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International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 03 Issue: 01 | Jan-2016 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072
© 2016, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 4.45 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 674
Sunil L J1, Dr. S. Kumarappa2, Dr. R. K. Hegde3
1 M. Tech. Thermal Power Engineering, BIET, Davanagere , Karnataka, India
2 Professor and HOD, Department of Mechanical Engineering, BIET, Davanagere, Karnataka, India
3 Professor and HOD, Department of Automobile/Aeronautical Engineering, SIT- Valachil, Mangaluru, Karnataka,
Abstract - Energy crisis around world has triggered
more attention to energy saving and efficient energy
conversion devices. One of the effective methods for
transferring thermal energy with large heat flux is
liquid-vapour phase change process is called boiling.
The aim is development of special surface geometry or
texture for enhancing nucleate pool boiling heat
transfer is to decrease the boiling incipience and to
delay the critical heat flux (CHF). During pool boiling
and subsequent inspection, formation of a porous layer
of nanoparticles on the heating surface occurred during
nucleate boiling. This layer significantly changes
surface texture of the heater wire surfaces which could
be the region for the improved in the CHF value.
Common fluids with particles of the order of the
nanometers in size are termed as a “nanofluid” which
has created considerable interest in recent times for
their improved heat transfer capabilities. With very
small volume fraction of such particles the thermal
conductivity and convective heat transfer capability of
these suspension are significantly enhanced without
the problems encountered in common slurries such as
clogging, erosion, sedimentation and increase in
pressure drop. In this work, experiments on Alumina
and Graphene oxide nanofluids was used to study the
effect on pool boiling heat transfer and its effect on heat
transfer enhancement was studied on the horizontal
test wire immersed in different concentration of
nanofluid viz. 0.01g, 0.1g/l and 1g/l. The effect on heat
transfer enhancement was investigated by flow
visualization and by surface inspection of the heater
surface by SEM images.
Nanofluids are dilute liquid suspended of nanoparticles
with at least one critical dimension smaller than 100 nm.
Pool Boiling Heat Transfer using nanofluids (which are
suspended of nanoparticles in a base fluid) has been a
subject of investigations and incoherent results. In the
past, experiments were conducted in nucleate pool boiling
with varying parameters such as particle size,
concentration, surface roughness etc. Critical Heat Flux
(CHF) is the heat flux at which a boiling crisis occurs
accompanied by a sudden increase of the heat transfer
surface or decrease of the heat transfer rate. The CHF
imposes a limit in designing and operating boiling heat
transfer equipments in power generations industries such
as nuclear power plants and fossil fuel power plants. Thus,
an increase in the critical heat flux can enhance the safety
margins and allows for more economical design and
operation at higher heat fluxes. As the capacity of nuclear
power plants or fossil boilers increases, a higher heat load
per unit heat transfer area is required. In fusion reactors,
the maximum heat flux may be higher than 10 MW/m2 for
this special heat transfer measures are necessary. Among
all the regimes of pool boiling the most effective heat
transfer mechanism is nucleate boiling, the upper
boundary of which is dictated by the CHF. Therefore,
efforts have been exerted to expand the regime of nucleate
1.1 Boiling Heat Transfer (BHT)
Heat transfer is the process of transferring the heat from
high temperature region to low temperature region at a
certain rate without aid of any external agency. Hence it
obeys the Second Law of Thermodynamics. There are
three modes of heat transfer viz. conduction, convection
and radiation.
Boiling is a convection process involving a change of phase
from liquid to vapour. Boiling may occur when a liquid is
in contact with a surface maintained at a temperature
higher than the saturation temperature of the liquid. The
transfer of heat takes place in the boiling according to the
Newton’s law of cooling, It states that the rate of heat
transfer in convection process is directly proportional to
the product of temperature difference and convective heat
transfer coefficient (It is constant for the given fluid) per
unit area.
Where, is called Excess temperature,
And h = Convective or Boiling Heat Transfer Coefficient. If
the heat is provided to a liquid from a submerged solid
surface, the boiling process is called pool boiling. In this
process the vapour produced may form bubbles, which
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 03 Issue: 01 | Jan-2016 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072
© 2016, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 4.45 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 675
grow and subsequently detach themselves from the
surface rising to the free surface due to buoyancy effect.
BHT coefficient is the rate of heat transfer per unit area
due to the change in the thermal forces ( ). Finally the
BHT coefficient is a measure of the heat transfer due to
phase change of a liquid during boiling.
This project focuses on the fundamental mechanisms in
pool boiling responsible for heat transfer enhancement
techniques using alumina and Graphene oxide nanofluid.
The primary objectives of this research work are as
 To study the pool boiling phenomenon till the
Burnout point or Critical Heat Flux (CHF) using a
horizontal test surface immersed in different
concentrations of alumina and Graphene oxide
nanofluid at atmospheric pressure.
 To investigate the reasons for increasing or
decreasing in Critical Heat Flux by subjecting the
test surface to different concentrations by using
SEM Images.
 To study the flow visualization in pool boiling.
3.1 Apparatus used: Glass beaker, electric heater,
electrodes, condenser, thermocouple, voltmeter, ammeter,
dimmer stat, test wire, distilled water and nanofluids.
3.2 Specifications:
 Capacity of heating coil - 250 W
 Distance between electrodes- 85 mm
 Diameter of the test wire-0.193 mm (SWG 36)
 Capacity of dimmer:
Single phase current Input - 240 V
Maximum load -15 A
Output - 0 to 270 V
Frequency - 50 HZ
 Nichrome wire:
Nickel 80%, Chromium 20% alloy
Density ≈ 8200 Kg/m3
Resistance = 34 Ω/m
Melting temperature = 14000 C
Maximum continuous service
temperature = 12000 C
Non magnetic
 Glass beaker:
Inner diameter = 125 mm
Height = 180 mm
 Electrode:
Copper alloy (Brass)
Diameter = 8 mm
Length = 100 mm
3.3 Formulae:
Heat supplied (Q):
Q = VI (Watts)
V = Voltage in Volts (V)
I = Current in Amperes (A)
Critical heat flux (q):
q = Q/A (W/m2)
A = Surface area of wire (m2)
= πdl (m2)
d = Diameter of wire (m)
l = Length of wire (m)
3.4 Properties of nanoparticles used
3.4.1 Graphene oxide
Graphene oxide is electrically insulated due to disruptive
sp2 bonding network but it can be converted conductive
by restoring network.
3.4.2 Aluminum oxide
Parameters Approximate Values
Average nanoparticle size 40 - 60 nm
Purity 99%
Number of Layers Average number of
layers 1 - 2
Surface Area 200 m2/g
Bulk Density 3.7 g/cm3
Nanoparticle morphology Spherical
Crystallographic structure Cubic
Cooling water out
Cooling water in
Temparature indicator
Input Output
+ +__
Nichrome wire
Fig -3.1: Line diagram of Experimental setup
Parameters Approximate Values
Thickness 0.8 - 1.6 nm
Purity 98%
Number of Layers Average number of
layers 1 - 2
Surface Area 350m2/g
Bulk Density 0.121g/cm3
Electrical Conductivity Insulator [Tuneable to
Length < 10 - 20 micron
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 03 Issue: 01 | Jan-2016 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072
© 2016, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 4.45 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 676
3.5 Experimental Methodology
 Fill the beaker with 2 liters of distilled water.
 Hold the test wire between the two electrodes.
 Place the lid over the vessel such that heater,
electrodes and thermocouple are immersed in the
distilled water.
 Place the condenser firmly in the hole made in the
lid and supply the cooling water through the
condenser inlet.
 Switch on the experimental setup. Initially the
distilled water in the beaker is heated by setting a
temperature value (Saturation Temperature of
distilled water) in the temperature controller.
 The temperature controller cuts off the power
supply to the heating coil when the fluid reaches
the preset temperature (saturation temperature
of fluid).
 Then the power supplied through the electrodes
by the dimmer creates a resistance in the
nichrome wire which is held between electrodes
causing to get heat supply.
 Meanwhile the voltmeter and ammeter readings
are observed.
 When the supply of heat is increased gradually
the formation of minute bubbles appears on the
surface of the test wire indicating nucleate boiling.
 When the heat supply is further increased the
rapid formation of bubbles occurs, indicating
departure from nucleate boiling.
 When the heat supply is increased furthermore
the film boiling regime attains and in the end the
wire gets burnt out at the centre.
 The ammeter and voltmeter readings at the burn
out point are noted.
 If the temperature of the fluid decreases less than
the saturation temperature in the middle of the
experimentation then stop supplying the heat.
Wait for a while to attain the saturation
temperature level and continue the process.
 The procedure is repeated for 8 to 10 times by
mounting the fresh test wire each time.
 After that the distilled water is replaced by the
 The required nanofluid concentration say 0.1g/l is
obtained by mixing 0.2 gram of Alumina
nanoparticles in 2 liters of distilled water in a
stirrer for 1 hour.
 The experiment is carried out at the various
concentrations of Alumina and Graphene-0xide
 After each experimentation for distilled water as
well as for all the concentration of Alumina and
Graphene-oxide nanofluid. Collect the burnout
test wire carefully without touching the surface in
the air tight test-tube.
 The wire collected in the test tube is seen by the
Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) for the
images captured at different magnification to
investigate the reasons for why the critical heat
flux increases or decreases.
3.6 Methodology for Flow visualization
 The experiments are conducted by the above
procedure (Content 3.7) for 0.01g/l of aluminum
oxide and 0.01g/l and 0.1g/l of graphene oxide.
During the experimentation photographs of
bobbles formation on the surface of the wire are
captured for different Voltage variations (2V,
4V…up to burnout point).
 The photographs are taken for all the mentioned
nanofluids at the same Voltage and Current
 These photographs are analyzed and found out
the number of bubbles and diameter of each
bubble in the selected section (The section has
constant dimensions for all the photographs) by
manual zooming and interpolation method.
 The rate of retention of the nanofluid can be
calculated by taking the photographs of the fluid
sample in the test tube at the intervals of 0 hour, 1
hour and 2 hour after preparing the nanofluid.
4.1 Comparison of CHF with distilled water,
Aluminum oxide Graphene oxide for various
Fig -4.1: Variation of Voltage with Current for various
concentrations of Alumina nanofluid with Distilled water
The above Fig -4.1 shows the Voltage v/s Current
variations for the alumina nanofluid. It shows that the
nanofluid at concentration of 0.01g/l, 0.1g/l and 1g/l are
enhanced 17.3%, 32.6% and 56.27% of CHF compared to
distilled water.
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 03 Issue: 01 | Jan-2016 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072
© 2016, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 4.45 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 677
Fig -4.2: Variation of Voltage with Current for various
concentration of Graphene oxide nanofluid with Distilled
The above Fig. 4.2 shows the Voltage v/s Current
variations for the Graphene oxide nanofluid. It shows that
the nanofluid at concentration of 0.01g/l, 0.1g/l and 1g/l
are enhanced 13.4%, 29.5% and 51% of CHF compared to
distilled water.
Fig -4.3: Variation of CHF with various concentrations of
Alumina, Graphene-oxide, and Distilled water
The above Fig. 4.3 shows that the comparison of CHF v/s
various concentration of alumina, Graphene oxide and CHF
of distilled water. It clearly shown that at 0.01g/l
concentration the alumina enhances the 17.3% whereas
Graphene oxide enhances the 13.4%, at 0.1g/l
concentration the alumina enhances the 32.6% whereas
Graphene oxide enhances the 29.5% and at 1g/l
concentration the alumina enhances the 56.27% whereas
Graphene oxide enhances the 51% CHF.
4.2 SEM Images
4.2.1 Aluminum oxide 1g/l:
Fig -4.4: Al2O3 (1g/l) nichrome wire at 1000X
Fig -4.5: Al2O3 (1g/l) nichrome wire at 25000X
Fig -4.6: Al2O3 (1g/l) nichrome wire at 100000X
The burnout wire is taken at a concentration of aluminum
oxide 1g/l and it is observed in the SEM shown in the
figure at different magnification. At this concentration the
CHF is obtained 1.769 MW/m2. The CHF of the Distilled is
1.132 MW/m2 under atmospheric pressure. 56.27% of
CHF is enhanced at this concentration.
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 03 Issue: 01 | Jan-2016 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072
© 2016, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 4.45 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 678
4.2.2 Graphene oxide 1g/l:
Fig -4.7: GO (1g/l) nichrome wire at 1000X magnification
Fig -4.8: GO (1g/l) nichrome wire at 25000X
Fig -4.9: GO (1g/l) nichrome wire at 100000X
At the Graphene oxide nanofluid concentration of 1g/l
SEM Images are shown in figure at different magnification.
At this concentration CHF is obtained 1.71 MW/m2 and
51% of CHF is increased compared to the distilled water.
4.3 Rate of retention
By comparing the photographs (photographs were taken
at 0hr, 1hr, 2hr after preparing the nanoflid) the rate of
retention is found more in the Graphene oxide nanofluids
than the alumina nanofluids due to the inhomogeneous
The rate of retention is found less in case of high
concentration range and it is noticed high in case of low
concentration range. The nanoparticles have the high
intermolecular forces (cohesive forces) so it is difficult to
break the particles at low concentration range of solution.
But in case of high concentration range, more numbers of
particles are involved in the mixing, the rate of collision of
the particle is more hence the mixing is well and rate of
retention is less in high concentration range due to proper
mixing. This is more in case of graphene oxide compared
to the alumina.
4.4 Flow visualization
The wetted surface is increases by increasing the
concentration of nanofluid and also increased creating the
porous layer over the surface of heating wire.
Pool boiling CHF characteristics in nanofluids are
investigated with different concentrations of Alumina and
graphene oxide nanofluid ranging from 0.01g/l, 0.1g/l and
1g/l and the effect of nanoparticles in pool boiling CHF for
each concentration is studied experimentally and the
effect on heat transfer enhancement are investigated by
flow visualization and by surface inspection of the heater
 It is observed that with low concentration of Al2O3
(0.01g/l) the dispersion is homogeneous while
higher concentration of Al2O3 (1g/l) resulted in
the formation of coating over the heater surface
and fouling of the vessel inner surface. Whereas in
case of the GO the dispersion is not much
homogenous in all the concentrations compared
to Al2O3 but in 1g/l concentration of GO is better
homogeneous compared to 0.01g/l concentration
of GO. In mid range concentrations (0.1g/l)
characteristics of both the fluids place in between
higher and lower concentrations characteristics of
corresponding fluid.
 While Al2O3 shows an increase in CHF by 17.3%,
at 0.01g/l concentration (Fig -4.3) and 56.27%
increase (Fig -4.3) in CHF at 1g/l concentration.
The maximum CHF was recorded at 1.769
MW/m2 for Al2O3 at 1g/l concentrations against
1.132 MW/m2 of DI water.
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 03 Issue: 01 | Jan-2016 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072
© 2016, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 4.45 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 679
 In GO the CHF is increase 13.4% at 0.01g/l
concentration (Fig -4.3) and 51.5% increase (Fig -
4.3) in CHF at 1g/l concentration. The CHF values
are obtained slightly less than the Al2O3. It can be
observed by the Graph (Fig -4.3).
 Though GO has more good qualities than Al2O3due
to lack of molecular level mixing (Fig -4.7, 4.8, 4.9
molecules in bulk form) with the distilled water
and high rate of retention the CHF is obtained
slightly less than the Al2O3.
 The nanoparticle coating layer over the heating
surface is improved surface wettability and
enhanced the CHF is also supported by the SEM
and EDOX observations and flow visualisation.
 Nanofluids can be considered as a potential
candidate for heat transfer enhancement and are
highly suitable for applications in practical heat
transfer processes.
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Experimental Studies on Pool Boiling Heat Transfer Using Alumina and Graphene Oxide Nanofluids

  • 1. International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056 Volume: 03 Issue: 01 | Jan-2016 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072 © 2016, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 4.45 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 674 EXPERIMENTAL STUDIES ON POOL BOILING HEAT TRANSFER USING ALUMINA AND GRAPHENE OXIDE NANOFLUIDS Sunil L J1, Dr. S. Kumarappa2, Dr. R. K. Hegde3 1 M. Tech. Thermal Power Engineering, BIET, Davanagere , Karnataka, India 2 Professor and HOD, Department of Mechanical Engineering, BIET, Davanagere, Karnataka, India 3 Professor and HOD, Department of Automobile/Aeronautical Engineering, SIT- Valachil, Mangaluru, Karnataka, India ---------------------------------------------------------------------***--------------------------------------------------------------------- Abstract - Energy crisis around world has triggered more attention to energy saving and efficient energy conversion devices. One of the effective methods for transferring thermal energy with large heat flux is liquid-vapour phase change process is called boiling. The aim is development of special surface geometry or texture for enhancing nucleate pool boiling heat transfer is to decrease the boiling incipience and to delay the critical heat flux (CHF). During pool boiling and subsequent inspection, formation of a porous layer of nanoparticles on the heating surface occurred during nucleate boiling. This layer significantly changes surface texture of the heater wire surfaces which could be the region for the improved in the CHF value. Common fluids with particles of the order of the nanometers in size are termed as a “nanofluid” which has created considerable interest in recent times for their improved heat transfer capabilities. With very small volume fraction of such particles the thermal conductivity and convective heat transfer capability of these suspension are significantly enhanced without the problems encountered in common slurries such as clogging, erosion, sedimentation and increase in pressure drop. In this work, experiments on Alumina and Graphene oxide nanofluids was used to study the effect on pool boiling heat transfer and its effect on heat transfer enhancement was studied on the horizontal test wire immersed in different concentration of nanofluid viz. 0.01g, 0.1g/l and 1g/l. The effect on heat transfer enhancement was investigated by flow visualization and by surface inspection of the heater surface by SEM images. 1. INTRODUCTION Nanofluids are dilute liquid suspended of nanoparticles with at least one critical dimension smaller than 100 nm. Pool Boiling Heat Transfer using nanofluids (which are suspended of nanoparticles in a base fluid) has been a subject of investigations and incoherent results. In the past, experiments were conducted in nucleate pool boiling with varying parameters such as particle size, concentration, surface roughness etc. Critical Heat Flux (CHF) is the heat flux at which a boiling crisis occurs accompanied by a sudden increase of the heat transfer surface or decrease of the heat transfer rate. The CHF imposes a limit in designing and operating boiling heat transfer equipments in power generations industries such as nuclear power plants and fossil fuel power plants. Thus, an increase in the critical heat flux can enhance the safety margins and allows for more economical design and operation at higher heat fluxes. As the capacity of nuclear power plants or fossil boilers increases, a higher heat load per unit heat transfer area is required. In fusion reactors, the maximum heat flux may be higher than 10 MW/m2 for this special heat transfer measures are necessary. Among all the regimes of pool boiling the most effective heat transfer mechanism is nucleate boiling, the upper boundary of which is dictated by the CHF. Therefore, efforts have been exerted to expand the regime of nucleate boiling. 1.1 Boiling Heat Transfer (BHT) Heat transfer is the process of transferring the heat from high temperature region to low temperature region at a certain rate without aid of any external agency. Hence it obeys the Second Law of Thermodynamics. There are three modes of heat transfer viz. conduction, convection and radiation. Boiling is a convection process involving a change of phase from liquid to vapour. Boiling may occur when a liquid is in contact with a surface maintained at a temperature higher than the saturation temperature of the liquid. The transfer of heat takes place in the boiling according to the Newton’s law of cooling, It states that the rate of heat transfer in convection process is directly proportional to the product of temperature difference and convective heat transfer coefficient (It is constant for the given fluid) per unit area. i.e. Where, is called Excess temperature, And h = Convective or Boiling Heat Transfer Coefficient. If the heat is provided to a liquid from a submerged solid surface, the boiling process is called pool boiling. In this process the vapour produced may form bubbles, which
  • 2. International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056 Volume: 03 Issue: 01 | Jan-2016 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072 © 2016, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 4.45 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 675 grow and subsequently detach themselves from the surface rising to the free surface due to buoyancy effect. BHT coefficient is the rate of heat transfer per unit area due to the change in the thermal forces ( ). Finally the BHT coefficient is a measure of the heat transfer due to phase change of a liquid during boiling. 2. OBJECTIVES This project focuses on the fundamental mechanisms in pool boiling responsible for heat transfer enhancement techniques using alumina and Graphene oxide nanofluid. The primary objectives of this research work are as follows:  To study the pool boiling phenomenon till the Burnout point or Critical Heat Flux (CHF) using a horizontal test surface immersed in different concentrations of alumina and Graphene oxide nanofluid at atmospheric pressure.  To investigate the reasons for increasing or decreasing in Critical Heat Flux by subjecting the test surface to different concentrations by using SEM Images.  To study the flow visualization in pool boiling. 3. MATERIALS AND METHODOLOGY 3.1 Apparatus used: Glass beaker, electric heater, electrodes, condenser, thermocouple, voltmeter, ammeter, dimmer stat, test wire, distilled water and nanofluids. 3.2 Specifications:  Capacity of heating coil - 250 W  Distance between electrodes- 85 mm  Diameter of the test wire-0.193 mm (SWG 36)  Capacity of dimmer: Single phase current Input - 240 V Maximum load -15 A Output - 0 to 270 V Frequency - 50 HZ  Nichrome wire: Nickel 80%, Chromium 20% alloy Density ≈ 8200 Kg/m3 Resistance = 34 Ω/m Melting temperature = 14000 C Maximum continuous service temperature = 12000 C Non magnetic  Glass beaker: Inner diameter = 125 mm Height = 180 mm  Electrode: Copper alloy (Brass) Diameter = 8 mm Length = 100 mm 3.3 Formulae: Heat supplied (Q): Q = VI (Watts) Where, V = Voltage in Volts (V) I = Current in Amperes (A) Critical heat flux (q): q = Q/A (W/m2) Where, A = Surface area of wire (m2) = πdl (m2) d = Diameter of wire (m) l = Length of wire (m) 3.4 Properties of nanoparticles used 3.4.1 Graphene oxide Graphene oxide is electrically insulated due to disruptive sp2 bonding network but it can be converted conductive by restoring network. 3.4.2 Aluminum oxide Parameters Approximate Values Average nanoparticle size 40 - 60 nm Purity 99% Number of Layers Average number of layers 1 - 2 Surface Area 200 m2/g Bulk Density 3.7 g/cm3 Nanoparticle morphology Spherical Crystallographic structure Cubic Wires Cooling water out Cooling water in Temparature indicator Electrodes Heater Thermocouple Input Output + +__ Dimmer Nichrome wire Fig -3.1: Line diagram of Experimental setup Parameters Approximate Values Thickness 0.8 - 1.6 nm Purity 98% Number of Layers Average number of layers 1 - 2 Surface Area 350m2/g Bulk Density 0.121g/cm3 Electrical Conductivity Insulator [Tuneable to conductor] Length < 10 - 20 micron
  • 3. International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056 Volume: 03 Issue: 01 | Jan-2016 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072 © 2016, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 4.45 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 676 3.5 Experimental Methodology  Fill the beaker with 2 liters of distilled water.  Hold the test wire between the two electrodes.  Place the lid over the vessel such that heater, electrodes and thermocouple are immersed in the distilled water.  Place the condenser firmly in the hole made in the lid and supply the cooling water through the condenser inlet.  Switch on the experimental setup. Initially the distilled water in the beaker is heated by setting a temperature value (Saturation Temperature of distilled water) in the temperature controller.  The temperature controller cuts off the power supply to the heating coil when the fluid reaches the preset temperature (saturation temperature of fluid).  Then the power supplied through the electrodes by the dimmer creates a resistance in the nichrome wire which is held between electrodes causing to get heat supply.  Meanwhile the voltmeter and ammeter readings are observed.  When the supply of heat is increased gradually the formation of minute bubbles appears on the surface of the test wire indicating nucleate boiling.  When the heat supply is further increased the rapid formation of bubbles occurs, indicating departure from nucleate boiling.  When the heat supply is increased furthermore the film boiling regime attains and in the end the wire gets burnt out at the centre.  The ammeter and voltmeter readings at the burn out point are noted.  If the temperature of the fluid decreases less than the saturation temperature in the middle of the experimentation then stop supplying the heat. Wait for a while to attain the saturation temperature level and continue the process.  The procedure is repeated for 8 to 10 times by mounting the fresh test wire each time.  After that the distilled water is replaced by the nanofluid.  The required nanofluid concentration say 0.1g/l is obtained by mixing 0.2 gram of Alumina nanoparticles in 2 liters of distilled water in a stirrer for 1 hour.  The experiment is carried out at the various concentrations of Alumina and Graphene-0xide nanoparticles.  After each experimentation for distilled water as well as for all the concentration of Alumina and Graphene-oxide nanofluid. Collect the burnout test wire carefully without touching the surface in the air tight test-tube.  The wire collected in the test tube is seen by the Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) for the images captured at different magnification to investigate the reasons for why the critical heat flux increases or decreases. 3.6 Methodology for Flow visualization  The experiments are conducted by the above procedure (Content 3.7) for 0.01g/l of aluminum oxide and 0.01g/l and 0.1g/l of graphene oxide. During the experimentation photographs of bobbles formation on the surface of the wire are captured for different Voltage variations (2V, 4V…up to burnout point).  The photographs are taken for all the mentioned nanofluids at the same Voltage and Current variation.  These photographs are analyzed and found out the number of bubbles and diameter of each bubble in the selected section (The section has constant dimensions for all the photographs) by manual zooming and interpolation method.  The rate of retention of the nanofluid can be calculated by taking the photographs of the fluid sample in the test tube at the intervals of 0 hour, 1 hour and 2 hour after preparing the nanofluid. 4. RESULTS AND DISSCUSION 4.1 Comparison of CHF with distilled water, Aluminum oxide Graphene oxide for various concentrations Fig -4.1: Variation of Voltage with Current for various concentrations of Alumina nanofluid with Distilled water The above Fig -4.1 shows the Voltage v/s Current variations for the alumina nanofluid. It shows that the nanofluid at concentration of 0.01g/l, 0.1g/l and 1g/l are enhanced 17.3%, 32.6% and 56.27% of CHF compared to distilled water.
  • 4. International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056 Volume: 03 Issue: 01 | Jan-2016 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072 © 2016, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 4.45 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 677 Fig -4.2: Variation of Voltage with Current for various concentration of Graphene oxide nanofluid with Distilled water The above Fig. 4.2 shows the Voltage v/s Current variations for the Graphene oxide nanofluid. It shows that the nanofluid at concentration of 0.01g/l, 0.1g/l and 1g/l are enhanced 13.4%, 29.5% and 51% of CHF compared to distilled water. Fig -4.3: Variation of CHF with various concentrations of Alumina, Graphene-oxide, and Distilled water The above Fig. 4.3 shows that the comparison of CHF v/s various concentration of alumina, Graphene oxide and CHF of distilled water. It clearly shown that at 0.01g/l concentration the alumina enhances the 17.3% whereas Graphene oxide enhances the 13.4%, at 0.1g/l concentration the alumina enhances the 32.6% whereas Graphene oxide enhances the 29.5% and at 1g/l concentration the alumina enhances the 56.27% whereas Graphene oxide enhances the 51% CHF. 4.2 SEM Images 4.2.1 Aluminum oxide 1g/l: Fig -4.4: Al2O3 (1g/l) nichrome wire at 1000X magnification Fig -4.5: Al2O3 (1g/l) nichrome wire at 25000X magnification Fig -4.6: Al2O3 (1g/l) nichrome wire at 100000X magnification The burnout wire is taken at a concentration of aluminum oxide 1g/l and it is observed in the SEM shown in the figure at different magnification. At this concentration the CHF is obtained 1.769 MW/m2. The CHF of the Distilled is 1.132 MW/m2 under atmospheric pressure. 56.27% of CHF is enhanced at this concentration.
  • 5. International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056 Volume: 03 Issue: 01 | Jan-2016 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072 © 2016, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 4.45 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 678 4.2.2 Graphene oxide 1g/l: Fig -4.7: GO (1g/l) nichrome wire at 1000X magnification Fig -4.8: GO (1g/l) nichrome wire at 25000X magnification Fig -4.9: GO (1g/l) nichrome wire at 100000X magnification At the Graphene oxide nanofluid concentration of 1g/l SEM Images are shown in figure at different magnification. At this concentration CHF is obtained 1.71 MW/m2 and 51% of CHF is increased compared to the distilled water. 4.3 Rate of retention By comparing the photographs (photographs were taken at 0hr, 1hr, 2hr after preparing the nanoflid) the rate of retention is found more in the Graphene oxide nanofluids than the alumina nanofluids due to the inhomogeneous solution. The rate of retention is found less in case of high concentration range and it is noticed high in case of low concentration range. The nanoparticles have the high intermolecular forces (cohesive forces) so it is difficult to break the particles at low concentration range of solution. But in case of high concentration range, more numbers of particles are involved in the mixing, the rate of collision of the particle is more hence the mixing is well and rate of retention is less in high concentration range due to proper mixing. This is more in case of graphene oxide compared to the alumina. 4.4 Flow visualization The wetted surface is increases by increasing the concentration of nanofluid and also increased creating the porous layer over the surface of heating wire. 5. CONCLUSIONS Pool boiling CHF characteristics in nanofluids are investigated with different concentrations of Alumina and graphene oxide nanofluid ranging from 0.01g/l, 0.1g/l and 1g/l and the effect of nanoparticles in pool boiling CHF for each concentration is studied experimentally and the effect on heat transfer enhancement are investigated by flow visualization and by surface inspection of the heater surface.  It is observed that with low concentration of Al2O3 (0.01g/l) the dispersion is homogeneous while higher concentration of Al2O3 (1g/l) resulted in the formation of coating over the heater surface and fouling of the vessel inner surface. Whereas in case of the GO the dispersion is not much homogenous in all the concentrations compared to Al2O3 but in 1g/l concentration of GO is better homogeneous compared to 0.01g/l concentration of GO. In mid range concentrations (0.1g/l) characteristics of both the fluids place in between higher and lower concentrations characteristics of corresponding fluid.  While Al2O3 shows an increase in CHF by 17.3%, at 0.01g/l concentration (Fig -4.3) and 56.27% increase (Fig -4.3) in CHF at 1g/l concentration. The maximum CHF was recorded at 1.769 MW/m2 for Al2O3 at 1g/l concentrations against 1.132 MW/m2 of DI water.
  • 6. International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056 Volume: 03 Issue: 01 | Jan-2016 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072 © 2016, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 4.45 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 679  In GO the CHF is increase 13.4% at 0.01g/l concentration (Fig -4.3) and 51.5% increase (Fig - 4.3) in CHF at 1g/l concentration. The CHF values are obtained slightly less than the Al2O3. It can be observed by the Graph (Fig -4.3).  Though GO has more good qualities than Al2O3due to lack of molecular level mixing (Fig -4.7, 4.8, 4.9 molecules in bulk form) with the distilled water and high rate of retention the CHF is obtained slightly less than the Al2O3.  The nanoparticle coating layer over the heating surface is improved surface wettability and enhanced the CHF is also supported by the SEM and EDOX observations and flow visualisation.  Nanofluids can be considered as a potential candidate for heat transfer enhancement and are highly suitable for applications in practical heat transfer processes. REFFERECE [1] You S M: Effect of nanoparticles on critical heat flux of water in pool boiling heat transfer, Applied Physics Letters, 83, 3374-3376. [2] Vassallo P: Pool boiling heat transfer experiments in silica-water nano-fluids, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 47, 407-411. [3] Zhou D. W: Heat transfer enhancement of copper nanofluid with acoustic cavitation, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer.47, 3109–3117 (2004). [4] Lee: Application of metallic nanoparticle suspensions in advanced cooling systems, In 1996 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exhibition. Atlanta, USA (1996). [5] Choi: A. Measuring thermal conductivity of fluids containing oxide nanoparticles, Journal of Heat Transfer.121, 280–289 (1999). [6] Liu: Enhancement of thermal conductivity with carbon nanotube for nanofluids, International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 32, no. 9, 1202–1210 (2005). [7] Das S.K: Pool boiling characteristics of nano– fluids, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 46, 851-862. [8] Kim S.J: Effects of nanoparticle deposition on surface wettability influencing boiling heat transfer in nanofluids, Applied Physics Letters, 89, 153107-1~3. [9] Xiang-Qi Wang, Arun S. Mujumdar: Heat transfer characteristics of nanofluids: a review article, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, Volume 46, Issue 1, January 2007, Pages 1-19. [10] Kim TI, Jeong TH, Chang SH: An experimental study on CHF enhancement in flow boiling using Al2O3 nano-fluid, International Journal Heat Mass Transfer 2010, 53(5-6):1015-1022. [11] Milanova D, Kumar R: Heat transfer behaviour of silica nanoparticles in pool boiling experiment, Journal Heat Transfer 2008, 130(4):1-6. [12] Golubovic MN, Madhawa Hettiarachchi HD, Worek WM, Minkowycz WJ: Nanofluids and critical heat flux, experimental and analytical study, Applied Thermal Engineering 2009, 29(7):1281-1288.