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Int. J. Mech. Eng. Res. & Tech 2019
ISSN 2454 – 535X www.ijmert.com
Vol. 11, Issue. 2, June 2019
Gas Exhaust Heat Exchanger CFD Study of Heat Recovery in a
Gas-Fired Power Plant
A Hari Krishna1,
S Vijay Kumar 2
B Srihari 3
, J Suresh Babu4
The availability of affordable, reliable energy sources is crucial to a thriving economy. However, the current energy sources are
being used up at an alarming pace. Therefore, new methods of energy conservation must be implemented. This is an effort to market a
ceramic heat exchanger with novel cross sections.Inadequate mass distribution, thermal stresses due to inhomogeneous heating and cooling,
etc. are only some of the many process intensification challenges that early heat exchangers helped pave the way for. Ceramic materials have
been presented as a replacement for traditional materials as a means of overcoming the aforementioned challenges. Given that ceramic
materials are advantageous in many ways, including their resistance to corrosion and high temperature. Ceramic heat exchangers' specially
designed surfaces ensure that incoming fluxes are distributed uniformly.
Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) was used to model a variety of ceramic heat exchanger tube configurations for this study.The physical
model of the complex, multi-shaped construction was brought into Fluent 18.2. To measure how efficient and effective heat transmission is,
engineers developed the ceramic monolith heat exchanger. The whole domain, including the fluid area on the exhaust gas side, the ceramic
core, and the fluid region on the air side, was computed numerically. Different duct cross sections (rectangular, elliptical, and cylindrical)
with air and exhaust flowing in opposite directions were used to calculate the total system. When the predicted heat transfer rate is compared
between theoretical calculation and numerical computing, the latter is shown to be 15% higher.
These days, it takes more effort to save energy.Due in large part to a lack of fossil fuels, which are used in the
production of energy, there is a restricted supply of such energy. There are a wide variety of energy resources
available, including oil, natural gas, and others. Today's vehicles are more energy-hungry than ever. Oil reserves
will be depleted shortly if production continues at its present pace. The finite supply of fossil fuels, however, will
become more problematic when production rates begin to drop.
The release of greenhouse gases is another, more pressing reason to create energy-efficient automobiles. Emissions
of carbon dioxide (CO2) from the burning of fossil fuels contribute to global warming because they absorb heat
reflected back from Earth's surface. The ability of the environment to store CO2 is diminished as a result of the
greenhouse effect's interference with natural marine and carbon cycles. Energy production from the combustion of
fossil fuels was the single greatest contributor to global CO2 emissions (45 percent). Since 1970, human-caused
carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions have grown by around 80 percent overall (and by more than 100 percent in the
transportation sector), raising average atmospheric temperatures by about 0.8 degrees Celsius. While this may not
seem like much on a grand scale, the global impact of this trend is expected to be catastrophic.
Asst. Professor,
Department of ME, K. S. R. M College of Engineering(A), Kadapa
Int. J. Mech. Eng. Res. & Tech 2019
ISSN 2454 – 535X www.ijmert.com
Vol. 11, Issue. 2, June 2019
There is a significant emphasis on environmental
sustainability in vehicle and engine development due
to the need to cut emissions and decrease the use of
fossil fuel reserves. Therefore, it is evident that the
CO2emissions from renewable sources should be
reduced by the use of electric cars.
There has been significant effort put towards
improving the efficiency of combustion engines by
decreasing these losses. The losses caused by
mechanical friction can be decreased, the engine's
combustion efficiency can be improved, and better
gas exchange pathways may be designed to
accomplish this goal.
 The present work include following
 Designing of Rectangular, circular and
elliptical shapes using CREO-
 Simulating the designs with ANSYS
 To enhance heat transfer coefficient of
Rectangular, circular and elliptical tubes.
 Calculating the heat transfer rate.
 5. Calculation of heat transfer coefficient
for Rectangular, circular and elliptical shape
 Comparing heat transfer coefficient between
optimized shapes of tubes.
Young Hawn Yoon[1](2009)In their study they
found the performance of heat transfer and pressure
drop by numerical computation and ξ-NTU method.
By comparisons of both performances by the
numerical computation and the ξ-NTU method, the
effectiveness by ξ-NTU method was closest to the
result by the numerical computation within the
relative of 2.14%when Stephan's Nusselt number
correlation was adopted to the ξ-NTU method among
the several correlations.
Chandrakala[2](2015)- In their study the
performance of heat transfer and pressure drop is
calibrated by numerical computation. The main aim
is to reduce the hot side temperature from 1100oc to
600oc and later it passes through the metallic heat
exchanger temperature ranges less than 600oc. By
increasing the Reynolds number on the cold air side
this increase the velocity of the cold fluid Increase
the heat transfer rate also increase the velocity by
using nuzzling effect on cold air slot. The main
purpose using the ceramic is to withstand with high
temperature than metal.
P.Sowjanya[3](2016);In their study they stated that
Ceramic heat exchanger has low material cost and
also it can withstand high temperatures compared to
metallic heat exchanger. Due to this reason it is
important to predict the performance of ceramic heat
exchanger, before it gets fabricated .In this project
CFD analysis is performed on the ceramic heat
exchanger having rectangular and circular ducts
where aluminum nitride is used to predict and
optimize various parameters like heat transfer rate
and effectiveness.
All the CFD codes contain three main elements. They
are as follows,
 Pre-processor.
 Solver.
 Post processor.
3.3.1 Pre Processor
It transfers the input of a flow problem to
CFD program by means of an operator friendly
interface and the subsequent transformation of this
input into a suitable format, which can be used by
solver. The stage wise preprocessor activities include.
 Determining the geometry of the region
of the interest i.e. the computational
 Grid generation or mesh generation
(subdivision of the computational
domain into small segments, which are
called as cells, control volumes)
 Selection of the physical and chemical
phenomena that need to be modeled.
 Definition of fluid properties.
Int. J. Mech. Eng. Res. & Tech 2019
ISSN 2454 – 535X www.ijmert.com
Vol. 11, Issue. 2, June 2019
 Specification of appropriate boundary
conditions at cells, which coincide with
or touch the domain boundary.
The solution to a flow problem (pressure,
velocity, temperature etc.) is defined at nodes,
corners of each cell. The number of the cells in the
grid governs the accuracy of a CFD solution. In
general, the larger number of cells the better the
solution accuracy, but increases the time required for
3.3.2 Solver
There are three distinct of numerical solution
techniques: finite difference, finite element and finite
volume method. The outlines of the numerical
method that form the basis of the solver perform the
following sequence steps:
 Approximation of the unknown flow
variables by means of simple function.
 Discretization by substitution of the
approximation into the governing equations
and subsequent mathematical manipulation.
 Solution of the algebraic equation through
an interactive process.
3.3.3 Post Processor
As in preprocessing, a huge amount of
development work has recently taken place in the
post-processing field. Owing to the increased
popularity of engineering workstations, many of
which have outstanding graphics capabilities, the
leading CFD package are now equipped with
versatile data visualization tools. These includes,
4.1 Assumptions
1. The governing equations are
assumed to be in steady state and
taken for compressible fluid.
2. The fluid flowing through the heat
sink channel exhibits Newtonian
3. The density of the air is taken at
constant pressure and at ambient
4. Inlet velocity and temperature of the
rectangular and trapezoidal heat
sinks isuniform.
5. Uniform air velocity is assumed
along the length of the fin
6. The wall resistance and fouling
factors are negligible.
7. All the heat rejected from
microelectronic processing system
assumed to be absorbed in heat
4.4.1. Geometrical Model of rectangular tube heat
The geometric model for the rectangular
tube Heat Exchanger is as shown in the Fig.
Fig.4.4.1 Fig shows Geometric Model of rectangular tube heat
4.4.2. Meshing module of rectangular tube heat
The meshing module for the rectangular tube Heat
Exchanger is as shown in the Fig. 5.4.2
Int. J. Mech. Eng. Res. & Tech 2019
ISSN 2454 – 535X www.ijmert.com
Vol. 11, Issue. 2, June 2019
Fig.4.4.2 shows meshing module of rectangular tube heat
distributions of rectangular Structure:
Fig. 4.4.3 Shows Contours Of temperature for rectangular tube
heat exchanger at air side
Fig. 4.4.4 Shows Contours Of velocity for rectangular tube heat
exchanger at exhaust side
Fig. 4.3.3. Shows Contours Of temperature for elliptical tube
heat exchanger at air side
Fig. 4.3.4 Shows Contours Of temperature for elliptical tube heat
exchanger at exhaust side
4. Results &Discussion
Fig.5.1. mass flow rate vs. heat transfer rate
rectangular tube:
FIG.5.1. mass flow rate VS heat transfer rate
The above Fig.5.1 shows the variation of
heat transfer rate with the mass flow rate. As the
mass flow rate is increases heat transfer rate is also
increases With respect to the mass flow rate. Mass
flow ratewill changes heat transfer rate either rise or
fall down and then maximum heat transfer rate will
be obtained at 0.003966kg/s.
Int. J. Mech. Eng. Res. & Tech 2019
ISSN 2454 – 535X www.ijmert.com
Vol. 11, Issue. 2, June 2019
FIG.5.2. mass flow rate VS heat transfer rate
The above Fig.6.2 shows the variation of heat
transfer rate with the mass flow rate. As the mass
flow rate is increases heat transfer rate is also
increases With respect to the mass flow rate. Mass
flow rate will changes heat transfer rate either rise or
fall down and then maximum heat transfer rate will
be obtained at 0.003966kg/s of an elliptical tube
FIG.5.3. mass flow rate VS heat transfer rate
The above Fig.6.3 shows the variation of
mass flow rate with heat transfer rate. As the mass
flow rate is increases the heat transfer rate is also
increases.The above Fig.6.1 shows the variation of
heat transfer rate with the mass flow rate. As the
mass flow rate is increases heat transfer rate is also
increases With respect to the mass flow rate. Mass
flow rate will changes heat transfer rate either rise or
fall down and then maximum heat transfer rate will
be obtained at 0.003966kg/s.
Comparison between Reynolds Number &
Comparison between Mass flow rate & Correlations
Effectiveness between rectangle,elliptical and
cylindrical shapes from numerical analysis
The present study contrasted theoretical and
numerical analyses of the performance of a ceramic
monolith heat exchanger. Exhaust gas and ambient
air at temperatures between 600 and 1000 C have
been the subject of theoretical studies. Theoretical
and numerical analyses assessed the overall heat
transfer rate and efficacy.Numerous Nusselt number
correlations found in the literature have been used in
the computations that have been carried out using the
NTU approach.
(1) Numerical calculation improved heat transfer
performance by 15% compared to theoretical study.
The total heat transfer by NTU technique with the
Stephen correlation is the most similar to the
numerical approach of calculating the Nusselt
(2) Rectangular tube heat exchangers have an
estimated Efficiency of 52%, elliptical tube heat
exchangers have an Efficiency of 55%, and
cylindrical tube heat exchangers have an Efficiency
of 62%.
Ni-Cr-Al, NiCrAl + MgZrO3, and MgZrO3
are the ceramic materials used for the whole of this
project. The same may be achieved by using state-
Int. J. Mech. Eng. Res. & Tech 2019
ISSN 2454 – 535X www.ijmert.com
Vol. 11, Issue. 2, June 2019
of-the-art ceramic materials that are naturally
resistant to high temperatures.
By keeping the right L/D ratio and without changing
the mass distribution, you may employ cross sections
other than the standard rectangular, elliptical, and
cylindrical ones.
As an alternative to venting smoke stack exhaust
outside, it may be used to preheat air in the pre
heater, allowing it to function at a lower, more
energy-efficient temperature. This is possible so long
as the appropriate parameters for the application are
The Ceramic Monolith Heat Exchanger:
Theoretical Analysis and Computational Fluid
Dynamics Simulation [1]
(17-21-2009) Young Hwan Yoon1, Jin
Gi Paeng2, and Ki Chul Kim3.
A Theoretical Study and Performance
Analysis of the Ceramic Monolith Heat
Exchanger [2]
Authors: M. Dev Anand1*, G. Glan
Devadhas2, N. Prabhu3, and T. Karthikeyan4.
Year: 2009.
Analysis of Enhanced Tubes in a Double-
Pipe Heat Exchanger for Flow and Characteristics
Comparison Ganesan, Antony luki.A(1).M(2) .
Read "Compound heat transfer
enhancement of a dimpled tube with a twisted
tape swirl generator" by Chinaruk Thianpong a,
Petpices Eiamsa-ard a, Khwanchit Wongcharee b,
and Smith Eiamsa-ard c in International
Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 36
(2009), pages 698-704.
"Development and evaluation of
enhanced heat transfer tubes," Applied Thermal
Engineering 31 (2011) 2141-2145, David J.
Kukulka a, Rick Smith b, Kevin G. Fuller b.
"Heat transfer enhancement in dimpled
tubes," Applied Thermal Engineering 21 (2001)
535-547, Juin Chen (a), Hans Muller-Steinhagen
(b), and Georey G. Ducy (a) [6].
[7]. C. Son, J.E. Kima, J.H. Dooa, M.Y.
Haa, H.S. Yoonb, and J.H. Dooa Numerical
investigation on flow and heat transfer
characteristics in a cooling channel with a
protrusion-in-dimple surface, International
Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 55, 7257-
7267, 2012.
According to M. A. Saleh et al.'s "Flow
and Heat Transfer Performance of A Dimpled-
Inter Surface Heat Exchanger-an Experimental
/Numerical Study" [8]. Thermal Engineering,
Volume 21, Issue 2, 2002).
Heat transfer and pressure drop for low
reynolds turbulent flow in helically dimpled
tubes, International journal of heat and mass
transfer 45 (2002) 543-553, Pedro g. vicente,
Alberto Garcia, and Antonio Viedma.
On page 10, you'll find Pedro G. Vicente
*, Alberto Garca, and Antonio Viedma.
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer
45 (2002) 5091-5105, "Experimental study of
mixed convection and pressure drop in helically
dimpled tubes for laminar and transition flow."
Int. J. Mech. Eng. Res. & Tech 2019
ISSN 2454 – 535X www.ijmert.com
Vol. 11, Issue. 2, June 2019

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  • 2. Int. J. Mech. Eng. Res. & Tech 2019 ISSN 2454 – 535X www.ijmert.com Vol. 11, Issue. 2, June 2019 Gas Exhaust Heat Exchanger CFD Study of Heat Recovery in a Gas-Fired Power Plant A Hari Krishna1, S Vijay Kumar 2 B Srihari 3 , J Suresh Babu4 ABSTRACT The availability of affordable, reliable energy sources is crucial to a thriving economy. However, the current energy sources are being used up at an alarming pace. Therefore, new methods of energy conservation must be implemented. This is an effort to market a ceramic heat exchanger with novel cross sections.Inadequate mass distribution, thermal stresses due to inhomogeneous heating and cooling, etc. are only some of the many process intensification challenges that early heat exchangers helped pave the way for. Ceramic materials have been presented as a replacement for traditional materials as a means of overcoming the aforementioned challenges. Given that ceramic materials are advantageous in many ways, including their resistance to corrosion and high temperature. Ceramic heat exchangers' specially designed surfaces ensure that incoming fluxes are distributed uniformly. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) was used to model a variety of ceramic heat exchanger tube configurations for this study.The physical model of the complex, multi-shaped construction was brought into Fluent 18.2. To measure how efficient and effective heat transmission is, engineers developed the ceramic monolith heat exchanger. The whole domain, including the fluid area on the exhaust gas side, the ceramic core, and the fluid region on the air side, was computed numerically. Different duct cross sections (rectangular, elliptical, and cylindrical) with air and exhaust flowing in opposite directions were used to calculate the total system. When the predicted heat transfer rate is compared between theoretical calculation and numerical computing, the latter is shown to be 15% higher. INTRODUCTION These days, it takes more effort to save energy.Due in large part to a lack of fossil fuels, which are used in the production of energy, there is a restricted supply of such energy. There are a wide variety of energy resources available, including oil, natural gas, and others. Today's vehicles are more energy-hungry than ever. Oil reserves will be depleted shortly if production continues at its present pace. The finite supply of fossil fuels, however, will become more problematic when production rates begin to drop. The release of greenhouse gases is another, more pressing reason to create energy-efficient automobiles. Emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) from the burning of fossil fuels contribute to global warming because they absorb heat reflected back from Earth's surface. The ability of the environment to store CO2 is diminished as a result of the greenhouse effect's interference with natural marine and carbon cycles. Energy production from the combustion of fossil fuels was the single greatest contributor to global CO2 emissions (45 percent). Since 1970, human-caused carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions have grown by around 80 percent overall (and by more than 100 percent in the transportation sector), raising average atmospheric temperatures by about 0.8 degrees Celsius. While this may not seem like much on a grand scale, the global impact of this trend is expected to be catastrophic. 1,2,3,4 Asst. Professor, Department of ME, K. S. R. M College of Engineering(A), Kadapa
  • 3. Int. J. Mech. Eng. Res. & Tech 2019 ISSN 2454 – 535X www.ijmert.com Vol. 11, Issue. 2, June 2019 There is a significant emphasis on environmental sustainability in vehicle and engine development due to the need to cut emissions and decrease the use of fossil fuel reserves. Therefore, it is evident that the CO2emissions from renewable sources should be reduced by the use of electric cars. There has been significant effort put towards improving the efficiency of combustion engines by decreasing these losses. The losses caused by mechanical friction can be decreased, the engine's combustion efficiency can be improved, and better gas exchange pathways may be designed to accomplish this goal. 1.1 OBJECTIVES OF PRESENT STUDY  The present work include following objectives  Designing of Rectangular, circular and elliptical shapes using CREO- PARAMETRIC 3.0  Simulating the designs with ANSYS FLUENT 15.  To enhance heat transfer coefficient of Rectangular, circular and elliptical tubes.  Calculating the heat transfer rate.  5. Calculation of heat transfer coefficient for Rectangular, circular and elliptical shape tubes  Comparing heat transfer coefficient between optimized shapes of tubes. 1. LITERATURE REVIEW Young Hawn Yoon[1](2009)In their study they found the performance of heat transfer and pressure drop by numerical computation and ξ-NTU method. By comparisons of both performances by the numerical computation and the ξ-NTU method, the effectiveness by ξ-NTU method was closest to the result by the numerical computation within the relative of 2.14%when Stephan's Nusselt number correlation was adopted to the ξ-NTU method among the several correlations. Chandrakala[2](2015)- In their study the performance of heat transfer and pressure drop is calibrated by numerical computation. The main aim is to reduce the hot side temperature from 1100oc to 600oc and later it passes through the metallic heat exchanger temperature ranges less than 600oc. By increasing the Reynolds number on the cold air side this increase the velocity of the cold fluid Increase the heat transfer rate also increase the velocity by using nuzzling effect on cold air slot. The main purpose using the ceramic is to withstand with high temperature than metal. P.Sowjanya[3](2016);In their study they stated that Ceramic heat exchanger has low material cost and also it can withstand high temperatures compared to metallic heat exchanger. Due to this reason it is important to predict the performance of ceramic heat exchanger, before it gets fabricated .In this project CFD analysis is performed on the ceramic heat exchanger having rectangular and circular ducts where aluminum nitride is used to predict and optimize various parameters like heat transfer rate and effectiveness. 2. WORKING OF CFD CODE: All the CFD codes contain three main elements. They are as follows,  Pre-processor.  Solver.  Post processor. 3.3.1 Pre Processor It transfers the input of a flow problem to CFD program by means of an operator friendly interface and the subsequent transformation of this input into a suitable format, which can be used by solver. The stage wise preprocessor activities include.  Determining the geometry of the region of the interest i.e. the computational domain.  Grid generation or mesh generation (subdivision of the computational domain into small segments, which are called as cells, control volumes)  Selection of the physical and chemical phenomena that need to be modeled.  Definition of fluid properties.
  • 4. Int. J. Mech. Eng. Res. & Tech 2019 ISSN 2454 – 535X www.ijmert.com Vol. 11, Issue. 2, June 2019  Specification of appropriate boundary conditions at cells, which coincide with or touch the domain boundary. The solution to a flow problem (pressure, velocity, temperature etc.) is defined at nodes, corners of each cell. The number of the cells in the grid governs the accuracy of a CFD solution. In general, the larger number of cells the better the solution accuracy, but increases the time required for solution. 3.3.2 Solver There are three distinct of numerical solution techniques: finite difference, finite element and finite volume method. The outlines of the numerical method that form the basis of the solver perform the following sequence steps:  Approximation of the unknown flow variables by means of simple function.  Discretization by substitution of the approximation into the governing equations and subsequent mathematical manipulation.  Solution of the algebraic equation through an interactive process. 3.3.3 Post Processor As in preprocessing, a huge amount of development work has recently taken place in the post-processing field. Owing to the increased popularity of engineering workstations, many of which have outstanding graphics capabilities, the leading CFD package are now equipped with versatile data visualization tools. These includes, 3. ANALYSIS OF HEAT EXCHANGER 4.1 Assumptions 1. The governing equations are assumed to be in steady state and taken for compressible fluid. 2. The fluid flowing through the heat sink channel exhibits Newtonian behaviour. 3. The density of the air is taken at constant pressure and at ambient temperature 4. Inlet velocity and temperature of the rectangular and trapezoidal heat sinks isuniform. 5. Uniform air velocity is assumed along the length of the fin 6. The wall resistance and fouling factors are negligible. 7. All the heat rejected from microelectronic processing system assumed to be absorbed in heat sinks. 4.4NUMERICAL ANALYSIS OF HEAT EXCHANGER 4.4.1. Geometrical Model of rectangular tube heat exchanger; The geometric model for the rectangular tube Heat Exchanger is as shown in the Fig. 4.2.1 Fig.4.4.1 Fig shows Geometric Model of rectangular tube heat exchanger. 4.4.2. Meshing module of rectangular tube heat exchanger; The meshing module for the rectangular tube Heat Exchanger is as shown in the Fig. 5.4.2
  • 5. Int. J. Mech. Eng. Res. & Tech 2019 ISSN 2454 – 535X www.ijmert.com Vol. 11, Issue. 2, June 2019 Fig.4.4.2 shows meshing module of rectangular tube heat exchanger. 4.4.3temperature,Pressureandvelocity distributions of rectangular Structure: Fig. 4.4.3 Shows Contours Of temperature for rectangular tube heat exchanger at air side Fig. 4.4.4 Shows Contours Of velocity for rectangular tube heat exchanger at exhaust side TEMPERATURE, PRESSURE AND VELOCITY DISTRIBUTIONS OF ELLIPTICAL STRUCTURE: Fig. 4.3.3. Shows Contours Of temperature for elliptical tube heat exchanger at air side Fig. 4.3.4 Shows Contours Of temperature for elliptical tube heat exchanger at exhaust side 4. Results &Discussion GRAPHICAL REPRESENTATION: Fig.5.1. mass flow rate vs. heat transfer rate rectangular tube: FIG.5.1. mass flow rate VS heat transfer rate The above Fig.5.1 shows the variation of heat transfer rate with the mass flow rate. As the mass flow rate is increases heat transfer rate is also increases With respect to the mass flow rate. Mass flow ratewill changes heat transfer rate either rise or fall down and then maximum heat transfer rate will be obtained at 0.003966kg/s.
  • 6. Int. J. Mech. Eng. Res. & Tech 2019 ISSN 2454 – 535X www.ijmert.com Vol. 11, Issue. 2, June 2019 FIG.5.2. mass flow rate VS heat transfer rate The above Fig.6.2 shows the variation of heat transfer rate with the mass flow rate. As the mass flow rate is increases heat transfer rate is also increases With respect to the mass flow rate. Mass flow rate will changes heat transfer rate either rise or fall down and then maximum heat transfer rate will be obtained at 0.003966kg/s of an elliptical tube FIG.5.3. mass flow rate VS heat transfer rate The above Fig.6.3 shows the variation of mass flow rate with heat transfer rate. As the mass flow rate is increases the heat transfer rate is also increases.The above Fig.6.1 shows the variation of heat transfer rate with the mass flow rate. As the mass flow rate is increases heat transfer rate is also increases With respect to the mass flow rate. Mass flow rate will changes heat transfer rate either rise or fall down and then maximum heat transfer rate will be obtained at 0.003966kg/s. 5.6 RESULT TABULAR Comparison between Reynolds Number & Correlations Comparison between Mass flow rate & Correlations Effectiveness between rectangle,elliptical and cylindrical shapes from numerical analysis 5. CONCLUSION The present study contrasted theoretical and numerical analyses of the performance of a ceramic monolith heat exchanger. Exhaust gas and ambient air at temperatures between 600 and 1000 C have been the subject of theoretical studies. Theoretical and numerical analyses assessed the overall heat transfer rate and efficacy.Numerous Nusselt number correlations found in the literature have been used in the computations that have been carried out using the NTU approach. (1) Numerical calculation improved heat transfer performance by 15% compared to theoretical study. The total heat transfer by NTU technique with the Stephen correlation is the most similar to the numerical approach of calculating the Nusselt number. (2) Rectangular tube heat exchangers have an estimated Efficiency of 52%, elliptical tube heat exchangers have an Efficiency of 55%, and cylindrical tube heat exchangers have an Efficiency of 62%. 6. FUTURE SCOPE: Ni-Cr-Al, NiCrAl + MgZrO3, and MgZrO3 are the ceramic materials used for the whole of this project. The same may be achieved by using state-
  • 7. Int. J. Mech. Eng. Res. & Tech 2019 ISSN 2454 – 535X www.ijmert.com Vol. 11, Issue. 2, June 2019 of-the-art ceramic materials that are naturally resistant to high temperatures. By keeping the right L/D ratio and without changing the mass distribution, you may employ cross sections other than the standard rectangular, elliptical, and cylindrical ones. As an alternative to venting smoke stack exhaust outside, it may be used to preheat air in the pre heater, allowing it to function at a lower, more energy-efficient temperature. This is possible so long as the appropriate parameters for the application are known. REFERENCES: The Ceramic Monolith Heat Exchanger: Theoretical Analysis and Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulation [1] (17-21-2009) Young Hwan Yoon1, Jin Gi Paeng2, and Ki Chul Kim3. A Theoretical Study and Performance Analysis of the Ceramic Monolith Heat Exchanger [2] Authors: M. Dev Anand1*, G. Glan Devadhas2, N. Prabhu3, and T. Karthikeyan4. Year: 2009. Analysis of Enhanced Tubes in a Double- Pipe Heat Exchanger for Flow and Characteristics Comparison Ganesan, Antony luki.A(1).M(2) . Read "Compound heat transfer enhancement of a dimpled tube with a twisted tape swirl generator" by Chinaruk Thianpong a, Petpices Eiamsa-ard a, Khwanchit Wongcharee b, and Smith Eiamsa-ard c in International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 36 (2009), pages 698-704. "Development and evaluation of enhanced heat transfer tubes," Applied Thermal Engineering 31 (2011) 2141-2145, David J. Kukulka a, Rick Smith b, Kevin G. Fuller b. "Heat transfer enhancement in dimpled tubes," Applied Thermal Engineering 21 (2001) 535-547, Juin Chen (a), Hans Muller-Steinhagen (b), and Georey G. Ducy (a) [6]. [7]. C. Son, J.E. Kima, J.H. Dooa, M.Y. Haa, H.S. Yoonb, and J.H. Dooa Numerical investigation on flow and heat transfer characteristics in a cooling channel with a protrusion-in-dimple surface, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 55, 7257- 7267, 2012. According to M. A. Saleh et al.'s "Flow and Heat Transfer Performance of A Dimpled- Inter Surface Heat Exchanger-an Experimental /Numerical Study" [8]. Thermal Engineering, Volume 21, Issue 2, 2002). Heat transfer and pressure drop for low reynolds turbulent flow in helically dimpled tubes, International journal of heat and mass transfer 45 (2002) 543-553, Pedro g. vicente, Alberto Garcia, and Antonio Viedma. On page 10, you'll find Pedro G. Vicente *, Alberto Garca, and Antonio Viedma. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 45 (2002) 5091-5105, "Experimental study of mixed convection and pressure drop in helically dimpled tubes for laminar and transition flow."
  • 8. Int. J. Mech. Eng. Res. & Tech 2019 ISSN 2454 – 535X www.ijmert.com Vol. 11, Issue. 2, June 2019