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AMAE Int. J. on Manufacturing and Material Science, Vol. 01, No. 01, May 2011

Experimental Investigation on Heat Transfer
Enhancement in Laminar Flow in Circular Tube
Equipped with Different Inserts
A. V. N. Kapatkar 1 , B. Dr. A. S. Padalkar 2 and C. Sanjay Kasbe3.
Sinhgad College of Engineering, Mechanical Engineering Department, Pune, India.
Email: vnkapatkar@rediffmail.com.
Email: aspadalkar@rediffmail.com
Email: sanjay_kasbe2004@yahoo.co.in
Abstract:-An experimental investigation of heat transfer and
friction factor of a smooth tube fitted with full length twisted
tape inserts for laminar flow have been studied under uniform
wall heat flux condition. The experiments has been carried
out to study the tape fin effect by using full length tape inserts
of different materials namely Aluminum, Stainless steel and
insulated tape. The tapes have twist ratios from 5.2 to 3.4. It is
found that, for the flow in smooth tubes, full length twisted
tapes yield improvement in average Nusselt number, for
Reynolds number range of 200 to 2000.For Aluminum tapes,
the maximum improvement in Nusselt number range from
50% to 100% ; for Stainless steel tapes, maximum
improvement in Nusselt number range from 40% to 94% and
for insulated tapes, maximum improvement in Nusselt
number range from 40% to 67%. The isothermal friction factor
for the flow with the twisted tape inserts are 340% to 750 %
higher as compared with those of smooth tube flow, in the
given range of twist ratios.

exception of liquid metals. Therefore the heat transfer
coefficients in laminar flow were generally low. So, for a given
heat transfer rate, larger heat transfer whereas will have to be
provided as compared with turbulent flow heat transfer
situations. Hence an augmentative scheme is necessary in
some cases to meet the size limitations imposed upon and for
efficient operation.
Hong and Bergles [3] correlated heat transfer and pressure
drop data for twisted tape inserts for uniform wall temperature
conditions using water flow having Prandtl number in between
3 to 7 and ethylene glycol having Prandtl number ranging
from 84 to 192. The authors found that Nu is a function of
twist ratio, Re and Pr and it was 9 times that of empty tube.
Manglik and Bergles [4] experimented with twisted tapes
for heating and cooling of ethylene glycol and reported
augmentation of 300% heat transfer more than smooth tube
values. Eiamsa-ard and Promvongue [5] reported the
enhancement of heat transfer in a tube with regularly-spaced
and full-length helical tape swirl generators, and concluded
that the full-length helical tape with rod provide the highest
heat transfer rate about 10% better than that without rod.
Siva Rama Krishna, Govardhan Pathipaka, P. Sivashanmugam
[6] investigates heat transfer characteristics of circular tube
fitted with straight full twist insert and concluded that the
heat transfer coefficient increases with Reynolds number and
decreasing spacer distance with maximum being 50 mm. spacer
distance for both the type of twist inserts. Saha and Dhal [8]
investigated heat transfer enhancement in laminar flow using
water as fluid with Prandtl number ranging from 205 to 518,
having different configurations of twisted tapes. They found
that friction factor and Nusselt number increases with
insertion of any passive augmentation technique.
Shivashnmgam and Suresh [9] carried out studies with twist
ratios and spacer length 100, 200, 300, and 400 mm. For twist
ratio 4.89 to 1.95, increase in Nusselt number was in the range
30% to 40% for Reynolds number in the range 200 to 2200 for
full length helical twist and spacer length, whereas the
decrease in friction factor was in the range 40% to 45%.
Bhardwaj et al. [10] experimentally determined pressure drop
and heat transfer characteristics for flow of water in a 75 start
spirally grooved tube with twisted tape inserts. The
conclusions were for constant pumping power smooth tube
showed that the spirally grooved tube without tape yields

Index terms:-Heat transfer enhancement, Twisted tape,
Laminar flow, Twist ratio, Flow friction factor

Efficient utilization, conversion and recovery of heat are
the predominant engineering problems of the process
industry. The subject of enhanced heat transfer has
developed to the stage that it was of serious interest for heat
exchanger design. Heat transfer enhancement (HTE)
techniques can be divided into two categories-passive and
active. In passive HTE an object, which does not use any
external energy, such as an insert, has the duty of increasing
the heat transfer rate. There are three different approaches to
the enhancement of tube-side convective heat transfer,
namely, inserted devices, internal fins and integral roughness.
Insert devices involve various geometric forms that are
inserted in a smooth circular tube. To date large numbers of
attempts have been made to reduce the size and costs of the
heat exchangers. Despite the high-pressure drop the twisted
tape insert generates considerable increase in heat transfer
rate by formation of a swirling flow and increasing the
turbulence intensity close to the tube wall.
A. Need for Augmentation of Laminar Flow Heat Transfer
In the laminar flow, heat transfer takes place mainly by
conduction and molecular diffusion as there is no cross mixing
of the fluid. Natural convection currents were also present.
But the thermal conductivities of the fluids were low, with the
© 2011 AMAE

DOI: 01.IJMMS.01.01.54

AMAE Int. J. on Manufacturing and Material Science, Vol. 01, No. 01, May 2011
maximum heat transfer coefficient of 400% in the laminar range
and 140% in the turbulent range. Rahimi et al. [11] conducted
experiment for study of heat transfer and friction
characteristics in a tube equipped with modified twisted tape
inserts and 31% increase in Nusselt number. The higher
turbulence intensity of the fluid was expressed as the main
reason for the experimental observations. Patil A G [12]
investigated experimentally Heat transfer and flow friction in
swirl flow inside 25 mm diameter tube. Reduced width twisted
tapes of width ranging from 11.0- 23.8 mm, which are lower
than tube inside are used. Reduced width twisted tape inserts
give 18% to 56% lower isothermal friction factors than the
full width tapes. Under uniform wall temperature Nussselt
number decreases by 5% and 25% for tape widths of 19.7 and
11.0 mm respectively. Date [1] solved numerically the
fundamental equations of continuity, momentum balance and
energy balance for the fully developed laminar flow heat
transfer in a tube containing twisted tape. The results were
available only in the graphical form and predicted about 15%
increase in heat transfer at Prandtl number of 150 and more.

B. Experimental Procedure
While performing the experiment, electric supply was
given to nichrome wire and waited till the steady state was
reached. To identify weather steady state was reached;
readings were taken after a particular time period till the two
readings taken at successive time interval were same. Once
the steady state was attained, inlet and outlet temperatures
of the fluid were measured. Also pressure drop across the
test section was also measured from manometer. To measure
the input power wattmeter reading was also taken and supply
voltage was noted. Readings were taken by keeping the input
power constant and increasing the flow rate from 2gm/s to
20gm/s. Then readings were taken by increasing the input
power from 120W to 640W and varying the mass flow rate.
The readings were taken for plain tube without any insert
and using Aluminum twisted tape of twist ratio 5.2 and 4.2,
stainless steel twisted tape with twist ratio 5.2 and 4.2 and
insulated tape having same twist ratio geometry as shown in
Fig.2. In this manner, all the readings for different twist tapes
for different flow rates and different power conditions were
taken and tabulated.

A. Experimental Set-up
Fig.1 shows the experimental set-up used for the study
was explained in this section. It consists of calming section,
test section, Rota meters, and inlet tank with the capacity
0.3m3 for supplying water, outlet riser section, and water
collection tank capacity 0.3m3 for receiving water from test
section. Calming section with the dimension 3200 mm long,
15.8mm ID, 19.05mm OD made of brass tube was used to
eliminate the entrance effect. The test section was of brass
tube with the dimensions of 1200 mm long with 15.8mm ID,
19.05mm OD. An L-shaped connector was connected at the
end of test section to mount riser section. Other side was
connected to calming section through flange. The outside
surface of the tube was brazed with Copper–Alumel, k type
thermocouples which were used to measure the surface
temperature of pipe. 12 thermocouples were mounted on
surface of test section at regular distance to measure surface
temperature. Two thermocouples, one at inlet and other at
outlet were inserted inside tube to measure water inlet and
outlet temperature respectively. The test section tube was
wound with bare nichrome wire with resistance of approx. 2
&!/m was used as heating element. Mica sheet which acts as
electrical insulator was wound on both sides of wire to avoid
direct contact. Over the electrical winding, two layers of
asbestos rope tape were wound. Over the asbestos tape
winding approximately 50 mm thickness of glass wool was
lined and over which, another two layers of asbestos rope
tape was wound to minimize heat loss due to convection and
radiation. The terminals of the Nichrome wire were attached
to the Dimmerstat (Auto-transformer), by which heat flux can
be varied by varying the voltage. A wattmeter was connected
across the wire to measure input energy. Two calibrated glass
rotameter having range 0.5 lpm to 5 lpm was used to measure
flow over the full laminar ranges were attached to the calming
section to measure the flow.
© 2011 AMAE

DOI: 01.IJMMS.01.01.54

Fig.2 Twisted Tape Geometry

A. Effect of Twisted Tape Insert Technique
A semi analytical prediction for the Nusselt number for
laminar flow heat transfer in a horizontal tube containing
twisted tape was done and also a method to evaluate the
mean isothermal friction factor was also studied. The total

AMAE Int. J. on Manufacturing and Material Science, Vol. 01, No. 01, May 2011
heat transferred to fluid flowing in a tube containing a twisted
tape may be assumed to be consist of following components
1) Heat transfer due to Centrifugal convection
2) Wall curvature effect i.e. Heat transfer due to forced and
natural convection for flow over a curved surfaces
3) Heat transfer due to tape fin effect
4) Higher mean velocities
5) Roughness effect
Hence Nus = Nucb + Nuw + Nufin

5. Roughness Effect
Twisted tapes introduce additional surface into the flow
field. The quality of the tape surface its roughness affects
the frictional drag, the velocity distribution, the turbulence
and the thickness of the fluid layer adjacent to the surface.
Whereas the increased frictional losses in the tape generated
swirl flow can be attributed mainly to tape surface friction,
the turbulence promoted by roughness increases the heat
transfer coefficients.



1. Centrifugal Convection
The centrifugal force field established by the helical flow
increases the heat transfer when the tube wall was hotter
than the fluid. Denser and colder fluid particles were flung
out towards the tube wall displacing the lighter and hotter
fluid particles present there. This effects greater mixing. The
analysis of twisted tape was carried out by Manglik and
Bergles [5] and gives a correlation
Nucb = 0.6466 [ π δ ]


In order to study the heat transfer rate and friction factor
characteristics of a uniform heat flux tube fitted with twisted
tape, the heat transfer coefficient and pressure drop must be
A. Heat Transfer
The steady state of the heat transfer rate was assumed
to be equal to the heat loss from the test section which can
be expressed as

[ Re] 0.5 Pr1/3 (2)

Qa = Qconv
2. Wall Curvature Effect
Because of the twist experienced by the fluid flowing in a
tube containing a twisted tape insert, the mean flow over the
tube resembles that across a curved channel. Experimental
and analytical investigations by A.E. Bergles [3] have shown
that a turbulent mean velocity over a curved channel shows
a remarkable difference over that on a flat channel even for a
mild curvature, while no such difference exists in laminar flow.
An experimental correlation which agrees data of many
investigations was given by A. E. Bergles [3]

The heat transfer rate in the test section was calculated using
Qa = V2/R = mCp(To – Ti) = UoAo(To – Tb) (6)
1/ (UoAo) = 1/ (hi Ai ) + ln (Di/Do) (2πkwL)


The internal convective heat transfer coefficient hi was
determined by combining Eqs. (7) and (8). The inlet
temperature (Ti) and outer temperature (To) of water was
measured at certain points with Cu–Al, k type thermocouples.
The mean wall temperature can be expressed as

3. Tape Fin Effect
The tape fin effect refers to the heat transferred from the
tube wall to the tape and from the tape to the fluid. If a good
contact between the tape and the tube was ensured, a
significant contribution from the fin effect can be expected.
But in practical situations, to facilitate easy insertion and
removal, a certain amount of clearance will be required which
tends to reduce the fin effect. [3]

(Ti) = “ Ti / 12


Where Ti was the local inside temperature and evaluated at
the outer wall surface of the inner tube. Twelve
thermocouples were tapped on local wall of the tube and the
thermocouples placed round the tube to measure the
circumferential temperature variation, which was negligible.
The average wall temperatures were calculated from 12 points,
lined between the inlet and the exit of the test tube.
The mean Nusselt number, Nu was estimated as follows:
Nu = hD / k
The Reynolds number was given by
Re = VD/ν

Nufin = 0.9α “Nuo Cfin [cosh M -1]
sinh M
4. Higher Mean Velocity
The mean velocities in the tape generated swirl flow were
higher due to,
The decreased effective area available for flow due
to partial blocking of the tube by the tape of finite thickness.
ii) The helicoidal path to be followed by the fluid. Since
the fluid has to traverse a longer path in helicoidal flow as
compared with straight flow. The mean velocities will be higher
than in straight flow for the same mass flow rate

DOI: 01.IJMMS.01.01.54


Tb = (To + Ti)/2

Nuw = [4.362 + [0.055 {Gr Pr 1.35}0.4 ] 2 ] 0.5
Pw 0.25

© 2011 AMAE


B. Pressure drop calculation
The pressure drop (ΔP) was determined from the
differences in the level of fluid in U-tube manometer while
fully developed friction factor was calculated using the
following equation:
f = (Di/L) ( ΔP )


(12) 2 ρ um 2
AMAE Int. J. on Manufacturing and Material Science, Vol. 01, No. 01, May 2011
All the fluid thermo physical properties determined at the
average of the inlet and outlet bulk temperatures, Tb.
The uncertainties associated with the experimental data were
calculated on the basis 95% confidence level. The
measurement uncertainties used in the method were as
follows: bulk fluid temperature and wall temperatures ± 0.1ºC,
fluid flow rate ± 2%, and fluid properties ± 2%. The uncertainty
calculation showed that maximum of ± 6%, ± 5%, and ± 8%
for Reynolds number, friction factor, and Nusselt number,
Fig. 3 depicts variation of Nusselt number with Reynolds
number for different twisted tape of twist ratio with mass
flow rate increasing
Fig.4 Friction factor (F1) Vs Reynolds Number (Re)

Fig.3 Nusselt Number Vs Reynolds Number

from 2gm/s to 20gm/s One can observe from fig.3 that the
Nusselt number for full-length twisted tape increases with
increasing mass flow rate and Reynolds number. This increase
in intensity of heat transfer due to swirl flow generated in
stainless steel full-length twisted tape is more than others.
Maximum improvement in Nusselt no. using insulated tape
of twist ratio 4.2 as 67%.It is interesting to note that in case of
smooth tube, for a given heat flux as the Reynolds number
increases, there is reduction in the Nusselt number. This can
be attributed to the fact that, at a constant heat flux , larger
flow rates tend to reduce the ratio of wall temperature to bulk
mean temperature, thereby reducing Grashoff number and
hence contribution from the natural convection.
The nature of distributions of data points shows the
dependence of swirl flow, Nusselt number on heat flux also.
The swirl flow Nusselt number is found to be the function of
 the twist ratio,
 Reynolds number and
 the heat flux.
Fig. 4 and Fig. 5 depicts in the Reynolds number range of 200
– 2000 the isothermal friction factor for flow with full length
twisted tape insets are 340 % to 750% higher as compared
with those of smooth tube flow in the range of twist ratios 5.2
to 4.2. The isothermal friction factor is the function of twist
ratio and Reynolds number. At higher Reynolds number
beyond laminar flow region, the friction factor increases due
to increase in the momentum exchange of the molecules. The
isothermal friction factor obtained in this experimental work

Fig.5 Friction factor (F2) Vs Reynolds Number (Re)

for flow with full length tape inserts are in excellent agreement
with predicted values of Date[1]. Fig.6 shows comparison of
effectiveness of tapes with smooth tube flow. The tapes
were found to be effective over the range of Reynolds number
from 200 to 2000. The contribution from the fin effect was

Fig.6 Convective heat transfer coefficient/ Pressure drop
Vs Reynolds Number (Re)

© 2011 AMAE

DOI: 01.IJMMS.01.01.54

AMAE Int. J. on Manufacturing and Material Science, Vol. 01, No. 01, May 2011
Greek symbols
fluid density, kg m”3
tape thickness, m
fluid dynamic viscosity, kg s”1 m”1
kinetic viscosity, m2s”1
conv convection
plain tube
swirl generator
Nucb average Nusselt number by centrifugal convection
Nuw average Nusselt number by wall curvature effect
Nufin average Nusselt number by tape fin effect



Compared with heat transfer performance for flow in
smooth tubes, full length twisted tape yield improvements in
average Nu, for Re range of 200-2000 as follows,
1) In the range of given twist ratios, the aluminum tapes
have shown a maximum improvement of 90% in the
Nusselt number for y = 4.2 for Re = 2000
2) Aluminum tapes (Cfin = 8.15); between the twist ratios
of 5.2 and 4.2, maximum improvements in Nu ranges from
50% to 100%.
3) S.S. tapes (Cfin = 0.61); between twist ratios of 5.2 and
4.2, the maximum improvement in Nu ranges from 40% to
4) Insulated tapes (Cfin = 0); between twist ratios of 5.2
and 4.2, the maximum improvement in Nu ranges from
40% to 67%.



[1] A. W. Date, “Prediction of Friction and Heat Transfer
Characteristics of Flow Tube Containing a Twisted Tape”,
Ph. D. thesis, Imperial College London, 1972.
[2] A. E. Bergles, Rohsenow, W. M. Hartnett, J. P.Cho,”Techniques
to Enhance Heat Transfer”, Handbook of Heat Transfer,
McGraw-Hill, New York, 1998, pp.11.1-11.76.
[3] S. W. Hong and A. E. Bergles, “Augmentation of Laminar
Flow Heat Transfer in Tubes by Means of Twisted Tube
Inserts”, ISU Lab. Report, HTL -5 Research Institute, ISUERI-23-750, Dec 197.
[4] R. M. Manglik and A. E. Bergles, “Heat Transfer and Pressure
Drop Correlations for Twisted Tape Insert in Isothermal
Tubes”, Part 1: Laminar Flows. Trans. ASME, J. Heat
Transfer, 1993, pp. 881–889.
[5] Smith Eiamsa-ard, Pongjet Promvonge, “Enhancement of Heat
Transfer in a Tube with Regularly-Spaced Helical Tape Swirl
Generators”, Solar Energy 78, 2005, pp. 483–494.
[6] Siva Rama Krishna, Govardhan Pathipaka, P. Sivashanmugam,
“Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop Studies in a Circular Tube
Fitted with Straight Full Twist”, Experimental Thermal and
Fluid Science 33, 2009, pp. 431–438.
[7] P.Sivashanmugam, S. Suresh, “Experimental Studies on Heat
Transfer and Friction Factor Characteristics in Laminar Flow
Through a Circular Tube Fitted with Regularly Spaced Helical
Screw-Tape Inserts”, Journal of Experimental Thermal and
Fluid Science 26, 2006, pp. 1990–1997.
[8] S.K. Dhal, S.K. Saha “Friction and Heat Transfer
Characteristics of Laminar Swirl Flow Through a Circular
Tube Fitted with Regularly Spaced Twisted-Tape Elements”,
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 44, 2001,
pp. 4211-4223.
[9] P. Sivashanmugam, S. Suresh, “Experimental Studies on Heat
Transfer and Friction Factor Characteristics of Turbulent
Flow Through a Circular Tube Fitted with Regularly Spaced
Helical Screw-Tape Inserts”, International Journal of Applied
Thermal Engineering, Vol.27, 2007, pp. 1311-1319.
[10] P. Bharadwaj, A.D Khondge, A.W Date, “Heat Transfer and
Pressure Drop in a Spirally Grooved Tube with Twisted
Tape Insert”, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer
52, 2009, pp. 1938–1944.

By using CFD techniques experimental result can be
validated and used to adopt more accurate and precise Heat
augmentation Techniques.
The present work was supported by the Board of college
and university department, University of Pune, under research
proposal scheme.

heat transfer surface area, m2
specific heat of fluid, J kg”1 K”1
inside diameter of test tube, m
friction factor = (Di/L) ( ΔP)/2 ρ um2
heat transfer coefficient, Wm”2 K”1
thermal conductivity of fluid, W m”1 K”1
length of test section, m
mass flow rate, kg s”1
volume flow rate, m3 s”1
pressure drop across test tube, N/mm2
twist ratio
heat transfer rate, W
temperature, °C
thickness of test tube, m
Reynolds number = VD/ν
pitch length of the twisted tape m
average axial flow velocity, m s”1
resistance, &!
average Nusselt number = hD/k
Prandtl number = µCp/k
Grashoff number
wall parameter
bulk average fluid velocity (ms-1)
fin parameter Cfin = km δ / kf Di
inner diameter
outer diameter

© 2011 AMAE

DOI: 01.IJMMS.01.01.54

AMAE Int. J. on Manufacturing and Material Science, Vol. 01, No. 01, May 2011
[11] Masoud Rahimia, Sayed Reza Shabaniana, Ammar Abdulaziz
Alsaira. “Experimental and CFD Studies on Heat Transfer
and Friction Factor Characteristics of a Tube Equipped with
Modified Twisted Tape Inserts”, Chemical Engineering and
Processing, Vol. 48, 2009, pp. 762–770.

[12] A. G Patil, “Laminar Flow Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop
Characteristics Power Low Fluid Inside Tubes with Varying
Width Twisted Tape Inserts”, ASME 2000 Vol. 122, pp 143149.

© 2011 AMAE



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Experimental Investigation on Heat Transfer Enhancement in Laminar Flow in Circular Tube Equipped with Different Inserts

  • 1. AMAE Int. J. on Manufacturing and Material Science, Vol. 01, No. 01, May 2011 Experimental Investigation on Heat Transfer Enhancement in Laminar Flow in Circular Tube Equipped with Different Inserts A. V. N. Kapatkar 1 , B. Dr. A. S. Padalkar 2 and C. Sanjay Kasbe3. Sinhgad College of Engineering, Mechanical Engineering Department, Pune, India. 1 Email: vnkapatkar@rediffmail.com. 2 Email: aspadalkar@rediffmail.com 3 Email: sanjay_kasbe2004@yahoo.co.in Abstract:-An experimental investigation of heat transfer and friction factor of a smooth tube fitted with full length twisted tape inserts for laminar flow have been studied under uniform wall heat flux condition. The experiments has been carried out to study the tape fin effect by using full length tape inserts of different materials namely Aluminum, Stainless steel and insulated tape. The tapes have twist ratios from 5.2 to 3.4. It is found that, for the flow in smooth tubes, full length twisted tapes yield improvement in average Nusselt number, for Reynolds number range of 200 to 2000.For Aluminum tapes, the maximum improvement in Nusselt number range from 50% to 100% ; for Stainless steel tapes, maximum improvement in Nusselt number range from 40% to 94% and for insulated tapes, maximum improvement in Nusselt number range from 40% to 67%. The isothermal friction factor for the flow with the twisted tape inserts are 340% to 750 % higher as compared with those of smooth tube flow, in the given range of twist ratios. exception of liquid metals. Therefore the heat transfer coefficients in laminar flow were generally low. So, for a given heat transfer rate, larger heat transfer whereas will have to be provided as compared with turbulent flow heat transfer situations. Hence an augmentative scheme is necessary in some cases to meet the size limitations imposed upon and for efficient operation. II. LITERATURE SURVEY Hong and Bergles [3] correlated heat transfer and pressure drop data for twisted tape inserts for uniform wall temperature conditions using water flow having Prandtl number in between 3 to 7 and ethylene glycol having Prandtl number ranging from 84 to 192. The authors found that Nu is a function of twist ratio, Re and Pr and it was 9 times that of empty tube. Manglik and Bergles [4] experimented with twisted tapes for heating and cooling of ethylene glycol and reported augmentation of 300% heat transfer more than smooth tube values. Eiamsa-ard and Promvongue [5] reported the enhancement of heat transfer in a tube with regularly-spaced and full-length helical tape swirl generators, and concluded that the full-length helical tape with rod provide the highest heat transfer rate about 10% better than that without rod. Siva Rama Krishna, Govardhan Pathipaka, P. Sivashanmugam [6] investigates heat transfer characteristics of circular tube fitted with straight full twist insert and concluded that the heat transfer coefficient increases with Reynolds number and decreasing spacer distance with maximum being 50 mm. spacer distance for both the type of twist inserts. Saha and Dhal [8] investigated heat transfer enhancement in laminar flow using water as fluid with Prandtl number ranging from 205 to 518, having different configurations of twisted tapes. They found that friction factor and Nusselt number increases with insertion of any passive augmentation technique. Shivashnmgam and Suresh [9] carried out studies with twist ratios and spacer length 100, 200, 300, and 400 mm. For twist ratio 4.89 to 1.95, increase in Nusselt number was in the range 30% to 40% for Reynolds number in the range 200 to 2200 for full length helical twist and spacer length, whereas the decrease in friction factor was in the range 40% to 45%. Bhardwaj et al. [10] experimentally determined pressure drop and heat transfer characteristics for flow of water in a 75 start spirally grooved tube with twisted tape inserts. The conclusions were for constant pumping power smooth tube showed that the spirally grooved tube without tape yields Index terms:-Heat transfer enhancement, Twisted tape, Laminar flow, Twist ratio, Flow friction factor I. INTRODUCTION Efficient utilization, conversion and recovery of heat are the predominant engineering problems of the process industry. The subject of enhanced heat transfer has developed to the stage that it was of serious interest for heat exchanger design. Heat transfer enhancement (HTE) techniques can be divided into two categories-passive and active. In passive HTE an object, which does not use any external energy, such as an insert, has the duty of increasing the heat transfer rate. There are three different approaches to the enhancement of tube-side convective heat transfer, namely, inserted devices, internal fins and integral roughness. Insert devices involve various geometric forms that are inserted in a smooth circular tube. To date large numbers of attempts have been made to reduce the size and costs of the heat exchangers. Despite the high-pressure drop the twisted tape insert generates considerable increase in heat transfer rate by formation of a swirling flow and increasing the turbulence intensity close to the tube wall. A. Need for Augmentation of Laminar Flow Heat Transfer In the laminar flow, heat transfer takes place mainly by conduction and molecular diffusion as there is no cross mixing of the fluid. Natural convection currents were also present. But the thermal conductivities of the fluids were low, with the © 2011 AMAE DOI: 01.IJMMS.01.01.54 1
  • 2. AMAE Int. J. on Manufacturing and Material Science, Vol. 01, No. 01, May 2011 maximum heat transfer coefficient of 400% in the laminar range and 140% in the turbulent range. Rahimi et al. [11] conducted experiment for study of heat transfer and friction characteristics in a tube equipped with modified twisted tape inserts and 31% increase in Nusselt number. The higher turbulence intensity of the fluid was expressed as the main reason for the experimental observations. Patil A G [12] investigated experimentally Heat transfer and flow friction in swirl flow inside 25 mm diameter tube. Reduced width twisted tapes of width ranging from 11.0- 23.8 mm, which are lower than tube inside are used. Reduced width twisted tape inserts give 18% to 56% lower isothermal friction factors than the full width tapes. Under uniform wall temperature Nussselt number decreases by 5% and 25% for tape widths of 19.7 and 11.0 mm respectively. Date [1] solved numerically the fundamental equations of continuity, momentum balance and energy balance for the fully developed laminar flow heat transfer in a tube containing twisted tape. The results were available only in the graphical form and predicted about 15% increase in heat transfer at Prandtl number of 150 and more. B. Experimental Procedure While performing the experiment, electric supply was given to nichrome wire and waited till the steady state was reached. To identify weather steady state was reached; readings were taken after a particular time period till the two readings taken at successive time interval were same. Once the steady state was attained, inlet and outlet temperatures of the fluid were measured. Also pressure drop across the test section was also measured from manometer. To measure the input power wattmeter reading was also taken and supply voltage was noted. Readings were taken by keeping the input power constant and increasing the flow rate from 2gm/s to 20gm/s. Then readings were taken by increasing the input power from 120W to 640W and varying the mass flow rate. The readings were taken for plain tube without any insert and using Aluminum twisted tape of twist ratio 5.2 and 4.2, stainless steel twisted tape with twist ratio 5.2 and 4.2 and insulated tape having same twist ratio geometry as shown in Fig.2. In this manner, all the readings for different twist tapes for different flow rates and different power conditions were taken and tabulated. III. EXPERIMENTAL WORK A. Experimental Set-up Fig.1 shows the experimental set-up used for the study was explained in this section. It consists of calming section, test section, Rota meters, and inlet tank with the capacity 0.3m3 for supplying water, outlet riser section, and water collection tank capacity 0.3m3 for receiving water from test section. Calming section with the dimension 3200 mm long, 15.8mm ID, 19.05mm OD made of brass tube was used to eliminate the entrance effect. The test section was of brass tube with the dimensions of 1200 mm long with 15.8mm ID, 19.05mm OD. An L-shaped connector was connected at the end of test section to mount riser section. Other side was connected to calming section through flange. The outside surface of the tube was brazed with Copper–Alumel, k type thermocouples which were used to measure the surface temperature of pipe. 12 thermocouples were mounted on surface of test section at regular distance to measure surface temperature. Two thermocouples, one at inlet and other at outlet were inserted inside tube to measure water inlet and outlet temperature respectively. The test section tube was wound with bare nichrome wire with resistance of approx. 2 &!/m was used as heating element. Mica sheet which acts as electrical insulator was wound on both sides of wire to avoid direct contact. Over the electrical winding, two layers of asbestos rope tape were wound. Over the asbestos tape winding approximately 50 mm thickness of glass wool was lined and over which, another two layers of asbestos rope tape was wound to minimize heat loss due to convection and radiation. The terminals of the Nichrome wire were attached to the Dimmerstat (Auto-transformer), by which heat flux can be varied by varying the voltage. A wattmeter was connected across the wire to measure input energy. Two calibrated glass rotameter having range 0.5 lpm to 5 lpm was used to measure flow over the full laminar ranges were attached to the calming section to measure the flow. © 2011 AMAE DOI: 01.IJMMS.01.01.54 Fig.2 Twisted Tape Geometry IV. THEORETICALANALYSIS A. Effect of Twisted Tape Insert Technique A semi analytical prediction for the Nusselt number for laminar flow heat transfer in a horizontal tube containing twisted tape was done and also a method to evaluate the mean isothermal friction factor was also studied. The total 2
  • 3. AMAE Int. J. on Manufacturing and Material Science, Vol. 01, No. 01, May 2011 heat transferred to fluid flowing in a tube containing a twisted tape may be assumed to be consist of following components 1) Heat transfer due to Centrifugal convection 2) Wall curvature effect i.e. Heat transfer due to forced and natural convection for flow over a curved surfaces 3) Heat transfer due to tape fin effect 4) Higher mean velocities 5) Roughness effect Hence Nus = Nucb + Nuw + Nufin 5. Roughness Effect Twisted tapes introduce additional surface into the flow field. The quality of the tape surface its roughness affects the frictional drag, the velocity distribution, the turbulence and the thickness of the fluid layer adjacent to the surface. Whereas the increased frictional losses in the tape generated swirl flow can be attributed mainly to tape surface friction, the turbulence promoted by roughness increases the heat transfer coefficients. (1) V. DATA REDUCTION 1. Centrifugal Convection The centrifugal force field established by the helical flow increases the heat transfer when the tube wall was hotter than the fluid. Denser and colder fluid particles were flung out towards the tube wall displacing the lighter and hotter fluid particles present there. This effects greater mixing. The analysis of twisted tape was carried out by Manglik and Bergles [5] and gives a correlation Nucb = 0.6466 [ π δ ] 4yDi 0.5 In order to study the heat transfer rate and friction factor characteristics of a uniform heat flux tube fitted with twisted tape, the heat transfer coefficient and pressure drop must be determined. A. Heat Transfer The steady state of the heat transfer rate was assumed to be equal to the heat loss from the test section which can be expressed as [ Re] 0.5 Pr1/3 (2) Qa = Qconv 2. Wall Curvature Effect Because of the twist experienced by the fluid flowing in a tube containing a twisted tape insert, the mean flow over the tube resembles that across a curved channel. Experimental and analytical investigations by A.E. Bergles [3] have shown that a turbulent mean velocity over a curved channel shows a remarkable difference over that on a flat channel even for a mild curvature, while no such difference exists in laminar flow. An experimental correlation which agrees data of many investigations was given by A. E. Bergles [3] The heat transfer rate in the test section was calculated using Qa = V2/R = mCp(To – Ti) = UoAo(To – Tb) (6) Where 1/ (UoAo) = 1/ (hi Ai ) + ln (Di/Do) (2πkwL) (8) The internal convective heat transfer coefficient hi was determined by combining Eqs. (7) and (8). The inlet temperature (Ti) and outer temperature (To) of water was measured at certain points with Cu–Al, k type thermocouples. The mean wall temperature can be expressed as 3. Tape Fin Effect The tape fin effect refers to the heat transferred from the tube wall to the tape and from the tape to the fluid. If a good contact between the tape and the tube was ensured, a significant contribution from the fin effect can be expected. But in practical situations, to facilitate easy insertion and removal, a certain amount of clearance will be required which tends to reduce the fin effect. [3] (Ti) = “ Ti / 12 (9) Where Ti was the local inside temperature and evaluated at the outer wall surface of the inner tube. Twelve thermocouples were tapped on local wall of the tube and the thermocouples placed round the tube to measure the circumferential temperature variation, which was negligible. The average wall temperatures were calculated from 12 points, lined between the inlet and the exit of the test tube. The mean Nusselt number, Nu was estimated as follows: Nu = hD / k (10) The Reynolds number was given by Re = VD/ν (11) Nufin = 0.9α “Nuo Cfin [cosh M -1] (4) sinh M 4. Higher Mean Velocity The mean velocities in the tape generated swirl flow were higher due to, i) The decreased effective area available for flow due to partial blocking of the tube by the tape of finite thickness. ii) The helicoidal path to be followed by the fluid. Since the fluid has to traverse a longer path in helicoidal flow as compared with straight flow. The mean velocities will be higher than in straight flow for the same mass flow rate DOI: 01.IJMMS.01.01.54 (7) Tb = (To + Ti)/2 Nuw = [4.362 + [0.055 {Gr Pr 1.35}0.4 ] 2 ] 0.5 Pw 0.25 (3) © 2011 AMAE (5) B. Pressure drop calculation The pressure drop (ΔP) was determined from the differences in the level of fluid in U-tube manometer while fully developed friction factor was calculated using the following equation: f = (Di/L) ( ΔP ) 3 (12) 2 ρ um 2
  • 4. AMAE Int. J. on Manufacturing and Material Science, Vol. 01, No. 01, May 2011 All the fluid thermo physical properties determined at the average of the inlet and outlet bulk temperatures, Tb. The uncertainties associated with the experimental data were calculated on the basis 95% confidence level. The measurement uncertainties used in the method were as follows: bulk fluid temperature and wall temperatures ± 0.1ºC, fluid flow rate ± 2%, and fluid properties ± 2%. The uncertainty calculation showed that maximum of ± 6%, ± 5%, and ± 8% for Reynolds number, friction factor, and Nusselt number, respectively. VI. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Fig. 3 depicts variation of Nusselt number with Reynolds number for different twisted tape of twist ratio with mass flow rate increasing Fig.4 Friction factor (F1) Vs Reynolds Number (Re) Fig.3 Nusselt Number Vs Reynolds Number from 2gm/s to 20gm/s One can observe from fig.3 that the Nusselt number for full-length twisted tape increases with increasing mass flow rate and Reynolds number. This increase in intensity of heat transfer due to swirl flow generated in stainless steel full-length twisted tape is more than others. Maximum improvement in Nusselt no. using insulated tape of twist ratio 4.2 as 67%.It is interesting to note that in case of smooth tube, for a given heat flux as the Reynolds number increases, there is reduction in the Nusselt number. This can be attributed to the fact that, at a constant heat flux , larger flow rates tend to reduce the ratio of wall temperature to bulk mean temperature, thereby reducing Grashoff number and hence contribution from the natural convection. The nature of distributions of data points shows the dependence of swirl flow, Nusselt number on heat flux also. The swirl flow Nusselt number is found to be the function of  the twist ratio,  Reynolds number and  the heat flux. Fig. 4 and Fig. 5 depicts in the Reynolds number range of 200 – 2000 the isothermal friction factor for flow with full length twisted tape insets are 340 % to 750% higher as compared with those of smooth tube flow in the range of twist ratios 5.2 to 4.2. The isothermal friction factor is the function of twist ratio and Reynolds number. At higher Reynolds number beyond laminar flow region, the friction factor increases due to increase in the momentum exchange of the molecules. The isothermal friction factor obtained in this experimental work Fig.5 Friction factor (F2) Vs Reynolds Number (Re) for flow with full length tape inserts are in excellent agreement with predicted values of Date[1]. Fig.6 shows comparison of effectiveness of tapes with smooth tube flow. The tapes were found to be effective over the range of Reynolds number from 200 to 2000. The contribution from the fin effect was marginal. Fig.6 Convective heat transfer coefficient/ Pressure drop Vs Reynolds Number (Re) © 2011 AMAE DOI: 01.IJMMS.01.01.54 4
  • 5. AMAE Int. J. on Manufacturing and Material Science, Vol. 01, No. 01, May 2011 Greek symbols fluid density, kg m”3 tape thickness, m fluid dynamic viscosity, kg s”1 m”1 kinetic viscosity, m2s”1 Subscripts b bulk conv convection i inlet o outlet p plain tube s swirl generator w wall Nucb average Nusselt number by centrifugal convection Nuw average Nusselt number by wall curvature effect Nufin average Nusselt number by tape fin effect VII. CONCLUSION ρ δ µ ν Compared with heat transfer performance for flow in smooth tubes, full length twisted tape yield improvements in average Nu, for Re range of 200-2000 as follows, 1) In the range of given twist ratios, the aluminum tapes have shown a maximum improvement of 90% in the Nusselt number for y = 4.2 for Re = 2000 2) Aluminum tapes (Cfin = 8.15); between the twist ratios of 5.2 and 4.2, maximum improvements in Nu ranges from 50% to 100%. 3) S.S. tapes (Cfin = 0.61); between twist ratios of 5.2 and 4.2, the maximum improvement in Nu ranges from 40% to 94%. 4) Insulated tapes (Cfin = 0); between twist ratios of 5.2 and 4.2, the maximum improvement in Nu ranges from 40% to 67%. REFERENCES VIII. FUTURE SCOPE [1] A. W. Date, “Prediction of Friction and Heat Transfer Characteristics of Flow Tube Containing a Twisted Tape”, Ph. D. thesis, Imperial College London, 1972. [2] A. E. Bergles, Rohsenow, W. M. Hartnett, J. P.Cho,”Techniques to Enhance Heat Transfer”, Handbook of Heat Transfer, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1998, pp.11.1-11.76. [3] S. W. Hong and A. E. Bergles, “Augmentation of Laminar Flow Heat Transfer in Tubes by Means of Twisted Tube Inserts”, ISU Lab. Report, HTL -5 Research Institute, ISUERI-23-750, Dec 197. [4] R. M. Manglik and A. E. Bergles, “Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop Correlations for Twisted Tape Insert in Isothermal Tubes”, Part 1: Laminar Flows. Trans. ASME, J. Heat Transfer, 1993, pp. 881–889. [5] Smith Eiamsa-ard, Pongjet Promvonge, “Enhancement of Heat Transfer in a Tube with Regularly-Spaced Helical Tape Swirl Generators”, Solar Energy 78, 2005, pp. 483–494. [6] Siva Rama Krishna, Govardhan Pathipaka, P. Sivashanmugam, “Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop Studies in a Circular Tube Fitted with Straight Full Twist”, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 33, 2009, pp. 431–438. [7] P.Sivashanmugam, S. Suresh, “Experimental Studies on Heat Transfer and Friction Factor Characteristics in Laminar Flow Through a Circular Tube Fitted with Regularly Spaced Helical Screw-Tape Inserts”, Journal of Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 26, 2006, pp. 1990–1997. [8] S.K. Dhal, S.K. Saha “Friction and Heat Transfer Characteristics of Laminar Swirl Flow Through a Circular Tube Fitted with Regularly Spaced Twisted-Tape Elements”, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 44, 2001, pp. 4211-4223. [9] P. Sivashanmugam, S. Suresh, “Experimental Studies on Heat Transfer and Friction Factor Characteristics of Turbulent Flow Through a Circular Tube Fitted with Regularly Spaced Helical Screw-Tape Inserts”, International Journal of Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol.27, 2007, pp. 1311-1319. [10] P. Bharadwaj, A.D Khondge, A.W Date, “Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop in a Spirally Grooved Tube with Twisted Tape Insert”, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 52, 2009, pp. 1938–1944. By using CFD techniques experimental result can be validated and used to adopt more accurate and precise Heat augmentation Techniques. ACKNOWLEDGMENT The present work was supported by the Board of college and university department, University of Pune, under research proposal scheme. NOMENCLATURE A Cp Di f h k L m V ΔP y Q T t Re H U R Nu Pr Gr Pw um Cfin ID OD heat transfer surface area, m2 specific heat of fluid, J kg”1 K”1 inside diameter of test tube, m friction factor = (Di/L) ( ΔP)/2 ρ um2 heat transfer coefficient, Wm”2 K”1 thermal conductivity of fluid, W m”1 K”1 length of test section, m mass flow rate, kg s”1 volume flow rate, m3 s”1 pressure drop across test tube, N/mm2 twist ratio heat transfer rate, W temperature, °C thickness of test tube, m Reynolds number = VD/ν pitch length of the twisted tape m average axial flow velocity, m s”1 resistance, &! average Nusselt number = hD/k Prandtl number = µCp/k Grashoff number wall parameter bulk average fluid velocity (ms-1) fin parameter Cfin = km δ / kf Di inner diameter outer diameter © 2011 AMAE DOI: 01.IJMMS.01.01.54 5
  • 6. AMAE Int. J. on Manufacturing and Material Science, Vol. 01, No. 01, May 2011 [11] Masoud Rahimia, Sayed Reza Shabaniana, Ammar Abdulaziz Alsaira. “Experimental and CFD Studies on Heat Transfer and Friction Factor Characteristics of a Tube Equipped with Modified Twisted Tape Inserts”, Chemical Engineering and Processing, Vol. 48, 2009, pp. 762–770. [12] A. G Patil, “Laminar Flow Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop Characteristics Power Low Fluid Inside Tubes with Varying Width Twisted Tape Inserts”, ASME 2000 Vol. 122, pp 143149. © 2011 AMAE DOI:01.IJMMS.01.01.54 6