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C. H. Luu et al. Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications www.ijera.com
ISSN: 2248-9622, Vol. 6, Issue 1, (Part - 5) January 2016, pp.13-25
www.ijera.com 13|P a g e
Finite Element Simulation of Steel Plate Concrete Beams
subjected to Shear
C. H. Luu1
, Xin Nie2
, Feng Qin3
, Yue Yang2
, Y. L. Mo1*
, Feng Fan3
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Houston, 4800 Calhoun, Houston, 77204,
Department of Civil Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China
Key Lab of Structures Dynamic Behavior and Control of the Ministry of Education, Harbin Institute of
Technology, Harbin 150090, China
In a test series ofSteel plate Concrete (SC) beams conducted by the authorsto determine the minimum shear
reinforcement ratio, complex structural behavior of the tested beams was observed, including shear cracking
occurred within the concrete in the web and bond-slip failure of the bottom steel plate of the beam due to
insufficient shear reinforcement ratio (Qin et al. 2015).This paper focuses on finite element simulation (FEM) of
the SC beams withemphasis on shear and bond-slip behavior. A new constitutive model is proposed to account for
the bond-slip behavior of steel plates. Also, the Cyclic Softened Membrane Model proposed by Hsu and Mo
(2010)is utilized to simulate the shear behavior of concrete with embedded shear reinforcement. Both constitutive
models areimplemented into a finite element analysis program based on the framework of OpenSees (2013).The
proposed FEM is able to capturethe behavior of the tested SC beams.
I. Introduction
In recent years, steel plate concrete (SC) has been
widely used for building as well as nuclear
containment structures to resist lateral forces induced
by heavy winds and severe earthquakes.Compared to
the conventional reinforced concrete, SC has higher
strength and ductility, enhanced stiffness, and large
energy dissipation capacity. SC also experiences
faster construction and cost-effectiveness because
steel plates can serve as formwork for concrete during
construction.SC is a composite structure system
thatconsists of two layers of relatively thin steel plates
and a sandwiched concrete layer. In the composite
structure system, two ends of each shear connector
(cross tie)are welded on steel plates to connect the
steel plates and the concrete. Similar to the Bi-Steel
constructiondeveloped by British Steel, SC
overcomes some of the on-site construction problems
of the steel-concrete-steel sandwich
constructionthatuses shear studs(Bowerman and
Chapman 2000).The sandwich construction using
shear studs would have been difficult(Bowerman et al.
2002).SCcomposite structure system, however, acts in
a similar way to doublyReinforced Concrete
(RC).Compared to the conventional
constructionforms,SC is a strong and
efficientstructure type with a great deal of important
advantages(Braverman et al. 1997; Mizuno et al. 2005;
Kim et al. 2007; Yan 2012).Theoretically, as long as
the integrity of the SC structure is sustained, the SC
structure can take the full advantage of respective
strengths of steel and concrete.SC structures are
widely applicable in structural engineering practice,
i.e. the containment wall for nuclear power plants
(Yamamoto et al. 2012),the liquid and gas
containment structures and the military shelters, etc.
(Zhang 2009; Yan et al. 2015).In recently developed
nuclear power AP1000 plants (NPPs), SChas been
C. H. Luu et al. Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications www.ijera.com
ISSN: 2248-9622, Vol. 6, Issue 1, (Part - 5) January 2016, pp.13-25
www.ijera.com 14|P a g e
used forthe shield building and internal structures.
Considerable out-of-plane shear force is a unique load
patternforSC structures.For instance, SC nuclear
containments (Fig. 1) are subjected to out-of-plane
shear at the regions close to the foundation and at the
connections or interfaces with other structures
(Oesterle and Russell 1982; Walther 1990).Forthe
shear failure of RC and PC members, ACI 318
Code(2011)gives limit on shear reinforcement to
ensure a ductile failure mode.For the design of SC
members in current AP1000NPPs, ACI 349
Code(2006), which adoptsACI 318 Code directly,
isused.However, the applicability of ACI 349 Code to
SC membersneeds to be further investigated.It is of
essential importanceforSC membersto precludebrittle
shear failure in designand to develop rational
methodin analysis.Based on tests on SC beams by the
authors,the minimum amount of shear reinforcement
(cross ties) to ensure theductile behavior and the
method to evaluate shear strength were recommended
for the shear design of SC members.However, a
rational finite element simulation to analyze SC
members is needed with consideration of shear and
Fig. 1SC nuclear containment and a cut strip
Experimental investigations have shown that the
stiffness of SC composite structure systemis largely
dependent upon the efficiency of the shear connectors
that connect the steel plates to the concrete(Wright
and Oduyemi 1991; Roberts et al. 1996; Coyle 2001;
Xie et al. 2007). The SC composite system is as
rigidas an equivalent doubly Reinforced Concrete
(RC)on the condition that theshear connectorsare fully
rigid and the steel plates cannot move relatively to the
concrete.However,the stiffness of the shear
connectors is always limited, therefore, the
longitudinal shear generated at the interface between
the steel plate and the concrete leads tothe bond-slip
between them.The bond-slip behavior has a
significant influence on behavior of SC members,
such asstiffness,deflection, strength and failure mode,
etc. (Coyle 2001; Foundoukos 2005; Subramani et al.
2014; Nama et al. 2015). Pronounced bond-slip
betweenthe bottom steel plate and the concrete was
observed in the series of tests conducted by the
In the analysis of Steel-Concrete-Steel sandwich
beams with overlapped headed shear studs,Roberts et
al.(1996) proposed an approximate method to
consider the influence of bond-slip.This approximate
method was used in the simplified Finite Element
Models (FEMs) for the analysis of double skin
composite (DSC)slabs (Shanmugam et al. 2002). In
these simplified FEMs, the overlapped headed
shearstuds were assumed to resist the transverse shear,
whichweremodeled indirectly by adjusting the shear
stress parameters of the concrete.This simplification
significantly reduced the difficulty of modeling, and
the total amount of elementswasreduced as well.A
tapering web truss model for the analysis of Bi-Steel
beams was proposed by Xie et al. (2007), in which an
analytical methodwas proposed to calculate the
deflection of Bi-Steel beamswith the influence
ofbond-slip.The truss modelhad two assumptions: (1)
the steel and concrete wereelastic and the concrete had
no tensile strength; (2) shear deformation was
neglected. In the study of static behavior of Bi-steel
beams, two-dimensional FEMswere developed by
Foundoukos(2005),in whichtwo-dimensional solid
plane stress elements were used. Because the elastic
concrete compression behavior was used, the effect of
concrete shear failure could not be rationally studied.
In the analysis of DSC beams with J-hook connectors,
A strip of SC containment
Steel plate
C. H. Luu et al. Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications www.ijera.com
ISSN: 2248-9622, Vol. 6, Issue 1, (Part - 5) January 2016, pp.13-25
www.ijera.com 15|P a g e
three-dimensional FEMs using ABAQUS were
proposed by Yan(2014), in which the interaction
between the steel plate and the concrete was
considered by defining a “hard contact” formulation
and „„penalty friction” formulation. These
three-dimensional FEMs provided good agreements
on the ultimate strength and nonlinear load-deflection
behavior of tested beams,and the complex geometry
of the J-hook connectors could be
considered.However, complexparameters were
needed to define materials in the three-dimensional
For the purpose of this study, OpenSees (2013), an
object-oriented programming framework for
simulation of earthquake engineering research is
chosen as finite element framework to develop the
analysis program. OpenSees, which stands for Open
System for Earthquake Engineering Simulation, was
developed in the Pacific Earthquake Engineering
Center (PEER). It is an open-source framework that
allows researchers to implement their proposed
material model. The source code is openly available to
the structural engineering research community to
evaluate and modify. Using OpenSees framework, Mo
et al. (2005) successfully implemented the material
modelsdeveloped by the University of Houston
research group for predicting the behavior of
reinforced concrete into a finite element analysis
program called Simulation of Concrete Structure
(SCS). In this paper, the SCS program will be
extended by adding a new proposed model for
bond-slipped steel plates to predict the structural
behavior of the tested SC beams.
II. Experimental Program
2.1 Specimens
Six SC beams (SC1 to SC6) have been tested at
Thomas T. C. Hsu structural research laboratory, the
University of Houston.The geometric properties of
the SC beams are shown inFig. 2. The length 𝐿 ,
width𝑤, and depth𝑑 of each SC beamwere4572 mm
(180 in.), 305 mm (12.0 in.), and 406 mm (16.0 in.),
respectively. The top and bottom steel plates hadthe
same thickness 𝑡 of 4.80 mm (3/16 in.), and the
diameter of cross ties∅was6.30 mm (1/4 in.).Fig.
2shows the dimensions of the specimens studied in
this paper.To fully secure the connections between
steel plates and cross ties, penetration welding was
applied.As shown inFig. 3,the welding was applied on
both outside and inside surfaces of steel plates.
Theshear span-to-depth (a/d) ratio was a main
parameter. The shear span a, as shown inFig. 2a,
wasdefined as the distance from the center line of the
support to the center line of loading point.The depth d,
as shown inFig. 2b, wasdefined as the distance from
the extreme top fiber to the center line of the bottom
steel plate.Based on the experimental studies on RC
members by Kani(1964) and on PC members by
Laskar et al. (2010), two shear span-to-depth (a/d)
ratios, 1.5 and 2.5, were used as two typical shear
governing cases for the SC beams.
The other main test parameterwastheshear
reinforcement (cross ties) ratio 𝜌𝑠𝑣 .The tests show
that more shear reinforcement is required for SC
beams tested under the condition ofa/d=2.5 than what
for SC beams tested under the condition ofa/d=1.5.
The similar trend was also found in RC members by
Kuo et al.(2014) and in PC members by Laskar et al.
In this paper, four specimens, SC3, SC4, SC5 and SC6,
were selected to validate simulation method
considering effects of shear and bond-slip behavior.
C. H. Luu et al. Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications www.ijera.com
ISSN: 2248-9622, Vol. 6, Issue 1, (Part - 5) January 2016, pp.13-25
www.ijera.com 16|P a g e
(a) Elevation dimentionsof SC beams Cross setion dimensions
Fig. 2Dimensions of SC beams (unit: mm)
2.2 Material Properties
Concrete compressive strength (𝑓𝑐
) varied from
40.1 to 55.2 MPa (5.80 to 8.00 ksi), as shown inTable
1. Deformed No. 2 reinforcing bars (∅ = 6.30 mm)
were used as the cross ties, and high-strength
low-alloy structural steel (ASTM A572-50) was used
as the top and bottom steel plates. The yield strength
of cross ties (𝑓𝑦𝑣 ) and yield strength of steel plates (𝑓𝑦)
were 419 MPa (60.8 ksi) and 379 MPa (55.0 ksi),
Fig. 3Penetration welding of shear reinforcement
(cross ties)
2.3 Test Setup and Loading Procedure
The specimens were subjected to vertical loading
provided by north and/or south actuators with a
capacity of 600 kips (2670 kN) each, as illustrated in
Fig. 4a. The loads and displacements of the actuators
were controlled by the MTS Flex system. The loading
protocol was comprised of several loading steps.
Every loading step had a constant loading rate of 2.54
mm (0.10 in.) per 15.0 minutes. During each loading
step, the loading might be put on hold and resumed, to
check and mark the cracks. Load cells installed under
supports were used to measure shear forces in each
specimen. Linear Variable Differential Transformers
(LVDTs) were used to measure deflection of each
specimen, as shown inFig. 4b.
Fig. 4Test setup of specimen
tie tie
Top steel plate
Bottom steel plate Cross ties Inside welding
Outside welding
North actuator
South actuator
Load cellsSupport
C. H. Luu et al. Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications www.ijera.com
ISSN: 2248-9622, Vol. 6, Issue 1, (Part - 5) January 2016, pp.13-25
www.ijera.com 17|P a g e
2.4 Crack Patterns
Within shear spanofeach specimen, inclined shear
cracks and pronouncedbond-slip occurred.For all the
specimens, bond-slip existed only in the bottom
interface from the side of beam to the shear crack, no
bond-slip behavior wasobserved in other part of
bottom interface or in any part of top interface, which
agreed with previous test observations on similar
structural members by Shanmugam et al.
(2002)andXie et al. (2007).
Taking SC4 north for instance, crack patterns of shear
and bond-slip are shown in Fig. 5a. The direction of
upper part of the shear crack was approximately45°
which wasa typical symbol of shear crack. Bond-slip
deformation in bottom interface was approximately
19.0 mm (0.75 in.), as shown inFig. 5b, and bond-slip
only existedfromthe left side of the beam to the shear
crack, as shown in Fig. 5c.
Fig. 5Crack patterns in SC4 north
III. Material Models forFEM
3.1 CSMM Model for Concrete with Embedded
Cross Ties
The web of the SC beam,which is comprised of
concrete and embedded cross ties, can be treated as
regular reinforced concrete structures. To analyze the
shear behavior of RC structures, Cyclic Softened
Membrane Model (CSMM) proposed by Mansour and
Hsu (2005a; 2005b) can be used. The model is capable
of accurately predicting the pinching effect, the shear
ductility and the energy dissipation capacities of RC
members (Hsu and Mo, 2010).CSMM included the
cyclic uniaxial constitutive relationships of concrete
and embedded mild steel. The characteristics of these
concrete constitutive laws include: (1) the softening
effect on the concrete in compression due to the
tensile strain in the perpendicular direction; (2) the
softening effect on the concrete in compression under
reversed cyclic loading; (3) the opening and closing of
cracks, which are taken into account in the unloading
and reloading stages, as shown inFig. 6. The
characteristic ofembedded mild steel bars include: (1)
the smeared yield stress is lower than the yield stress
of bare steel bars and the hardening ratio of steel bars
after yielding is calculated from the steel ratio, steel
strength and concrete strength; (2) the unloading and
reloading stress-strain curves of embedded steel bars
take into account the Bauschinger effect, as shown
inFig. 7.
Bond-slip Shear crack Flexural crack
Bond slip
shear crack
Bottom Steel plate
(c) Crack and bond slip
Bond slipBottom Steel plate
(b) Bond slip at north end (side)
19.0 mm
(a) Location of bond slip and crack
C. H. Luu et al. Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications www.ijera.com
ISSN: 2248-9622, Vol. 6, Issue 1, (Part - 5) January 2016, pp.13-25
www.ijera.com 18|P a g e
Fig. 6Envelop of stress-strain curve of concrete Fig. 7Envelope of stress-strain curve of shear
reinforcement (cross ties)
3.2 Bond Slip-basedConstitutive Model for Steel Plates
3.2.1Stress-strain Characteristic
The experimental results show that the tested SC
beams hadabond-slipcharacteristic before reaching its
flexural or shear capacities. In other words, the bond
between concrete and steel plate was not sufficient to
transfer the stress in the steel plate to concrete in SC
beams. Therefore, the constitutive model of the
typical mild steel cannot be used for the steel plate in
FE analysis.
In this study, a new constitutive model for steel
plate, called bondslip-basedmodel, is proposed. Due
to the bond slip, the model will take into account the
reduction of both the nominal yield stress and the
elastic modulus. The stress and strain curve for the
bondslip-based model, shown inFig. 8, is comprised
of three parts: (1) The linear elastic part up toyield
stress𝑓𝑦𝑠𝑙𝑖𝑝 , which is smaller than the yielding stress
of the typical mild steel;(2) the plastic part at which
the steel plate continues to deform under constant load
up to a strain of three times the strain at yielding; (3)
the descending region at which the bond between the
steel plate and concrete has been weakened and the
member would fail. The negative slope of the curve in
this part is proposed to capture the descending portion
of the load-deflection curve of SC structures.It is
assumed that the stress would drop to 20% of the peak
to avoid any convergence problems in the finite
element analysis.
Typical Mild Steel
3 y
Bond-Slip Steel
0.2 yslipf
10 y
z a
Shear stress
ConcreteSteel PlatesCross Ties
Point A
Fig. 8 Stress-strain relationship
of the bondslip-based steel model Fig. 9 Free-body diagram
of SC beam
To determine the yield stress of the bondslipped
steel, 𝑓𝑦𝑠𝑙𝑖𝑝 , a free body diagram is considered which
shows all the forces on the beam between the point of
application of the load and the end of the beam, as
Tensile stress
Compressive strain
Tensile strain
Compressive stress
Not to scale
Steel stress
Steel strain
Not to scale
 sf
 ,si if
Steel bar in concreteBare steel bar
Stage 3
Stage 4
Stage 2T
Stage 1
 1 1,si if  
Stage 2C
 s
C. H. Luu et al. Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications www.ijera.com
ISSN: 2248-9622, Vol. 6, Issue 1, (Part - 5) January 2016, pp.13-25
www.ijera.com 19|P a g e
shown inFig. 9. As it can be seen from the figure, the
shear transfer in the case of steel-plate concrete
structures happens across a plane at the interface of
steel plate and concrete. Therefore, a shearfriction
model should be used to find the relationship between
the sheartransfer strength and the reinforcement
crossing the shear plane. An equation fromACI
318-11 provision,which is used to estimate the
sheartransfer strength of reinforced concrete when the
shear reinforcement is perpendicular to the shear
plane, can be adopted to determine the shearfriction
strength between concrete and steel plate, in which the
nominal shear strength 𝑉𝑛 is given by
10.8n sv yv cV A f A K  (1)
where 𝐴 𝑐is the area of concrete section resisting shear
transfer, 𝐴 𝑠𝑣is the area of cross ties within the transfer
length, fyvis the yield strength of the cross ties.𝐾1is the
maximum bond stress between concrete and steel
Eq. (1) can also be written as
  10.8n sv yvV b z a f K   (2)
where 𝑏 is the beam width, 𝑎 is the shear span, 𝑧 is
the distance from the center of the support to the end
of the beam, 𝜌𝑠𝑣is the percentage of cross ties within
the transfer length.
In the right side of Eq. (1), the first term represents the
contribution of cross ties to sheartransfer resistance.
The coefficient 0.8 represents the coefficient of
friction. The second term characterizes the sum of the
resistance provided by friction between the rough
surfaces of concrete and steel plate and the dowel
action of the cross ties (ACI 318-11).
To maintain equilibrium condition, the nominal shear
strength given in Eq. (1) needs to be balancedby the
total tensile strength of the bottom steel plate, which
can be expressed as
max yv sbT f A (3)
where 𝐴 𝑠𝑏 = 𝑏𝑡 is the total area of the bottom steel
plate, t is the thickness of the steel plate.
Based on Eq. (2) and Eq. (3), the yield stress of the
bondslip-based steel can be determined and expressed
by Eq. (4).
 
 10.8yslip sv yv y
z a
f f K f
   (4)
Using 𝜀 𝑦as the yield strain, the modulus of elasticity
for bondslip-based steel can becalculated by Eq. (5),
which is already taken into account the reduced
stiffness due to bondslip.
 (5)
3.2.2Maximum Bond Stress between Concrete and
Steel Plate
As it can be seen from Eq.(4), to determine the yield
stress of the bondslip-based steel, the maximum bond
stress between concrete and steel plate,𝐾1, needs to be
specified. From the test results, itwas observed that
the maximum bond stress between concrete and steel
plate was affected by the a/d ratio, the amount of cross
tie and the strength of concrete.In this study,the value
of 𝐾1is calibrated using regression analysis.
Taking a moment equilibrium at point A in the
free-body diagram (Fig. 9) and using the effective
depth 𝑗𝑑 = 0.9𝑑 (AASHTO, 2010), the maximum
bond stress between concrete and steel plate can be
written as:
 
1 0.8
sv y
V a
K f
db z a
 
where 𝑉𝑚𝑎𝑥 is the peak shear force obtained from the
test results.
C. H. Luu et al. Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications www.ijera.com
ISSN: 2248-9622, Vol. 6, Issue 1, (Part - 5) January 2016, pp.13-25
www.ijera.com 20|P a g e
Fig. 10Flowchart for K1calibration Fig. 11K1and a/d relationship of SC beams
Table 1 shows the calculation results of 𝐾1 for the
tested SC beams with normal concrete. The procedure
to find an expression for 𝐾1 is simplified in a
flowchart shown in Fig. 10.The value of 𝐾1 is
normalized with the percentage of cross ties and the
square root of concrete strength and plotted against
a/d ratio in order to perform regression analysis for
finding the relationship between the normalized value
of𝐾1 and the a/d ratio, as illustrated inFig. 11.
After performing the regression analysis, the
expression for 𝐾1 for SC beams with normal
concrete is found to be:
1 1.54 sv c
K f
 
  
 
Table 1 Calculation of K_1 for the tested SC beams
IV. Implementation Models to SCS
The implementation of the proposed models into
OpenSees framework is shown in Fig. 12. The CSMM
modelwas implemented by Mo et al. (2008). The
model includes two uniaxial material classes,
ConcreteZ01 and SteelZ01, and one NDMaterial class,
RCPlaneStress. The ND material is related with
SteelZ01, ConcreteZ01 to determine the tangent
material constitutive matrix and to calculate the stress
of the quadrilateral element that is used for modeling
of concrete and cross ties.
Test ( )
 
1 0.8 sv yv
V a
K f
jdb z a
 
Plot vs.'
1 v cK f a d
1 1.54 v c
K f
 
  
 
Specimen b
a/d  sv
f yv
f' c
V max
K 1
SC1 North 305 4.763 2.5 0.102 413 56 402 121.71 0.584
SC1 South 305 4.763 2.5 0.102 413 56 402 116.37 0.543
SC3 North 305 4.763 2.5 0.137 413 40 402 155.35 0.722
SC3 South 305 4.763 2.5 0.137 413 40 402 143.45 0.632
SC4 North 305 4.763 2.5 0.164 413 51 402 190.04 0.896
SC4 South 305 4.763 2.5 0.205 413 51 402 235.69 1.105
SC5 South 305 4.763 1.5 0.137 413 55 402 248.77 1.241
SC5 North 305 4.763 1.5 0.164 413 55 402 287.99 1.419
SC6 305 4.763 5.2 0.137 413 55 402 127.58 0.604
C. H. Luu et al. Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications www.ijera.com
ISSN: 2248-9622, Vol. 6, Issue 1, (Part - 5) January 2016, pp.13-25
www.ijera.com 21|P a g e
Load PatternElement Node Constraint
NDMaterial UniaxialMaterial
RCPlaneStress SteelZ01 ConcreteZ01
For Concrete & Cross Ties
Nonlinear Fiber
Truss Element
For Steel Plates
Analysis RecorderDomain
Fig. 12Implementation of the proposed models in OpenSees
Additionally, a new uniaxial material class,
so-called BondSlipSteelK01, which is based on the
proposed bondslip-based steel model, is implemented
for modeling of steel plates, as shown in Fig. 12. The
new material class is developed by modifying the
envelope curve of Hysteretic material class available
in OpenSees. For each trial displacement increment in
the analysis procedure, BondSlipSteel will receive the
strain from the nonlinear fiber truss element,
determine the tangent material matrix and calculate
the stress of the element based on the stress-strain
curve of the proposed bondslip-based steel model (Fig.
8). The tangent material matrix is used to formulate
the element stiffness matrix, and the stress is used to
compute the force resistance of the truss element.
V. Finite Element Simulation
Finite element analyses were conducted on the tested
SC beams. The finite element mesh and the boundary
condition of each beam are shown in Fig. 13. The top
and bottom flanges of the beam, which included steel
plates, were modeled using total 44 2-node nonlinear
truss elements with fiber section. Because the truss
element only resisted tensile and compressive forces,
the mesh of 2x2 for fiber section was sufficient to
capture the structural response of the steel plates. The
web of the beam, which was comprised of concrete
and cross ties, was simulated using total 22 4-node
quadrilateral elements. RCPlaneStress and
BondSlipSteel materials were assigned to the
quadrilateral and truss elements, respectively. The
applied load was applied to one or two nodes in the
top flange of the beam. The location of the applied
load depends on the configuration of the test setup of
each specimen.
C. H. Luu et al. Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications www.ijera.com
ISSN: 2248-9622, Vol. 6, Issue 1, (Part - 5) January 2016, pp.13-25
www.ijera.com 22|P a g e
Fiber truss
RCPlaneStress elementP
DL = 0.5d
a = shear span a
Cross section of
fiber truss element
RCPlaneStress element
Cross Section A-A
Cross section of
fiber truss element
Top Node
Bottom Node
Fig. 13Finite element meshof SC beams
The analyses were performed monotonically by
displacement control schemes. The vertical loads
were applied by the predetermined displacement
control on the vertical displacement of the referenced
node located under the load. The common
displacement increment used in the analyses was 0.5
mm. Convergence was obtained quite smoothly
during the monotonic analyses. The modified
Newton-Raphson method was used as the solution
algorithm. The nodal displacement and corresponding
vertical forces were recorded at each converged
displacement step, and the stress and strain of the
elements were also monitored.
VI. Validation of Proposed Models for SC
The experimental shear force-deflection relationship
of each of the four SC beams s illustrated by the
dashed curve, as shown in Fig. 14. For each of
Specimens SC3 and SC6, only one curve is plotted
because both North and South ends of the specimen
were tested simultaneously by symmetrically applied
loading system. The dashed curves are compared to
the solid curves, representing the analytical results. It
can be seen from the figure that good agreement is
obtained for the initial stiffness, the peak strength, the
ductilityand the descending branch.As mentioned
before, all the tested SC beams have bond-slip failure
mode due to the insufficiency of bond stress between
concrete and steel plates. It is observed from the
analyses that all descending parts of the analytical
shear force-displacement curves wereobtained when
the stress-strain behavior of the bottom truss element
reaches the descending region in the stress-strain
curve of the proposed material model; therefore, the
finite element model is able to capturethe failure
modes of the test specimens.
C. H. Luu et al. Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications www.ijera.com
ISSN: 2248-9622, Vol. 6, Issue 1, (Part - 5) January 2016, pp.13-25
www.ijera.com 23|P a g e
Deflection (mm)
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Deflection (mm)
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
SC3 SC4 North
Deflection (mm)
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Deflection (mm)
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
SC4 South SC5 South
Deflection (mm)
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Deflection (mm)
0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40
SC5North SC6
Fig. 14Simulated and experimental shear force-deflection curves of each specimen
Table 2 provides the comparison of the analytical
and experimental results regarding the shear strength
of the SC beams tested in this work. In general, all the
predicted and experimental values match quite well.
C. H. Luu et al. Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications www.ijera.com
ISSN: 2248-9622, Vol. 6, Issue 1, (Part - 5) January 2016, pp.13-25
www.ijera.com 24|P a g e
The mean of the test-to-analysis shear strength ratio is
1.01with a coefficient of variation (COV) of 0.06,
which is well within the acceptable limit in structural
Table 2 Experimental Verification
VII. Conclusions
In the paper a new analytical model was
developed to predict the structural behavior of SC
beams subjected to shear.In this study, the
investigated SC beams showed complex structural
behavior, which was a combination of shear behavior
of concrete web with cross ties and flexural bond-slip
behavior of steel plates. The CSMM model, which
had been developed for simulation of shear behavior
for RC structure was utilized to capture the shear
behavior of concrete web with cross ties. Additionally,
a new constitutive model was proposed to account for
the bond-slip behavior of steel plates. The proposed
model was successfully implemented into a finite
element analysis program SCS based on the
framework of OpenSees. The developed program was
capable of accurately predicting the shear
force-displacement curves of all four tested SC beams.
The finite element simulation developed in this paper
provides researchers and engineers with a powerful
tool to perform analysis and design SC structures.
VIII. Acknowledgement
The research described in this paper is financially
supported by U.S. Department of Energy NEUP
program (Project No. CFP-13-5282),the Chinese
National Natural Science Foundation (Grant No.:
51308155) and Tsinghua University, China. The
opinions expressed in this study are those of the
authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the
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Finite Element Simulation of Steel Plate Concrete Beams subjected to Shear

  • 1. C. H. Luu et al. Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications www.ijera.com ISSN: 2248-9622, Vol. 6, Issue 1, (Part - 5) January 2016, pp.13-25 www.ijera.com 13|P a g e Finite Element Simulation of Steel Plate Concrete Beams subjected to Shear C. H. Luu1 , Xin Nie2 , Feng Qin3 , Yue Yang2 , Y. L. Mo1* , Feng Fan3 1 Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Houston, 4800 Calhoun, Houston, 77204, USA 2 Department of Civil Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China 3 Key Lab of Structures Dynamic Behavior and Control of the Ministry of Education, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150090, China Abstract In a test series ofSteel plate Concrete (SC) beams conducted by the authorsto determine the minimum shear reinforcement ratio, complex structural behavior of the tested beams was observed, including shear cracking occurred within the concrete in the web and bond-slip failure of the bottom steel plate of the beam due to insufficient shear reinforcement ratio (Qin et al. 2015).This paper focuses on finite element simulation (FEM) of the SC beams withemphasis on shear and bond-slip behavior. A new constitutive model is proposed to account for the bond-slip behavior of steel plates. Also, the Cyclic Softened Membrane Model proposed by Hsu and Mo (2010)is utilized to simulate the shear behavior of concrete with embedded shear reinforcement. Both constitutive models areimplemented into a finite element analysis program based on the framework of OpenSees (2013).The proposed FEM is able to capturethe behavior of the tested SC beams. I. Introduction In recent years, steel plate concrete (SC) has been widely used for building as well as nuclear containment structures to resist lateral forces induced by heavy winds and severe earthquakes.Compared to the conventional reinforced concrete, SC has higher strength and ductility, enhanced stiffness, and large energy dissipation capacity. SC also experiences faster construction and cost-effectiveness because steel plates can serve as formwork for concrete during construction.SC is a composite structure system thatconsists of two layers of relatively thin steel plates and a sandwiched concrete layer. In the composite structure system, two ends of each shear connector (cross tie)are welded on steel plates to connect the steel plates and the concrete. Similar to the Bi-Steel constructiondeveloped by British Steel, SC overcomes some of the on-site construction problems of the steel-concrete-steel sandwich constructionthatuses shear studs(Bowerman and Chapman 2000).The sandwich construction using shear studs would have been difficult(Bowerman et al. 2002).SCcomposite structure system, however, acts in a similar way to doublyReinforced Concrete (RC).Compared to the conventional constructionforms,SC is a strong and efficientstructure type with a great deal of important advantages(Braverman et al. 1997; Mizuno et al. 2005; Kim et al. 2007; Yan 2012).Theoretically, as long as the integrity of the SC structure is sustained, the SC structure can take the full advantage of respective strengths of steel and concrete.SC structures are widely applicable in structural engineering practice, i.e. the containment wall for nuclear power plants (Yamamoto et al. 2012),the liquid and gas containment structures and the military shelters, etc. (Zhang 2009; Yan et al. 2015).In recently developed nuclear power AP1000 plants (NPPs), SChas been RESEARCH ARTICLE OPEN ACCESS
  • 2. C. H. Luu et al. Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications www.ijera.com ISSN: 2248-9622, Vol. 6, Issue 1, (Part - 5) January 2016, pp.13-25 www.ijera.com 14|P a g e used forthe shield building and internal structures. Considerable out-of-plane shear force is a unique load patternforSC structures.For instance, SC nuclear containments (Fig. 1) are subjected to out-of-plane shear at the regions close to the foundation and at the connections or interfaces with other structures (Oesterle and Russell 1982; Walther 1990).Forthe shear failure of RC and PC members, ACI 318 Code(2011)gives limit on shear reinforcement to ensure a ductile failure mode.For the design of SC members in current AP1000NPPs, ACI 349 Code(2006), which adoptsACI 318 Code directly, isused.However, the applicability of ACI 349 Code to SC membersneeds to be further investigated.It is of essential importanceforSC membersto precludebrittle shear failure in designand to develop rational methodin analysis.Based on tests on SC beams by the authors,the minimum amount of shear reinforcement (cross ties) to ensure theductile behavior and the method to evaluate shear strength were recommended for the shear design of SC members.However, a rational finite element simulation to analyze SC members is needed with consideration of shear and bond-slipbehavior. Fig. 1SC nuclear containment and a cut strip Experimental investigations have shown that the stiffness of SC composite structure systemis largely dependent upon the efficiency of the shear connectors that connect the steel plates to the concrete(Wright and Oduyemi 1991; Roberts et al. 1996; Coyle 2001; Xie et al. 2007). The SC composite system is as rigidas an equivalent doubly Reinforced Concrete (RC)on the condition that theshear connectorsare fully rigid and the steel plates cannot move relatively to the concrete.However,the stiffness of the shear connectors is always limited, therefore, the longitudinal shear generated at the interface between the steel plate and the concrete leads tothe bond-slip between them.The bond-slip behavior has a significant influence on behavior of SC members, such asstiffness,deflection, strength and failure mode, etc. (Coyle 2001; Foundoukos 2005; Subramani et al. 2014; Nama et al. 2015). Pronounced bond-slip betweenthe bottom steel plate and the concrete was observed in the series of tests conducted by the authors. In the analysis of Steel-Concrete-Steel sandwich beams with overlapped headed shear studs,Roberts et al.(1996) proposed an approximate method to consider the influence of bond-slip.This approximate method was used in the simplified Finite Element Models (FEMs) for the analysis of double skin composite (DSC)slabs (Shanmugam et al. 2002). In these simplified FEMs, the overlapped headed shearstuds were assumed to resist the transverse shear, whichweremodeled indirectly by adjusting the shear stress parameters of the concrete.This simplification significantly reduced the difficulty of modeling, and the total amount of elementswasreduced as well.A tapering web truss model for the analysis of Bi-Steel beams was proposed by Xie et al. (2007), in which an analytical methodwas proposed to calculate the deflection of Bi-Steel beamswith the influence ofbond-slip.The truss modelhad two assumptions: (1) the steel and concrete wereelastic and the concrete had no tensile strength; (2) shear deformation was neglected. In the study of static behavior of Bi-steel beams, two-dimensional FEMswere developed by Foundoukos(2005),in whichtwo-dimensional solid plane stress elements were used. Because the elastic concrete compression behavior was used, the effect of concrete shear failure could not be rationally studied. In the analysis of DSC beams with J-hook connectors, SC Containment Dome Concrete Depth A strip of SC containment Steel plate
  • 3. C. H. Luu et al. Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications www.ijera.com ISSN: 2248-9622, Vol. 6, Issue 1, (Part - 5) January 2016, pp.13-25 www.ijera.com 15|P a g e three-dimensional FEMs using ABAQUS were proposed by Yan(2014), in which the interaction between the steel plate and the concrete was considered by defining a “hard contact” formulation and „„penalty friction” formulation. These three-dimensional FEMs provided good agreements on the ultimate strength and nonlinear load-deflection behavior of tested beams,and the complex geometry of the J-hook connectors could be considered.However, complexparameters were needed to define materials in the three-dimensional FEMs. For the purpose of this study, OpenSees (2013), an object-oriented programming framework for simulation of earthquake engineering research is chosen as finite element framework to develop the analysis program. OpenSees, which stands for Open System for Earthquake Engineering Simulation, was developed in the Pacific Earthquake Engineering Center (PEER). It is an open-source framework that allows researchers to implement their proposed material model. The source code is openly available to the structural engineering research community to evaluate and modify. Using OpenSees framework, Mo et al. (2005) successfully implemented the material modelsdeveloped by the University of Houston research group for predicting the behavior of reinforced concrete into a finite element analysis program called Simulation of Concrete Structure (SCS). In this paper, the SCS program will be extended by adding a new proposed model for bond-slipped steel plates to predict the structural behavior of the tested SC beams. II. Experimental Program 2.1 Specimens Six SC beams (SC1 to SC6) have been tested at Thomas T. C. Hsu structural research laboratory, the University of Houston.The geometric properties of the SC beams are shown inFig. 2. The length 𝐿 , width𝑤, and depth𝑑 of each SC beamwere4572 mm (180 in.), 305 mm (12.0 in.), and 406 mm (16.0 in.), respectively. The top and bottom steel plates hadthe same thickness 𝑡 of 4.80 mm (3/16 in.), and the diameter of cross ties∅was6.30 mm (1/4 in.).Fig. 2shows the dimensions of the specimens studied in this paper.To fully secure the connections between steel plates and cross ties, penetration welding was applied.As shown inFig. 3,the welding was applied on both outside and inside surfaces of steel plates. Theshear span-to-depth (a/d) ratio was a main parameter. The shear span a, as shown inFig. 2a, wasdefined as the distance from the center line of the support to the center line of loading point.The depth d, as shown inFig. 2b, wasdefined as the distance from the extreme top fiber to the center line of the bottom steel plate.Based on the experimental studies on RC members by Kani(1964) and on PC members by Laskar et al. (2010), two shear span-to-depth (a/d) ratios, 1.5 and 2.5, were used as two typical shear governing cases for the SC beams. The other main test parameterwastheshear reinforcement (cross ties) ratio 𝜌𝑠𝑣 .The tests show that more shear reinforcement is required for SC beams tested under the condition ofa/d=2.5 than what for SC beams tested under the condition ofa/d=1.5. The similar trend was also found in RC members by Kuo et al.(2014) and in PC members by Laskar et al. (2010). In this paper, four specimens, SC3, SC4, SC5 and SC6, were selected to validate simulation method considering effects of shear and bond-slip behavior.
  • 4. C. H. Luu et al. Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications www.ijera.com ISSN: 2248-9622, Vol. 6, Issue 1, (Part - 5) January 2016, pp.13-25 www.ijera.com 16|P a g e (a) Elevation dimentionsof SC beams Cross setion dimensions Fig. 2Dimensions of SC beams (unit: mm) 2.2 Material Properties Concrete compressive strength (𝑓𝑐 ′ ) varied from 40.1 to 55.2 MPa (5.80 to 8.00 ksi), as shown inTable 1. Deformed No. 2 reinforcing bars (∅ = 6.30 mm) were used as the cross ties, and high-strength low-alloy structural steel (ASTM A572-50) was used as the top and bottom steel plates. The yield strength of cross ties (𝑓𝑦𝑣 ) and yield strength of steel plates (𝑓𝑦) were 419 MPa (60.8 ksi) and 379 MPa (55.0 ksi), respectively. Fig. 3Penetration welding of shear reinforcement (cross ties) 2.3 Test Setup and Loading Procedure The specimens were subjected to vertical loading provided by north and/or south actuators with a capacity of 600 kips (2670 kN) each, as illustrated in Fig. 4a. The loads and displacements of the actuators were controlled by the MTS Flex system. The loading protocol was comprised of several loading steps. Every loading step had a constant loading rate of 2.54 mm (0.10 in.) per 15.0 minutes. During each loading step, the loading might be put on hold and resumed, to check and mark the cracks. Load cells installed under supports were used to measure shear forces in each specimen. Linear Variable Differential Transformers (LVDTs) were used to measure deflection of each specimen, as shown inFig. 4b. Fig. 4Test setup of specimen tie tie Top steel plate Bottom steel plate Cross ties Inside welding Outside welding North actuator South actuator Load cellsSupport LVDTs LVDTs
  • 5. C. H. Luu et al. Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications www.ijera.com ISSN: 2248-9622, Vol. 6, Issue 1, (Part - 5) January 2016, pp.13-25 www.ijera.com 17|P a g e 2.4 Crack Patterns Within shear spanofeach specimen, inclined shear cracks and pronouncedbond-slip occurred.For all the specimens, bond-slip existed only in the bottom interface from the side of beam to the shear crack, no bond-slip behavior wasobserved in other part of bottom interface or in any part of top interface, which agreed with previous test observations on similar structural members by Shanmugam et al. (2002)andXie et al. (2007). Taking SC4 north for instance, crack patterns of shear and bond-slip are shown in Fig. 5a. The direction of upper part of the shear crack was approximately45° , which wasa typical symbol of shear crack. Bond-slip deformation in bottom interface was approximately 19.0 mm (0.75 in.), as shown inFig. 5b, and bond-slip only existedfromthe left side of the beam to the shear crack, as shown in Fig. 5c. Fig. 5Crack patterns in SC4 north III. Material Models forFEM 3.1 CSMM Model for Concrete with Embedded Cross Ties The web of the SC beam,which is comprised of concrete and embedded cross ties, can be treated as regular reinforced concrete structures. To analyze the shear behavior of RC structures, Cyclic Softened Membrane Model (CSMM) proposed by Mansour and Hsu (2005a; 2005b) can be used. The model is capable of accurately predicting the pinching effect, the shear ductility and the energy dissipation capacities of RC members (Hsu and Mo, 2010).CSMM included the cyclic uniaxial constitutive relationships of concrete and embedded mild steel. The characteristics of these concrete constitutive laws include: (1) the softening effect on the concrete in compression due to the tensile strain in the perpendicular direction; (2) the softening effect on the concrete in compression under reversed cyclic loading; (3) the opening and closing of cracks, which are taken into account in the unloading and reloading stages, as shown inFig. 6. The characteristic ofembedded mild steel bars include: (1) the smeared yield stress is lower than the yield stress of bare steel bars and the hardening ratio of steel bars after yielding is calculated from the steel ratio, steel strength and concrete strength; (2) the unloading and reloading stress-strain curves of embedded steel bars take into account the Bauschinger effect, as shown inFig. 7. P 45° Bond-slip Shear crack Flexural crack Bond slip shear crack Bottom Steel plate Concrete (c) Crack and bond slip Bond slipBottom Steel plate Concrete (b) Bond slip at north end (side) 19.0 mm (a) Location of bond slip and crack
  • 6. C. H. Luu et al. Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications www.ijera.com ISSN: 2248-9622, Vol. 6, Issue 1, (Part - 5) January 2016, pp.13-25 www.ijera.com 18|P a g e Fig. 6Envelop of stress-strain curve of concrete Fig. 7Envelope of stress-strain curve of shear reinforcement (cross ties) 3.2 Bond Slip-basedConstitutive Model for Steel Plates 3.2.1Stress-strain Characteristic The experimental results show that the tested SC beams hadabond-slipcharacteristic before reaching its flexural or shear capacities. In other words, the bond between concrete and steel plate was not sufficient to transfer the stress in the steel plate to concrete in SC beams. Therefore, the constitutive model of the typical mild steel cannot be used for the steel plate in FE analysis. In this study, a new constitutive model for steel plate, called bondslip-basedmodel, is proposed. Due to the bond slip, the model will take into account the reduction of both the nominal yield stress and the elastic modulus. The stress and strain curve for the bondslip-based model, shown inFig. 8, is comprised of three parts: (1) The linear elastic part up toyield stress𝑓𝑦𝑠𝑙𝑖𝑝 , which is smaller than the yielding stress of the typical mild steel;(2) the plastic part at which the steel plate continues to deform under constant load up to a strain of three times the strain at yielding; (3) the descending region at which the bond between the steel plate and concrete has been weakened and the member would fail. The negative slope of the curve in this part is proposed to capture the descending portion of the load-deflection curve of SC structures.It is assumed that the stress would drop to 20% of the peak to avoid any convergence problems in the finite element analysis. sf yf y Typical Mild Steel sE slipE yslipf 3 y Bond-Slip Steel s 0.2 yslipf 10 y V z a V jd Shear stress T ConcreteSteel PlatesCross Ties Point A Fig. 8 Stress-strain relationship of the bondslip-based steel model Fig. 9 Free-body diagram of SC beam To determine the yield stress of the bondslipped steel, 𝑓𝑦𝑠𝑙𝑖𝑝 , a free body diagram is considered which shows all the forces on the beam between the point of application of the load and the end of the beam, as TA TB TB ’ CACB CB’ C2 CB’ CG’ T1 T3' T3 TD T4 TC T4' TD' TC' CE CD CD’ CC’ CF CC CF’ C4 C3 C4’ C3’ C6’ C6 C7 C7’ C5 C5’ Ec Tensile stress Compressive strain Tensile strain Compressive stress T2 C1 Not to scale Steel stress Steel strain Not to scale  sf uy nf yf  ,si if Steel bar in concreteBare steel bar Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 2T Stage 1 n p  1 1,si if   Stage 2C  s
  • 7. C. H. Luu et al. Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications www.ijera.com ISSN: 2248-9622, Vol. 6, Issue 1, (Part - 5) January 2016, pp.13-25 www.ijera.com 19|P a g e shown inFig. 9. As it can be seen from the figure, the shear transfer in the case of steel-plate concrete structures happens across a plane at the interface of steel plate and concrete. Therefore, a shearfriction model should be used to find the relationship between the sheartransfer strength and the reinforcement crossing the shear plane. An equation fromACI 318-11 provision,which is used to estimate the sheartransfer strength of reinforced concrete when the shear reinforcement is perpendicular to the shear plane, can be adopted to determine the shearfriction strength between concrete and steel plate, in which the nominal shear strength 𝑉𝑛 is given by 10.8n sv yv cV A f A K  (1) where 𝐴 𝑐is the area of concrete section resisting shear transfer, 𝐴 𝑠𝑣is the area of cross ties within the transfer length, fyvis the yield strength of the cross ties.𝐾1is the maximum bond stress between concrete and steel plate. Eq. (1) can also be written as   10.8n sv yvV b z a f K   (2) where 𝑏 is the beam width, 𝑎 is the shear span, 𝑧 is the distance from the center of the support to the end of the beam, 𝜌𝑠𝑣is the percentage of cross ties within the transfer length. In the right side of Eq. (1), the first term represents the contribution of cross ties to sheartransfer resistance. The coefficient 0.8 represents the coefficient of friction. The second term characterizes the sum of the resistance provided by friction between the rough surfaces of concrete and steel plate and the dowel action of the cross ties (ACI 318-11). To maintain equilibrium condition, the nominal shear strength given in Eq. (1) needs to be balancedby the total tensile strength of the bottom steel plate, which can be expressed as max yv sbT f A (3) where 𝐴 𝑠𝑏 = 𝑏𝑡 is the total area of the bottom steel plate, t is the thickness of the steel plate. Based on Eq. (2) and Eq. (3), the yield stress of the bondslip-based steel can be determined and expressed by Eq. (4).    10.8yslip sv yv y z a f f K f t      (4) Using 𝜀 𝑦as the yield strain, the modulus of elasticity for bondslip-based steel can becalculated by Eq. (5), which is already taken into account the reduced stiffness due to bondslip. yslip slip y f E   (5) 3.2.2Maximum Bond Stress between Concrete and Steel Plate As it can be seen from Eq.(4), to determine the yield stress of the bondslip-based steel, the maximum bond stress between concrete and steel plate,𝐾1, needs to be specified. From the test results, itwas observed that the maximum bond stress between concrete and steel plate was affected by the a/d ratio, the amount of cross tie and the strength of concrete.In this study,the value of 𝐾1is calibrated using regression analysis. Taking a moment equilibrium at point A in the free-body diagram (Fig. 9) and using the effective depth 𝑗𝑑 = 0.9𝑑 (AASHTO, 2010), the maximum bond stress between concrete and steel plate can be written as:   max 1 0.8 0.9 sv y V a K f db z a    (6) where 𝑉𝑚𝑎𝑥 is the peak shear force obtained from the test results.
  • 8. C. H. Luu et al. Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications www.ijera.com ISSN: 2248-9622, Vol. 6, Issue 1, (Part - 5) January 2016, pp.13-25 www.ijera.com 20|P a g e Fig. 10Flowchart for K1calibration Fig. 11K1and a/d relationship of SC beams Table 1 shows the calculation results of 𝐾1 for the tested SC beams with normal concrete. The procedure to find an expression for 𝐾1 is simplified in a flowchart shown in Fig. 10.The value of 𝐾1 is normalized with the percentage of cross ties and the square root of concrete strength and plotted against a/d ratio in order to perform regression analysis for finding the relationship between the normalized value of𝐾1 and the a/d ratio, as illustrated inFig. 11. After performing the regression analysis, the expression for 𝐾1 for SC beams with normal concrete is found to be: 0.7 ' 1 1.54 sv c a K f d          (7) Table 1 Calculation of K_1 for the tested SC beams IV. Implementation Models to SCS The implementation of the proposed models into OpenSees framework is shown in Fig. 12. The CSMM modelwas implemented by Mo et al. (2008). The model includes two uniaxial material classes, ConcreteZ01 and SteelZ01, and one NDMaterial class, RCPlaneStress. The ND material is related with SteelZ01, ConcreteZ01 to determine the tangent material constitutive matrix and to calculate the stress of the quadrilateral element that is used for modeling of concrete and cross ties. Test ( )   max 1 0.8 sv yv V a K f jdb z a    Calculate Plot vs.' 1 v cK f a d maxV 0.7 ' 1 1.54 v c a K f d          Specimen b (mm) t (mm) a/d  sv (%) f yv (MPa) f' c (Mpa) jd (mm) V max (kN) K 1 (MPa) SC1 North 305 4.763 2.5 0.102 413 56 402 121.71 0.584 SC1 South 305 4.763 2.5 0.102 413 56 402 116.37 0.543 SC3 North 305 4.763 2.5 0.137 413 40 402 155.35 0.722 SC3 South 305 4.763 2.5 0.137 413 40 402 143.45 0.632 SC4 North 305 4.763 2.5 0.164 413 51 402 190.04 0.896 SC4 South 305 4.763 2.5 0.205 413 51 402 235.69 1.105 SC5 South 305 4.763 1.5 0.137 413 55 402 248.77 1.241 SC5 North 305 4.763 1.5 0.164 413 55 402 287.99 1.419 SC6 305 4.763 5.2 0.137 413 55 402 127.58 0.604
  • 9. C. H. Luu et al. Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications www.ijera.com ISSN: 2248-9622, Vol. 6, Issue 1, (Part - 5) January 2016, pp.13-25 www.ijera.com 21|P a g e ModelBuilder Load PatternElement Node Constraint Material NDMaterial UniaxialMaterial Quadrilateral Element RCPlaneStress SteelZ01 ConcreteZ01 For Concrete & Cross Ties BondSlipSteel (Hysteretic) Nonlinear Fiber Truss Element For Steel Plates Analysis RecorderDomain Fig. 12Implementation of the proposed models in OpenSees Additionally, a new uniaxial material class, so-called BondSlipSteelK01, which is based on the proposed bondslip-based steel model, is implemented for modeling of steel plates, as shown in Fig. 12. The new material class is developed by modifying the envelope curve of Hysteretic material class available in OpenSees. For each trial displacement increment in the analysis procedure, BondSlipSteel will receive the strain from the nonlinear fiber truss element, determine the tangent material matrix and calculate the stress of the element based on the stress-strain curve of the proposed bondslip-based steel model (Fig. 8). The tangent material matrix is used to formulate the element stiffness matrix, and the stress is used to compute the force resistance of the truss element. V. Finite Element Simulation Finite element analyses were conducted on the tested SC beams. The finite element mesh and the boundary condition of each beam are shown in Fig. 13. The top and bottom flanges of the beam, which included steel plates, were modeled using total 44 2-node nonlinear truss elements with fiber section. Because the truss element only resisted tensile and compressive forces, the mesh of 2x2 for fiber section was sufficient to capture the structural response of the steel plates. The web of the beam, which was comprised of concrete and cross ties, was simulated using total 22 4-node quadrilateral elements. RCPlaneStress and BondSlipSteel materials were assigned to the quadrilateral and truss elements, respectively. The applied load was applied to one or two nodes in the top flange of the beam. The location of the applied load depends on the configuration of the test setup of each specimen.
  • 10. C. H. Luu et al. Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications www.ijera.com ISSN: 2248-9622, Vol. 6, Issue 1, (Part - 5) January 2016, pp.13-25 www.ijera.com 22|P a g e Fiber truss element Quadrilateral RCPlaneStress elementP y x 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 DL = 0.5d a = shear span a d A A 43 44 45 46 d ts ts Cross section of fiber truss element Quadrilateral RCPlaneStress element b Cross Section A-A Cross section of fiber truss element Top Node Bottom Node Fig. 13Finite element meshof SC beams The analyses were performed monotonically by displacement control schemes. The vertical loads were applied by the predetermined displacement control on the vertical displacement of the referenced node located under the load. The common displacement increment used in the analyses was 0.5 mm. Convergence was obtained quite smoothly during the monotonic analyses. The modified Newton-Raphson method was used as the solution algorithm. The nodal displacement and corresponding vertical forces were recorded at each converged displacement step, and the stress and strain of the elements were also monitored. VI. Validation of Proposed Models for SC beams The experimental shear force-deflection relationship of each of the four SC beams s illustrated by the dashed curve, as shown in Fig. 14. For each of Specimens SC3 and SC6, only one curve is plotted because both North and South ends of the specimen were tested simultaneously by symmetrically applied loading system. The dashed curves are compared to the solid curves, representing the analytical results. It can be seen from the figure that good agreement is obtained for the initial stiffness, the peak strength, the ductilityand the descending branch.As mentioned before, all the tested SC beams have bond-slip failure mode due to the insufficiency of bond stress between concrete and steel plates. It is observed from the analyses that all descending parts of the analytical shear force-displacement curves wereobtained when the stress-strain behavior of the bottom truss element reaches the descending region in the stress-strain curve of the proposed material model; therefore, the finite element model is able to capturethe failure modes of the test specimens.
  • 11. C. H. Luu et al. Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications www.ijera.com ISSN: 2248-9622, Vol. 6, Issue 1, (Part - 5) January 2016, pp.13-25 www.ijera.com 23|P a g e Deflection (mm) ShearForce(kN) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 Test Analysis Deflection (mm) ShearForce(kN) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 Test Analysis SC3 SC4 North Deflection (mm) ShearForce(kN) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 Test Analysis Deflection (mm) ShearForce(kN) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 Test Analysis SC4 South SC5 South Deflection (mm) ShearForce(kN) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 Test Analysis Deflection (mm) ShearForce(kN) 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 Test Analysis SC5North SC6 Fig. 14Simulated and experimental shear force-deflection curves of each specimen Table 2 provides the comparison of the analytical and experimental results regarding the shear strength of the SC beams tested in this work. In general, all the predicted and experimental values match quite well.
  • 12. C. H. Luu et al. Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications www.ijera.com ISSN: 2248-9622, Vol. 6, Issue 1, (Part - 5) January 2016, pp.13-25 www.ijera.com 24|P a g e The mean of the test-to-analysis shear strength ratio is 1.01with a coefficient of variation (COV) of 0.06, which is well within the acceptable limit in structural engineering. Table 2 Experimental Verification VII. Conclusions In the paper a new analytical model was developed to predict the structural behavior of SC beams subjected to shear.In this study, the investigated SC beams showed complex structural behavior, which was a combination of shear behavior of concrete web with cross ties and flexural bond-slip behavior of steel plates. The CSMM model, which had been developed for simulation of shear behavior for RC structure was utilized to capture the shear behavior of concrete web with cross ties. Additionally, a new constitutive model was proposed to account for the bond-slip behavior of steel plates. The proposed model was successfully implemented into a finite element analysis program SCS based on the framework of OpenSees. The developed program was capable of accurately predicting the shear force-displacement curves of all four tested SC beams. The finite element simulation developed in this paper provides researchers and engineers with a powerful tool to perform analysis and design SC structures. VIII. Acknowledgement The research described in this paper is financially supported by U.S. Department of Energy NEUP program (Project No. CFP-13-5282),the Chinese National Natural Science Foundation (Grant No.: 51308155) and Tsinghua University, China. The opinions expressed in this study are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the sponsors. References [1.] AASHTO. (2010). LRFD Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges (5th Ed.): American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials Washington, DC [2.] ACI Committee 318 (2011), “Building code requirements for structural concrete (ACI 318-11) and commentary”. Farmington Hills, MI: American Concrete Institute. [3.] ACI Committee 349 (2006), “Code Requirements for Nuclear Safety-related Concrete structures: (ACI 349-06) and Commentary”. Farmington Hills, Michigan: American Concrete Institute. [4.] Bowerman H. and ChapmanJ. C. (2000), "Bi-Steel steel-concrete-steel sandwich construction", Composite Construction in Steel and Concrete IV, American Society of Civil Engineers. Banff, Alberta, Canada [5.] Bowerman H., CoyleN. and ChapmanJ. (2002), “An innovative steel/concrete construction system.”Structural Engineer, 80(20), 33-38. [6.] Braverman J., MoranteR. and HofmayerC. (1997), "Assessment of modular construction for safety-related structures at advanced nuclear power plants (NUREG/CR-6486, BNL-NUREG-52520)": Brookhaven national laboratory. [7.] Cook R. D., MalkusD. S., PleshaM. E.and WittR. J. (2002). Concepts and applications of finite element analysis. New York: Wiley & Sons. [8.] Coyle N. R. (2001), “Development of fully composite steel-concrete-steel beam elements”, Ph. D.Dissertation. Dundee, University of Dundee. [9.] Foundoukos N. (2005), “Behaviour and design of steel-concrete-steel sandwich construction”, Ph. D.Dissertation. London, University of London, Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine. [10.] Hsu T. T. C. and Mo Y. L. (2010). Unified theory of concrete structures: John Wiley & Sons. [11.] Kani G. N. J. (1964), “The riddle of shear failure and its solution.”Journal American Concrete Institute, 61(4), 441-467. [12.] Kim C. H., LeeH. W., LeeJ. B. and NohS. H. (2007), "A study of fabrications of Steel Specimen V max, test (kN) V max, analysis (kN) V max, test V max, analysis SC3 155.4 138.2 1.12 SC4 North 190.0 199.9 0.95 SC4 South 235.7 229.9 1.03 SC5 South 248.8 259.1 0.96 SC5 North 288.0 282.7 1.02 SC6 127.6 130.3 0.98 AVG 1.01 COV 0.06
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