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International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 07 Issue: 02 | Feb 2020 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072
© 2020, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.34 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 12
Parametric Investigation to Evaluate the Effect of Baffle Configuration
on the Heat Transfer Rate of a Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger
Sourabh Kulkarni1, Shrivatsa Hegde2, Vaibhav V Mahishi3
1,2Student, Department of Mechanical Engineering, KLE Technological University, Hubballi, India
3Student, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Basaveshwar Engineering College, Bagalkot, India
Abstract -In this study, attemptsweremadetoevaluate the
effect of various baffle configuration on thefluidflowandheat
transfer rate characteristics of a shell and tube heat
exchangers. Baffle spacing is oneofthemostimportant factors
in designing of shell and tube heat exchangers, and there are
no fixed criteria for the determination of baffle spacing in the
literature. The heat exchanger contains triangular pitch with
7 tubes, 6 baffles, 600 mm length, and shell diameterof90 mm.
The baffle spacing considered for the study are 66mm, 76mm
and 86mm. The mass flow rate and baffle spacing were varied
and performances were investigated for a baffle cut of 30%.
The flow and temperature field inside the shell were studied
using computational fluid dynamics software tool using the
finite elements method. From the computational fluid
dynamics simulation results, the shell side outlettemperature,
flow near baffle, optimal mass flow rate and optimal baffle
spacing for the heatexchangergeometry weredeterminedand
finally, the results were compared to those obtained by
numerical calculations.
Key Words: Baffle configuration, Computational fluid
dynamics (CFD), Heat transfer rate,Massflowrate,Shell
and tube heat exchanger
Increasing demand in using renewable energy hasledtovast
investigation on extraction and utilizing the waste heat
energy. The term waste heatenergyreferstosomeamountof
heat left in the system even after heat extraction of the
system as to make the extraction as efficient as possible. One
of the techniques that proposes using renewable energy is
effective usage of energy extraction and conversion systems.
The gap between demand and supply in almost all sorts of
renewable energy may be handled utilizing appropriate
energy extraction systems. Heat exchangers provide a
suitable option for recovering the waste heat and converting
into useful work.
Shell and tube heat exchangers are used in the industries for
high pressureapplications.Theshellandtubeheatexchanger
consists of a shell, bundle of tubes and baffles. One of the two
fluids passes through the tubes, and the other flows over the
tubes so as to exchange heat between the two fluids, in
heating or cooling applications. Baffles are flow-directing
panels which are placed within the shell of the heat
exchanger. They provide support to the tubes, prevent tube
vibration and sagging, and direct the flow tohavehigherheat
transfer coefficient.Thedistancebetweentwobafflesisbaffle
spacing. From the literature survey we can say that as
compared to tube side flow the shell side flow has a
complicated structure due to the existence of baffles. Baffles
are used fornavigating the flow insidethe shellfromtheinlet
to the outlet while retaining effective circulation of the shell
side fluid, hence, providing effective use of the heat transfer
area. Hence, it acts as a key parameter to be studied as there
are no hard and fast rule fortheirselectionandconfiguration.
The drawback is that, increasing the number of baffles also
increases pressure drop. This study is conducted with the
Computational fluid dynamicstooltostudytheeffectofbaffle
configuration on the heat transfer and outlet temperatureon
the shellsideof the shell and tubeheatexchangerasthefocus
is on extraction of as much heat as possible.
For different mass flow rates of shell side fluid (0.5 kg/s, 1
kg/s, and 2 kg/s) simulation results were obtained. The
simulated results for varietyoffluidflowratesformodelwith
varying baffle spacing were validated with the data obtained
by numerical calculations. It is found that the exit
temperature at the shell outlet is in co-relation with the
simulated and calculated results.
Table -1: Outlet temperature and Heat Transfer for 66mm
Baffle spacing
Baffle spacing: 66mm
Mass flow
Total heat transfer
rate (kW)
0.5 306.6 13.82 12.41
1 310.94 45.38 43.66
2 312.44 104.24 107.57
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 07 Issue: 02 | Feb 2020 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072
© 2020, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.34 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 13
Graph -1: Variation of Total Heat Transfer at 66mm Baffle
For the baffle spacing of 66mm outlet temperature is seen to
be 306.60K, 310.94K and 312.44K for the mass flow rates of
0.5Kg/s, 1Kg/s and 2Kg/s. The outlet temperatureincreased
as the baffle spacing increases. The maximum outlet
temperature for 0.5Kg/s is 322.13K at 86mm baffle spacing
which is approximately 5% increase in heat transfer
compared to 66mm baffle spacing and approximately 4%
increase compared to 76mm baffle spacing.
Table -2: Outlet temperature and Heat Transfer for 76mm
Baffle spacing
Baffle spacing: 76mm
flow rate
Total heat transfer
rate (kW)
0.5 309.34 19.56 19.11
1 311.1 46.51 42.98
2 314.3 119.83 122.63
Graph -2: Variation of Total Heat Transfer at 76mm Baffle
This increase in temperature is due to availability of smooth
flow domain for uniform distribution of heat. Baffles also
provide increase in turbulence which in turn increases heat
transfer. With increase in the mass flow rates the heat
transfer rate increases as it is directly proportional to the
heat transfer rate. Various graphs have been plotted to show
the heat transfer rate of the heat exchangerswithvariationin
the baffle spacing.
Table -3: Outlet temperature and Heat Transfer for 86mm
Baffle spacing
Baffle spacing: 86mm
flow rate
Total heat transfer
rate (kW)
0.5 322.13 46.36 44.73
1 325.21 105.62 109.55
2 326.19 219.47 226.41
Graph -3: Variation of Total Heat Transfer at 86mm Baffle
From the simulation results of the outlet temperatures, heat
transfer rates were calculated by using the heat transfer
formula for which the specific heat capacity is taken as 4190
J/kg-K. The corresponding graphs are plottedwithrespectto
baffle spacing. The maximumheat transferrateobtainedwas
219.47kW for86mm baffle spacingand2kg/smassflowrate.
The maximum heat transfer was 52.2% for 86mm when
compared to 66mm, and 45.4% when compared to 76mm
Fig -1: Temperature Contour on Shell Side
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 07 Issue: 02 | Feb 2020 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072
© 2020, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.34 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 14
The maximum heat transfer rate for models with 66mm,
76mm and 86mm baffle spacing are 104.29 kW, 119.83 kW
and 219.47kW respectively. The heat transfer is more for 86
baffle spacing compared to other two models due to
smoother guidance of the flow. The maximum velocity is
nearly equal to 0.416m/s for all the three models at the inlet
and exit surface andthevelocitymagnitudereducestozeroat
the baffles surface. It can be seen that compared to 66mm
baffle spacing, 76mm, and 86mm baffles pacing, provide a
smoother flow with the rigid baffles guiding the fluid flow.
The shell side of a shell and tube heat exchanger is modeled
with adequate details to resolve the flow and temperature
domains. The above study made on heat exchangers by
simulating the models in CFD softwareshowsthatthevalues
of heat transfer rate and temperatures obtained are in co-
relation with values obtained by literature survey and
numerical calculations. The overall studystatesthattheheat
transfer rate increases with the increase in baffle spacing,
the reason the turbulence and flow distribution provided by
the baffle spacing on the shell side. It can be said that a heat
exchanger with the best possible combination of the above
study that is, a heat exchanger with baffle spacing of 86mm
and mass flow rate of 2kg/s provided better results in terms
of maximum outlet temperatureandmaximumheattransfer
rate. Hence, it can be concluded shell and tube heat
exchanger with 86mm baffle spacing results in better
performance compared to 76mm and 66mm spacing.
[1] Mohammed Irshad, Mohammed Kaushar, G. Rajmohan,
Design and CFD Analysis of Shell and Tube Heat
Exchanger, International Journal of EngineeringScience
and Computing, Volume 7 IssueNo.4(2017) 6453-6457
[2] M. Kamel Milani Shirvan, Experimental investigationon
thermal performance and economic analysis of cosine
wave tube structure in a shell and tube heat exchanger,
Energy Conversion and Management 175 (2018)86–98
[3] Zhang, Jian-Fei & Li, Bin & Huang, Wen-Jiang & Lei,
Yong-Gang & He, Ya-Ling & Tao, Wen-Quan. (2009).
Experimental performance comparison of shell-side
heat transfer for shell-and-tube heat exchangers with
middle-overlapped helical bafflesandsegmental baffles.
Chemical Engineering Science. 64. 1643-1653.
[4] Yusuf Ali Kara, Ozbilen Guraras, “A computer program
for designing of Shell and tube heat exchanger”, Applied
Thermal Engineering 24(2004) 1797–1805.
[5] Pooja J. Pawar, Experimental investigation of shell-and
tube heat exchanger with different type of baffles,
International Journal of Current Engineering and
Technology Accepted 15June 2016, Available online 20
June 2016, Special Issue-5(June 2016).
[6] Su Thet Mon Than, Khin Aung Lin, Mi Sandar Mon,“Heat
Exchanger design", World Academy of Science,
Engineering and Technology 46 2008.
[7] ParmarKalpesh D, Performance Analysis Of Cross
Counter Flow Shell And Tube Heat Exchanger By
Experimental Investigation & Mathematical Modelling,
International Journal of Engineering Research &
Technology Vol. 2 Issue 7, July – 2013.
[8] Swarup S Deshpande, Design and Performance Study of
Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger with Single Segmental
Baffle Having Perpendicular & Parallel-Cut Orientation,
International Journal of Engineering Research &
Technology Vol. 3 Issue 11, November-2014.
[9] B.Jayachandriah, Thermal Analysis of Tubular Heat
Exchangers Using ANSYS, International Journal of
Engineering Research Volume No.3 Issue No: Special 1,
pp.: 21-25 22nd March 2014

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IRJET- Parametric Investigation to Evaluate the Effect of Baffle Configuration on the Heat Transfer Rate of a Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger

  • 1. International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056 Volume: 07 Issue: 02 | Feb 2020 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072 © 2020, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.34 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 12 Parametric Investigation to Evaluate the Effect of Baffle Configuration on the Heat Transfer Rate of a Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger Sourabh Kulkarni1, Shrivatsa Hegde2, Vaibhav V Mahishi3 1,2Student, Department of Mechanical Engineering, KLE Technological University, Hubballi, India 3Student, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Basaveshwar Engineering College, Bagalkot, India ---------------------------------------------------------------------***---------------------------------------------------------------------- Abstract -In this study, attemptsweremadetoevaluate the effect of various baffle configuration on thefluidflowandheat transfer rate characteristics of a shell and tube heat exchangers. Baffle spacing is oneofthemostimportant factors in designing of shell and tube heat exchangers, and there are no fixed criteria for the determination of baffle spacing in the literature. The heat exchanger contains triangular pitch with 7 tubes, 6 baffles, 600 mm length, and shell diameterof90 mm. The baffle spacing considered for the study are 66mm, 76mm and 86mm. The mass flow rate and baffle spacing were varied and performances were investigated for a baffle cut of 30%. The flow and temperature field inside the shell were studied using computational fluid dynamics software tool using the finite elements method. From the computational fluid dynamics simulation results, the shell side outlettemperature, flow near baffle, optimal mass flow rate and optimal baffle spacing for the heatexchangergeometry weredeterminedand finally, the results were compared to those obtained by numerical calculations. Key Words: Baffle configuration, Computational fluid dynamics (CFD), Heat transfer rate,Massflowrate,Shell and tube heat exchanger 1. INTRODUCTION Increasing demand in using renewable energy hasledtovast investigation on extraction and utilizing the waste heat energy. The term waste heatenergyreferstosomeamountof heat left in the system even after heat extraction of the system as to make the extraction as efficient as possible. One of the techniques that proposes using renewable energy is effective usage of energy extraction and conversion systems. The gap between demand and supply in almost all sorts of renewable energy may be handled utilizing appropriate energy extraction systems. Heat exchangers provide a suitable option for recovering the waste heat and converting into useful work. Shell and tube heat exchangers are used in the industries for high pressureapplications.Theshellandtubeheatexchanger consists of a shell, bundle of tubes and baffles. One of the two fluids passes through the tubes, and the other flows over the tubes so as to exchange heat between the two fluids, in heating or cooling applications. Baffles are flow-directing panels which are placed within the shell of the heat exchanger. They provide support to the tubes, prevent tube vibration and sagging, and direct the flow tohavehigherheat transfer coefficient.Thedistancebetweentwobafflesisbaffle spacing. From the literature survey we can say that as compared to tube side flow the shell side flow has a complicated structure due to the existence of baffles. Baffles are used fornavigating the flow insidethe shellfromtheinlet to the outlet while retaining effective circulation of the shell side fluid, hence, providing effective use of the heat transfer area. Hence, it acts as a key parameter to be studied as there are no hard and fast rule fortheirselectionandconfiguration. The drawback is that, increasing the number of baffles also increases pressure drop. This study is conducted with the Computational fluid dynamicstooltostudytheeffectofbaffle configuration on the heat transfer and outlet temperatureon the shellsideof the shell and tubeheatexchangerasthefocus is on extraction of as much heat as possible. 2. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION For different mass flow rates of shell side fluid (0.5 kg/s, 1 kg/s, and 2 kg/s) simulation results were obtained. The simulated results for varietyoffluidflowratesformodelwith varying baffle spacing were validated with the data obtained by numerical calculations. It is found that the exit temperature at the shell outlet is in co-relation with the simulated and calculated results. Table -1: Outlet temperature and Heat Transfer for 66mm Baffle spacing Baffle spacing: 66mm Mass flow rate (kg/s) Outlet temperature [K] Total heat transfer rate (kW) CFD Analysis Numerical Calculation 0.5 306.6 13.82 12.41 1 310.94 45.38 43.66 2 312.44 104.24 107.57
  • 2. International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056 Volume: 07 Issue: 02 | Feb 2020 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072 © 2020, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.34 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 13 Graph -1: Variation of Total Heat Transfer at 66mm Baffle Spacing For the baffle spacing of 66mm outlet temperature is seen to be 306.60K, 310.94K and 312.44K for the mass flow rates of 0.5Kg/s, 1Kg/s and 2Kg/s. The outlet temperatureincreased as the baffle spacing increases. The maximum outlet temperature for 0.5Kg/s is 322.13K at 86mm baffle spacing which is approximately 5% increase in heat transfer compared to 66mm baffle spacing and approximately 4% increase compared to 76mm baffle spacing. Table -2: Outlet temperature and Heat Transfer for 76mm Baffle spacing Baffle spacing: 76mm Mass flow rate (kg/s) Outlet temperature [K] Total heat transfer rate (kW) CFD Analysis Numerical Calculation 0.5 309.34 19.56 19.11 1 311.1 46.51 42.98 2 314.3 119.83 122.63 Graph -2: Variation of Total Heat Transfer at 76mm Baffle Spacing This increase in temperature is due to availability of smooth flow domain for uniform distribution of heat. Baffles also provide increase in turbulence which in turn increases heat transfer. With increase in the mass flow rates the heat transfer rate increases as it is directly proportional to the heat transfer rate. Various graphs have been plotted to show the heat transfer rate of the heat exchangerswithvariationin the baffle spacing. Table -3: Outlet temperature and Heat Transfer for 86mm Baffle spacing Baffle spacing: 86mm Mass flow rate (kg/s) Outlet temperature [K] Total heat transfer rate (kW) CFD Analysis Numerical Calculation 0.5 322.13 46.36 44.73 1 325.21 105.62 109.55 2 326.19 219.47 226.41 Graph -3: Variation of Total Heat Transfer at 86mm Baffle Spacing From the simulation results of the outlet temperatures, heat transfer rates were calculated by using the heat transfer formula for which the specific heat capacity is taken as 4190 J/kg-K. The corresponding graphs are plottedwithrespectto baffle spacing. The maximumheat transferrateobtainedwas 219.47kW for86mm baffle spacingand2kg/smassflowrate. The maximum heat transfer was 52.2% for 86mm when compared to 66mm, and 45.4% when compared to 76mm respectively. Fig -1: Temperature Contour on Shell Side
  • 3. International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056 Volume: 07 Issue: 02 | Feb 2020 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072 © 2020, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.34 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 14 The maximum heat transfer rate for models with 66mm, 76mm and 86mm baffle spacing are 104.29 kW, 119.83 kW and 219.47kW respectively. The heat transfer is more for 86 baffle spacing compared to other two models due to smoother guidance of the flow. The maximum velocity is nearly equal to 0.416m/s for all the three models at the inlet and exit surface andthevelocitymagnitudereducestozeroat the baffles surface. It can be seen that compared to 66mm baffle spacing, 76mm, and 86mm baffles pacing, provide a smoother flow with the rigid baffles guiding the fluid flow. 3. CONCLUSION The shell side of a shell and tube heat exchanger is modeled with adequate details to resolve the flow and temperature domains. The above study made on heat exchangers by simulating the models in CFD softwareshowsthatthevalues of heat transfer rate and temperatures obtained are in co- relation with values obtained by literature survey and numerical calculations. The overall studystatesthattheheat transfer rate increases with the increase in baffle spacing, the reason the turbulence and flow distribution provided by the baffle spacing on the shell side. It can be said that a heat exchanger with the best possible combination of the above study that is, a heat exchanger with baffle spacing of 86mm and mass flow rate of 2kg/s provided better results in terms of maximum outlet temperatureandmaximumheattransfer rate. Hence, it can be concluded shell and tube heat exchanger with 86mm baffle spacing results in better performance compared to 76mm and 66mm spacing. REFERENCES [1] Mohammed Irshad, Mohammed Kaushar, G. Rajmohan, Design and CFD Analysis of Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger, International Journal of EngineeringScience and Computing, Volume 7 IssueNo.4(2017) 6453-6457 [2] M. Kamel Milani Shirvan, Experimental investigationon thermal performance and economic analysis of cosine wave tube structure in a shell and tube heat exchanger, Energy Conversion and Management 175 (2018)86–98 [3] Zhang, Jian-Fei & Li, Bin & Huang, Wen-Jiang & Lei, Yong-Gang & He, Ya-Ling & Tao, Wen-Quan. (2009). Experimental performance comparison of shell-side heat transfer for shell-and-tube heat exchangers with middle-overlapped helical bafflesandsegmental baffles. Chemical Engineering Science. 64. 1643-1653. 10.1016/j.ces.2008.12.018. [4] Yusuf Ali Kara, Ozbilen Guraras, “A computer program for designing of Shell and tube heat exchanger”, Applied Thermal Engineering 24(2004) 1797–1805. [5] Pooja J. Pawar, Experimental investigation of shell-and tube heat exchanger with different type of baffles, International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology Accepted 15June 2016, Available online 20 June 2016, Special Issue-5(June 2016). [6] Su Thet Mon Than, Khin Aung Lin, Mi Sandar Mon,“Heat Exchanger design", World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 46 2008. [7] ParmarKalpesh D, Performance Analysis Of Cross Counter Flow Shell And Tube Heat Exchanger By Experimental Investigation & Mathematical Modelling, International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology Vol. 2 Issue 7, July – 2013. [8] Swarup S Deshpande, Design and Performance Study of Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger with Single Segmental Baffle Having Perpendicular & Parallel-Cut Orientation, International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology Vol. 3 Issue 11, November-2014. [9] B.Jayachandriah, Thermal Analysis of Tubular Heat Exchangers Using ANSYS, International Journal of Engineering Research Volume No.3 Issue No: Special 1, pp.: 21-25 22nd March 2014