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International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (IJMET)
Volume 6, Issue 7, Jul 2015, pp. 40-52, Article ID: IJMET_06_07_006
Available online at
ISSN Print: 0976-6340 and ISSN Online: 0976-6359
© IAEME Publication
S. Kandwal
Assistant professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Institute of Technology Gopeshwar, Kothiyalsen, Chamoli,
Uttarakhand, India, 246401
Rajeev Pandey
Assistant Professor,
Department of Mechanical Engineering
DIT University, Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India
Dr. S. Singh
Associate professor, Associate professor
Bipin Tripathi Kumaon Institute of Technology, Dwarahat, Almora,
Uttarakhand, India, 263653
A model of channel with blockage designed and meshed in ALTAIR®
ACUSOLVE for CFD analysis. The
CFD analysis is validated by the experimental data. The rectangular channel
has a width-to-height ratio of 11:1. The blockages are subdivided into two
different cases using two different aspect ratios (hole-width-to-height ratio)
which are determined by the number of holes with four and six holes per
blockage. According to the results it is observed that at all Reynolds numbers,
the h and Nu increases with increase in pitch ratio up to the value of 6.0 and
then decreases with further increase in pitch ratio. This variation in h and Nu
is due to flow reattachment downstream of the blockage’s opening and then
redevelopment of boundary layer up to the succeeding next blockage’s
opening. The blockages with shorter holes enhance heat transfer better than
those with longer holes but they also yield significantly higher pressure drops
than blockages with longer holes.
Key words: Heat transfer coefficient and CFD analysis.
CFD Analysis and Enhancement of Heat Transfer in Rectangular Channel Using Blockage
with Elongated Hole
http://www.iaeme.com/IJMET/index.asp 41 editor@iaeme.com
Cite this Article: Kandwal, S, Rajeev Pandey and Dr. Singh, S and. CFD
Analysis and Enhancement of Heat Transfer in Rectangular Channel Using
Blockage with Elongated Hole. International Journal of Mechanical
Engineering and Technology, 6(7), 2015, pp. 40-52.
Gas turbine vanes and blades are exposed to high air temperature. And increasing
turbine rotor inlet temperature directly leads to a rise in thermal efficiency and output
power of gas turbines. The rotor inlet temperature is far higher than the melting point
of the blade and vane material. Hence, cooling technology of turbine blades has
become one of the most important key factors for improvement of gas turbine engine
efficiency since 1970s. According to Takeishi [1992] [4], cooling technology enables
turbine inlet temperature to increase by 25 °C per year but the achievement of super-
alloy development technology limits by 10 °C per year. Thus to study cooling
technology is more effective than to develop higher thermal resistance materials for
gas turbine improvement. Gas turbine blades are cooled by the air directly extracted
from the engine compressor. This extracted air causes a disadvantage of thermal
performance by incurring pressure drop. Hence an optimized cooling technique is
needed considering operating conditions. Internal cooling can be performed by
passing the extracted air from the compressor through several serpentine passages
inside the blades moving out the heat from the blades. For the gas turbine blades rib
turbulated cooling, pin-fin cooling, and impingement cooling are applied in the
blade’s internal coolant passage in order to remove heat from the blade inside. Figure
1(a) presents the commonly used turbine blade internal cooling techniques. Moon and
Lau [2003] [2] measured pressure drop and heat transfer coefficient by the liquid
crystal technique on the rectangular duct with perforated walls. They showed that the
number of walls and the configuration of holes did not affect the heat transfer level.
Their results also showed that the smaller holes could increase heat transfer
coefficient but pressure drop also greatly increased.
Figure 1 (a) External Film Cooling (b) Internal Convective Cooling
Lau et al. [2003] [5] examined the heat transfer and pressure drop on a rectangular
duct with perforated walls equipped with staggered holes. They showed that walls
S. Kandwal, Rajeev Pandey and Dr. S. Singh
http://www.iaeme.com/IJMET/index.asp 42 editor@iaeme.com
with circular holes and square holes increased heat transfer but the increase in
pressure drop was much severe. They concluded that the shape and size of holes
should be optimized in order to get better thermal performance. In the early period of
gas turbine engines, only jet impingement cooling method was used for the leading
edge cooling of blade. Jet impingement cooling is to cool the blade by air
impingement on the surfaces of serpentine passages. Impinging was the most effective
cooling method for the leading edge making other methods unnecessary. But as gas
turbine technology has been developed, the rotor inlet temperature has been also
increased for turbine engine efficiency. Therefore, internal cooling technologies using
turbulators such as ribs and pin-fins have been developed [8].
1.1. Analytical Solution
The hydraulic diameter of test channel is calculated as:
The average Nusselt numbers for each of the three wall segments of the channel
Between two blockages was calculated as:
The average Nusselt numbers were normalized using reference Nusselt number for
fully developed turbulent flow in the channel with smooth walls. This reference
Nusselt number was defined as:
Nu0 = 0.023Re0.8
Where the averaged heat transfer coefficients were defined as:
Where, Tb = Average bulk mean temperature =
Pressure drop across the blockages is calculated as:
∆P = g × y1 × (ρw ₋ ρa)
1.2. Modeling and Simulation
AcuSolve a computer program, based on finite Element Method (FEM) is one of the
powerful packages of existing commercial software for solving fluid flow and heat
transfer problems.
Figure 2 Design of Physical Model in ALTAIR®
CFD Analysis and Enhancement of Heat Transfer in Rectangular Channel Using Blockage
with Elongated Hole
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The purpose of this study is to visualize the performance of air duct by providing
the artificial roughness in the form of blocks, as well as design of artificial roughness
geometry which will give optimum performance. CATIA V5 was used to create
geometries and ALTAIR HYPERMESH used to generate the unstructured mesh. A
schematic of the geometric model of the channel used in the study is shown in above
Air flow inside a three-dimensional (3-D) channel object, with the Assumption
that the heat transfer to the atmosphere is negligible. The fluid properties were set to
be similar to that used in the experiment reported in. These blockages were installed
perpendicular to the direction of the main coolant flow in a wide rectangular channel.
Thus blockages had the same cross section as the rectangular channel
Figure 3 Geometry of channel with blockage of six elongated hole
1.3. Heat Transfer characteristics
Heat transfer enhancement effect occurs when the secondary flows mix with the main
flows. There are two different kinds of secondary flows between two staggeringly
arrayed consecutive blockages. One is formed when the coolant passes through the
elongated holes as in rib turbulators for instance [1]. The other is built when the
coolant impinges onto the solid part between the two consecutive holes of blockages
On the basis of flow structure between two consecutive blockages, five heat transfer
enhancement deciding factors can be speculated. The first factor is the number of
impingement region. For instance, the blockages with four holes have four
impingement regions and that with six holes have six impingement regions. The
second and the third are the total and partial areas of impingement region,
respectively. Here, “partial area” means the region between two consecutive holes.
The fourth and the fifth are the total and partial widths of reattachment region,
respectively. Here, “partial width” means the width of one hole. These five heat
transfer enhancement deciding factors are controlled by the relative pitch ratio (P/e)
between the blockages and hence decides the final heat transfer enhancement effect.
The impingement and reattachment regions are not formed when blockages come
S. Kandwal, Rajeev Pandey and Dr. S. Singh
http://www.iaeme.com/IJMET/index.asp 44 editor@iaeme.com
closer to each other i.e., at lesser value of P/e, because the coolant in this case directly
passes to next blockage’s opening without giving any secondary flow [3, 6, 7].
1.4. Results and Discussion
Table 1 Heat transfer co-efficient Comparison between CFD Analysis and Experimental
Results for Blockages with four elongated holes:
P/e Re
Value (h)
Value (h)
% error
Avg. %
4347 36.96 35.62 3.761931
6148 42.08 40.73 3.31451
8133 55.61 55.86 3.132832
10195 69.23 67.01 3.312938
4347 41.02 39.31 4.350038
6148 45.96 44.61 3.026227
8133 62.14 59.92 3.70494
10195 76.39 74.05 3.160027
4347 36.72 35.12 4.555809
6148 41.33 40.04 3.221778
8133 55.32 53.58 3.24748
10195 69.10 66.46 3.972314
4347 31.18 30.00 3.933333
6148 35.601 34.31 3.762751
8133 46.76 45.20 3.451327
10195 58.66 56.68 3.493296
The plot shows Convective heat transfer coefficient variation with pitch distance.
Figure 4 Heat transfer coefficients  CFD Analysis
CFD Analysis and Enhancement of Heat Transfer in Rectangular Channel Using Blockage
with Elongated Hole
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Figure 5 Heat transfer coefficients  Experimental Analysis
As compared to blockages with four holes, the convective heat transfer
coefficients have superior values for blockages with six holes at all Reynolds number.
Table 2 Heat transfer co-efficient Comparison between CFD Analysis and Experimental
Results for Blockages with six elongated holes:
P/e Re
Value (h)
Value (h)
% error
Avg. %
4347 42.1 38.7 8.78553
6148 50.71 47.03 8.074685
8133 64.8 60.35 5.3644
10195 78.96 76.24 6.622951
4347 44.57 41.24 7.824793
6148 53.44 49.65 7.633434
8133 68.79 63.53 6.292184
10195 83.52 78.45 5.13321
4347 38.89 36.92 7.373654
6148 48.82 45.93 8.279553
8133 61.67 58.53 5.36477
10195 76.43 71.43 6.795741
4347 32.52 30.5 7.502623
6148 43.08 40.91 6.462715
8133 55.16 51.61 6.99986
10195 65.82 62.85 4.725537
The reason is that increased total widths of reattachment region (23.1 cm for six
holes as compared to 22.4 cm in four holes) and impingement region area are
dominant factors of heat transfer enhancement in case low hole aspect ratio (a/h) or
for blockage with six holes.
S. Kandwal, Rajeev Pandey and Dr. S. Singh
http://www.iaeme.com/IJMET/index.asp 46 editor@iaeme.com
Figure 6 Heat transfer coefficients by CFD Analysis
As the hole aspect ratio increases both partial width of reattachment region and
partial impingement area between two consecutive blockages also increases but the
number of impingement regions decreases from six to four. This causes low value of
h at all Reynolds number for large aspect ratio hole i.e., blockage with four holes.
Figure 7 Heat transfer coefficients by Experimental Analysis
As the air flow rate increases, the heat transfer enhancement first decreases and
then again increases. Though average Nusselt number was found to increase with
increase in Reynolds number, the Nusselt number ratio decreases. The increase in
average Nusselt number is due to better turbulence mixing at increased flow rate. The
increase in Reynolds number also causes an increase in the unsteady reverse flow just
behind the downstream blockages which helps in better mixing. However, the Nusselt
number ratio decreases due to the fact that as Reynolds number increases the flow
tends to reattach quickly and so the effect on the heat transfer coefficient is
considerably reduced. These results also confirm that even though average convective
CFD Analysis and Enhancement of Heat Transfer in Rectangular Channel Using Blockage
with Elongated Hole
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heat transfer coefficient for forced convection increases proportionally to Reynolds
number, the increase rate of reference Nusselt number (Nu0) surpasses it. Table shows
that the average Nusselt number ratios of the blockages with four or six holes in case
of Reynolds number of 8133 and 10195 are superior to the Reynolds number value of
Figure 8 Nusselt number variation with pitch distance for four elongated holes
Figure 9 Nusselt number variation with pitch distance for six elongated holes
This is due to the enhancement in impinging and turbulent mixing effect of
blockages with increase in flow rate and therefore for higher value of Reynolds
number, the average Nusselt number ratios again increases. With an increase of the
aspect ratio of the holes, the corresponding Nusselt number ratios also significantly
S. Kandwal, Rajeev Pandey and Dr. S. Singh
http://www.iaeme.com/IJMET/index.asp 48 editor@iaeme.com
Table 3 Pressure Drop Comparison between CFD Analysis and Experimental Results for
Blockages with four elongated holes
Figure 10 Pressure drop plot  CFD analysis
Figure 11 Pressure drop plot  Experimental analysis
Experimental ΔP
% Error
4347 57.87 50.62 14.32
6148 109.36 97.98 11.61
8133 224.12 199.24 12.48
10195 346.53 303.76 14.08
4347 54.82 47.68 14.97
6148 106.76 94.72 12.71
8133 181.81 160.04 13.60
10195 269.88 238.43 13.19
4347 53.66 46.38 15.69
6148 95.17 83.28 14.27
8133 161 140.44 14.63
10195 219.15 195.97 11.82
4347 50.96 44.10 15.55
6148 81.17 73.49 10.45
8133 133.33 117.58 13.39
10195 185.24 163.31 13.42
CFD Analysis and Enhancement of Heat Transfer in Rectangular Channel Using Blockage
with Elongated Hole
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1.5. Pressure contour plot for four elongated holes
Figure 12 50.8 mm pitch at Re 4347
Table 4 Pressure Drop Comparison between CFD Analysis and Experimental Results for
Blockages with six elongated holes
P/e Re
Experimental ΔP
% Error
4347 68.262 58.795 16.10171
6148 135.847 117.581 15.53482
8133 239.889 210.673 13.86794
10195 351.133 310.291 13.16248
4347 61.924 55.526 11.52253
6148 124.781 113.665 9.779616
8133 210.237 202.507 3.817152
10195 270.642 244.96 10.48416
4347 53.984 48.994 10.18492
6148 119.714 109.419 9.408786
8133 198.738 192.708 10.39396
10195 252.985 232.14 8.979495
4347 45.605 42.461 7.404442
6148 108.46 99.62 8.87372
8133 152.691 127.91 19.37378
10195 240.177 214.21 12.12222
Figure 13 Pressure drop plot by CFD analysis
S. Kandwal, Rajeev Pandey and Dr. S. Singh
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Figure 14 Pressure drop plot by Experimental analysis
Pressure contour plot for six elongated holes
Figure 15 50.8 mm pitch at Re 4347
For the CFD analysis performed to study average heat transfer enhancement on
rectangular channel wall, the conclusions are as follows:
1. The low aspect ratio case (Blockages having six holes) showed the effective heat
transfer enhancement as compared to high aspect ratio case (Blockages having four
2. For the blockages, as hole aspect ratio increases, the heat transfer on the wall
segments is enhanced due to the increase in the reattached region and partial
impingement area. In this case, the flow reattachment and partial impingement area
are the dominant factors determining the heat transfer on the channel wall.
3. In the CFD analysis we have assumed that the duct wall as prefect adiabatic wall as
wall boundary condition which is not true in real case, no object is perfectly acts as
insulator or adiabatic i.e. heat transfer through the duct walls are assumed to be zero
hence heat transfer to atmosphere is zero. There is complete heat transfer from heated
wall to air is happening hence total heat transfer to air more than that of experimental
4. Comparison of the computationally derived results with that of the experiments
shows a good correlation. Hence the proposed analysis method has demonstrated a
CFD Analysis and Enhancement of Heat Transfer in Rectangular Channel Using Blockage
with Elongated Hole
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workable alternative to obtain heat transfer enhancement and thermal performance by
manipulating the results from ACU Solve simulation.
In this study, analysis to measure average heat transfer enhancement were
performed for blockages with only elongated holes for the purpose of application of
gas turbine trailing edge or middle portion internal cooling. Based on the results, P/e
ratio of 6.0 and Case 1(blockages with four holes) is the best option based on TP
value, but Case 2 (blockages with four holes) can be accepted if the level of penalty
from pressure drop is acceptable.
I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Dr. Satyendra Singh and Rajeev
Pandey for their guidance and assistance in this study work. The reality is that Dr.
Satyendra Singh and Rajeev Pandey were much more than an advisor for me. They
always helped me in all the technical and non-technical issues during the production
of this work. Their encouragement and efforts led this report to successful completion
in a timely fashion.
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Ijmet 06 07_006

  • 1. http://www.iaeme.com/IJMET/index.asp 40 editor@iaeme.com International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (IJMET) Volume 6, Issue 7, Jul 2015, pp. 40-52, Article ID: IJMET_06_07_006 Available online at http://www.iaeme.com/IJMET/issues.asp?JType=IJMET&VType=6&IType=7 ISSN Print: 0976-6340 and ISSN Online: 0976-6359 © IAEME Publication ___________________________________________________________________________ CFD ANALYSIS AND ENHANCEMENT OF HEAT TRANSFER IN RECTANGULAR CHANNEL USING BLOCKAGE WITH ELONGATED HOLE S. Kandwal Assistant professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Institute of Technology Gopeshwar, Kothiyalsen, Chamoli, Uttarakhand, India, 246401 Rajeev Pandey Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering DIT University, Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India Dr. S. Singh Associate professor, Associate professor Bipin Tripathi Kumaon Institute of Technology, Dwarahat, Almora, Uttarakhand, India, 263653 ABSTRACT A model of channel with blockage designed and meshed in ALTAIR® HYPERMESH V.11 and used ALTAIR® ACUSOLVE for CFD analysis. The CFD analysis is validated by the experimental data. The rectangular channel has a width-to-height ratio of 11:1. The blockages are subdivided into two different cases using two different aspect ratios (hole-width-to-height ratio) which are determined by the number of holes with four and six holes per blockage. According to the results it is observed that at all Reynolds numbers, the h and Nu increases with increase in pitch ratio up to the value of 6.0 and then decreases with further increase in pitch ratio. This variation in h and Nu is due to flow reattachment downstream of the blockage’s opening and then redevelopment of boundary layer up to the succeeding next blockage’s opening. The blockages with shorter holes enhance heat transfer better than those with longer holes but they also yield significantly higher pressure drops than blockages with longer holes. Key words: Heat transfer coefficient and CFD analysis.
  • 2. CFD Analysis and Enhancement of Heat Transfer in Rectangular Channel Using Blockage with Elongated Hole http://www.iaeme.com/IJMET/index.asp 41 editor@iaeme.com Cite this Article: Kandwal, S, Rajeev Pandey and Dr. Singh, S and. CFD Analysis and Enhancement of Heat Transfer in Rectangular Channel Using Blockage with Elongated Hole. International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology, 6(7), 2015, pp. 40-52. http://www.iaeme.com/IJMET/issues.asp?JType=IJMET&VType=6&IType=7 _____________________________________________________________________ 1. INTRODUCTION Gas turbine vanes and blades are exposed to high air temperature. And increasing turbine rotor inlet temperature directly leads to a rise in thermal efficiency and output power of gas turbines. The rotor inlet temperature is far higher than the melting point of the blade and vane material. Hence, cooling technology of turbine blades has become one of the most important key factors for improvement of gas turbine engine efficiency since 1970s. According to Takeishi [1992] [4], cooling technology enables turbine inlet temperature to increase by 25 °C per year but the achievement of super- alloy development technology limits by 10 °C per year. Thus to study cooling technology is more effective than to develop higher thermal resistance materials for gas turbine improvement. Gas turbine blades are cooled by the air directly extracted from the engine compressor. This extracted air causes a disadvantage of thermal performance by incurring pressure drop. Hence an optimized cooling technique is needed considering operating conditions. Internal cooling can be performed by passing the extracted air from the compressor through several serpentine passages inside the blades moving out the heat from the blades. For the gas turbine blades rib turbulated cooling, pin-fin cooling, and impingement cooling are applied in the blade’s internal coolant passage in order to remove heat from the blade inside. Figure 1(a) presents the commonly used turbine blade internal cooling techniques. Moon and Lau [2003] [2] measured pressure drop and heat transfer coefficient by the liquid crystal technique on the rectangular duct with perforated walls. They showed that the number of walls and the configuration of holes did not affect the heat transfer level. Their results also showed that the smaller holes could increase heat transfer coefficient but pressure drop also greatly increased. Figure 1 (a) External Film Cooling (b) Internal Convective Cooling Lau et al. [2003] [5] examined the heat transfer and pressure drop on a rectangular duct with perforated walls equipped with staggered holes. They showed that walls
  • 3. S. Kandwal, Rajeev Pandey and Dr. S. Singh http://www.iaeme.com/IJMET/index.asp 42 editor@iaeme.com with circular holes and square holes increased heat transfer but the increase in pressure drop was much severe. They concluded that the shape and size of holes should be optimized in order to get better thermal performance. In the early period of gas turbine engines, only jet impingement cooling method was used for the leading edge cooling of blade. Jet impingement cooling is to cool the blade by air impingement on the surfaces of serpentine passages. Impinging was the most effective cooling method for the leading edge making other methods unnecessary. But as gas turbine technology has been developed, the rotor inlet temperature has been also increased for turbine engine efficiency. Therefore, internal cooling technologies using turbulators such as ribs and pin-fins have been developed [8]. 1.1. Analytical Solution The hydraulic diameter of test channel is calculated as: The average Nusselt numbers for each of the three wall segments of the channel Between two blockages was calculated as: The average Nusselt numbers were normalized using reference Nusselt number for fully developed turbulent flow in the channel with smooth walls. This reference Nusselt number was defined as: Nu0 = 0.023Re0.8 Pr0.4 Where the averaged heat transfer coefficients were defined as: Where, Tb = Average bulk mean temperature = Pressure drop across the blockages is calculated as: ∆P = g × y1 × (ρw ₋ ρa) 1.2. Modeling and Simulation AcuSolve a computer program, based on finite Element Method (FEM) is one of the powerful packages of existing commercial software for solving fluid flow and heat transfer problems. Figure 2 Design of Physical Model in ALTAIR® HYPERWORKS (11.0)
  • 4. CFD Analysis and Enhancement of Heat Transfer in Rectangular Channel Using Blockage with Elongated Hole http://www.iaeme.com/IJMET/index.asp 43 editor@iaeme.com The purpose of this study is to visualize the performance of air duct by providing the artificial roughness in the form of blocks, as well as design of artificial roughness geometry which will give optimum performance. CATIA V5 was used to create geometries and ALTAIR HYPERMESH used to generate the unstructured mesh. A schematic of the geometric model of the channel used in the study is shown in above Figure. Air flow inside a three-dimensional (3-D) channel object, with the Assumption that the heat transfer to the atmosphere is negligible. The fluid properties were set to be similar to that used in the experiment reported in. These blockages were installed perpendicular to the direction of the main coolant flow in a wide rectangular channel. Thus blockages had the same cross section as the rectangular channel Figure 3 Geometry of channel with blockage of six elongated hole 1.3. Heat Transfer characteristics Heat transfer enhancement effect occurs when the secondary flows mix with the main flows. There are two different kinds of secondary flows between two staggeringly arrayed consecutive blockages. One is formed when the coolant passes through the elongated holes as in rib turbulators for instance [1]. The other is built when the coolant impinges onto the solid part between the two consecutive holes of blockages On the basis of flow structure between two consecutive blockages, five heat transfer enhancement deciding factors can be speculated. The first factor is the number of impingement region. For instance, the blockages with four holes have four impingement regions and that with six holes have six impingement regions. The second and the third are the total and partial areas of impingement region, respectively. Here, “partial area” means the region between two consecutive holes. The fourth and the fifth are the total and partial widths of reattachment region, respectively. Here, “partial width” means the width of one hole. These five heat transfer enhancement deciding factors are controlled by the relative pitch ratio (P/e) between the blockages and hence decides the final heat transfer enhancement effect. The impingement and reattachment regions are not formed when blockages come
  • 5. S. Kandwal, Rajeev Pandey and Dr. S. Singh http://www.iaeme.com/IJMET/index.asp 44 editor@iaeme.com closer to each other i.e., at lesser value of P/e, because the coolant in this case directly passes to next blockage’s opening without giving any secondary flow [3, 6, 7]. 1.4. Results and Discussion Table 1 Heat transfer co-efficient Comparison between CFD Analysis and Experimental Results for Blockages with four elongated holes: P/e Re CFD Value (h) Exp. Value (h) % error Avg. % Error 4.5 4347 36.96 35.62 3.761931 3.38 6148 42.08 40.73 3.31451 8133 55.61 55.86 3.132832 10195 69.23 67.01 3.312938 6.0 4347 41.02 39.31 4.350038 3.56 6148 45.96 44.61 3.026227 8133 62.14 59.92 3.70494 10195 76.39 74.05 3.160027 9.0 4347 36.72 35.12 4.555809 3.749 6148 41.33 40.04 3.221778 8133 55.32 53.58 3.24748 10195 69.10 66.46 3.972314 12.1 4347 31.18 30.00 3.933333 3.66 6148 35.601 34.31 3.762751 8133 46.76 45.20 3.451327 10195 58.66 56.68 3.493296 The plot shows Convective heat transfer coefficient variation with pitch distance. Figure 4 Heat transfer coefficients  CFD Analysis
  • 6. CFD Analysis and Enhancement of Heat Transfer in Rectangular Channel Using Blockage with Elongated Hole http://www.iaeme.com/IJMET/index.asp 45 editor@iaeme.com Figure 5 Heat transfer coefficients  Experimental Analysis As compared to blockages with four holes, the convective heat transfer coefficients have superior values for blockages with six holes at all Reynolds number. Table 2 Heat transfer co-efficient Comparison between CFD Analysis and Experimental Results for Blockages with six elongated holes: P/e Re CFD Value (h) Exp. Value (h) % error Avg. % Error 4.5 4347 42.1 38.7 8.78553 7.871 6148 50.71 47.03 8.074685 8133 64.8 60.35 5.3644 10195 78.96 76.24 6.622951 6.0 4347 44.57 41.24 7.824793 7.612 6148 53.44 49.65 7.633434 8133 68.79 63.53 6.292184 10195 83.52 78.45 5.13321 9.0 4347 38.89 36.92 7.373654 5.998 6148 48.82 45.93 8.279553 8133 61.67 58.53 5.36477 10195 76.43 71.43 6.795741 12.1 4347 32.52 30.5 7.502623 5.882 6148 43.08 40.91 6.462715 8133 55.16 51.61 6.99986 10195 65.82 62.85 4.725537 The reason is that increased total widths of reattachment region (23.1 cm for six holes as compared to 22.4 cm in four holes) and impingement region area are dominant factors of heat transfer enhancement in case low hole aspect ratio (a/h) or for blockage with six holes.
  • 7. S. Kandwal, Rajeev Pandey and Dr. S. Singh http://www.iaeme.com/IJMET/index.asp 46 editor@iaeme.com Figure 6 Heat transfer coefficients by CFD Analysis As the hole aspect ratio increases both partial width of reattachment region and partial impingement area between two consecutive blockages also increases but the number of impingement regions decreases from six to four. This causes low value of h at all Reynolds number for large aspect ratio hole i.e., blockage with four holes. Figure 7 Heat transfer coefficients by Experimental Analysis As the air flow rate increases, the heat transfer enhancement first decreases and then again increases. Though average Nusselt number was found to increase with increase in Reynolds number, the Nusselt number ratio decreases. The increase in average Nusselt number is due to better turbulence mixing at increased flow rate. The increase in Reynolds number also causes an increase in the unsteady reverse flow just behind the downstream blockages which helps in better mixing. However, the Nusselt number ratio decreases due to the fact that as Reynolds number increases the flow tends to reattach quickly and so the effect on the heat transfer coefficient is considerably reduced. These results also confirm that even though average convective
  • 8. CFD Analysis and Enhancement of Heat Transfer in Rectangular Channel Using Blockage with Elongated Hole http://www.iaeme.com/IJMET/index.asp 47 editor@iaeme.com heat transfer coefficient for forced convection increases proportionally to Reynolds number, the increase rate of reference Nusselt number (Nu0) surpasses it. Table shows that the average Nusselt number ratios of the blockages with four or six holes in case of Reynolds number of 8133 and 10195 are superior to the Reynolds number value of 6148. Figure 8 Nusselt number variation with pitch distance for four elongated holes Figure 9 Nusselt number variation with pitch distance for six elongated holes This is due to the enhancement in impinging and turbulent mixing effect of blockages with increase in flow rate and therefore for higher value of Reynolds number, the average Nusselt number ratios again increases. With an increase of the aspect ratio of the holes, the corresponding Nusselt number ratios also significantly increases.
  • 9. S. Kandwal, Rajeev Pandey and Dr. S. Singh http://www.iaeme.com/IJMET/index.asp 48 editor@iaeme.com Table 3 Pressure Drop Comparison between CFD Analysis and Experimental Results for Blockages with four elongated holes Figure 10 Pressure drop plot  CFD analysis Figure 11 Pressure drop plot  Experimental analysis Re CFD ΔP (N/m2) Experimental ΔP (N/m2) % Error 4.5 4347 57.87 50.62 14.32 6148 109.36 97.98 11.61 8133 224.12 199.24 12.48 10195 346.53 303.76 14.08 6.0 4347 54.82 47.68 14.97 6148 106.76 94.72 12.71 8133 181.81 160.04 13.60 10195 269.88 238.43 13.19 9.0 4347 53.66 46.38 15.69 6148 95.17 83.28 14.27 8133 161 140.44 14.63 10195 219.15 195.97 11.82 12.1 . 4347 50.96 44.10 15.55 6148 81.17 73.49 10.45 8133 133.33 117.58 13.39 10195 185.24 163.31 13.42
  • 10. CFD Analysis and Enhancement of Heat Transfer in Rectangular Channel Using Blockage with Elongated Hole http://www.iaeme.com/IJMET/index.asp 49 editor@iaeme.com 1.5. Pressure contour plot for four elongated holes Figure 12 50.8 mm pitch at Re 4347 Table 4 Pressure Drop Comparison between CFD Analysis and Experimental Results for Blockages with six elongated holes P/e Re CFD ΔP (N/m2) Experimental ΔP (N/m2) % Error 4.5 4347 68.262 58.795 16.10171 6148 135.847 117.581 15.53482 8133 239.889 210.673 13.86794 10195 351.133 310.291 13.16248 6.0 4347 61.924 55.526 11.52253 6148 124.781 113.665 9.779616 8133 210.237 202.507 3.817152 10195 270.642 244.96 10.48416 9.0 4347 53.984 48.994 10.18492 6148 119.714 109.419 9.408786 8133 198.738 192.708 10.39396 10195 252.985 232.14 8.979495 12.1. 4347 45.605 42.461 7.404442 6148 108.46 99.62 8.87372 8133 152.691 127.91 19.37378 10195 240.177 214.21 12.12222 Figure 13 Pressure drop plot by CFD analysis
  • 11. S. Kandwal, Rajeev Pandey and Dr. S. Singh http://www.iaeme.com/IJMET/index.asp 50 editor@iaeme.com Figure 14 Pressure drop plot by Experimental analysis Pressure contour plot for six elongated holes Figure 15 50.8 mm pitch at Re 4347 2. CONCLUSIONS For the CFD analysis performed to study average heat transfer enhancement on rectangular channel wall, the conclusions are as follows: 1. The low aspect ratio case (Blockages having six holes) showed the effective heat transfer enhancement as compared to high aspect ratio case (Blockages having four holes). 2. For the blockages, as hole aspect ratio increases, the heat transfer on the wall segments is enhanced due to the increase in the reattached region and partial impingement area. In this case, the flow reattachment and partial impingement area are the dominant factors determining the heat transfer on the channel wall. 3. In the CFD analysis we have assumed that the duct wall as prefect adiabatic wall as wall boundary condition which is not true in real case, no object is perfectly acts as insulator or adiabatic i.e. heat transfer through the duct walls are assumed to be zero hence heat transfer to atmosphere is zero. There is complete heat transfer from heated wall to air is happening hence total heat transfer to air more than that of experimental results. 4. Comparison of the computationally derived results with that of the experiments shows a good correlation. Hence the proposed analysis method has demonstrated a
  • 12. CFD Analysis and Enhancement of Heat Transfer in Rectangular Channel Using Blockage with Elongated Hole http://www.iaeme.com/IJMET/index.asp 51 editor@iaeme.com workable alternative to obtain heat transfer enhancement and thermal performance by manipulating the results from ACU Solve simulation. In this study, analysis to measure average heat transfer enhancement were performed for blockages with only elongated holes for the purpose of application of gas turbine trailing edge or middle portion internal cooling. Based on the results, P/e ratio of 6.0 and Case 1(blockages with four holes) is the best option based on TP value, but Case 2 (blockages with four holes) can be accepted if the level of penalty from pressure drop is acceptable. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Dr. Satyendra Singh and Rajeev Pandey for their guidance and assistance in this study work. The reality is that Dr. Satyendra Singh and Rajeev Pandey were much more than an advisor for me. They always helped me in all the technical and non-technical issues during the production of this work. Their encouragement and efforts led this report to successful completion in a timely fashion. REFERENCES [1] Pandey, R. Heat transfer enhancement through blockages with elongated holes in a rectangular channel. Ph. D thesis, Mechanical Engineering Department, India, DIT University, 2010. [2] Moon, S. W. and Lau, S. C. Heat transfer between blockages with holes in a rectangular channel. ASME J. Heat transfer, 125, 2003, pp. 587–594. [3] Metzger, D. E., Fan, Z. X. and Shepard, W. B. Pressure loss and heat transfer through multiple rows of short pin fins, in Heat Transfer, 3, Grigull U. et al., eds., Washington, DC: Hemisphere, 1982, pp. 137–142. [4] Takeishi, K. Heat transfer research in high temperature industrial gas turbines, in Proc. International Symposium on Heat Transfer in Turbomachinery, Marathon, Greece, 1992. [5] Lau, S. C., Cervantes, J., Han, J. C., Rudolph, R. J. and Flannery, K. Measurements of wall heat(mass) transfer for flow through blockages with round and square holes in a wide rectangular channel. Int J. Heat mass Transfer, 46, 2003, pp. 3991–4001. [6] Lee, Y. Heat transfer enhancement for turbulent flow through blockages with elongated holes in a rectangular channel, Ph. D thesis, Mechanical Engineering Department, Texas: A & M University. [7] Shin, S. and Kwak, J. S. Effect of hole shape on the heat transfer in a rectangular duct with perforated blockage walls, 2008. [8] Taslim, M. E. and Spring, S. D. Effects of turbulator profile and spacing on heat transfer and friction in a channel. AIAA Journal of Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer, 8, 1994, pp. 555–562.