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International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 06 Issue: 03 | Mar 2019 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072
© 2019, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.211 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 2582
M.T. Jaffar sathiq ali1, N. Manikandan2, R.K. Jayaveeran3, M. Asif ahamed4 , M. Alaguraj5
1Assistant Professor, Department of mechanical engineering, Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Institute of Technology,
Tamilnadu, India
2,3,4,5 UG Students, Department of mechanical engineering, Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Institute of Technology,
Tamilnadu, India
Abstract - Thermal energy storage using phase change
material proved to be promising technology because of its
relative advantages over the other types of energy storage
methods. Along with thermo physical properties of PCM, the
performance of latent heat based thermal energy storage
system depends on the design of heat exchangers. The heat
exchanger is major element as far as heat transfer & energy
conservation is concern. In this present worktheexperimental
study carried out to evaluate the effect of phase change
material in a shell & tube heat exchanger using water as
working fluid and p-Toluidine as PCM. The melting
temperature of p-Toluidine (PCM) is 44°C. The experimentally
evaluated the temperature differences in shell & tube heat
exchanger with variation of mass flow rate. The result was
indicating the effectiveness is high when PCM is melted.
Key Words: shell & tube heat exchanger, PCM, Melting
temperature, NTU method, effectiveness
It is well understood that the implementation of energy
storage technologies is an effective methodtohelptocorrect
the mismatch between the energy demand and supply.
Among the different energy storage technologies,latentheat
thermal energy storage (LHTES) systems have gained
relevance during the last decades because of their high
energy storage densities and almost isothermal operating
conditions (Zalba B 2018). The use of latent heat of Phase
Change Materials (PCM) in the energy storage systems has
attracted a lot the attention of researchers interested in
renewable energies field. Usually, the PCM can be
encapsulated in containers of cylindrical or spherical
geometries. In literature, a large number of available works
present experimental, numerical and analytical research
investigating the PCM melting within a cylindrical tube. The
PCM can be filled in open or closed containers that can be
placed in vertical, horizontal or inclined position. Some
researchers have been inspected the effects of the rotating
shell on the phase change process (Mohammed Bechiri,
Kacem Mansouri 2019).
Jaume Gasia, N.H. Steven Tay (2017) was presented the
Experimental investigation of the effect of dynamic melting
in a cylindrical shell-and-tube heat exchangerusing water as
PCM, Results from the experimental analysis showed
enhancements up to 65.3% on the melting period, up to
56.4% on the effectiveness, and 66% on the heat transfer
rates when the PCM flow rate was twice the HTF flow rate.
From these experiments, it can be concluded that dynamic
melting is an effective technique for enhancing heat transfer
during melting of PCM. Mohammed Bechiri (2019) Study of
heat and fluid flow during melting of PCM inside vertical
cylindrical tube, the results show that all parameters of the
problem can really affect the phase change phenomena and
consequently, affectthemeltingtime.AshishAgarwal (2015)
was presented An experimental investigation of shell and
tube latent heat storage for solar dryer using paraffinwax as
heat storage material, Experimental results show that the
LHS is suitable to supply the hot air for drying of food
product during no sunshine hours or when the intensity of
solar energy is very low. Temperaturegainofairintherange
of 17°C to 5°C for approximately 10 hrs duration was
achieved during discharging of LHS. M. Rahimi (2018) was
investigated Effect ofHelical Diameteronthe Performanceof
Shell and Helical Tube Heat Exchanger: An Experimental
Approach, Results show that by increasing of Stefan number
melting processaccelerates andtotal meltingtimedecreases.
Results also indicate that increasing coil diameter causes a
decrease in total melting time and also an increment in final
average temperature of PCM. Absorbed energy by PCM is
increased by increasing helical diameter of HTF tube.
Lokesh Kalapala (2018) was determined a Influence of
operational and design parameters on the performance of a
PCM based heat exchanger for thermal energy storage – A
review, This review presents thein-depthanalysisofvarious
operating conditions and design parameters that need to be
considered in the design of a PCM based heat exchanger.
Shell and tube type, triple concentric tube type heat
exchangers are discussed along with the various heat
transfer techniques employed in both the types of heat
exchangers. In each enhancement technique, theinfluencing
geometric parameters are summarized, and the
recommended values of those parameters are provided.
The present article is expected to be a helpful reference for
the researchers working in the field of thermal energy
storage. In this present work, p-Toluidine as a phase change
material (PCM) for shell and tube heat exchanger for better
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 06 Issue: 03 | Mar 2019 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072
© 2019, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.211 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 2583
heat transfer coefficient. The experimental resultshavebeen
presented here with p-Toluidine as PCM.
2.1 Statement of Problem
Geometry configurations of shell and tube heat exchanger
filled in Phase change material. The hot andcold wateroutlet
temperatures recorded with respect to variation of inlet hot
& cold temperature and mass flow rate.
2.2 Selection of materials
There are several factors that need to be considered when
selecting a phase change material. An ideal PCM will have
high heat of fusion, high thermal conductivity and density,
long term reliability during repeated cycle and dependable
freezing behavior. The PCM melts and absorbs part of the
heat gain through the melting process and solidifies then
releases the stored heat. The net effect is increased the heat
transfer coefficient. PCM should be selected based on the
melting temperature, cost and availability. The organic type
of PCM isselected. The selected PCM is P-Toluidine. ThePCM
act as a good thermal resistor at a variation of Mass Flow
Fig -1: P-Toluidine (PCM)
2.3 Thermo Physical Properties of PCM and Heat
Table – 1: Thermo physical properties of PCM & Heat
2.4 Methodology for experimental calculation
Heat exchanger analysis is the determination of the heat
transfer rate and the outlet temperatures of the hot andcold
fluids for prescribed fluid mass flow rate and the inlet
temperatures when the type and size of the heat exchanger
are specified [ ]. From Text book of Heat & Mass Transfer by
cengel the following equations to be find.
= (1)
The actual heat transfer rate in a heat exchanger can be
determined from an energy balance on the hot or cold
fluids and can be expressed as
= Cc (Tc, out -Tc, in) = Ch. (Tc, in -Tc, out) (2)
Where Cc= ṁc cphand Ch = ṁc cph are the heat capacity
rates of the cold and hot fluids, respectively. To determine
the maximum possible heattransferrateina heatexchanger,
we first recognize that the maximumtemperaturedifference
in a heat exchanger is the difference between the inlet
temperatures of the hot and cold fluids. That is,
Max =Th, in–Tc, in (3)
The heat transfer in a heatexchanger will reachitsmaximum
value when (1) the cold fluid is heated to the inlet
temperature of the hot fluid or (2) the hot fluid is cooled to
the inlet temperature of the cold fluid. These two limiting
conditions will not be reached simultaneously unless the
heat capacity rates of the hot and cold fluids are identical
(i.e., Cc=Ch). When Cc ≠ Ch, which is usually the case , the
fluid with the smaller heat capacity rate will experience a
larger temperature change , and thus it will be the first to
experience the maximum temperature, at which point the
heat transfer will come to a halt. Therefore the maximum
possible heat transfer rate in a heat exchanger is
Max = Cmin (Th, in–Tc, in) (4)
Where Cmin is the smaller of Ch and Cc. The determination
of max requires the availa ility of the inlet temperature of
the hot and cold fluids and their mass flow rates, which are
usually specified. Then, once the effectiveness of the
heatexchanger is known, the actual heat transfer rate can
be determined from
= max = Cmin (Th, in–Tc, in) (5)
If Cc = = = (6)
If Ch = = = (7)
Therefore, the effectiveness of a heat exchanger enables us
to determine the heat transfer rate without knowing the
Material Thermal
0.3 w.m-1.k-1 1.46 kg-1.k-1 44◦
C 1.05g/cm3
Copper 385 mK 0.386 J/gmK 8.96 g/cm3
Aluminium 205W/mK 0.900 J/gmK 2.7 g/cm3
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 06 Issue: 03 | Mar 2019 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072
© 2019, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.211 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 2584
outlet temperatures of the fluids. The effectiveness of a heat
exchanger depends on the geometryoftheheatexchanger as
well as the flow arrangement. Therefore, different types of
heat exchangers have different effectiveness relations.
Effectiveness relations of the heat exchangers typically
involve the dimensionless group UAs/Cmin. This quantity is
called the number of transfer units NTU and is expressed as
NTU= = (8)
Where U is the overall heat transfer coefficient and As is the
heat transfer surface area of the heat exchanger. Note that
NTU is proportional to As. ThereforeforspecifiedvaluesofU
and Cmin, the value of NTU is the measure of heat transfer
surface area As. Thus the larger the NTU, the larger the heat
exchanger. In heat exchanger analysis,itisalsoconvenient to
define another dimensionless quantity called the capacity
ratio, c as
C= (9)
It can be shown that the effectiveness of a heat exchanger is
a function of the number of transfer units NTU and the
capacity ratio c. That is,
= function (UAS / Cmin, Cmin/ Cmax) = function (NTU, c) (10)
The experimental setup consisting of the 10 tubes such as
3/8 inch and 1 inch. 2m thickness aluminium plateisused as
a shell. The 3/8 inch aluminium rod is filled with P –
Toluidine (PCM). The hot water is passed through the 1 inch
aluminium pipe and cold water is passed through the shell.
Starting temperature of hot water is 35ᵒC and cold water is
22ᵒC. The hot & cold water temperatures are increased
slightly and outlet temperatures of hot & cold water
temperatures are recorded with use of temperature sensor.
Fig – 2: (a) Al Tubes filled PCM, (b) Shell & tube heat
Experiments were conducted in one day, the temperature of
inlet, outlet were recorded at every 15 minute interval.
4.1 Experimental recordedtemperature atcounter
flow condition.
Table 2showstheexperimentalmeasuredtemperatureswith
respect to time.
Table – 2: Measured temperatures with respect to time
Hot water
Cold water
Hot water
Cold water
15 35 22 27 27
30 38 24 29 29
45 40 26 34 32
60 45 28 38 35
75 53 33 43 40
90 60 35 45 55
When the hot water temperatureis reached45ᵒCatthattime
the PCM was start to melt and stored the heat and releases
the stored heat to cold water and hot water outlet. Maximum
heat transfer is occurred when hot waterinlettemperatureis
Table – 3: Overall heat transfer & Effectiveness with
respect to time
Overall Heat transfer Coefficient W/(m2
ε (%)
15 0.127 38
30 0.120 39
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 06 Issue: 03 | Mar 2019 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072
© 2019, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.211 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 2585
45 0.154 43
60 0.164 45
75 0.171 48
90 0.201 54
Table 3 shows theoverallheattransferandeffectivenesswith
respect to time. The maximum effectiveness is 54% it
occurred at when the hot water temperature is comes to
4.2 Variation of temperatures with respect to time
Chart 1 represents the variation of inlet, outlet temperatures
of hot & cold water. Initially the hot water temperature
measured at 35ᵒC circulated through the tubes. Every 15
minute the temperatures are recorded. When the
temperature comes to 45ᵒC the PCM absorbs the heat from
the hot water inlet at that time the PCM is start to melt. The
inlet temperature is increased the heat transfer also
increased. The maximumheatistransferredin90minuteand
60ᵒC. And the same condition the hot water outlet
temperature was decreased.
Chart -1: Temperature variations with respect to time
Chart 2 represents the variationof effectivenesswithrespect
to time. Initially the effectiveness obtained in 38 % and it
will increase in every 15 minutes. 54 % of effectiveness is
obtained at maximum 90 minutes.
Chart -2: Effectiveness with respect to time
An experimental model of shelland tube heat exchanger was
evaluated with phase change material. The PCM filled with
tube inner side and HTF (water) circulated through the shell
& tube side. Unsteady temperature distributions of heat
transfer fluid, tube and phase change material have been
obtained by experimentally and thermal behavior of latent
heat storage unit during charging and discharging had been
evaluated. The experimental results show that when the hot
water inlet temperature increased, the effectiveness is
increased and hot wateroutlettemperatureisdecreased.The
PCM is P- Toluidine was found that having higher latent heat
and effectiveness of 54%. The similar analysis may be
considered by changing the parameters like influence of
Various phase change materials,, nano-particle size,
geometry, and change in flow as scope for future research.
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International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 06 Issue: 03 | Mar 2019 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072
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IRJET- Experimental Evaluation of Shell & Tube Heat Exchanger with P – Toluidine (PCM)

  • 1. International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056 Volume: 06 Issue: 03 | Mar 2019 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072 © 2019, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.211 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 2582 EXPERIMENTAL EVALUATION OF SHELL & TUBE HEAT EXCHANGER WITH P – TOLUIDINE (PCM) M.T. Jaffar sathiq ali1, N. Manikandan2, R.K. Jayaveeran3, M. Asif ahamed4 , M. Alaguraj5 1Assistant Professor, Department of mechanical engineering, Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Institute of Technology, Tamilnadu, India 2,3,4,5 UG Students, Department of mechanical engineering, Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Institute of Technology, Tamilnadu, India ---------------------------------------------------------------------***---------------------------------------------------------------------- Abstract - Thermal energy storage using phase change material proved to be promising technology because of its relative advantages over the other types of energy storage methods. Along with thermo physical properties of PCM, the performance of latent heat based thermal energy storage system depends on the design of heat exchangers. The heat exchanger is major element as far as heat transfer & energy conservation is concern. In this present worktheexperimental study carried out to evaluate the effect of phase change material in a shell & tube heat exchanger using water as working fluid and p-Toluidine as PCM. The melting temperature of p-Toluidine (PCM) is 44°C. The experimentally evaluated the temperature differences in shell & tube heat exchanger with variation of mass flow rate. The result was indicating the effectiveness is high when PCM is melted. Key Words: shell & tube heat exchanger, PCM, Melting temperature, NTU method, effectiveness 1. INTRODUCTION It is well understood that the implementation of energy storage technologies is an effective methodtohelptocorrect the mismatch between the energy demand and supply. Among the different energy storage technologies,latentheat thermal energy storage (LHTES) systems have gained relevance during the last decades because of their high energy storage densities and almost isothermal operating conditions (Zalba B 2018). The use of latent heat of Phase Change Materials (PCM) in the energy storage systems has attracted a lot the attention of researchers interested in renewable energies field. Usually, the PCM can be encapsulated in containers of cylindrical or spherical geometries. In literature, a large number of available works present experimental, numerical and analytical research investigating the PCM melting within a cylindrical tube. The PCM can be filled in open or closed containers that can be placed in vertical, horizontal or inclined position. Some researchers have been inspected the effects of the rotating shell on the phase change process (Mohammed Bechiri, Kacem Mansouri 2019). Jaume Gasia, N.H. Steven Tay (2017) was presented the Experimental investigation of the effect of dynamic melting in a cylindrical shell-and-tube heat exchangerusing water as PCM, Results from the experimental analysis showed enhancements up to 65.3% on the melting period, up to 56.4% on the effectiveness, and 66% on the heat transfer rates when the PCM flow rate was twice the HTF flow rate. From these experiments, it can be concluded that dynamic melting is an effective technique for enhancing heat transfer during melting of PCM. Mohammed Bechiri (2019) Study of heat and fluid flow during melting of PCM inside vertical cylindrical tube, the results show that all parameters of the problem can really affect the phase change phenomena and consequently, affectthemeltingtime.AshishAgarwal (2015) was presented An experimental investigation of shell and tube latent heat storage for solar dryer using paraffinwax as heat storage material, Experimental results show that the LHS is suitable to supply the hot air for drying of food product during no sunshine hours or when the intensity of solar energy is very low. Temperaturegainofairintherange of 17°C to 5°C for approximately 10 hrs duration was achieved during discharging of LHS. M. Rahimi (2018) was investigated Effect ofHelical Diameteronthe Performanceof Shell and Helical Tube Heat Exchanger: An Experimental Approach, Results show that by increasing of Stefan number melting processaccelerates andtotal meltingtimedecreases. Results also indicate that increasing coil diameter causes a decrease in total melting time and also an increment in final average temperature of PCM. Absorbed energy by PCM is increased by increasing helical diameter of HTF tube. Lokesh Kalapala (2018) was determined a Influence of operational and design parameters on the performance of a PCM based heat exchanger for thermal energy storage – A review, This review presents thein-depthanalysisofvarious operating conditions and design parameters that need to be considered in the design of a PCM based heat exchanger. Shell and tube type, triple concentric tube type heat exchangers are discussed along with the various heat transfer techniques employed in both the types of heat exchangers. In each enhancement technique, theinfluencing geometric parameters are summarized, and the recommended values of those parameters are provided. The present article is expected to be a helpful reference for the researchers working in the field of thermal energy storage. In this present work, p-Toluidine as a phase change material (PCM) for shell and tube heat exchanger for better
  • 2. International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056 Volume: 06 Issue: 03 | Mar 2019 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072 © 2019, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.211 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 2583 heat transfer coefficient. The experimental resultshavebeen presented here with p-Toluidine as PCM. 2. METHODOLOGY 2.1 Statement of Problem Geometry configurations of shell and tube heat exchanger filled in Phase change material. The hot andcold wateroutlet temperatures recorded with respect to variation of inlet hot & cold temperature and mass flow rate. 2.2 Selection of materials There are several factors that need to be considered when selecting a phase change material. An ideal PCM will have high heat of fusion, high thermal conductivity and density, long term reliability during repeated cycle and dependable freezing behavior. The PCM melts and absorbs part of the heat gain through the melting process and solidifies then releases the stored heat. The net effect is increased the heat transfer coefficient. PCM should be selected based on the melting temperature, cost and availability. The organic type of PCM isselected. The selected PCM is P-Toluidine. ThePCM act as a good thermal resistor at a variation of Mass Flow Rate. Fig -1: P-Toluidine (PCM) 2.3 Thermo Physical Properties of PCM and Heat Exchanger Table – 1: Thermo physical properties of PCM & Heat exchanger 2.4 Methodology for experimental calculation Heat exchanger analysis is the determination of the heat transfer rate and the outlet temperatures of the hot andcold fluids for prescribed fluid mass flow rate and the inlet temperatures when the type and size of the heat exchanger are specified [ ]. From Text book of Heat & Mass Transfer by cengel the following equations to be find. = (1) The actual heat transfer rate in a heat exchanger can be determined from an energy balance on the hot or cold fluids and can be expressed as = Cc (Tc, out -Tc, in) = Ch. (Tc, in -Tc, out) (2) Where Cc= ṁc cphand Ch = ṁc cph are the heat capacity rates of the cold and hot fluids, respectively. To determine the maximum possible heattransferrateina heatexchanger, we first recognize that the maximumtemperaturedifference in a heat exchanger is the difference between the inlet temperatures of the hot and cold fluids. That is, Max =Th, in–Tc, in (3) The heat transfer in a heatexchanger will reachitsmaximum value when (1) the cold fluid is heated to the inlet temperature of the hot fluid or (2) the hot fluid is cooled to the inlet temperature of the cold fluid. These two limiting conditions will not be reached simultaneously unless the heat capacity rates of the hot and cold fluids are identical (i.e., Cc=Ch). When Cc ≠ Ch, which is usually the case , the fluid with the smaller heat capacity rate will experience a larger temperature change , and thus it will be the first to experience the maximum temperature, at which point the heat transfer will come to a halt. Therefore the maximum possible heat transfer rate in a heat exchanger is Max = Cmin (Th, in–Tc, in) (4) Where Cmin is the smaller of Ch and Cc. The determination of max requires the availa ility of the inlet temperature of the hot and cold fluids and their mass flow rates, which are usually specified. Then, once the effectiveness of the heatexchanger is known, the actual heat transfer rate can be determined from = max = Cmin (Th, in–Tc, in) (5) Where, If Cc = = = (6) If Ch = = = (7) Therefore, the effectiveness of a heat exchanger enables us to determine the heat transfer rate without knowing the Material Thermal conductivity Specific heat Melti ng point Density PCM (p- toluidine) 0.3 w.m-1.k-1 1.46 kg-1.k-1 44◦ C 1.05g/cm3 Copper 385 mK 0.386 J/gmK 8.96 g/cm3 Aluminium 205W/mK 0.900 J/gmK 2.7 g/cm3
  • 3. International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056 Volume: 06 Issue: 03 | Mar 2019 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072 © 2019, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.211 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 2584 outlet temperatures of the fluids. The effectiveness of a heat exchanger depends on the geometryoftheheatexchanger as well as the flow arrangement. Therefore, different types of heat exchangers have different effectiveness relations. Effectiveness relations of the heat exchangers typically involve the dimensionless group UAs/Cmin. This quantity is called the number of transfer units NTU and is expressed as NTU= = (8) Where U is the overall heat transfer coefficient and As is the heat transfer surface area of the heat exchanger. Note that NTU is proportional to As. ThereforeforspecifiedvaluesofU and Cmin, the value of NTU is the measure of heat transfer surface area As. Thus the larger the NTU, the larger the heat exchanger. In heat exchanger analysis,itisalsoconvenient to define another dimensionless quantity called the capacity ratio, c as C= (9) It can be shown that the effectiveness of a heat exchanger is a function of the number of transfer units NTU and the capacity ratio c. That is, = function (UAS / Cmin, Cmin/ Cmax) = function (NTU, c) (10) 3. EXPERIMENTAL EVALUATION The experimental setup consisting of the 10 tubes such as 3/8 inch and 1 inch. 2m thickness aluminium plateisused as a shell. The 3/8 inch aluminium rod is filled with P – Toluidine (PCM). The hot water is passed through the 1 inch aluminium pipe and cold water is passed through the shell. Starting temperature of hot water is 35ᵒC and cold water is 22ᵒC. The hot & cold water temperatures are increased slightly and outlet temperatures of hot & cold water temperatures are recorded with use of temperature sensor. (a) (b) Fig – 2: (a) Al Tubes filled PCM, (b) Shell & tube heat exchanger. 4. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Experiments were conducted in one day, the temperature of inlet, outlet were recorded at every 15 minute interval. 4.1 Experimental recordedtemperature atcounter flow condition. Table 2showstheexperimentalmeasuredtemperatureswith respect to time. Table – 2: Measured temperatures with respect to time Time (min) Hot water inlet temperature (ᵒC) Cold water inlet temperature (ᵒC) Hot water outlet temperature (ᵒC) Cold water outlet temperature (ᵒC) 15 35 22 27 27 30 38 24 29 29 45 40 26 34 32 60 45 28 38 35 75 53 33 43 40 90 60 35 45 55 When the hot water temperatureis reached45ᵒCatthattime the PCM was start to melt and stored the heat and releases the stored heat to cold water and hot water outlet. Maximum heat transfer is occurred when hot waterinlettemperatureis 60ᵒC. Table – 3: Overall heat transfer & Effectiveness with respect to time Time (min) Overall Heat transfer Coefficient W/(m2 K) Effectiveness ε (%) 15 0.127 38 30 0.120 39
  • 4. International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056 Volume: 06 Issue: 03 | Mar 2019 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072 © 2019, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.211 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 2585 45 0.154 43 60 0.164 45 75 0.171 48 90 0.201 54 Table 3 shows theoverallheattransferandeffectivenesswith respect to time. The maximum effectiveness is 54% it occurred at when the hot water temperature is comes to 60ᵒC. 4.2 Variation of temperatures with respect to time Chart 1 represents the variation of inlet, outlet temperatures of hot & cold water. Initially the hot water temperature measured at 35ᵒC circulated through the tubes. Every 15 minute the temperatures are recorded. When the temperature comes to 45ᵒC the PCM absorbs the heat from the hot water inlet at that time the PCM is start to melt. The inlet temperature is increased the heat transfer also increased. The maximumheatistransferredin90minuteand 60ᵒC. And the same condition the hot water outlet temperature was decreased. s Chart -1: Temperature variations with respect to time Chart 2 represents the variationof effectivenesswithrespect to time. Initially the effectiveness obtained in 38 % and it will increase in every 15 minutes. 54 % of effectiveness is obtained at maximum 90 minutes. Chart -2: Effectiveness with respect to time 5. CONCLUSION An experimental model of shelland tube heat exchanger was evaluated with phase change material. The PCM filled with tube inner side and HTF (water) circulated through the shell & tube side. Unsteady temperature distributions of heat transfer fluid, tube and phase change material have been obtained by experimentally and thermal behavior of latent heat storage unit during charging and discharging had been evaluated. The experimental results show that when the hot water inlet temperature increased, the effectiveness is increased and hot wateroutlettemperatureisdecreased.The PCM is P- Toluidine was found that having higher latent heat and effectiveness of 54%. The similar analysis may be considered by changing the parameters like influence of Various phase change materials,, nano-particle size, geometry, and change in flow as scope for future research. REFERENCES [1] Ahmed H.N. Al- mudhafar, Andrzej F. Nowakowski, Frank C.G.A. Nicolleau “Thermal performance enhancement of energy storage systems via phase change materials utilizing an innovative webbed tube heat exchanger” Energy procedia 151 (2018) 57 – 61. [2] Ashish Agarwal, R.M. SarviyaM “An experimental investigation of shell and tube latent heat storage for solar dryer using paraffin wax as heat storage material” Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal 19 (2016) 619–631. [3] Mohammed Bechiri, Kacem Mansouri“Studyofheatand fluid flow during melting of PCM inside vertical cylindrical tu e” International Journal of Thermal Sciences 135 (2019) 235–246. [4] Jaume Gasia, N.H. Steven Tay, Martin Belusko, Luisa. Ca ez, Frank Bruno “Experimental investigation of the effect of dynamic melting in a cylindrical shell-and-tube heat exchanger using waterasPCM”AppliedEnergy185 (2017) 136–145. [5] Lokesh Kalapala, Jaya Krishna Devanuri “Influence of operational and design parameters on the performance of a PCM based heat exchanger for thermal energy storage – A review. Journal of Energy Storage 20 (2018) 497–519. [6] M. Rahimi, M.J. Hosseini, M. Gorzin “Effect of Helical Diameter on the Performance of Shell and Helical Tube Heat Exchanger:AnExperimental Approach.Sustainable Cities and Society (2018). [7] Bin Gao, Qincheng Bi, ZesenNie, Jiangbo Wu, Experimental study of effects of baffle helix angle on shell-side performance of shell-and-tube heat exchangers with discontinuous helical baffles, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 68 (2015) 48– 57.
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