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Letter Writing - A Line D
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Free Printable Lined Paper For Letter Writing - A Line D Free Printable Lined Paper For Letter Writing - A Line D
Short Term Memory Analysis
One of the most important models that exists in education is how the brain learns and stores
information. Knowing this information allows teachers to plan successful lessons for students to learn.
Dr. David A. Sousa explains these two processes through a model with different visuals to represent
how the short term and long term memory store information. The brain learns through the senses, and
in order, most people learn best through sight, then hearing, then touching. Short term memory is what
we consider to be temporary, and it has a short span of time where it can adequately remember
information. The short term memory can also be interrupted in the case of a distraction in the
classroom. The two separate parts in short term memory are immediate ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
The clipboard represents that we can either decide to keep the information, or easily extract it from the
clipboard and get rid of it. Then if we decide the information is important, it continues on to the
working memory. This is where we mess with the information we carry over from the immediate
memory in order to hopefully store it later. The information that makes it here is then further broken
down through two questions referring to if the information makes sense and if it has meaning. In order
for a person to store information in their long term memory, it must make sense and connect with
previous knowledge and/or have some sort of future use or connection to the learner. The working
memory is a work table because that is where we filter through, pull apart, and work with the
information we have gained to see what is worth keeping. We lastly go to the long term storage which
is represented with filing cabinets as to file it away. This information is information we see as useful
or makes an emotional connection. This is an important and useful model because it helps teachers to
understand the processes of memory in order to teach new information, and how to plan lessons
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An Essential Component Of Innate Immunity
Macrophages form an essential component of innate immunity. Activation of macrophages releases an
array of mediators that regulate all aspect of host defense, inflammation and homeostasis [1]. In
unremitting inflammatory conditions like rheumatoid arthritis, persistent antigen stimulation resulted
in macrophage dysfunction which leads to inflamed synovial membrane and joint destruction [2]. The
presence of macrophages at the site of inflammation can be further evident by elevated levels of
macrophage derived inflammatory cytokines and mediators such as TNF α, IL 1β, IL 6 and COX 2 [3,
4]. Therefore, inhibition of these inflammatory mediators can helps in ameliorating inflammatory
Conventional treatment options for the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Although these studies have shown anti inflammatory activity of Picrorhiza kurroa; hitherto, the anti
inflammatory pathway has remained enigmatic. Based on above facts, we undertook the present study
to investigate (a) whether PKRE inhibited carrageenan induced paw edema and cotton pellet
implantation induced granuloma formation and if so (b) what are its effects on macrophage derived
pro inflammatory mediators in serum and (c) to derive plausible anti inflammatory mechanism by
evaluating effect of PKRE on activated peritoneal macrophages.
The HPLC analysis of PKRE has been carried out to determine the concentration of marker
phytoconstituents, Picroside I and Picroside II. Figure 1 represents the HPLC chromatograms of the
PKRE. PKRE found to contain Picroside I: 3.30%w/w Picroside II: 4.90%w/w of dry extract.
Figure 2 depicts the effect of PKRE on carrageenan induced paw edema. Sub plantar administration of
carrageenan resulted in time dependent increase in paw edema in all tested groups. Treatment with
PKRE (100 and 200mg/kg) and indomethacin exhibited significant reduction in paw edema in
comparison to control. However, PKRE (100 and 200 mg/kg) were found to be statistically (P 0.01)
significant at all observation period (1, 3 and 5hr).
To investigate whether PKRE inhibited chronic granulomatous inflammatory condition, sterile cotton
pellet were subcutaneously implanted under the
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A Documentary On Tattoos And How They Affect Human...
I conducted a survey and three interviews to create a documentary on tattoos and how they affect
human relationships and interactions. This paper is an analysis of what it takes to make a
documentary. Documentary originates from the word document which means a film or article that
records factual information. Documentary means to present facts objectively without editing and
adding fictional information (Stott 6). Some of the first documents are from Benjamin Glassberg in
1938 and Saunders Redding 1951 before the word documentary was even created (Stott 6). At first, a
documentary was known as a human document because it had emotional ties to the information
though it was factual information (Stott 7). Emotion itself is completely subjective because not every
person in the world will have the same emotion to the same event. Thus giving birth to two different
kinds of documentaries official and human. In 1938, photography was introduced into the world of
documentaries by providing photographic proof of factual information. This brought about a bigger
war between objective and subjective documentaries because along with photos came more emotion
(Stott 11). How could an author of an official documentary choose photos without any bias? All this
information made me want to challenge myself and make an objective documentary on tattoos. I
personally have tattoos and plan on obtaining more so the challenge here is to take information
attained and record it without any of my own
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Essay on Castle of Otranto Preface Analysis
Horace Walpole (1717 1797) invented the Gothic novel in his attempt to blend wildness and
imagination of the old romance, in his own words an attempt to blend the two kinds of romance, the
ancient and the modern in one step altogether, the Castle of Otranto. A novel he claimed to have
written immediately after being inspired by a dream, I waked one morning...from a dream, of which
all I could recover was, that I had thought myself in an ancient castle...I saw a gigantic hand in
armour. In the evening I sat down and began to write (Letter, 9th march 1765). On the other hand
many would more quickly agree that the writing of this novel was a mere `specialized development of
his taste as a virtuoso and collector (Holt et al. 230). All ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Authenticity was primary because for many years fiction was distrusted. Why would one read a book
that was not true? True stories were more compelling and exciting because they were actual events.
Thus it s a common pose for author, including Walpole, to claim that the storey was true. To do this
Walpole fussed over the date of composition, it was printed ... in the year 1529 (15), the probable
author from the Original Italian of Onuphrio Muralto (title page), that the author s style is purest
Italian (15) and so forth to create the impression that readers were holding a genuine translation of a
genuine document.
The `translator then enforced authority by supplying his own ethos (character and hence credibility)
by way of revealing the characteristics of a careful scholar. He named the place of publication, it was
printed in Naples (15) and noted that the novel was printed in black letter (15) as details that made him
sound like a scholar. The uses of details were indicators of carefulness and factuality. General and
vague accounts were usually deemed unreliable, while specific ones were judged to be more credible
and accurate. Thus, the detailed preface provided both an air of authenticity and a sense of authority
for the supposed translator to the claim for the text.
The eighteenth century readers were told by the first edition that the book was printed in 1529, while
inner evidence in the story might put the writing between
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Politeness Theory and Its Application in Arabic
Introduction People have different ways to express politeness and they usually use a range of different
linguistic expressions to do so, depending on the relationship with the addressee. This research will
explain Browns and Levinson s politeness theory and will recognize how universal this theory is and
weather it can be applied on Japanese language taking into account the difference in cultures. Brown
and Levinson s theory of Politeness and how it applies in Arabic: Brown and Levinson`s theory is
mainly based on three principle notions: face, face threatening act (FTA), and politeness strategies
(Bowe amp; Martin 2009, p. 27). Brown and Levinson s concept of face was derived from Goffman
(1972 p.5): The term face may be defined as ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The seriousness of the (FTA) can be evaluated or measured through these three factors: (Holmes 2006,
p. 687). That means people tend to avoid any arguments, try to respect other s thoughts, and maintain
a pleasant relationship with other people by implementing politeness strategies in the conversations.
This can happen for example by softening a request to match the addresser and the addressees needs
can save the positive or the negative face of both interactants as face can be lost, preserved, or
enhanced and that can be monitored in the conversation (Bowe amp; Martin, 2007, p. 28) Japanese
politeness: Japanese people are mainly shy and they are also private, for the Japanese society privacy
is very important and it is considered as one of the main feature for their society, we can see that from
the designs of the windows in the houses so no one can look at them, also asking plenty question is
considered rude in the society.(Coulmas, 2005) Parents in the Japanese society do not talk or practice
their passion and love in front of their children and the adults do not talk and they do not like to be
asked about their private life. Japanese people tend not to socialised with strangers if they did not have
to. It is also used to show social closeness or matching in power It is a quite society in general.
(Coulmas, 2005) The honorific system in Japan is considered very broad, it includes
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The Effects Of Assimilation On Aboriginal People
The Effects Of Assimilation on Aboriginal Peoples Thesis Statement Leanne Simpson s i am graffiti
emphasizes the effects of the attempted assimilation of the indigenous community, not only in Canada
but around the world, and how the consequences of assimilation continue to haunt the community to
this day. Works Cited Tunstall, Lee. Discrimination against Aboriginal People: An Overview.
Canadian Points of View: Discrimination against Aboriginal People, Jan. 2017, p. 1. EBSCOhost,
search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true db=p3h AN=28674890 lang=en ca site=pov can.
Accessed Lee Tunstall provides insight regarding discrimination against Aboriginal people in Canada.
The article recaps the history and hardships between European and Aboriginal groups, while
discussing the beliefs of each of the groups. Additionally, Lee Tunstall reminds the reader of the harsh
reality of the deculturalization, ranging from the development of residential schools, the banning of
many important gatherings and cultural bans. Tunstall also mentions the continued discrimination of
Aboriginal peoples today and how Canada still needs to continue to improve and rebuild the ties with
Aboriginal people. The article also discus the rapid population growth of the many different
Aboriginal populations and how they contribute to the modern day twenty first century. Despite the
fact that Lee Tunstall is not an aboriginal woman, she still continues to be a credible source, for she is
apart of
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Comparing The TV Show Gossip Girl
The show gossip girl has been called the best teen drama ever made. However, there are many people
who say that they don t understand why gossip girl went on for as long as it did. That being said it is
based on the novels gossip girl. Which is based on an Elite privet school on the upper east side of
Manhattan whose students are less than citizens of the year. The show gossip girl is about a
mysterious blogger who exposes the main characters any time they have a secret. In the show the
blogger is called gossip girl and she runs everything if gossip girl doesn t write about you then are you
even alive. However, gossip girl has a few favorite victims, those being the main characters such as
Serena van der Woodsen, Blair Waldorf, Chuck Bass, Nathaniel Archibald, and Dan and Jenny
Humphrey. All of the main characters are children of the elite and live on the upper east side except
for Dan ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In the books we see a somewhat lazy character development. In the books the characters are two
dimensional at best. They have no feelings no layers and the characters are just rich high school
students who blow their parents money on clothes, parties and drugs. Serena van der woodsen in the
books is the tall hot blonde that every girl wants to be and every guy wants to be with and best friend
to Blair waldorf. In the show she s all those things but she also has her own coming of age story that
we see play out in the show such as the time she comes back to the upper east side from boarding
school because her younger brother tried to kill himself because he s gay and their parents wouldn t
accept him. Then there was the time she admits to killing a man. In another instance where Serena
runs away and gets engaged. This made the show so much better than the book because in the book
she comes back to the upper east side because she gets kicked out of boarding school for doing
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Australian Court System Research Paper
Is our NSW court system effective? It is if you have money. Is it something that we can just adhere to
with out ever allowing it to adapt and evolve to meet societies needs? Absolutely not. Just like
humanity, the NSW court system contains protruding faults that are made apparent with further
scrutiny. The court system is something that requires our constant attention and support to improve
and advance. In order for the court system to attain eligibility it relies heavily on 4 fundamental
components; affordability, simplicity, fairness and accessibility. For countless Australians our legal
system is lacking on all these fronts. Based on the 2012 survey conducted by the New South Whales
Law and Justice Foundation, it showed that around 1.7 million Australians can expect to encounter a
legal problem each year and 490,000 of those people will not receive legal advice due to financial
reasons or lack of knowledge. The prices for legal services have increase by 49% in the last 6 years
alone. This dramatic inflation of costs within the justice system leads to increased difficulty within
society to be able to afford anything but the most basic of legal representation. When people who can t
afford a lawyer turn to government funded legal assistance, they find that due to chronic funding
shortages, ongoing help is often restricted to those on only the lowest incomes and even further, is
only for a narrow collection of family and criminal legal ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
However, under further analysis, it becomes apparent that the verdict acts more as a deterrent rather
than an upstanding legal configuration. The legal system, for the average person in New South Wales,
is only a figure of authority that deters the individuals from breaking the law, which some may say is
what it is there to do. Conversely, we need it to do more than that, we need it to properly meet our
requests when we are involved in legal
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Essay about A Greater Intelligence Revealed in Dwellings
A Greater Intelligence Revealed in Dwellings
Linda Hogan writes in her preface to Dwellings that there is a terrestrial intelligence that lies beyond
our human knowing and grasping. This is the main point that is constantly reiterated throughout the
book, and this is the point that makes the book so important.
The trouble with the earth today is that humans have become too smart; so smart that they question
everything they once took for granted, and being unable to explain it, discount it as unreal. Science,
the very thing that has catapulted us into our present state of greatness, is also the human evil that has
isolated us from everything we ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Consider even our connotations with the word environment. Today, the word means nature, the wild,
the earth, our failing ecosystem. Is this really our environment? We are so removed from it that most
people cannot stand to be in it, except to view its anomalies like those at Yellowstone from isolation
tank like recreational vehicles.
Hogan takes things that happen in the human sphere and turns them inside out, showing us the
sociological innards that expose the enormous distance between what we know and what we think we
know. Her example of chimpanzees shows us something scientists have been trying to hide. In
teaching them sign language, we realize they have feelings, opinions, and know what s going on
around them. They aren t just like ignorant babies with an instinct to eat and mate. People frequently
make exceptions for their dogs. They believe their dogs understand what they tell them, that their dogs
care what kind of dog food they get, that they feel jealousy when the cat gets attention. Imagine if
people felt this kind of empathy and respect to every species on the planet. Hogan deliberately picks
out animals that are displeasing to most people, bats, snakes, wolves, maggots, ants, and writes about
them as living, loving animals just like the rest of us. They are aware of the process that we have long
I was thinking about birds the other day. There were several of them feeding at my bird
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Seismic Analysis Papers
1. Seismic imaging might make an instrument flying that bounces unfeeling waves off underground
rock structures ought further bolstering uncover possible hash oil In addition general gas bearing
formations. Seismologists use ultrasensitive units known as geophones if record the relentless waves
Also Concerning illustration they resonation inside the reality. To mulling In those echoes, petroleum
geologists attempt to learn those profundity Furthermore structures for secure geologic formations.
This analyzation could support them identify oil Furthermore gas bearing reservoirs stowed far
underneath the earth s surface. Seismic portraits need wound dependent upon extra correct for the
change from claiming All the more perplexing pace ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
A correct seismic picture What s more sub surface model Might assurance major subsidies All around
each period from guaranteeing operation.
2. SANS require joined forces to business pioneers if get ready security masters In addition control
skeleton specific designers for the cyber security abilities they need with the secure national
fundamental scheme. SCADA Security Essentials provides a foundational set about in stroke aptitudes
What s more data to up to date cyber security masters. The compass will a chance to be arranged to
surety that the individuals workforce incorporated completed supporting and ensuring present day
control frameworks might a chance to be ready if stay with the individuals operational world safe,
secure, and versant against present In addition climbing advanced dangers. Same the long haul we d
instead not must face the individuals To our segregating infrastructures could carefully make
compromised, there might a chance to be incredible news. Perception as a relatable purpose SCADA
skeleton dangers likewise vulnerabilities tolerance us once make a clear, noteworthy structure to
overcoming these security issues. Gigantic numbers once not those more stupendous Some piece
SCADA frameworks need support right currently exposed ought further bolstering cyber attacks due
to the following:.
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A Different History and Where I Come from Essay
Elizabeth Brewster and Sujata Bhatt both suggest the significance of place in helping to shape a
person s identity in their poems but they do it in different ways.
Brewster suggests that places change our identity when she writes People are made of places . This
shows that every different place we visit we take the memories and experiences that we had there and
keep them in our minds and hearts forever. Whereas Bhatt suggests that when we go to a new place we
forget who we previously were and change ourselves so that we fit in with the new culture that we are
living in. We know this from when she says And how does it happen/ that after the torture . This
shows the struggle to keep your cultural heritage when you move places.
In A ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In Where I Come From Brewster uses the metaphor ice and the breaking of ice . This is to show that
even though you are in a different place than you are used to you are ready to break the ice when
meeting new people and having new experiences. Bhatt suggests that you bring the conventions to the
country you move to from your old country and then you add to them from the things you learn in the
new culture that you are living in. We know this because she says Great Pan is not dead . This also
shows that your cultural heritage will never die as it will always be a part of you whether it s obvious
or not.
Elizabeth Brewster suggests that places change our identities when she says nature tidily plotted in
little squares . This gives us the impression that everyone in the city is the same and they are all neat
and tidy busybodies. This differs from what Bhatt suggests when she says Here, the gods roam freely,
/ disguised as snakes or monkeys . This shows that in India you can be whoever or whatever you want
without being judged by anyone and you can be unique.
However A Different History is similar to what Brewster is suggesting as Bhatt writes every tree is
sacred . This shows that everything and everyone is equal and has the same rights as each other.
Brewster shows that in her homeland everything is different because there are, battered
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Substance Abuse In Juveniles
The Effect of Substance Abuse in JuvenilesJuvenile substance abuse has a tremendous and far
reaching impact on society. Diagnosing and treating juvenile substance abuse can be inhibited by the
juveniles recantation of events that impact abuse; cultural disparities and peer support network are
also relevant and affect the juveniles disclosure of substance abuse. Therefore, in depth research is
imperative to obtain proper assessment tools in order to properly treat this population; human service
professionals require understanding of cultural, gender and socioeconomic differences when assisting
this population. UNDERSTANDING SUBSTANCE ABUSE CRITERIAAccording to the Diagnostic
and Statistical Manual V(American Psychiatric Association, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
Elkins (2016) suggests professionals ought to become cognizant of signs and symptoms of substance
abuse. In addition, Elkins (2016) suggests professionals should become aware of available resources
and treatment options in order to properly treat adolescent drug abuse. Paino, Aletraris, and Roman
(2015) discuss the impact of evidence based practices when treating adolescents with substance abuse.
One must consider the need for treatment providers to have specialized treatment options for
adolescents ( Paino, Aletraris, and Roman 2015) Furthermore, Paino, Aletraris, and Roman (2015)
delves into medication assisted treatment providing medication to assist with cessation of drug use,
and how it s not utilized in adolescents due to age restraints. As noted by Paino, Aletraris, and Roman
(2015) treatment options for juveniles seeking to abstain from substance abuse is limited and needs
more research.
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Jewish Living In Colonial America
Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free. (Brainy Quote, 2016).
The inspiring pome that graces the Statue of Liberty was written by a Jewish poet Emma Lazarus, a
decedent of the first Jews to arrive in the North American colonies in the 1650s. For centuries Jewish
people have lived in a great deal of places far from their ancestral home in the Middle East, always
searching for a home. Like a lot of religious minorities, Jews saw America as a special place where
they could be a part of creating something new and embraced the opportunity. Today there are around
6 million Jews living in the United States, but three centuries ago in colonial America there were only
around 300. The fate of these early American ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
There are a great deal of articles on how the Jewish population supported the Revolution, but the fact
is that they were divided, just like the people of the colonies at the time. Numerous Jews in Colonial
America struggled and gained rights that were unheard of in Europe. Jews had won the rights of
economic opportunity, to own land, to learn in secular schools and universities, and in some colonies
to vote and serve in legislative bodies. There was great fear of losing these rights they had achieved.
Numerous Jews saw the Revolution as an opportunity to gain even more rights under a new country.
Of the 2,500 Jews there a hundred that enlisted in the war and fought on the battlefields for
independence. Other Jewish families helped to finance the war. A good deal of American Jews were
merchants and did not like the treatment and taxation imposed on them by the Stamp
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Roaring 20 s Research Paper
Of all the time periods I could choose from, I would choose to be born into the roaring 20 s. The
roaring 20 s were a post world war era associated with an economic boom in the United States, and
that subsequent wealth led to a time when society changed in such a way as to correlate with the
massive changes occurring in the US. Even though this wealth couldn t last forever, as shown through
the Great Depression which began in 1929, the country itself underwent advances that forever
changed the course of its history. Teen girls began to rebel against what was considered proper society
by following new, up and coming fashion trends that showed more skin than their parents could
handle, causing a domino effect of rebellious children and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In 1920, after many long years of the suffragette movement, which included protests, imprisonment,
and even force feeding, women received the right to vote, the first of many times women brought
about change in order to better the lives of others. The 1920 s are simply credited as one of the most
exciting decades in our history. At the beginning of this decade, women were still wearing corsets, and
toward the end, women had changed their fashion in a way that would make their mothers shudder. I
would like to be a part of this time not only for the glitz and glamour it is often associated with, but
simply to witness all the change that occurred in this country during that short time. So many social
shifts occurred that got the ball rolling on how modern social society works. It is a decade that
transformed the American way, which was associated with hard work being necessary for survival and
the only way to achieve what you set your mind to. Considering the 1920 s are a post world war era,
America soon adopted an attitude of living in the moment and risking it all, which contributed to the
change of so many social mores. By going back to this time I can witness not only the changing of
society, but the changing of the whole world as they knew
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Personal Statement On Emotional Intelligence
Individual Leadership Assessment Paper This paper has 3 purposes. First, to assess my emotional
intelligence (EQ) and relate my EQ to my future nursing practice. Second, to compare the differences
between leadership styles. Last, to provide a definition of leadership and illustrate how the provided
definition of leadership will impact my future role as an advanced practice nurse practitioner (APNP).
The tools used to accomplish the goals of this paper are a web based EQ assessment tool and a review
of literature related to leadership and EQ.
Assessing Emotional Intelligence
In order to better understand the concept of emotional Intelligence (EQ), I completed a web bases
assessment tool that tested EQ in four categories: Self awareness, self management, social awareness,
and relationship management. According to the assessment tool(), I am most competent in the
category of social awareness and least competent in the category of relationship management.
According to Bradberry and Greaves (2009) social awareness relates to a person s ability to perceive
and understand the emotions of others. In the role of an APNP, I will be responsible for
communicating with patients during times of emotional distress. Through the use of social awareness,
I will be able to accurately assess when patients and their families are ready to discuss issues such as
withdrawing care. In my opinion, the application of social awareness during times of stress is
supported by the strategies of active
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The Exceptional Life Of Walt Disney
The Exceptional Life of Walter Elias Disney All of our dreams can come true, if we have the courage
to pursue them Walt Disney
Walter Elias Disney has made one of the greatest impacts in the entertainment industry and popular
culture around the world (Walter Elias Disney, 2015). From his most famous creation, Mickey Mouse,
to his invention of Disneyland, and to all his achievements made in the movie industry, Walt has
changed the world. Few individuals have had the ability to impact the world they way Walt Disney did
and still is doing today even though he is no longer alive (Walter Elias Disney, 2015).
Walt was born in Chicago, Illinois on December 5 of 1901. He was the son of Elias Disney and Flora
Call. Walt was raised near Marceline and in Kansas City, Missouri. Walt s childhood was anything but
exceptional. His father was very strict and administered corrective beatings daily to Walt and his
brother Roy (Walter Elias Disney, 2015). He found his escape from his father through writing. When
he wrote, he felt happy and in control. Walter felt as if anything could be made possible. When he
turned sixteen, Walt took the opportunity to leave his father by joining the Red Cross Ambulance
Corps and went to France (Walter Elias Disney, 2015).
Once Disney returned, he moved to Kansas City, Missouri. Once there, he started working for an ad
company. It was there that Disney decided that making his drawings come to life was the job he
wanted to do for the rest of his
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Air New Zealand ( Air Nz ) Limited Essay
Air New Zealand (Air NZ) Limited is a brand of New Zealand in air service industry with around 75
per cent owned by New Zealand Government (NZX, 2016). Air NZ provides air passenger and cargo
transport service both domestic and international, beside that it also provides consulting services that
consist of airline management services (Yahoo finance, 2016).
This report will present Air NZ s information includes: capital structure through data that were
collected which are appendix and figures from NZX, Yahoo finance, and Air New Zealand annual
report; firm s policies, and justification by applying theories relevant.
Capital Structure of Air New Zealand
A capital structure to determine how the company s debt and equity ratio, it is the overall operations
and growth of the company. By analyze the data of debt and equity ratio we can simply understand
what is the position of the company. Company s debt is usually a long term debt to pay and bonds,
leasing and borrowing are the main long term debt payable for Air New Zealand. In the other hand,
company s equity is mainly the common stock, preferred stock or retained earnings. We will also need
to consider the short term debt of the company (RossS., 2013)
It is important for a company to decide between debt and equity because it can maximize the firm
value and beneficial to the firm s stockholders too. As per the Appendix 1, Air New Zealand used to
have a higher equity than debt from 2011 to 2014 but the ratio has a
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The Integrated Circuit Using LM35 Temperature Sensor...
The control and monitor of accurate and reliable measurement of temperature is necessary in various
fields such as industrial , environmental, agriculture , food, biotechnology and clinical sectors etc.
furthermore, research labs, clean rooms, and nuclear reactors are the environments which require
continuous temperature monitoring a due to their highly dependence on temperature levels. The role
of sensors and the errors which may affect the measurement of temperature are critical for temperature
measuring devices. The sensor choice may play a large role in on the cost effectiveness of the system.
Every temperature measurement application is according to their different requirements and the effect
of noise on the resolution ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
They can be used to detect liquid, gases or solids over a wide range of temperatures.
Non contact temperature sensor:
Convection and radiation is used in these types of temperature sensors to monitor change in
temperature. They can be used to detect gases and liquids that emit radiant energy as heat rises and
cold settles to the bottom in convection currents or detect radiant energy being transmitted from an
object in the form of infrared radiation.
Two basic types of contact or non contact temperature sensors can be divided into following groups of
sensors i.e. electromechanical, resistive and electronic.
It is contact type electro mechanical temperature sensor or switch which basically consists of two
different metals such as nickel copper ,tungsten or aluminium etc., that are bonded together through
riveting, brazing or welding to form a Bi metallic strip. The different linear expansion rates of two
different metals produce a mechanical bending moment when strip is subjected to heat. It shows
bending moment in opposite direction when subjected to cold environment. The metal with large
coefficient of expansion is at the outer side of the curve formed during heating and vice versa.
The bi metallic strip can be used as an electrical switch or a
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Happellate Court Cases
One aspect of the American judicial process about which consensus exists is that every loser in a trial
at court has the right to appeal to a higher court. But, sometimes the appeal process is misunderstood.
In the U.S. an appeal is not a retrial of the case, nor its ordinarily a reexamination of true issues
concluded by a trial court. The U.S. appellate courts does not hear a new testimony and does not
consider new evidence, they mainly focus on how the decision was made in the trial court record.
Their mainly goal is primarily to review the issue of law presented in a case. An appellate court was
created in part because of the theory that it is better to have several heads when it comes to examining
legal questions. In effect, the decisions of a single judge matters of the law are forced to be reviewed
by a panel of judges who are taken away from the heat grown by the trial and are positioned to take a
more overview of the legal questions being raised. They control the functioning as multi member or
collegial bodies, with decisions made by a group of judges. In the courts, usually all the judges
participate in all cases in appellate courts the decisions are made up of using three judge panels, but in
important cases, all the judges may have to participate or referred to an en banc hearing. Finally, the
complexities of the review process, helps by asking why appellate courts exist and why dissatisfied
litigants are able to appeal. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
During the trial, a significant portion of decision making is spur of the moment. Luckily, judges make
fast decisions and sometimes mistakes occur, as recalling bodies, appellate courts supervise the work
of the lower courts, making sure that the law was correctly interpreted. But even though the error
correction functions of the appellate review it protests against capricious, mistaken legal decisions by
a trial court judge, or
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Analysis Of I Lean Over The Chasm Rail
I lean over the chasm rail. No one is here, so I shouldn t be seen. I am wearing a black T shirt, but I
haven t looked at my arms. I have decided I will just take a look. I move my arm so I can examine the
self inflicted wounds. God, I am so stupid. Why would I choose to stay here if I hate it so much? Why
am I still living if I hate myself? I run a hand over my scars, flinching at some points because the areas
are still tender. Then, I remember why I haven t just cut a vein, why I haven t just forfeited out of
Dauntless. Lex. The Amity transfer. I never thought I would be attracted to an Amity, because most
Amity annoy the living hell out of me, but there s something different about her; she s brave, but she
is also one of the kindest people I have ever met. She s from Amity, but she isn t annoying. Lex is
gorgeous, too. I remember how after the Choosing Ceremony, which was a few weeks ago, at
lunchtime, after all of the transfers changed from the colors of their previous factions changed into
black, I was sitting alone, as always, only this time, I wasn t sitting alone the entire half hour. Lex
came over, sat down, and we just talked for the remaining minutes. I pull a pocket knife out of of the
pocket in my jacket. What s so bad about cutting open some of these scars? God isn t real, because if
he were real, I m damn sure he d give me a sign, as a way of saying some crappy shit like, Hey kid,
don t cut or something. I laugh out of hysteria. I m a
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Analysis Of Popular Mechanics By Raymond Carver
In Popular Mechanics by Raymond Carver a man begins packing his things in a suitcase on a rainy
day. His spouse barges into the room and begins to berate him. She moves to the dresser and picks up
a picture of their baby and leaves the room. The man follows they begin fighting about who gets the
baby. As the women holds tightly to the baby, the man backs her into the kitchen and begins grabbing
the child. They both have a tight hold on the child now and are pulling backwards. The story
concludes and it is implied that they have killed the baby. This story s theme of the selfish and
aggressive nature of humans is prevalent throughout the text.
Carvers use of diction sets an eerie and depressing mood. The beginning of the story describes ...
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Creating a setting that is dark intensifies the mood of the story. Later in the story, the couple is
physically fighting over the baby: The baby was red faced and screaming (Carver). Having the vivid
image of a distressed baby makes the reader feel compassion for the child. The baby is stuck in the
middle of an argument between two adults and has no choice to leave. These examples of imagery
relate to the theme of selfishness and greed that can overpower a person.
Carver uses very few details in this story to make it more relatable to the reader. For instance, there are
no names given the the man, woman, or child in the story. The absence of this details lets the reader
put themselves in the shoes of the man, woman, or child while reading. There is an instance or
hesitation or uncertainty when the man leaves the bedroom: He fastened the suitcase, put on his coat,
looked around the bedroom before turning off the light (Carver). When the man looks back to the
room, his hesitation implies that he is unsure about what decision to make, but when he shuts off the
light, he is void of all feelings and has decided to fight. A similar situation happens to the woman in
this story: she wiped her eyes and stared at him before turning and going back to the living room
(Carver). When this woman looks at her spouse she is making sure that she wants to go through with
fighting, and when she looks away she is determined to win the fight. These few details make it clear
how selfish
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Corruption In Texas
Texas is an interesting state when it comes to party affiliation because of the size of the state itself. On
one hand, the state of Texas has 4 of the top 20 biggest cities in the United States including Houston,
San Antonio, Dallas, and Austin. With all of these large and mostly liberal cities, it is quite impressive
that Texas has held onto top Republican offices since 1994. According to Will (2016) in his article, A
changing Lone Star State could change the GOP, Texas is 84.7 percent urban, and, based on the
history of urban states, they usually lean towards the Democratic Party affiliation. However, according
to Sanhueza (2017) in his article Why is Texas So Red, And How Did It Get That Way?, with this
urbanization the Republican party ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This could be interpreted as proof that Texas may be changing to some extent, but I think the reason
Trump won by a smaller margin is because of his plans for the wall between Mexico and Texas and
the changing demographics.
Although Texas is a huge Republican state, I think the only issue that could cause Texas to transform
into a swing state is President Trump himself. Let s just start with President Trump s approval rating.
According to Svitek (2017) in his article Poll: Trump approval rating underwater in Texas, Trump s
approval rating in the Republican state of Texas is only 42 percent while disapproval is 54 percent.
Like I mentioned earlier, I believe this is due to the egregious things that come out of his mouth. The
problem that falls into Texas lap is the large population of of Hispanics combined with having Trump
as our President. According to Anderson (2016) in his article Lone Star Uprising, In 2010, for
example, half of all children under 5 years old were Hispanic, versus only 20 percent of people over
65 years old. This is going to provide some issues in the future for Texas because if Trump does build
the wall between Texas and Mexico and if Donald Trump keeps favoring strict immigration laws,
Texas might
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Essay about To Belong Not Necessarily to Identify
In our social life, each person has one s own roles and responsibilities, attitudes and values. Since
every individual is unique and distinct compared to one another, these elements that construct our
individuality are not always similar. Similarities and reflection of our values make us belong to a
group, but the differences are barriers that stop ourselves from being recognized as an indivisible part
of it. Belonging and identity are inseparable; nonetheless, there are distinctions that create a world of
difference between the two. Belonging is not only about to whom we incorporate ourselves the way
we perceive it, but also how others recognize our relationship with that group. ... Show more content
on Helpwriting.net ...
In the absolute core of one s consciousness, a person knows into which groups one belongs naturally.
However, one s conscience is able to judge matters, determine values and set goals. Since, our
thoughts and behaviour are governed, partly if not completely, by our own conscience, our approach
to matters that related to belonging is heavily influenced by our conscience. Therefore, when an
individual denies one s relationship with a particular tribe, an individual s behaviour will reflect to the
refusal to recognise the connection with that party. Hence, we can technically belong without having
an intimate connection. This is situation can be regarded as a surface belonging ; while others
recognise one s belonging, it is denied by oneself. An example of this case can be seen in a stage play
titled Bombshells by Joanna Murray Smith, in the monologue of Meryl Louise Davenport. Meryl
constantly endeavours to fulfil her responsibilities as a mother and valuable member of society.
However, her attempts to live up to these expectations force her to abandon herself. She does however,
keeps her responsibilities. She refuses to belong to a tribe of women who just throw themselves
together , despite her current state of being unable to take care of herself properly. On the surface, she
belongs to the good mothers , or so others perceive it. However,
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Critical Reasoning And Battle Analysis Of Fort Wagner
Critical Reasoning and Battle Analysis of Fort Wagner The purpose of this narrative is to detail the
battle of Fort Wagner during the Civil War. This focus explains the defeat of Union forces and how the
implementation of intelligence assets may have resulted in Union victory. The use of reconnaissance
and scout assets by Union forces would have resulted in the success of the Union Army at Fort
Wagner. Fort Wagner was a key stronghold for Confederate forces, securing the Charleston Harbor
and protecting passage to the Rebel birthplace and Confederate capital of Charleston, South Carolina.
Union regiments stormed the beaches of Morris Island on 10 July 1863 with the intention of assuming
control over Fort Wagner. The Confederate forces fortified the camp with artillery and mortars,
thwarting the Union Regiments advances. The use of intelligence assets would have revealed the
Confederate Army s disposition, allowing the Union Army to refine their attack strategy and conclude
with the success of the Union. The Battle of Fort Wagner Battle Overview The battle of Fort Wagner
took place in July of 1863 on Morris Island in Charleston, South Carolina. The battle commenced on
10 July 1863 and concluded on 18 July 1863 with the defeat of the Union Regiments. The Confederate
Forces were 1700 strong and were led by Generals P.G.T Beauregard and General William B.
Taliaferro. The Opposing Union Forces were 5000 strong and commanded by Generals Quincy
Gillmore, Truman Seymour, and
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Comparing Poems Migrant Hostel And 10 Mary Street
Belonging is shaped by the experiences he or she encounters with others, and within the two poems
Migrant Hostel and 10 Mary Street by Peter Skrzynecki, and the film Looking For Alibrandi directed
by Kate Woods, the characters personas are moulded by their endurances of alienation and barriers
from mainstream society due to their personal and cultural differences. Through the ostracising
journey to integration in the Australian society, Migrant Hostel depicts the alienation Skrzynecki, his
family and thousands of migrants faced. The poem itself depicts a powerful paradox, as the migrants
primary intention of moving being was to pursue their dreams for an untroubled life when in reality
the antithesis was endured. As well as this, the profound motif of a bird is reiterated in ... Show more
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The birds in numerous ways are alike to the migrants; remaining in large flocks and protecting each
other, but are different as the migrants remain inquisitive of their future of belonging in Australia. The
migrants are also imprisoned through the symbolism Behind a barrier at the main gate, sealed off the
highway , the highway symbolic of the society that they were yet to feel accustomed to. Their
enclosure behind the gate physically and metaphorically underpins the
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Martin Scorcese s Taxi Driver
The film Taxi Driver (1976) directed by Martin Scorcese tells the story of Travis Bickle (Robert
DeNiro), a Vietnam war veteran who takes a job as a night time taxi driver in New York City. Travis
views the city negatively, referring to it as an open sewer . This establishes his perspective that crime
is environmental; a by product of New York City itself. Taxi Driver is set in the 1970 s, a period which
saw the aftermath of the Vietnam War and New York City suffer from an economic recession,
considered one of the worst time periods in the history of the city due to the increased crime rates
(Bobbe, 2013). Taxi Driver is a direct commentary on these environmental conditions that can create
Shots in the Mirror by Nicole Rafter (2006) ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Prior to this, he writes a letter to his parents stating he works for the government and is in a
relationship with Betsy showing he is either trapped in fantasy or lying. His jealousy, as well as
removing a source of corruption on the city seems to be what drives this assassination attempt. Upon
being identified by guards, he flees. Recouping from his failed mission, he acts to rescue Iris, who he
feels cannot do it on her own. The resulting bloodbath sees her pimp, an enforcer and a john dead at
his hands. Travis, wounded, collapses on a couch due to a gunshot wound to the neck, with no bullets
left to fire. The police enter with guns drawn on Travis. He makes a hand gesture of a gun, points it at
his head and pretends to shoot. This action appears to be an attempt to mock the police, in his
detached state believing it can actually kill
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Having Effective Policies In Place Is Important When Dealing
Having effective policies in place is important when dealing with the management of a business in
order to set guidelines for the people involved in the business, so they how it works and what is
expected of them in order for the business to function effectively. If no policies are found within a
business, it will be in trouble when a problem arises and there is not a base or rules to follow. Also,
policies help explain what is important for the business and what it enforces and protects. For that
reason, I decided to implement some important policies in Escape Restaurant and Night Club in order
to provide a foundation for the business to be effective, safe, and profitable.
Ethical Computer Use
The Ethical Computer Use ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
For example, employees could copy customer s information from their names, phone numbers, and
credits card information and sale it to people interested or use it outside for their personal use and
could even lead to identity theft and negatively affect the company s reputation and image if the
customers feel that their personal information is not protected. By having this policy, the guidelines
regarding the intended use of customer s information, employees would be careful not to do other
things with the information. They would now that they should protect the information and anything
other than the intended use of the information stated in the policy would get them in trouble and they
would face the consequences.
Acceptable use policy
In order for employees to access Escape s email, information systems, and the internet, the will have
to agree to follow the acceptable use policy. If there was no acceptable use policy in place for escape,
employees would not have the guidelines for what is acceptable when accessing the business
computer systems and information, as result they can use the business information and computers to
unlawful or illegal actions which could negatively affect the business dramatically. Also, they could
steal the information and sale or give it to competitors or they could even get the business to get in
problems. In order to prevent
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My Core Values
My Core Values Core values are a person or an organization s fundamental beliefs, these principles
prescribe behavior along with helping people understand the difference between right and wrong,
values are what motivate you in life. They are what guide you along the path of fulfilment, so
essentially your values are the foundation of who you are (C.Worsley). These values are important to
have because they are what shape you, they make every person unique. Having a spirit of adventure,
perseverance, and having patience are only some of my core values. Knowing what you cherish is
very important and is something many people should revise. Being adventurous is how you start to
understand who you really are. Many people believe it is dangerous to travel, not worth it. But I
believe, the world is dangerous. There are shootings everyday but getting out there and risking it is
just living. Being adventurous shows you how others have to live, what so many people deal with
every day. Or what so many people get to see every day, the beautiful yet cruel world we live in. There
is a purpose for everything here, it is meant to be seen. We are not here to work everyday and then go
home to rest and do it all over again, we were made to make a difference and to understand the world.
Mountains were made to climb, oceans were made to be seen, and landmarks were too, in reality
nothing is more damaging to the adventurous spirit within a man than a secure future. The very basic
core of a
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Montetesquieu And Voltaire And The Enlightenment
As time continued through the European Scientific Revolution, a wide range of new thinkers and
philosophers emerged in society to bring change to the continent throughout the eighteenth century.
This development of new thinking was known as the Enlightenment. Philosophers of the time,
commonly known as philosophes, sought to bring new information and ideas to the people of Europe
and the world. Ultimately, these ideas pertained to all parts of society, including the government,
economic policies, and religion. The continuation of Enlightenment attitudes reinforced faith in the
ideas of change and progress through entertaining completely new forms of government, new theories
in economic policy that aided the European people, and secular ... Show more content on
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This meant that the government should not interfere with the business of the country, which
contradicted dictation of the government over economics, as in a mercantilistic system. Smith was
considered the Father of Capitalism and he entertained the idea that anyone should be able to profit
independently from business and that a government is unnecessary in regulating business.
Collectively, Smith s ideas about changing economic policy were very progressive and their relations
to the Enlightenment reinforced faith in the overall idea of progress. The Enlightenment brought the
emergence of deism, a new religious denomination. Desists believed that God was the creator of the
heavens and Earth but that he was not directly attached to the everyday events of human life. They
believed that he was not always present and watching over the people on Earth. This developed the
idea that mankind had direct power over their lives and the world around them, not God. This new
idea posed the expansion of the concept of relying on human importance and significance within the
world. This went hand in hand with the belief that humans could be responsible for earthy events and
accomplishments, and that these occurrences did not have to be connected to God. This so called
progress gave man more confidence in his own personal abilities and skills without having to rely on
God for everything, thus making it a very
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Is Your Yoga Practice A Vehicle For Mental Health And...
Is your yoga practice a vehicle for mental health and self actualization or are you content with just
doing the physical practice?
Yoga was originally intended to be a practice to facilitate self actualization, meaning to realize who
you are and being comfortable being you. More recently in the western yoga world, there has been a
separation between physical development and spiritual development. Social media has defined yoga as
cool physical postures. Yet, do not be fooled into believing that you will be self actualized by only
practicing asana. Asana is only one of the eight limbs, and a healthy body means nothing without a
healthy mind.
The definition of mental health according to the World Health Organization ( WHO ) is: ... Show more
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There are many benefits from doing the physical practice, including improved overall physical fitness,
stress relief, and a reduction in anxiety and depression. But how can your yoga practice be an
instrument for self actualization?
First of all, motivation is important. You have to want more. Without the desire to grow and learn, self
actualization will not occur. That motivation often comes from being in a place where nothing else is
working. A time when you have tried everything else, and still you do not feel fulfilled.
The Trifecta Approach
There is a combination that will help you on your path towards fulfillment through self actualization. I
call it the trifecta approach. Here are the three key methods that work together to facilitate mental
health and a life fully lived.
1. Yoga Practice: Find the right yoga teacher who supports your individual development beyond the
physical asana.
2. Meditate: Develop a solid sitting practice. This more subtle practice will strengthen your ability to
observe all mental activity.
3. Psychotherapy: Find a good therapist who will see you, hear you, support you, and guide you
through your own transformation, and who will encourage you to keep at it.
This may seem like a complex combination, but here is a case that demonstrates the trifecta s
approach in action.
Alex s Story1
Alex is a dedicated yoga practitioner. For over 10 years, she rolled out her mat
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Johannes Kepler Research Paper
Have you ever been the slightest bit curious about who discovered the three major laws of planetary
motion? Or what about the guy who discovered that the planets move around the Sun in orbits like
ellipses? Johannes Kepler, one of the greatest scientists of all history.
Johannes Kepler was born on December 27th 1571 in Weil der Stadt, Germany, he died on November
15th 1630 in Regensburg, Germany at age 58. Johannes Kepler came up with the 3 major laws of
planetary motion: One, the planets move in elliptical orbits with the sun at onfocus. Two, the time
necessary to traverse any are of planetary orbit is proportional to the area of the sector between the
central body and that are (the area law ). Three, there is an exact relationship between
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Doing The Right Thing By Chuck Colson
After watching the various videos for the Biblical world view assignment, I have found several
aspects that are very interesting to me. The first video Doing the Right Thing by Chuck Colson
grabbed my attention in several ways. First are the words of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr It is our moral
responsibly to resist unjust law (Doing the Right Thing Group Bible study by Charles Colson, Brit
Hume Trailer, 2012). I have always thought that just because something was a law did not make it
morally right. I firmly believe as the speakers in the Colson video pointed out that the government
should operate under moral law. Another thing that really stuck with me was Dr. Ravi s talk with an
Islamic leader he spoke about in his lecture in the How do you know Christianity is the one true world
view video. He said that the Islamic leader stated, It s time we in the Islamic world stopped asking if
Jesus died on the cross and started asking why he died on the cross (Ravi Zacharias International
Ministries, 2012). I find it wonderful and uplifting to know that God is working in the hearts and
minds of Muslims. To know what is right morally we as Christians should develop a Biblical
worldview. A biblical worldview is one that states that God exists, he created everything in the
universe and still watches over that universe now. The Bible is absolute moral truth and Jesus lived a
perfect sinless life. He died on the cross for mankind s sins and the gift of salvation cannot be
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The Role Of Iago In Othello
But I will wear my heart upon my sleeve/ For daws to peck at: I am not what I am (Shakespeare,
Othello). Shakespeare has portrayed Iago in the play of Othello as a cruel character who intends to
destroy any person who believes has wronged him. Iago is a manipulative character showing hatred
especially to his superior. In the play, Iago is the destructive personage yet not all characters have
known about his plots, he has been the reason of the demolition of Othello whom thinks himself to be
an outsider to Venice. Iago has been playing in a way or another the role of the Devil in the play.
Iago is persistent by having a desire to cause pain to everybody. That is clear from the beginning of the
play where he has first shown hostility ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
He has manipulated and controlled them in association with jealousy. In other words, he is responsible
for the deaths and misery of the characters. He is known to be an honest and trustful man for many
characters. Because of this impression, people around him have believed him and have seen in him the
one to guide them to the appropriate solution. But they were all mistaken. Othello has believed Iago
and has never comprehended his malicious intentions. He sees him as a relief to his breakdown. In
reality, Iago finds pleasure in seeing everybody facing despair and pain. Having a great status in
Venice, Othello feels strange and have doubts about his identity due to the differences in race and
religion revealed by Iago. He is the Devil of the play. He portrays the worst of people s behaviors. His
enjoyment in making people down makes him responsible of the
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Power of Choice in Anthony Burgess A Clockwork Orange Essay
The choice between good and evil is a decision every man must make
throughout his life in order to guide his actions and control his future.
This element of choice, no matter what the outcome, displays man s power as
an individual. Any efforts to control or influence this choice between
good and evil will in turn govern man s free will and enslave him. In the
novel A Clockwork Orange, the author uses symbolism through imagery, the
characterization of Alex, and the first person narrative point of view to
prove that without the ability to choose between good and evil, Man becomes
a slave.
The symbolism ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
. . in very horrorshow
groodies (22). This proves that he feels he must display his power through
his abuse of choice. His love for violence symbolises his abuse of power
as an evil trait, but his love for music symbolises his human side. In the
end of the story Alex decides that he is ready to become a man. During
this rapid evolution from adolescence to manhood, Alex chooses a wife, a
family, a life, and in essence he chooses good for the first time in the
story. There was your humble narrator . . . I knew what was happening, O
my brothers. I was growing up (147). Alex realizes that he may choose
good and still maintain a strong element of choice. He becomes stronger
because he now has a broader selection to choose from. He sees that the
abuse of the ability of choice is not what makes Man powerful. It is
instead, the realization that the choice between good and evil, no matter
what decision, is the power within Man.
Using the characterization of Alex, it effectively illustrates how
the element of choice is linked to the power within man. The author uses
violence to represent the abuse of power when the right
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The Effects Of Soccer On The World s Most Common Sport
A total of 2738 injuries during 6010 matches were registered. This statement was made by a soccer
program stating how many injuries occurs threw out the 6010 players have been injured, which is
Soccer is a game played with 200 countries. It has 11 players per side and the team has to try and
score in the opposing team s goal. It is the world s most common sport played amongst 250 million
players.The field s structure is rectangular shaped with a goal at the end of both sides of the field.
There are goalkeepers and they are the only players that are allowed to touch the ball because they are
the ones trying to block the person who is trying to score s shot. This is one of the most contact sports
in the world and more people get ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Tenderness. Bruising,
Iliotibial band syndrome is a painful condition in which connective tissue rubs against the thighbone.
Muscle cramps is a sudden and involuntary contraction of one or more of your muscles.
Blisters are a small bubble on the skin filled with serum and caused by friction, burning, or other
Delayed onset muscle soreness is the pain and stiffness felt in muscles several hours to days after
unaccustomed or strenuous exercise. The soreness is felt most strongly 24 to 72 hours after the
Patellofemoral pain syndrome is is pain in the front of the knee. It frequently occurs in teenagers,
manual laborers, and athletes. It sometimes is caused by wearing down, roughening, or softening of
the cartilage under the kneecap.
Plantar fasciitis is really a stabbing pain in the bottom of the foot.
Pulled or strained calf muscle is damage to its muscle or attaching tendons.
Shin splints are acute pain in the shin and lower leg caused by prolonged running, typically on hard
Sprains and strains are injuries in the muscle tendon and indirect trauma.
Stress fractures is a fracture of a bone caused by repeated (rather than sudden) mechanical stress.
Tendonitis is inflammation of a tendon, most commonly from overuse but also from infection or
rheumatic disease.
Ruptured tendon is when a tendon in the body snaps
Torn knee cartilage occurs when
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Statement Of Purpose For Engineering
Statement of Purpose
The thrust for knowledge increases with the acquisition of it. Thomas Carlyle.
I have always believed in the above adage which asks for more and more learning and I am applying
for graduate studies in order to quench my thirst for knowledge. The most important reason for
pursuing graduate studies is that it will raise me to a level of excellence where upon I would have the
ability to impart knowledge, convince and innovate in my field.
They conceive, they design, they analyze and they build. These always dawned upon me as the most
desirable characteristics of an engineer. I possessed these engineering traits since my childhood. I used
to break apart my toys to observe how they operate most of my toys comprised of model cars and
airplanes. I always wondered how humongous structures could be built or could even lift off into the
air and beyond. My respect for education and inclination towards applied science drove me to opt for
math, physics and chemistry in higher secondary education. Being an avid student in school days, I
actively participated in science workshops ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
I was placed in the top 0.2% of nearly 200,000 enthusiastic students in the entrance examination of
Engineering. Securing such a good rank in the Engineering Entrance Exam enabled me to get into an
internationally recognized engineering institute in my country, University of Engineering Technology,
Lahore, a name of technology, innovation and advancement with a dynamic learning environment.
Moreover, my innate strengths have always been creative abilities and the power of imagination;
which made me take up discipline that would allow me to channel them in the best possible way.
Thus, Mechanical Engineering was a direct consequence of my
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Isabella Vigil . Mr.Short . College Composition . 19 March
Isabella Vigil
College Composition
19 March 2017
A Spiritual Gain but a Financial Lose
Meditation has always been seen as a way to keep the mind and soul healthy. Mediation dates back to
1500 BCE originating in Ancient India. The practice soon started to expand and adapt to other cultures
around the world. Some of the earliest references to meditation are found in the Hindu scriptures and
it was around the 6th to 5th centuries that other forms of meditation developed into Confucian, Taoist
China, and Buddhist India (Taham). This spiritual and religious practice has been around for
thousands of years, benefiting many people. However, in the year 2017 mediation no longer feels like
a spiritual practice but rather like ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Research suggests that meditation may physically change the brain and body and could potentially
help to improve many health problems and promote healthy behaviors. In a 2012 study, researchers
compared brain images from 50 adults who meditate and 50 adults who don t meditate. Results
suggested that people who practiced meditation for many years have more folds in the outer layer of
the brain. This process (called gyrification) may increase the brain s ability to process information
(Meditation: In Depth).
In many ways, the scientific studies showing how positive mediation has created this craze of
mediation. Mediation can be linked to many exercise practices such as yoga. Meditation and yoga go
hand in hand. Spending a few minutes of meditating then go into a hard body workout of yoga than
ending the class with meditation. Many private yoga studies promote the practice of meditation and
yoga increasing prices of their facility. Famous instructor Holly Rilinger is a perfect example. Rilinger
has created this workout called Calm and Cardio starting with a five minute guided meditation and
then launches into cardio and strength training intervals using bodyweight and dumbbells. During
each song, you alternate between two exercises while moving to the beat of the booming music
(Held). She has combined meditation with exercises and is now using this technique of meditation to
create an empire.
Exercise meditation is not the only thing that is expanding. There are
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In 1953, Scientists James Watson And Francis Crick Revealed
In 1953, scientists James Watson and Francis Crick revealed the structure of deoxyribonucleic acid
(DNA): the double helix. Through this groundbreaking revelation, many scientists are now able to edit
and alter genes in foods such as tomatoes, milk, and corn. Genetically modified organisms (GMOs)
should be banned in the United States because of their environmental, social, and economical
GMOs should be banned because of their harsh impact on the environment. They are causing
biodiversity loss, affecting organic agriculture, and inhibiting sustainable agriculture.
In his book, Beyond Evolution: The Genetically Altered Future of Plants, Animals, the Earth and
Humans, Bioethicist Dr. Michael W. Fox states, Some costs and ... Show more content on
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Also, attempts to uniform crops, or monoculture, will fuel genetic diversity loss. Genetic diversity is
what helps crops adapt to weather and survive diseases; without genetic diversity, farmers will resort
to using chemicals on their crops from those same companies that weakened their crops (Fox 83).
Another example of biodiversity loss is eutrophication, the enrichment of ecosystems with chemicals.
Bt itself is a built in insecticide that is manufactured with more chemicals than traditional insecticides.
It is first introduced into the plant and eventually spreads its harmful toxins into humans and animals.
What is most alarming is the transmission of this detrimental poison into marine life. Oyster
populations in the Chesapeake Bay, for example, have declined by 96 percent due to eutrophication
from Bt (Hewitt). This is alarming because 60 percent of the world s population relies on 40 percent of
marine life as a source of food (Hewitt). The genetic modification of Bt crops also has an adverse
effect on terrestrial life. This is further illustrated by a decrease in the number of predatory birds
during the 1960 s and 1970 s from insecticide; more specifically, bald eagles have declined by at least
6 percent from its usage (Hewitt).
GMOs advocates are advising the idea of including genetically altered organisms into organic
farming. These advocates believe without the help of genetically engineered seeds the benefits of
organic farming will likely remain small
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Families in the Call to Home by Carol Stack Essay
Families in the Call to Home by Carol Stack The families in the Call to Home by Carol Stack do not
fit with the normal American household described by Haviland. A normal American household
includes the parents and the children only. An aunt raising her nieces and nephews with her own
children while their parents are living up North is not considered a normal household. Parents and
children are separated with part of the children living with one parent and the others are living with
grandparents. Such separation occurs because it is harder and harder to find jobs in the South and
many kids have no other choice but to go up North for education and money. As North became more
industrialized, people like Eula Grant, Shantee Owens, Donald ... Show more content on
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Everyone knew that all the opportunities were up North where the big industries are and the
abundance of jobs to be filled. However, with all the opportunities came the consequences of living in
big cities. Crime, violence, no one to turn for support to because all the relatives live back home or in
different cities. All that drove many back home, but they were different people. They knew what had
to be done to better their lives down South. They had the skills, the knowledge and the strength to
change things. MAC, Inc. and Holding Hands were organized to help out the poor, which included
almost everybody. These are the consequences of living up North people came back knowing what has
to be done.
Even though the younger generation that came back knew what had to be done, they still seek the
support of their elders. The kinship system played tremendously important role in all those people s
lives. All the family gatherings were always attended no matter how far everybody is. Being a family
is what has always gotten them through hard times. When the children moved back and had to start all
over, their family was always there for them. Pearl had taken in Eula s children and her while she was
recovering after the operation. Samuel s niece and nephew came to live with them when they lost their
parents. If not for Pearl raising them, they would have ended up in an orphanage and nobody knows
what could have happened to them.
People survived through moral and
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Evolution Of Object Oriented Technology
This paper is discuss about the evolution of Object oriented technology in software design and
implementation and it s role in the present market for developing server side scripting or web based
products. There are many Object oriented languages are available in the market but in all of them
companies choose to use open source languages like Java, .NET , C++, C#, and Visual Basic .NET
etc. The call for these languages has improved because the license cost is very less, negligible or zero.
Because of these open source languages, it is easy to find applicable libraries and development source
code while product development. The infrastructure cost such as testing tools or development IDE s is
also nominal or freely available. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Also, there has been exponential growth due to the increase in number of software systems being
described as object oriented. Many programming languages, office information systems, system
simulation and artificial intelligence have adopted object oriented technology. It is an assumption that
learns specific development method or a set of tools.
The theory of objects in the Simula 67 was introduced by the discrete event simulation which was the
outcome of the formal programming language, designed in 1960 s, created by Kristen Niggard has and
Ole Johan Dahl of Norwegian Computing Center (NCC) in Oslo. Simula 67 has been influenced by
the C.A.R. and SIMSCRIPT. Tony Hoare s proposed the Record classes. As part of the explicit
programming model the Classes and objects or their instances were presented in Simula. The
Automatic Garbage collection concept that was created earlier for the functional programming
language Lisp was used by Simula. For the study and improvement of ship movements and the
contents on them via cargo ports, Simula was utilized for creating the physical model of ships and the
content that they carried. Many languages were influenced by Simula 67 such as derivatives of LISP
(CLOS), Smalltalk, Pascal, and C++ Object.
The Smalltalk language:
Smalltalk was developed at Xerox PARC by Alan Kay and others in the 1970s. The term object
oriented programming was introduced to
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Essay on FranklinL BUSN635 Assignment8
Submitted to:
Dr. Chambers
Business Plan Development
BUSN 635 D001 Win 13
Prepared by:
Lucretia J. Franklin
April 28, 2013
Table of Contents
Description 3
Required Licenses and Permits 3
Insurance 4
Reasons 4
Potential 4
Outside Resources 6
Service 7
Benefits 7
Demands 8
Different 8
Location 9
Physical Facility 9
Office 9
Restrooms 9
Break Room 10
Warehouse 10
Truck Wash 10
Parking Lot 10
Security Cameras 10
Setbacks 11
Marketing Analysis 12
Industry Trends 12
Customers 12
Growth 12
Pricing 13
Direct Competitors 14 ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The Federal License Motor Carrier Safety Administration is where you have to get the licenses and
permits. The license and permits are listed below:
ICC/MC number or Your Own Authority.
DOT number,
A. IFTA (Interstate Fuel Tax Authority) cists $590 per truck yearly.
B. KYU (License to operate in the state of Louisiana).
Operating Tags, which are your licenses to put on the trucks, costs $1590 yearly.
2290/Schedule 1 is a schedule to have a heavy highway vehicle.
IRP Card is your state license and permit.
Trailer Tags are another license to carry on the tractor.
These licenses must be done before putting the heavy equipment on the highway. When you are
leasing your truck to a broker, they will make sure this will be done when you join his/her company.
Insurance is the most important thing to have for both truck and trailer. Each truck has two types of
insurances. The trucks are to be insured with an on called load, or loaded and bob tailed when not
under a load. Today many accidents happen by four wheelers and trucks. An owner operator cannot
drive without insurance; he/she must have this before getting licenses and permits. The truck must be
insured at the minimum of $100,000 to be accepted.
The reasons for this new transportation business is because of many changes in the transportation laws
concerning the hours of service and not enough trucks to get the cargo around the states. The hours of
service have been causing the markets
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Humanitarian Intervention In The Holocaust
What does 200,000, 800,000 and 11 million mean to you? Anyone seeing these numbers simply just
sees them as a random group of figures; however, to the victims of former Yugoslavia, Rwanda, and
the Holocausts, these are the number of civilian casualties as a result of genocide, or the methodical
massacre of a sizeable group of individuals. Throughout history, there have been several examples of
genocide. In some instances, those affected received aid or a form of intervention, while others did
not. I believe humanitarian intervention is permissible, especially in the cases of Yugoslavia, Rwanda,
and victims of the Holocausts. When it comes to saving innocent lives, protecting human rights, and
preserving the state, humanitarian intervention ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
After Josip Broz Tito, the communist president of Yugoslavia, died in 1980, citizens of Yugoslavia
took advantage of attempting to declare their independence (History of Bosnian Genocide). A man by
the name of Slobodan Milosevic soon came into power and further fueled the tension within
Yugoslavia. In 1992, Bosnia, following the footsteps of Croatia and Slovenia for independence, was
home for different ethnic Muslim groups; with in the same year, Serbia declared war on Bosnia in
hopes to claim the land as their own (History of Bosnian Genocide). By using military force and
concentration camps, Serbia was attempting to eradicate this ethnic group using genocide. Just like the
Holocausts, individual rights were being violated and they were being dehumanized. As a result and
stated in our class text, the International Criminal Court (1998) was formed to holding state leaders
accountable for human rights violations. Humanitarian intervention would have been permissible in
this instance because, again, it would save people s lives. The violent dismemberment of Yugoslavia
has added the term ethnic cleansing to the global vocabulary (Denich). Serbia was trying to
completely erase the Bosnian ethnic
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  • 9. Australian Court System Research Paper Is our NSW court system effective? It is if you have money. Is it something that we can just adhere to with out ever allowing it to adapt and evolve to meet societies needs? Absolutely not. Just like humanity, the NSW court system contains protruding faults that are made apparent with further scrutiny. The court system is something that requires our constant attention and support to improve and advance. In order for the court system to attain eligibility it relies heavily on 4 fundamental components; affordability, simplicity, fairness and accessibility. For countless Australians our legal system is lacking on all these fronts. Based on the 2012 survey conducted by the New South Whales Law and Justice Foundation, it showed that around 1.7 million Australians can expect to encounter a legal problem each year and 490,000 of those people will not receive legal advice due to financial reasons or lack of knowledge. The prices for legal services have increase by 49% in the last 6 years alone. This dramatic inflation of costs within the justice system leads to increased difficulty within society to be able to afford anything but the most basic of legal representation. When people who can t afford a lawyer turn to government funded legal assistance, they find that due to chronic funding shortages, ongoing help is often restricted to those on only the lowest incomes and even further, is only for a narrow collection of family and criminal legal ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... However, under further analysis, it becomes apparent that the verdict acts more as a deterrent rather than an upstanding legal configuration. The legal system, for the average person in New South Wales, is only a figure of authority that deters the individuals from breaking the law, which some may say is what it is there to do. Conversely, we need it to do more than that, we need it to properly meet our requests when we are involved in legal ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. Essay about A Greater Intelligence Revealed in Dwellings A Greater Intelligence Revealed in Dwellings Linda Hogan writes in her preface to Dwellings that there is a terrestrial intelligence that lies beyond our human knowing and grasping. This is the main point that is constantly reiterated throughout the book, and this is the point that makes the book so important. The trouble with the earth today is that humans have become too smart; so smart that they question everything they once took for granted, and being unable to explain it, discount it as unreal. Science, the very thing that has catapulted us into our present state of greatness, is also the human evil that has isolated us from everything we ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Consider even our connotations with the word environment. Today, the word means nature, the wild, the earth, our failing ecosystem. Is this really our environment? We are so removed from it that most people cannot stand to be in it, except to view its anomalies like those at Yellowstone from isolation tank like recreational vehicles. Hogan takes things that happen in the human sphere and turns them inside out, showing us the sociological innards that expose the enormous distance between what we know and what we think we know. Her example of chimpanzees shows us something scientists have been trying to hide. In teaching them sign language, we realize they have feelings, opinions, and know what s going on around them. They aren t just like ignorant babies with an instinct to eat and mate. People frequently make exceptions for their dogs. They believe their dogs understand what they tell them, that their dogs care what kind of dog food they get, that they feel jealousy when the cat gets attention. Imagine if people felt this kind of empathy and respect to every species on the planet. Hogan deliberately picks out animals that are displeasing to most people, bats, snakes, wolves, maggots, ants, and writes about them as living, loving animals just like the rest of us. They are aware of the process that we have long forgotten. I was thinking about birds the other day. There were several of them feeding at my bird ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. Seismic Analysis Papers 1. Seismic imaging might make an instrument flying that bounces unfeeling waves off underground rock structures ought further bolstering uncover possible hash oil In addition general gas bearing formations. Seismologists use ultrasensitive units known as geophones if record the relentless waves Also Concerning illustration they resonation inside the reality. To mulling In those echoes, petroleum geologists attempt to learn those profundity Furthermore structures for secure geologic formations. This analyzation could support them identify oil Furthermore gas bearing reservoirs stowed far underneath the earth s surface. Seismic portraits need wound dependent upon extra correct for the change from claiming All the more perplexing pace ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... A correct seismic picture What s more sub surface model Might assurance major subsidies All around each period from guaranteeing operation. 2. SANS require joined forces to business pioneers if get ready security masters In addition control skeleton specific designers for the cyber security abilities they need with the secure national fundamental scheme. SCADA Security Essentials provides a foundational set about in stroke aptitudes What s more data to up to date cyber security masters. The compass will a chance to be arranged to surety that the individuals workforce incorporated completed supporting and ensuring present day control frameworks might a chance to be ready if stay with the individuals operational world safe, secure, and versant against present In addition climbing advanced dangers. Same the long haul we d instead not must face the individuals To our segregating infrastructures could carefully make compromised, there might a chance to be incredible news. Perception as a relatable purpose SCADA skeleton dangers likewise vulnerabilities tolerance us once make a clear, noteworthy structure to overcoming these security issues. Gigantic numbers once not those more stupendous Some piece SCADA frameworks need support right currently exposed ought further bolstering cyber attacks due to the following:. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. A Different History and Where I Come from Essay Elizabeth Brewster and Sujata Bhatt both suggest the significance of place in helping to shape a person s identity in their poems but they do it in different ways. Brewster suggests that places change our identity when she writes People are made of places . This shows that every different place we visit we take the memories and experiences that we had there and keep them in our minds and hearts forever. Whereas Bhatt suggests that when we go to a new place we forget who we previously were and change ourselves so that we fit in with the new culture that we are living in. We know this from when she says And how does it happen/ that after the torture . This shows the struggle to keep your cultural heritage when you move places. In A ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In Where I Come From Brewster uses the metaphor ice and the breaking of ice . This is to show that even though you are in a different place than you are used to you are ready to break the ice when meeting new people and having new experiences. Bhatt suggests that you bring the conventions to the country you move to from your old country and then you add to them from the things you learn in the new culture that you are living in. We know this because she says Great Pan is not dead . This also shows that your cultural heritage will never die as it will always be a part of you whether it s obvious or not. Elizabeth Brewster suggests that places change our identities when she says nature tidily plotted in little squares . This gives us the impression that everyone in the city is the same and they are all neat and tidy busybodies. This differs from what Bhatt suggests when she says Here, the gods roam freely, / disguised as snakes or monkeys . This shows that in India you can be whoever or whatever you want without being judged by anyone and you can be unique. However A Different History is similar to what Brewster is suggesting as Bhatt writes every tree is sacred . This shows that everything and everyone is equal and has the same rights as each other. Brewster shows that in her homeland everything is different because there are, battered ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. Substance Abuse In Juveniles The Effect of Substance Abuse in JuvenilesJuvenile substance abuse has a tremendous and far reaching impact on society. Diagnosing and treating juvenile substance abuse can be inhibited by the juveniles recantation of events that impact abuse; cultural disparities and peer support network are also relevant and affect the juveniles disclosure of substance abuse. Therefore, in depth research is imperative to obtain proper assessment tools in order to properly treat this population; human service professionals require understanding of cultural, gender and socioeconomic differences when assisting this population. UNDERSTANDING SUBSTANCE ABUSE CRITERIAAccording to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual V(American Psychiatric Association, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Elkins (2016) suggests professionals ought to become cognizant of signs and symptoms of substance abuse. In addition, Elkins (2016) suggests professionals should become aware of available resources and treatment options in order to properly treat adolescent drug abuse. Paino, Aletraris, and Roman (2015) discuss the impact of evidence based practices when treating adolescents with substance abuse. One must consider the need for treatment providers to have specialized treatment options for adolescents ( Paino, Aletraris, and Roman 2015) Furthermore, Paino, Aletraris, and Roman (2015) delves into medication assisted treatment providing medication to assist with cessation of drug use, and how it s not utilized in adolescents due to age restraints. As noted by Paino, Aletraris, and Roman (2015) treatment options for juveniles seeking to abstain from substance abuse is limited and needs more research. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. Jewish Living In Colonial America Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free. (Brainy Quote, 2016). The inspiring pome that graces the Statue of Liberty was written by a Jewish poet Emma Lazarus, a decedent of the first Jews to arrive in the North American colonies in the 1650s. For centuries Jewish people have lived in a great deal of places far from their ancestral home in the Middle East, always searching for a home. Like a lot of religious minorities, Jews saw America as a special place where they could be a part of creating something new and embraced the opportunity. Today there are around 6 million Jews living in the United States, but three centuries ago in colonial America there were only around 300. The fate of these early American ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... There are a great deal of articles on how the Jewish population supported the Revolution, but the fact is that they were divided, just like the people of the colonies at the time. Numerous Jews in Colonial America struggled and gained rights that were unheard of in Europe. Jews had won the rights of economic opportunity, to own land, to learn in secular schools and universities, and in some colonies to vote and serve in legislative bodies. There was great fear of losing these rights they had achieved. Numerous Jews saw the Revolution as an opportunity to gain even more rights under a new country. Of the 2,500 Jews there a hundred that enlisted in the war and fought on the battlefields for independence. Other Jewish families helped to finance the war. A good deal of American Jews were merchants and did not like the treatment and taxation imposed on them by the Stamp ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. Roaring 20 s Research Paper Of all the time periods I could choose from, I would choose to be born into the roaring 20 s. The roaring 20 s were a post world war era associated with an economic boom in the United States, and that subsequent wealth led to a time when society changed in such a way as to correlate with the massive changes occurring in the US. Even though this wealth couldn t last forever, as shown through the Great Depression which began in 1929, the country itself underwent advances that forever changed the course of its history. Teen girls began to rebel against what was considered proper society by following new, up and coming fashion trends that showed more skin than their parents could handle, causing a domino effect of rebellious children and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In 1920, after many long years of the suffragette movement, which included protests, imprisonment, and even force feeding, women received the right to vote, the first of many times women brought about change in order to better the lives of others. The 1920 s are simply credited as one of the most exciting decades in our history. At the beginning of this decade, women were still wearing corsets, and toward the end, women had changed their fashion in a way that would make their mothers shudder. I would like to be a part of this time not only for the glitz and glamour it is often associated with, but simply to witness all the change that occurred in this country during that short time. So many social shifts occurred that got the ball rolling on how modern social society works. It is a decade that transformed the American way, which was associated with hard work being necessary for survival and the only way to achieve what you set your mind to. Considering the 1920 s are a post world war era, America soon adopted an attitude of living in the moment and risking it all, which contributed to the change of so many social mores. By going back to this time I can witness not only the changing of society, but the changing of the whole world as they knew ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. Personal Statement On Emotional Intelligence Individual Leadership Assessment Paper This paper has 3 purposes. First, to assess my emotional intelligence (EQ) and relate my EQ to my future nursing practice. Second, to compare the differences between leadership styles. Last, to provide a definition of leadership and illustrate how the provided definition of leadership will impact my future role as an advanced practice nurse practitioner (APNP). The tools used to accomplish the goals of this paper are a web based EQ assessment tool and a review of literature related to leadership and EQ. Assessing Emotional Intelligence In order to better understand the concept of emotional Intelligence (EQ), I completed a web bases assessment tool that tested EQ in four categories: Self awareness, self management, social awareness, and relationship management. According to the assessment tool(), I am most competent in the category of social awareness and least competent in the category of relationship management. According to Bradberry and Greaves (2009) social awareness relates to a person s ability to perceive and understand the emotions of others. In the role of an APNP, I will be responsible for communicating with patients during times of emotional distress. Through the use of social awareness, I will be able to accurately assess when patients and their families are ready to discuss issues such as withdrawing care. In my opinion, the application of social awareness during times of stress is supported by the strategies of active ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. The Exceptional Life Of Walt Disney The Exceptional Life of Walter Elias Disney All of our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them Walt Disney Walter Elias Disney has made one of the greatest impacts in the entertainment industry and popular culture around the world (Walter Elias Disney, 2015). From his most famous creation, Mickey Mouse, to his invention of Disneyland, and to all his achievements made in the movie industry, Walt has changed the world. Few individuals have had the ability to impact the world they way Walt Disney did and still is doing today even though he is no longer alive (Walter Elias Disney, 2015). Walt was born in Chicago, Illinois on December 5 of 1901. He was the son of Elias Disney and Flora Call. Walt was raised near Marceline and in Kansas City, Missouri. Walt s childhood was anything but exceptional. His father was very strict and administered corrective beatings daily to Walt and his brother Roy (Walter Elias Disney, 2015). He found his escape from his father through writing. When he wrote, he felt happy and in control. Walter felt as if anything could be made possible. When he turned sixteen, Walt took the opportunity to leave his father by joining the Red Cross Ambulance Corps and went to France (Walter Elias Disney, 2015). Once Disney returned, he moved to Kansas City, Missouri. Once there, he started working for an ad company. It was there that Disney decided that making his drawings come to life was the job he wanted to do for the rest of his ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. Air New Zealand ( Air Nz ) Limited Essay Introduction Air New Zealand (Air NZ) Limited is a brand of New Zealand in air service industry with around 75 per cent owned by New Zealand Government (NZX, 2016). Air NZ provides air passenger and cargo transport service both domestic and international, beside that it also provides consulting services that consist of airline management services (Yahoo finance, 2016). This report will present Air NZ s information includes: capital structure through data that were collected which are appendix and figures from NZX, Yahoo finance, and Air New Zealand annual report; firm s policies, and justification by applying theories relevant. Capital Structure of Air New Zealand A capital structure to determine how the company s debt and equity ratio, it is the overall operations and growth of the company. By analyze the data of debt and equity ratio we can simply understand what is the position of the company. Company s debt is usually a long term debt to pay and bonds, leasing and borrowing are the main long term debt payable for Air New Zealand. In the other hand, company s equity is mainly the common stock, preferred stock or retained earnings. We will also need to consider the short term debt of the company (RossS., 2013) It is important for a company to decide between debt and equity because it can maximize the firm value and beneficial to the firm s stockholders too. As per the Appendix 1, Air New Zealand used to have a higher equity than debt from 2011 to 2014 but the ratio has a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. The Integrated Circuit Using LM35 Temperature Sensor... Introduction: The control and monitor of accurate and reliable measurement of temperature is necessary in various fields such as industrial , environmental, agriculture , food, biotechnology and clinical sectors etc. furthermore, research labs, clean rooms, and nuclear reactors are the environments which require continuous temperature monitoring a due to their highly dependence on temperature levels. The role of sensors and the errors which may affect the measurement of temperature are critical for temperature measuring devices. The sensor choice may play a large role in on the cost effectiveness of the system. Every temperature measurement application is according to their different requirements and the effect of noise on the resolution ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... They can be used to detect liquid, gases or solids over a wide range of temperatures. Non contact temperature sensor: Convection and radiation is used in these types of temperature sensors to monitor change in temperature. They can be used to detect gases and liquids that emit radiant energy as heat rises and cold settles to the bottom in convection currents or detect radiant energy being transmitted from an object in the form of infrared radiation. Two basic types of contact or non contact temperature sensors can be divided into following groups of sensors i.e. electromechanical, resistive and electronic. Thermostat: It is contact type electro mechanical temperature sensor or switch which basically consists of two different metals such as nickel copper ,tungsten or aluminium etc., that are bonded together through riveting, brazing or welding to form a Bi metallic strip. The different linear expansion rates of two different metals produce a mechanical bending moment when strip is subjected to heat. It shows bending moment in opposite direction when subjected to cold environment. The metal with large coefficient of expansion is at the outer side of the curve formed during heating and vice versa. The bi metallic strip can be used as an electrical switch or a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. Happellate Court Cases One aspect of the American judicial process about which consensus exists is that every loser in a trial at court has the right to appeal to a higher court. But, sometimes the appeal process is misunderstood. In the U.S. an appeal is not a retrial of the case, nor its ordinarily a reexamination of true issues concluded by a trial court. The U.S. appellate courts does not hear a new testimony and does not consider new evidence, they mainly focus on how the decision was made in the trial court record. Their mainly goal is primarily to review the issue of law presented in a case. An appellate court was created in part because of the theory that it is better to have several heads when it comes to examining legal questions. In effect, the decisions of a single judge matters of the law are forced to be reviewed by a panel of judges who are taken away from the heat grown by the trial and are positioned to take a more overview of the legal questions being raised. They control the functioning as multi member or collegial bodies, with decisions made by a group of judges. In the courts, usually all the judges participate in all cases in appellate courts the decisions are made up of using three judge panels, but in important cases, all the judges may have to participate or referred to an en banc hearing. Finally, the complexities of the review process, helps by asking why appellate courts exist and why dissatisfied litigants are able to appeal. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... During the trial, a significant portion of decision making is spur of the moment. Luckily, judges make fast decisions and sometimes mistakes occur, as recalling bodies, appellate courts supervise the work of the lower courts, making sure that the law was correctly interpreted. But even though the error correction functions of the appellate review it protests against capricious, mistaken legal decisions by a trial court judge, or ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. Analysis Of I Lean Over The Chasm Rail I lean over the chasm rail. No one is here, so I shouldn t be seen. I am wearing a black T shirt, but I haven t looked at my arms. I have decided I will just take a look. I move my arm so I can examine the self inflicted wounds. God, I am so stupid. Why would I choose to stay here if I hate it so much? Why am I still living if I hate myself? I run a hand over my scars, flinching at some points because the areas are still tender. Then, I remember why I haven t just cut a vein, why I haven t just forfeited out of Dauntless. Lex. The Amity transfer. I never thought I would be attracted to an Amity, because most Amity annoy the living hell out of me, but there s something different about her; she s brave, but she is also one of the kindest people I have ever met. She s from Amity, but she isn t annoying. Lex is gorgeous, too. I remember how after the Choosing Ceremony, which was a few weeks ago, at lunchtime, after all of the transfers changed from the colors of their previous factions changed into black, I was sitting alone, as always, only this time, I wasn t sitting alone the entire half hour. Lex came over, sat down, and we just talked for the remaining minutes. I pull a pocket knife out of of the pocket in my jacket. What s so bad about cutting open some of these scars? God isn t real, because if he were real, I m damn sure he d give me a sign, as a way of saying some crappy shit like, Hey kid, don t cut or something. I laugh out of hysteria. I m a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. Analysis Of Popular Mechanics By Raymond Carver In Popular Mechanics by Raymond Carver a man begins packing his things in a suitcase on a rainy day. His spouse barges into the room and begins to berate him. She moves to the dresser and picks up a picture of their baby and leaves the room. The man follows they begin fighting about who gets the baby. As the women holds tightly to the baby, the man backs her into the kitchen and begins grabbing the child. They both have a tight hold on the child now and are pulling backwards. The story concludes and it is implied that they have killed the baby. This story s theme of the selfish and aggressive nature of humans is prevalent throughout the text. Carvers use of diction sets an eerie and depressing mood. The beginning of the story describes ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Creating a setting that is dark intensifies the mood of the story. Later in the story, the couple is physically fighting over the baby: The baby was red faced and screaming (Carver). Having the vivid image of a distressed baby makes the reader feel compassion for the child. The baby is stuck in the middle of an argument between two adults and has no choice to leave. These examples of imagery relate to the theme of selfishness and greed that can overpower a person. Carver uses very few details in this story to make it more relatable to the reader. For instance, there are no names given the the man, woman, or child in the story. The absence of this details lets the reader put themselves in the shoes of the man, woman, or child while reading. There is an instance or hesitation or uncertainty when the man leaves the bedroom: He fastened the suitcase, put on his coat, looked around the bedroom before turning off the light (Carver). When the man looks back to the room, his hesitation implies that he is unsure about what decision to make, but when he shuts off the light, he is void of all feelings and has decided to fight. A similar situation happens to the woman in this story: she wiped her eyes and stared at him before turning and going back to the living room (Carver). When this woman looks at her spouse she is making sure that she wants to go through with fighting, and when she looks away she is determined to win the fight. These few details make it clear how selfish ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. Corruption In Texas Texas is an interesting state when it comes to party affiliation because of the size of the state itself. On one hand, the state of Texas has 4 of the top 20 biggest cities in the United States including Houston, San Antonio, Dallas, and Austin. With all of these large and mostly liberal cities, it is quite impressive that Texas has held onto top Republican offices since 1994. According to Will (2016) in his article, A changing Lone Star State could change the GOP, Texas is 84.7 percent urban, and, based on the history of urban states, they usually lean towards the Democratic Party affiliation. However, according to Sanhueza (2017) in his article Why is Texas So Red, And How Did It Get That Way?, with this urbanization the Republican party ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This could be interpreted as proof that Texas may be changing to some extent, but I think the reason Trump won by a smaller margin is because of his plans for the wall between Mexico and Texas and the changing demographics. Although Texas is a huge Republican state, I think the only issue that could cause Texas to transform into a swing state is President Trump himself. Let s just start with President Trump s approval rating. According to Svitek (2017) in his article Poll: Trump approval rating underwater in Texas, Trump s approval rating in the Republican state of Texas is only 42 percent while disapproval is 54 percent. Like I mentioned earlier, I believe this is due to the egregious things that come out of his mouth. The problem that falls into Texas lap is the large population of of Hispanics combined with having Trump as our President. According to Anderson (2016) in his article Lone Star Uprising, In 2010, for example, half of all children under 5 years old were Hispanic, versus only 20 percent of people over 65 years old. This is going to provide some issues in the future for Texas because if Trump does build the wall between Texas and Mexico and if Donald Trump keeps favoring strict immigration laws, Texas might ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. Essay about To Belong Not Necessarily to Identify TO BELONG IS NOT NECESSARILY TO IDENTIFY WITH IT In our social life, each person has one s own roles and responsibilities, attitudes and values. Since every individual is unique and distinct compared to one another, these elements that construct our individuality are not always similar. Similarities and reflection of our values make us belong to a group, but the differences are barriers that stop ourselves from being recognized as an indivisible part of it. Belonging and identity are inseparable; nonetheless, there are distinctions that create a world of difference between the two. Belonging is not only about to whom we incorporate ourselves the way we perceive it, but also how others recognize our relationship with that group. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In the absolute core of one s consciousness, a person knows into which groups one belongs naturally. However, one s conscience is able to judge matters, determine values and set goals. Since, our thoughts and behaviour are governed, partly if not completely, by our own conscience, our approach to matters that related to belonging is heavily influenced by our conscience. Therefore, when an individual denies one s relationship with a particular tribe, an individual s behaviour will reflect to the refusal to recognise the connection with that party. Hence, we can technically belong without having an intimate connection. This is situation can be regarded as a surface belonging ; while others recognise one s belonging, it is denied by oneself. An example of this case can be seen in a stage play titled Bombshells by Joanna Murray Smith, in the monologue of Meryl Louise Davenport. Meryl constantly endeavours to fulfil her responsibilities as a mother and valuable member of society. However, her attempts to live up to these expectations force her to abandon herself. She does however, keeps her responsibilities. She refuses to belong to a tribe of women who just throw themselves together , despite her current state of being unable to take care of herself properly. On the surface, she belongs to the good mothers , or so others perceive it. However, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. Critical Reasoning And Battle Analysis Of Fort Wagner Critical Reasoning and Battle Analysis of Fort Wagner The purpose of this narrative is to detail the battle of Fort Wagner during the Civil War. This focus explains the defeat of Union forces and how the implementation of intelligence assets may have resulted in Union victory. The use of reconnaissance and scout assets by Union forces would have resulted in the success of the Union Army at Fort Wagner. Fort Wagner was a key stronghold for Confederate forces, securing the Charleston Harbor and protecting passage to the Rebel birthplace and Confederate capital of Charleston, South Carolina. Union regiments stormed the beaches of Morris Island on 10 July 1863 with the intention of assuming control over Fort Wagner. The Confederate forces fortified the camp with artillery and mortars, thwarting the Union Regiments advances. The use of intelligence assets would have revealed the Confederate Army s disposition, allowing the Union Army to refine their attack strategy and conclude with the success of the Union. The Battle of Fort Wagner Battle Overview The battle of Fort Wagner took place in July of 1863 on Morris Island in Charleston, South Carolina. The battle commenced on 10 July 1863 and concluded on 18 July 1863 with the defeat of the Union Regiments. The Confederate Forces were 1700 strong and were led by Generals P.G.T Beauregard and General William B. Taliaferro. The Opposing Union Forces were 5000 strong and commanded by Generals Quincy Gillmore, Truman Seymour, and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. Comparing Poems Migrant Hostel And 10 Mary Street Belonging is shaped by the experiences he or she encounters with others, and within the two poems Migrant Hostel and 10 Mary Street by Peter Skrzynecki, and the film Looking For Alibrandi directed by Kate Woods, the characters personas are moulded by their endurances of alienation and barriers from mainstream society due to their personal and cultural differences. Through the ostracising journey to integration in the Australian society, Migrant Hostel depicts the alienation Skrzynecki, his family and thousands of migrants faced. The poem itself depicts a powerful paradox, as the migrants primary intention of moving being was to pursue their dreams for an untroubled life when in reality the antithesis was endured. As well as this, the profound motif of a bird is reiterated in ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The birds in numerous ways are alike to the migrants; remaining in large flocks and protecting each other, but are different as the migrants remain inquisitive of their future of belonging in Australia. The migrants are also imprisoned through the symbolism Behind a barrier at the main gate, sealed off the highway , the highway symbolic of the society that they were yet to feel accustomed to. Their enclosure behind the gate physically and metaphorically underpins the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. Martin Scorcese s Taxi Driver The film Taxi Driver (1976) directed by Martin Scorcese tells the story of Travis Bickle (Robert DeNiro), a Vietnam war veteran who takes a job as a night time taxi driver in New York City. Travis views the city negatively, referring to it as an open sewer . This establishes his perspective that crime is environmental; a by product of New York City itself. Taxi Driver is set in the 1970 s, a period which saw the aftermath of the Vietnam War and New York City suffer from an economic recession, considered one of the worst time periods in the history of the city due to the increased crime rates (Bobbe, 2013). Taxi Driver is a direct commentary on these environmental conditions that can create crime. Shots in the Mirror by Nicole Rafter (2006) ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Prior to this, he writes a letter to his parents stating he works for the government and is in a relationship with Betsy showing he is either trapped in fantasy or lying. His jealousy, as well as removing a source of corruption on the city seems to be what drives this assassination attempt. Upon being identified by guards, he flees. Recouping from his failed mission, he acts to rescue Iris, who he feels cannot do it on her own. The resulting bloodbath sees her pimp, an enforcer and a john dead at his hands. Travis, wounded, collapses on a couch due to a gunshot wound to the neck, with no bullets left to fire. The police enter with guns drawn on Travis. He makes a hand gesture of a gun, points it at his head and pretends to shoot. This action appears to be an attempt to mock the police, in his detached state believing it can actually kill ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. Having Effective Policies In Place Is Important When Dealing Having effective policies in place is important when dealing with the management of a business in order to set guidelines for the people involved in the business, so they how it works and what is expected of them in order for the business to function effectively. If no policies are found within a business, it will be in trouble when a problem arises and there is not a base or rules to follow. Also, policies help explain what is important for the business and what it enforces and protects. For that reason, I decided to implement some important policies in Escape Restaurant and Night Club in order to provide a foundation for the business to be effective, safe, and profitable. E_POLICIES Ethical Computer Use The Ethical Computer Use ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... For example, employees could copy customer s information from their names, phone numbers, and credits card information and sale it to people interested or use it outside for their personal use and could even lead to identity theft and negatively affect the company s reputation and image if the customers feel that their personal information is not protected. By having this policy, the guidelines regarding the intended use of customer s information, employees would be careful not to do other things with the information. They would now that they should protect the information and anything other than the intended use of the information stated in the policy would get them in trouble and they would face the consequences. Acceptable use policy In order for employees to access Escape s email, information systems, and the internet, the will have to agree to follow the acceptable use policy. If there was no acceptable use policy in place for escape, employees would not have the guidelines for what is acceptable when accessing the business computer systems and information, as result they can use the business information and computers to unlawful or illegal actions which could negatively affect the business dramatically. Also, they could steal the information and sale or give it to competitors or they could even get the business to get in problems. In order to prevent ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. My Core Values My Core Values Core values are a person or an organization s fundamental beliefs, these principles prescribe behavior along with helping people understand the difference between right and wrong, values are what motivate you in life. They are what guide you along the path of fulfilment, so essentially your values are the foundation of who you are (C.Worsley). These values are important to have because they are what shape you, they make every person unique. Having a spirit of adventure, perseverance, and having patience are only some of my core values. Knowing what you cherish is very important and is something many people should revise. Being adventurous is how you start to understand who you really are. Many people believe it is dangerous to travel, not worth it. But I believe, the world is dangerous. There are shootings everyday but getting out there and risking it is just living. Being adventurous shows you how others have to live, what so many people deal with every day. Or what so many people get to see every day, the beautiful yet cruel world we live in. There is a purpose for everything here, it is meant to be seen. We are not here to work everyday and then go home to rest and do it all over again, we were made to make a difference and to understand the world. Mountains were made to climb, oceans were made to be seen, and landmarks were too, in reality nothing is more damaging to the adventurous spirit within a man than a secure future. The very basic core of a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. Montetesquieu And Voltaire And The Enlightenment As time continued through the European Scientific Revolution, a wide range of new thinkers and philosophers emerged in society to bring change to the continent throughout the eighteenth century. This development of new thinking was known as the Enlightenment. Philosophers of the time, commonly known as philosophes, sought to bring new information and ideas to the people of Europe and the world. Ultimately, these ideas pertained to all parts of society, including the government, economic policies, and religion. The continuation of Enlightenment attitudes reinforced faith in the ideas of change and progress through entertaining completely new forms of government, new theories in economic policy that aided the European people, and secular ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This meant that the government should not interfere with the business of the country, which contradicted dictation of the government over economics, as in a mercantilistic system. Smith was considered the Father of Capitalism and he entertained the idea that anyone should be able to profit independently from business and that a government is unnecessary in regulating business. Collectively, Smith s ideas about changing economic policy were very progressive and their relations to the Enlightenment reinforced faith in the overall idea of progress. The Enlightenment brought the emergence of deism, a new religious denomination. Desists believed that God was the creator of the heavens and Earth but that he was not directly attached to the everyday events of human life. They believed that he was not always present and watching over the people on Earth. This developed the idea that mankind had direct power over their lives and the world around them, not God. This new idea posed the expansion of the concept of relying on human importance and significance within the world. This went hand in hand with the belief that humans could be responsible for earthy events and accomplishments, and that these occurrences did not have to be connected to God. This so called progress gave man more confidence in his own personal abilities and skills without having to rely on God for everything, thus making it a very ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. Is Your Yoga Practice A Vehicle For Mental Health And... Is your yoga practice a vehicle for mental health and self actualization or are you content with just doing the physical practice? Yoga was originally intended to be a practice to facilitate self actualization, meaning to realize who you are and being comfortable being you. More recently in the western yoga world, there has been a separation between physical development and spiritual development. Social media has defined yoga as cool physical postures. Yet, do not be fooled into believing that you will be self actualized by only practicing asana. Asana is only one of the eight limbs, and a healthy body means nothing without a healthy mind. The definition of mental health according to the World Health Organization ( WHO ) is: ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... There are many benefits from doing the physical practice, including improved overall physical fitness, stress relief, and a reduction in anxiety and depression. But how can your yoga practice be an instrument for self actualization? First of all, motivation is important. You have to want more. Without the desire to grow and learn, self actualization will not occur. That motivation often comes from being in a place where nothing else is working. A time when you have tried everything else, and still you do not feel fulfilled. The Trifecta Approach There is a combination that will help you on your path towards fulfillment through self actualization. I call it the trifecta approach. Here are the three key methods that work together to facilitate mental health and a life fully lived. 1. Yoga Practice: Find the right yoga teacher who supports your individual development beyond the physical asana. 2. Meditate: Develop a solid sitting practice. This more subtle practice will strengthen your ability to observe all mental activity. 3. Psychotherapy: Find a good therapist who will see you, hear you, support you, and guide you through your own transformation, and who will encourage you to keep at it. This may seem like a complex combination, but here is a case that demonstrates the trifecta s approach in action. Alex s Story1 Alex is a dedicated yoga practitioner. For over 10 years, she rolled out her mat
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  • 33. Johannes Kepler Research Paper Have you ever been the slightest bit curious about who discovered the three major laws of planetary motion? Or what about the guy who discovered that the planets move around the Sun in orbits like ellipses? Johannes Kepler, one of the greatest scientists of all history. Johannes Kepler was born on December 27th 1571 in Weil der Stadt, Germany, he died on November 15th 1630 in Regensburg, Germany at age 58. Johannes Kepler came up with the 3 major laws of planetary motion: One, the planets move in elliptical orbits with the sun at onfocus. Two, the time necessary to traverse any are of planetary orbit is proportional to the area of the sector between the central body and that are (the area law ). Three, there is an exact relationship between ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. Doing The Right Thing By Chuck Colson After watching the various videos for the Biblical world view assignment, I have found several aspects that are very interesting to me. The first video Doing the Right Thing by Chuck Colson grabbed my attention in several ways. First are the words of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr It is our moral responsibly to resist unjust law (Doing the Right Thing Group Bible study by Charles Colson, Brit Hume Trailer, 2012). I have always thought that just because something was a law did not make it morally right. I firmly believe as the speakers in the Colson video pointed out that the government should operate under moral law. Another thing that really stuck with me was Dr. Ravi s talk with an Islamic leader he spoke about in his lecture in the How do you know Christianity is the one true world view video. He said that the Islamic leader stated, It s time we in the Islamic world stopped asking if Jesus died on the cross and started asking why he died on the cross (Ravi Zacharias International Ministries, 2012). I find it wonderful and uplifting to know that God is working in the hearts and minds of Muslims. To know what is right morally we as Christians should develop a Biblical worldview. A biblical worldview is one that states that God exists, he created everything in the universe and still watches over that universe now. The Bible is absolute moral truth and Jesus lived a perfect sinless life. He died on the cross for mankind s sins and the gift of salvation cannot be ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. The Role Of Iago In Othello But I will wear my heart upon my sleeve/ For daws to peck at: I am not what I am (Shakespeare, Othello). Shakespeare has portrayed Iago in the play of Othello as a cruel character who intends to destroy any person who believes has wronged him. Iago is a manipulative character showing hatred especially to his superior. In the play, Iago is the destructive personage yet not all characters have known about his plots, he has been the reason of the demolition of Othello whom thinks himself to be an outsider to Venice. Iago has been playing in a way or another the role of the Devil in the play. Iago is persistent by having a desire to cause pain to everybody. That is clear from the beginning of the play where he has first shown hostility ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... He has manipulated and controlled them in association with jealousy. In other words, he is responsible for the deaths and misery of the characters. He is known to be an honest and trustful man for many characters. Because of this impression, people around him have believed him and have seen in him the one to guide them to the appropriate solution. But they were all mistaken. Othello has believed Iago and has never comprehended his malicious intentions. He sees him as a relief to his breakdown. In reality, Iago finds pleasure in seeing everybody facing despair and pain. Having a great status in Venice, Othello feels strange and have doubts about his identity due to the differences in race and religion revealed by Iago. He is the Devil of the play. He portrays the worst of people s behaviors. His enjoyment in making people down makes him responsible of the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. Power of Choice in Anthony Burgess A Clockwork Orange Essay The choice between good and evil is a decision every man must make throughout his life in order to guide his actions and control his future. This element of choice, no matter what the outcome, displays man s power as an individual. Any efforts to control or influence this choice between good and evil will in turn govern man s free will and enslave him. In the novel A Clockwork Orange, the author uses symbolism through imagery, the characterization of Alex, and the first person narrative point of view to prove that without the ability to choose between good and evil, Man becomes a slave. The symbolism ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... . . in very horrorshow groodies (22). This proves that he feels he must display his power through his abuse of choice. His love for violence symbolises his abuse of power as an evil trait, but his love for music symbolises his human side. In the end of the story Alex decides that he is ready to become a man. During this rapid evolution from adolescence to manhood, Alex chooses a wife, a family, a life, and in essence he chooses good for the first time in the story. There was your humble narrator . . . I knew what was happening, O my brothers. I was growing up (147). Alex realizes that he may choose
  • 37. good and still maintain a strong element of choice. He becomes stronger because he now has a broader selection to choose from. He sees that the abuse of the ability of choice is not what makes Man powerful. It is instead, the realization that the choice between good and evil, no matter what decision, is the power within Man. Using the characterization of Alex, it effectively illustrates how the element of choice is linked to the power within man. The author uses violence to represent the abuse of power when the right ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. The Effects Of Soccer On The World s Most Common Sport A total of 2738 injuries during 6010 matches were registered. This statement was made by a soccer program stating how many injuries occurs threw out the 6010 players have been injured, which is 2738. Soccer is a game played with 200 countries. It has 11 players per side and the team has to try and score in the opposing team s goal. It is the world s most common sport played amongst 250 million players.The field s structure is rectangular shaped with a goal at the end of both sides of the field. There are goalkeepers and they are the only players that are allowed to touch the ball because they are the ones trying to block the person who is trying to score s shot. This is one of the most contact sports in the world and more people get ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Tenderness. Bruising, Iliotibial band syndrome is a painful condition in which connective tissue rubs against the thighbone. Muscle cramps is a sudden and involuntary contraction of one or more of your muscles. Blisters are a small bubble on the skin filled with serum and caused by friction, burning, or other damage. Delayed onset muscle soreness is the pain and stiffness felt in muscles several hours to days after unaccustomed or strenuous exercise. The soreness is felt most strongly 24 to 72 hours after the exercise. Patellofemoral pain syndrome is is pain in the front of the knee. It frequently occurs in teenagers, manual laborers, and athletes. It sometimes is caused by wearing down, roughening, or softening of the cartilage under the kneecap. Plantar fasciitis is really a stabbing pain in the bottom of the foot. Pulled or strained calf muscle is damage to its muscle or attaching tendons. Shin splints are acute pain in the shin and lower leg caused by prolonged running, typically on hard surfaces. Sprains and strains are injuries in the muscle tendon and indirect trauma. Stress fractures is a fracture of a bone caused by repeated (rather than sudden) mechanical stress. Tendonitis is inflammation of a tendon, most commonly from overuse but also from infection or rheumatic disease. Ruptured tendon is when a tendon in the body snaps Torn knee cartilage occurs when ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. Statement Of Purpose For Engineering Statement of Purpose The thrust for knowledge increases with the acquisition of it. Thomas Carlyle. I have always believed in the above adage which asks for more and more learning and I am applying for graduate studies in order to quench my thirst for knowledge. The most important reason for pursuing graduate studies is that it will raise me to a level of excellence where upon I would have the ability to impart knowledge, convince and innovate in my field. They conceive, they design, they analyze and they build. These always dawned upon me as the most desirable characteristics of an engineer. I possessed these engineering traits since my childhood. I used to break apart my toys to observe how they operate most of my toys comprised of model cars and airplanes. I always wondered how humongous structures could be built or could even lift off into the air and beyond. My respect for education and inclination towards applied science drove me to opt for math, physics and chemistry in higher secondary education. Being an avid student in school days, I actively participated in science workshops ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... I was placed in the top 0.2% of nearly 200,000 enthusiastic students in the entrance examination of Engineering. Securing such a good rank in the Engineering Entrance Exam enabled me to get into an internationally recognized engineering institute in my country, University of Engineering Technology, Lahore, a name of technology, innovation and advancement with a dynamic learning environment. Moreover, my innate strengths have always been creative abilities and the power of imagination; which made me take up discipline that would allow me to channel them in the best possible way. Thus, Mechanical Engineering was a direct consequence of my ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. Isabella Vigil . Mr.Short . College Composition . 19 March Isabella Vigil Mr.Short College Composition 19 March 2017 A Spiritual Gain but a Financial Lose Meditation has always been seen as a way to keep the mind and soul healthy. Mediation dates back to 1500 BCE originating in Ancient India. The practice soon started to expand and adapt to other cultures around the world. Some of the earliest references to meditation are found in the Hindu scriptures and it was around the 6th to 5th centuries that other forms of meditation developed into Confucian, Taoist China, and Buddhist India (Taham). This spiritual and religious practice has been around for thousands of years, benefiting many people. However, in the year 2017 mediation no longer feels like a spiritual practice but rather like ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Research suggests that meditation may physically change the brain and body and could potentially help to improve many health problems and promote healthy behaviors. In a 2012 study, researchers compared brain images from 50 adults who meditate and 50 adults who don t meditate. Results suggested that people who practiced meditation for many years have more folds in the outer layer of the brain. This process (called gyrification) may increase the brain s ability to process information (Meditation: In Depth). In many ways, the scientific studies showing how positive mediation has created this craze of mediation. Mediation can be linked to many exercise practices such as yoga. Meditation and yoga go hand in hand. Spending a few minutes of meditating then go into a hard body workout of yoga than ending the class with meditation. Many private yoga studies promote the practice of meditation and yoga increasing prices of their facility. Famous instructor Holly Rilinger is a perfect example. Rilinger has created this workout called Calm and Cardio starting with a five minute guided meditation and then launches into cardio and strength training intervals using bodyweight and dumbbells. During each song, you alternate between two exercises while moving to the beat of the booming music (Held). She has combined meditation with exercises and is now using this technique of meditation to create an empire. Exercise meditation is not the only thing that is expanding. There are ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. In 1953, Scientists James Watson And Francis Crick Revealed In 1953, scientists James Watson and Francis Crick revealed the structure of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA): the double helix. Through this groundbreaking revelation, many scientists are now able to edit and alter genes in foods such as tomatoes, milk, and corn. Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) should be banned in the United States because of their environmental, social, and economical consequences. GMOs should be banned because of their harsh impact on the environment. They are causing biodiversity loss, affecting organic agriculture, and inhibiting sustainable agriculture. In his book, Beyond Evolution: The Genetically Altered Future of Plants, Animals, the Earth and Humans, Bioethicist Dr. Michael W. Fox states, Some costs and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Also, attempts to uniform crops, or monoculture, will fuel genetic diversity loss. Genetic diversity is what helps crops adapt to weather and survive diseases; without genetic diversity, farmers will resort to using chemicals on their crops from those same companies that weakened their crops (Fox 83). Another example of biodiversity loss is eutrophication, the enrichment of ecosystems with chemicals. Bt itself is a built in insecticide that is manufactured with more chemicals than traditional insecticides. It is first introduced into the plant and eventually spreads its harmful toxins into humans and animals. What is most alarming is the transmission of this detrimental poison into marine life. Oyster populations in the Chesapeake Bay, for example, have declined by 96 percent due to eutrophication from Bt (Hewitt). This is alarming because 60 percent of the world s population relies on 40 percent of marine life as a source of food (Hewitt). The genetic modification of Bt crops also has an adverse effect on terrestrial life. This is further illustrated by a decrease in the number of predatory birds during the 1960 s and 1970 s from insecticide; more specifically, bald eagles have declined by at least 6 percent from its usage (Hewitt). GMOs advocates are advising the idea of including genetically altered organisms into organic farming. These advocates believe without the help of genetically engineered seeds the benefits of organic farming will likely remain small ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 42. Families in the Call to Home by Carol Stack Essay Families in the Call to Home by Carol Stack The families in the Call to Home by Carol Stack do not fit with the normal American household described by Haviland. A normal American household includes the parents and the children only. An aunt raising her nieces and nephews with her own children while their parents are living up North is not considered a normal household. Parents and children are separated with part of the children living with one parent and the others are living with grandparents. Such separation occurs because it is harder and harder to find jobs in the South and many kids have no other choice but to go up North for education and money. As North became more industrialized, people like Eula Grant, Shantee Owens, Donald ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Everyone knew that all the opportunities were up North where the big industries are and the abundance of jobs to be filled. However, with all the opportunities came the consequences of living in big cities. Crime, violence, no one to turn for support to because all the relatives live back home or in different cities. All that drove many back home, but they were different people. They knew what had to be done to better their lives down South. They had the skills, the knowledge and the strength to change things. MAC, Inc. and Holding Hands were organized to help out the poor, which included almost everybody. These are the consequences of living up North people came back knowing what has to be done. Even though the younger generation that came back knew what had to be done, they still seek the support of their elders. The kinship system played tremendously important role in all those people s lives. All the family gatherings were always attended no matter how far everybody is. Being a family is what has always gotten them through hard times. When the children moved back and had to start all over, their family was always there for them. Pearl had taken in Eula s children and her while she was recovering after the operation. Samuel s niece and nephew came to live with them when they lost their parents. If not for Pearl raising them, they would have ended up in an orphanage and nobody knows what could have happened to them. People survived through moral and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 43. Evolution Of Object Oriented Technology ABSTRACT This paper is discuss about the evolution of Object oriented technology in software design and implementation and it s role in the present market for developing server side scripting or web based products. There are many Object oriented languages are available in the market but in all of them companies choose to use open source languages like Java, .NET , C++, C#, and Visual Basic .NET etc. The call for these languages has improved because the license cost is very less, negligible or zero. Because of these open source languages, it is easy to find applicable libraries and development source code while product development. The infrastructure cost such as testing tools or development IDE s is also nominal or freely available. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Also, there has been exponential growth due to the increase in number of software systems being described as object oriented. Many programming languages, office information systems, system simulation and artificial intelligence have adopted object oriented technology. It is an assumption that learns specific development method or a set of tools. HISTORY OF SIMULAAND SMALLTALK Simula: The theory of objects in the Simula 67 was introduced by the discrete event simulation which was the outcome of the formal programming language, designed in 1960 s, created by Kristen Niggard has and Ole Johan Dahl of Norwegian Computing Center (NCC) in Oslo. Simula 67 has been influenced by the C.A.R. and SIMSCRIPT. Tony Hoare s proposed the Record classes. As part of the explicit programming model the Classes and objects or their instances were presented in Simula. The Automatic Garbage collection concept that was created earlier for the functional programming language Lisp was used by Simula. For the study and improvement of ship movements and the contents on them via cargo ports, Simula was utilized for creating the physical model of ships and the content that they carried. Many languages were influenced by Simula 67 such as derivatives of LISP (CLOS), Smalltalk, Pascal, and C++ Object. The Smalltalk language: Smalltalk was developed at Xerox PARC by Alan Kay and others in the 1970s. The term object oriented programming was introduced to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 44. Essay on FranklinL BUSN635 Assignment8 Submitted to: Dr. Chambers Instructor Business Plan Development BUSN 635 D001 Win 13 Prepared by: Lucretia J. Franklin April 28, 2013 Table of Contents INTRODUCTION 1 MISSION STATEMENT 2 THE BUSINESS PLAN PHASE I 3 Description 3 Required Licenses and Permits 3 Insurance 4 Reasons 4 Potential 4 Outside Resources 6 THE BUSINESS PLAN PHASE II 7 Service 7 Benefits 7 Demands 8 Different 8 THE BUSINESS PLAN PHASE III 9 Location 9 Physical Facility 9 Office 9 Restrooms 9 Break Room 10 Warehouse 10 Truck Wash 10 Parking Lot 10 Security Cameras 10
  • 45. Setbacks 11 THE BUSINESS PLAN PHASE IV 12 Marketing Analysis 12 Industry Trends 12 Customers 12 Growth 12 Pricing 13 THE BUSINESS PLAN PHASE V 14 Direct Competitors 14 ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The Federal License Motor Carrier Safety Administration is where you have to get the licenses and permits. The license and permits are listed below: ICC/MC number or Your Own Authority. DOT number, A. IFTA (Interstate Fuel Tax Authority) cists $590 per truck yearly. B. KYU (License to operate in the state of Louisiana). Operating Tags, which are your licenses to put on the trucks, costs $1590 yearly. 2290/Schedule 1 is a schedule to have a heavy highway vehicle. IRP Card is your state license and permit. Trailer Tags are another license to carry on the tractor. These licenses must be done before putting the heavy equipment on the highway. When you are leasing your truck to a broker, they will make sure this will be done when you join his/her company. Insurance Insurance is the most important thing to have for both truck and trailer. Each truck has two types of insurances. The trucks are to be insured with an on called load, or loaded and bob tailed when not under a load. Today many accidents happen by four wheelers and trucks. An owner operator cannot drive without insurance; he/she must have this before getting licenses and permits. The truck must be insured at the minimum of $100,000 to be accepted. Reasons The reasons for this new transportation business is because of many changes in the transportation laws concerning the hours of service and not enough trucks to get the cargo around the states. The hours of service have been causing the markets ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 46. Humanitarian Intervention In The Holocaust What does 200,000, 800,000 and 11 million mean to you? Anyone seeing these numbers simply just sees them as a random group of figures; however, to the victims of former Yugoslavia, Rwanda, and the Holocausts, these are the number of civilian casualties as a result of genocide, or the methodical massacre of a sizeable group of individuals. Throughout history, there have been several examples of genocide. In some instances, those affected received aid or a form of intervention, while others did not. I believe humanitarian intervention is permissible, especially in the cases of Yugoslavia, Rwanda, and victims of the Holocausts. When it comes to saving innocent lives, protecting human rights, and preserving the state, humanitarian intervention ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... After Josip Broz Tito, the communist president of Yugoslavia, died in 1980, citizens of Yugoslavia took advantage of attempting to declare their independence (History of Bosnian Genocide). A man by the name of Slobodan Milosevic soon came into power and further fueled the tension within Yugoslavia. In 1992, Bosnia, following the footsteps of Croatia and Slovenia for independence, was home for different ethnic Muslim groups; with in the same year, Serbia declared war on Bosnia in hopes to claim the land as their own (History of Bosnian Genocide). By using military force and concentration camps, Serbia was attempting to eradicate this ethnic group using genocide. Just like the Holocausts, individual rights were being violated and they were being dehumanized. As a result and stated in our class text, the International Criminal Court (1998) was formed to holding state leaders accountable for human rights violations. Humanitarian intervention would have been permissible in this instance because, again, it would save people s lives. The violent dismemberment of Yugoslavia has added the term ethnic cleansing to the global vocabulary (Denich). Serbia was trying to completely erase the Bosnian ethnic ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...