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International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering and Technology (IJARET), ISSN 0976 –
6480(Print), ISSN 0976 – 6499(Online) Volume 5, Issue 3, March (2014), pp. 81-88, © IAEME
Parthraj R. Puranik1
, Rajnikant R. Parmar2
, Pritesh P. Rana3
(Department of Textile Manufacturing Technology, Dr. S. & S. S. Ghandhy College of Engineering
& Technology, Majura Gate, Surat, Gujarat-395001, India.
(Department of Textile Manufacturing Technology, Dr. S. & S. S. Ghandhy College of Engineering
& Technology, Majura Gate, Surat, Gujarat-395001, India.
(Department of Textile Design, Government Polytechnic for Girls, Athwa Gate, Surat,
Gujarat-395001, India.
Noise or unwanted sound is perceived as disturbing and annoying in many fields of life. This
can be observed in private as well as in working environments. Noise control and its principles play a
major role in creating an acoustically pleasing environment. This can be achieved when the intensity
of sound is brought down to a level that is not harmful to human ears. One of the techniques to
achieve pleasing environment is by absorbing sound. Fibrous and porous materials have been
accepted as sound absorptive materials. This paper reviews and describes how the different fiber
parameters, surface treatment, film covering, forming process, physical parameters, etc. of materials
influence the absorption behavior.
Keywords: Acoustics, Air Flow Resistance, Porosity, Sound Absorption Coefficient,
Sound Absorptive Materials, Tortuosity.
Now-a-days the level of sound in our nearby environment is rising steadily leading to noise
pollution. Noise pollution is the disturbing or excessive noise that may harm the activity or balance
of any living bodies. The fundamental reason for noise pollution is that human society depends on
many different machines and tools, most of them are quite noisy. These include aircrafts, road
vehicles, ventilation systems in buildings, outboard engines, lawn movers, household machines,
industrial machines and tools, etc.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), noise has become serious environment
pollution in our daily life. Noise can have adverse effects like hearing loss, sleep disturbances,
ISSN 0976 - 6480 (Print)
ISSN 0976 - 6499 (Online)
Volume 5, Issue 3, March (2014), pp. 81-88
© IAEME: www.iaeme.com/ijaret.asp
Journal Impact Factor (2014): 7.8273 (Calculated by GISI)
© I A E M E
International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering and Technology (IJARET), ISSN 0976 –
6480(Print), ISSN 0976 – 6499(Online) Volume 5, Issue 3, March (2014), pp. 81-88, © IAEME
tiredness, cardiovascular and psycho-physiological problems, performance reduction, annoyance
responses and adverse social behaviour. According to Occupational Safety & Health Administration
(OSHA), the permissible level of noise in industrial environment is 90dB per shift. But in most of the
industries, the level of noise is much higher than the permissible limit. Therefore unwanted and
uncontrolled noise should be reduced by using noise absorbing system.
There are various noise controlling methods available, among them noise control using textile
materials has emerged as an excellent alternative to conventional methods. Textile material is often
used as a passive absorber due to its inherent sound dampening qualities as a porous material. The
sound absorbing materials are called acoustic material.
The human life is surrounded by noisy elements in indoor, outdoor and service area. A noise
system can be broken down into three elements:
• Noise source – The element which disturbs the air
• Noise path – The medium through which the acoustic energy propagates from one point to
• Noise receiver – The person who could potentially complain about the quantity or level of
noise as perceived at same point.
It is necessary to treat at least one element in the noise system if the level of the noise is to be
reduced. Treatment of the noise path is conceptually the simplest and the most common approach to
a localized noise problem. The approach is to place the material in the path of the noise, so that the
level of noise at the receiver is reduced. In general four basic principles are employed to reduce
noise: Isolation, Absorption, Vibration isolation and Vibration damping.
Sound absorption is an energy conversion process. The kinetic energy of the sound (air) is
converted to heat energy when the sound strikes the cells or fibers. Hence, the sound disappears after
striking the material due to its conversion into heat, as shown in Fig. 1.
Figure 1: Mechanism of Sound Absorption
International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering a
6480(Print), ISSN 0976 – 6499(Online) Volume 5, Issue
The absorption of sound results from the dissipation of acoustic energy to heat. When sound
enters porous materials, owing to sound pressure, air molecules oscillate in the interstices of the
porous material with the frequency of the exciting sound wave. This oscillation results in frictional
losses. A change in the flow direction of sound waves, together with expansion and contraction
phenomenon of flow through irregular pores, results in a loss of momentum.
sound, air molecules in the pores undergo periodic compression and relaxation. This results in
change of temperature. Because of long time, large surface to volume ratios and high heat
conductivity of fibers, heat exchange takes place
in the high frequency region compression takes place adiabatically. In the frequency region between
these isothermal and adiabatic compression, the heat exchange results in loss of sound energy. This
loss is high in fibrous materials if the sound propagates parallel to the plane of fibers and may
account up to 40% sound attenuation
The more fibrous a material is the better the absorption; conversely denser materials are less
absorptive. The sound absorbing c
frequency. In general low frequency sounds are very difficult to absorb because of their long
wavelength. On the other hand, we are less susceptible to low frequency sounds.
There are various parameters that influence the sound absorption properties of fibrous
materials or nonwoven fabrics, as shown in Fig. 2.
Figure 2: Sound Absorption Properties of Nonwoven
International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering and Technology (IJARET), ISSN 0976
6499(Online) Volume 5, Issue 3, March (2014), pp. 81-88, © IAEME
The absorption of sound results from the dissipation of acoustic energy to heat. When sound
enters porous materials, owing to sound pressure, air molecules oscillate in the interstices of the
with the frequency of the exciting sound wave. This oscillation results in frictional
losses. A change in the flow direction of sound waves, together with expansion and contraction
phenomenon of flow through irregular pores, results in a loss of momentum. Owing to exciting of
sound, air molecules in the pores undergo periodic compression and relaxation. This results in
change of temperature. Because of long time, large surface to volume ratios and high heat
conductivity of fibers, heat exchange takes place isothermally at low frequencies. At the same time
in the high frequency region compression takes place adiabatically. In the frequency region between
these isothermal and adiabatic compression, the heat exchange results in loss of sound energy. This
s high in fibrous materials if the sound propagates parallel to the plane of fibers and may
account up to 40% sound attenuation
The more fibrous a material is the better the absorption; conversely denser materials are less
absorptive. The sound absorbing characteristics of acoustical materials vary significantly with
frequency. In general low frequency sounds are very difficult to absorb because of their long
wavelength. On the other hand, we are less susceptible to low frequency sounds.
There are various parameters that influence the sound absorption properties of fibrous
materials or nonwoven fabrics, as shown in Fig. 2.
Sound Absorption Properties of Nonwoven
nd Technology (IJARET), ISSN 0976 –
The absorption of sound results from the dissipation of acoustic energy to heat. When sound
enters porous materials, owing to sound pressure, air molecules oscillate in the interstices of the
with the frequency of the exciting sound wave. This oscillation results in frictional
losses. A change in the flow direction of sound waves, together with expansion and contraction
Owing to exciting of
sound, air molecules in the pores undergo periodic compression and relaxation. This results in
change of temperature. Because of long time, large surface to volume ratios and high heat
isothermally at low frequencies. At the same time
in the high frequency region compression takes place adiabatically. In the frequency region between
these isothermal and adiabatic compression, the heat exchange results in loss of sound energy. This
s high in fibrous materials if the sound propagates parallel to the plane of fibers and may
The more fibrous a material is the better the absorption; conversely denser materials are less
haracteristics of acoustical materials vary significantly with
frequency. In general low frequency sounds are very difficult to absorb because of their long
There are various parameters that influence the sound absorption properties of fibrous
International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering and Technology (IJARET), ISSN 0976 –
6480(Print), ISSN 0976 – 6499(Online) Volume 5, Issue 3, March (2014), pp. 81-88, © IAEME
1.1 Fiber Parameters
i. Fiber Size
An increase in sound absorption coefficient with a decrease in fiber diameter is reported. This
is because, thin fibers can move more easily than thick fibers on sound waves. A study showed that
fine denier fibers ranging from 1.5 - 6 dpf perform better acoustically than coarse denier fibers.
Moreover it has been reported that, micro denier fibers (< 1 dpf) provide an increase in acoustical
ii. Fiber Type
The effect of fiber type on sound absorption is hard to detect as it is often accompanied by
differences in fiber size and shape. Nonwovens made of acrylic and cotton fibers perform better
compared to those made of polyester fibers in the medium and high frequency range, i.e. above
1000Hz. Surface properties of fibers also play an important role. Untreated Kenaf had a negative
effect on the noise reduction performance compared to polyester and reclaimed polyester fibers
however, this effect is less pronounced in high frequencies.
iii. Fibre Cross-section
There is a direct correlation between sound absorption and fiber surface area. A study
explained the fact that friction between fibers and air increases with fiber surface area resulting in a
higher sound absorption. Moreover it has been said that, in the frequency range 1125Hz – 5000Hz,
fibers with serrated cross-sections (e.g. Kenaf) absorb more sound compared to ones with round
cross-sections. Manmade fibers are available in various cross sectional shapes for instance: hollow,
trilobal, pentalobal and other novel shapes like 4DG fibers. 4DG fibers have cross sections with
several deep grooves that run along the length of the fiber as shown in Fig. 3.
(a) (b) (c) (d)
Figure 3: Different cross-sectional shapes: (a) Trilobal, (b) Hollow, (c) Multilobal, (d) 4DG
iv. Fiber Blend
Comparing the sound absorption coefficient of nonwovens made up of cotton- polypropylene,
flax-polypropylene and hemp-polypropylene blends for automotive applications, it was found that
cotton-polypropylene blend showed higher sound absorption compared to other blends, probably due
to the higher fineness of cotton fibers as compared to flax and hemp.
1.2 Process Parameters
i. Web Formation
In one of the research, higher value of airflow resistance was recorded due to random
orientation of fibres as compared to aligned fibres of carded web. A random web of fibre creates
more tortuous channels which increases sound absorption.
International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering and Technology (IJARET), ISSN 0976 –
6480(Print), ISSN 0976 – 6499(Online) Volume 5, Issue 3, March (2014), pp. 81-88, © IAEME
Random arrangement of fibres produce samples with small pores and a higher number of
fibre to fibre contact points which leads to better sound absorption.
ii. Web Bonding
In a study it was found that the needled and needled with thermally bonded samples did not
show much variation in sound absorption properties.
1.3 Physical Parameters
i. Thickness
Numerous studies that dealt with sound absorption in porous materials have concluded that
low frequency sound absorption has direct relationship with thickness. The effective sound
absorption of a porous absorber is achieved when the material thickness is about one tenth of the
wavelength of the incident sound. Peak absorption occurs at a resonant frequency of one quarter
wavelength of the incident sound (ignoring compliance effect). A study showed the increase of
sound absorption only at low frequencies, as the material gets thicker. However, at higher
frequencies thickness has insignificant effect on sound absorption. When there is air space inside and
behind the material, the maximum value of the sound absorption coefficient moves from the high to
the low frequency range.
ii. Density
Density of a material is often considered to be the important factor that governs the sound
absorption behavior of the material. At the same time, cost of an acoustical material is directly
related to its density. A study showed the increase of sound absorption value in the middle and
higher frequency as the density of the sample increased. The number of fibers increases per unit area
when the apparent density is large. Energy loss increases as the surface friction increases, thus the
sound absorption coefficient increases. Less dense and more open structure absorbs sound of low
frequencies (500Hz). Denser structure performs better for frequencies above than 2000Hz.
iii. Airflow Resistance
One of the most important qualities that influence the sound absorbing characteristics of a
nonwoven material is the specific flow resistance per unit thickness of the material. The
characteristic impedance and propagation constant, which describes the acoustical properties of
porous materials, are governed to a great extent by flow resistance of the material. Fibers
interlocking in nonwovens are the frictional elements that provide resistance to acoustic wave
motion. In general, when sound enters these materials, its amplitude is decreased by friction as the
waves try to move through the tortuous passages. Thus the acoustic energy is converted into heat.
iv. Porosity
Number, size and type of pores are the important factors that one should consider while
studying sound absorption mechanism in porous materials. To allow sound dissipation by friction,
the sound wave has to enter the porous material. This means, there should be enough pores on the
surface of the material for the sound to pass through and get dampened. The porosity of a porous
material is defined as the ratio of the volume of the voids in the material to its total volume. In
designing a nonwoven web to have a high sound absorption coefficient, porosity should increase
along the propagation of the sound wave.
International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering and Technology (IJARET), ISSN 0976 –
6480(Print), ISSN 0976 – 6499(Online) Volume 5, Issue 3, March (2014), pp. 81-88, © IAEME
v. Tortuosity
Tortuosity is a measure of the elongation of the passage way through the pores, compared to
the thickness of the sample. Tortuosity describes the influence of the internal structure of a material
on its acoustical properties. Tortuosity is measure of how far the pores deviate from the normal. It
was mainly affects the location of the quarter wavelength peaks, whereas porosity and flow
resistivity affect the height and width of the peaks. It has also been said by the value of tortuosity
determines the high frequency behavior of sound absorbing porous materials.
vi. Compression
Compression of fibrous mats decreases the sound absorption properties. Under compression
the various fibers in the mat are brought nearer to each other without any deformation. This
compression results in a decrease of thickness. More interestingly, other physical variation occurs
during compression. Compression resulted in an increase in tortuosity and airflow resistivity and a
decrease of porosity and thermal characteristic length. Despite these physical parameter variations in
the compressed material, it stated that the reason for a drop in sound absorption value is mainly due
to a decrease in sample thickness.
vii. Air Gap
One of the research stated that, for the same amount of material, it is much better to have an
air gap behind the layer. The creation of air gap increases sound absorption in mid and higher
frequencies. Moreover, maxima peak for different air gap is different. This indicates that there is an
optimum value for an air gap beyond which there is not much influence seen in sound absorption
1.4 Other Parameters
i. Flame Retardant Treatment
In one of the studies, nonwovens prepared from flame retardant treated Kenaf fibres and
untreated Kenaf fibres were compared for sound absorption for properties. It was found that the
flame retardant Kenaf nonwoven showed a positive influence on sound absorption. This may be
because the treatment of Kenaf fibres with flame retardant might change its fibre structure in such a
way that it absorbs sound better than untreated Kenaf fibres. Also the treatment might increase the
surface voids on the fibre which might entrap the sound.
ii. Film Coverings
Perforated screens, woven fabrics and films are used to cover the porous and fibrous sound
absorbing materials in order to prevent the material from detrimental environments or to meet the
aesthetic performances. Sometimes these coverings are used to prevent the fall of fibers from
product. Films are highly reflective to the sound waves and thus have a dramatic influence on
absorptive properties of porous or fibrous materials.
The film attached samples when placed in such a way that film is at the rear side of sound
always performs better at all frequencies than sample without film. This is due to the reflective
phenomenon of sound waves by the film which makes the sound waves to pass through the material
twice, resulting in better absorbency. At the same time, the influence of film when attached to the
rear end of thicker absorbing material is less, which might be due to the larger amount of sound
absorption by porous part before the sound hits the film of the porous material.
When film side of the sample is facing sound, absorption peak reaches its maximum till
certain frequency and then drops down. Reason for this type of sound absorption might be due to the
resonance effect of film.
International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering and Technology (IJARET), ISSN 0976 –
6480(Print), ISSN 0976 – 6499(Online) Volume 5, Issue 3, March (2014), pp. 81-88, © IAEME
When comparing two films: PVC and Aluminum for sound absorption properties, samples
attached with Al film shows better results which might be due to the effect of physical properties of
film like thickness, stiffness and bonding of film to the material.
iii. Placement of Acoustic Material
It has been reported that if several types of absorbers are used, it is desirable to place some of
each type on ends, sides and ceilings so that all 3 axial modes will come under their influence. In
rectangular rooms it has been demonstrated that absorbing material placed near corners and along
edges of room surfaces is most effective. In speech studios, some absorbents that are effective at
higher audio frequencies should be applied at head height on the walls. In fact, material applied to
the lower portions of high walls can be twice as effective as the same material placed elsewhere.
In addition to the above properties, a sound absorbing material should also satisfy the
following properties:
a) Structural and architectural: appearance, decorative effect, light reflectivity, maintainability,
durability, etc.
b) Environmental: exposure, solvents, vibration, dirt, oil and grease, corrosive materials, erosive
conditions, etc.
c) Regulatory: Restrictions on lead‐bearing materials in food and drug areas, restriction on
materials contacting food and drug products, requirements for disinfection/cleaning, firebreak
requirements, ducts, shafts etc., restriction on shedding fibers, requirements for anchoring
equipment and guarding equipment.
From the above discussion, following conclusions can be drawn:
• The surface area and fibre size have significant influence on sound absorption properties.
Higher surface area and lower fibre size increases sound absorption.
• Using various fibres and their blends, one can enhance sound absorption properties.
• Random fibre orientation gives better sound absorbency due to small pores and higher number
of fibre to fibre contact points.
• Thicker, less dense and more open structure, absorbs sound of low frequencies (500Hz),
denser structure performs better for frequencies above 2000Hz.
• Increase in air gap, porosity, air flow resistance and tortuosity value results in better sound
absorption. On the other hand, material compression adversely affects sound absorption.
• Flame retardant treatment, type and position of film covering and placement of acoustic
material have a significant effect on sound absorption properties.
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  • 1. International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering and Technology (IJARET), ISSN 0976 – 6480(Print), ISSN 0976 – 6499(Online) Volume 5, Issue 3, March (2014), pp. 81-88, © IAEME 81 NONWOVEN ACOUSTIC TEXTILES – A REVIEW Parthraj R. Puranik1 , Rajnikant R. Parmar2 , Pritesh P. Rana3 1 (Department of Textile Manufacturing Technology, Dr. S. & S. S. Ghandhy College of Engineering & Technology, Majura Gate, Surat, Gujarat-395001, India. 2 (Department of Textile Manufacturing Technology, Dr. S. & S. S. Ghandhy College of Engineering & Technology, Majura Gate, Surat, Gujarat-395001, India. 3 (Department of Textile Design, Government Polytechnic for Girls, Athwa Gate, Surat, Gujarat-395001, India. ABSTRACT Noise or unwanted sound is perceived as disturbing and annoying in many fields of life. This can be observed in private as well as in working environments. Noise control and its principles play a major role in creating an acoustically pleasing environment. This can be achieved when the intensity of sound is brought down to a level that is not harmful to human ears. One of the techniques to achieve pleasing environment is by absorbing sound. Fibrous and porous materials have been accepted as sound absorptive materials. This paper reviews and describes how the different fiber parameters, surface treatment, film covering, forming process, physical parameters, etc. of materials influence the absorption behavior. Keywords: Acoustics, Air Flow Resistance, Porosity, Sound Absorption Coefficient, Sound Absorptive Materials, Tortuosity. INTRODUCTION Now-a-days the level of sound in our nearby environment is rising steadily leading to noise pollution. Noise pollution is the disturbing or excessive noise that may harm the activity or balance of any living bodies. The fundamental reason for noise pollution is that human society depends on many different machines and tools, most of them are quite noisy. These include aircrafts, road vehicles, ventilation systems in buildings, outboard engines, lawn movers, household machines, industrial machines and tools, etc. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), noise has become serious environment pollution in our daily life. Noise can have adverse effects like hearing loss, sleep disturbances, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED RESEARCH IN ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY (IJARET) ISSN 0976 - 6480 (Print) ISSN 0976 - 6499 (Online) Volume 5, Issue 3, March (2014), pp. 81-88 © IAEME: www.iaeme.com/ijaret.asp Journal Impact Factor (2014): 7.8273 (Calculated by GISI) www.jifactor.com IJARET © I A E M E
  • 2. International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering and Technology (IJARET), ISSN 0976 – 6480(Print), ISSN 0976 – 6499(Online) Volume 5, Issue 3, March (2014), pp. 81-88, © IAEME 82 tiredness, cardiovascular and psycho-physiological problems, performance reduction, annoyance responses and adverse social behaviour. According to Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA), the permissible level of noise in industrial environment is 90dB per shift. But in most of the industries, the level of noise is much higher than the permissible limit. Therefore unwanted and uncontrolled noise should be reduced by using noise absorbing system. There are various noise controlling methods available, among them noise control using textile materials has emerged as an excellent alternative to conventional methods. Textile material is often used as a passive absorber due to its inherent sound dampening qualities as a porous material. The sound absorbing materials are called acoustic material. NOISE CONTROL The human life is surrounded by noisy elements in indoor, outdoor and service area. A noise system can be broken down into three elements: • Noise source – The element which disturbs the air • Noise path – The medium through which the acoustic energy propagates from one point to another • Noise receiver – The person who could potentially complain about the quantity or level of noise as perceived at same point. It is necessary to treat at least one element in the noise system if the level of the noise is to be reduced. Treatment of the noise path is conceptually the simplest and the most common approach to a localized noise problem. The approach is to place the material in the path of the noise, so that the level of noise at the receiver is reduced. In general four basic principles are employed to reduce noise: Isolation, Absorption, Vibration isolation and Vibration damping. MECHANISM OF SOUND ABSORPTION IN FIBROUS MATERIALS Sound absorption is an energy conversion process. The kinetic energy of the sound (air) is converted to heat energy when the sound strikes the cells or fibers. Hence, the sound disappears after striking the material due to its conversion into heat, as shown in Fig. 1. Figure 1: Mechanism of Sound Absorption
  • 3. International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering a 6480(Print), ISSN 0976 – 6499(Online) Volume 5, Issue The absorption of sound results from the dissipation of acoustic energy to heat. When sound enters porous materials, owing to sound pressure, air molecules oscillate in the interstices of the porous material with the frequency of the exciting sound wave. This oscillation results in frictional losses. A change in the flow direction of sound waves, together with expansion and contraction phenomenon of flow through irregular pores, results in a loss of momentum. sound, air molecules in the pores undergo periodic compression and relaxation. This results in change of temperature. Because of long time, large surface to volume ratios and high heat conductivity of fibers, heat exchange takes place in the high frequency region compression takes place adiabatically. In the frequency region between these isothermal and adiabatic compression, the heat exchange results in loss of sound energy. This loss is high in fibrous materials if the sound propagates parallel to the plane of fibers and may account up to 40% sound attenuation The more fibrous a material is the better the absorption; conversely denser materials are less absorptive. The sound absorbing c frequency. In general low frequency sounds are very difficult to absorb because of their long wavelength. On the other hand, we are less susceptible to low frequency sounds. FACTORS AFFECTING ACOUSTIC PROPERTIES OF NONWOVENS There are various parameters that influence the sound absorption properties of fibrous materials or nonwoven fabrics, as shown in Fig. 2. Figure 2: Sound Absorption Properties of Nonwoven International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering and Technology (IJARET), ISSN 0976 6499(Online) Volume 5, Issue 3, March (2014), pp. 81-88, © IAEME 83 The absorption of sound results from the dissipation of acoustic energy to heat. When sound enters porous materials, owing to sound pressure, air molecules oscillate in the interstices of the with the frequency of the exciting sound wave. This oscillation results in frictional losses. A change in the flow direction of sound waves, together with expansion and contraction phenomenon of flow through irregular pores, results in a loss of momentum. Owing to exciting of sound, air molecules in the pores undergo periodic compression and relaxation. This results in change of temperature. Because of long time, large surface to volume ratios and high heat conductivity of fibers, heat exchange takes place isothermally at low frequencies. At the same time in the high frequency region compression takes place adiabatically. In the frequency region between these isothermal and adiabatic compression, the heat exchange results in loss of sound energy. This s high in fibrous materials if the sound propagates parallel to the plane of fibers and may account up to 40% sound attenuation The more fibrous a material is the better the absorption; conversely denser materials are less absorptive. The sound absorbing characteristics of acoustical materials vary significantly with frequency. In general low frequency sounds are very difficult to absorb because of their long wavelength. On the other hand, we are less susceptible to low frequency sounds. ACOUSTIC PROPERTIES OF NONWOVENS There are various parameters that influence the sound absorption properties of fibrous materials or nonwoven fabrics, as shown in Fig. 2. Sound Absorption Properties of Nonwoven nd Technology (IJARET), ISSN 0976 – , © IAEME The absorption of sound results from the dissipation of acoustic energy to heat. When sound enters porous materials, owing to sound pressure, air molecules oscillate in the interstices of the with the frequency of the exciting sound wave. This oscillation results in frictional losses. A change in the flow direction of sound waves, together with expansion and contraction Owing to exciting of sound, air molecules in the pores undergo periodic compression and relaxation. This results in change of temperature. Because of long time, large surface to volume ratios and high heat isothermally at low frequencies. At the same time in the high frequency region compression takes place adiabatically. In the frequency region between these isothermal and adiabatic compression, the heat exchange results in loss of sound energy. This s high in fibrous materials if the sound propagates parallel to the plane of fibers and may The more fibrous a material is the better the absorption; conversely denser materials are less haracteristics of acoustical materials vary significantly with frequency. In general low frequency sounds are very difficult to absorb because of their long There are various parameters that influence the sound absorption properties of fibrous
  • 4. International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering and Technology (IJARET), ISSN 0976 – 6480(Print), ISSN 0976 – 6499(Online) Volume 5, Issue 3, March (2014), pp. 81-88, © IAEME 84 1. PRIMARY FACTORS 1.1 Fiber Parameters i. Fiber Size An increase in sound absorption coefficient with a decrease in fiber diameter is reported. This is because, thin fibers can move more easily than thick fibers on sound waves. A study showed that fine denier fibers ranging from 1.5 - 6 dpf perform better acoustically than coarse denier fibers. Moreover it has been reported that, micro denier fibers (< 1 dpf) provide an increase in acoustical performance. ii. Fiber Type The effect of fiber type on sound absorption is hard to detect as it is often accompanied by differences in fiber size and shape. Nonwovens made of acrylic and cotton fibers perform better compared to those made of polyester fibers in the medium and high frequency range, i.e. above 1000Hz. Surface properties of fibers also play an important role. Untreated Kenaf had a negative effect on the noise reduction performance compared to polyester and reclaimed polyester fibers however, this effect is less pronounced in high frequencies. iii. Fibre Cross-section There is a direct correlation between sound absorption and fiber surface area. A study explained the fact that friction between fibers and air increases with fiber surface area resulting in a higher sound absorption. Moreover it has been said that, in the frequency range 1125Hz – 5000Hz, fibers with serrated cross-sections (e.g. Kenaf) absorb more sound compared to ones with round cross-sections. Manmade fibers are available in various cross sectional shapes for instance: hollow, trilobal, pentalobal and other novel shapes like 4DG fibers. 4DG fibers have cross sections with several deep grooves that run along the length of the fiber as shown in Fig. 3. (a) (b) (c) (d) Figure 3: Different cross-sectional shapes: (a) Trilobal, (b) Hollow, (c) Multilobal, (d) 4DG iv. Fiber Blend Comparing the sound absorption coefficient of nonwovens made up of cotton- polypropylene, flax-polypropylene and hemp-polypropylene blends for automotive applications, it was found that cotton-polypropylene blend showed higher sound absorption compared to other blends, probably due to the higher fineness of cotton fibers as compared to flax and hemp. 1.2 Process Parameters i. Web Formation In one of the research, higher value of airflow resistance was recorded due to random orientation of fibres as compared to aligned fibres of carded web. A random web of fibre creates more tortuous channels which increases sound absorption.
  • 5. International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering and Technology (IJARET), ISSN 0976 – 6480(Print), ISSN 0976 – 6499(Online) Volume 5, Issue 3, March (2014), pp. 81-88, © IAEME 85 Random arrangement of fibres produce samples with small pores and a higher number of fibre to fibre contact points which leads to better sound absorption. ii. Web Bonding In a study it was found that the needled and needled with thermally bonded samples did not show much variation in sound absorption properties. 1.3 Physical Parameters i. Thickness Numerous studies that dealt with sound absorption in porous materials have concluded that low frequency sound absorption has direct relationship with thickness. The effective sound absorption of a porous absorber is achieved when the material thickness is about one tenth of the wavelength of the incident sound. Peak absorption occurs at a resonant frequency of one quarter wavelength of the incident sound (ignoring compliance effect). A study showed the increase of sound absorption only at low frequencies, as the material gets thicker. However, at higher frequencies thickness has insignificant effect on sound absorption. When there is air space inside and behind the material, the maximum value of the sound absorption coefficient moves from the high to the low frequency range. ii. Density Density of a material is often considered to be the important factor that governs the sound absorption behavior of the material. At the same time, cost of an acoustical material is directly related to its density. A study showed the increase of sound absorption value in the middle and higher frequency as the density of the sample increased. The number of fibers increases per unit area when the apparent density is large. Energy loss increases as the surface friction increases, thus the sound absorption coefficient increases. Less dense and more open structure absorbs sound of low frequencies (500Hz). Denser structure performs better for frequencies above than 2000Hz. iii. Airflow Resistance One of the most important qualities that influence the sound absorbing characteristics of a nonwoven material is the specific flow resistance per unit thickness of the material. The characteristic impedance and propagation constant, which describes the acoustical properties of porous materials, are governed to a great extent by flow resistance of the material. Fibers interlocking in nonwovens are the frictional elements that provide resistance to acoustic wave motion. In general, when sound enters these materials, its amplitude is decreased by friction as the waves try to move through the tortuous passages. Thus the acoustic energy is converted into heat. iv. Porosity Number, size and type of pores are the important factors that one should consider while studying sound absorption mechanism in porous materials. To allow sound dissipation by friction, the sound wave has to enter the porous material. This means, there should be enough pores on the surface of the material for the sound to pass through and get dampened. The porosity of a porous material is defined as the ratio of the volume of the voids in the material to its total volume. In designing a nonwoven web to have a high sound absorption coefficient, porosity should increase along the propagation of the sound wave.
  • 6. International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering and Technology (IJARET), ISSN 0976 – 6480(Print), ISSN 0976 – 6499(Online) Volume 5, Issue 3, March (2014), pp. 81-88, © IAEME 86 v. Tortuosity Tortuosity is a measure of the elongation of the passage way through the pores, compared to the thickness of the sample. Tortuosity describes the influence of the internal structure of a material on its acoustical properties. Tortuosity is measure of how far the pores deviate from the normal. It was mainly affects the location of the quarter wavelength peaks, whereas porosity and flow resistivity affect the height and width of the peaks. It has also been said by the value of tortuosity determines the high frequency behavior of sound absorbing porous materials. vi. Compression Compression of fibrous mats decreases the sound absorption properties. Under compression the various fibers in the mat are brought nearer to each other without any deformation. This compression results in a decrease of thickness. More interestingly, other physical variation occurs during compression. Compression resulted in an increase in tortuosity and airflow resistivity and a decrease of porosity and thermal characteristic length. Despite these physical parameter variations in the compressed material, it stated that the reason for a drop in sound absorption value is mainly due to a decrease in sample thickness. vii. Air Gap One of the research stated that, for the same amount of material, it is much better to have an air gap behind the layer. The creation of air gap increases sound absorption in mid and higher frequencies. Moreover, maxima peak for different air gap is different. This indicates that there is an optimum value for an air gap beyond which there is not much influence seen in sound absorption properties. 1.4 Other Parameters i. Flame Retardant Treatment In one of the studies, nonwovens prepared from flame retardant treated Kenaf fibres and untreated Kenaf fibres were compared for sound absorption for properties. It was found that the flame retardant Kenaf nonwoven showed a positive influence on sound absorption. This may be because the treatment of Kenaf fibres with flame retardant might change its fibre structure in such a way that it absorbs sound better than untreated Kenaf fibres. Also the treatment might increase the surface voids on the fibre which might entrap the sound. ii. Film Coverings Perforated screens, woven fabrics and films are used to cover the porous and fibrous sound absorbing materials in order to prevent the material from detrimental environments or to meet the aesthetic performances. Sometimes these coverings are used to prevent the fall of fibers from product. Films are highly reflective to the sound waves and thus have a dramatic influence on absorptive properties of porous or fibrous materials. The film attached samples when placed in such a way that film is at the rear side of sound always performs better at all frequencies than sample without film. This is due to the reflective phenomenon of sound waves by the film which makes the sound waves to pass through the material twice, resulting in better absorbency. At the same time, the influence of film when attached to the rear end of thicker absorbing material is less, which might be due to the larger amount of sound absorption by porous part before the sound hits the film of the porous material. When film side of the sample is facing sound, absorption peak reaches its maximum till certain frequency and then drops down. Reason for this type of sound absorption might be due to the resonance effect of film.
  • 7. International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering and Technology (IJARET), ISSN 0976 – 6480(Print), ISSN 0976 – 6499(Online) Volume 5, Issue 3, March (2014), pp. 81-88, © IAEME 87 When comparing two films: PVC and Aluminum for sound absorption properties, samples attached with Al film shows better results which might be due to the effect of physical properties of film like thickness, stiffness and bonding of film to the material. iii. Placement of Acoustic Material It has been reported that if several types of absorbers are used, it is desirable to place some of each type on ends, sides and ceilings so that all 3 axial modes will come under their influence. In rectangular rooms it has been demonstrated that absorbing material placed near corners and along edges of room surfaces is most effective. In speech studios, some absorbents that are effective at higher audio frequencies should be applied at head height on the walls. In fact, material applied to the lower portions of high walls can be twice as effective as the same material placed elsewhere. 2. SECONDARY FACTORS In addition to the above properties, a sound absorbing material should also satisfy the following properties: a) Structural and architectural: appearance, decorative effect, light reflectivity, maintainability, durability, etc. b) Environmental: exposure, solvents, vibration, dirt, oil and grease, corrosive materials, erosive conditions, etc. c) Regulatory: Restrictions on lead‐bearing materials in food and drug areas, restriction on materials contacting food and drug products, requirements for disinfection/cleaning, firebreak requirements, ducts, shafts etc., restriction on shedding fibers, requirements for anchoring equipment and guarding equipment. CONCLUSIONS From the above discussion, following conclusions can be drawn: • The surface area and fibre size have significant influence on sound absorption properties. Higher surface area and lower fibre size increases sound absorption. • Using various fibres and their blends, one can enhance sound absorption properties. • Random fibre orientation gives better sound absorbency due to small pores and higher number of fibre to fibre contact points. • Thicker, less dense and more open structure, absorbs sound of low frequencies (500Hz), denser structure performs better for frequencies above 2000Hz. • Increase in air gap, porosity, air flow resistance and tortuosity value results in better sound absorption. On the other hand, material compression adversely affects sound absorption. • Flame retardant treatment, type and position of film covering and placement of acoustic material have a significant effect on sound absorption properties. REFERENCES [1] R. Senthil Kumar and S. Sundaresan (2011), “Acoustic Textiles – Sound Absorption”, European Textile Journal. [2] Michael Coates and Marek Kierzkowski (2002), “Acoustic textiles-lighter, thinner, and more sound absorbent”, Technical textile international.
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