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Guided Wave Radar

Today’s Vanguard



What has been revealed in the past 15 years is the special qualities
of Eclipse Model 706 GWR that has allowed it to seep into the
bag of instrumentation tricks we have come to count on every
day. GWR, as a technology, has slowly become the standard in
process and storage tanks around the globe. First it was used as
a problem-solver. Then, as users gained confidence, it became a
daily staple on their level measurement menu.

Guided Wave Radar (GWR), the increasingly popular, industrial,
loop-powered transmitter we know today, burst on the scene
in the late 1990s. The Magnetrol® Eclipse® Model 706, like
most devices, is based on the revolutionary Lawrence Livermore
National Lab patent that in 1995 Popular Science magazine called
“Radar on a Chip” for $10.

This article will not explore the simple, generic applications
we know can be solved with almost any level measurement
technology including GWR. Rather, we intend to highlight a few
of the special areas where users have found particular success
in solving nagging measurement problems and the Eclipse GWR
has become their go-to technology as application knowledge and
product performance have evolved.

Hard-fought Early Battles
At first the Eclipse GWR was almost shunned. Why would a
customer use an “RF capacitance-looking device” with a probe?
Non-contact devices had clear advantages over contact with
ultrasonic and radar transmitters already carving out their own
niche in the marketplace. Installing a probe seemed almost
archaic. But, the probe WAS the secret.

Radar Echo – Is Bigger Always

What almost 15 years of experience has taught us is that the
probe, the initial perceived weakness, is the real strength of the
system. First, the probe offers a conductive path for the extremely
low-energy signal to travel. This allows a maximum amount of
energy to reach the surface where it is reflected and sent back to
the transmitter for interpretation. Extremely low dielectric/low SG
liquids like propane and butane can be measured with no problem.
Non-contact radars can measure these liquids using a stillwell/
standpipe that essentially provides a guided wave device, but at a
far greater cost. DPs can measure these materials but are subject
to SG variations that will greatly affect accuracy. Secondly, since
the probe is a conductive path that maintains control of the signal,
energy is not scattered within the tank (like non-contact radar)
where it can encounter numerous objects that create false targets.

Much has been said in the radar world about the need for a
strong signal, (i.e., a high-amplitude transmitted signal to the
medium you are measuring). It might seem like heresy to say
it is not the real issue, but is it? In some ways, the radar signal
is like the sound from a radio to which you are listening. If you
want it louder, you amplify the signal–an easy task. However, if
there is a high noise level behind the desired signal, what you
get is garbled. The same situation occurs in the radar world. This
relationship between the wanted and unwanted signals is called
Signal to Noise Ratio, abbreviated as SNR. Strong amplitude is a
“brute force” approach and is much easier to achieve than overall
SNR. In practical use the design with a greater SNR is more robust
and far less likely to have issues with unwanted reflections than
one that has an inferior value.

Modern radar designs strive to increase their SNR, and users
would be wise to keep this lesser-known trait in mind as they
choose between the various designs offered in the market. Low
dielectric, turbulence and other challenging conditions are made
easier with a superior SNR–and the new Eclipse Model 706
leads the industry in this area.

While some manufacturers of GWR transmitters may use special
algorithms to “infer” level measurement when this undesirable
signal interaction occurs and the actual level signal is lost, the
advanced design of the Eclipse Models 705 and 706 offer unique
solutions by utilizing a concept called Overfill Safe Operation. An
Overfill Safe probe is defined by the fact that it has predictable
and uniform characteristic impedance all the way down the
entire length of the waveguide (probe). This allows the probe to
measure true level at all times.

Overfill Capability
It is commonly understood that no level measurement technology is
perfect in all applications. Many have issues measuring accurately
to the very top of the tank. The most advanced of GWR designs
remove this weakness that plagues so many devices in the radar
category. This can be critical with media that are highly corrosive,
toxic or otherwise dangerous in a spill. The ability to read to the
very top of the vessel is often called Overfill Capability.

This probe design has the ability to measure accurate levels up
to the process flange without any non-measurable zone at the
top of the GWR probe. Overfill Safe GWR probes are a unique
advancement because coaxial probes can be installed at any
location on the vessel. Overfill Safe probes are offered in a variety
of Coaxial and Caged designs.

European agencies like WHG or VLAREM certify Overfill proof
protection, defined as the tested, reliable operation when the
transmitter is used as an overfill alarm. Further, it is assumed
in their analysis that the installation is designed in such a way
that the vessel or side-mounted cage cannot physically overfill.
However, there are practical applications where a GWR probe can
be completely flooded with level all the way up to the process
connection (face of the flange). Although the affected areas are
application dependent, typical GWR probes have a transition zone
(or possibly dead zone) at the top of the probe where interacting
signals can either affect the linearity of the measurement or, more
dramatically, result in a complete loss of signal.

Guided Wave Radar in
Chambers/Bridles and
Magnetic Level Indicators
Bridles and chambers have become popular means of level
measurement, first due to use with displacer transmitters and now
as an efficient means of external mounting that allows isolation
via shut-off valves. GWR has often been used in this configuration
utilizing coaxial probes. However, the recent popularity of single
rod probes (primarily due to their cost and higher immunity to
buildup) has raised a set of important performance issues.

NOTE: The measurement error associated with this propagation
delay depends on temperature and is a function of the square
root of the vapor space dielectric constant. For example, with
no compensation, a 450° F application would show a level error
of about 5.5%, while a 600° F application would show an error
approaching 20%!

Coaxial probes are the most efficient propagators of microwave
energy, which is why everyone’s television signal is transmitted
over coaxial cable. Single rod probes are inefficient in two key
•	 Launching the signal causes a large impedance mismatch
at the top of the probe which creates noise that interferes
with good target acquisition.

The Eclipse GWR Model 706 features advanced measurement
techniques that provide a unique solution to this application.
Utilizing a mechanical steam target placed 10–20” (250–500
mm) down a single rod probe can compensate for the effects
of the changing steam conditions. (Some advanced designs have
shortened this distance to 5 inches [125 mm] by utilizing a
coaxial probe, which allows measurement closer to the very top.)
Knowing exactly where the target is located at room temperature,
then continuously monitoring its apparent location, the vapor
space dielectric can be back-calculated. By knowing the vapor
space dielectric, accurate compensation of the actual liquid level
reading is accomplished.

•	 Propagation of energy along the single rod probe is the
least efficient of all GWR waveguides, which is not the
best approach for optimal performance.
Both of these issues are resolved in the Eclipse Model 706 when
its single rod probe is carefully impedance-matched to the typical
chambers/bridles seen in the process industries. In this way,
there is no top-of-probe mismatch and, when done very carefully,
the single rod probe/cage combination effectively becomes a
coaxial arrangement creating excellent propagation efficiency.
The most recent Eclipse Model 706 developments have included
this probe/chamber matching design which yields excellent
performance at the lower cost of a single rod probe.
Steam Applications
Saturated steam applications (i.e., high temperature/high
pressure water used in power generation) touch on one of the
theoretical weaknesses of radar. Radar technology has proven
to be a successful level measurement technology because it can
measure liquids that have drastically changing characteristics
like dielectric, specific gravity conditions that cause accuracy
headaches for conventional technologies like pressure cells
and torque-tube transmitters. This is true because the speed
of microwave propagation is based on the equation velocity =
speed of light/square root of dielectric (of vapor space). Typical
process conditions have little effect on this equation until you
enter the realm of high temperature/high pressure water (steam)
applications that occur during power generation.
As the temperature of saturated steam increases in these boiler
and feedwater heater applications, the dielectric constant of the
polar gas steam vapor space also increases. This increase in vapor
space dielectric causes a delay in the GWR signal propagation as
it travels down the probe, causing the liquid level to appear lower
than actual.

Saturated Steam Applications

Remote Site and Solar
Power Applications

Why? The speed of propagation of the microwave signal is
constant when passing through the typical vapor space (air) of
liquids normally measured. However, when the signal passes into
a low dielectric liquid, the speed of the electromagnetic signal
slows based on the equation velocity = speed of light/
square root of dielectric. By knowing the medium dielectric
and the expected end of probe location (based on probe length),
the level of the medium can be calculated based on the apparent
(delayed) end of probe location.

One application that has been gaining in popularity is generically called a
“solar application.” This refers to a remote, often unmanned site, with a
solar powered system with battery backup. The demand on transmitter
performance may not be obvious at first glance. These systems, by their
very design, have three key criteria that must be met: low power, fast
turn-on time and fast response time.
Low power has evolved to mean the ability to operate at 12VDC
minimum (240 mW @20mA). This can be accomplished directly
or with the use of a digital signal like HART® or MODBUS® with a
fixed output current to some low value, say 8-10mA. In this way,
power usage can be controlled to a tolerable level (particularly if
using a multi-drop configuration).

The delayed position of the end of probe will vary as the dielectric
of the process medium varies. As a result, this technique will not
provide the same accuracy as measuring the true product level.
For that reason, this is not a commonly used technique but it
can come in handy when using today’s more sophisticated GWR
transmitters in troublesome applications. The goal of dedicated
GWR manufacturers is to always detect the true level signal, so
this feature should only be used when conventional gain/threshold
troubleshooting techniques are exhausted.

Fast turn-on is the key to successful solar power applications.
Since these are remote sites, continuous reporting of information
is usually not a requirement. Updating once per hour, or even
once per day, is not unusual. This allows for a highly efficient
installation with minimal power usage. The real challenge for
transmitters is the ability to come back from being turned off
(“sleep” mode), power up and take a reliable reading within
15–30 seconds before being put back to sleep to await the next
measurement cycle. The latest GWR designs can accomplish this
power-up cycle in less than 15 seconds, making for an extremely
nice fit in these installations.

Guided Wave Radar
Measurement Bonus
Many industries encounter interface applications that contain
two, immiscible liquids of different specific gravities. The Oil &
Gas industry is rife with oil/water vessels in which separation
is critical. Water can be a major liquid that accompanies
hydrocarbons from within their original rock formations or a minor
liquid that condenses out after long periods. In many cases, it is
advantageous to measure both the hydrocarbon that rises to the
top and the water that settles to the bottom.

Non-standard Measurement
GWR is a time-of-flight technology with a microwave echo that
yields a reliable level reading even in changing process conditions.
This direct measurement of true product level is key to accurate
performance. However, there are times when a calculated (inferred)
measurement may be necessary. Again, the probe becomes a
critical component. Knowing the exact probe length (a standard
parameter) allows the transmitter to look for the end-of-probe
signal to be in a precise location. In applications of extremely low
dielectric (<1.4), due to inherent media characteristics or process
conditions (e.g., flashing), detecting the “apparent location” of
the end of probe can be used to calculate the amount (level) of
the medium.

This design would demand a secondary seal as a back-up, the
double-seal approach.

The Eclipse GWR transmitter is capable of effectively measuring
both an upper liquid level and an interface liquid level. As only
a portion of the pulse is reflected from a low dielectric upper
surface, some of the transmitted energy continues down the GWR
probe through the upper liquid. The remaining initial pulse is again
reflected when it reaches the higher dielectric lower liquid. It is
typically required that the upper liquid has a dielectric constant
less than 10, and the lower liquid has a dielectric constant greater
than 15. A typical interface application would be oil over water,
with the upper layer of oil being non-conductive (εr ≈ 2.0),
and the lower layer of water being very conductive (εr ≈ 80).
The Eclipse GWR transmitter can accurately detect upper layer
thicknesses as small as 2” (50 mm) while the maximum upper
layer is limited to the length of the GWR probe.

The key characteristics of these seals include:
Single seals must pass the following tests:
•	 Leakage and burst: must show visible signs of leakage
when subjected to overpressure.
•	 Temperature cycling: must not fail when subjected to
repeated changes in temperature near the manufacturer’s
rated maximum.
•	 Fatigue cycling: must not fail when subjected to changes
in pressure over 100,000 cycles which includes cycling
from atmospheric pressure to the manufacturer’s rated

One consideration with interface applications is emulsion layers.
For applications containing an emulsion layer (also called a “rag
layer”) of 4 inches or less, the Eclipse will detect the emulsion/
water interface level. For applications with an emulsion layer
greater than approximately 4 inches, the Eclipse will tend to read
the top of the emulsion (the oil/emulsion interface).

Dual-seal designs must pass the following tests:
•	 Leakage and burst: same as single seal.
•	 Venting: must account for pressure and flow capacity of
the worst-case primary seal failure. Pressure is applied until
the needed annunciation has indicated failure.
•	 Annunciation: must be verified by further testing.

ANSI/ISA 12.27.01
Process Seals

It should be clear that the goal is to use, where possible, a single
seal, given its more robust design and rigorous testing. There are
premium GWR probes on the market that have been approved to
the ANSI/ISA 12.27.01 specification. These designs offer the
kind of safety, via robust designs, that users need. Eclipse Model
705 and Eclipse Model 706 GWR probe designs meet these
specification demands.

Measurement of flammable media has always taken on a higher
level of criticality. In search of ultimate safety, the issue has been
raised as to what makes an appropriate seal between flammable
media inside a vessel and the outside world. The intent is to
eliminate the possibility of process fluids (gas or liquid) migrating
under pressure through conduit/cable/wiring systems back to the
control room in the event of a primary seal failure. Poured, conduit
seals are NOT considered a deterrent to pressurized fluids.

Improvements in User
Interface and Software Tools

This issue has evolved to a discussion of “single seal” vs. “dual
seal.” Does a single seal have enough integrity to be considered
safe in these applications? Is a dual seal a better solution?

The use of personal computers (PCs) has been a boon for instrument
users. The ability to do sophisticated calibration and remote diagnostic
troubleshooting means optimized performance and less downtime.
PACTware™ is one program in the Field Device Tool (FDT) family
that has become popular with many users. Manufacturers design
DTMs that work within the PACTware frame. These DTMs present
transmitter information in the way each manufacturer feels best

Stainless steel thermowells have the kind of robust characteristics
that meet the ASNI/ISA 12.27.01 specifications as an acceptable
single seal. However, removing the stainless steel well and creating
an O-ring compression removes those same robust characteristics.

represents their device. This is important in the more sophisticated
aspects of PC software use.

•	 Three tabs are visible showing HOME, DEVICE SETUP and

As transmitters and their accompanying PC programs have become
more sophisticated, users demand that manufacturers keep it
simple and intuitive. Magnetrol’s Eclipse Model 706 DTM is a
logical approach that is centered on how the customer uses the
information, NOT how the transmitter develops it.

-	 HOME shows key variables and diagnostic information
in an easy-to-read graphical format.

The new Eclipse Model 706 approach breaks the information
down into usable sections:
•	 HOME SCREEN (dashboard) shows a snapshot in time of all
key information.
•	 DEVICE SETUP yields all necessary configuration parameters
-	 SETUP WIZARD offers a minimum subset of configuration
parameters to get up and running quickly.

-	 DEVICE SETUP opens up a set of tabs instrumental for

•	 DIAGNOSTICS make all diagnostics and troubleshooting

-	DIAGNOSTICS opens up a different set of tabs for

The above HOME screen shows such a layout. Key aspects are:
•	 HEADER that provides all key information and is always

Two clicks of the mouse takes the user to any of the transmitter
information. In addition, “flyover” HELP is available by positioning
the cursor over any piece of information.
Unattended Echo Capture

PACTware. The user can then email the information to the factory for
expert assistance in troubleshooting. This enables the problem to be
resolved much more quickly, minimizing possible downtime.

It would be a wonderful world if transmitters never experienced
a process upset or problem throughout their entire life cycle. Of
course, this utopia has never been found. The best that can be
done it so improve the speed at which a user can turn around a
problem and get the device back online to minimize down time.
One of the most important tools used to troubleshoot a GWR
application is the echo curve.

For many years transmitters could yield only 4–20mA information
related to a change in a primary variable. Smart (microprocessorbased) devices raised that bar by offering the ability to do selfdiagnosis and transmit information over digital networks such
as HART, Profibus and Foundation fieldbus. Many manufacturers
evolved their diagnostics into three basic categories: Fault (most
critical), Warning (less critical), Informational.
NAMUR, an international association dedicated to automation
in the process industries, has been influential in improving
various areas of this industry for many years. The NAMUR NE43
recommendation, which is modifying the original 4–20mA loops
to a 3.8–20.5mA working range with low alarm below 3.8mA
and high alarm above 21mA, is now widely accepted as a de facto
standard by many manufacturers.
NAMUR is raising the bar again with the release of its NE107
recommendation for diagnostic information (Self-monitoring and
Diagnosis of Field Devices). The new NE107 recommendation
offers the following categories (in order of importance):

This graphical representation of a GWR echo speaks volumes to those
trained to interpret them. It is like a snapshot in time of the health of
the transmitter. It is actually like seeing inside of the tank.
The challenge with echo curves is acquiring them in a timely fashion.
However, most problems develop when there is a skeleton crew and no
one watching this tank. By the time an instrument tech can investigate,
the alarm has cleared and no one understands why it occurred or, more
importantly, when it will happen again.

1. Failure	

2. Function Check

Operating out of specified
measurement range,

4. Maintenance Required

Output valid, but in need
of some attention.

5. OK


Output temporarily invalid
due to other activity (e.g.

3. Out of Specification

Since an echo curve is so important in troubleshooting the device, it is
critical to capture the curve at the instant a problem occurs. Too often
this means connecting a laptop and gathering information AFTER the
first signs of the problem, which is obviously not ideal. The advanced
Eclipse Model 706 GWR design makes this much less painful. These
advanced designs are shipped from the factory so an echo curve is
captured based on Time (using an on-board clock) or a key Event (such
as Loss of Echo or Low Echo Strength). The transmitter has the ability
to store a number of echo curves in its on-board memory. These echo
curves can then be downloaded to a laptop running software such as

Output invalid due to a

No diagnostic issues.
This relatively new standard allows the user to categorize
diagnostic indicators in a way that suits their specific needs. The
more advanced GWR transmitters are already incorporating this
approach into their transmitters diagnostic scheme to allow much
greater flexibility for the sophisticated user. All transmitters are
shipped with default values for these diagnostic categories, so the
casual “non-NE107” user will still have them at their disposal with
no added effort.

706 is leading the way in GWR transmitter performance. It can
effectively and reliably measure up to the process seal of the
probe. With specially bent probes, GWR can measure to almost
the last drop of liquid in a tank. This makes them particularly
attractive for industries like pharmaceuticals with extremely highvalue products.
From the first drop to the last, the Eclipse Model 706 has shown
the ability to tackle some of the toughest industry challenges.
With its ease of installation and stellar performance in changing
process conditions, it is no wonder the Eclipse Model 706 GWR
transmitter has become a go-to product for problem applications,
yet it is seen worthy of even the most generic plant applications.

GWR has emerged as a level measurement staple in instrument
shops around the world and the new Magnetrol Eclipse Model
Overfill probes: A broad range of Coaxial and
Caged probes, which offer accurate readings to the
very top of the probe.
Probe seals that are fired and bonded for true
hermetic performance. The glass ceramic alloy
means no concerns about O-ring material
compatibility, which is an upgrade to previous
borosilicate designs.
Steam probe with patented compensation
technique. Steam target is only 5 inches down
the probe. Offered in lengths up to 20 feet long.
ISA 12.27.01/single seal and dual seal
Patented offering that constains a GWR
transmitter integrated and matched to a Magnetic
Level Indicator.
Optional segmented probe configuration.
NACE and B31 construction codes are standard
Full graphic local user interface that is easily
added or removed. Displays echo curves and
trends. Configurable to show only the info you
want to see. Offers context sensitive help screens.
Fully encapsulated electronics.
Can operate down to 11V supply voltage, even in
hazardous areas.


Other Brands



Typical single rod probes may
have non-measurable areas at
the top, resulting in signal loss.
Most offer “soft” non bonded

No dead zones, which provide Overfill
Capability and improved safety.


Large unusable range on
probe. Some offer no
compensation at all.
May charge extra, or not offer.



Maintains accuracy in saturated steam
applications, and increases usable
Increased safety.
Compliance with NEC/CEC.
Provides redundant local indication,
with independent technology.


Available from some.


May include as a special.


Non graphic indicator, with no
local interface.


May have exposed circuitry.
Reliable, even under extreme moisture.
May require 16VDC or higher, Ideal for solar power installations.
particularly in cold climates and
hazardous areas.




Greatly reduced risk of process fluid
leak, and material compatibility issues.
Operation up to +850F and 2500#

Available to assemble segments on site
where limited overhead clearance may
be an issue.
Required for critical applications in
power plants and refineries.
No need for expensive hand-held
terminal, or external software.


Highest signal-to-noise ratio, up to 3 times better
than some competitors. Patent pending “Diode
Switched Front End” circuit completely isolates
the transmitted and received signals for more
robust operation.
Built-in “virtual technician” automatically saves
echo curves during upsets and other events.
Real time clock calendar on board to time stamp
events. Supply voltage to device is continuously
“Fast Boot” fully functional level measurement in
under 15 seconds from the application of power.


Some offer similar, but less
effective techniques.


May need a technician and/or Save information automatically in the
external software to catch the transmitter when a problem occurs
issue when it happens.
to minimize troubleshooting and


One transmitter model handles all probe and
application types.


Published specifications are achieved with true
direct level measurement.


Best in class interface performance can resolve
down to 2 inches of upper medium. Top tracking
of large emulsions.


Patented “Split Barrier” design provides full
safety compliance in explosion proof applications,
without reductions in loop loading performance.
SIL 2 Hardware with a Safe Failure Fraction (SFF)
= 93%.
NE 107 Compliant.


Slow to get running and
Fast start up, and short on-time in
update level, may take 5 times polled applications. Can start up, read
longer just to get started.
the level, transmit data and shutdown
in under 15 seconds.
Different models required for Reduced spares and more flexibility.
different applications.
Electronics do not need to be replaced
if application is different than originally
May use inferred level
Always reading true level results
measurement when signals
in accurate performance even with
are lost, which can be less
dielectric changes, water bottoms, etc.
accurate and risky in some
May require 4 to 6 inches
Handles more challenging interface
of upper medium before
the interface signal can be
detected. Can also be limited
to small emulsions.
Limited loop loading and high Can drive more than 630 Ohms with a
supply voltage requirements. 24VDC supply in XP applications.

Dual Compartment, quick disconnect, factory
sealed enclosure.


Multivariable device. In addition to level, easy
configuration of interface, volume or flow with
extensive internal library of vessel and flow
element shapes and types.
Probe buildup monitoring.
Free industry standard FDT/DTM offers easy
wizard-based setup, advanced troubleshooting
and documentation tools.




Other Brands

Robust, reliable operation even in
challenging applications. Continues to
work where others would fail.

May not be available.

Suitable for use in critical safety
May not be available.
Compatible with the latest diagnostic
May offer single compartment, Full separation of wiring compartment
screwed directly on the probe. from electronics. No need to pour an
external seal in XP applications.
May require use of custom
Simply choose the Measurement type,
strapping tables, developed
enter a few configuration parameters,
and configured by user.
and the Eclipse Model 706 does the
Alerts you to needed maintenance.
May require proprietary
Nothing else to buy.
software, or expensive asset
Universal operation across many
management systems, to work brands.
with the instrument.

Bulletin: 57-218.0 • Effective: February 2013


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  • 1. Guided Wave Radar TODAY’S VANGUARD IN LEVEL MEASUREMENT Today’s Vanguard Measurement in Level What has been revealed in the past 15 years is the special qualities of Eclipse Model 706 GWR that has allowed it to seep into the bag of instrumentation tricks we have come to count on every day. GWR, as a technology, has slowly become the standard in process and storage tanks around the globe. First it was used as a problem-solver. Then, as users gained confidence, it became a daily staple on their level measurement menu. Guided Wave Radar (GWR), the increasingly popular, industrial, loop-powered transmitter we know today, burst on the scene in the late 1990s. The Magnetrol® Eclipse® Model 706, like most devices, is based on the revolutionary Lawrence Livermore National Lab patent that in 1995 Popular Science magazine called “Radar on a Chip” for $10. This article will not explore the simple, generic applications we know can be solved with almost any level measurement technology including GWR. Rather, we intend to highlight a few of the special areas where users have found particular success in solving nagging measurement problems and the Eclipse GWR has become their go-to technology as application knowledge and product performance have evolved. Hard-fought Early Battles At first the Eclipse GWR was almost shunned. Why would a customer use an “RF capacitance-looking device” with a probe? Non-contact devices had clear advantages over contact with ultrasonic and radar transmitters already carving out their own niche in the marketplace. Installing a probe seemed almost archaic. But, the probe WAS the secret. Radar Echo – Is Bigger Always Better? What almost 15 years of experience has taught us is that the probe, the initial perceived weakness, is the real strength of the system. First, the probe offers a conductive path for the extremely low-energy signal to travel. This allows a maximum amount of energy to reach the surface where it is reflected and sent back to the transmitter for interpretation. Extremely low dielectric/low SG liquids like propane and butane can be measured with no problem. Non-contact radars can measure these liquids using a stillwell/ standpipe that essentially provides a guided wave device, but at a far greater cost. DPs can measure these materials but are subject to SG variations that will greatly affect accuracy. Secondly, since the probe is a conductive path that maintains control of the signal, energy is not scattered within the tank (like non-contact radar) where it can encounter numerous objects that create false targets. Much has been said in the radar world about the need for a strong signal, (i.e., a high-amplitude transmitted signal to the medium you are measuring). It might seem like heresy to say it is not the real issue, but is it? In some ways, the radar signal is like the sound from a radio to which you are listening. If you want it louder, you amplify the signal–an easy task. However, if there is a high noise level behind the desired signal, what you get is garbled. The same situation occurs in the radar world. This relationship between the wanted and unwanted signals is called Signal to Noise Ratio, abbreviated as SNR. Strong amplitude is a “brute force” approach and is much easier to achieve than overall SNR. In practical use the design with a greater SNR is more robust and far less likely to have issues with unwanted reflections than one that has an inferior value. 1
  • 2. Modern radar designs strive to increase their SNR, and users would be wise to keep this lesser-known trait in mind as they choose between the various designs offered in the market. Low dielectric, turbulence and other challenging conditions are made easier with a superior SNR–and the new Eclipse Model 706 leads the industry in this area. While some manufacturers of GWR transmitters may use special algorithms to “infer” level measurement when this undesirable signal interaction occurs and the actual level signal is lost, the advanced design of the Eclipse Models 705 and 706 offer unique solutions by utilizing a concept called Overfill Safe Operation. An Overfill Safe probe is defined by the fact that it has predictable and uniform characteristic impedance all the way down the entire length of the waveguide (probe). This allows the probe to measure true level at all times. Overfill Capability It is commonly understood that no level measurement technology is perfect in all applications. Many have issues measuring accurately to the very top of the tank. The most advanced of GWR designs remove this weakness that plagues so many devices in the radar category. This can be critical with media that are highly corrosive, toxic or otherwise dangerous in a spill. The ability to read to the very top of the vessel is often called Overfill Capability. This probe design has the ability to measure accurate levels up to the process flange without any non-measurable zone at the top of the GWR probe. Overfill Safe GWR probes are a unique advancement because coaxial probes can be installed at any location on the vessel. Overfill Safe probes are offered in a variety of Coaxial and Caged designs. European agencies like WHG or VLAREM certify Overfill proof protection, defined as the tested, reliable operation when the transmitter is used as an overfill alarm. Further, it is assumed in their analysis that the installation is designed in such a way that the vessel or side-mounted cage cannot physically overfill. However, there are practical applications where a GWR probe can be completely flooded with level all the way up to the process connection (face of the flange). Although the affected areas are application dependent, typical GWR probes have a transition zone (or possibly dead zone) at the top of the probe where interacting signals can either affect the linearity of the measurement or, more dramatically, result in a complete loss of signal. Guided Wave Radar in Chambers/Bridles and Magnetic Level Indicators Bridles and chambers have become popular means of level measurement, first due to use with displacer transmitters and now as an efficient means of external mounting that allows isolation via shut-off valves. GWR has often been used in this configuration utilizing coaxial probes. However, the recent popularity of single rod probes (primarily due to their cost and higher immunity to buildup) has raised a set of important performance issues. 2
  • 3. NOTE: The measurement error associated with this propagation delay depends on temperature and is a function of the square root of the vapor space dielectric constant. For example, with no compensation, a 450° F application would show a level error of about 5.5%, while a 600° F application would show an error approaching 20%! Coaxial probes are the most efficient propagators of microwave energy, which is why everyone’s television signal is transmitted over coaxial cable. Single rod probes are inefficient in two key aspects: • Launching the signal causes a large impedance mismatch at the top of the probe which creates noise that interferes with good target acquisition. The Eclipse GWR Model 706 features advanced measurement techniques that provide a unique solution to this application. Utilizing a mechanical steam target placed 10–20” (250–500 mm) down a single rod probe can compensate for the effects of the changing steam conditions. (Some advanced designs have shortened this distance to 5 inches [125 mm] by utilizing a coaxial probe, which allows measurement closer to the very top.) Knowing exactly where the target is located at room temperature, then continuously monitoring its apparent location, the vapor space dielectric can be back-calculated. By knowing the vapor space dielectric, accurate compensation of the actual liquid level reading is accomplished. • Propagation of energy along the single rod probe is the least efficient of all GWR waveguides, which is not the best approach for optimal performance. Both of these issues are resolved in the Eclipse Model 706 when its single rod probe is carefully impedance-matched to the typical chambers/bridles seen in the process industries. In this way, there is no top-of-probe mismatch and, when done very carefully, the single rod probe/cage combination effectively becomes a coaxial arrangement creating excellent propagation efficiency. The most recent Eclipse Model 706 developments have included this probe/chamber matching design which yields excellent performance at the lower cost of a single rod probe. Saturated Steam Applications Saturated steam applications (i.e., high temperature/high pressure water used in power generation) touch on one of the theoretical weaknesses of radar. Radar technology has proven to be a successful level measurement technology because it can measure liquids that have drastically changing characteristics like dielectric, specific gravity conditions that cause accuracy headaches for conventional technologies like pressure cells and torque-tube transmitters. This is true because the speed of microwave propagation is based on the equation velocity = speed of light/square root of dielectric (of vapor space). Typical process conditions have little effect on this equation until you enter the realm of high temperature/high pressure water (steam) applications that occur during power generation. As the temperature of saturated steam increases in these boiler and feedwater heater applications, the dielectric constant of the polar gas steam vapor space also increases. This increase in vapor space dielectric causes a delay in the GWR signal propagation as it travels down the probe, causing the liquid level to appear lower than actual. Saturated Steam Applications 3
  • 4. Remote Site and Solar Power Applications Why? The speed of propagation of the microwave signal is constant when passing through the typical vapor space (air) of liquids normally measured. However, when the signal passes into a low dielectric liquid, the speed of the electromagnetic signal slows based on the equation velocity = speed of light/ square root of dielectric. By knowing the medium dielectric and the expected end of probe location (based on probe length), the level of the medium can be calculated based on the apparent (delayed) end of probe location. One application that has been gaining in popularity is generically called a “solar application.” This refers to a remote, often unmanned site, with a solar powered system with battery backup. The demand on transmitter performance may not be obvious at first glance. These systems, by their very design, have three key criteria that must be met: low power, fast turn-on time and fast response time. Low power has evolved to mean the ability to operate at 12VDC minimum (240 mW @20mA). This can be accomplished directly or with the use of a digital signal like HART® or MODBUS® with a fixed output current to some low value, say 8-10mA. In this way, power usage can be controlled to a tolerable level (particularly if using a multi-drop configuration). The delayed position of the end of probe will vary as the dielectric of the process medium varies. As a result, this technique will not provide the same accuracy as measuring the true product level. For that reason, this is not a commonly used technique but it can come in handy when using today’s more sophisticated GWR transmitters in troublesome applications. The goal of dedicated GWR manufacturers is to always detect the true level signal, so this feature should only be used when conventional gain/threshold troubleshooting techniques are exhausted. Fast turn-on is the key to successful solar power applications. Since these are remote sites, continuous reporting of information is usually not a requirement. Updating once per hour, or even once per day, is not unusual. This allows for a highly efficient installation with minimal power usage. The real challenge for transmitters is the ability to come back from being turned off (“sleep” mode), power up and take a reliable reading within 15–30 seconds before being put back to sleep to await the next measurement cycle. The latest GWR designs can accomplish this power-up cycle in less than 15 seconds, making for an extremely nice fit in these installations. Guided Wave Radar Measurement Bonus Interface Many industries encounter interface applications that contain two, immiscible liquids of different specific gravities. The Oil & Gas industry is rife with oil/water vessels in which separation is critical. Water can be a major liquid that accompanies hydrocarbons from within their original rock formations or a minor liquid that condenses out after long periods. In many cases, it is advantageous to measure both the hydrocarbon that rises to the top and the water that settles to the bottom. Non-standard Measurement Techniques GWR is a time-of-flight technology with a microwave echo that yields a reliable level reading even in changing process conditions. This direct measurement of true product level is key to accurate performance. However, there are times when a calculated (inferred) measurement may be necessary. Again, the probe becomes a critical component. Knowing the exact probe length (a standard parameter) allows the transmitter to look for the end-of-probe signal to be in a precise location. In applications of extremely low dielectric (<1.4), due to inherent media characteristics or process conditions (e.g., flashing), detecting the “apparent location” of the end of probe can be used to calculate the amount (level) of the medium. 4
  • 5. This design would demand a secondary seal as a back-up, the double-seal approach. The Eclipse GWR transmitter is capable of effectively measuring both an upper liquid level and an interface liquid level. As only a portion of the pulse is reflected from a low dielectric upper surface, some of the transmitted energy continues down the GWR probe through the upper liquid. The remaining initial pulse is again reflected when it reaches the higher dielectric lower liquid. It is typically required that the upper liquid has a dielectric constant less than 10, and the lower liquid has a dielectric constant greater than 15. A typical interface application would be oil over water, with the upper layer of oil being non-conductive (εr ≈ 2.0), and the lower layer of water being very conductive (εr ≈ 80). The Eclipse GWR transmitter can accurately detect upper layer thicknesses as small as 2” (50 mm) while the maximum upper layer is limited to the length of the GWR probe. The key characteristics of these seals include: Single seals must pass the following tests: • Leakage and burst: must show visible signs of leakage when subjected to overpressure. • Temperature cycling: must not fail when subjected to repeated changes in temperature near the manufacturer’s rated maximum. • Fatigue cycling: must not fail when subjected to changes in pressure over 100,000 cycles which includes cycling from atmospheric pressure to the manufacturer’s rated maximum. One consideration with interface applications is emulsion layers. For applications containing an emulsion layer (also called a “rag layer”) of 4 inches or less, the Eclipse will detect the emulsion/ water interface level. For applications with an emulsion layer greater than approximately 4 inches, the Eclipse will tend to read the top of the emulsion (the oil/emulsion interface). Dual-seal designs must pass the following tests: • Leakage and burst: same as single seal. • Venting: must account for pressure and flow capacity of the worst-case primary seal failure. Pressure is applied until the needed annunciation has indicated failure. • Annunciation: must be verified by further testing. ANSI/ISA 12.27.01 Process Seals It should be clear that the goal is to use, where possible, a single seal, given its more robust design and rigorous testing. There are premium GWR probes on the market that have been approved to the ANSI/ISA 12.27.01 specification. These designs offer the kind of safety, via robust designs, that users need. Eclipse Model 705 and Eclipse Model 706 GWR probe designs meet these specification demands. Measurement of flammable media has always taken on a higher level of criticality. In search of ultimate safety, the issue has been raised as to what makes an appropriate seal between flammable media inside a vessel and the outside world. The intent is to eliminate the possibility of process fluids (gas or liquid) migrating under pressure through conduit/cable/wiring systems back to the control room in the event of a primary seal failure. Poured, conduit seals are NOT considered a deterrent to pressurized fluids. Improvements in User Interface and Software Tools This issue has evolved to a discussion of “single seal” vs. “dual seal.” Does a single seal have enough integrity to be considered safe in these applications? Is a dual seal a better solution? The use of personal computers (PCs) has been a boon for instrument users. The ability to do sophisticated calibration and remote diagnostic troubleshooting means optimized performance and less downtime. PACTware™ is one program in the Field Device Tool (FDT) family that has become popular with many users. Manufacturers design DTMs that work within the PACTware frame. These DTMs present transmitter information in the way each manufacturer feels best Stainless steel thermowells have the kind of robust characteristics that meet the ASNI/ISA 12.27.01 specifications as an acceptable single seal. However, removing the stainless steel well and creating an O-ring compression removes those same robust characteristics. 5
  • 6. represents their device. This is important in the more sophisticated aspects of PC software use. • Three tabs are visible showing HOME, DEVICE SETUP and DIAGNOSTICS As transmitters and their accompanying PC programs have become more sophisticated, users demand that manufacturers keep it simple and intuitive. Magnetrol’s Eclipse Model 706 DTM is a logical approach that is centered on how the customer uses the information, NOT how the transmitter develops it. - HOME shows key variables and diagnostic information in an easy-to-read graphical format. The new Eclipse Model 706 approach breaks the information down into usable sections: • HOME SCREEN (dashboard) shows a snapshot in time of all key information. • DEVICE SETUP yields all necessary configuration parameters - SETUP WIZARD offers a minimum subset of configuration parameters to get up and running quickly. - DEVICE SETUP opens up a set of tabs instrumental for configuration. • DIAGNOSTICS make all diagnostics and troubleshooting available. - DIAGNOSTICS opens up a different set of tabs for troubleshooting. The above HOME screen shows such a layout. Key aspects are: • HEADER that provides all key information and is always viewable. Two clicks of the mouse takes the user to any of the transmitter information. In addition, “flyover” HELP is available by positioning the cursor over any piece of information. 6
  • 7. Unattended Echo Capture PACTware. The user can then email the information to the factory for expert assistance in troubleshooting. This enables the problem to be resolved much more quickly, minimizing possible downtime. It would be a wonderful world if transmitters never experienced a process upset or problem throughout their entire life cycle. Of course, this utopia has never been found. The best that can be done it so improve the speed at which a user can turn around a problem and get the device back online to minimize down time. One of the most important tools used to troubleshoot a GWR application is the echo curve. NE107 For many years transmitters could yield only 4–20mA information related to a change in a primary variable. Smart (microprocessorbased) devices raised that bar by offering the ability to do selfdiagnosis and transmit information over digital networks such as HART, Profibus and Foundation fieldbus. Many manufacturers evolved their diagnostics into three basic categories: Fault (most critical), Warning (less critical), Informational. NAMUR, an international association dedicated to automation in the process industries, has been influential in improving various areas of this industry for many years. The NAMUR NE43 recommendation, which is modifying the original 4–20mA loops to a 3.8–20.5mA working range with low alarm below 3.8mA and high alarm above 21mA, is now widely accepted as a de facto standard by many manufacturers. NAMUR is raising the bar again with the release of its NE107 recommendation for diagnostic information (Self-monitoring and Diagnosis of Field Devices). The new NE107 recommendation offers the following categories (in order of importance): This graphical representation of a GWR echo speaks volumes to those trained to interpret them. It is like a snapshot in time of the health of the transmitter. It is actually like seeing inside of the tank. The challenge with echo curves is acquiring them in a timely fashion. However, most problems develop when there is a skeleton crew and no one watching this tank. By the time an instrument tech can investigate, the alarm has cleared and no one understands why it occurred or, more importantly, when it will happen again. 1. Failure 2. Function Check Operating out of specified measurement range, 4. Maintenance Required Output valid, but in need of some attention. 5. OK 7 Output temporarily invalid due to other activity (e.g. maintenance). 3. Out of Specification Since an echo curve is so important in troubleshooting the device, it is critical to capture the curve at the instant a problem occurs. Too often this means connecting a laptop and gathering information AFTER the first signs of the problem, which is obviously not ideal. The advanced Eclipse Model 706 GWR design makes this much less painful. These advanced designs are shipped from the factory so an echo curve is captured based on Time (using an on-board clock) or a key Event (such as Loss of Echo or Low Echo Strength). The transmitter has the ability to store a number of echo curves in its on-board memory. These echo curves can then be downloaded to a laptop running software such as Output invalid due to a malfunction. No diagnostic issues.
  • 8. This relatively new standard allows the user to categorize diagnostic indicators in a way that suits their specific needs. The more advanced GWR transmitters are already incorporating this approach into their transmitters diagnostic scheme to allow much greater flexibility for the sophisticated user. All transmitters are shipped with default values for these diagnostic categories, so the casual “non-NE107” user will still have them at their disposal with no added effort. 706 is leading the way in GWR transmitter performance. It can effectively and reliably measure up to the process seal of the probe. With specially bent probes, GWR can measure to almost the last drop of liquid in a tank. This makes them particularly attractive for industries like pharmaceuticals with extremely highvalue products. From the first drop to the last, the Eclipse Model 706 has shown the ability to tackle some of the toughest industry challenges. With its ease of installation and stellar performance in changing process conditions, it is no wonder the Eclipse Model 706 GWR transmitter has become a go-to product for problem applications, yet it is seen worthy of even the most generic plant applications. Summary GWR has emerged as a level measurement staple in instrument shops around the world and the new Magnetrol Eclipse Model Features PROBES Overfill probes: A broad range of Coaxial and Caged probes, which offer accurate readings to the very top of the probe. Probe seals that are fired and bonded for true hermetic performance. The glass ceramic alloy means no concerns about O-ring material compatibility, which is an upgrade to previous borosilicate designs. Steam probe with patented compensation technique. Steam target is only 5 inches down the probe. Offered in lengths up to 20 feet long. ISA 12.27.01/single seal and dual seal approved. Patented offering that constains a GWR transmitter integrated and matched to a Magnetic Level Indicator. Optional segmented probe configuration. NACE and B31 construction codes are standard options. ELECTRONICS Full graphic local user interface that is easily added or removed. Displays echo curves and trends. Configurable to show only the info you want to see. Offers context sensitive help screens. Fully encapsulated electronics. Can operate down to 11V supply voltage, even in hazardous areas. Magnetrol Eclipse Other Brands Benefit √ Typical single rod probes may have non-measurable areas at the top, resulting in signal loss. Most offer “soft” non bonded seals. No dead zones, which provide Overfill Capability and improved safety. √ Large unusable range on probe. Some offer no compensation at all. May charge extra, or not offer. √ N/A Maintains accuracy in saturated steam applications, and increases usable range. Increased safety. Compliance with NEC/CEC. Provides redundant local indication, with independent technology. √ Available from some. √ May include as a special. √ Non graphic indicator, with no local interface. √ √ May have exposed circuitry. Reliable, even under extreme moisture. May require 16VDC or higher, Ideal for solar power installations. particularly in cold climates and hazardous areas. √ √ 8 Greatly reduced risk of process fluid leak, and material compatibility issues. Operation up to +850F and 2500# service. Available to assemble segments on site where limited overhead clearance may be an issue. Required for critical applications in power plants and refineries. No need for expensive hand-held terminal, or external software.
  • 9. Features Magnetrol Eclipse Highest signal-to-noise ratio, up to 3 times better than some competitors. Patent pending “Diode Switched Front End” circuit completely isolates the transmitted and received signals for more robust operation. Built-in “virtual technician” automatically saves echo curves during upsets and other events. Real time clock calendar on board to time stamp events. Supply voltage to device is continuously monitored. “Fast Boot” fully functional level measurement in under 15 seconds from the application of power. √ Some offer similar, but less effective techniques. √ May need a technician and/or Save information automatically in the external software to catch the transmitter when a problem occurs issue when it happens. to minimize troubleshooting and downtime. √ One transmitter model handles all probe and application types. √ Published specifications are achieved with true direct level measurement. √ Best in class interface performance can resolve down to 2 inches of upper medium. Top tracking of large emulsions. √ Patented “Split Barrier” design provides full safety compliance in explosion proof applications, without reductions in loop loading performance. SIL 2 Hardware with a Safe Failure Fraction (SFF) = 93%. NE 107 Compliant. √ Slow to get running and Fast start up, and short on-time in update level, may take 5 times polled applications. Can start up, read longer just to get started. the level, transmit data and shutdown in under 15 seconds. Different models required for Reduced spares and more flexibility. different applications. Electronics do not need to be replaced if application is different than originally expected. May use inferred level Always reading true level results measurement when signals in accurate performance even with are lost, which can be less dielectric changes, water bottoms, etc. accurate and risky in some applications. May require 4 to 6 inches Handles more challenging interface of upper medium before applications. the interface signal can be detected. Can also be limited to small emulsions. Limited loop loading and high Can drive more than 630 Ohms with a supply voltage requirements. 24VDC supply in XP applications. Dual Compartment, quick disconnect, factory sealed enclosure. √ Multivariable device. In addition to level, easy configuration of interface, volume or flow with extensive internal library of vessel and flow element shapes and types. Probe buildup monitoring. SOFTWARE Free industry standard FDT/DTM offers easy wizard-based setup, advanced troubleshooting and documentation tools. √ √ √ √ √ Other Brands Benefit Robust, reliable operation even in challenging applications. Continues to work where others would fail. May not be available. Suitable for use in critical safety systems. May not be available. Compatible with the latest diagnostic standards. May offer single compartment, Full separation of wiring compartment screwed directly on the probe. from electronics. No need to pour an external seal in XP applications. May require use of custom Simply choose the Measurement type, strapping tables, developed enter a few configuration parameters, and configured by user. and the Eclipse Model 706 does the rest. N/A Alerts you to needed maintenance. May require proprietary Nothing else to buy. software, or expensive asset Universal operation across many management systems, to work brands. with the instrument. Bulletin: 57-218.0 • Effective: February 2013 9