
Clinker Burning, Finishing Grinding and
Electrical EnergyProcess Energy
700 kCal/kg
60 kCal/kg
Thermal SEC: kcal/ kg Clinker
Electrical SEC: kcal/ kg Cement
90-85% from overall energy consumed in process cement
production as whole and 10-15% share in electrical energy.
Energy Efficiency in Cement Industry
Case study Organization & Optimization Roadmap
Net Energy
Net Energy
Energy conversion efficiency (η):
is the ratio between the useful output of an energy conversion and the input, in energy terms.
Before Auditing
Pre-audit step & Plant Rader Chart
• Get management commitment.
• Set energy policy, objectives and structure.
• Plant status right image.
Different types of positions require different kinds of selection
techniques. Choosing the right techniques will help you to recruit the
best person for the position. The selection techniques you choose will
depend on the particular skills, attributes and knowledge required for
the position.
Tools & Techniques
Energy Auditing is an inspection, survey and analysis
of energy flows, for energy conservation in a process or system to
reduce the amount of energy input into the system without
negatively affecting the output(s).
Audit is should be a periodic examination of an energy system to
ensure that energy is being used as efficiently as can as possible.
Energy Management Auditing
Audit Roadmap:
1. Thermal efficiency
2. Electric efficiency
3. Alternative fuel use
4. Clinker substitution
5. Carbon capture and storage
Step-by-step Auditing Roadmap
Make the most
of your strengths
Circumvent your
Capitalize on your
Manage your
SWOT Analysis in Energy Audit
Post Audit Activities organization shall establish,
implement and maintain documented energy
objectives and targets at the relevant functions,
levels, processes or facilities within the organization.
Energy performance indicators The organization
shall identify EnPIs appropriate for monitoring and
measuring its energy performance. EnPIs shall be
reviewed and compared to the energy baseline as
Abilities (S) Inabilities (W)
Sr. Description Ranking Sr. Description Ranking
x Strong industry base 1 2 3 4 5 x Lack of funds to take up new projects 1 2 3 4 5
Chances (O) Challenges (T)
Sr. Description Ranking Sr. Description Ranking
x Rising demand 1 2 3 4 5 x Rising Fuel Price 1 2 3 4 5
Energy Audits International Standardizations
IS/ISO 50002:2014 Energy audits -- Requirements with guidance for use
ISO 50002 has been designed to complement ISO 50001, which focuses on the development of an energy management system.
Other standards to look out for in the future include:
• ISO 50003 on requirements for bodies providing audit and certification of energy management systems
• ISO 50004 on guidance for the implementation, maintenance and improvement of an energy management system
• ISO 50006 on measuring energy performance using energy baselines (EnB) and energy performance indicators (EnPI)
• ISO 50015 on the measurement and verification of energy performance in organizations
Audit Flow Chart according to ISO 50002
Thermal Energy in Cement Industry
Figure shows the typical thermal balance at one of cement plant. Some 80% of the inputted
thermal energy is used for clinker burning, drying raw materials, drying coal and power
generation, while 20% are in waste.
• Reduce kiln exit gas losses.
• Reduce moisture absorption.
• Reduce dust in exhaust gases.
• Lower clinker discharge temperature.
• Lower clinker cooler stack temperature.
• Reduce kiln radiation losses.
• Reduce cold air leakage.
• Optimize kiln operations.
Basically, a number of operating and maintenance best practices and objectives should be implemented as basic operating principles
for efficiency improvements, including:
More than 50% from total input thermal energy goes on clinker
formation zones and others between waste and drying raw
materials & coal during grinding process.
Temp. (°C) Process
< 100 Drying, elimination of free water
100 to 400 Elimination of absorbed water
400 to 750 Decomposition of claw with formation of Meta-kaolinite
600 to 900 Decomposition of Meta-kaolinite to a mixture of free reactive oxides
600 -1000 Decomposition of limestone and formation of CS & CA
800 to 1300 Binding of lime by CA & CS with formation of C2S, C3S, C3A & C4AF
1250 to 1450 Further binding of lime by C2S to form C3S
Thermal Waste Energy in Cement Industry
Waste Energy
Raw Meal
Radiation &
Heat Loss
False Air
Heat Balance Modeling
A heat balance, simply stated, consists of compiling all the heat that is
given to the kiln and then comparing this total to the total of thermal
work done and heat losses that occur in the system. Whatever heat
put into the kiln (INPUT) must be accounted for in one way or another
by the heat that goes out of the system (OUTPUT). To do this requires
actual testing of the system under normal operating conditions. Some
plants have done this by means of very elaborate and sophisticated
instruments, others have used average operating data from the kiln
operator’s log to compile and calculate heat balances.
Waste Energy Reduction Milestones
There are considerable opportunities to improve energy efficiency and
reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions across beverage sector
operations. Milestones are frequently used to monitor the progress, but
there are limitations to their effectiveness. They usually show progress
only on the critical path, and ignore non-critical activities. It is common
for resources to be moved from non-critical activities to critical activities
to ensure that milestones are met. This gives the impression that the
project is on schedule when actually some activities are being ignored.
Waste Energy Reduction Milestones
Raw Meal
1 C3S = 4.071 CaO - 7.600 SiO2 - 6.718 Al2O3 - 1.430 Fe2O3 - 2.852 SO3
Required burning temperature T (°C) = 1300 +4.51 C3S + 3.74 C3A-12.64 C4AF
Burnability factor % Free-lime1400 =0.33 (%LSFto100)+1.8 (S/R-2)+0.93Q+0.33C+0.34A
Case Study Snapshot
Preheater dust losses depend on the efficiency of top stage cyclone. Modern cement plants are operating with top
stage cyclone efficiency of about 95-97%.
Raw meal to clinker factor = (1- (C x A)/104)/ (1- LOI/100)
Kiln feed to clinker factor = Raw meal to clinker factor/ (1- DL/100)
Case Study Snapshot
Cyclone Efficiency Every 1.0 hPa Saving 103 to 129 kcal/t Cli.
Dust Load Every 1.0 kg/wt/kg Cli. Saving 30 to 40 kcal/t Cli.
Raw Mill Moisture 5 to 6 % to be dried <1% Cal. Value 63 to 69 kcal/t Cli.
% CaO Target 64 to 66 % Cal. Value 736 to 751 kcal/t Cli.
Waste Energy Reduction Milestones
The minimizing excess air in rotary kiln without any formed of CO leads to improvement in the performance of the kiln and
consequently leads to reduce the fuel energy consumption shorten and intensity the flame leads to reduce the fuel energy
consumption. Furthermore, optimize kiln burner primary air is to consider as potential for decreasing of fuel energy consumption.
Case Study Snapshot
Best optimization style is the mathematical model which consists of the material balances and fuel specs that are expressed as
equality constraints and product specification constraints that are expressed as inequality constraints to get the performed of
the maximum TSR (Thermal Substitution Rate).
Fuel Moisture 65 to 70 °C Losses 76.8 kg-oil/h + 29.3 kWh/h
Excess Air 8,690 Nm3/h Losses 76.8 kg-oil/h + 29.3 kWh/h
Waste Energy Reduction Milestones
Radiation &
Heat Loss
Heat loss through the shell of the kiln can be reduce by selecting the type of refractory which having lower
thermal conductivity (high insulation brick). It also can be decrease by achieve a uniformity and stable coating
inside the rotary kiln. This can be achieved by adjusting of the flame shape inside the kiln and by selecting a
raw materials which having stable coating tendency by selecting appropriate module like LSF, SM and AM of
raw materials.
Case Study Snapshot
Radiation Loss
<45 kcal/kg Cli. for 4500tpd
<60 kcal/kg Cli. for 3000tpd
kcal/kg Cli.
T1 T2
In case of excessive temperature increase its surface can deflect. High value of local deformations can cause problems
with kiln's internal lining, shortening its durability. Thermal crank (shell temperature distribution) of main areas of stress
that you should focus during kiln shell inspection.
Waste Energy Reduction Milestones
False Air6  Air leakage through an aperture of area A (m2) with pressure differential dP (mm H2O) can be approximately calculated
from Volume (m3/hr) = 8900*A* dP0.5
 Air leakage between 2 points in the kiln exhaust system can be determined by oxygen measurement
False air (in terms of outlet) % = 100 (G2-G1)/(20.9-G2) Where G1 = initial O2 % 7& G2 = final O2
Case Study Snapshot
False air @ kiln inlet 8,690 Nm3/h Losses 29 kWh/h + 15 Kcal/kg/h
Faster cooling of clinker has the following effects;-
• Smaller C3A crystals resulting in a more reactive and easier to grind clinker, producing faster cement setting times and improved early strengths.
• Prevents the decomposition of C3S into C2S and (sub-microscopic) free lime, resulting in improved cement strength, compared to slow cooled clinker.
• Increases the chances of other elements (eg Mg, Al, Fe etc) being trapped in the crystal structure of the clinker silicate minerals. Such chemical
substitutions cause the clinker minerals to become more reactive during hydration, thus increasing strengths and shortening setting time.
Case Study Snapshot
Cooler Efficiency 70 to 74 % Saving 28 kcal/kg Cli.
Cooler Efficiency 65 to 70 % Saving 48 kcal/kg Cli.
Cooler Efficiency (η)= ((A-B)/A)*100 where A = Heat content of clinker leaving the kiln B = Heat losses of clinker cooler
Waste Heat Recovery Energy
Case Study Snapshot
Depending on the humidity of the raw materials and the cooler technology,
additional waste heat is available from the kiln gases (preheater exit gas)
and the cooler exhaust air.
Principally this heat can be used for the drying of other materials like slag or
alternative fuels or for steam for electric power production.The generation
of electrical power from waste heat recovery would reduce the electricity
power bill through partially substituting the power procured from the
national grid or power plant generation station.
CAPEX ~ 13 M€ OPEX ~ 0.9 €/t cementWHR Power Generated ~ 37%
Clinker production 1.5 million ton/year
SHC for clinker production 3,120 MJ/t-clinker
Power delivered to plant from WHR 56,041 MWh/year
Total cement plant power consumption 151,035 MWh/year
Electrical Energy in Cement Industry
Raw Material Extraction & Belnding
Raw Material Grinding
Raw Material Homogenization
Clinker Production
Cement Production
Conveying, Packing & Loading
Energy Allocation Center (EAC)
Electrical Waste Energy in Cement Industry
Electrical energy consumption breakdown at a typical cement plant
Optimizing all aspects of a plant lifecycle requires putting
asset reliability on par with design and operational
improvement efforts. Optimum reliability is defined as the
ideal asset reliability threshold that will drive a higher return
on capital employed and extend the life of existing assets.
Grinding accounts for more than 60% of the electrical
power demand during cement production while also being
of greatest importance for the final product quality. With
today’s and tomorrow’s challenges regarding energy and
resource efficiency in mind, grinding within the cement
industry has to be rethought.
Equipment Performance
Efficiency & Process
Grinding Optimization
Grindability (kWh/t) influenced by:
There are many benefits for Mill load and throughput optimization which can be achieve:
 Reduced number of mill stops
 Increased output
 Reduced specific power
 Reduced quality variability
 Material Components
 Product fineness
 Grinding system
 Equipment Efficiency
Vertical Mill
Ball Mill
1 On milling plants fed by a segregated feed supply, such as a stockpile, the
varying size and hardness of the mill feed material affects the residence time
in the mill and the power drawn.
Case Study Snapshot
Coal 50 t/h (Mill Rated Capacity) Pet-Coke 36 t/h (Mill Rated Capacity)
Feed Size F80 127 to 180 mm Grindability 17 to 26 kwh/t
Grinding Optimization
Grinding system2 The plant grinding must be auditing technically/economically then applied decision between:
• Expanding/Optimizing an existing system, or
• Procuring a new grinding system
Product fineness3 Cement fineness can be determined by various methods. So far, determination of the specific surface,
for instance, according to the Blaine permeability method, has been commonly used.
Equipment Efficiency4 Many parameters would have direct effect on net power consumption in grinding process like Mill
status (Wear / Charge /Diaphragm), separator and system false air.
Blaine 3500 to 4500 Grindability 19 to 25 kwh/t
Case Study Snapshot
Vertical/Ball Mill 30/50 kwh/t Grinding Aids 40 to 32 kwh/t
Case Study Snapshot
Ball wear/Mill Filling Deg. 24 to 28 % Power Cons. 39 to 32 kwh/t
Case Study Snapshot
Maintenance best practice must be done to confirm regularly grinding system efficiency.
Power Quality
How to interpret the results of a power quality site survey
Power quality problems cause systems to malfunction, or worse — shut down. Here are tips to assess how much poor
power quality could be costing you in 3 areas:
I. Downtime: Forecast the revenue per hour your system produces and the costs of production. Determine whether the
system’s delivery failure is damaging to your business.
II. Equipment problems: Troubleshoot the issue’s root cause and figure actual costs. Remember that exact amounts
might be hard to assess especially with complicated systems.
III. Energy waste: Record your consumption patterns, load timing, power factor penalties and peak demand charges to
know your energy loss and its costs.
The key to success in power quality measurement and analysis can be attributed to success in three key areas. Set goals and
plan the survey by reviewing power quality one-line diagrams to determine points to monitor. Learn the functions and
features of the test equipment and how to use it to capture the needed values.
Main Drives/Transformers Efficient
Power Factor
Power Balancing
THD Level
Alternative fuel use
Alternative fuels, including a high proportion of waste products, are increasingly being used and now represent
almost a third of all fuels in the cement industry. Cement production is ideal for the uptake of waste such as tyres,
sludge, sawdust and other types of waste. The unique process and energy requirements of the cement industry
enable use of fuel mixes that would not be suitable for many other industries. This ability to mix fossil fuels like
coal or gas with waste materials, biomass and industrial by-products is beneficial both from a resource efficiency
and security of supply point of view.
The integrated considerations of ecological-economical aspects during
use of alternative fuels:
1. Suitability of cement kilns for the combustion of secondary fuels.
2. Special features of secondary fuels.
3. Adaptation of combustion to suit requirements of co-processing.
4. Possibilities and limits of co-processing in clinker production.
5. Process optimization.
The utilisation of alternative calcium-containing raw materials which
are already de-carbonated offers a chance to reduce process-related
CO2 emissions from the de-carbonation of raw materials as well as
CO2 emissions from the fuel required for de-carbonation.
Variety of alternative fuels Characteristics
Lower heat value
Moisture or
Water content (%)
Ash Content
C content
(% by dry wt)
Carbon Emissions Factor
(Ton C/ ton of fuel)
Agriculture Biomass
Rice Husk 13.2 – 16.2 10 20.6 38.80 0.35
Wheat Straw 15.8 – 18.2 7.3 – 14.2 4.5 – 8.9 44.9 – 48.8 0.42
Corn Stover 15.4 9.41 – 35 3.2 – 7.4 42.5 0.28
Sugarcane Leaves 15.8 <15 7.7 39.8 0.34
Waste Wood 15.5 – 17.4 33.3 0.9 50 0.33 – 0.49
Animal Waste 16 – 19 15 - 34 0.29
Dewatered Sewage Sludge 10.5 – 29 75 21.8 30 – 53.92 0.21 – 0.39
Petroleum-Based waste
Tires 27.8 – 37.1 0.3 - - 0.56
Waste Oils 21.6 5 - 46 0.44
Polypropylene 46 2.1 27.4 71 0.7
Petroleum Coke (Petcoke) 18.9 – 33.7 0.4 0.5 – 1.0 82 – 87 0.5 – 0.9
Alternative fuels
Case Study Snapshot
Clinker Substitution
Innovation and quality optimisation remain key objectives for the cement industry. The
currently acquisition of modern plant and processes allows to produce highly quality-
assured cementitious products. State-of-the-art online sampling combined with X-ray
fluorescence (XRF) and quantitative X-ray diffraction (XRD) enable to remain at the
forefront in terms of product quality and consistency.
Clinker can be blended with a range of
alternative materials, including
pozzolana, finely ground limestone
and waste materials or industrial by-
products. The clinker-to-cement ratio
(percentage of clinker compared to other non-
clinker components) has an impact on the
properties of cement so standards
determine the type and proportion of
alternative main constituents that can
be used.
There are a number of factors that can limit the use of alternative cementitious materials
as a clinker substitute, including: availability, physical and chemical properties, national
standards and building codes and market acceptance.
National/International Standards Guide
 ES 4756 -1 :2013
 BS EN 197 -1 :2011
Fineness m2/kg -
SiO2 - SO3 -
Setting time Minutes
Initial - IR - LOI -
Final AI2O3 - C3A -
Strength (Mpa)
2 days - Fe2O3 - Cl ¯ -
7 days - CaO - Na2O -
28 days - MgO -
 ASTM C150 / C150M to 17
 AS 3972-2010
Alternative Cementitious Materials
Limestone Quarries
Maintaining strength may require
additional power for grinding clinker
Fly ash
Flue gases
from coal-fired
Lower water demand, improved
workability, higher long term
strength, better durability
Lower early strength, availability may be
reduced by change in fuel sources by the
power sector
Ground blast
furnace slag
Iron or steel
Higher long term strength and
improved chemical resistance
Lower early strength and higher electric
power demand for grinding
Natural pozzolana,
rice husk ash,
silica fume
Volcanoes, some
sedimentary rocks,
other industries
Demonstrate better workability,
higher long term strength and
improved chemical resistance
Most natural pozzolana lead to reduced
early strength, cement properties may vary
Similar to natural pozzolana
Calcination requires extra thermal energy
and so reduces positive CO2 abatement
Source: ECRA Technology Papers (2009)
Alternative Cementitious Materials
A list of credentials that should addressed when examining the sustainability of a material is provided:
• Energy required to produce the material.
• CO2 emissions resulting from the material’s manufacture.
• Toxicity of the material.
• Transportation of the material during its manufacturing and delivery.
• Degree of pollution resulting from the material at the end of its useful life.
• Maintenance required and the materials required for maintenance.
• Lifetime of the material and its potential for reuse if the building is demolished.
A Wayne State University researcher has developed a novel method to make sustainable Hybrid Green Cements (HGC) from low cost
minerals and waste minerals such as coal, ash, bio-mass ash, or mine tailings. Key issues that the researcher has identified include
optimal ranges of hybrid mix compositions, processing, and curing conditions.
Several parallel novel cement types are being developed including:
• Magnesium silicates rather than limestone (calcium carbonate).
• Calcium sulfo-aluminate belite binders.
• A mixture of calcium and magnesium carbonates and calcium and magnesium hydroxides.
• New production techniques, using an autoclave instead of a kiln and a special activation grinding that requires far less heat and
reduces process emissions.
• Dolomite rock rapidly calcined in superheated steam, using a separate CO2-scrubbing system to capture emissions.
• Geo-polymers using by-products from the power industry (fly ash, bottom ash), steel industry (blast-furnace slag), and concrete to
make alkali-activated cements.
• Geo-polymer cements have been commercialised in small-scale facilities, but have not yet been used for large-scale applications.
Carbon capture and storage (CCS)
Producing one tonne of cement releases an estimated 0.73 to 0.99 t CO2 depending on the clinker-per-cement ratio and
other factors. A major difference between the cement industry and most other industries is that fuel consumption is not
the dominant driver of CO2 emissions. More than 50 percent of the CO2 released during cement manufacture, or
approximately 540 kilograms (kg) CO2 per t of clinker (WBCSD 2009), is from calcination, in which CaCO3 is transformed
into lime (CaO) in the following reaction: CaCO3 + Heat ➝ CaO + CO2
There is global agreement to reduce emissions and limit increases in
temperatures to two degrees Celsius by 2100, with the need to stem
the peak in emissions as soon as possible.
Carbon capture and storage (CCS) uses a group of known technologies
to capture, transport and store carbon emissions from fossil fuel power
plants and energy intensive industries like cement, steel and chemical
Carbon Capture technologies
Post-process capture: CO2 is separated from a mixture of gases at the end of the
production process, for instance from combustion flue gases. This route is referred
to as post-combustion capture in industrial applications.
Oxy-fuel combustion: Pure (or nearly pure) oxygen is used in place of air in the
combustion process to yield a flue gas of high-concentration CO2. Oxy-fuel
technology is now being demonstrated at small-scale power plants, so results
obtained may be helpful to future cement kilns.
Inherent separation: Important levers for decreasing emissions which can done by
reducing the clinker content of cement, use of alternative raw materials/fuels and
finding alternative ways of producing clinker like R&D in low-carbon cement.
Pre-process capture: in which fuel is reacted with oxygen and steam to produce a
mixture of CO2 and H2, Co2 separated and H2 used as a fuel. Mainly uses to
capture fuel-derived CO2 not the larger quantity of CO2 from decomposition of
carbonate minerals.
Capture technologies: R&D, well understood but expensive
Tail-end separation of CO2 from flue gas by e.g. chemical
absorption, adsorption, membranes or Ca-looping.
• A very energy-intensive technology.
• Important projects: Norcem‘s Brevik project & CEMCAP.
Oxy-fuel Technology:
Combustion with pure oxygen instead of air in combination
with flue gas recirculation to increase CO2 concentration.
• Requires process and design adaptations.
• Important projects: ECRA , LafargeHolcim/ AirLiquide/
FLSmidth and CEMCAP.
Case Study Snapshot
CAPEX ~ 10 €/t cement OPEX ~ 35 €/t cementCO2 capture rate ~ 90%
Turning CO2 into a Valuable Asset
CO2 to methane using H2
By adding carbon dioxide to waste to give it commercial value. It’s
solution called Accelerated Carbonation Technology (ACT) that is a
rapid, cost-effective treatment suitable for soil and waste.
Examples of wastes that have been successfully treated:
Slag (from steel manufacture), MSWI ashes (bottom ash and APC
residues), Galligu (from soap manufacture), Soils contaminated with
pyrotechnics waste, Water treatment sludge and Quarry fines.
CO2 to light weight aggregates
By adding carbon dioxide to waste to give it commercial value. It’s
solution called Accelerated Carbonation Technology (ACT) that is a
rapid, cost-effective treatment suitable for soil and waste.
Examples of wastes that have been successfully treated:
Slag (from steel manufacture), MSWI ashes (bottom ash and APC
residues), Galligu (from soap manufacture), Soils contaminated with
pyrotechnics waste, Water treatment sludge and Quarry fines.
Curbing emissions by 2050 will require a new greenfield and brownfield investments for CO2 capture-ready plants. These
decisions have clear short term economic and political implications that must be carefully evaluated by all stakeholders and
one of goals that is supported by The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in the Paris Agreement.
1.5 to 2 degrees Celsius Scenario >>>> USD 100 billion per year
Specific Energy Consumption Optimization
There are many reasons to integrate Lean, energy efficiency and reduction efforts including:
Cost Savings: Reducing energy costs has a significant impact on business performance, though costs
may be hidden in overhead or facility accounts.
Environmental Risk: Proactively addressing the environmental status and climate impacts of energy use
is increasingly important to industry and society. Failure to do so is a potential business risk.
Competitive Advantage: Lowering recurring operating costs, improving staff morale, and responding to
customer expectations for environmental performance and energy efficiency increases your competitive
Lean Concept and Energy Efficiency
 Your Vision for processes, policies, plans, practices and services that meet the diverse
needs must be KISS and SMART rule.
 Plants are powered by People before any energy input. That is why you must shared
responsibility and employee understanding of how their decisions impact the bottom line
are critical.
 There are a lot of great Approaches to explore in lean, Many of these tools can be
successfully used in isolation, which makes it much easier to get started. On the other
hand, the benefits will compound as more tools are used, as they do support and
reinforce each other.
Reduce the energy use could be done through some of lean activities such as the following:
Energy Efficiencies: Look at your plant’s equipment to see if there are opportunities to improve .
Energy Kaizen Events: Identify and implement employee ideas for saving energy and reducing wastes through
rapid process improvement events.
Total Productive Maintenance (TPM): Incorporate energy reduction best practices into day-to-day autonomous
maintenance activities to ensure that equipment and processes run smoothly and efficiently.
Right-Sized Equipment: Identify and replace oversized and inefficient equipment with smaller equipment tailored
to the specific needs of manufacturing cells.
Plant Layout and Flow: Design or rearrange plant layout to improve product flow while also reducing energy use
and associated impacts.
Standard Work, Visual Controls, Employee Engagement and Mistake-Proofing: Sustain and support
additional Lean and energy performance gains through standardized work, procedures and visual signals that
encourage energy conservation, and by making it easy or “mistake-proof” to be energy efficient.
Energy Management Information Systems
There are three basic ways to lower the unit cost of production:
1. Cut costs while holding production capacity constant.
2. Increase production while holding costs constant.
3. Reduce cost and increase production simultaneously.
Energy Management Information System
Energy Management Information Systems (EMIS) can enable significant energy savings, often with rapid payback.
Businesses are continually learning how to apply these technologies which include advanced energy information
systems, benchmarking and utility tracking tools, equipment-specific fault detection and diagnostic systems and
automated system optimization.
EMIS Features Example:
True Enterprise: Data quality assurance, data warehouse, web framework.
Web Portal: Personalized dashboards, key performance indicators, charts, trends, real-time conditions.
Reporting Engine: Rich and customized content, support for complex data and graphics, scheduled distribution.
Trend Analysis: Advanced visualization, dimensional analysis, prediction, statistical roll-ups.
Energy Modelling: Regression analysis, normalization, correlation, integration of all relevant drivers and contextual data.
Bill Analysis: Built-in rate engine with rate wizard.
Emissions Reporting: Reports on energy-related emissions from direct and indirect sources, aggregates all locations, breakdowns by fuel type,
compares performance of business units, regions, buildings, facilities, departments.
Cost Allocation: Allocates energy costs for all utility types to cost centre's’, departments, production lines, or for user-defined time periods.
Power quality analysis: Wide-area event monitoring, classification, filtering, correlation.
Integration: Import data for all consumed utilities (water, air, gas, electricity, steam), emissions, production or business process data from enterprise
system databases (e.g. metering, BAC, ERP); export data to other enterprise business or automation systems.
Specific Energy Consumption Optimization opportunities
 Identify tasks that require
significant time to complete,
but that add little or no value;
eliminate them.
 Identify bottlenecks in your
system; rearrange workflow to
eliminate the bottlenecks.
 Set and measure your starting
 Make implement your changes
in operating procedure.
 Monitor your results by
whatever metric will measure
efficient and productivity,
including financial costs.
 Identify which of your changes
are working and which aren't.
 Refine your changes; rinse and
Source: Institute for Industrial Productivity, Industrial Energy Technology Database
Operational Performance Optimization
Effective Data
Rapid Problem-
Operational Performance Optimization
Effective Data Management
Rapid Problem-Solving Capabilities
KPI Hierarchies Management
Users spend 50% of their problem-
solving time just collecting and preparing
the data. In many cases, users report
that it takes hours, if not days to perform
these tasks.
Automation can play a significant role
in completing those tasks and others in
the analysis workflows by supplementing
the skills of users with best practice-
based approaches to data conditioning.
This is an area that receives little
attention in the plans of many
Time is money. That’s especially true in the
process industries where every minute of
sub-par performance is an unrecoverable
The ability to rapidly hone in on root causes
and take effective corrective action can
mean the difference between minor and
major losses due to a production disruption.
Your manufacturing execution system
(MES) infrastructure should have the ability
to capture unstructured data, such as
comments and annotations from production
staff to provide context to support raw
process data.
You can’t improve what you don’t
measure. It’s a philosophy that’s drilled
into our heads in engineering classes and
reinforced with lessons learned on the job.
Measurement is not easy.
Instruments drift. Communication links fail.
Benchmarking assets across the
enterprise can allow plants to better track
and improve plant performance.
An effective asset management program
uses benchmarks to identify poor
performing assets, and perhaps more
importantly, to identify star performers and
demonstrate the highest achievable levels
of performance for an asset class.
Operational Performance Optimization
Batch Examination
Continuous Improvement
SMART Strategy
Effective batch analysis depends on the
ability to capture, align and analyse
information with complete context.
Understanding batch variability—over time,
within batch and batch-to-batch—can be
improved through batch overlay capabilities.
Your analytics model should provide the
ability to create alarms for significant batch
deviations that may lead to poor product
quality, while correlating process behaviours,
with product characteristics in your best
batches, should provide the ability to
consistently produce an excellent product.
The tools for routine reporting are very different than
those needed for ad hoc problem solving. The Lean
Enterprise Institute has a nice, concise description of
the differences between ad hoc problem solving and
lean daily management.
Toyota Way brought the concept to a wider audience,
says the philosophy comes down to four Ps:
1. Philosophy: Think long-term.
2. Process: Eliminate waste in value streams.
3. People: Develop, grow and challenge employees.
4. Problem-solving: Engage employees in
continuous learning.
SMART is the acronym Francis T. Hartman,
coined for his style of management:
■ SM = Strategically Managed
■ A = Aligned
■ R = Regenerative work environment
■ T = Transitional management.
SMART is a way to work at the serious
business of getting projects done. It
focuses on the goals while letting team
members create innovative solutions.
Be smart and keep it simple as can as
World Class Certification Rewards
A profession indicates that the
application of knowledge, processes,
skills, tools, and techniques can have
a significant impact on project
Any decision making will upon your
examination results which will be the
drivers of the performance roadmap. So,
it is very important to be sure that is your
examination style performed in correct,
efficient and right way.
Formulation, publication, and implementation
of guidelines, rules, and specifications for
common and repeated use, aimed at
achieving optimum degree of order or
uniformity in a given context, discipline, or
Value Improving/Best Practices in conjunction
with a systematic Management Process can
help achieve World Class Performance.
Implementation of these practices can
optimize cost, schedule, performance and
safety aspects of any project.
World Class Certification
The Energy Performance
Indicator (EPI) of Energy Star
Plant will help your company
improve its energy efficiency
by comparing your energy
performance to similar
cement manufacturing
plants in the U.S. The
spreadsheet includes
instructions for using the EPI,
a State of Energy
Performance form, and a
Facility Performance Report.
Manufacturing plants that
earn a 75 or higher using this
EPI are eligible to earn the
ENERGY STAR certification
for superior energy
All References available, Be In Touch
March 2018

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Ensuring Maximum Operational Performance in Cement Plant

  • 1. March 2018 Ensuring Maximum Operational Performance Fouad Ghoneim, PMP®, SSYB® Electrical Manager - ASEC Cement
  • 2. AGENDA The cement industry is said to be an energy-intensive industry together with steel, paper and petrochemical industries. The percentage of energy cost in Portland cement production cost is ~ 60 - 65%. If the energy cost is reduced, the manufacturing cost is lowered, resulting in increasing the company’s profits. 01 Energy in Cement Industry 02 Plant Energy Auditing 03 Energy Efficiency 04 Specific Energy Consumption Optimization 05 Operational Performance Optimization
  • 3. Energy in Cement Industry Energy distribution among cement manufacturing equipment There are four major section for energy consumption in cement plant (Raw Grinding, Clinker Burning, Finishing Grinding and Utilities). P E Electrical EnergyProcess Energy 700 kCal/kg 60 kCal/kg Thermal SEC: kcal/ kg Clinker Electrical SEC: kcal/ kg Cement 90-85% from overall energy consumed in process cement production as whole and 10-15% share in electrical energy.
  • 4. Energy Efficiency in Cement Industry Case study Organization & Optimization Roadmap Energy Input Thermal Net Energy Electrical Net Energy Waste Energy Energy conversion efficiency (η): is the ratio between the useful output of an energy conversion and the input, in energy terms.
  • 5. Before Auditing Pre-audit step & Plant Rader Chart • Get management commitment. • Set energy policy, objectives and structure. • Plant status right image. Time Different types of positions require different kinds of selection techniques. Choosing the right techniques will help you to recruit the best person for the position. The selection techniques you choose will depend on the particular skills, attributes and knowledge required for the position. Tools & Techniques Energy Auditing is an inspection, survey and analysis of energy flows, for energy conservation in a process or system to reduce the amount of energy input into the system without negatively affecting the output(s). Audit is should be a periodic examination of an energy system to ensure that energy is being used as efficiently as can as possible.
  • 6. Energy Management Auditing Audit Roadmap: 1. Thermal efficiency 2. Electric efficiency 3. Alternative fuel use 4. Clinker substitution 5. Carbon capture and storage Step-by-step Auditing Roadmap
  • 7. WS TOSWOT A N A L Y S I S Make the most of your strengths STRENGTH Circumvent your weaknesses WEAKNESS Capitalize on your opportunities OPPORTUNITY Manage your threats THREAT SWOT Analysis in Energy Audit Post Audit Activities organization shall establish, implement and maintain documented energy objectives and targets at the relevant functions, levels, processes or facilities within the organization. Energy performance indicators The organization shall identify EnPIs appropriate for monitoring and measuring its energy performance. EnPIs shall be reviewed and compared to the energy baseline as appropriate. Abilities (S) Inabilities (W) Sr. Description Ranking Sr. Description Ranking x Strong industry base 1 2 3 4 5 x Lack of funds to take up new projects 1 2 3 4 5 Chances (O) Challenges (T) Sr. Description Ranking Sr. Description Ranking x Rising demand 1 2 3 4 5 x Rising Fuel Price 1 2 3 4 5
  • 8. Energy Audits International Standardizations IS/ISO 50002:2014 Energy audits -- Requirements with guidance for use ISO 50002 has been designed to complement ISO 50001, which focuses on the development of an energy management system. Other standards to look out for in the future include: • ISO 50003 on requirements for bodies providing audit and certification of energy management systems • ISO 50004 on guidance for the implementation, maintenance and improvement of an energy management system • ISO 50006 on measuring energy performance using energy baselines (EnB) and energy performance indicators (EnPI) • ISO 50015 on the measurement and verification of energy performance in organizations Audit Flow Chart according to ISO 50002
  • 9. Thermal Energy in Cement Industry Figure shows the typical thermal balance at one of cement plant. Some 80% of the inputted thermal energy is used for clinker burning, drying raw materials, drying coal and power generation, while 20% are in waste. • Reduce kiln exit gas losses. • Reduce moisture absorption. • Reduce dust in exhaust gases. • Lower clinker discharge temperature. • Lower clinker cooler stack temperature. • Reduce kiln radiation losses. • Reduce cold air leakage. • Optimize kiln operations. Basically, a number of operating and maintenance best practices and objectives should be implemented as basic operating principles for efficiency improvements, including: More than 50% from total input thermal energy goes on clinker formation zones and others between waste and drying raw materials & coal during grinding process. Temp. (°C) Process < 100 Drying, elimination of free water 100 to 400 Elimination of absorbed water 400 to 750 Decomposition of claw with formation of Meta-kaolinite 600 to 900 Decomposition of Meta-kaolinite to a mixture of free reactive oxides 600 -1000 Decomposition of limestone and formation of CS & CA 800 to 1300 Binding of lime by CA & CS with formation of C2S, C3S, C3A & C4AF 1250 to 1450 Further binding of lime by C2S to form C3S
  • 10. Thermal Waste Energy in Cement Industry Waste Energy Reduction Milestones Raw Meal Chemistry Cyclone Efficiency Fuel Optimization Radiation & convection Heat Loss Cooler Efficiency False Air Heat Balance Modeling A heat balance, simply stated, consists of compiling all the heat that is given to the kiln and then comparing this total to the total of thermal work done and heat losses that occur in the system. Whatever heat put into the kiln (INPUT) must be accounted for in one way or another by the heat that goes out of the system (OUTPUT). To do this requires actual testing of the system under normal operating conditions. Some plants have done this by means of very elaborate and sophisticated instruments, others have used average operating data from the kiln operator’s log to compile and calculate heat balances. Waste Energy Reduction Milestones There are considerable opportunities to improve energy efficiency and reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions across beverage sector operations. Milestones are frequently used to monitor the progress, but there are limitations to their effectiveness. They usually show progress only on the critical path, and ignore non-critical activities. It is common for resources to be moved from non-critical activities to critical activities to ensure that milestones are met. This gives the impression that the project is on schedule when actually some activities are being ignored.
  • 11. Waste Energy Reduction Milestones Raw Meal Chemistry 1 C3S = 4.071 CaO - 7.600 SiO2 - 6.718 Al2O3 - 1.430 Fe2O3 - 2.852 SO3 Required burning temperature T (°C) = 1300 +4.51 C3S + 3.74 C3A-12.64 C4AF Burnability factor % Free-lime1400 =0.33 (%LSFto100)+1.8 (S/R-2)+0.93Q+0.33C+0.34A Case Study Snapshot Cyclone Efficiency 2 Preheater dust losses depend on the efficiency of top stage cyclone. Modern cement plants are operating with top stage cyclone efficiency of about 95-97%. Raw meal to clinker factor = (1- (C x A)/104)/ (1- LOI/100) Kiln feed to clinker factor = Raw meal to clinker factor/ (1- DL/100) Case Study Snapshot Cyclone Efficiency Every 1.0 hPa Saving 103 to 129 kcal/t Cli. Dust Load Every 1.0 kg/wt/kg Cli. Saving 30 to 40 kcal/t Cli. Drying Calcining Sintering Raw Mill Moisture 5 to 6 % to be dried <1% Cal. Value 63 to 69 kcal/t Cli. % CaO Target 64 to 66 % Cal. Value 736 to 751 kcal/t Cli.
  • 12. Waste Energy Reduction Milestones Fuel Optimization 3 The minimizing excess air in rotary kiln without any formed of CO leads to improvement in the performance of the kiln and consequently leads to reduce the fuel energy consumption shorten and intensity the flame leads to reduce the fuel energy consumption. Furthermore, optimize kiln burner primary air is to consider as potential for decreasing of fuel energy consumption. Case Study Snapshot Best optimization style is the mathematical model which consists of the material balances and fuel specs that are expressed as equality constraints and product specification constraints that are expressed as inequality constraints to get the performed of the maximum TSR (Thermal Substitution Rate). Fuel Moisture 65 to 70 °C Losses 76.8 kg-oil/h + 29.3 kWh/h Excess Air 8,690 Nm3/h Losses 76.8 kg-oil/h + 29.3 kWh/h
  • 13. Waste Energy Reduction Milestones Radiation & convection Heat Loss 4 Heat loss through the shell of the kiln can be reduce by selecting the type of refractory which having lower thermal conductivity (high insulation brick). It also can be decrease by achieve a uniformity and stable coating inside the rotary kiln. This can be achieved by adjusting of the flame shape inside the kiln and by selecting a raw materials which having stable coating tendency by selecting appropriate module like LSF, SM and AM of raw materials. Case Study Snapshot Radiation Loss <45 kcal/kg Cli. for 4500tpd <60 kcal/kg Cli. for 3000tpd kcal/kg Cli. T1 T2 In case of excessive temperature increase its surface can deflect. High value of local deformations can cause problems with kiln's internal lining, shortening its durability. Thermal crank (shell temperature distribution) of main areas of stress that you should focus during kiln shell inspection.
  • 14. Waste Energy Reduction Milestones False Air6  Air leakage through an aperture of area A (m2) with pressure differential dP (mm H2O) can be approximately calculated from Volume (m3/hr) = 8900*A* dP0.5  Air leakage between 2 points in the kiln exhaust system can be determined by oxygen measurement False air (in terms of outlet) % = 100 (G2-G1)/(20.9-G2) Where G1 = initial O2 % 7& G2 = final O2 Case Study Snapshot False air @ kiln inlet 8,690 Nm3/h Losses 29 kWh/h + 15 Kcal/kg/h Cooler Efficiency 5 Faster cooling of clinker has the following effects;- • Smaller C3A crystals resulting in a more reactive and easier to grind clinker, producing faster cement setting times and improved early strengths. • Prevents the decomposition of C3S into C2S and (sub-microscopic) free lime, resulting in improved cement strength, compared to slow cooled clinker. • Increases the chances of other elements (eg Mg, Al, Fe etc) being trapped in the crystal structure of the clinker silicate minerals. Such chemical substitutions cause the clinker minerals to become more reactive during hydration, thus increasing strengths and shortening setting time. Case Study Snapshot Cooler Efficiency 70 to 74 % Saving 28 kcal/kg Cli. Cooler Efficiency 65 to 70 % Saving 48 kcal/kg Cli. Cooler Efficiency (η)= ((A-B)/A)*100 where A = Heat content of clinker leaving the kiln B = Heat losses of clinker cooler
  • 15. Waste Heat Recovery Energy Case Study Snapshot Depending on the humidity of the raw materials and the cooler technology, additional waste heat is available from the kiln gases (preheater exit gas) and the cooler exhaust air. Principally this heat can be used for the drying of other materials like slag or alternative fuels or for steam for electric power production.The generation of electrical power from waste heat recovery would reduce the electricity power bill through partially substituting the power procured from the national grid or power plant generation station. CAPEX ~ 13 M€ OPEX ~ 0.9 €/t cementWHR Power Generated ~ 37% Clinker production 1.5 million ton/year SHC for clinker production 3,120 MJ/t-clinker Power delivered to plant from WHR 56,041 MWh/year Total cement plant power consumption 151,035 MWh/year
  • 16. Electrical Energy in Cement Industry 5% 24% 6% 22% 38% 5% ELECTRICAL ENERGY CONSUMED BY PROCESS SECTION Raw Material Extraction & Belnding Raw Material Grinding Raw Material Homogenization Clinker Production Cement Production Conveying, Packing & Loading Energy Allocation Center (EAC)
  • 17. Electrical Waste Energy in Cement Industry Electrical energy consumption breakdown at a typical cement plant Optimizing all aspects of a plant lifecycle requires putting asset reliability on par with design and operational improvement efforts. Optimum reliability is defined as the ideal asset reliability threshold that will drive a higher return on capital employed and extend the life of existing assets. Grinding accounts for more than 60% of the electrical power demand during cement production while also being of greatest importance for the final product quality. With today’s and tomorrow’s challenges regarding energy and resource efficiency in mind, grinding within the cement industry has to be rethought. Equipment Performance Efficiency & Process Optimization
  • 18. Grinding Optimization Grindability (kWh/t) influenced by: There are many benefits for Mill load and throughput optimization which can be achieve:  Reduced number of mill stops  Increased output  Reduced specific power  Reduced quality variability  Material Components  Product fineness  Grinding system  Equipment Efficiency Vertical Mill Ball Mill Material Components 1 On milling plants fed by a segregated feed supply, such as a stockpile, the varying size and hardness of the mill feed material affects the residence time in the mill and the power drawn. Case Study Snapshot Coal 50 t/h (Mill Rated Capacity) Pet-Coke 36 t/h (Mill Rated Capacity) Separator Feed Size F80 127 to 180 mm Grindability 17 to 26 kwh/t
  • 19. Grinding Optimization Grinding system2 The plant grinding must be auditing technically/economically then applied decision between: • Expanding/Optimizing an existing system, or • Procuring a new grinding system Product fineness3 Cement fineness can be determined by various methods. So far, determination of the specific surface, for instance, according to the Blaine permeability method, has been commonly used. Equipment Efficiency4 Many parameters would have direct effect on net power consumption in grinding process like Mill status (Wear / Charge /Diaphragm), separator and system false air. Blaine 3500 to 4500 Grindability 19 to 25 kwh/t Case Study Snapshot Vertical/Ball Mill 30/50 kwh/t Grinding Aids 40 to 32 kwh/t Case Study Snapshot Ball wear/Mill Filling Deg. 24 to 28 % Power Cons. 39 to 32 kwh/t Case Study Snapshot Maintenance best practice must be done to confirm regularly grinding system efficiency.
  • 20. Power Quality How to interpret the results of a power quality site survey Power quality problems cause systems to malfunction, or worse — shut down. Here are tips to assess how much poor power quality could be costing you in 3 areas: I. Downtime: Forecast the revenue per hour your system produces and the costs of production. Determine whether the system’s delivery failure is damaging to your business. II. Equipment problems: Troubleshoot the issue’s root cause and figure actual costs. Remember that exact amounts might be hard to assess especially with complicated systems. III. Energy waste: Record your consumption patterns, load timing, power factor penalties and peak demand charges to know your energy loss and its costs. The key to success in power quality measurement and analysis can be attributed to success in three key areas. Set goals and plan the survey by reviewing power quality one-line diagrams to determine points to monitor. Learn the functions and features of the test equipment and how to use it to capture the needed values. Main Drives/Transformers Efficient Power Factor Power Balancing THD Level Earthing/Grounding
  • 21. Alternative fuel use Alternative fuels, including a high proportion of waste products, are increasingly being used and now represent almost a third of all fuels in the cement industry. Cement production is ideal for the uptake of waste such as tyres, sludge, sawdust and other types of waste. The unique process and energy requirements of the cement industry enable use of fuel mixes that would not be suitable for many other industries. This ability to mix fossil fuels like coal or gas with waste materials, biomass and industrial by-products is beneficial both from a resource efficiency and security of supply point of view. The integrated considerations of ecological-economical aspects during use of alternative fuels: 1. Suitability of cement kilns for the combustion of secondary fuels. 2. Special features of secondary fuels. 3. Adaptation of combustion to suit requirements of co-processing. 4. Possibilities and limits of co-processing in clinker production. 5. Process optimization. The utilisation of alternative calcium-containing raw materials which are already de-carbonated offers a chance to reduce process-related CO2 emissions from the de-carbonation of raw materials as well as CO2 emissions from the fuel required for de-carbonation.
  • 22. Variety of alternative fuels Characteristics Fuel Lower heat value (GJ/DT) Moisture or Water content (%) Ash Content (%) C content (% by dry wt) Carbon Emissions Factor (Ton C/ ton of fuel) Agriculture Biomass Rice Husk 13.2 – 16.2 10 20.6 38.80 0.35 Wheat Straw 15.8 – 18.2 7.3 – 14.2 4.5 – 8.9 44.9 – 48.8 0.42 Corn Stover 15.4 9.41 – 35 3.2 – 7.4 42.5 0.28 Sugarcane Leaves 15.8 <15 7.7 39.8 0.34 Waste Wood 15.5 – 17.4 33.3 0.9 50 0.33 – 0.49 Animal Waste 16 – 19 15 - 34 0.29 Dewatered Sewage Sludge 10.5 – 29 75 21.8 30 – 53.92 0.21 – 0.39 Petroleum-Based waste Tires 27.8 – 37.1 0.3 - - 0.56 Waste Oils 21.6 5 - 46 0.44 Polypropylene 46 2.1 27.4 71 0.7 Petroleum Coke (Petcoke) 18.9 – 33.7 0.4 0.5 – 1.0 82 – 87 0.5 – 0.9
  • 23. Alternative fuels Case Study Snapshot HOTDISC
  • 24. Clinker Substitution Innovation and quality optimisation remain key objectives for the cement industry. The currently acquisition of modern plant and processes allows to produce highly quality- assured cementitious products. State-of-the-art online sampling combined with X-ray fluorescence (XRF) and quantitative X-ray diffraction (XRD) enable to remain at the forefront in terms of product quality and consistency. Clinker can be blended with a range of alternative materials, including pozzolana, finely ground limestone and waste materials or industrial by- products. The clinker-to-cement ratio (percentage of clinker compared to other non- clinker components) has an impact on the properties of cement so standards determine the type and proportion of alternative main constituents that can be used. There are a number of factors that can limit the use of alternative cementitious materials as a clinker substitute, including: availability, physical and chemical properties, national standards and building codes and market acceptance. National/International Standards Guide  ES 4756 -1 :2013  BS EN 197 -1 :2011 PhysicalTest Fineness m2/kg - ChemicalAnalysis SiO2 - SO3 - Setting time Minutes Initial - IR - LOI - Final AI2O3 - C3A - Comprehensive Strength (Mpa) 2 days - Fe2O3 - Cl ¯ - 7 days - CaO - Na2O - 28 days - MgO -  ASTM C150 / C150M to 17  AS 3972-2010
  • 25. Alternative Cementitious Materials Clinker substitute Source Positive Characteristics Limiting Characteristics Limestone Quarries Improved Workability Maintaining strength may require additional power for grinding clinker Fly ash Flue gases from coal-fired furnaces Lower water demand, improved workability, higher long term strength, better durability Lower early strength, availability may be reduced by change in fuel sources by the power sector Ground blast furnace slag Iron or steel production Higher long term strength and improved chemical resistance Lower early strength and higher electric power demand for grinding Natural pozzolana, rice husk ash, silica fume Volcanoes, some sedimentary rocks, other industries Demonstrate better workability, higher long term strength and improved chemical resistance Most natural pozzolana lead to reduced early strength, cement properties may vary significantly Artificial Pozzolana Specific Manufacture Similar to natural pozzolana Calcination requires extra thermal energy and so reduces positive CO2 abatement effect Source: ECRA Technology Papers (2009)
  • 26. Alternative Cementitious Materials A list of credentials that should addressed when examining the sustainability of a material is provided: • Energy required to produce the material. • CO2 emissions resulting from the material’s manufacture. • Toxicity of the material. • Transportation of the material during its manufacturing and delivery. • Degree of pollution resulting from the material at the end of its useful life. • Maintenance required and the materials required for maintenance. • Lifetime of the material and its potential for reuse if the building is demolished. A Wayne State University researcher has developed a novel method to make sustainable Hybrid Green Cements (HGC) from low cost minerals and waste minerals such as coal, ash, bio-mass ash, or mine tailings. Key issues that the researcher has identified include optimal ranges of hybrid mix compositions, processing, and curing conditions. Several parallel novel cement types are being developed including: • Magnesium silicates rather than limestone (calcium carbonate). • Calcium sulfo-aluminate belite binders. • A mixture of calcium and magnesium carbonates and calcium and magnesium hydroxides. • New production techniques, using an autoclave instead of a kiln and a special activation grinding that requires far less heat and reduces process emissions. • Dolomite rock rapidly calcined in superheated steam, using a separate CO2-scrubbing system to capture emissions. • Geo-polymers using by-products from the power industry (fly ash, bottom ash), steel industry (blast-furnace slag), and concrete to make alkali-activated cements. • Geo-polymer cements have been commercialised in small-scale facilities, but have not yet been used for large-scale applications.
  • 27. Carbon capture and storage (CCS) Producing one tonne of cement releases an estimated 0.73 to 0.99 t CO2 depending on the clinker-per-cement ratio and other factors. A major difference between the cement industry and most other industries is that fuel consumption is not the dominant driver of CO2 emissions. More than 50 percent of the CO2 released during cement manufacture, or approximately 540 kilograms (kg) CO2 per t of clinker (WBCSD 2009), is from calcination, in which CaCO3 is transformed into lime (CaO) in the following reaction: CaCO3 + Heat ➝ CaO + CO2 There is global agreement to reduce emissions and limit increases in temperatures to two degrees Celsius by 2100, with the need to stem the peak in emissions as soon as possible. Carbon capture and storage (CCS) uses a group of known technologies to capture, transport and store carbon emissions from fossil fuel power plants and energy intensive industries like cement, steel and chemical production.
  • 28. Carbon Capture technologies Post-process capture: CO2 is separated from a mixture of gases at the end of the production process, for instance from combustion flue gases. This route is referred to as post-combustion capture in industrial applications. Oxy-fuel combustion: Pure (or nearly pure) oxygen is used in place of air in the combustion process to yield a flue gas of high-concentration CO2. Oxy-fuel technology is now being demonstrated at small-scale power plants, so results obtained may be helpful to future cement kilns. Inherent separation: Important levers for decreasing emissions which can done by reducing the clinker content of cement, use of alternative raw materials/fuels and finding alternative ways of producing clinker like R&D in low-carbon cement. Pre-process capture: in which fuel is reacted with oxygen and steam to produce a mixture of CO2 and H2, Co2 separated and H2 used as a fuel. Mainly uses to capture fuel-derived CO2 not the larger quantity of CO2 from decomposition of carbonate minerals.
  • 29. Capture technologies: R&D, well understood but expensive Post-Combustion: Tail-end separation of CO2 from flue gas by e.g. chemical absorption, adsorption, membranes or Ca-looping. • A very energy-intensive technology. • Important projects: Norcem‘s Brevik project & CEMCAP. Oxy-fuel Technology: Combustion with pure oxygen instead of air in combination with flue gas recirculation to increase CO2 concentration. • Requires process and design adaptations. • Important projects: ECRA , LafargeHolcim/ AirLiquide/ FLSmidth and CEMCAP. Case Study Snapshot CAPEX ~ 10 €/t cement OPEX ~ 35 €/t cementCO2 capture rate ~ 90%
  • 30. Turning CO2 into a Valuable Asset CO2 to methane using H2 By adding carbon dioxide to waste to give it commercial value. It’s solution called Accelerated Carbonation Technology (ACT) that is a rapid, cost-effective treatment suitable for soil and waste. Examples of wastes that have been successfully treated: Slag (from steel manufacture), MSWI ashes (bottom ash and APC residues), Galligu (from soap manufacture), Soils contaminated with pyrotechnics waste, Water treatment sludge and Quarry fines. CO2 to light weight aggregates By adding carbon dioxide to waste to give it commercial value. It’s solution called Accelerated Carbonation Technology (ACT) that is a rapid, cost-effective treatment suitable for soil and waste. Examples of wastes that have been successfully treated: Slag (from steel manufacture), MSWI ashes (bottom ash and APC residues), Galligu (from soap manufacture), Soils contaminated with pyrotechnics waste, Water treatment sludge and Quarry fines. Curbing emissions by 2050 will require a new greenfield and brownfield investments for CO2 capture-ready plants. These decisions have clear short term economic and political implications that must be carefully evaluated by all stakeholders and one of goals that is supported by The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in the Paris Agreement. 1.5 to 2 degrees Celsius Scenario >>>> USD 100 billion per year
  • 31. Specific Energy Consumption Optimization There are many reasons to integrate Lean, energy efficiency and reduction efforts including: Cost Savings: Reducing energy costs has a significant impact on business performance, though costs may be hidden in overhead or facility accounts. Environmental Risk: Proactively addressing the environmental status and climate impacts of energy use is increasingly important to industry and society. Failure to do so is a potential business risk. Competitive Advantage: Lowering recurring operating costs, improving staff morale, and responding to customer expectations for environmental performance and energy efficiency increases your competitive advantage. Lean Concept and Energy Efficiency  Your Vision for processes, policies, plans, practices and services that meet the diverse needs must be KISS and SMART rule.  Plants are powered by People before any energy input. That is why you must shared responsibility and employee understanding of how their decisions impact the bottom line are critical.  There are a lot of great Approaches to explore in lean, Many of these tools can be successfully used in isolation, which makes it much easier to get started. On the other hand, the benefits will compound as more tools are used, as they do support and reinforce each other.
  • 32. LEAN ENERGY MANAGEMENT Reduce the energy use could be done through some of lean activities such as the following: Energy Efficiencies: Look at your plant’s equipment to see if there are opportunities to improve . Energy Kaizen Events: Identify and implement employee ideas for saving energy and reducing wastes through rapid process improvement events. Total Productive Maintenance (TPM): Incorporate energy reduction best practices into day-to-day autonomous maintenance activities to ensure that equipment and processes run smoothly and efficiently. Right-Sized Equipment: Identify and replace oversized and inefficient equipment with smaller equipment tailored to the specific needs of manufacturing cells. Plant Layout and Flow: Design or rearrange plant layout to improve product flow while also reducing energy use and associated impacts. Standard Work, Visual Controls, Employee Engagement and Mistake-Proofing: Sustain and support additional Lean and energy performance gains through standardized work, procedures and visual signals that encourage energy conservation, and by making it easy or “mistake-proof” to be energy efficient.
  • 33. Energy Management Information Systems There are three basic ways to lower the unit cost of production: 1. Cut costs while holding production capacity constant. 2. Increase production while holding costs constant. 3. Reduce cost and increase production simultaneously.
  • 34. Energy Management Information System Energy Management Information Systems (EMIS) can enable significant energy savings, often with rapid payback. Businesses are continually learning how to apply these technologies which include advanced energy information systems, benchmarking and utility tracking tools, equipment-specific fault detection and diagnostic systems and automated system optimization. EMIS Features Example: True Enterprise: Data quality assurance, data warehouse, web framework. Web Portal: Personalized dashboards, key performance indicators, charts, trends, real-time conditions. Reporting Engine: Rich and customized content, support for complex data and graphics, scheduled distribution. Trend Analysis: Advanced visualization, dimensional analysis, prediction, statistical roll-ups. Energy Modelling: Regression analysis, normalization, correlation, integration of all relevant drivers and contextual data. Bill Analysis: Built-in rate engine with rate wizard. Emissions Reporting: Reports on energy-related emissions from direct and indirect sources, aggregates all locations, breakdowns by fuel type, compares performance of business units, regions, buildings, facilities, departments. Cost Allocation: Allocates energy costs for all utility types to cost centre's’, departments, production lines, or for user-defined time periods. Power quality analysis: Wide-area event monitoring, classification, filtering, correlation. Integration: Import data for all consumed utilities (water, air, gas, electricity, steam), emissions, production or business process data from enterprise system databases (e.g. metering, BAC, ERP); export data to other enterprise business or automation systems.
  • 35. Specific Energy Consumption Optimization opportunities Shortly:  Identify tasks that require significant time to complete, but that add little or no value; eliminate them.  Identify bottlenecks in your system; rearrange workflow to eliminate the bottlenecks.  Set and measure your starting costs.  Make implement your changes in operating procedure.  Monitor your results by whatever metric will measure efficient and productivity, including financial costs.  Identify which of your changes are working and which aren't.  Refine your changes; rinse and repeat. Source: Institute for Industrial Productivity, Industrial Energy Technology Database
  • 36. Operational Performance Optimization OpEx Effective Data Management Rapid Problem- Solving Capabilities KPI Hierarchies Management Batch Examination Continuous Improvement Platform Smart Strategy
  • 37. Operational Performance Optimization Effective Data Management Rapid Problem-Solving Capabilities KPI Hierarchies Management Users spend 50% of their problem- solving time just collecting and preparing the data. In many cases, users report that it takes hours, if not days to perform these tasks. Automation can play a significant role in completing those tasks and others in the analysis workflows by supplementing the skills of users with best practice- based approaches to data conditioning. This is an area that receives little attention in the plans of many companies. Time is money. That’s especially true in the process industries where every minute of sub-par performance is an unrecoverable loss. The ability to rapidly hone in on root causes and take effective corrective action can mean the difference between minor and major losses due to a production disruption. Your manufacturing execution system (MES) infrastructure should have the ability to capture unstructured data, such as comments and annotations from production staff to provide context to support raw process data. You can’t improve what you don’t measure. It’s a philosophy that’s drilled into our heads in engineering classes and reinforced with lessons learned on the job. Measurement is not easy. Instruments drift. Communication links fail. Benchmarking assets across the enterprise can allow plants to better track and improve plant performance. An effective asset management program uses benchmarks to identify poor performing assets, and perhaps more importantly, to identify star performers and demonstrate the highest achievable levels of performance for an asset class.
  • 38. Operational Performance Optimization Batch Examination Continuous Improvement Platform SMART Strategy Effective batch analysis depends on the ability to capture, align and analyse information with complete context. Understanding batch variability—over time, within batch and batch-to-batch—can be improved through batch overlay capabilities. Your analytics model should provide the ability to create alarms for significant batch deviations that may lead to poor product quality, while correlating process behaviours, with product characteristics in your best batches, should provide the ability to consistently produce an excellent product. The tools for routine reporting are very different than those needed for ad hoc problem solving. The Lean Enterprise Institute has a nice, concise description of the differences between ad hoc problem solving and lean daily management. Toyota Way brought the concept to a wider audience, says the philosophy comes down to four Ps: 1. Philosophy: Think long-term. 2. Process: Eliminate waste in value streams. 3. People: Develop, grow and challenge employees. 4. Problem-solving: Engage employees in continuous learning. SMART is the acronym Francis T. Hartman, coined for his style of management: ■ SM = Strategically Managed ■ A = Aligned ■ R = Regenerative work environment ■ T = Transitional management. SMART is a way to work at the serious business of getting projects done. It focuses on the goals while letting team members create innovative solutions. Be smart and keep it simple as can as possible.
  • 39. World Class Certification Rewards A profession indicates that the application of knowledge, processes, skills, tools, and techniques can have a significant impact on project success. Management Any decision making will upon your examination results which will be the drivers of the performance roadmap. So, it is very important to be sure that is your examination style performed in correct, efficient and right way. Examination Formulation, publication, and implementation of guidelines, rules, and specifications for common and repeated use, aimed at achieving optimum degree of order or uniformity in a given context, discipline, or field. Standardization Value Improving/Best Practices in conjunction with a systematic Management Process can help achieve World Class Performance. Implementation of these practices can optimize cost, schedule, performance and safety aspects of any project. World Class Certification ENERGY STAR Plant The Energy Performance Indicator (EPI) of Energy Star Plant will help your company improve its energy efficiency by comparing your energy performance to similar cement manufacturing plants in the U.S. The spreadsheet includes instructions for using the EPI, a State of Energy Performance form, and a Facility Performance Report. Manufacturing plants that earn a 75 or higher using this EPI are eligible to earn the ENERGY STAR certification for superior energy performance.
  • 40. All References available, Be In Touch March 2018