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S e p t e m b e r 2 0 0 1
First Edition
Legnago - Italy
© 2001 RIELLO S.p.A. - LEGNAGO
Rights for translation, electronic memorization, reproduction and total or partial adaptment
with every mean (included photostatic copies or microfilms) are reserved.
First edition: September 2001
1.1. Basic reactions 13
1.2. The combustion supporter 13
1.3. The combustion supporter 14
1.3.1. Gaseous fuels and their combustion 16
1.3.2. Liquid fuels and their combustion 21
1.4. Pollutant combustion emissions 21
1.4.1. Sulphur oxides 22
1.4.2. Nitric oxides 22 Reduction of the NOx in gaseous fuel combustion 23 Reduction of the NOx in liquid fuel combustion 25
1.4.3. Carbon monoxide (CO) 25
1.4.4. Total suspended particles 26
1.4.5. Comments on the emission of CO2 27
1.5. Combustion control 27
1.5.1. Combustion efficiency 29
1.5.2. Measurement units for combustion emissions 29
2.1 Foreword 31
2.2 The firing range of a burner 32
2.3 Typical system layout diagrams 35
2.3.1 System engineering diagrams for fired burners 36
2.3.2 System engineering diagrams for burners using
low viscosity (< 6 cSt) liquid fuels - diesel oil / kerosene 36
2.3.3 System engineering diagrams for burners using
high viscosity (> 6 cSt) liquid fuels 37
2.3.4 Diagrams for the calibration of single-stage burners 38
2.3.5 Diagrams for the calibration of multi-stage burners 39
2.3.6 Diagrams for the calibration of modulating burners 39
2.3.7 Diagram of burner with measurement and regulation
of the percentage of O2 in the flue gases 40
2.3.8 Diagram of burner with pre-heating of the combustion supporter air 40
2.3.9 Diagram of burner with inverter controlled motors 41
2.3.10 Layout of the Burner Management -System 41
2.4 The Combustion head 42
2.4.1 Pressure drop air side 43
2.4.2 Pressure drop fuel side 43
2.5 The Fan 44
2.5.1 Regulating combustion air 46
2.6 Fuel supply 48
2.6.1 Gas supply 48 Calculating the fuel gas supply pipelines 50 Choosing the gas train 52 The feeding of liquid petroleum gases (LPG) 53
2.6.2 Feeding diesel oil and kerosene 55 Drop-type system with supply from bottom / drop-type system
with supply from summit / intake type system; 56 Systems with pressurised ring 57
2.6.3 Feeding of heavy oil (fuel oil) 61 Ring-type systems for multi-stage burners with or without
service tanks (type 1-3) 62 Ring-type systems for modulating burners with or without service tanks 66 Heating the pipelines 67 Heating the storage tanks 70
2.7 Electrical supply and burner control 71
2.8 Noise levels in forced draught burners 74
2.8.1 Deadening noise made by forced draught burners 77
2.9 Optimising combustion with forced draught burners 78
2.9.1 Regulating the O2 78
2.9.2 Pre-heating the combustion supporter air 80
2.9.3 Regulating the fan speed 80
2.9.4 The Burner Management System 81
3.1 General criteria 83
3.1.1 Thermal capacity at the heat generator furnace 83
3.1.2 Back pressure in the combustion chamber 85
3.1.3 Type of heat generator 85
3.1.4 Fuel 86
3.1.5 Burner operation mode 86
3.1.6 Minimum feed pressure of gaseous fuel 86
3.1.7 Installation altitude and average combustion air temperature 86
3.1.8 Special installation features 87
3.2 Selection of a monobloc burner - numeric example 87
3.2.1 Selection of the burner model 87
3.2.2 Selection of the combustion head length 91
3.2.3 Verifying the flame length 91
3.2.4 Selection of the gas train 92
3.2.5 Selection of the components for the diesel oil feed circuit 93
3.3 Selection of a DUALBLOC burner - numeric example 94
3.3.1 Selection of the burner model 94
3.3.2 Selection of the burner model 96
3.3.3 Selection of the gas train 100
3.3.4 Selection of the thrust unit for liquid fuel and the nozzles 102
3.3.5 Selection of the components in the liquid fuel feed circuit 104
Boilersinfo.com Transfer pump between the storage tank and the service tank 105 Service tank 105 Pump in the main ring 105 Dimensioning the main ring pipelines 106
3.3.6 Selection of the electrical control panel 107
4.1 Instruments 109
4.2 Preliminary operations 109
4.2.1 Systems fired by liquid fuel 109
4.2.2 Systems fired by gaseous fuel 109
4.3 Measurement conditions and operating methods 110
4.4 Calculating the combustion efficiency 111
4.4.1 Example for calculating combustion efficiency 111
5.1 Measuring units and conversion factors 115
5.2 Tables and diagrams about fuel viscosity 129
5.3 Tables and diagrams for circuits dimensioning 134
5.4 Tables and diagrams about combustion 156
Diagram 1 - Elementary representation of a flame 13
Diagram 2 - Temperature and altitude influence on effective air delivery 14
Diagram 3 - Example of a viscosimeter 16
Diagram 4 - Formation process of acid rain 22
Diagram 5 - Type of NOx in certain fuels 23
Diagram 6 - Functional layout of combustion process for a gas burner - Blue flame type 24
Diagram 7 - Monobloc burner (light oil - Low NOx) of BGK series 25
Diagram 8 - Effects of carbon monoxide 25
Diagram 9 - Penetration of the particles in the respiratory system 26
Diagram 10 - Combustion triangle for methane gas 28
Diagram 11 - Gas fired monobloc burner 31
Diagram 12 - Burners operating chances: a) one-stage, b) two-stage, c) progressive
two-stage, d) modulating 32
Diagram 13 - Layout of two monobloc (RL and RS series) burners and dual bloc
(TI) burner 33
Diagram 14 - Firing ranges of Riello RLS series dual fuel burners 34
Diagram 15 - Test combustion chamber for burners 34
Diagram 16 - Firing range of Riello RLS100- two stage gas/light oil burner 35
Diagram 17 - Firing range for Riello TI Series Burner combustion heads 35
Diagram 18 - Gas supply - low pressure circuit 36
Diagram 19 - Gas supply - high pressure circuit 36
Diagram 20 - A=Drop-type plant with fedding from top; B=air intake system 36
Diagram 21 - Drop-type plant with feeding from bottom 36
Diagram 22 - System with ring under pressure 37
Diagram 23 - Ring-type system for multi-stage and modulating burners with service tank 37
Diagram 24 - Ring-type system for multi-stage and modulating burners without service tank 38
Diagram 25 - Layout of regulation components for a single-stage burner 38
Diagram 26 - Layout of regulation components for a two-stage burner 39
Diagram 27 - Layout of regulation components for a modulating burner 39
Diagram 28 - Layout of O2 regulation system 40
Diagram 29 - Layout of a system with pre-heating of comburent air 40
Diagram 30 - Layout of the fan speed rotation regulation with inverter 41
Diagram 31 - Layout of integrated management for supervising a combustion system 41
Diagram 32 - Nozzles: full cone and empty cone distribution; definition of spray angle 42
Diagram 33 - Drawing of composition of combustion head for gas/light oil Riello
RLS 100 burner 42
Diagram 34 - Pressure drop air side in combustion head - dualbloc TI 10 burner 43
Diagram 35 - Pressure drop gas side in combustion head - dualbloc TI 10 burner 43
Diagram 36 - Feed pressure of liquid fuel 44
Diagram 37 - Fan of a dualbloc burner 44
Diagram 38 - Output absorbed from different types of fan varying delivery 44
Diagram 39 - Typical performance graphs of a centrifugal fan 45
Diagram 40 - Fan performance graphs on varying motor speed rotation 45
Diagram 41 - Performance graph of fan and resistant circuit with working point 45
Diagram 42 - Moody's abacus 47
Diagram 43 - Adimensional loss factors for air pipelines 47
Diagram 44 - Change of delivery by varying pressure drops of the circuit 48
Diagram 45 - Example of delivery changing by motor speed variation 48
Diagram 46 - Functional layout of the gas train 49
Diagram 47 - Gas filter 49
Diagram 48 - Pressure Regulator 49
Diagram 49 - Shut-off and safety valves 50
Diagram 50 - Gas pressure switch 50
Diagram 51 - Seal control system 50
Diagram 52 - Connection adaptor 50
Diagram 53 - Absolute viscosity of certain gases 51
Diagram 54 - LPG tank 53
Diagram 55 - Graph for the detrmination of the gas train 53
Diagram 56 - Shut-off solenoid valve on output circuit - close postition 55
Diagram 57 - Gear pump for liquid fule monobloc burner 55
Diagram 58 - Light oil burner feeding 56
Diagram 59 - Moody's abacus 60
Diagram 60 - Pressure regulating valve 60
Diagram 61 - Heavy oil preheating unit 61
Diagram 62 - Pumps for fuel oil 62
Diagram 63 - Service tank 63
Diagram 64 - Ring pressure - advised values 67
Diagram 65 - Self-regulating heating band 69
Diagram 66 - Turns' step for heating bands 69
Diagram 67 - Electrical layout of a monobloc burner with single-phase
electrical power supply 71
Diagram 68 - Electrical layout of a monobloc burner with three phase power supply 71
Diagram 69 - Firing sequence of a methane gas burner 72
Diagram 70 - Diagram of the main components required for combustion
control and regulation 72
Diagram 71 - Programming of the regulation temperatures for a two-stage burner 73
Diagram 72 - Electrical layout of a modulating burner with control devices 74
Diagram 73 - Isophonic curves 75
Diagram 74 - Weighted curves 76
Diagram 75 - Blimp for air blown burners 78
Diagram 76 - Reference values of the oxygen content in flue gases for a gas burner 79
Diagram 77 - Loss of the flue gases for different % of O2 80
Diagram 78 - Diagram for the evaluation of the energy saving by means of the inverter 81
Diagram 79 - Conceptual representation of a Burner Management System 82
Diagram 80 - Electrical power absorption with O2 regulation and inverter 82
Diagram 81 - Combustion chamber backpressure in relation to thermal output 85
Diagram 82 - Reverse flame boiler 85
Diagram 83 - Serpentine boiler 85
Diagram 84 - Fixing of the blast tube to the boiler port 86
Diagram 85 - Dual fuel (light oil-gas) burner of RLS series 88
Diagram 86 - Combustion head 91
Diagram 87 - Hot water boiler constructive layout 91
Diagram 88 - Lenght and diameter of the flame in relation to burner output 92
Diagram 89 - Diagram for selection of gas trains 93
Diagram 90 - Layout of a light oil feeding circuit 94
Diagram 91 - Dualbloc burner of TI series 94
Diagram 92 - Firing ranges for Riello TI Series of burner combustion heads 97
Diagram 93 - Combustion head pressure drops for TI series - air side 98
Diagram 94 - Pressure drops in circular pipelines 99
Diagram 95 - Performence graphs of GBJ fan series 100
Diagram 96 - Combustion head and butterfly valve pressure drops for TI series - gas side 101
Diagram 97 - Pressure drops in DMV safety valves 101
Diagram 98 - Nozzles delivery for modulating burners 103
Diagram 99 - Layout of a heavy oil feeding circuit 104
Diagram 100 - Example of analyzer for measuring combustion efficiency 109
Diagram 101 - Gas flow characteristics measuring points 110
Table 1 - Principal fuels classification 14
Table 2 - Characteistics of gaseous fuels 18
Table 3 - Names of liquid fuels in the main countries of use 19
Table 4 - Characteistics of liquid fuels 20
Table 5 - Maximum reccomended values of CO2 for the various fuels 28
Table 6 - Factors for calculation of the combustion efficiency 29
Table 7 - Mass equivalence of ppm of the main pollutant emissions 29
Table 8 - Maximum values of CO2 at 0% and at 3% of O2 for different fuels 30
Table 9 - Characteristic values of the absolute texture of different pipelines types 46
Table 10 - Maximum pressure drops of gas pipelines 51
Table 11 - Values of the equivalent lenghts of special pieces 52
Table 12 - Example for the tabular calculation of the diameter of the gas pipelines 52
Table 13 - Summary of liquid fuels 56
Table 14 - Schedule for the tabular scaling of the light oil feed pipelines 57
Table 15 - Absolute texture of the pipelines 59
Table 16 - Summary of liquid fuels 61
Table 17 - Typical values of sound power 74
Table 18 - Average values of sound pressure 75
Table 19 - Octave frequency band spectrum 76
Table 20 - Absorption factors of certain materials 77
Table 21 - Chart of the data required for a combustion system selection 84
Table 22 - F - correction factor of discharge head and delivery in relation to temperature
and altitude 88
Table 23 - Example of backpressure reduction for a burner 88
Table 24 - Chart of the data required for a combustion system selection - example 89
Table 25 - Technical data of RLS series of monoblock burners 90
Table 26 - Iterative process table 90
Table 27 - Schedule for the tabular scaling of the light oil feed pipelines 94
Table 28 - Chart of the data required for a combustion system selection - example 95
Table 29 - Technical data of TI series 96
Table 30 - Kc - correction factor of discharge head and delivery in relation to temperature
and altitude 98
Table 31 - Fans selection table 99
Table 32 - Nominal output declassing factor in relation to temperature and altitude 100
Table 33 - High pressure regulating/reducing units selection table 102
Table 34 - Pumping unit skids selection table 102
Table 35 - Nozzles selection table 103
Table 36 - Control panels selection table 107
Table 37 - Coefficients for calculation of combustion efficiency 111
With these pages, there has been the intention of collecting, in an only volume, formulas, data and
information useful for who faces problems whom solution involves understanding of combustion
and systems which use forced draught burners for heating production.
The text is divided up into five sections, arranged in logical sequence that permits the reader to first
of all achieve the theoretical fundamentals of the chemistry-physics of combustion and the
manufacturing technique of burners and systems which are closely linked, such as fuel feeding
circuits. Proceeding through the manual, the reader will find examples for the selection and
dimensioning of different types of burners and procedures for measuring the combustion efficiency.
The last section is dedicated to a collection of ready-use tables and diagrams concerning the specific
themes of combustion.
The single chapters can be consulted separately in order to gain knowledge of the specific
procedures and information required for the activities to be performed.
The topics dealt underlie, before legislation, technical-scientific laws; for this reason, legislation is
quoted only in cases of strict necessity. Each reader must therefore check the consistency of the
information contained herein with current legislation in his own country.
With this handbook, Riello wishes to make available an instrument practical and useful, without
claiming to have completely dealt theoretical and installation apsects related to the argument of
combustion systems.
Published from:
Legnago - Italy
Combustion is the rapid oxidation of a fuel. The
reaction is accompanied by that visible
physical phenomenon which is called “flame”
and by the generation of energy that is known
as “heat”.
Carbon combines with oxygen to form carbon
dioxide, a non-toxic gas, and releases heat
according to the following formula:
C + O2 → CO2 + Heat
Likewise, hydrogen combines with oxygen to
form water vapour, with the consequent
production of heat, according to the following
2H2 + O2 → 2H2 O + Heat
It is important to note that fuel and oxygen
combine in well-defined and specific
proportions. The quantities of oxygen and
fuels in the mixture are in perfect or
“stoichiometric” proportion, when they enable
complete oxidation of the fuel without any
oxygen residue.
If there were excess fuel or insufficient
oxygen, we would say the mixture was rich
and the flame was reducing. This type of
combustion is defined as incomplete because,
although certain fuel particles are completely
oxidised by the oxygen, others do not receive
enough oxygen and consequently their
combustion is only partial. As the following
reaction formula indicates, partial or
incomplete carbon combustion is
accompanied by the formation of carbon
monoxide, a highly toxic gas:
2C + O2 → 2CO + Heat
The amount of heat produced here is lower
than that which accompanies perfect
Incomplete or reducing combustion is
sometimes required in special industrial,
thermal treatments, but these conditions must
be avoided under any other circumstances.
If, on the other hand, excessive oxygen is
supplied to the mixture, we say the mixture is
weak and combustion is oxidative.
Besides carbon dioxide and water vapour,
other compounds are produced during
combustion in smaller amounts, such as
sulphur oxides, nitric oxides, carbon monoxide
and metallic oxides, which are dealt with
further on.
The oxidative gas normally used is air, which is
a gas mixture mainly made up of oxygen and
If we know the exact chemical composition of
the fuel we can calculate the stoichiometric
amount of oxygen and consequently the
combustion supporter air required for
combustion purposes.
The expression that provides the amount of
stoichiometric air is as follows:
Wa = 11,51·C + 34,28·H + 4,31·S – 4,32·O
Wa = 8,88·C + 26,44·H + 3,33·S – 3,33·O
where C, H, S and O are respectively the mass
percentages of carbon, hydrogen, sulphur and
oxygen pertaining to the fuel composition.
In tables 2 and 3, the stoichiometric air
amounts are illustrated of several fuels.
When “excess air” is used, i.e. an amount of
oxygen higher than the stoichiometric amount,
all the nitrogen and the portion of oxygen
Diagram 1 Elementary representation of a flame
which does not combine with the fuel, do not
participate in the oxidation reaction.
Naturally, they absorb a certain amount of the
heat produced during combustion, therefore
the effective calorific energy is distributed over
a greater volume of gas and the thermal level
is lower (lower flame temperature).
The amount of oxygen contained in the air is
around 21% in volume and approximately 23%
in mass. However, these values are not fixed
but vary in relation to altitude and temperature.
The variations in oxygen concentrations in the
air are due to the fact that heating the
combustion supporter air and an increase in
altitude produce the same effect, i.e. a
reduction in air density. A decrease in air
density corresponds to a decrease in the
amount of oxygen.
At 1,000 metres above sea level, air density is
nearly 10% lower than at 0 metres above sea
The change in air density and, consequently, in
the amount of oxygen, due to a considerable
change in altitude or temperature with respect
to normal conditions (height equal to 100
metres above sea level and a combustion
supporter air temperature of 15°C), is a
parameter which should not be overlooked, as
is better illustrated in section 2 in the
paragraph relating to the examples for
choosing the burner.
In certain conditions, for example when
machinery is being used or other sources that
create large amounts of humidity and steam,
the amount of oxygen in the air could change,
generally decreasing as relative humidity
increases. The presence of dust, fibres in the
intake combustion supporter air could also
create problems with the combustion system.
A fuel is a substance which reacts with the
oxygen in the air and gives rise to a chemical
reaction with the consequent development of
thermal energy and a small amount of
electromagnetic energy (light), mechanical
energy (noise) and electrical energy (ions and
free electrons).
Fuels can be classified on the basis of the
physical state in which they are commonly
found (solid, liquid or gaseous) and their nature
(they are defined as natural or artificial fuels or
The most commonly used fuels are classified
in table 1 according to the above two criteria.
Natural fuels are concentrated in underground
deposits from where they are extracted for
Artificial (derivates)
Wood, fossil carbons
(pit coal)
Coke, charcoal
Petrol, kerosene, gasolio,
feul oil
Natural gas
Methane, propane,
butane, LPG, propane-air
mix, town gas, bio-gas
Diagram 2 Temperature and altitude influence on effective air delivery
Table 1 Principal fuels classification
1000 m a.s.l. 5°C
Qair = 10,67 mc/h
0 m a.s.l. 5°C Qair = 9,49 mc/h
1000 m a.s.l. 20°C
Qair = 11,28 mc/h
0 m a.s.l. 20°C Qair = 10 mc/h
extracted from the flue gases produced by
combustion, using a user machine that
condenses the discharge gases.
On the other hand, NCV indicates the
maximum theoretical amount of heat that can
be extracted from the flue gases produced by
combustion using a user machine that does
not condense the discharge gases.
• Theoretical value
This is the minimum quantity of combustion
supporting air theoretically required to achieve
ideal perfect stoichiometric combustion.
This is measured in Nm3
for gaseous fuels
or Nm3
/kg for liquid fuels.
The following principle physical characteristics
are also important for gaseous fuels:
• Air/relative density ratio
This is the ratio of equal volume masses of dry
air and gas measured under the same
temperature and pressure conditions.
• Dew point
The water vapour in the flue gases condenses
at this temperature. This temperature may
vary considerably from the standard value of
100°C, as water vapour is mixed with other
gases and is dependent on the flue gas acidity.
It is measured in degrees centigrade (°C).
• Air explosive mixture
This is the gas concentration range, expressed
as a percentage, where the gas and air mixture
is explosive.
• Wobbe Index
A parameter to define the heat released by a
gas, obtained from the relationship between
the gross caloric value and the square root of
the density of the gas with respect to the air.
This index is extremely useful to evaluate the
interchangeability of two different gaseous
fuels: when a certain gas, even if it has
different thermotechnical features from the
basic gas, gives similar values to the Wobbe
index, it can be used correctly in systems that
had been originally designed to work with
basic gas.
W =
processing; in fact, natural fuels are not
directly utilisable as their composition is
extremely variable and it is impossible to
guarantee the safety and efficiency of the fuel
Typical processing methods tend to transform
natural fuels into artificial ones.
Charcoal is obtained from wood through slow
and partial combustion inside a charcoal pit
covered with earth.
Distilling low-grade fatty anthracite at a
medium heat produces Coke.
Artificial gaseous fuels can be obtained from
coal through synthesis processes such as dry
distillation, partial oxidisation or reaction with
water vapour.
All artificial liquid and gaseous fuels can be
obtained by distilling oil.
Before natural gas can be used, the extremely
pollutant fraction of H2S must be removed,
through desulphurisation, together with the
inert fraction of CO2.
All these processes are aimed at making the
chemical composition of the fuels uniform,
making them easier to use and more
In particular, liquid and gas fuels are easily
transportable and can be finely proportioned to
guarantee combustion efficiency. For these
reasons, they are preferred in forced draught
The characteristics that distinguish the fuels
• Calorific value
The definition of the calorific value of a fuel is
the amount of heat developed during total
combustion of the fuel mass unit.
The calorific value is measured in kJ/ Nm3 (1)
for gas and in kJ/kg for liquids and solids.
There are two calorific values:
- superior or gross calorific value (GCV) when
all the water present at the end of combustion
is in a liquid state;
- inferior or net calorific value (NCV) when all
the water present at the end of conclusion is in
a gaseous state.
The relationship that ties GCV to NCV is the
GCV=NCV+latent evaporation heat of the
water produced by combustion
GCV therefore indicates the maximum
theoretical amount of heat that can be
(1) A normal cubic meter (1 Nm3
) corresponds to a cubic meter of gas at atmospheric pressure (1,013 mbar) and a temperature of 0°C.
The parameter is also useful to calculate
pressure drops (for gas train selection) when a
different gas is used, included among those
allowed as given in the instruction manual for
the burner. Gas pressure drops can be
expressed with the following formula:
For liquid fuels, the following main physical
features are also important:
• Viscosity
This is the intermolecular internal friction of a
fluid, and therefore the macroscopic
dimension that describes the level of
resistance with which the fluid moves.
Dynamic viscosity (or absolute viscosity) is the
tangential force per unit area of two parallel
planes at unit distance apart when the space
between them is filed with a fluid and one
plane moves with unit velocity in its own plane
relative to the other.
The SI unit of measure of dynamic or absolute
viscosity is N·s/m2
In practice, kinematic viscosity is used,
defined by the absolute viscosity of a fluid
divided by its density.
In the SI the kinematic viscosity is measured in
/s; in the technical system it is measured in
/s; the unit is called "stoke" (St). Often,
instead of the stoke its hundredth part is used,
called centistoke (cSt) equal to mm2
To measure the liquid viscosity, various
instruments have been perfected, called
viscometers, which have induced numerous
( )∆P2 = ∆P1
. W1
units of measure depending on the type of
viscometer and measuring technique.
In Europe, the most common unit of measure
besides the centistoke is the Engler degree
(°E). The Engler viscometer is fundamentally a
thermostatic container with a gauged hole,
from which 200 cm3
of the tested liquid flows
out and the flow time is measured. The
relationship between this time and the time for
200 cm3
of water to flow out gives the °E
Due to the large number of measuring
instruments and units of measure that are
available, it is difficult to convert the viscosity
levels. Therefore, nomographs and
approximate conversion tables are given in
chapter 5.
• Inflammability flash point
This is the lowest temperature at which a
mixture of air and vapours given off by a liquid
fuel, in the specific conditions established by
legislation and using an adequate primer, is
inflammable. It is measured in degrees
centigrade °C.
• Self-igniting temperature
This is the minimum temperature at which a
mixture of fuel and combustion supporter
spontaneously ignites without using a primer.
It is measured in degrees centigrade °C.
1.3.1 Gaseous fuels and their
As we have seen in the opening paragraphs
concerning combustion, in order to burn, a fuel
it must be mixed with oxygen: the burners
provide fuel gas and combustion supporter air
in the right proportions, they mix them and
give rise to their controlled combustion in a
combustion chamber.
Gas burners can be classified according to two
criteria. The first depends on the type of
combustion supporter airflow into the burner
and is classified as follows:
• Natural draught burners;
• Induced drauht burners;
• Forced draught burners.
Natural draught burners use the fuel gas
supply pressure to pull the air through a
Venturi system (normally performed by the
nozzle) so that it is mixed with the fuel gas. As
Diagram 3 Example of a viscometer
a rule, with natural draught burners, the air
flow rate generated by the Venturi effect on
the gas flow (primary air) does not reach more
than 50% of that required for perfect
combustion, therefore a further airflow is
required (secondary air) into the combustion
These burners can be extremely sensitive to
combustion chamber depression (draught):
greater is the depression, greater is the amount
of air sucked in and mixed with the gaseous
fuel, while, by contrast, a too low depression
causes combustion without air, giving off
extremely dangerous pollutants such as CO.
In order to guarantee consistent hygienically
safe combustion, gas burning in induction
burners usually takes place with high levels of
excess air (100% and over).
In order to stabilise the operating conditions
and be able to obtain combustion with lower
excesses of air, induced draught burners are
used, with a fan fitted up-stream (on the air
side) or down-stream (to extract the
combustion products) from the combustion
chamber: in these conditions, primary air can
reach 100% of that required for perfect
In forced draught burners, the air flow rate is
guaranteed by elevated head pressure fans
which make the draught operating conditions
more or less independent of the burner
operation. These can achieve high modulation
ranges and can be combined with high-yield,
and therefore “pressurised” heat generators,
achieving optimum fuel and combustion air
mixtures, making it possible to operate with
low excesses of air and, therefore, increased
combustion efficiency.
In this case, the fuel gas flows together in the
air flow down-stream from the fan through
several nozzles and usually requires greater
delivery pressures than atmospheric burners,
both due to the pressure drop by the nozzles
and the need to control the air pressure.
A second criteria to classify burners depends
on the percentage mixture of combustion air
with respect to the fuel taken before
stabilising the flame. The pre-mixing
percentages can be classified as follows:
• Partial pre-mixed gas burners; (e.g.
"premix" = 50%);
• Total pre-mixed gas burners ("premix" =
• Diffusion-flame burners.
In the first two cases, fuel-air mixing takes
place partially or completely, before the
mixture passes onto the combustion chamber:
induction burners are therefore also pre-mix
The pre-mixing allows rapid fuel oxidation
reactions and therefore short flames; a
consistent air-fuel mixture ratio also gives
quieter combustion.
In diffusion-flame burners, the fuel-air mixing
stage and the combustion stage are more or
less simultaneous: to guarantee hygienically
safe combustion with low excesses of air,
increased turbulence is therefore necessary,
thus also, producing high pressure drops on
the air side.
Forced draught burners can be both pre-mixed
or diffusion flame types.
Gaseous fuels can form explosive mixtures (2)
with air. This happens when the fuel gas
concentration is within a specific range and is
variable for each individual fuel. To avoid any
accumulation in the combustion chamber and
in the flue pipe, legislation requires a minimum
air only pre-purge time through the
combustion chamber for induced draught
Table 2 indicates the main gaseous fuels with
their related thermo-technical characteristics.
(2) The explosion is nothing more than rapid combustion with a violent increase of pressure.
1.3.2 Liquid fuels and their
Liquid fuels are made up of various types of
hydrocarbons, i.e. molecules formed by carbon
and hydrogen atoms. Unlike gaseous fuels,
liquid fuels contain molecules of extremely
long-chain hydrocarbons giving oils a liquid
physical state.
Liquid fuels cannot be directly mixed with the
oxygen in the air, but must be atomised in
extremely small droplets that have a
considerable reaction surface.
Inside the generator combustion chamber, the
droplets of atomised liquid fuel heat up and
evaporate releasing hydrocarbon vapours that
ensure spontaneous fuel combustion.
For combustion to be perfect, the drops of
liquid fuel must be oxidised within the body of
the flame; if not, the drops form particles of
particulate, as more fully illustrated in the next
paragraph on pollutants.
Atomisation of liquid fuel is one of the main
tasks performed by a burner. There are several
atomisation methods for liquid fuels. The main
ones are listed below:
• Mechanical atomisation;
• Pneumatic atomisation;
• Centrifugal atomisation;
The most common method is “mechanical
atomisation” where liquid fuel atomisation is
the result of the mechanical pressure exerted
on the liquid, when it reaches the atomising
nozzle, against the walls made up of small run
channels and helicoidal holes in the nozzle.
With this method, the fuel oil is split into a
great deal of extremely small droplets due to
brusque flow variations and impact against the
walls due to high pressure (10-30 bar). The size
of the droplets depends on the exerted
pressure, the type of nozzle and the viscosity.
Another system is the “pneumatic system”
where the droplets of liquid fuel are further
atomised by a second high-pressure fluid
(compressed air or vapour) when they come
out from the mechanical nozzle. This system
guarantees excellent fuel atomisation levels
for dense fuel oils, but at the same time more
complicated construction, with auxiliary liquid
being present (working pressure 5-9 bar) and
consequently higher installation cost
compared to the classic mechanical method.
In rotary atomisation, the drops of fuel are
formed by applying a centrifugal force to the
liquid fuel with the aid of a rotating cup; this
method is used for certain industrial-type
On today's market, systems are available
aimed at improving the mechanical-type
atomisation system using modified fuels;
basically, fuel oil and water emulsions are
used. The individual drops of fuel oil are
emulsified into water droplets that, within the
body of the flame, become water vapour
causing the fuel oil drops to explode.
Therefore more efficient fuel atomisation
Independently from the type used for
achieving a satisfactory atomisation degree,
the liquid fuel must have a sufficiently low
The viscosity of liquid fuel is strictly linked to
the temperature; when the temperature
increases the viscosity decreases. Therefore,
certain liquid fuels must be pre-heated to
achieve the desired viscosity.
As a rule, fuel oil viscosity required for
achieving satisfactory atomisation is much
lower than that requested by pumping
systems, consequently a much higher
temperature is required to achieve adequate
atomisation than that requested for pumping
the fluid. All these aspects translate into
specific plant engineering choices that are fully
covered in the section dedicated to plant
The viscosity required for obtaining sufficient
fuel oil atomisation varies according to the
type of burner and type of nozzle used.
Generally, the nozzles require oil viscosity
between 1.5 and 5 °E at 50°C in relation to the
type of fuel. This viscosity value also
determines the pre-heating temperature value.
For example: supposing we use a fuel oil with
viscosity of 22°E at 50°C to obtain a value of
3°E needed by the nozzle to obtain the right
atomisation, the fuel must be pre-heated to a
temperature between 90 and 100°C.
Table 3 gives the names used for liquid fuels in
the main countries, while Table 4 shows the
related thermotechnical characteristics.
The leading polluting agents to be considered
in the combustion phenomenon are:
• sulphur oxides, generally indicated by SOx
and mainly made up of sulphur dioxide SO2
and sulphur trioxide SO3;
• nitric oxides, generally indicated by NOx
and mainly made up of nitric oxide NO and
nitrogen dioxide NO2;
• carbon monoxide CO;
• total suspended particles indicated by TSP
There are essentially three systems that can
be adopted to reduce the pollutants:
• preventive systems, by acting on the fuel
before subjecting it to combustion, trying to
reduce the amount of polluting agents. A
typical case is represented by liquid fuels (light
oil and naphtha) where the sulphur content
tends to be reduced;
• primary systems, by acting on the process
and combustion equipment (burner), so that
combustion takes place under the best
conditions thus reducing the formation of
• secondary system, by acting on the
combustion gases, to break down the polluting
components before they are expelled into the
During the design and the construction of civil
engineering combustion plants, the first two
systems should be used to reduce pollutants,
therefore using “clean” fuels, gas, LPG, light
oil and naphtha with a low sulphur (BTZ oil) and
nitrogen content, and using special burners to
minimise the polluting emissions of nitric
oxides (Low-NOx burners);
The third system is recommended for use only
in large industrial and thermoelectric plants,
which mainly work with naphtha, where the
large amount of burnt fuel and, consequently,
emitted combusted gases justify the creation
of specific breakdown plants.
1.4.1 Sulphur oxides
Sulphur oxides are considered toxic for man;
especially sulphur dioxide SO2 causes
irritation of the eyes and lachrymation when
the concentration exceeds 300 mg/Nm3
. The
danger threshold is estimated at around 500
Moderate temperatures favour the formation
of sulphur oxides. Under normal conditions of
high combustion flame temperature and
excess air around 20%, nearly all the sulphur
present in the fuel oxidises into sulphur
dioxide (SO2).
Sulphur dioxide is a colourless gas with a
density equal to nearly two and a half that of
air, therefore it tends to stratify towards the
ground in closed environments.
The percentage of sulphur trioxide SO3 may
become important for low combustion
temperatures (400°C), for example in start-up
phases of installations, or when the excess air
is extremely high or even when pure oxygen is
Sulphur trioxide SO3 reacts with water vapour,
generating sulphuric acid H2SO4 that is
corrosive even in the vaporous phase, thus
damaging for heat generators, which are
usually metallic.
Measures for controlling sulphur dioxide SO2
and sulphur trioxide SO3 emissions are first of
all based on preventive action on fuels during
their production, by using catalytic
desulphurisation processes.
In large heavy oil-operated plants, the
breakdown of nitric oxides is mainly by
absorption using water-based solutions, which
can achieve yields of around 90%.
1.4.2 Nitric oxides
Nitric monoxide NO is a colourless, odourless
gas which is insoluble in water. It represents
more than 90% of all nitric oxides formed
during high-temperature combustion
processes; it is not particularly toxic when its
concentration ranges between 10 and 50 ppm.
and it is non-irritant.
Nitrogen dioxide NO2 is a visible gas even in
low concentrations, with a browny-reddish
colour and a particularly acrid smell; it is highly
corrosive and an irritant to the nasal
membranes and eyes when concentrated at
10 ppm, while causing bronchitis at
concentrations of 150 ppm and pulmonary
Diagram 4 Acid rain formation process
Oxidation Dissolution
Dry deposition Wet deposition
Source of
Dry deposition
of gas, dust and
Humid deposition of
dissolved acids
oedema at 500 ppm, even if exposure lasts
just a few minutes.
The nitric monoxide NO present in our city air
can transform itself into nitrogen dioxide NO2
by means of photochemical oxidation.
Three models of nitric oxide formation exist,
which lead to the formation of different types
of nitric oxide (different by type of origin but
not by chemical composition); respectively
they are:
• thermal nitric oxides (thermal NOx);
• prompt nitric oxides (prompt NOx);
• fuel nitric oxides (fuel NOx);
Thermal nitric oxides are formed by the
oxidation of atmospheric nitrogen (contained in
combustion supporter air) under high
temperature (T>1500 K) and high oxygen
concentration conditions, and represent the
majority of nitric oxides in the case of gaseous
fuels (methane and LPG) and in general in
fuels which do not contain nitrogenous
Prompt nitric oxides are formed by means of
the fixation of atmospheric nitrogen by
hydrocarbon fragments (radicals) present in
the flame area; this method of forming oxides
is extremely rapid thus giving rise to the name
Their formation essentially depends on the
concentration of radicals in the first stage of
the flame; for oxidative flames (combustion
with excess of oxygen), their contribution is
negligible, while in the case of rich mixtures
and for low-temperature combustion, their
contribution may reach 25% of the full nitric
oxides total.
Nitric oxides from fuel form by means of
oxidation of the nitrogenous compounds
contained in the fuel within the flame area, and
their production is significant when the fuel’s
nitrogen content exceeds 0.1% in weight,
essentially only for liquid and solid fuels.
Diagram 5 shows the contribution for each
type of NOx depending on the type of fuel
(under conditions of standard combustion):
The portion of prompt nitric oxides remains
more or less constant, whereas the portion of
fuel nitric oxides grows and the portion of
thermal nitric oxides decreases as we
gradually pass to fuels with a higher molecular
weight. Reduction of the NOx in
gaseous fuel combustion
The thermal nitric oxides in gaseous fuels
represent up to 80% of total emissions; a drop
in the combustion temperature achieves
inhibition of the formation of these
The temperature drop may be carried out in
various ways.
- specific thermal load reduction
An initial method involves decreasing the
output burnt per unit of volume of the
combustion chamber, resorting in fact to a
“de-rating” of the boiler and thereby
decreasing its nominal thermal capacity (if it is
an existing boiler) or over-sizing the
combustion chamber for new projects.
- combustion chamber architecture
Another solution that can be adopted involves
the use of heat generators, which have
combustion chamber architecture with three
flue passes, in other words without inversion
of the flame. In flame-inversion boilers, the
combustion products re-ascend the
combustion chamber during the flow inversion
stage, confining the actual flame within an
effectively smaller volume than that of the
combustion chamber; a portion of the radiant
energy possessed is also reflected towards
the flame itself. These conditions lead to a
flame temperature increase, with a
consequent increase in the thermal nitric
oxides. The same situation occurs in
applications where the chamber wall
temperatures are high, i.e. in furnaces or in
boilers with fluid at high temperatures.
- air and gas pre-mixing
Under normal conditions the combustion
systems are calibrated so that they can
operate with excess air; this excess air
establishes a lower effective combustion
temperature than the adiabatic temperature
and sometimes one that is lower than the limit
which enables activation of the nitric oxide
formation mechanism (1500 K).
Since the flame is a typically turbulent domain
fed by two reactants that are difficult to mix
perfectly, it is normal that zones with differentDiagram 5 Type of NOx for certain fuels
gas light oil heavy oil carbon
N2 “fuel” (mass %)
stoichiometry are formed therein. These will
inevitably include zones with stoichiometric
conditions or approximate to stoichiometric
conditions: the temperatures in these regions
will, without doubt, be so high that they will
give rise to conditions suitable for thermal NOx
These observations suggest action which
could impede, or at least reduce, such
situations: pre-mix the air and gas accurately
before combustion and develop the latter
without excessive turbulence, in such a way as
to come close to the stoichiometric conditions
which would result in the required excess air
(and therefore come close to the theoretical
combustion temperature which can be derived
from the stoichiometric one) whatever the
region effected by combustion.
An additional, positive contribution may be
provided by uniform flame distribution- better
still if this distribution covers wide surface
areas - which also prevents the presence of
small tongues of flame, inside which the
temperatures would certainly be higher.
Examples of these techniques are represented
by porous surface areas (in metallic or ceramic
materials) or those comprising masses of
fibres or characterised by the presence of tiny
microscopic holes: up-stream from these
surfaces, attempts are made to create an
accurate as possible pre-mixing, while on the
external surfaces the objective is to obtain a
region of flame which is fairly uniformly
extended and distributed.
This technique appears the most promising in
absolute terms for Low NOx gas solutions,
even if for now the high costs involved and
certain constructive restrictions hinder its use,
especially in the field of higher outputs.
- staged combustion
The nitric oxide formation speed is greater
when in proximity to a ratio of fuel to
combustion supporter, which is equal to the
stoichiometric ratio. In order to obtain low
nitric oxide formation speeds, it is possible to
operate with a combustion system which on
average operates with realistic excess air, but
which presents internal zones with ratios
between fuel and combustion supporter which
are extremely different from the stoichiometric
one, thereby resorting to a segregation of the
fuel. As far as application is concerned, the
aerodynamics of the flame and the fuel
distribution can be adjusted, creating zones
high in excess of air alternated with zones
without, thus maintaining the global
stoichiometry under correct operating
- combustion products blow-by
By diluting a portion of the burnt gases in the
combustion supporter air, a decrease in the
combustion supporter oxygen concentration is
obtained together with a reduction of the
flame temperature since part of the energy
developed by combustion is immediately
transferred to the inerts present in the fuel
The breakdowns achievable by means of this
technique are extremely high in the case of
gaseous fuels, because of ensuring a
sufficient mixing between the blown-by
combustion products and the combustion
supporter/fuel mixture.
It is relatively easy to active a blow-by of the
combustion products in the flame directly
within the chamber in the case of thermal
generators, and therefore burners, with low
outputs by resorting again to particular
aerodynamics induced by the burner
combustion head, As a rule these internal
blow-bys are extremely high (around 50 %)
because the fuel/combustion supporter
reactants mixing is less effective and the flue
gas temperature is relatively high (900 ÷ 1000
Sometimes, it is preferable to resort to an
external blow-by of the combustion products
for machines with a greater output due to the
difficulties in obtaining this mixing, which only
add to the aggravation of other problems (for
example: the elevated combustion head load
Diagram 6 Functional layout of combustion
process for a gas burner - Blue flame type.
1 Comburent air - 2 Fuel gas intake - 3 Fuel gas jets-
4 Flame stabilization zone (combustion under
stoichiometrics) - 5 Recirculed combustion products
- 6 Over stoichiometrics combustion - mixture of
fuel air, gas and recirculed combustion products - 7
“Cold” zone of the flame.
By means of an auxiliary fan, or by utilising the
burner fan itself, a portion of the combustion
products is withdrawn at the heat generator
outlet and is re-conveyed up-stream from the
combustion head, so as to pre-mix it with the
combustion supporter air.
Even if in certain situations, a blow-by inside
the combustion chamber may not be enough
for extremely low NOx emission values (and
this is the case now mentioned regarding high
output burners), this technique may be applied
in association with the staged combustion
technique illustrated previously. Reduction of the NOx in liquid
fuel combustion
The substantial difference - within certain
limits of the nitric oxides argument - between
the combustion of gas and the combustion of
liquid fuels, is the presence in the latter of
nitrogen under the guise of nitrogenous
compounds; this is at the origin of NOx
production from fuels which, dependent on
the nitrogen content in the oil, may also
represent a significant portion of the total NOx.
As far as thermal and prompt nitric oxides are
concerned, the same observations expressed
in the case of gaseous fuels (discussed
previously) apply.
With regard to nitric oxides from fuels, it has
been observed that in reducing environments
the nitrogen contained in the fuel may not
produce the undesired NOx, but simple and
harmless molecular nitrogen N2.
The combustion chamber is an environment
devoted to the oxidation of fuel; however, it is
possible to create zones rich in fuel in certain
regions of the flame and therefore form
reducing situations for the purpose of
producing molecular nitrogen N2 in the place
of nitric oxides.
For example, steps could be taken to supply
the initial combustion region with 80 % of the
total combustion supporter air together with
100 % of the fuel and, further on, supply the
remaining 20 % of the combustion supporter
air (over firing air).
These applications are still considered to be in
the experimental stages for burners used in
the sectors of standard heating systems. By
contrast, these techniques are already a
consolidated asset in the industrial systems of
thermoelectric power stations.
1.4.3 Carbon monoxide (CO)
Carbon monoxide is a colourless, odourless
and tasteless gas. Its relative density
compared to air is 0.96, therefore it does not
Monobloc burner (light oil - Low NOx)
of BGK series
Diagram 7
Effects of carbon monoxideDiagram 8
Hours of exposure
of death
Cefhalea, nausea
Slight ailments
Insignificant effects
disperse with ease.
Carbon monoxide is a toxic gas which, if
inhaled, reacts extremely rapidly with the
haemoglobin in the blood, preventing the
regular oxygenation of the blood and, as a
consequence, of the entire organism.
The physiological effects on the organism are
the result of the concentration of the carbon
monoxide in the air and the length of exposure
of the person to said concentration.
The diagram 8 illustrates the effects of carbon
monoxide in relation to the two previously
mentioned parameters.
Carbon monoxide is present in combustion gas
as the result of the partial oxidation of the
carbon present in the fuel. Its presence in
burnt gases is an indication of low combustion
efficiency, because the carbon not perfectly
oxidised to CO2 corresponds to heat not
Carbon monoxide is present in burnt gases
when combustion is carried out with too little
air than is required stoichiometrically and
therefore the oxygen is insufficient for the
purposes of completing the carbon oxidation
reactions. Heating systems are responsible to
a minimum extent for the presence of carbon
monoxide in the atmosphere, since the
combustion processes are usually conducted
with excess air higher than the stoichiometric
1.4.4 Total suspended particles
This category of polluting substances includes
those emissions comprising particulates, inert
solid substances and metallic components.
The size of these particles varies from a
minimum of 0.01 microns up to a maximum of
500 microns.
The particulate may be of an organic or
inorganic nature; in more detail, three
categories can be identified:
• Ashes, comprising inorganic,
incombustible substances (metals, etc..),
drawn into the combustion gases;
• Gas black, made up of the fuel residues
which have evaporated but not oxidised;
• Cenopheres, comprising fuel residues that
have been partially oxidised since they have
been burnt before vaporising.
The finest portion of the particulate is called
The danger of the particles is inversely
proportionate to the size. Damage caused is
mainly to the respiratory tracts and pulmonary
The diagram 9 indicates the depth these
particles can penetrate the human body
according to their size.
Furthermore, in the pulmonary alveolus the
particulate acts as the vehicle transporting the
metallic oxides (vanadium, nickel etc..) which
may be produced during combustion and
which are absorbed by the particles of the
Only the particles with an equivalent diameter
smaller than 10 microns are sufficiently light to
remain suspended in the air for several hours
and therefore represent real danger of being
inhaled by man.
Metal oxide emissions depend on the
concentration of the respective metals in the
fuel, therefore for civil installations the best
solution for reducing emission essentially
involves the utilisation of fuels with low heavy
metals concentrations.
Gas black is usually produced in particular
areas of the flame where there are insufficient
oxygen or low temperature conditions;
therefore, in order to avoid the formation of
gas black it is necessary to guarantee the
combustion process an adequate temperature,
a sufficient quantity of oxygen and
considerable turbulence in order to obtain a
satisfactory mix between the fuel and the
Cenospheres form when the nebulisation and
volatilisation process of the liquid fuels in the
combustion chamber is irregular or hindered
by the elevated viscosity and low volatility of
the fuel.
In order to reduce the production of these
components, it is necessary to increase the
Penetration of the particles in the
respiratory system
Diagram 9
Primary bronchus
Secondary Bronchus
Terminal bronchus
period spent in the combustion chamber and
guarantee the fuel an adequate excess of
The maximum concentration of the pollutants
in the flue gases deriving from combustion, is
a value fixed by national legislation and in
certain cases differs in relation to particularly
sensitive regions and/or metropolitan areas.
1.4.5 Comments on the emission
of CO2
Carbon dioxide CO2 was purposefully not
included among the other pollutants
mentioned since, together with water vapour,
it is one of the main products of any
hydrocarbon combustion process.
The accumulation of carbon dioxide in the
atmosphere is the main culprit of the
phenomenon known as the “greenhouse
effect”. Accumulated carbon dioxide absorbs
part of the infrared radiation emitted by the
earth towards the atmosphere, thus retaining
the heat. The outcome of this phenomenon is
the progressive increase in the Earth’s average
temperature with disastrous resulting
The absolute carbon dioxide quantity produced
by combustion depends solely on the quantity
of carbon C present originally in the burnt fuel.
The greater the C/H ratio of the fuel, the
greater the quantity of carbon dioxide
produced will be.
As a rule, all energy produced being equal,
liquid fuels produce more carbon dioxide than
gaseous fuels.
As we will see in the next section concerning
the control of combustion, the percentage of
CO2 in the flue gases must be as high as
possible to achieve greater output.
All energy produced being equal, a lower CO2
percentage in the combustion flue gases leads
to the system being less efficient and, as a
consequence, more fuel being oxidised.
This fact should not mislead the reader
however, since even if we vary the percentage
of CO2 in the flue gases in relation to the
dilution of the flue gases, the total quantity of
CO2 remains more or less unchanged.
For combustion to be perfect, a quantity of air
must be used greater than the theoretical
quantity of air anticipated by the chemical
reactions (stoichiometric air).
This increase is due to the need to oxidise all
the available fuel, avoiding the possibility that
fuel particles are only partially oxidised or
completely unburnt.
The difference between the quantity of real air
and stoichiometric air is defined as excess air.
As a rule, excess air varies between 5% and
50%, in excess of stoichiometric depending on
the type of fuel and burner.
Generally, the more difficult the fuel is to
oxidise, the greater the amount of excess air
required to achieve perfect combustion.
The excess air cannot be too high because it
influences combustion efficiency; an
extremely large delivery of combustion
supporter air dilutes the flue gases, which
lowers the temperature and increases the
thermal loss from the generator. In addition,
beyond certain limits of excess air, the flame
cools excessively with the consequent
formation of CO and unburnt materials. Vice
versa, an insufficient amount of air causes
incomplete combustion with the previously
mentioned problems. Therefore, the excess air
must be correctly calibrated to guarantee
perfect fuel combustion and ensure elevated
combustion efficiency.
Complete and perfect combustion is verified
by analysing the carbon monoxide CO in the
burnt flue gases. If there is no CO, combustion
is complete.
The excess air level can be indirectly obtained
by measuring the uncombined oxygen O2 or
the carbon dioxide CO2 present in the
combustion flue gases.
The excess air will be equal to around 5 times
the percentage, in terms of volume, of the
oxygen measured.
When measuring CO2, the amount present in
the combustion flue gases depends solely on
the carbon in the fuel and not on the excess
air; it will be constant in absolute quantity and
variable in volumetric percentage according to
the greater or lesser dilution of the flue gases
in the excess air. Without excess air, the
volumetric percentage of CO2 is maximum,
with rising excess air, the volumetric
percentage of CO2 in the combustion flue
gases decreases. Taking lower excesses of air,
higher quantities of CO2 correspond and vice
versa, therefore combustion is more efficient
when the quantity of CO2 is near to the
maximum CO2.
The composition of the burnt gases can be
represented in simple graphic form using the
“combustion triangle” or Ostwald triangle,
diversified according to the fuel type.
Using this graph, (which is also included in
chapter 5), we can obtain the CO content and
the value of the excess air noting the
percentages of CO2 and O2.
By way of example, the combustion triangle
for methane gas is presented below.
The X-axis shows the percentage content of
O2, the ordinate axis shows the percentage
content of CO2. The hypotenuse is traced
between point A corresponding to the
maximum percentage of CO2 (dependent on
the fuel) with zero amount of O2 and point B
corresponding to zero values of CO2 and
maximum values of O2 (21%). Point A
represents the stoichiometric combustion
conditions, point B the absence of
combustion. The hypotenuse is the position of
the points representing perfect combustion
without CO.
The straight lines corresponding to the various
CO percentages are parallel to the
Let us suppose that we have a system
powered by methane gas whose
measurements of burnt gas have given
readings of 10% CO2 and 3% O2; from the
triangle relating to methane gas we can obtain
the CO value equal to 0 and an excess air value
of 15%.
Table 5 shows the maximum CO2 values
achievable for the different types of fuel and
those advised in practice in order to achieve
perfect combustion. We should note that
when the maximum levels are obtained in the
central column, a control system must be
provided for the emissions as described in
chapter 4.
For liquid fuel powered systems, the flue gas
index must also be measured, using the
measurement method devised by Bacharach
industries. The method involves sucking a
specific volume of burnt gas with a small
pump, and passing it through a filter of
absorbent paper. The side of the filter fouled
by the gas turns light grey-to-black in colour
depending on the amount of soot present. The
colour can be compared with a sample scale,
made up of 10 shaded disks varying from 0
(white) to 9 (black). The sample scale number
corresponding to the filter used determines
the Bacharach number.
The limit value of this number is established by
national anti-pollution legislation and depends
on the type of liquid fuel.
To determine the particulate material
contained in the combustion flue gases, there
are two basic measurement concepts:
• graviometric;
• reflectometry.
Using the graviometric method, the particulate
material suspended in the burnt flue gases is
collected on special filters and subsequently
weighed, to give the weight difference of the
filter before and after the experiment was
carried out.
The reflectometry principle determines a
conventional index (equivalent black smoke)
on the basis of the light absorption capacity,
measured by reflectometry, of the particulate
material collected on a filter after carrying out
the experiment.
Table 5 Maximum recommended CO2 values
for the various fuels
CO2 max
in vol [%]
9,8 - 11
11,5 - 12,8
8,2 - 9
12 - 14
11,8 - 13
Air excess
20 - 8
20 - 10
20 - 10
30 - 12
35 - 20
Combustion triangle for methane gasDiagram 10
1.5.1 Combustion efficiency
Combustion efficiency is defined as the ratio
between thermal energy supplied by
combustion and the primary energy used for
Primary energy is equal to the amount of fuel
used for its calorific value; in paragraph 1.3
two calorific values have been defined: the
superior value and the inferior value, therefore
when we define the combustion efficiency, we
must specify which of the two we are referring
The difference between the primary energy
used and the energy supplied by combustion is
equal to the thermal energy contained in the
flue gases produced by combustion; the η
combustion efficiency of a generator can
therefore be calculated using the following
η = 100 – Ps [%]
η = efficiency of the heat generator;
Ps = thermal output lost through the flue pipe;
The conventional formulas used for
determining losses through the flue pipe are:
if the concentration of available oxygen in the
combustion flue gases is known, or:
Ps = . (Tf - Ta)
( )A1
21 - O2
+ B
Ps = . (Tf - Ta)
( )A2
+ B
η =
energy supplied by combustion
· 100 (%)
primary energy used
if the concentration of carbon dioxide in the
combustion flue gases is known.
Ps = thermal output lost through the flue pipe
Tf = flue gas temperature (°C);
Ta = combustion supporter air temperature
O2 = oxygen concentration in the dry flue
gases [%];
CO2 = carbon dioxide concentration in the dry
flue gases [%];
A1, A2 and B are empirical factors whose
values, with reference to the N.C.V., are
shown in table 6.
1.5.2 Measurement units for
combustion emissions
Legislation issued by various countries
establishes certain limits expressed in various
units of measurement, generally using ppm
(parts per million), mg/Nm3
or mg/kWh with
reference to 0% or to 3% of available oxygen
present in combustion products.
The transformation from ppm to mg/Nm3
be done using the equation of the perfect
gases correctly modified:
p = pressure = 1 atm under normal conditions;
R = gas constant = 0.082;
T = temperature = 273 K under normal
PM = molecular weight;
The application of the previous equations for
certain pollutants provides the following
1ppm = . (PM) [mg/Nm3]
R T.
Factors for calculation of the
combustion efficiency
Table 6
Equivalence in weight of ppm in the
main polluting emissions
Table 7
If the percentage of available oxygen in the
flue gases differs from the usual reference
values of 0% and 3%, the value of the E
measured emissions can be converted -
whatever their measurement unit is - to the
equivalent referring to the reference
percentages in the following ratios:
If the CO2 percentage of the burnt flue gases
is known, the following ratios can be used:
where the maximum concentration
percentages of CO2 are valid for the various
Therefore, from an operational point of view,
having analysed the combustion products, we
can proceed with converting the value
measured from ppm to mg/Nm3
and then
relate this value to that referring to 0% or to
3% of oxygen.
The conversion from ppm to mg/kWh relates
to the type of fuel used, with reasonably good
= .Emeasured
%CO2 max at 0% O2
%CO2 flue gases
= .Emeasured
%CO2 max at 0% O2
%CO2 flue gases
= .Emeasured
21 - %O2 flue gases
= .Emeasured
21 - %O2 flue gases
approximation, the following equivalents can
be used:
methane (G20 100% CH4):
NOx : ppm3%O2 = 2.052 mg/kWh
CO : 1 ppm3%O2 = 1.248 mg/kWh
light oil (PCI= 11.86 kWh/kg):
NOx : 1 ppm3%O2 = 2.116 mg/kWh
CO : 1 ppm3%O2 = 1.286 mg/kWh
Maximum values of CO2 at 0% and
at 3% of O2 for the various fuels
Table 8
CO2 max at
0% of O2 [%]
CO2 max at
3% of O2 [%]
The term “burners” describes a series of
equipment for burning various types of fuel
under suitable conditions for perfect
combustion. The burner operates by sucking in
the fuel and the combustion supporter air,
mixes them thoroughly together and safely
ignites them inside the heat generator furnace.
The following are the parts that make up the
burner and are analysed individually in the
following paragraphs.
• The combustion head which mixes the fuel
and the combustion supporter, and generates
an optimum form of flame;
• The combustion air supply, comprising of
the fan and any pipes for taking the air to the
combustion head;
• Fuel supply, comprising components used
for regulating the fuel flow and guaranteeing
the safety of the combustion system;
• The electrical and control components
required for firing the flame, the electricity
supply to the motors and thermal output
regulation developed by the burner.
Forced draught burners can control the
combustion of all gaseous fuels (methane,
LPG, town gas) and liquid fuels (diesel oil,
heavy oil). Burners exist which use only one
family of fuel (liquid or gaseous) and others
that can use both called “DUAL FUEL” (double
fuel) burners. Thus, three classes of burner are
• burners of gas fuels which use only gas
• burners of liquid fuels which use only liquid
• burners of liquid and gas fuels (DUAL
FUEL) which use both gas and liquid fuels.
Forced draught burners can also be classified
according to the type of construction,
• monobloc burners;
• separate fired burners or DUALBLOC.
In monobloc burners, the fan and pump are an
integral part of the burner forming a single
In DUALBLOC burners, the fan, pump and/or
other fundamental parts of the burner are
separate from the main body (head).
Monobloc burners are those most commonly
used in output ranges varying from tens of
kWs to several Mw output.
For higher outputs, or for special industrial
processes, DUALBLOC burners are used.
Depending on output delivery type, we can
classify forced draught burners according to
the following distinctions:
• single-stage burners;
• multi-stage burners;
• modulating burners;
Single-stage burners operate with single-state
delivery, fuel delivery is invariable and the
burner can be switched on or off (ON-OFF).
Multi-stage burners, usually two-stage or
three-stage, are set for running at one or more
reduced output speeds or at maximum output
switchover from one stage to another can be
automatic or manual.
Two-stage burners also include versions called
progressive two-stage, where changeover
from one stage to another is through a gradual
increase in output and not with sudden step
Gas fired monobloc burnerDiagram 11
In modulating burners, the delivered output is
automatically varied continuously between a
minimum and maximum value, for optimum
delivery of the thermal output in relation to
system requirements.
Diagram 12 below shows the types of output
Forced draught burners now available on the
market can function coupled with generators
with a pressurised or unpressurised furnace or
those with a slight negative draught condition.
The diagrams represent, respectively, an
outline configuration of a monobloc two-stage
diesel-fired burner, a monobloc modulating
methane gas-fired burner and a DUALBLOC
dual-fuel (gas and fuel oil) fired burner.
It is clear that in DUALBLOC burners, the fan
and certain parts dedicated to treating the fuel
are separate from the main body of the burner,
but their function does not change. Therefore,
in this manual, monobloc burners and those
with separate fans are dealt with on an
equivalent basis, except for certain technical
characteristic aspects.
The firing range of an Forced draught burner is
a representation in the Cartesian plan of an
area, showing the pressure of the combustion
chamber on the Y axis and the thermal output
on the X axis; this area indicates working
conditions under which the burner guarantees
combustion corresponding to the thermo-
technical requirements. The firing range is
obtained referring to data gained from
experimental trials, which are correct in a
prudent sense.
Diagram 14 shows the representation of the
firing range of a series of diesel oil-fired
Quite often, the firing range of just one burner
is not illustrated, but rather a whole series, as
in the diagram above.
The output can be expressed in kW or in kg/h
of fuel burnt, while the pressure is expressed
in either mbars or in Pa.
The firing range is obtained in special test
boilers according to methods established by
European legislation, in particular:
• EN 267 standard for liquid fuel burners;
• EN 676 standard for gaseous fuel burners;
These standards establish the dimensions that
the test combustion chamber must have.
Diagram 15 shows the graph indicating the
dimensions of the test furnace for forced
draught burners powered by liquid or fuel gas.
The graph represents the average dimensions
of commercial boilers; if a burner is to operate
in a combustion chamber with distinctly
different dimensions, preliminary tests are
The firing range is determined experimentally
under particular atmospheric pressure and
combustion supporter air temperature test
conditions. All the graphs showing the firing
range for a forced draught burner must be
accompanied by pressure and temperature
indications, generally corresponding to a
pressure of 1000 (3) mbar (100 m above sea
level) and combustion supporter air
temperature of 20°C.
If running conditions are considerably different
from the test conditions, certain corrections
must be made, as shown in chapter 3 of this
Burners operating chances: a) one-
stage, b) two-stage, c) progressive two-stage, d)
Diagram 12
(3) Normal pressure at 100 m above sea level.
Start up
Start up
1st stage
Start up
1st stage
Start up Stop
Start up
2nd stage
Start up
2nd stage
Start up
2nd stage
Start up
2nd stage
2nd stage
2nd stage
2nd stage
2nd stage
2nd stage
Start upStop Stop
Layout of two monobloc (RL and RS series) burners and dual bloc (TI) burnerDiagram 13
RS series
TI series
RL series
FR P.E. cell GF Gas filter BP Pilot burner
V1,V2 Delivery oil valves PA Air pressure switch C2 Oil modulating cam
PV Nozzzle holder PC Leak detection control device C3 Gas modulating cam
AD Air damper C Anti-vibrant joint D Gas distributor
M Air fan and pump motor PCV Gas pressure governor LPG Low pressure gas governor
P Pump with oil filter and PG Minimum gas pressure switch MM Oil delivery gauge
pressure regulator
MT Two-stage hydraulic ram PGM Maximum gas pressure switch MR Oil return gauge
V Supply air fan RG Gas flow regulator (butterfly valve) POMaximum oil pressure switch
VS Gas safety valve C1 Air moudulating cam SI Ionisation probe
VTR Combustion head SM Cam’s servomotor VP Pilot vaves
regulation screw
U,U1,U2 Nozzles VR Gas regulation valve VU Nozzle’s safety valve
The burner should be chosen so that
maximum required load falls within the
burner's firing range. The firing point is found
by tracing a vertical line in correspondence
with the required output value and a horizontal
line in correspondence with the pressure in
the combustion chamber; the intersection
point between the two lines is the system
firing point, including the burner and the heat
As far as the choice of single-stage burners is
concerned, the firing point can be in any point
of the burner's firing range.
For two-stage burners the firing range is ideally
divided into two areas, left (zone A) and right
(zone B) of the vertical line traced for the point
corresponding to the maximum head available,
as indicated in Diagram 16.
The firing point corresponding to the maximum
output and, consequently, to operate in the
2nd stage, must be chosen within zone B.
Zone B provides the maximum output of the
burner in relation to the combustion chamber
The 1st stage output should be chosen within
the minimum/maximum declared formula and
normally falls within zone A. The absolute
lower limit corresponds to the minimum value
of zone A. However, in certain cases, for
example where the use of two-stage burners
is required in domestic hot water boilers, it is
advisable not to go below 60-65% of
maximum output in the first stage, and, due to
condensation problems, to maintain flue
temperature around 170-180°C at maximum
load and at 140°C at 65% of load.
As far as progressive or modulating two-stage
burners are concerned, the burner should be
chosen in a similar manner to two-stage
burners. In modulating burners, the nearer the
firing point is to the maximum output values of
the firing range, the higher the modulating
formula of the burner. The modulating formula
is defined as the turn down ratio between the
maximum output and the minimum output
expressed in proportion (e.g. 3:1 or 5:1).
50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600
RLS 50
RLS 38
RLS 28
Firing ranges of Riello RLS series
dual fuel burners
Diagram 14
Test combustion chamber for burnersDiagram 15
d = diameter of the flame tube
Heat output (kW)
The firing range in cartesian format can only be
determined for monobloc forced draught
burners, where the coupling of the combustion
head with the fan is defined by the burner
manufacturer. The situation changes for dual
bloc burners, as the combination of the
combustion head and the fan is delegated to
the design engineer. In this case, the firing
range is characteristic only for the combustion
head and determined in relation to the
maximum and minimum fuel output allowed to
the head itself.
For example Diagram 17 shows the firing
ranges for combustion heads in the Riello TI
Series Burners, where the darker area
represents the range of optimum choice
recommended by the manufacturer.
The choice regarding the size of the
combustion heads should be made solely in
relation to the output and the temperature of
the combustion supporter air.
The burner is just one of the components of a
larger and more complex system for
generating heat. Before passing on to the
description of the individual parts of a
combustion system, the following pages show
the plant engineering diagrams for the various
types of fuel, regulation of the thermal load
and systems for optimising fuel control. By
overlapping the diagrams of each of these
layout classes, the entire combustion system
can be designed.
1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 11000
kW0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000
Campo utile per la scelta del bruciatore Campo di modulazione
TI 14
TI 13
TI 12
TI 11
TI 10
Firing range of Riello RLS100- two
stage gas/light oil burner
Diagram 16
Firing range for Riello TI Series Burner combustion headsDiagram 17
Useful working field for choosing the burner Modulation range
2.3.2 System engineering
diagrams for burners using low
viscosity (< 6 cSt) liquid fuels -
diesel oil / kerosene
Gas supply - low pressure circuitDiagram 18
Gas supply - high pressure circuitDiagram 19
A = Drop-type plant with fedding
from top; B = air intake system
Diagram 20
Drop-type plant with feeding from
Diagram 21
Burner air fan
Anti-vibrating joint
Gas filter
Gas governor
Min gas pressure switch
Gas safety valve
Leak proving system
Gas regulation valve
Gas flow regulator
Max gas pressure switch
Air pressure switch
Burner air damper
Burner air fan
Air pressure switch
Light-oil tank
Light oil filter
Burner pump
Nozzle holder lance
Oil safety valve
Burner air damper
Burner air fan
Air pressure switch
Light-oil tank
Light oil filter
Burner pump
Nozzle holder lance
Oil safety valve
Burner air damper
Anti-vibrating joint
Burner air fan
Gas filter
Second stage gas reduction
Min gas pressure switch
Gas safety valve
Leak proving system
Gas regulation valve
Gas flow regulator
Max gas pressure switch
Air pressure switch
Ambient air
Ambient air
Ambient air
Ambient air
2.3.1 System engineering
diagrams for gas fired burners
Gas pressure reduction Gas train
2.3.3 System engineering diagrams for burners using high viscosity (> 6
cSt) liquid fuels
System with ring under pressureDiagram 22
Ring-type system for multi-stage and modulating burners with service tankDiagram 23
BR Dualbloc burner
BR1 Monoblock burner
B Gas separator bottle
r Oil filter 300 microns degree
MM Oil delivery gauge
P(MP) Pumping group – transfer ring
P1(MP) Pumping group – burner circuit with filter
and pressure regulator
P2(MP) Pumping group – main circuit with filter
PS Electrical oil preheater
RS1 Pump heater resistance
RS2 Oil tank heater resistance
SB Main oil tank
SB2 Service oil tank
T Thermometer
TC Temperature switch regulation
Burner air damper
Burner air fan
Air pressure switch
Light-oil tank
Light oil filter
Burner pump
Nozzle holder lance
Oil safety valve
Light-oil ring pump
Oil pressure gauge
Ambient air
Tr Flexible oil line
Tr1 Flexible oil line pressure 25-30bar
TP Temperature probe
TM Max oil pressure switch
VC Vent valve
VG Supply air fan
VR1 Oil pressure regulator valve of
the oil burner ring
VR2 Oil pressure regulator valve of the
oil main ring
VS Preheater safety valve
VG7 Safety valve
VG Double valves
Heavy oil pipe with electrical
preheater cable
Two stage burner Modulating burner
Modulating burner
2.3.4 Diagrams for the calibration of single-stage burners
Ring-type system for multi-stage and
modulating burners without service tank
Diagram 24
BR Dualbloc burner
BR1 Monoblock burner
B Oil burners gas separator
F Oil filter 300 microns degree
MM Oil delivery gauge
P(MP) Pumping group - main circuit with filter
P1(MP) Pumping group - burner circuit with filter
and pressure regulator
PS Electrical oil preheater
RS1 Pump heater resistance
RS2 Oil tank heater resistance
SB Main oil tank
T Thermometer
TE Temperature switch regulation
TF Flexible oil line
TP Temperature probe
TM Max oil temperature switch
VC Control valve (3 way)
VE Supply air fan
VR1 Oil pressure regulator valve of
the oil burner ring
VR2 Oil pressure regulator valve of the
oil main ring
VS Preheater safety valve
VGZ Safety valve
VG Double valves
Heavy oil pipe with
electrical preheater cable
SER1 Burner air damper
VT Burner air fan
C Anti-vibrating joint
GF Gas filter
PCV Gas governor
PG Min gas pressure switch
VS Gas safety valve
PC Leak proving system
VR Gas regulation valve
RG Gas flow regulator
PGM Max gas pressure switch
T1 Thermostat
QRP Burner control panel
LA Nozzle holder lance
VS Oil safety valve
Layout of regulation components for a single-stage burnerDiagram 25
Two stage
Modulating burner
Ambient air
2.3.5 Diagrams for the calibration of multi-stage burners
2.3.6 Diagrams for the calibration of modulating burners
Layout of regulation components for a two-stage burnerDiagram 26
Layout of regulation components for a modulating burnerDiagram 27
SMn Servomotor
SER1 Burner air damper
VT Burner air fan
C Anti-vibrating joint
GF Gas filter
PCV Gas governor
PG Min gas pressure switch
VS Gas safety valve
PC Leak proving system
VR Gas regulation valve
RG Gas flow regulator
PGM Max gas pressure switch
T1 Thermostato/Pressure switch
1st stage
QRP Burner control panel
LA Nozzle holder lance
VS Oil safety valve
T2 Thermostato/Pressure
switch 2nd stage
SMn Servomotor
SER1 Burner air damper
VT Burner air fan
C Anti-vibrating joint
GF Gas filter
PCV Gas governor
PG Min gas pressure switch
VS Gas safety valve
PC Leak proving system
VR Gas regulation valve
RG Gas flow regulator
PGM Max gas pressure switch
T1 Temperature / pressure probe
QRP Burner control panel
LA Nozzle holder lance
MD Modulation device
Ambient air
Ambient air
2.3.7 Diagram of burner with measurement and regulation of the
percentage of O2 in the flue gases
2.3.8 Diagram of burner with pre-heating of the combustion supporter
Layout of O2 regulation systemDiagram 28
Layout of a system with pre-heating
of comburent air
Diagram 29
SMn Servomotor
SER1 Burner air damper
V1 Burner air fan
QRP Burner control panel
LA Nozzle holder lance
VS Oil safety valve
EGA Exhaust gas analyzer
FRV Fuel regulator valve (gas/oil)
SO Exhaust gas probe
SC Exhaust gas/air heat exchanger
VT Fan
VS Air damper
Ambient air
Ambient air
Heavy oil
2.3.10 Layout of the Burner Management -System
Layout of the fan speed rotation regulation with inverterDiagram 30
Layout of integrated management for supervising a combustion systemDiagram 31
2.3.9 Diagram of burner with inverter controlled motors
SMn Servomotor
SER1 Burner air damper
V1 Burner air fan
QRP Burner control panel
LA Nozzle holder lance
VS Oil safety valve
IV Inverter
FRV Fuel regulator valve (gas/oil)
M Three phase induction motor
SMn Servomotor
SER1 Burner air damper
V1 Burner air fan
QRP Burner control panel
(i.e. micro modulation Autoflame)
LA Nozzle holder lance
VS Oil safety valve
IV Inverter
FRV Fuel regulator valve (gas/oil)
EGA Exhaust gas analyzer
SO Exhaust gas probe
DTI Data transfer interface
LPC Local computer
MDM Modem
RPC Remote computer
Ambient air
Heavy oil
Heavy oil Heavy oil
Ambient air Ambient air
The combustion head is the part of the burner
that mixes the combustion supporting air with
the fuel and stabilises the flame that is
The combustion head essentially comprises
the following components:
• The fuel metering device: nozzles for liquid
fuels and orifices and distributors for gaseous
fuels; oil nozzles are characterised by three
parameters: output, spray angle and type of
spray distribution (pattern).
• The turbulator diffuser disk, which mixes
the fuel and the combustion air, and stabilises
the flame to avoid it blowing back into the
• The flame ignition system, uses electric
arcs produced by high-voltage powered
electrodes directly igniting the flame or
coupled with a pilot burner;
• A flame sensor for motoring the flame;
• The flame tube comprising made of
profiled metal cylinder which defines the
output speed range.
The flame tube and the diffuser disk
essentially determine the geometry of the
flame developed by the burner. Especially the
latter determines the rotational features of the
fuel and combustion supporter mixture flow
and, consequently, the flame dimensions. The
rotational characteristic of the mixture flow is
expressed in mathematical terms by the
number of swirls defined as:
S = Gf / (GxR)
S = the number of swirls;
Gf = the angular momentum of the flow;
Gx = the axial force;
R = the radius of the nozzle outlet;
As a rule, an increase in the number of swirls
causes an increase in the flame diameter and
a decrease in the flame length.
Drawing of composition of combustion head for gas/light oil Riello RLS100 burnerDiagram 33
Nozzles: full cone and empty cone
distribution; definition of spray angle
Diagram 32
The section between the sleeve and the
diffuser disk determines the amount of
secondary air available for the flame. This
amount is zero when the disk is closer and in
contact with sleeve. In certain burners it is
possible to adjust the space between the disk
and the turbulator diffuser changes the
secondary air by changing the position of the
disk itself.
Combustion heads can be classified according
to the following layout:
• Non-adjustable fixed head, where the
position of the combustion head is fixed by the
manufacturer and cannot be changed;
• Adjustable head, where the position of the
combustion head can be adjusted by the
burner installer during commissioning;
• Variable-geometry head, where the
position of the combustion head can be varied
during the modulating burner operation.
Non-adjustable fixed head burners are
generally burners used for industrial processes
and dedicated to the generators they must be
coupled to.
For adjustable head burners, regulation is pre-
set in correspondence with the maximum
output of the burner for the specific
application. For easier start-up and
configuration operations, a graph is provided
for each burner indicating the position of the
regulation mechanisms in relation to the
required thermal output. This construction
type makes the burner suitable for different
requirements, which is why monobloc Forced
draught burners with a low to medium output
are predominantly adjustable head types.
Variable-geometry burners are generally high-
output modulating burners.
The geometry of the head is also extremely
important in reducing polluting emissions,
especially Nox, as described in paragraph
2.4.1 Pressure drop air side
The firing ranges of monobloc burners already
take into account the air pressure drop of the
combustion head. When choosing a dual bloc
burner, for the purpose of choosing the correct
fan, the pressure drop on the air side must be
known in relation to the delivery; for easier
reading, this information refers to a standard
temperature and is supplied in relation to the
thermal output developed.
2.4.2 Pressure drop fuel side
To correctly select the fuel feed pipe for both
monobloc and dual bloc burners, certain
working information is required about the
related circuits inside the combustion head.
In the case of gaseous fuels, tables or
diagrams are provided, such as those
presented in diagram 35, which provide the
overall pressure drop of the gas pipe in the
head, in relation to the thermal output
For liquid fuels, the pressure value required by
the nozzle for spill back nozzles (modulating),
and the diagram of the minimum pressure to
be guaranteed on the nozzle return pipe when
the fuel delivery varies, are provided.
TI 10 head pressure drop side air referred to backpressure 0 - air damper not
Air suction temperature 15°C
0 1 2 3 4 5
TI 10 P/NM
TI 10 P/M
Pressure drop air side in combustion
head - dualbloc TI 10 burner
Diagram 34
Natural gas G20 - Net calorific value 9,94 kcal/Nmc 0°C 1013 mbar
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000
Output Power (MW)
Pressure drop gas side in
combustion head - dualbloc TI 10 burner
Diagram 35
Fans are machines capable of supplying
energy to a fluid, by increasing pressure or
speed, using a rotating element.
Depending on the air-flow direction the
following types of fan can be used:
• centrifugal;
• axial;
• tangential.
In centrifugal fans, the air enters along the
direction of the rotation axis and exits
tangentially to the fan wheel. In axial fans, the
air direction is parallel to the axis of the fan
wheel. In tangential fans, the air enters and
exists tangentially to the fan wheel.
The fans installed on monobloc burners and
those used separately for dual bloc burners are
generally centrifugal, such as that shown in
the Diagram.
Centrifugal fans are made up of a box that
contains a keyed fan wheel on a shaft
supported by bearings. The shaft can be
connected directly to the electric motor using
joints or, indirectly, using belts and pulleys.
The fan wheel positioned inside the box may
have differing blade orientations/profiles and
• fan wheel with wing-shaped blades;
• fan wheel with reverse curved blades,
• fan wheel with radial blades;
• fan wheel with forward curved blades;
Diagram 37 shows the variation in absorbed
output when fan delivery varies; the fan wheel
with wing-shaped blades behaves similarly to
the fan wheel with reverse curved blades.
The working characteristics of a fan, similar to
those for pumps, are described by the
characteristic curve. The characteristic curve
of a fan is represented in a Cartesian plan
where the Y axis shows the pressure and the
X axis shows the volumetric delivery (see
Diagram 38).
The characteristic curves can be accompanied
by other curves such as performance or yield
curves and the absorbed output curve of the
electric motor (see Diagram 39).
The number of characteristic curves for each
fan depends on the number of rotation speeds,
as shown in Diagram 40.
When a fan operates in a circuit, which also
Feed pressure of liquid fuelDiagram 36
Fan of a dualbloc burnerDiagram 37
Output absorbed from different
types of fan varying delivery
Diagram 38
delivery (%)
curved forward blade
radial fan
axial fan
reverse curve
Return pressure (bar)
has a characteristic curve, delivery is supplied
when total pressure developed is equal to the
circuit pressure. This situation is represented
by the intersection point between the
characteristic fan curve and the characteristic
circuit curve, as indicated in Diagram 41.
In the case of forced draught burners, the
system characteristic curve varies in relation to
the setting of the combustion head and
opening degree of the air damper. To correctly
choose the fan, the circuit curve must
correspond to the load used.
Therefore, in order to discover the delivery and
the head of a fan, we need sufficiently precise
information regarding the pressure drop
induced by the circuit, including the air intake
pipes, burner head feeding pipes and the
As already mentioned, circuit pressure drops
have a parabolic flow with respect to fluid
speed and, consequently, delivery.
Pressure drops in an areaulic system are
determined by two components:
• concentrated pressure drops;
• distributed pressure drops.
Among the concentrated pressure drops,
account must be taken of those introduced by
the combustion head, where the air transits
using a complex geometric route; furthermore,
an air damper is fitted inside the burner for
calibrating the delivery of combustion
supporter air.
Burner manufacturers provide graphs that
represent the trend of pressure drops in
relation to air delivery, or, for easier
consultation, in relation to the thermal output
delivered by the burner.
Distributed pressure drops can be estimated
by using the Darcy-Weisbach formula:
eq 2.5-1
∆pf = pressure drop due to friction [m];
f = friction factor;
∆pf = .f .L
2 . g
Typical performance graphs of a
centrifugal fan
Diagram 39
Fan performance graphs on varying
motor speed rotation
Diagram 40
Performance graph of fan and
resistant circuit with working point
Diagram 41
1000 rpm
density 1,2 kg/m3
Lpa = Sound pressure
level in dBA at 1,5 m
Discharge air velocity
dinamic pressure
Maximum fan
Nominal delivery
L = pipeline length [m];
D = pipeline diameter [m];
v = air speed inside the pipeline [m/s];
g = gravity acceleration 9.81 [m/s2
The term v2
/2g is called dynamic pressure.
The friction factor f can be determined using
the MOODY abacus (Diagram 42) if the
Reynolds number and related texture is
The Reynolds number is defined by the
following formula:
eq 2.5-2
NRe = Reynolds number;
d = internal pipeline diameter [m];
V = air speed [m/s];
g = kinematic air viscosity equal to 16.0 ·10-6
The related texture e/D is the formula between
the absolute texture and the diameter of the
pipeline both expressed in mm. Table 9 shows
the absolute texture value of certain typical
For easier calculation, a series of abacuses
exist to determine linear pressure drops,
shown in section 5.
The formulas introduced always refer to
certain circular sections, while in constructive
practice rectangular pipelines are often used.
To use the same formulas, an equivalent
diameter De must be used, defined as:
eq 2.5-3
De = 2 . a . b
a + b
NRe =
d . V
De = equivalent diameter [m];
a, b = side dimensions of the rectangular
pipeline [m];
Localised pressure drops, due to the presence
of dampers, grids and any heat exchangers,
must be calculated for the effective value of
the drop introduced, which must be provided
by the manufacturer of the mentioned devices.
Localised pressure drops, due to the presence
of circuit peculiarities, such as curves,
direction and section variations, can be
calculated using the following equation:
eq 2.5-4
∆pw = pressure drop [Pa];
ξ = non-dimensional drop factor;
ρ = volume mass [kg/m3
v = average speed in the pipeline [m/s];
A series of tables exist in the technical
literature, similar to those in Diagram 43 which
show the ξ value for the various special
pieces, some of which are illustrated in section
2.5.1 Regulating combustion air
As already mentioned, the delivery of
combustion supporter air is proportionate to
the delivery of fuel burnt, which in turn is
proportionate to the required output. For multi-
stage and modulating burners, air provided by
the fan must be changed in order to vary the
In Forced draught burners, delivery can be
varied in two principal manners:
∆pw = .ξ .ρ
Pipeline material Absolut texture (mm)
Smooth iron plate duct 0,05
PVC duct 0,01 – 0,05
Aluminium plate duct 0,04 – 0,06
Galvanized sheet-iron duct with cross joints (1,2m step) 0,05 – 0,1
Galvanized sheet-iron circular duct, spiraliform with cross joints (3m step) 0,06 – 0,12
Galvanized sheet-iron duct with cross joints (0,8m step) 0,15
Glass fiber duct 0,09
Glass fiber (internal covering) duct 1,5
Protected glasswool (internal covering) duct 4,5
Flexible metal pipe 1,2 - 2,1
Flexible non-metal pipe 1 – 4,6
Cement duct 1,3 - 3
Non-dimensional drop factors for
air pipelines
Table 9
Burner handbook
Burner handbook
Burner handbook
Burner handbook
Burner handbook
Burner handbook
Burner handbook
Burner handbook
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Burner handbook

  • 2. FORCED DRAUGHT BURNER HANDBOOK S e p t e m b e r 2 0 0 1 First Edition RIELLO S.p.A. Legnago - Italy Boilersinfo.com
  • 3. © 2001 RIELLO S.p.A. - LEGNAGO Rights for translation, electronic memorization, reproduction and total or partial adaptment with every mean (included photostatic copies or microfilms) are reserved. First edition: September 2001 Boilersinfo.com
  • 4. 1 FUNDAMENTAL COMBUSTION PRINCIPLES 13 1.1. Basic reactions 13 1.2. The combustion supporter 13 1.3. The combustion supporter 14 1.3.1. Gaseous fuels and their combustion 16 1.3.2. Liquid fuels and their combustion 21 1.4. Pollutant combustion emissions 21 1.4.1. Sulphur oxides 22 1.4.2. Nitric oxides 22 Reduction of the NOx in gaseous fuel combustion 23 Reduction of the NOx in liquid fuel combustion 25 1.4.3. Carbon monoxide (CO) 25 1.4.4. Total suspended particles 26 1.4.5. Comments on the emission of CO2 27 1.5. Combustion control 27 1.5.1. Combustion efficiency 29 1.5.2. Measurement units for combustion emissions 29 2 THE FORCED DRAUGHT BURNER 31 2.1 Foreword 31 2.2 The firing range of a burner 32 2.3 Typical system layout diagrams 35 2.3.1 System engineering diagrams for fired burners 36 2.3.2 System engineering diagrams for burners using low viscosity (< 6 cSt) liquid fuels - diesel oil / kerosene 36 2.3.3 System engineering diagrams for burners using high viscosity (> 6 cSt) liquid fuels 37 2.3.4 Diagrams for the calibration of single-stage burners 38 2.3.5 Diagrams for the calibration of multi-stage burners 39 2.3.6 Diagrams for the calibration of modulating burners 39 2.3.7 Diagram of burner with measurement and regulation of the percentage of O2 in the flue gases 40 2.3.8 Diagram of burner with pre-heating of the combustion supporter air 40 2.3.9 Diagram of burner with inverter controlled motors 41 2.3.10 Layout of the Burner Management -System 41 2.4 The Combustion head 42 2.4.1 Pressure drop air side 43 2.4.2 Pressure drop fuel side 43 2.5 The Fan 44 2.5.1 Regulating combustion air 46 SUMMARY Boilersinfo.com
  • 5. 2.6 Fuel supply 48 2.6.1 Gas supply 48 Calculating the fuel gas supply pipelines 50 Choosing the gas train 52 The feeding of liquid petroleum gases (LPG) 53 2.6.2 Feeding diesel oil and kerosene 55 Drop-type system with supply from bottom / drop-type system with supply from summit / intake type system; 56 Systems with pressurised ring 57 2.6.3 Feeding of heavy oil (fuel oil) 61 Ring-type systems for multi-stage burners with or without service tanks (type 1-3) 62 Ring-type systems for modulating burners with or without service tanks 66 Heating the pipelines 67 Heating the storage tanks 70 2.7 Electrical supply and burner control 71 2.8 Noise levels in forced draught burners 74 2.8.1 Deadening noise made by forced draught burners 77 2.9 Optimising combustion with forced draught burners 78 2.9.1 Regulating the O2 78 2.9.2 Pre-heating the combustion supporter air 80 2.9.3 Regulating the fan speed 80 2.9.4 The Burner Management System 81 3 SELECTION OF A FORCED DRAUGHT BURNER 83 3.1 General criteria 83 3.1.1 Thermal capacity at the heat generator furnace 83 3.1.2 Back pressure in the combustion chamber 85 3.1.3 Type of heat generator 85 3.1.4 Fuel 86 3.1.5 Burner operation mode 86 3.1.6 Minimum feed pressure of gaseous fuel 86 3.1.7 Installation altitude and average combustion air temperature 86 3.1.8 Special installation features 87 3.2 Selection of a monobloc burner - numeric example 87 3.2.1 Selection of the burner model 87 3.2.2 Selection of the combustion head length 91 3.2.3 Verifying the flame length 91 3.2.4 Selection of the gas train 92 3.2.5 Selection of the components for the diesel oil feed circuit 93 3.3 Selection of a DUALBLOC burner - numeric example 94 3.3.1 Selection of the burner model 94 3.3.2 Selection of the burner model 96 3.3.3 Selection of the gas train 100 3.3.4 Selection of the thrust unit for liquid fuel and the nozzles 102 3.3.5 Selection of the components in the liquid fuel feed circuit 104 SUMMARY Boilersinfo.com
  • 6. Transfer pump between the storage tank and the service tank 105 Service tank 105 Pump in the main ring 105 Dimensioning the main ring pipelines 106 3.3.6 Selection of the electrical control panel 107 4 MEASURING COMBUSTION EFFICIENCY 109 4.1 Instruments 109 4.2 Preliminary operations 109 4.2.1 Systems fired by liquid fuel 109 4.2.2 Systems fired by gaseous fuel 109 4.3 Measurement conditions and operating methods 110 4.4 Calculating the combustion efficiency 111 4.4.1 Example for calculating combustion efficiency 111 5 READY-USE TABLES AND DIAGRAMS 115 5.1 Measuring units and conversion factors 115 5.2 Tables and diagrams about fuel viscosity 129 5.3 Tables and diagrams for circuits dimensioning 134 5.4 Tables and diagrams about combustion 156 SUMMARY Boilersinfo.com
  • 7. SUMMARY OF DIAGRAMS 1 FUNDAMENTAL COMBUSTION PRINCIPLES 13 Diagram 1 - Elementary representation of a flame 13 Diagram 2 - Temperature and altitude influence on effective air delivery 14 Diagram 3 - Example of a viscosimeter 16 Diagram 4 - Formation process of acid rain 22 Diagram 5 - Type of NOx in certain fuels 23 Diagram 6 - Functional layout of combustion process for a gas burner - Blue flame type 24 Diagram 7 - Monobloc burner (light oil - Low NOx) of BGK series 25 Diagram 8 - Effects of carbon monoxide 25 Diagram 9 - Penetration of the particles in the respiratory system 26 Diagram 10 - Combustion triangle for methane gas 28 2 THE FORCED DRAUGHT BURNER 31 Diagram 11 - Gas fired monobloc burner 31 Diagram 12 - Burners operating chances: a) one-stage, b) two-stage, c) progressive two-stage, d) modulating 32 Diagram 13 - Layout of two monobloc (RL and RS series) burners and dual bloc (TI) burner 33 Diagram 14 - Firing ranges of Riello RLS series dual fuel burners 34 Diagram 15 - Test combustion chamber for burners 34 Diagram 16 - Firing range of Riello RLS100- two stage gas/light oil burner 35 Diagram 17 - Firing range for Riello TI Series Burner combustion heads 35 Diagram 18 - Gas supply - low pressure circuit 36 Diagram 19 - Gas supply - high pressure circuit 36 Diagram 20 - A=Drop-type plant with fedding from top; B=air intake system 36 Diagram 21 - Drop-type plant with feeding from bottom 36 Diagram 22 - System with ring under pressure 37 Diagram 23 - Ring-type system for multi-stage and modulating burners with service tank 37 Diagram 24 - Ring-type system for multi-stage and modulating burners without service tank 38 Diagram 25 - Layout of regulation components for a single-stage burner 38 Diagram 26 - Layout of regulation components for a two-stage burner 39 Diagram 27 - Layout of regulation components for a modulating burner 39 Diagram 28 - Layout of O2 regulation system 40 Diagram 29 - Layout of a system with pre-heating of comburent air 40 Diagram 30 - Layout of the fan speed rotation regulation with inverter 41 Diagram 31 - Layout of integrated management for supervising a combustion system 41 Diagram 32 - Nozzles: full cone and empty cone distribution; definition of spray angle 42 Diagram 33 - Drawing of composition of combustion head for gas/light oil Riello RLS 100 burner 42 Diagram 34 - Pressure drop air side in combustion head - dualbloc TI 10 burner 43 Diagram 35 - Pressure drop gas side in combustion head - dualbloc TI 10 burner 43 Diagram 36 - Feed pressure of liquid fuel 44 Diagram 37 - Fan of a dualbloc burner 44 Diagram 38 - Output absorbed from different types of fan varying delivery 44 Diagram 39 - Typical performance graphs of a centrifugal fan 45 Diagram 40 - Fan performance graphs on varying motor speed rotation 45 Diagram 41 - Performance graph of fan and resistant circuit with working point 45 Diagram 42 - Moody's abacus 47 Diagram 43 - Adimensional loss factors for air pipelines 47 Diagram 44 - Change of delivery by varying pressure drops of the circuit 48 Boilersinfo.com
  • 8. Diagram 45 - Example of delivery changing by motor speed variation 48 Diagram 46 - Functional layout of the gas train 49 Diagram 47 - Gas filter 49 Diagram 48 - Pressure Regulator 49 Diagram 49 - Shut-off and safety valves 50 Diagram 50 - Gas pressure switch 50 Diagram 51 - Seal control system 50 Diagram 52 - Connection adaptor 50 Diagram 53 - Absolute viscosity of certain gases 51 Diagram 54 - LPG tank 53 Diagram 55 - Graph for the detrmination of the gas train 53 Diagram 56 - Shut-off solenoid valve on output circuit - close postition 55 Diagram 57 - Gear pump for liquid fule monobloc burner 55 Diagram 58 - Light oil burner feeding 56 Diagram 59 - Moody's abacus 60 Diagram 60 - Pressure regulating valve 60 Diagram 61 - Heavy oil preheating unit 61 Diagram 62 - Pumps for fuel oil 62 Diagram 63 - Service tank 63 Diagram 64 - Ring pressure - advised values 67 Diagram 65 - Self-regulating heating band 69 Diagram 66 - Turns' step for heating bands 69 Diagram 67 - Electrical layout of a monobloc burner with single-phase electrical power supply 71 Diagram 68 - Electrical layout of a monobloc burner with three phase power supply 71 Diagram 69 - Firing sequence of a methane gas burner 72 Diagram 70 - Diagram of the main components required for combustion control and regulation 72 Diagram 71 - Programming of the regulation temperatures for a two-stage burner 73 Diagram 72 - Electrical layout of a modulating burner with control devices 74 Diagram 73 - Isophonic curves 75 Diagram 74 - Weighted curves 76 Diagram 75 - Blimp for air blown burners 78 Diagram 76 - Reference values of the oxygen content in flue gases for a gas burner 79 Diagram 77 - Loss of the flue gases for different % of O2 80 Diagram 78 - Diagram for the evaluation of the energy saving by means of the inverter 81 Diagram 79 - Conceptual representation of a Burner Management System 82 Diagram 80 - Electrical power absorption with O2 regulation and inverter 82 3 SELECTION OF A FORCED DRAUGHT BURNER 83 Diagram 81 - Combustion chamber backpressure in relation to thermal output 85 Diagram 82 - Reverse flame boiler 85 Diagram 83 - Serpentine boiler 85 Diagram 84 - Fixing of the blast tube to the boiler port 86 Diagram 85 - Dual fuel (light oil-gas) burner of RLS series 88 Diagram 86 - Combustion head 91 Diagram 87 - Hot water boiler constructive layout 91 Diagram 88 - Lenght and diameter of the flame in relation to burner output 92 Diagram 89 - Diagram for selection of gas trains 93 Diagram 90 - Layout of a light oil feeding circuit 94 Diagram 91 - Dualbloc burner of TI series 94 SUMMARY OF DIAGRAMS Boilersinfo.com
  • 9. Diagram 92 - Firing ranges for Riello TI Series of burner combustion heads 97 Diagram 93 - Combustion head pressure drops for TI series - air side 98 Diagram 94 - Pressure drops in circular pipelines 99 Diagram 95 - Performence graphs of GBJ fan series 100 Diagram 96 - Combustion head and butterfly valve pressure drops for TI series - gas side 101 Diagram 97 - Pressure drops in DMV safety valves 101 Diagram 98 - Nozzles delivery for modulating burners 103 Diagram 99 - Layout of a heavy oil feeding circuit 104 4 MEASURING COMBUSTION EFFICIENCY 109 Diagram 100 - Example of analyzer for measuring combustion efficiency 109 Diagram 101 - Gas flow characteristics measuring points 110 SUMMARY OF DIAGRAMS Boilersinfo.com
  • 10. 1 FUNDAMENTAL COMBUSTION PRINCIPLES 13 Table 1 - Principal fuels classification 14 Table 2 - Characteistics of gaseous fuels 18 Table 3 - Names of liquid fuels in the main countries of use 19 Table 4 - Characteistics of liquid fuels 20 Table 5 - Maximum reccomended values of CO2 for the various fuels 28 Table 6 - Factors for calculation of the combustion efficiency 29 Table 7 - Mass equivalence of ppm of the main pollutant emissions 29 Table 8 - Maximum values of CO2 at 0% and at 3% of O2 for different fuels 30 2 THE FORCED DRAUGHT BURNER 31 Table 9 - Characteristic values of the absolute texture of different pipelines types 46 Table 10 - Maximum pressure drops of gas pipelines 51 Table 11 - Values of the equivalent lenghts of special pieces 52 Table 12 - Example for the tabular calculation of the diameter of the gas pipelines 52 Table 13 - Summary of liquid fuels 56 Table 14 - Schedule for the tabular scaling of the light oil feed pipelines 57 Table 15 - Absolute texture of the pipelines 59 Table 16 - Summary of liquid fuels 61 Table 17 - Typical values of sound power 74 Table 18 - Average values of sound pressure 75 Table 19 - Octave frequency band spectrum 76 Table 20 - Absorption factors of certain materials 77 3 SELECTION OF A FORCED DRAUGHT BURNER 83 Table 21 - Chart of the data required for a combustion system selection 84 Table 22 - F - correction factor of discharge head and delivery in relation to temperature and altitude 88 Table 23 - Example of backpressure reduction for a burner 88 Table 24 - Chart of the data required for a combustion system selection - example 89 Table 25 - Technical data of RLS series of monoblock burners 90 Table 26 - Iterative process table 90 Table 27 - Schedule for the tabular scaling of the light oil feed pipelines 94 Table 28 - Chart of the data required for a combustion system selection - example 95 Table 29 - Technical data of TI series 96 Table 30 - Kc - correction factor of discharge head and delivery in relation to temperature and altitude 98 Table 31 - Fans selection table 99 Table 32 - Nominal output declassing factor in relation to temperature and altitude 100 Table 33 - High pressure regulating/reducing units selection table 102 Table 34 - Pumping unit skids selection table 102 Table 35 - Nozzles selection table 103 Table 36 - Control panels selection table 107 4 MEASURING COMBUSTION EFFICIENCY 109 Table 37 - Coefficients for calculation of combustion efficiency 111 SUMMARY OF TABLES Boilersinfo.com
  • 11. 11 PREFACE With these pages, there has been the intention of collecting, in an only volume, formulas, data and information useful for who faces problems whom solution involves understanding of combustion and systems which use forced draught burners for heating production. The text is divided up into five sections, arranged in logical sequence that permits the reader to first of all achieve the theoretical fundamentals of the chemistry-physics of combustion and the manufacturing technique of burners and systems which are closely linked, such as fuel feeding circuits. Proceeding through the manual, the reader will find examples for the selection and dimensioning of different types of burners and procedures for measuring the combustion efficiency. The last section is dedicated to a collection of ready-use tables and diagrams concerning the specific themes of combustion. The single chapters can be consulted separately in order to gain knowledge of the specific procedures and information required for the activities to be performed. The topics dealt underlie, before legislation, technical-scientific laws; for this reason, legislation is quoted only in cases of strict necessity. Each reader must therefore check the consistency of the information contained herein with current legislation in his own country. With this handbook, Riello wishes to make available an instrument practical and useful, without claiming to have completely dealt theoretical and installation apsects related to the argument of combustion systems. Published from: RIELLO S.p.A. Legnago - Italy Boilersinfo.com
  • 12. 13 1.1 BASIC REACTIONS Combustion is the rapid oxidation of a fuel. The reaction is accompanied by that visible physical phenomenon which is called “flame” and by the generation of energy that is known as “heat”. Carbon combines with oxygen to form carbon dioxide, a non-toxic gas, and releases heat according to the following formula: C + O2 → CO2 + Heat Likewise, hydrogen combines with oxygen to form water vapour, with the consequent production of heat, according to the following formula: 2H2 + O2 → 2H2 O + Heat It is important to note that fuel and oxygen combine in well-defined and specific proportions. The quantities of oxygen and fuels in the mixture are in perfect or “stoichiometric” proportion, when they enable complete oxidation of the fuel without any oxygen residue. If there were excess fuel or insufficient oxygen, we would say the mixture was rich and the flame was reducing. This type of combustion is defined as incomplete because, although certain fuel particles are completely oxidised by the oxygen, others do not receive enough oxygen and consequently their combustion is only partial. As the following reaction formula indicates, partial or incomplete carbon combustion is accompanied by the formation of carbon monoxide, a highly toxic gas: 2C + O2 → 2CO + Heat The amount of heat produced here is lower than that which accompanies perfect combustion. Incomplete or reducing combustion is sometimes required in special industrial, thermal treatments, but these conditions must be avoided under any other circumstances. If, on the other hand, excessive oxygen is supplied to the mixture, we say the mixture is weak and combustion is oxidative. Besides carbon dioxide and water vapour, other compounds are produced during combustion in smaller amounts, such as sulphur oxides, nitric oxides, carbon monoxide and metallic oxides, which are dealt with further on. 1.2 THE COMBUSTION SUPPORTER The oxidative gas normally used is air, which is a gas mixture mainly made up of oxygen and nitrogen. If we know the exact chemical composition of the fuel we can calculate the stoichiometric amount of oxygen and consequently the combustion supporter air required for combustion purposes. The expression that provides the amount of stoichiometric air is as follows: Wa = 11,51·C + 34,28·H + 4,31·S – 4,32·O [kgair/kgfuel]; oppure: Wa = 8,88·C + 26,44·H + 3,33·S – 3,33·O [Nm3 air/kgfuel]; where C, H, S and O are respectively the mass percentages of carbon, hydrogen, sulphur and oxygen pertaining to the fuel composition. In tables 2 and 3, the stoichiometric air amounts are illustrated of several fuels. When “excess air” is used, i.e. an amount of oxygen higher than the stoichiometric amount, all the nitrogen and the portion of oxygen FUNDAMENTAL COMBUSTION PRINCIPLES 1 Diagram 1 Elementary representation of a flame Boilersinfo.com
  • 13. 14 which does not combine with the fuel, do not participate in the oxidation reaction. Naturally, they absorb a certain amount of the heat produced during combustion, therefore the effective calorific energy is distributed over a greater volume of gas and the thermal level is lower (lower flame temperature). The amount of oxygen contained in the air is around 21% in volume and approximately 23% in mass. However, these values are not fixed but vary in relation to altitude and temperature. The variations in oxygen concentrations in the air are due to the fact that heating the combustion supporter air and an increase in altitude produce the same effect, i.e. a reduction in air density. A decrease in air density corresponds to a decrease in the amount of oxygen. At 1,000 metres above sea level, air density is nearly 10% lower than at 0 metres above sea level. The change in air density and, consequently, in the amount of oxygen, due to a considerable change in altitude or temperature with respect to normal conditions (height equal to 100 metres above sea level and a combustion supporter air temperature of 15°C), is a parameter which should not be overlooked, as is better illustrated in section 2 in the paragraph relating to the examples for choosing the burner. In certain conditions, for example when machinery is being used or other sources that create large amounts of humidity and steam, the amount of oxygen in the air could change, generally decreasing as relative humidity increases. The presence of dust, fibres in the intake combustion supporter air could also create problems with the combustion system. 1.3 THE FUELS A fuel is a substance which reacts with the oxygen in the air and gives rise to a chemical reaction with the consequent development of thermal energy and a small amount of electromagnetic energy (light), mechanical energy (noise) and electrical energy (ions and free electrons). Fuels can be classified on the basis of the physical state in which they are commonly found (solid, liquid or gaseous) and their nature (they are defined as natural or artificial fuels or derivatives). The most commonly used fuels are classified in table 1 according to the above two criteria. Natural fuels are concentrated in underground deposits from where they are extracted for Phase Provenance Natural Artificial (derivates) SOLID Wood, fossil carbons (pit coal) Coke, charcoal LIQUID Oil Petrol, kerosene, gasolio, feul oil GASEOUS Natural gas Methane, propane, butane, LPG, propane-air mix, town gas, bio-gas Diagram 2 Temperature and altitude influence on effective air delivery Table 1 Principal fuels classification 1000 m a.s.l. 5°C Qair = 10,67 mc/h 0 m a.s.l. 5°C Qair = 9,49 mc/h 1000 m a.s.l. 20°C Qair = 11,28 mc/h 0 m a.s.l. 20°C Qair = 10 mc/h Boilersinfo.com
  • 14. 15 extracted from the flue gases produced by combustion, using a user machine that condenses the discharge gases. On the other hand, NCV indicates the maximum theoretical amount of heat that can be extracted from the flue gases produced by combustion using a user machine that does not condense the discharge gases. • Theoretical value This is the minimum quantity of combustion supporting air theoretically required to achieve ideal perfect stoichiometric combustion. This is measured in Nm3 /Nm3 for gaseous fuels or Nm3 /kg for liquid fuels. The following principle physical characteristics are also important for gaseous fuels: • Air/relative density ratio This is the ratio of equal volume masses of dry air and gas measured under the same temperature and pressure conditions. • Dew point The water vapour in the flue gases condenses at this temperature. This temperature may vary considerably from the standard value of 100°C, as water vapour is mixed with other gases and is dependent on the flue gas acidity. It is measured in degrees centigrade (°C). • Air explosive mixture This is the gas concentration range, expressed as a percentage, where the gas and air mixture is explosive. • Wobbe Index A parameter to define the heat released by a gas, obtained from the relationship between the gross caloric value and the square root of the density of the gas with respect to the air. This index is extremely useful to evaluate the interchangeability of two different gaseous fuels: when a certain gas, even if it has different thermotechnical features from the basic gas, gives similar values to the Wobbe index, it can be used correctly in systems that had been originally designed to work with basic gas. W = d P.C.I. processing; in fact, natural fuels are not directly utilisable as their composition is extremely variable and it is impossible to guarantee the safety and efficiency of the fuel beforehand. Typical processing methods tend to transform natural fuels into artificial ones. Charcoal is obtained from wood through slow and partial combustion inside a charcoal pit covered with earth. Distilling low-grade fatty anthracite at a medium heat produces Coke. Artificial gaseous fuels can be obtained from coal through synthesis processes such as dry distillation, partial oxidisation or reaction with water vapour. All artificial liquid and gaseous fuels can be obtained by distilling oil. Before natural gas can be used, the extremely pollutant fraction of H2S must be removed, through desulphurisation, together with the inert fraction of CO2. All these processes are aimed at making the chemical composition of the fuels uniform, making them easier to use and more profitable. In particular, liquid and gas fuels are easily transportable and can be finely proportioned to guarantee combustion efficiency. For these reasons, they are preferred in forced draught burners. The characteristics that distinguish the fuels are: • Calorific value The definition of the calorific value of a fuel is the amount of heat developed during total combustion of the fuel mass unit. The calorific value is measured in kJ/ Nm3 (1) for gas and in kJ/kg for liquids and solids. There are two calorific values: - superior or gross calorific value (GCV) when all the water present at the end of combustion is in a liquid state; - inferior or net calorific value (NCV) when all the water present at the end of conclusion is in a gaseous state. The relationship that ties GCV to NCV is the following: GCV=NCV+latent evaporation heat of the water produced by combustion GCV therefore indicates the maximum theoretical amount of heat that can be (1) A normal cubic meter (1 Nm3 ) corresponds to a cubic meter of gas at atmospheric pressure (1,013 mbar) and a temperature of 0°C. Boilersinfo.com
  • 15. 16 The parameter is also useful to calculate pressure drops (for gas train selection) when a different gas is used, included among those allowed as given in the instruction manual for the burner. Gas pressure drops can be expressed with the following formula: For liquid fuels, the following main physical features are also important: • Viscosity This is the intermolecular internal friction of a fluid, and therefore the macroscopic dimension that describes the level of resistance with which the fluid moves. Dynamic viscosity (or absolute viscosity) is the tangential force per unit area of two parallel planes at unit distance apart when the space between them is filed with a fluid and one plane moves with unit velocity in its own plane relative to the other. The SI unit of measure of dynamic or absolute viscosity is N·s/m2 . In practice, kinematic viscosity is used, defined by the absolute viscosity of a fluid divided by its density. In the SI the kinematic viscosity is measured in m2 /s; in the technical system it is measured in cm2 /s; the unit is called "stoke" (St). Often, instead of the stoke its hundredth part is used, called centistoke (cSt) equal to mm2 /s. To measure the liquid viscosity, various instruments have been perfected, called viscometers, which have induced numerous ( )∆P2 = ∆P1 . W1 W2 2 units of measure depending on the type of viscometer and measuring technique. In Europe, the most common unit of measure besides the centistoke is the Engler degree (°E). The Engler viscometer is fundamentally a thermostatic container with a gauged hole, from which 200 cm3 of the tested liquid flows out and the flow time is measured. The relationship between this time and the time for 200 cm3 of water to flow out gives the °E viscosity. Due to the large number of measuring instruments and units of measure that are available, it is difficult to convert the viscosity levels. Therefore, nomographs and approximate conversion tables are given in chapter 5. • Inflammability flash point This is the lowest temperature at which a mixture of air and vapours given off by a liquid fuel, in the specific conditions established by legislation and using an adequate primer, is inflammable. It is measured in degrees centigrade °C. • Self-igniting temperature This is the minimum temperature at which a mixture of fuel and combustion supporter spontaneously ignites without using a primer. It is measured in degrees centigrade °C. 1.3.1 Gaseous fuels and their combustion As we have seen in the opening paragraphs concerning combustion, in order to burn, a fuel it must be mixed with oxygen: the burners provide fuel gas and combustion supporter air in the right proportions, they mix them and give rise to their controlled combustion in a combustion chamber. Gas burners can be classified according to two criteria. The first depends on the type of combustion supporter airflow into the burner and is classified as follows: • Natural draught burners; • Induced drauht burners; • Forced draught burners. Natural draught burners use the fuel gas supply pressure to pull the air through a Venturi system (normally performed by the nozzle) so that it is mixed with the fuel gas. As Diagram 3 Example of a viscometer Boilersinfo.com
  • 16. 17 a rule, with natural draught burners, the air flow rate generated by the Venturi effect on the gas flow (primary air) does not reach more than 50% of that required for perfect combustion, therefore a further airflow is required (secondary air) into the combustion chamber. These burners can be extremely sensitive to combustion chamber depression (draught): greater is the depression, greater is the amount of air sucked in and mixed with the gaseous fuel, while, by contrast, a too low depression causes combustion without air, giving off extremely dangerous pollutants such as CO. In order to guarantee consistent hygienically safe combustion, gas burning in induction burners usually takes place with high levels of excess air (100% and over). In order to stabilise the operating conditions and be able to obtain combustion with lower excesses of air, induced draught burners are used, with a fan fitted up-stream (on the air side) or down-stream (to extract the combustion products) from the combustion chamber: in these conditions, primary air can reach 100% of that required for perfect combustion. In forced draught burners, the air flow rate is guaranteed by elevated head pressure fans which make the draught operating conditions more or less independent of the burner operation. These can achieve high modulation ranges and can be combined with high-yield, and therefore “pressurised” heat generators, achieving optimum fuel and combustion air mixtures, making it possible to operate with low excesses of air and, therefore, increased combustion efficiency. In this case, the fuel gas flows together in the air flow down-stream from the fan through several nozzles and usually requires greater delivery pressures than atmospheric burners, both due to the pressure drop by the nozzles and the need to control the air pressure. A second criteria to classify burners depends on the percentage mixture of combustion air with respect to the fuel taken before stabilising the flame. The pre-mixing percentages can be classified as follows: • Partial pre-mixed gas burners; (e.g. "premix" = 50%); • Total pre-mixed gas burners ("premix" = 100%); • Diffusion-flame burners. In the first two cases, fuel-air mixing takes place partially or completely, before the mixture passes onto the combustion chamber: induction burners are therefore also pre-mix burners. The pre-mixing allows rapid fuel oxidation reactions and therefore short flames; a consistent air-fuel mixture ratio also gives quieter combustion. In diffusion-flame burners, the fuel-air mixing stage and the combustion stage are more or less simultaneous: to guarantee hygienically safe combustion with low excesses of air, increased turbulence is therefore necessary, thus also, producing high pressure drops on the air side. Forced draught burners can be both pre-mixed or diffusion flame types. Gaseous fuels can form explosive mixtures (2) with air. This happens when the fuel gas concentration is within a specific range and is variable for each individual fuel. To avoid any accumulation in the combustion chamber and in the flue pipe, legislation requires a minimum air only pre-purge time through the combustion chamber for induced draught burners. Table 2 indicates the main gaseous fuels with their related thermo-technical characteristics. (2) The explosion is nothing more than rapid combustion with a violent increase of pressure. Boilersinfo.com
  • 17. 18 Table2Characteisticsofgaseousfuels THERMOTECHNICALCHARACTERISTICSOFTHEMOSTCOMMONGASEOUSFUELS TYPENAMEEN476TYPE CHEMICALFORMULAOR COMPOSITION BEHAVIOUR DENSITYWITH RESPECTTO AIR at15°C AIREXPLOSIVR MIXTURE% INFERIOR CALORIFIC VALUE* MJ/Nm3 SUPERIOR CALORIFIC VALUE* MJ/Nm3 THEORETICALAIR m3 /Nm3 THEORETICAL HUMIDFLUE GASES m3 /Nm3 CO2MAX. INVOL% WATER VAPOURIN FLUEGASES kg/Nm3 DEWPOINT °C WOBBE INDEX MJ/Nm3 METHANEG20 CH4 Lightgas 0,5555÷1534,0237,789.5610,4411,651,6158 45,87 PROPANEG31 C3H8Heavygas1,5552.4÷9.38896,6524,3726,1613,73,2954 77,51 PUREGAS BUTANEG30 C4H10Heavygas2,0942÷7.6116,09125,8132,3734,66144.2053 80,22 NATURALGASG25 Example: CH486% N214% Heavygas 29,2532,4937,39 LPG- Example: Propano70% Butano30% Heavygas1,6862.1÷9.5101,6110,426.3228.2313,743.5154 78,25 PROPANEAIR-MIX- Example: Gas26.2%/Air73.8% Gascomposition: Propane95%/Butane5% Lightgas 1,1497.5÷3624,726,95,756,9613,670,8754 23,04 TOWNGAS- Example: H254.5% CO5.5% CH424.4%etc. Lightgas 0,3975÷3020,923,64,334,9810,030,9262 33,17 MIXTURES BIOGAS- Example: Methane64% Carbonedioxide34.6% Nitrogen1.2% Hydrogen0.2% Lightgas 0,8967.8÷23.42325,56.127,0516,851,0357 24,3 *Thecalorificvaluereferstothenormalcubicmeter(Nm3 ),i.e.to1m3 ofgasatatmosphericpressureandat0°C.Them3 standard(stm3 )ofgasfittersontheotherhandrefersto15°C.1stm3 gives8200kcal.Inmeasurmentsmadewithgascounteritisadvisabletorefertothestandardm3 . Boilersinfo.com
  • 18. 19 Table3Namesofliquidfuelsinthemaincountriesofuse viscosity[cSt]1,26,256,2511,82129374553606876114150180222300380460550 viscosity[°E]1,51,523456789101520243040506070 ITALYkeroseneGasolio U.K.keroseneGasOil(D) GERMANYheizolEL FRANCEkeroseneFioulDomestique HOLLANDGasoilHBOIGasoilHBOII GREECELightfueloil NORWAYGasoilFyringsoljeno2 BELGIUMGasoil/fuel-oilleger SPAINGas-oil DENMARKFyringsgasolie USA#1#2 JAPANkerosgasoil SOUTHAFRICAParaffinNo0DieselLO10 viscositya100°F[secSayboltuniv.]3238458512514017320525028031535552970083110801420178021802500 viscositya100°F[secRedwood1]283541,5761101201551852202502803204666257339251250160019002200 viscositya100°F(37,78°C) lightfueloilmediumfueloilheavyfuel-oil FO150HFF(HFO) Fuelolie1500"Fuelolie3500" #4#5#6 fuel-oilmoyenfuel-oillourdfuel-oilextra-lourd Fuel-ligeroFuel-pesadono1Fuel-pesadono2 Mazoytn°1Mazoytn°2 Fyringsoljeno5Fyringsoljeno6 FioulmoyenFioulLourdNo1FioulLourdNo2 NavyspecialMiddlezwarestookolieZwarestookolie lightfueloil(E)mediumfueloil(F)heavyfuel-oil(G) heizolLheizolMheizolsheizolES viscositya20°Cviscositya50°C OliocombustibilefluidissimoOliocombustibilefluidoOliocombustibilesemifluidoOliocombustibilesemidensoOliocombustibiledenso Note:Tableistobeconsideredasindicative Boilersinfo.com
  • 19. 20 Table4Characteristicsofliquidfuels VISCOSITYCHEMICALCOMPOSITION ITALIAN COMMERCIAL TRADENAME PHYSICAL ASPECT DENSITYAT15°C RELATIVETOWATERat38°C E/cSt at50°C E C%H%S%rnax ASHES %max WATERAND DEPOSITS %max INFERIOR CALORIFICVALUE MJ/kg SUPERIOR CALORIFIC VALUE MJ/kg THEORETICALAIR m3/kg THEORETICAL HUMIDFLUE GASES m/ kg WATER VAPOUR kg/kg DEW POINT°C CO2 MAXvol.% PRE-HEATINGFOR COMBUSTION KEROSENEDistilledliquid0.81(0.77-0.83) 1.6cSt at20°C -86.313.60.25-0.0543,146,311.3312.021.26-14.99NO GASOLIO Distilledliquid0.84(0.815-0.875) 2-7.4cSt 1.12-1.6°E -86.313.4 0.50* (0.30) 0.010.0542,745,611.2411.891.209515.25NO GASOLIOPESANTEDistilledliquid0.86-0.875 6-12cSt at20°C 1.4-2°E at20°C ------------- YES** 70-80°C OLIO COMBUSTIBILE FLUIDO Oilyblack residueof distillation+ lightoil 0.92-3-5--30.1014143,710.7-1.0514515.6 YES 100-110°C OLIO COMBUSTIBILE SEMIFLUIDO Oilyblack residueof distillation+ lightoil 0.94-5-7--40.151------15.7YES OLIO COMBUSTIBILE DENSOATZ (highScontent) Oilyblack residueof distillation 0.97->7851140.20240,242,710.5711,140.9915015.8 YES120-140°CAlso pre-heatedfor transportpurposes OLIO COMBUSTIBILE DENSOBTZ (lowScontent) Oilyblack residueof distillation 0.97->7851110.20240,242,7--0.9913015.8 YES120-140°CAlso pre-heatedfor transportpurposes *ThislimitissubjecttothematterslaiddownbyPresidentialDecreeNo.400of8/6/82.ItisvalidforzonesAandB,establishedbyLaw615of13/7/66andsubsequentamendments.Asof1/7/85thelimitinthezonesAandBfellto0.3%max. **Pre-heatingisatpresentnotallowedbyCircularNo.73dated29/7/71oftheMinistryofIndustry Boilersinfo.com
  • 20. 21 1.3.2 Liquid fuels and their combustion Liquid fuels are made up of various types of hydrocarbons, i.e. molecules formed by carbon and hydrogen atoms. Unlike gaseous fuels, liquid fuels contain molecules of extremely long-chain hydrocarbons giving oils a liquid physical state. Liquid fuels cannot be directly mixed with the oxygen in the air, but must be atomised in extremely small droplets that have a considerable reaction surface. Inside the generator combustion chamber, the droplets of atomised liquid fuel heat up and evaporate releasing hydrocarbon vapours that ensure spontaneous fuel combustion. For combustion to be perfect, the drops of liquid fuel must be oxidised within the body of the flame; if not, the drops form particles of particulate, as more fully illustrated in the next paragraph on pollutants. Atomisation of liquid fuel is one of the main tasks performed by a burner. There are several atomisation methods for liquid fuels. The main ones are listed below: • Mechanical atomisation; • Pneumatic atomisation; • Centrifugal atomisation; The most common method is “mechanical atomisation” where liquid fuel atomisation is the result of the mechanical pressure exerted on the liquid, when it reaches the atomising nozzle, against the walls made up of small run channels and helicoidal holes in the nozzle. With this method, the fuel oil is split into a great deal of extremely small droplets due to brusque flow variations and impact against the walls due to high pressure (10-30 bar). The size of the droplets depends on the exerted pressure, the type of nozzle and the viscosity. Another system is the “pneumatic system” where the droplets of liquid fuel are further atomised by a second high-pressure fluid (compressed air or vapour) when they come out from the mechanical nozzle. This system guarantees excellent fuel atomisation levels for dense fuel oils, but at the same time more complicated construction, with auxiliary liquid being present (working pressure 5-9 bar) and consequently higher installation cost compared to the classic mechanical method. In rotary atomisation, the drops of fuel are formed by applying a centrifugal force to the liquid fuel with the aid of a rotating cup; this method is used for certain industrial-type burners. On today's market, systems are available aimed at improving the mechanical-type atomisation system using modified fuels; basically, fuel oil and water emulsions are used. The individual drops of fuel oil are emulsified into water droplets that, within the body of the flame, become water vapour causing the fuel oil drops to explode. Therefore more efficient fuel atomisation results. Independently from the type used for achieving a satisfactory atomisation degree, the liquid fuel must have a sufficiently low viscosity. The viscosity of liquid fuel is strictly linked to the temperature; when the temperature increases the viscosity decreases. Therefore, certain liquid fuels must be pre-heated to achieve the desired viscosity. As a rule, fuel oil viscosity required for achieving satisfactory atomisation is much lower than that requested by pumping systems, consequently a much higher temperature is required to achieve adequate atomisation than that requested for pumping the fluid. All these aspects translate into specific plant engineering choices that are fully covered in the section dedicated to plant engineering. The viscosity required for obtaining sufficient fuel oil atomisation varies according to the type of burner and type of nozzle used. Generally, the nozzles require oil viscosity between 1.5 and 5 °E at 50°C in relation to the type of fuel. This viscosity value also determines the pre-heating temperature value. For example: supposing we use a fuel oil with viscosity of 22°E at 50°C to obtain a value of 3°E needed by the nozzle to obtain the right atomisation, the fuel must be pre-heated to a temperature between 90 and 100°C. Table 3 gives the names used for liquid fuels in the main countries, while Table 4 shows the related thermotechnical characteristics. 1.4 POLLUTANT COMBUSTION EMISSIONS The leading polluting agents to be considered in the combustion phenomenon are: • sulphur oxides, generally indicated by SOx and mainly made up of sulphur dioxide SO2 and sulphur trioxide SO3; • nitric oxides, generally indicated by NOx Boilersinfo.com
  • 21. 22 and mainly made up of nitric oxide NO and nitrogen dioxide NO2; • carbon monoxide CO; • total suspended particles indicated by TSP (PST). There are essentially three systems that can be adopted to reduce the pollutants: • preventive systems, by acting on the fuel before subjecting it to combustion, trying to reduce the amount of polluting agents. A typical case is represented by liquid fuels (light oil and naphtha) where the sulphur content tends to be reduced; • primary systems, by acting on the process and combustion equipment (burner), so that combustion takes place under the best conditions thus reducing the formation of pollutants; • secondary system, by acting on the combustion gases, to break down the polluting components before they are expelled into the atmosphere. During the design and the construction of civil engineering combustion plants, the first two systems should be used to reduce pollutants, therefore using “clean” fuels, gas, LPG, light oil and naphtha with a low sulphur (BTZ oil) and nitrogen content, and using special burners to minimise the polluting emissions of nitric oxides (Low-NOx burners); The third system is recommended for use only in large industrial and thermoelectric plants, which mainly work with naphtha, where the large amount of burnt fuel and, consequently, emitted combusted gases justify the creation of specific breakdown plants. 1.4.1 Sulphur oxides Sulphur oxides are considered toxic for man; especially sulphur dioxide SO2 causes irritation of the eyes and lachrymation when the concentration exceeds 300 mg/Nm3 . The danger threshold is estimated at around 500 mg/Nm3 . Moderate temperatures favour the formation of sulphur oxides. Under normal conditions of high combustion flame temperature and excess air around 20%, nearly all the sulphur present in the fuel oxidises into sulphur dioxide (SO2). Sulphur dioxide is a colourless gas with a density equal to nearly two and a half that of air, therefore it tends to stratify towards the ground in closed environments. The percentage of sulphur trioxide SO3 may become important for low combustion temperatures (400°C), for example in start-up phases of installations, or when the excess air is extremely high or even when pure oxygen is used. Sulphur trioxide SO3 reacts with water vapour, generating sulphuric acid H2SO4 that is corrosive even in the vaporous phase, thus damaging for heat generators, which are usually metallic. Measures for controlling sulphur dioxide SO2 and sulphur trioxide SO3 emissions are first of all based on preventive action on fuels during their production, by using catalytic desulphurisation processes. In large heavy oil-operated plants, the breakdown of nitric oxides is mainly by absorption using water-based solutions, which can achieve yields of around 90%. 1.4.2 Nitric oxides Nitric monoxide NO is a colourless, odourless gas which is insoluble in water. It represents more than 90% of all nitric oxides formed during high-temperature combustion processes; it is not particularly toxic when its concentration ranges between 10 and 50 ppm. and it is non-irritant. Nitrogen dioxide NO2 is a visible gas even in low concentrations, with a browny-reddish colour and a particularly acrid smell; it is highly corrosive and an irritant to the nasal membranes and eyes when concentrated at 10 ppm, while causing bronchitis at concentrations of 150 ppm and pulmonary Diagram 4 Acid rain formation process Sun- light Oxidation Dissolution Dry deposition Wet deposition Source of emission Dry deposition of gas, dust and aereosol Natural ammonia Humid deposition of dissolved acids Boilersinfo.com
  • 22. 23 oedema at 500 ppm, even if exposure lasts just a few minutes. The nitric monoxide NO present in our city air can transform itself into nitrogen dioxide NO2 by means of photochemical oxidation. Three models of nitric oxide formation exist, which lead to the formation of different types of nitric oxide (different by type of origin but not by chemical composition); respectively they are: • thermal nitric oxides (thermal NOx); • prompt nitric oxides (prompt NOx); • fuel nitric oxides (fuel NOx); Thermal nitric oxides are formed by the oxidation of atmospheric nitrogen (contained in combustion supporter air) under high temperature (T>1500 K) and high oxygen concentration conditions, and represent the majority of nitric oxides in the case of gaseous fuels (methane and LPG) and in general in fuels which do not contain nitrogenous compounds. Prompt nitric oxides are formed by means of the fixation of atmospheric nitrogen by hydrocarbon fragments (radicals) present in the flame area; this method of forming oxides is extremely rapid thus giving rise to the name prompt. Their formation essentially depends on the concentration of radicals in the first stage of the flame; for oxidative flames (combustion with excess of oxygen), their contribution is negligible, while in the case of rich mixtures and for low-temperature combustion, their contribution may reach 25% of the full nitric oxides total. Nitric oxides from fuel form by means of oxidation of the nitrogenous compounds contained in the fuel within the flame area, and their production is significant when the fuel’s nitrogen content exceeds 0.1% in weight, essentially only for liquid and solid fuels. Diagram 5 shows the contribution for each type of NOx depending on the type of fuel (under conditions of standard combustion): The portion of prompt nitric oxides remains more or less constant, whereas the portion of fuel nitric oxides grows and the portion of thermal nitric oxides decreases as we gradually pass to fuels with a higher molecular weight. Reduction of the NOx in gaseous fuel combustion The thermal nitric oxides in gaseous fuels represent up to 80% of total emissions; a drop in the combustion temperature achieves inhibition of the formation of these compounds. The temperature drop may be carried out in various ways. - specific thermal load reduction An initial method involves decreasing the output burnt per unit of volume of the combustion chamber, resorting in fact to a “de-rating” of the boiler and thereby decreasing its nominal thermal capacity (if it is an existing boiler) or over-sizing the combustion chamber for new projects. - combustion chamber architecture Another solution that can be adopted involves the use of heat generators, which have combustion chamber architecture with three flue passes, in other words without inversion of the flame. In flame-inversion boilers, the combustion products re-ascend the combustion chamber during the flow inversion stage, confining the actual flame within an effectively smaller volume than that of the combustion chamber; a portion of the radiant energy possessed is also reflected towards the flame itself. These conditions lead to a flame temperature increase, with a consequent increase in the thermal nitric oxides. The same situation occurs in applications where the chamber wall temperatures are high, i.e. in furnaces or in boilers with fluid at high temperatures. - air and gas pre-mixing Under normal conditions the combustion systems are calibrated so that they can operate with excess air; this excess air establishes a lower effective combustion temperature than the adiabatic temperature and sometimes one that is lower than the limit which enables activation of the nitric oxide formation mechanism (1500 K). Since the flame is a typically turbulent domain fed by two reactants that are difficult to mix perfectly, it is normal that zones with differentDiagram 5 Type of NOx for certain fuels gas light oil heavy oil carbon Fuel Prompt Thermal N2 “fuel” (mass %) Total(%) Boilersinfo.com
  • 23. 24 stoichiometry are formed therein. These will inevitably include zones with stoichiometric conditions or approximate to stoichiometric conditions: the temperatures in these regions will, without doubt, be so high that they will give rise to conditions suitable for thermal NOx formation. These observations suggest action which could impede, or at least reduce, such situations: pre-mix the air and gas accurately before combustion and develop the latter without excessive turbulence, in such a way as to come close to the stoichiometric conditions which would result in the required excess air (and therefore come close to the theoretical combustion temperature which can be derived from the stoichiometric one) whatever the region effected by combustion. An additional, positive contribution may be provided by uniform flame distribution- better still if this distribution covers wide surface areas - which also prevents the presence of small tongues of flame, inside which the temperatures would certainly be higher. Examples of these techniques are represented by porous surface areas (in metallic or ceramic materials) or those comprising masses of fibres or characterised by the presence of tiny microscopic holes: up-stream from these surfaces, attempts are made to create an accurate as possible pre-mixing, while on the external surfaces the objective is to obtain a region of flame which is fairly uniformly extended and distributed. This technique appears the most promising in absolute terms for Low NOx gas solutions, even if for now the high costs involved and certain constructive restrictions hinder its use, especially in the field of higher outputs. - staged combustion The nitric oxide formation speed is greater when in proximity to a ratio of fuel to combustion supporter, which is equal to the stoichiometric ratio. In order to obtain low nitric oxide formation speeds, it is possible to operate with a combustion system which on average operates with realistic excess air, but which presents internal zones with ratios between fuel and combustion supporter which are extremely different from the stoichiometric one, thereby resorting to a segregation of the fuel. As far as application is concerned, the aerodynamics of the flame and the fuel distribution can be adjusted, creating zones high in excess of air alternated with zones without, thus maintaining the global stoichiometry under correct operating conditions. - combustion products blow-by By diluting a portion of the burnt gases in the combustion supporter air, a decrease in the combustion supporter oxygen concentration is obtained together with a reduction of the flame temperature since part of the energy developed by combustion is immediately transferred to the inerts present in the fuel gas. The breakdowns achievable by means of this technique are extremely high in the case of gaseous fuels, because of ensuring a sufficient mixing between the blown-by combustion products and the combustion supporter/fuel mixture. It is relatively easy to active a blow-by of the combustion products in the flame directly within the chamber in the case of thermal generators, and therefore burners, with low outputs by resorting again to particular aerodynamics induced by the burner combustion head, As a rule these internal blow-bys are extremely high (around 50 %) because the fuel/combustion supporter reactants mixing is less effective and the flue gas temperature is relatively high (900 ÷ 1000 K). Sometimes, it is preferable to resort to an external blow-by of the combustion products for machines with a greater output due to the difficulties in obtaining this mixing, which only add to the aggravation of other problems (for example: the elevated combustion head load Diagram 6 Functional layout of combustion process for a gas burner - Blue flame type. 1 Comburent air - 2 Fuel gas intake - 3 Fuel gas jets- 4 Flame stabilization zone (combustion under stoichiometrics) - 5 Recirculed combustion products - 6 Over stoichiometrics combustion - mixture of fuel air, gas and recirculed combustion products - 7 “Cold” zone of the flame. Boilersinfo.com
  • 24. 25 losses). By means of an auxiliary fan, or by utilising the burner fan itself, a portion of the combustion products is withdrawn at the heat generator outlet and is re-conveyed up-stream from the combustion head, so as to pre-mix it with the combustion supporter air. Even if in certain situations, a blow-by inside the combustion chamber may not be enough for extremely low NOx emission values (and this is the case now mentioned regarding high output burners), this technique may be applied in association with the staged combustion technique illustrated previously. Reduction of the NOx in liquid fuel combustion The substantial difference - within certain limits of the nitric oxides argument - between the combustion of gas and the combustion of liquid fuels, is the presence in the latter of nitrogen under the guise of nitrogenous compounds; this is at the origin of NOx production from fuels which, dependent on the nitrogen content in the oil, may also represent a significant portion of the total NOx. As far as thermal and prompt nitric oxides are concerned, the same observations expressed in the case of gaseous fuels (discussed previously) apply. With regard to nitric oxides from fuels, it has been observed that in reducing environments the nitrogen contained in the fuel may not produce the undesired NOx, but simple and harmless molecular nitrogen N2. The combustion chamber is an environment devoted to the oxidation of fuel; however, it is possible to create zones rich in fuel in certain regions of the flame and therefore form reducing situations for the purpose of producing molecular nitrogen N2 in the place of nitric oxides. For example, steps could be taken to supply the initial combustion region with 80 % of the total combustion supporter air together with 100 % of the fuel and, further on, supply the remaining 20 % of the combustion supporter air (over firing air). These applications are still considered to be in the experimental stages for burners used in the sectors of standard heating systems. By contrast, these techniques are already a consolidated asset in the industrial systems of thermoelectric power stations. 1.4.3 Carbon monoxide (CO) Carbon monoxide is a colourless, odourless and tasteless gas. Its relative density compared to air is 0.96, therefore it does not Monobloc burner (light oil - Low NOx) of BGK series Diagram 7 Effects of carbon monoxideDiagram 8 Hours of exposure Death Danger of death Cefhalea, nausea Slight ailments Insignificant effects VolumepercentageofCO2intheair Boilersinfo.com
  • 25. 26 disperse with ease. Carbon monoxide is a toxic gas which, if inhaled, reacts extremely rapidly with the haemoglobin in the blood, preventing the regular oxygenation of the blood and, as a consequence, of the entire organism. The physiological effects on the organism are the result of the concentration of the carbon monoxide in the air and the length of exposure of the person to said concentration. The diagram 8 illustrates the effects of carbon monoxide in relation to the two previously mentioned parameters. Carbon monoxide is present in combustion gas as the result of the partial oxidation of the carbon present in the fuel. Its presence in burnt gases is an indication of low combustion efficiency, because the carbon not perfectly oxidised to CO2 corresponds to heat not produced. Carbon monoxide is present in burnt gases when combustion is carried out with too little air than is required stoichiometrically and therefore the oxygen is insufficient for the purposes of completing the carbon oxidation reactions. Heating systems are responsible to a minimum extent for the presence of carbon monoxide in the atmosphere, since the combustion processes are usually conducted with excess air higher than the stoichiometric requirements. 1.4.4 Total suspended particles This category of polluting substances includes those emissions comprising particulates, inert solid substances and metallic components. The size of these particles varies from a minimum of 0.01 microns up to a maximum of 500 microns. The particulate may be of an organic or inorganic nature; in more detail, three categories can be identified: • Ashes, comprising inorganic, incombustible substances (metals, etc..), drawn into the combustion gases; • Gas black, made up of the fuel residues which have evaporated but not oxidised; • Cenopheres, comprising fuel residues that have been partially oxidised since they have been burnt before vaporising. The finest portion of the particulate is called soot. The danger of the particles is inversely proportionate to the size. Damage caused is mainly to the respiratory tracts and pulmonary system. The diagram 9 indicates the depth these particles can penetrate the human body according to their size. Furthermore, in the pulmonary alveolus the particulate acts as the vehicle transporting the metallic oxides (vanadium, nickel etc..) which may be produced during combustion and which are absorbed by the particles of the particulate. Only the particles with an equivalent diameter smaller than 10 microns are sufficiently light to remain suspended in the air for several hours and therefore represent real danger of being inhaled by man. Metal oxide emissions depend on the concentration of the respective metals in the fuel, therefore for civil installations the best solution for reducing emission essentially involves the utilisation of fuels with low heavy metals concentrations. Gas black is usually produced in particular areas of the flame where there are insufficient oxygen or low temperature conditions; therefore, in order to avoid the formation of gas black it is necessary to guarantee the combustion process an adequate temperature, a sufficient quantity of oxygen and considerable turbulence in order to obtain a satisfactory mix between the fuel and the oxygen. Cenospheres form when the nebulisation and volatilisation process of the liquid fuels in the combustion chamber is irregular or hindered by the elevated viscosity and low volatility of the fuel. In order to reduce the production of these components, it is necessary to increase the Penetration of the particles in the respiratory system Diagram 9 Nose Pharynx Primary bronchus Secondary Bronchus Terminal bronchus Alveolus Boilersinfo.com
  • 26. 27 period spent in the combustion chamber and guarantee the fuel an adequate excess of oxygen. The maximum concentration of the pollutants in the flue gases deriving from combustion, is a value fixed by national legislation and in certain cases differs in relation to particularly sensitive regions and/or metropolitan areas. 1.4.5 Comments on the emission of CO2 Carbon dioxide CO2 was purposefully not included among the other pollutants mentioned since, together with water vapour, it is one of the main products of any hydrocarbon combustion process. The accumulation of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is the main culprit of the phenomenon known as the “greenhouse effect”. Accumulated carbon dioxide absorbs part of the infrared radiation emitted by the earth towards the atmosphere, thus retaining the heat. The outcome of this phenomenon is the progressive increase in the Earth’s average temperature with disastrous resulting consequences. The absolute carbon dioxide quantity produced by combustion depends solely on the quantity of carbon C present originally in the burnt fuel. The greater the C/H ratio of the fuel, the greater the quantity of carbon dioxide produced will be. As a rule, all energy produced being equal, liquid fuels produce more carbon dioxide than gaseous fuels. As we will see in the next section concerning the control of combustion, the percentage of CO2 in the flue gases must be as high as possible to achieve greater output. All energy produced being equal, a lower CO2 percentage in the combustion flue gases leads to the system being less efficient and, as a consequence, more fuel being oxidised. This fact should not mislead the reader however, since even if we vary the percentage of CO2 in the flue gases in relation to the dilution of the flue gases, the total quantity of CO2 remains more or less unchanged. 1.5 COMBUSTION CONTROL For combustion to be perfect, a quantity of air must be used greater than the theoretical quantity of air anticipated by the chemical reactions (stoichiometric air). This increase is due to the need to oxidise all the available fuel, avoiding the possibility that fuel particles are only partially oxidised or completely unburnt. The difference between the quantity of real air and stoichiometric air is defined as excess air. As a rule, excess air varies between 5% and 50%, in excess of stoichiometric depending on the type of fuel and burner. Generally, the more difficult the fuel is to oxidise, the greater the amount of excess air required to achieve perfect combustion. The excess air cannot be too high because it influences combustion efficiency; an extremely large delivery of combustion supporter air dilutes the flue gases, which lowers the temperature and increases the thermal loss from the generator. In addition, beyond certain limits of excess air, the flame cools excessively with the consequent formation of CO and unburnt materials. Vice versa, an insufficient amount of air causes incomplete combustion with the previously mentioned problems. Therefore, the excess air must be correctly calibrated to guarantee perfect fuel combustion and ensure elevated combustion efficiency. Complete and perfect combustion is verified by analysing the carbon monoxide CO in the burnt flue gases. If there is no CO, combustion is complete. The excess air level can be indirectly obtained by measuring the uncombined oxygen O2 or the carbon dioxide CO2 present in the combustion flue gases. The excess air will be equal to around 5 times the percentage, in terms of volume, of the oxygen measured. When measuring CO2, the amount present in the combustion flue gases depends solely on the carbon in the fuel and not on the excess air; it will be constant in absolute quantity and variable in volumetric percentage according to the greater or lesser dilution of the flue gases in the excess air. Without excess air, the volumetric percentage of CO2 is maximum, with rising excess air, the volumetric percentage of CO2 in the combustion flue gases decreases. Taking lower excesses of air, higher quantities of CO2 correspond and vice versa, therefore combustion is more efficient when the quantity of CO2 is near to the maximum CO2. The composition of the burnt gases can be represented in simple graphic form using the Boilersinfo.com
  • 27. 28 “combustion triangle” or Ostwald triangle, diversified according to the fuel type. Using this graph, (which is also included in chapter 5), we can obtain the CO content and the value of the excess air noting the percentages of CO2 and O2. By way of example, the combustion triangle for methane gas is presented below. The X-axis shows the percentage content of O2, the ordinate axis shows the percentage content of CO2. The hypotenuse is traced between point A corresponding to the maximum percentage of CO2 (dependent on the fuel) with zero amount of O2 and point B corresponding to zero values of CO2 and maximum values of O2 (21%). Point A represents the stoichiometric combustion conditions, point B the absence of combustion. The hypotenuse is the position of the points representing perfect combustion without CO. The straight lines corresponding to the various CO percentages are parallel to the hypotenuse. Let us suppose that we have a system powered by methane gas whose measurements of burnt gas have given readings of 10% CO2 and 3% O2; from the triangle relating to methane gas we can obtain the CO value equal to 0 and an excess air value of 15%. Table 5 shows the maximum CO2 values achievable for the different types of fuel and those advised in practice in order to achieve perfect combustion. We should note that when the maximum levels are obtained in the central column, a control system must be provided for the emissions as described in chapter 4. For liquid fuel powered systems, the flue gas index must also be measured, using the measurement method devised by Bacharach industries. The method involves sucking a specific volume of burnt gas with a small pump, and passing it through a filter of absorbent paper. The side of the filter fouled by the gas turns light grey-to-black in colour depending on the amount of soot present. The colour can be compared with a sample scale, made up of 10 shaded disks varying from 0 (white) to 9 (black). The sample scale number corresponding to the filter used determines the Bacharach number. The limit value of this number is established by national anti-pollution legislation and depends on the type of liquid fuel. To determine the particulate material contained in the combustion flue gases, there are two basic measurement concepts: • graviometric; • reflectometry. Using the graviometric method, the particulate material suspended in the burnt flue gases is collected on special filters and subsequently weighed, to give the weight difference of the filter before and after the experiment was carried out. The reflectometry principle determines a conventional index (equivalent black smoke) on the basis of the light absorption capacity, measured by reflectometry, of the particulate material collected on a filter after carrying out the experiment. Table 5 Maximum recommended CO2 values for the various fuels FUEL METHANE L.P.G. TOWN GAS LIGHT OIL HEAVY OIL CO2 max in vol [%] 11,65 13,74 10,03 15,25 15,6 CO2 advised[%] 9,8 - 11 11,5 - 12,8 8,2 - 9 12 - 14 11,8 - 13 Air excess [%] 20 - 8 20 - 10 20 - 10 30 - 12 35 - 20 Combustion triangle for methane gasDiagram 10 Boilersinfo.com
  • 28. 29 1.5.1 Combustion efficiency Combustion efficiency is defined as the ratio between thermal energy supplied by combustion and the primary energy used for combustion Primary energy is equal to the amount of fuel used for its calorific value; in paragraph 1.3 two calorific values have been defined: the superior value and the inferior value, therefore when we define the combustion efficiency, we must specify which of the two we are referring to. The difference between the primary energy used and the energy supplied by combustion is equal to the thermal energy contained in the flue gases produced by combustion; the η combustion efficiency of a generator can therefore be calculated using the following formula: η = 100 – Ps [%] where: η = efficiency of the heat generator; Ps = thermal output lost through the flue pipe; The conventional formulas used for determining losses through the flue pipe are: if the concentration of available oxygen in the combustion flue gases is known, or: Ps = . (Tf - Ta) ( )A1 21 - O2 + B Ps = . (Tf - Ta) ( )A2 CO2 + B η = energy supplied by combustion · 100 (%) primary energy used if the concentration of carbon dioxide in the combustion flue gases is known. where: Ps = thermal output lost through the flue pipe [%]; Tf = flue gas temperature (°C); Ta = combustion supporter air temperature (°C); O2 = oxygen concentration in the dry flue gases [%]; CO2 = carbon dioxide concentration in the dry flue gases [%]; A1, A2 and B are empirical factors whose values, with reference to the N.C.V., are shown in table 6. 1.5.2 Measurement units for combustion emissions Legislation issued by various countries establishes certain limits expressed in various units of measurement, generally using ppm (parts per million), mg/Nm3 or mg/kWh with reference to 0% or to 3% of available oxygen present in combustion products. The transformation from ppm to mg/Nm3 can be done using the equation of the perfect gases correctly modified: where: p = pressure = 1 atm under normal conditions; R = gas constant = 0.082; T = temperature = 273 K under normal conditions; PM = molecular weight; The application of the previous equations for certain pollutants provides the following values: 1ppm = . (PM) [mg/Nm3] p R T. Factors for calculation of the combustion efficiency Table 6 FUEL METHANE L.P.G. LIGHT OIL HEAVY OIL A1 0,66 0,63 0,68 0,68 A2 0,38 0,42 0,50 0,52 B 0,010 0,008 0,007 0,007 Equivalence in weight of ppm in the main polluting emissions Table 7 COMPONENT CO NO NO2 (NOX) SO2 ppm 1 1 1 1 mg/Nm 3 1,25 1,34 2,05 2,86 Boilersinfo.com
  • 29. 30 If the percentage of available oxygen in the flue gases differs from the usual reference values of 0% and 3%, the value of the E measured emissions can be converted - whatever their measurement unit is - to the equivalent referring to the reference percentages in the following ratios: If the CO2 percentage of the burnt flue gases is known, the following ratios can be used: where the maximum concentration percentages of CO2 are valid for the various fuels: Therefore, from an operational point of view, having analysed the combustion products, we can proceed with converting the value measured from ppm to mg/Nm3 and then relate this value to that referring to 0% or to 3% of oxygen. The conversion from ppm to mg/kWh relates to the type of fuel used, with reasonably good E3%O2 = .Emeasured %CO2 max at 0% O2 %CO2 flue gases E0%O2 = .Emeasured %CO2 max at 0% O2 %CO2 flue gases E3%O2 = .Emeasured 18 21 - %O2 flue gases E0%O2 = .Emeasured 21 21 - %O2 flue gases approximation, the following equivalents can be used: methane (G20 100% CH4): NOx : ppm3%O2 = 2.052 mg/kWh CO : 1 ppm3%O2 = 1.248 mg/kWh light oil (PCI= 11.86 kWh/kg): NOx : 1 ppm3%O2 = 2.116 mg/kWh CO : 1 ppm3%O2 = 1.286 mg/kWh Maximum values of CO2 at 0% and at 3% of O2 for the various fuels Table 8 FUEL METHANE L.P.G. TOWN GAS LIGHT OIL HEAVY OIL CO2 max at 0% of O2 [%] 11,65 13,74 10,03 15,25 15,6 CO2 max at 3% of O2 [%] 10 11,77 8,6 13,07 13,37 Boilersinfo.com
  • 30. 31 2.1 FOREWORD The term “burners” describes a series of equipment for burning various types of fuel under suitable conditions for perfect combustion. The burner operates by sucking in the fuel and the combustion supporter air, mixes them thoroughly together and safely ignites them inside the heat generator furnace. The following are the parts that make up the burner and are analysed individually in the following paragraphs. • The combustion head which mixes the fuel and the combustion supporter, and generates an optimum form of flame; • The combustion air supply, comprising of the fan and any pipes for taking the air to the combustion head; • Fuel supply, comprising components used for regulating the fuel flow and guaranteeing the safety of the combustion system; • The electrical and control components required for firing the flame, the electricity supply to the motors and thermal output regulation developed by the burner. Forced draught burners can control the combustion of all gaseous fuels (methane, LPG, town gas) and liquid fuels (diesel oil, heavy oil). Burners exist which use only one family of fuel (liquid or gaseous) and others that can use both called “DUAL FUEL” (double fuel) burners. Thus, three classes of burner are obtained: • burners of gas fuels which use only gas fuels; • burners of liquid fuels which use only liquid fuels; • burners of liquid and gas fuels (DUAL FUEL) which use both gas and liquid fuels. Forced draught burners can also be classified according to the type of construction, specifically: • monobloc burners; • separate fired burners or DUALBLOC. In monobloc burners, the fan and pump are an integral part of the burner forming a single body. In DUALBLOC burners, the fan, pump and/or other fundamental parts of the burner are separate from the main body (head). Monobloc burners are those most commonly used in output ranges varying from tens of kWs to several Mw output. For higher outputs, or for special industrial processes, DUALBLOC burners are used. Depending on output delivery type, we can classify forced draught burners according to the following distinctions: • single-stage burners; • multi-stage burners; • modulating burners; Single-stage burners operate with single-state delivery, fuel delivery is invariable and the burner can be switched on or off (ON-OFF). Multi-stage burners, usually two-stage or three-stage, are set for running at one or more reduced output speeds or at maximum output (OFF-LOW-HIGH or OFF-LOW-MID-HIGH); switchover from one stage to another can be automatic or manual. Two-stage burners also include versions called progressive two-stage, where changeover from one stage to another is through a gradual increase in output and not with sudden step increases. THE FORCED DRAUGHT BURNER 2 Gas fired monobloc burnerDiagram 11 Boilersinfo.com
  • 31. 32 In modulating burners, the delivered output is automatically varied continuously between a minimum and maximum value, for optimum delivery of the thermal output in relation to system requirements. Diagram 12 below shows the types of output delivery. Forced draught burners now available on the market can function coupled with generators with a pressurised or unpressurised furnace or those with a slight negative draught condition. The diagrams represent, respectively, an outline configuration of a monobloc two-stage diesel-fired burner, a monobloc modulating methane gas-fired burner and a DUALBLOC dual-fuel (gas and fuel oil) fired burner. It is clear that in DUALBLOC burners, the fan and certain parts dedicated to treating the fuel are separate from the main body of the burner, but their function does not change. Therefore, in this manual, monobloc burners and those with separate fans are dealt with on an equivalent basis, except for certain technical characteristic aspects. 2.2 THE FIRING RANGE OF A BURNER The firing range of an Forced draught burner is a representation in the Cartesian plan of an area, showing the pressure of the combustion chamber on the Y axis and the thermal output on the X axis; this area indicates working conditions under which the burner guarantees combustion corresponding to the thermo- technical requirements. The firing range is obtained referring to data gained from experimental trials, which are correct in a prudent sense. Diagram 14 shows the representation of the firing range of a series of diesel oil-fired burners. Quite often, the firing range of just one burner is not illustrated, but rather a whole series, as in the diagram above. The output can be expressed in kW or in kg/h of fuel burnt, while the pressure is expressed in either mbars or in Pa. The firing range is obtained in special test boilers according to methods established by European legislation, in particular: • EN 267 standard for liquid fuel burners; • EN 676 standard for gaseous fuel burners; These standards establish the dimensions that the test combustion chamber must have. Diagram 15 shows the graph indicating the dimensions of the test furnace for forced draught burners powered by liquid or fuel gas. The graph represents the average dimensions of commercial boilers; if a burner is to operate in a combustion chamber with distinctly different dimensions, preliminary tests are advisable. The firing range is determined experimentally under particular atmospheric pressure and combustion supporter air temperature test conditions. All the graphs showing the firing range for a forced draught burner must be accompanied by pressure and temperature indications, generally corresponding to a pressure of 1000 (3) mbar (100 m above sea level) and combustion supporter air temperature of 20°C. If running conditions are considerably different from the test conditions, certain corrections must be made, as shown in chapter 3 of this manual. Burners operating chances: a) one- stage, b) two-stage, c) progressive two-stage, d) modulating Diagram 12 (3) Normal pressure at 100 m above sea level. Start up Start up 1st stage Start up 1st stage Start up Stop Start up 2nd stage Start up 2nd stage Start up 2nd stage Start up 2nd stage Stop 2nd stage Stop 2nd stage Stop 2nd stage Stop 2nd stage Stop Stop 2nd stage Start upStop Stop Boilersinfo.com
  • 32. 33 Layout of two monobloc (RL and RS series) burners and dual bloc (TI) burnerDiagram 13 RS series TI series RL series FR P.E. cell GF Gas filter BP Pilot burner V1,V2 Delivery oil valves PA Air pressure switch C2 Oil modulating cam PV Nozzzle holder PC Leak detection control device C3 Gas modulating cam AD Air damper C Anti-vibrant joint D Gas distributor M Air fan and pump motor PCV Gas pressure governor LPG Low pressure gas governor P Pump with oil filter and PG Minimum gas pressure switch MM Oil delivery gauge pressure regulator MT Two-stage hydraulic ram PGM Maximum gas pressure switch MR Oil return gauge V Supply air fan RG Gas flow regulator (butterfly valve) POMaximum oil pressure switch VS Gas safety valve C1 Air moudulating cam SI Ionisation probe VTR Combustion head SM Cam’s servomotor VP Pilot vaves regulation screw U,U1,U2 Nozzles VR Gas regulation valve VU Nozzle’s safety valve Boilersinfo.com
  • 33. 34 The burner should be chosen so that maximum required load falls within the burner's firing range. The firing point is found by tracing a vertical line in correspondence with the required output value and a horizontal line in correspondence with the pressure in the combustion chamber; the intersection point between the two lines is the system firing point, including the burner and the heat generator. As far as the choice of single-stage burners is concerned, the firing point can be in any point of the burner's firing range. For two-stage burners the firing range is ideally divided into two areas, left (zone A) and right (zone B) of the vertical line traced for the point corresponding to the maximum head available, as indicated in Diagram 16. The firing point corresponding to the maximum output and, consequently, to operate in the 2nd stage, must be chosen within zone B. Zone B provides the maximum output of the burner in relation to the combustion chamber pressure. The 1st stage output should be chosen within the minimum/maximum declared formula and normally falls within zone A. The absolute lower limit corresponds to the minimum value of zone A. However, in certain cases, for example where the use of two-stage burners is required in domestic hot water boilers, it is advisable not to go below 60-65% of maximum output in the first stage, and, due to condensation problems, to maintain flue temperature around 170-180°C at maximum load and at 140°C at 65% of load. As far as progressive or modulating two-stage burners are concerned, the burner should be chosen in a similar manner to two-stage burners. In modulating burners, the nearer the firing point is to the maximum output values of the firing range, the higher the modulating formula of the burner. The modulating formula is defined as the turn down ratio between the maximum output and the minimum output expressed in proportion (e.g. 3:1 or 5:1). 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 kW Combustionchamberpressure(mbar) RLS 50 RLS 38 RLS 28 Firing ranges of Riello RLS series dual fuel burners Diagram 14 Test combustion chamber for burnersDiagram 15 d = diameter of the flame tube Heat output (kW) X Lenghtoftheflametube(m) Flametubefiring intensity(kW/m3 ) Boilersinfo.com
  • 34. 35 The firing range in cartesian format can only be determined for monobloc forced draught burners, where the coupling of the combustion head with the fan is defined by the burner manufacturer. The situation changes for dual bloc burners, as the combination of the combustion head and the fan is delegated to the design engineer. In this case, the firing range is characteristic only for the combustion head and determined in relation to the maximum and minimum fuel output allowed to the head itself. For example Diagram 17 shows the firing ranges for combustion heads in the Riello TI Series Burners, where the darker area represents the range of optimum choice recommended by the manufacturer. The choice regarding the size of the combustion heads should be made solely in relation to the output and the temperature of the combustion supporter air. 2.3 TYPICAL SYSTEM LAYOUT DIAGRAMS The burner is just one of the components of a larger and more complex system for generating heat. Before passing on to the description of the individual parts of a combustion system, the following pages show the plant engineering diagrams for the various types of fuel, regulation of the thermal load and systems for optimising fuel control. By overlapping the diagrams of each of these layout classes, the entire combustion system can be designed. 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 11000 0 0 kW0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 Campo utile per la scelta del bruciatore Campo di modulazione Temperaturaaria°C Mcal/h TI 14 TI 13 TI 12 TI 11 TI 10 50°C 150°C 50°C 150°C 50°C 150°C 50°C 150°C 50°C 150°C Firing range of Riello RLS100- two stage gas/light oil burner Diagram 16 Firing range for Riello TI Series Burner combustion headsDiagram 17 Useful working field for choosing the burner Modulation range Airtemperature°C Boilersinfo.com
  • 35. 36 2.3.2 System engineering diagrams for burners using low viscosity (< 6 cSt) liquid fuels - diesel oil / kerosene Gas supply - low pressure circuitDiagram 18 Gas supply - high pressure circuitDiagram 19 A = Drop-type plant with fedding from top; B = air intake system Diagram 20 Drop-type plant with feeding from bottom Diagram 21 Servomotor Burner air fan Anti-vibrating joint Gas filter Gas governor Min gas pressure switch Gas safety valve Leak proving system Gas regulation valve Gas flow regulator Max gas pressure switch Air pressure switch Servomotor Burner air damper Burner air fan Air pressure switch Light-oil tank Light oil filter Burner pump Nozzle holder lance Oil safety valve Servomotor Burner air damper Burner air fan Air pressure switch Light-oil tank Light oil filter Burner pump Nozzle holder lance Oil safety valve Servomotor Burner air damper Anti-vibrating joint Burner air fan Gas filter Second stage gas reduction Min gas pressure switch Gas safety valve Leak proving system Gas regulation valve Gas flow regulator Max gas pressure switch Air pressure switch Ambient air Ambient air Hmax (general10m) Ambient air Ambient air 2.3.1 System engineering diagrams for gas fired burners Gas pressure reduction Gas train Hmax (general10m) Boilersinfo.com
  • 36. 37 2.3.3 System engineering diagrams for burners using high viscosity (> 6 cSt) liquid fuels System with ring under pressureDiagram 22 Ring-type system for multi-stage and modulating burners with service tankDiagram 23 BR Dualbloc burner BR1 Monoblock burner B Gas separator bottle r Oil filter 300 microns degree MM Oil delivery gauge P(MP) Pumping group – transfer ring P1(MP) Pumping group – burner circuit with filter and pressure regulator P2(MP) Pumping group – main circuit with filter PS Electrical oil preheater RS1 Pump heater resistance RS2 Oil tank heater resistance SB Main oil tank SB2 Service oil tank T Thermometer TC Temperature switch regulation Servomotor Burner air damper Burner air fan Air pressure switch Light-oil tank Light oil filter Burner pump Nozzle holder lance Oil safety valve Light-oil ring pump Oil pressure gauge Ambient air Tr Flexible oil line Tr1 Flexible oil line pressure 25-30bar TP Temperature probe TM Max oil pressure switch VC Vent valve VG Supply air fan VR1 Oil pressure regulator valve of the oil burner ring VR2 Oil pressure regulator valve of the oil main ring VS Preheater safety valve VG7 Safety valve VG Double valves Heavy oil pipe with electrical preheater cable Two stage burner Modulating burner Modulating burner Boilersinfo.com
  • 37. 38 2.3.4 Diagrams for the calibration of single-stage burners Ring-type system for multi-stage and modulating burners without service tank Diagram 24 BR Dualbloc burner BR1 Monoblock burner B Oil burners gas separator F Oil filter 300 microns degree MM Oil delivery gauge P(MP) Pumping group - main circuit with filter P1(MP) Pumping group - burner circuit with filter and pressure regulator PS Electrical oil preheater RS1 Pump heater resistance RS2 Oil tank heater resistance SB Main oil tank T Thermometer TE Temperature switch regulation TF Flexible oil line TP Temperature probe TM Max oil temperature switch VC Control valve (3 way) VE Supply air fan VR1 Oil pressure regulator valve of the oil burner ring VR2 Oil pressure regulator valve of the oil main ring VS Preheater safety valve VGZ Safety valve VG Double valves Heavy oil pipe with electrical preheater cable SER1 Burner air damper VT Burner air fan C Anti-vibrating joint GF Gas filter PCV Gas governor PG Min gas pressure switch VS Gas safety valve PC Leak proving system VR Gas regulation valve RG Gas flow regulator PGM Max gas pressure switch T1 Thermostat QRP Burner control panel LA Nozzle holder lance VS Oil safety valve Layout of regulation components for a single-stage burnerDiagram 25 Two stage burner Modulating burner Modulating burner Ambient air Boilersinfo.com
  • 38. 39 2.3.5 Diagrams for the calibration of multi-stage burners 2.3.6 Diagrams for the calibration of modulating burners Layout of regulation components for a two-stage burnerDiagram 26 Layout of regulation components for a modulating burnerDiagram 27 SMn Servomotor SER1 Burner air damper VT Burner air fan C Anti-vibrating joint GF Gas filter PCV Gas governor PG Min gas pressure switch VS Gas safety valve PC Leak proving system VR Gas regulation valve RG Gas flow regulator PGM Max gas pressure switch T1 Thermostato/Pressure switch 1st stage QRP Burner control panel LA Nozzle holder lance VS Oil safety valve T2 Thermostato/Pressure switch 2nd stage SMn Servomotor SER1 Burner air damper VT Burner air fan C Anti-vibrating joint GF Gas filter PCV Gas governor PG Min gas pressure switch VS Gas safety valve PC Leak proving system VR Gas regulation valve RG Gas flow regulator PGM Max gas pressure switch T1 Temperature / pressure probe QRP Burner control panel LA Nozzle holder lance MD Modulation device Ambient air Ambient air Boilersinfo.com
  • 39. 40 2.3.7 Diagram of burner with measurement and regulation of the percentage of O2 in the flue gases 2.3.8 Diagram of burner with pre-heating of the combustion supporter air Layout of O2 regulation systemDiagram 28 Layout of a system with pre-heating of comburent air Diagram 29 SMn Servomotor SER1 Burner air damper V1 Burner air fan QRP Burner control panel LA Nozzle holder lance VS Oil safety valve EGA Exhaust gas analyzer FRV Fuel regulator valve (gas/oil) SO Exhaust gas probe SC Exhaust gas/air heat exchanger VT Fan VS Air damper Ambient air Ambient air Fuel pipe Heavy oil Boilersinfo.com
  • 40. 41 2.3.10 Layout of the Burner Management -System Layout of the fan speed rotation regulation with inverterDiagram 30 Layout of integrated management for supervising a combustion systemDiagram 31 2.3.9 Diagram of burner with inverter controlled motors SMn Servomotor SER1 Burner air damper V1 Burner air fan QRP Burner control panel LA Nozzle holder lance VS Oil safety valve IV Inverter FRV Fuel regulator valve (gas/oil) M Three phase induction motor SMn Servomotor SER1 Burner air damper V1 Burner air fan QRP Burner control panel (i.e. micro modulation Autoflame) LA Nozzle holder lance VS Oil safety valve IV Inverter FRV Fuel regulator valve (gas/oil) EGA Exhaust gas analyzer SO Exhaust gas probe DTI Data transfer interface LPC Local computer MDM Modem RPC Remote computer Ambient air Heavy oil Heavy oil Heavy oil Ambient air Ambient air Boilersinfo.com
  • 41. 42 2.4 THE COMBUSTION HEAD The combustion head is the part of the burner that mixes the combustion supporting air with the fuel and stabilises the flame that is generated. The combustion head essentially comprises the following components: • The fuel metering device: nozzles for liquid fuels and orifices and distributors for gaseous fuels; oil nozzles are characterised by three parameters: output, spray angle and type of spray distribution (pattern). • The turbulator diffuser disk, which mixes the fuel and the combustion air, and stabilises the flame to avoid it blowing back into the burner; • The flame ignition system, uses electric arcs produced by high-voltage powered electrodes directly igniting the flame or coupled with a pilot burner; • A flame sensor for motoring the flame; • The flame tube comprising made of profiled metal cylinder which defines the output speed range. The flame tube and the diffuser disk essentially determine the geometry of the flame developed by the burner. Especially the latter determines the rotational features of the fuel and combustion supporter mixture flow and, consequently, the flame dimensions. The rotational characteristic of the mixture flow is expressed in mathematical terms by the number of swirls defined as: S = Gf / (GxR) where: S = the number of swirls; Gf = the angular momentum of the flow; Gx = the axial force; R = the radius of the nozzle outlet; As a rule, an increase in the number of swirls causes an increase in the flame diameter and a decrease in the flame length. Drawing of composition of combustion head for gas/light oil Riello RLS100 burnerDiagram 33 FLAME TUBE FLAME FIRING ELECTRODES REGULATION CYLINDER GAS DISTRIBUTOR SWIRLER DISK DIFFUSER OIL NOZZLELIQUID FUEL SECONDARY AIR GAS NOZZLE Nozzles: full cone and empty cone distribution; definition of spray angle Diagram 32 Boilersinfo.com
  • 42. 43 The section between the sleeve and the diffuser disk determines the amount of secondary air available for the flame. This amount is zero when the disk is closer and in contact with sleeve. In certain burners it is possible to adjust the space between the disk and the turbulator diffuser changes the secondary air by changing the position of the disk itself. Combustion heads can be classified according to the following layout: • Non-adjustable fixed head, where the position of the combustion head is fixed by the manufacturer and cannot be changed; • Adjustable head, where the position of the combustion head can be adjusted by the burner installer during commissioning; • Variable-geometry head, where the position of the combustion head can be varied during the modulating burner operation. Non-adjustable fixed head burners are generally burners used for industrial processes and dedicated to the generators they must be coupled to. For adjustable head burners, regulation is pre- set in correspondence with the maximum output of the burner for the specific application. For easier start-up and configuration operations, a graph is provided for each burner indicating the position of the regulation mechanisms in relation to the required thermal output. This construction type makes the burner suitable for different requirements, which is why monobloc Forced draught burners with a low to medium output are predominantly adjustable head types. Variable-geometry burners are generally high- output modulating burners. The geometry of the head is also extremely important in reducing polluting emissions, especially Nox, as described in paragraph 1.4.2. 2.4.1 Pressure drop air side The firing ranges of monobloc burners already take into account the air pressure drop of the combustion head. When choosing a dual bloc burner, for the purpose of choosing the correct fan, the pressure drop on the air side must be known in relation to the delivery; for easier reading, this information refers to a standard temperature and is supplied in relation to the thermal output developed. 2.4.2 Pressure drop fuel side To correctly select the fuel feed pipe for both monobloc and dual bloc burners, certain working information is required about the related circuits inside the combustion head. In the case of gaseous fuels, tables or diagrams are provided, such as those presented in diagram 35, which provide the overall pressure drop of the gas pipe in the head, in relation to the thermal output developed. For liquid fuels, the pressure value required by the nozzle for spill back nozzles (modulating), and the diagram of the minimum pressure to be guaranteed on the nozzle return pipe when the fuel delivery varies, are provided. TI 10 head pressure drop side air referred to backpressure 0 - air damper not included Air suction temperature 15°C 0 50 100 150 200 250 0 1 2 3 4 5 MW StaticPressure[mmw.c.] TI 10 P/NM TI 10 P/M Pressure drop air side in combustion head - dualbloc TI 10 burner Diagram 34 Natural gas G20 - Net calorific value 9,94 kcal/Nmc 0°C 1013 mbar 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 Output Power (MW) Pressureloss(mbar) Pressure drop gas side in combustion head - dualbloc TI 10 burner Diagram 35 Boilersinfo.com
  • 43. 44 2.5 THE FAN Fans are machines capable of supplying energy to a fluid, by increasing pressure or speed, using a rotating element. Depending on the air-flow direction the following types of fan can be used: • centrifugal; • axial; • tangential. In centrifugal fans, the air enters along the direction of the rotation axis and exits tangentially to the fan wheel. In axial fans, the air direction is parallel to the axis of the fan wheel. In tangential fans, the air enters and exists tangentially to the fan wheel. The fans installed on monobloc burners and those used separately for dual bloc burners are generally centrifugal, such as that shown in the Diagram. Centrifugal fans are made up of a box that contains a keyed fan wheel on a shaft supported by bearings. The shaft can be connected directly to the electric motor using joints or, indirectly, using belts and pulleys. The fan wheel positioned inside the box may have differing blade orientations/profiles and specifically: • fan wheel with wing-shaped blades; • fan wheel with reverse curved blades, • fan wheel with radial blades; • fan wheel with forward curved blades; Diagram 37 shows the variation in absorbed output when fan delivery varies; the fan wheel with wing-shaped blades behaves similarly to the fan wheel with reverse curved blades. The working characteristics of a fan, similar to those for pumps, are described by the characteristic curve. The characteristic curve of a fan is represented in a Cartesian plan where the Y axis shows the pressure and the X axis shows the volumetric delivery (see Diagram 38). The characteristic curves can be accompanied by other curves such as performance or yield curves and the absorbed output curve of the electric motor (see Diagram 39). The number of characteristic curves for each fan depends on the number of rotation speeds, as shown in Diagram 40. When a fan operates in a circuit, which also Feed pressure of liquid fuelDiagram 36 Fan of a dualbloc burnerDiagram 37 Output absorbed from different types of fan varying delivery Diagram 38 delivery (%) curved forward blade radial fan axial fan reverse curve blades powerabsorbed(%) Nozzledelivery(kg/h) Return pressure (bar) Boilersinfo.com
  • 44. 45 has a characteristic curve, delivery is supplied when total pressure developed is equal to the circuit pressure. This situation is represented by the intersection point between the characteristic fan curve and the characteristic circuit curve, as indicated in Diagram 41. In the case of forced draught burners, the system characteristic curve varies in relation to the setting of the combustion head and opening degree of the air damper. To correctly choose the fan, the circuit curve must correspond to the load used. Therefore, in order to discover the delivery and the head of a fan, we need sufficiently precise information regarding the pressure drop induced by the circuit, including the air intake pipes, burner head feeding pipes and the accessories. As already mentioned, circuit pressure drops have a parabolic flow with respect to fluid speed and, consequently, delivery. Pressure drops in an areaulic system are determined by two components: • concentrated pressure drops; • distributed pressure drops. Among the concentrated pressure drops, account must be taken of those introduced by the combustion head, where the air transits using a complex geometric route; furthermore, an air damper is fitted inside the burner for calibrating the delivery of combustion supporter air. Burner manufacturers provide graphs that represent the trend of pressure drops in relation to air delivery, or, for easier consultation, in relation to the thermal output delivered by the burner. Distributed pressure drops can be estimated by using the Darcy-Weisbach formula: eq 2.5-1 where: ∆pf = pressure drop due to friction [m]; f = friction factor; ∆pf = .f .L D v2 2 . g Typical performance graphs of a centrifugal fan Diagram 39 Fan performance graphs on varying motor speed rotation Diagram 40 Performance graph of fan and resistant circuit with working point Diagram 41 1000 rpm density 1,2 kg/m3 Lpa = Sound pressure level in dBA at 1,5 m distance Delivery rpm Totalpressure Discharge air velocity dinamic pressure Lpa Maximum fan pressure Resistant circuit performance graph Fan performance graph Nominal delivery Nominalpressure Boilersinfo.com
  • 45. 46 L = pipeline length [m]; D = pipeline diameter [m]; v = air speed inside the pipeline [m/s]; g = gravity acceleration 9.81 [m/s2 ]; The term v2 /2g is called dynamic pressure. The friction factor f can be determined using the MOODY abacus (Diagram 42) if the Reynolds number and related texture is known. The Reynolds number is defined by the following formula: eq 2.5-2 where: NRe = Reynolds number; d = internal pipeline diameter [m]; V = air speed [m/s]; g = kinematic air viscosity equal to 16.0 ·10-6 m2 /s; The related texture e/D is the formula between the absolute texture and the diameter of the pipeline both expressed in mm. Table 9 shows the absolute texture value of certain typical ducts. For easier calculation, a series of abacuses exist to determine linear pressure drops, shown in section 5. The formulas introduced always refer to certain circular sections, while in constructive practice rectangular pipelines are often used. To use the same formulas, an equivalent diameter De must be used, defined as: eq 2.5-3 De = 2 . a . b a + b NRe = d . V γ where: De = equivalent diameter [m]; a, b = side dimensions of the rectangular pipeline [m]; Localised pressure drops, due to the presence of dampers, grids and any heat exchangers, must be calculated for the effective value of the drop introduced, which must be provided by the manufacturer of the mentioned devices. Localised pressure drops, due to the presence of circuit peculiarities, such as curves, direction and section variations, can be calculated using the following equation: eq 2.5-4 where: ∆pw = pressure drop [Pa]; ξ = non-dimensional drop factor; ρ = volume mass [kg/m3 ]; v = average speed in the pipeline [m/s]; A series of tables exist in the technical literature, similar to those in Diagram 43 which show the ξ value for the various special pieces, some of which are illustrated in section 5 READY-TO-USE TABLES AND DIAGRAMS. 2.5.1 Regulating combustion air As already mentioned, the delivery of combustion supporter air is proportionate to the delivery of fuel burnt, which in turn is proportionate to the required output. For multi- stage and modulating burners, air provided by the fan must be changed in order to vary the delivery. In Forced draught burners, delivery can be varied in two principal manners: ∆pw = .ξ .ρ v2 2 Pipeline material Absolut texture (mm) Smooth iron plate duct 0,05 PVC duct 0,01 – 0,05 Aluminium plate duct 0,04 – 0,06 Galvanized sheet-iron duct with cross joints (1,2m step) 0,05 – 0,1 Galvanized sheet-iron circular duct, spiraliform with cross joints (3m step) 0,06 – 0,12 Galvanized sheet-iron duct with cross joints (0,8m step) 0,15 Glass fiber duct 0,09 Glass fiber (internal covering) duct 1,5 Protected glasswool (internal covering) duct 4,5 Flexible metal pipe 1,2 - 2,1 Flexible non-metal pipe 1 – 4,6 Cement duct 1,3 - 3 Non-dimensional drop factors for air pipelines Table 9 Boilersinfo.com