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International Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER)
              www.ijmer.com              Vol.3, Issue.2, March-April. 2013 pp-685-691      ISSN: 2249-6645

       Effect of Shape of Cross-section and Its Performance for Concrete
                           Filled Steel Fluted Columns

                                          Dr. B.R Niranjan, 1 Eramma. H2
                           (Professor, Civil Engg Department, UVCE/ Bangalore University, India)
                       (Research Scholar, Civil Engg Department, UVCE/ Bangalore University, India)

Abstract: An attempt has been made to use this composite structural member as a column with a modification of flutes on
the steel tube which enhances the aesthetics and development area of sheet by which the moment of inertia gets increased by
about 17 to 40 % for rectangular flutes and 9 to 23 % for triangular flutes. Confining concrete by providing triangular and
rectangular shape fluted steel tube has been investigated by a well planned experimental work on twenty six concrete filled
steel fluted columns (CFSFC). The parameters chosen for the study are (i) Geometry of the specimen - Triangular fluted
columns (TFC) and rectangular fluted columns (RFC) (ii) Different L/D ratios (size of the columns) (iii) Longitudinal
reinforcement. Three series of specimens having different L/D ratios, 2500mm long have been tested with M20 grade of self
compacting concrete (SCC). It is observed that the load resistance is better in rectangular fluted columns as compared to the
triangular fluted columns by 1.31 %, 1.05 % and 9.92% respectively for L/D ratio of 15, 20 and 25. The moment of inertia
gets increased by about17% to 40% for RFC and 9% to 23% for TFC.

Keywords: CFSFC, CFST, RFC, TFC, SCC, Composite Column.

                                                      I. INTRODUCTION
          CFST column technology evolved for the past forty years. Significant research has been made to understand the
behaviour of CFST columns taking advantage of confinement avoiding the necessity of form work. Better resistance of loads
by columns for axial strength has been achieved by confining concrete by steel tubes. It has been envisaged to study strength,
stiffness and buckling characteristics by providing flutes to steel sheet of columns which enhances aesthesis of columns.
Also, fluted columns enhances the strength and also stiffness as the surface area of steel sheet and moment of inertia of the
column increases. The advantage of steel members having high tensile strength and ductility and concrete members having
better compressive strength have been better made use as a composite member. Additional longitudinal reinforcement in the
columns makes the columns still stronger. Hence, it has been envisaged to check whether such a columns would act as a
slender column. Most of the researchers (1-18) have considered the effect of geometric properties like shape, l/d ratio, t/d ratio,
boundary conditions, strength of materials and the loading conditions. It has been found that generally the failure occurs by
either local buckling or yield failure. It has been found that Euro code gives a better design method which yields values
nearer to experimental values. Studies performed on different L/D ratios with small eccentricities have yielded that the
degree of confinement offered by a thin walled circular steel tube to the internal concrete is dependent on the load
conditions. Other parameters that have been considered by many researchers are different loading conditions like earthquake
load, repetitive load, impact load etc.

                                 II. PREPARATION OF SPECIMEN FOR STEEL SHEET
          Mild steel sheet with thickness 0.8 mm has been pressed in a mill to obtain five triangular flute with 10 mm at apex
of triangle uniformly along the length. These sheets were given a tubular shape and tacked along the edges at an interval of
250 mm along the length of the column. The number and the size of the flutes remained same irrespective of the diameter of
the column i.e., for different L/D ratios as shown in Fig 2.1. The moment of inertia gets increased by about 17% to 40 % for
rectangular fluted columns and 9% to 23 % for triangular fluted columns are as shown in Table II. The development length
of the width of each of these columns with different L/D ratios as compared to a circular column of the same diameter is 14,
18 and 22% for triangular fluted columns and 24, 29 and 34 % for rectangular fluted columns for L/D ratios of 15, 20 and
25 respectively as shown in Table III. Reinforcement cage is then placed inside these fluted tubes taking care to maintain the
necessary cover. The five types of columns have been shown in Fig 2.2 and Fig 2.3 respectively. Though regular ties have
not been used, however four ties have been provided at equal distances to keep the reinforcement in position. Self
Compacting Concrete of design mix M 20 designed as per Nan Su method(15) and tested for conformity as per IS specifications
is poured into the fluted steel tube. These columns were cured for 28 days by frequently pouring water over top of the
column. Pilot specimens cured in a similar manner were tested to know the basic properties and are entered in Table I. The
transformed area and experimental load details are shown in Table IV.

                                                              www.ijmer.com                                             685 | Page
International Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER)
              www.ijmer.com            Vol.3, Issue.2, March-April. 2013 pp-685-691      ISSN: 2249-6645

                          Fig 2.1 Cross section of TFC & RFC with L/D ratio of 15, 20 & 25.

                                            III. EXPERIMENTAL SETUP
          The tests were conducted using a 2000 kN capacity hydraulic jack placing the specimen in the testing machine as
shown in Fig. 3.1 & 3.2. The bearing surfaces of the testing machine and the bearing plates were wiped clean and any loose
sand or other material removed from the surface of the specimen. Which were to be in contact with the bearing plates. The
specimen was placed between the bearing plates in such a manner that the upper bearing plate was directly in line with the
lower plate and the bearing plates extend at least 25 mm from each end of the specimen. The columns were placed
restraining rotation at both ends. Care was taken to ensure that truly axial load was transformed to each of the columns.
This was achieved by using plumb bob and a Theodolite.

         Foil strain gauge (8mm x 8mm) 350 + 0.5 Ω were employed to measure the strains at the centre of the steel tube
and centre of the reinforcement (core) of the specimens. Three numbers 50 mm dial test indicators with a least count of 0.01
mm one for axial and the other two for lateral were used to measure axial and lateral deformations upon loading as shown in
Fig 3.2 Apart from these instruments plumb bob and linear scales have been used.

         Behaviour of the columns have been studied to understand deformation characteristics in the axial direction and in
the transverse direction. Strains have been measured on the steel sheet in two perpendicular directions. Generally, the
columns have shown linear behaviour up to about one third of the total load that is about 250 kN axial compressive load. It
was envisaged to study the buckling characteristic because of the less width to length of column. But, none of the columns
have shown buckling, near the mid portion of the column. The confinement of the column is so large and even the columns
without the longitudinal reinforcement and L/D ratio of 25 have not shown any buckling. All the columns have failed near
supports of column showing local buckling. Behaviour of each column and its characteristics has been explained in
subsequent articles. Among various number of reinforcements, the ultimate load has been found to be maximum for L/D
ratio of 15 to be in 4 number of reinforcements and in L/D ratio of 20 and 25 it is for 3 number of reinforcements for
triangular fluted columns and the ultimate load has been found to be maximum for L/D ratio of 15, 20 and 25 to be in 4
number of reinforcements for rectangular fluted columns as shown in Fig.3.3(a) and Fig 3. 3(b) respectively.

                                                          www.ijmer.com                                          686 | Page
International Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER)
                  www.ijmer.com            Vol.3, Issue.2, March-April. 2013 pp-685-691      ISSN: 2249-6645

            Fig 3.3(a) Triangular Fluted Column                            Fig 3.3(b). Rectangular Fluted Column

                                         Fig 3.3 Ultimate load v/s Area of reinforcement

Calculation of Equivalent Moment of Inertia for composite column
Ie = Ic + Iess + Iest
Where     Ie      = Equivalent moment of inertia
          Ic      =Moment of inertia of concrete
          Iess    = Equivalent moment of inertia of steel sheet
           Iest    = Equivalent moment of inertia of reinforcement

3.3.1 Rectangular Fluted Column
MI about x-x axis
Ixx = I circle + I rectangle flute

 Ixx =

MI about y-y axis

Iyy = I circle + I rectangle flute

3.3.2 Triangular Fluted Column
MI about x-x axis
Ixx = I circle + I triangle flute

MI about y-y axis

Iyy = I circle + I triangle flute

                                                             www.ijmer.com                                         687 | Page
International Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER)
            www.ijmer.com             Vol.3, Issue.2, March-April. 2013 pp-685-691      ISSN: 2249-6645

3.4 Calculation of equivalent Area

At = Ac + m1 Ast + m2 Ass
Where   At = Area of transformed section
        Ac = Area of concrete
        Ast = Area of reinforcement steel
        Ass = Area of steel sheet

Modular ratio

m1 =

m2 =

Where   Ec = Young's Modulus of Concrete
        Ess = Young's Modulus of` Steel Sheet
        Est = Young's Modulus of reinforcement

                                              I. FIGURES AND TABLES

  No Reinforcement            3#8                      4#8                    5#8                 6#8

                            Fig 2.2. Triangular fluted columns with and without reinforcement

   No Reinforcement              3#8                      4#8                    5#8                 6#8

                          Fig 2.3. Rectangular fluted columns with and without reinforcement

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International Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER)
              www.ijmer.com               Vol.3, Issue.2, March-April. 2013 pp-685-691      ISSN: 2249-6645

               Fig 3.1 Experimental Setup                                           Fig.3.2 Dial Test Indicators laterally & axially

                            Table I. Details of testing of the materials from experimental results

 SL No          Materials                 Poission’s         Modulus of Elasticity                 Remarks
                                           ratio ( µ)        ( E) N/mm2
 1              Concrete                  0.16               0.223 x 105                           Split tensile strength test
 2              Reinforcement             0.28               0.21 x 105                            Tensile test

 3              Steel Sheet               0.26               0.723 x 105                           Tension coupon test

Table II Comparison results of Equivalent Moment of Inertia of Fluted column, Non fluted internal diameter column
                                    and Non fluted external diameter column.

     Sl      Specimen       Equivalent Moment      Eq Moment of            Eq     Moment      of        % increase               % decrease
     No                     of Inertia mm4 (with   Inertia mm4(without     Inertia mm4(without           (internal       ( external dia – with flutes)
                            flutes)                flutes considering      flutes    considering        dia+with
                                                   internal dia)           external dia)                  flutes)
     1      TFC-L/D 15          41.96 x 106             38.18 x 106             60.01 x 106                9.00                          30.07

     2      TFC-L/D 20          14.18 x 106             11.98 x 106            21.69 x 106                15.51                          34.62

     3      TFC-L/D 25           6.36 x 106             4.90 x 106              10.17x 106                22.95                          37.46

     4      RFC-L/D 15          46.23 x 106             38.18 x 106            60.01 x 106                17.41                          22.96

     5      RFC-L/D 20          16.76 x 106             11.98 x 106            21.69 x 106                28.52                          22.72

     6      RFC-L/D 25           8.15 x 106             4.90 x 106             10.17 x 106                39.87                          19.86

                                         Table III: Development Length of the Columns

  Name of the Specimens                                          Development Length mm                                           % Increase
                                Without Flutes(Internal Diameter)            With Flutes(Internal Diameter +Flutes)

  CFSFC-TFC-L/D 15              524.65                                         611.10                                            14.14
  CFSFC-TFC-L/D 20              392.69                                         479.11                                            18.03
  CFSFC-TFC-L/D 25              314.15                                         400.60                                            21.58
  CFSFC-RFC-L/D 15              524.65                                         687.50                                            23.68
  CFSFC-RFC-L/D 20              392.69                                         555.51                                            29.31
  CFSFC-RFC-L/D 25              314.15                                         477.00                                            34.14

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International Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER)
                 www.ijmer.com               Vol.3, Issue.2, March-April. 2013 pp-685-691      ISSN: 2249-6645

                                               Table IV. Area of cross section of columns

Specimen Name                  At (Equivalent) mm2        At (Equivalent) mm2         %            Experimental Load kN            %
Column-L/D-No Rein             TFC                        RFC                         increases    TFC             RFC             increase

C-15-0                         24338.14                   25538.01                    4.70         680             670             1.49

C-15-3                         25776.68                   26976.54                    4.45         790             550*            43.63

C-15-4                         26256.25                   27456.12                    4.37         820             800             2.50

C-15-5                         26735.73                   27935.60                    4.30         780             750             4.00

C-15-6                         27215.30                   28415.17                    4.22         680             780             12.82

C-20-0                         14360.84                   15560.71                    7.71         500             550             9.09

C-20-3                         15799.37                   16999.24                    7.06          650            550             18.18

C-20-4                         16278.95                   17478.82                    6.86          520            620             16.12

C-20-5                         16758.43                   17958.30                    6.86          530            520             1.92

C-20-6                         17238.00                   18437.87                    6.51          610            600             1.66

C-25-0                         9737.53                    10937.39                    10.92        350             380             7.89

C-25-3                         11176.06                   12375.92                    9.70         420             430             2.32

C-25-4                         11655.64                   12855.50                    9.33         410             500             18.00

* Without arc weld column. First experiment test specimen the sheet is opened up, immediately put arc weld for remaining
columns, then the strength of the columns has been increases.

                                                          IV. CONCLUSION
     The moment of inertia gets increased by about 17%, 29% & 40% for RFC and 9%, 16% & 23% for TFC for L/D ratio of 15,
      20 & 25 respectively.
     The development length i.e., width of the sheet of these triangular fluted columns increases for different L/D ratios of
      15, 20 and 25 by 14%, 18% and 22% as compared to a circular column of the same diameter and the same for
      rectangular fluted columns will be 24%, 29% and 34%
     The cross section area gets increased by about 4.40%, 7% & 9.98% for L/D ratio of 15, 20 and 25 respectively for
      rectangular fluted columns as compared to triangular fluted columns.
     It is observed that the load resistance is better marginally in the case of rectangular fluted columns as compared to the
      triangular fluted columns by 1.31 %, 1.05 % and 9.92 % respectively for L/D ratio of 15, 20 and 25.
     Among various number of reinforcements, the ultimate load has been found to be maximum for L/D ratio of 15 to be in
      4 number of reinforcements and in L/D ratio of 20 and 25 it is for 3 number of reinforcements for triangular fluted
      columns and the ultimate load has been found to be maximum for L/D ratio of 15, 20 and 25 to be in 4 number of
      reinforcements for rectangular fluted columns.
     The study has shown that for an L/D ratio 25, no buckling has been observed even without longitudinal reinforcement.
      All the columns failed by local buckling.

                                                     V. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
The authors wish to thank the authorities of Bangalore University for giving an opportunity to conduct the experiments in the
Structural Engineering Laboratory of Faculty of Engineering-Civil.

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                                                                   www.ijmer.com                                                  691 | Page

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  • 1. International Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER) www.ijmer.com Vol.3, Issue.2, March-April. 2013 pp-685-691 ISSN: 2249-6645 Effect of Shape of Cross-section and Its Performance for Concrete Filled Steel Fluted Columns Dr. B.R Niranjan, 1 Eramma. H2 1 (Professor, Civil Engg Department, UVCE/ Bangalore University, India) 2 (Research Scholar, Civil Engg Department, UVCE/ Bangalore University, India) Abstract: An attempt has been made to use this composite structural member as a column with a modification of flutes on the steel tube which enhances the aesthetics and development area of sheet by which the moment of inertia gets increased by about 17 to 40 % for rectangular flutes and 9 to 23 % for triangular flutes. Confining concrete by providing triangular and rectangular shape fluted steel tube has been investigated by a well planned experimental work on twenty six concrete filled steel fluted columns (CFSFC). The parameters chosen for the study are (i) Geometry of the specimen - Triangular fluted columns (TFC) and rectangular fluted columns (RFC) (ii) Different L/D ratios (size of the columns) (iii) Longitudinal reinforcement. Three series of specimens having different L/D ratios, 2500mm long have been tested with M20 grade of self compacting concrete (SCC). It is observed that the load resistance is better in rectangular fluted columns as compared to the triangular fluted columns by 1.31 %, 1.05 % and 9.92% respectively for L/D ratio of 15, 20 and 25. The moment of inertia gets increased by about17% to 40% for RFC and 9% to 23% for TFC. Keywords: CFSFC, CFST, RFC, TFC, SCC, Composite Column. I. INTRODUCTION CFST column technology evolved for the past forty years. Significant research has been made to understand the behaviour of CFST columns taking advantage of confinement avoiding the necessity of form work. Better resistance of loads by columns for axial strength has been achieved by confining concrete by steel tubes. It has been envisaged to study strength, stiffness and buckling characteristics by providing flutes to steel sheet of columns which enhances aesthesis of columns. Also, fluted columns enhances the strength and also stiffness as the surface area of steel sheet and moment of inertia of the column increases. The advantage of steel members having high tensile strength and ductility and concrete members having better compressive strength have been better made use as a composite member. Additional longitudinal reinforcement in the columns makes the columns still stronger. Hence, it has been envisaged to check whether such a columns would act as a slender column. Most of the researchers (1-18) have considered the effect of geometric properties like shape, l/d ratio, t/d ratio, boundary conditions, strength of materials and the loading conditions. It has been found that generally the failure occurs by either local buckling or yield failure. It has been found that Euro code gives a better design method which yields values nearer to experimental values. Studies performed on different L/D ratios with small eccentricities have yielded that the degree of confinement offered by a thin walled circular steel tube to the internal concrete is dependent on the load conditions. Other parameters that have been considered by many researchers are different loading conditions like earthquake load, repetitive load, impact load etc. II. PREPARATION OF SPECIMEN FOR STEEL SHEET Mild steel sheet with thickness 0.8 mm has been pressed in a mill to obtain five triangular flute with 10 mm at apex of triangle uniformly along the length. These sheets were given a tubular shape and tacked along the edges at an interval of 250 mm along the length of the column. The number and the size of the flutes remained same irrespective of the diameter of the column i.e., for different L/D ratios as shown in Fig 2.1. The moment of inertia gets increased by about 17% to 40 % for rectangular fluted columns and 9% to 23 % for triangular fluted columns are as shown in Table II. The development length of the width of each of these columns with different L/D ratios as compared to a circular column of the same diameter is 14, 18 and 22% for triangular fluted columns and 24, 29 and 34 % for rectangular fluted columns for L/D ratios of 15, 20 and 25 respectively as shown in Table III. Reinforcement cage is then placed inside these fluted tubes taking care to maintain the necessary cover. The five types of columns have been shown in Fig 2.2 and Fig 2.3 respectively. Though regular ties have not been used, however four ties have been provided at equal distances to keep the reinforcement in position. Self Compacting Concrete of design mix M 20 designed as per Nan Su method(15) and tested for conformity as per IS specifications is poured into the fluted steel tube. These columns were cured for 28 days by frequently pouring water over top of the column. Pilot specimens cured in a similar manner were tested to know the basic properties and are entered in Table I. The transformed area and experimental load details are shown in Table IV. www.ijmer.com 685 | Page
  • 2. International Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER) www.ijmer.com Vol.3, Issue.2, March-April. 2013 pp-685-691 ISSN: 2249-6645 Fig 2.1 Cross section of TFC & RFC with L/D ratio of 15, 20 & 25. III. EXPERIMENTAL SETUP The tests were conducted using a 2000 kN capacity hydraulic jack placing the specimen in the testing machine as shown in Fig. 3.1 & 3.2. The bearing surfaces of the testing machine and the bearing plates were wiped clean and any loose sand or other material removed from the surface of the specimen. Which were to be in contact with the bearing plates. The specimen was placed between the bearing plates in such a manner that the upper bearing plate was directly in line with the lower plate and the bearing plates extend at least 25 mm from each end of the specimen. The columns were placed restraining rotation at both ends. Care was taken to ensure that truly axial load was transformed to each of the columns. This was achieved by using plumb bob and a Theodolite. 3.1 INSTRUMENTS Foil strain gauge (8mm x 8mm) 350 + 0.5 Ω were employed to measure the strains at the centre of the steel tube and centre of the reinforcement (core) of the specimens. Three numbers 50 mm dial test indicators with a least count of 0.01 mm one for axial and the other two for lateral were used to measure axial and lateral deformations upon loading as shown in Fig 3.2 Apart from these instruments plumb bob and linear scales have been used. 3.2 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Behaviour of the columns have been studied to understand deformation characteristics in the axial direction and in the transverse direction. Strains have been measured on the steel sheet in two perpendicular directions. Generally, the columns have shown linear behaviour up to about one third of the total load that is about 250 kN axial compressive load. It was envisaged to study the buckling characteristic because of the less width to length of column. But, none of the columns have shown buckling, near the mid portion of the column. The confinement of the column is so large and even the columns without the longitudinal reinforcement and L/D ratio of 25 have not shown any buckling. All the columns have failed near supports of column showing local buckling. Behaviour of each column and its characteristics has been explained in subsequent articles. Among various number of reinforcements, the ultimate load has been found to be maximum for L/D ratio of 15 to be in 4 number of reinforcements and in L/D ratio of 20 and 25 it is for 3 number of reinforcements for triangular fluted columns and the ultimate load has been found to be maximum for L/D ratio of 15, 20 and 25 to be in 4 number of reinforcements for rectangular fluted columns as shown in Fig.3.3(a) and Fig 3. 3(b) respectively. www.ijmer.com 686 | Page
  • 3. International Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER) www.ijmer.com Vol.3, Issue.2, March-April. 2013 pp-685-691 ISSN: 2249-6645 Fig 3.3(a) Triangular Fluted Column Fig 3.3(b). Rectangular Fluted Column Fig 3.3 Ultimate load v/s Area of reinforcement 3.3 EQUATIONS Calculation of Equivalent Moment of Inertia for composite column Ie = Ic + Iess + Iest Where Ie = Equivalent moment of inertia Ic =Moment of inertia of concrete Iess = Equivalent moment of inertia of steel sheet Iest = Equivalent moment of inertia of reinforcement 3.3.1 Rectangular Fluted Column MI about x-x axis Ixx = I circle + I rectangle flute Ixx = MI about y-y axis Iyy = I circle + I rectangle flute 3.3.2 Triangular Fluted Column MI about x-x axis Ixx = I circle + I triangle flute MI about y-y axis Iyy = I circle + I triangle flute www.ijmer.com 687 | Page
  • 4. International Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER) www.ijmer.com Vol.3, Issue.2, March-April. 2013 pp-685-691 ISSN: 2249-6645 3.4 Calculation of equivalent Area At = Ac + m1 Ast + m2 Ass Where At = Area of transformed section Ac = Area of concrete Ast = Area of reinforcement steel Ass = Area of steel sheet Modular ratio m1 = m2 = Where Ec = Young's Modulus of Concrete Ess = Young's Modulus of` Steel Sheet Est = Young's Modulus of reinforcement I. FIGURES AND TABLES No Reinforcement 3#8 4#8 5#8 6#8 Fig 2.2. Triangular fluted columns with and without reinforcement No Reinforcement 3#8 4#8 5#8 6#8 Fig 2.3. Rectangular fluted columns with and without reinforcement www.ijmer.com 688 | Page
  • 5. International Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER) www.ijmer.com Vol.3, Issue.2, March-April. 2013 pp-685-691 ISSN: 2249-6645 Fig 3.1 Experimental Setup Fig.3.2 Dial Test Indicators laterally & axially Table I. Details of testing of the materials from experimental results SL No Materials Poission’s Modulus of Elasticity Remarks ratio ( µ) ( E) N/mm2 1 Concrete 0.16 0.223 x 105 Split tensile strength test 2 Reinforcement 0.28 0.21 x 105 Tensile test 3 Steel Sheet 0.26 0.723 x 105 Tension coupon test Table II Comparison results of Equivalent Moment of Inertia of Fluted column, Non fluted internal diameter column and Non fluted external diameter column. Sl Specimen Equivalent Moment Eq Moment of Eq Moment of % increase % decrease No of Inertia mm4 (with Inertia mm4(without Inertia mm4(without (internal ( external dia – with flutes) flutes) flutes considering flutes considering dia+with internal dia) external dia) flutes) 1 TFC-L/D 15 41.96 x 106 38.18 x 106 60.01 x 106 9.00 30.07 2 TFC-L/D 20 14.18 x 106 11.98 x 106 21.69 x 106 15.51 34.62 3 TFC-L/D 25 6.36 x 106 4.90 x 106 10.17x 106 22.95 37.46 4 RFC-L/D 15 46.23 x 106 38.18 x 106 60.01 x 106 17.41 22.96 5 RFC-L/D 20 16.76 x 106 11.98 x 106 21.69 x 106 28.52 22.72 6 RFC-L/D 25 8.15 x 106 4.90 x 106 10.17 x 106 39.87 19.86 Table III: Development Length of the Columns Name of the Specimens Development Length mm % Increase Without Flutes(Internal Diameter) With Flutes(Internal Diameter +Flutes) CFSFC-TFC-L/D 15 524.65 611.10 14.14 CFSFC-TFC-L/D 20 392.69 479.11 18.03 CFSFC-TFC-L/D 25 314.15 400.60 21.58 CFSFC-RFC-L/D 15 524.65 687.50 23.68 CFSFC-RFC-L/D 20 392.69 555.51 29.31 CFSFC-RFC-L/D 25 314.15 477.00 34.14 www.ijmer.com 689 | Page
  • 6. International Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER) www.ijmer.com Vol.3, Issue.2, March-April. 2013 pp-685-691 ISSN: 2249-6645 Table IV. Area of cross section of columns Specimen Name At (Equivalent) mm2 At (Equivalent) mm2 % Experimental Load kN % Column-L/D-No Rein TFC RFC increases TFC RFC increase C-15-0 24338.14 25538.01 4.70 680 670 1.49 C-15-3 25776.68 26976.54 4.45 790 550* 43.63 C-15-4 26256.25 27456.12 4.37 820 800 2.50 C-15-5 26735.73 27935.60 4.30 780 750 4.00 C-15-6 27215.30 28415.17 4.22 680 780 12.82 C-20-0 14360.84 15560.71 7.71 500 550 9.09 C-20-3 15799.37 16999.24 7.06 650 550 18.18 C-20-4 16278.95 17478.82 6.86 520 620 16.12 C-20-5 16758.43 17958.30 6.86 530 520 1.92 C-20-6 17238.00 18437.87 6.51 610 600 1.66 C-25-0 9737.53 10937.39 10.92 350 380 7.89 C-25-3 11176.06 12375.92 9.70 420 430 2.32 C-25-4 11655.64 12855.50 9.33 410 500 18.00 * Without arc weld column. First experiment test specimen the sheet is opened up, immediately put arc weld for remaining columns, then the strength of the columns has been increases. IV. CONCLUSION  The moment of inertia gets increased by about 17%, 29% & 40% for RFC and 9%, 16% & 23% for TFC for L/D ratio of 15, 20 & 25 respectively.  The development length i.e., width of the sheet of these triangular fluted columns increases for different L/D ratios of 15, 20 and 25 by 14%, 18% and 22% as compared to a circular column of the same diameter and the same for rectangular fluted columns will be 24%, 29% and 34%  The cross section area gets increased by about 4.40%, 7% & 9.98% for L/D ratio of 15, 20 and 25 respectively for rectangular fluted columns as compared to triangular fluted columns.  It is observed that the load resistance is better marginally in the case of rectangular fluted columns as compared to the triangular fluted columns by 1.31 %, 1.05 % and 9.92 % respectively for L/D ratio of 15, 20 and 25.  Among various number of reinforcements, the ultimate load has been found to be maximum for L/D ratio of 15 to be in 4 number of reinforcements and in L/D ratio of 20 and 25 it is for 3 number of reinforcements for triangular fluted columns and the ultimate load has been found to be maximum for L/D ratio of 15, 20 and 25 to be in 4 number of reinforcements for rectangular fluted columns.  The study has shown that for an L/D ratio 25, no buckling has been observed even without longitudinal reinforcement. All the columns failed by local buckling. V. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors wish to thank the authorities of Bangalore University for giving an opportunity to conduct the experiments in the Structural Engineering Laboratory of Faculty of Engineering-Civil. REFERENCES Journal Papers: [1] O’Shea. MD & Bridge. RQ, 1997, “Local buckling of thin–walled circular steel sections with or without internal restraint” Journal of Constructional Steel Research, vol. 41, issues 2-3, Feb-March 1997 pp. 137-157. [2] O’Shea, MD &, Bridge RQ 2000, “Design of circular thin-walled concrete filled steel tubes “ Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, Proc. 126, 1295-1303. [3] Brian Uy, 2001, “Local and post-local buckling of fabricated steel and composite cross sections”, Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 127, no. 6, pp.666-677. www.ijmer.com 690 | Page
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