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International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 07 Issue: 03 | Mar 2020 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072
Prince Rai1, Ramesh Vishwakarma2, Shivam Singh3, Ranjit Singh4, Ritesh Chaurasiya5,
Vishal Naik6
1Department of Mechanical Engineering, Laxmi Institute of technology,Sarigam
2Department of Mechanical Engineering, Laxmi Institute of technology,Sarigam
3Department of Mechanical Engineering, Laxmi Institute of technology,Sarigam
4Department of Mechanical Engineering, Laxmi Institute of technology,Sarigam
5Department of Mechanical Engineering, Laxmi Institute of technology,Sarigam
6 Assistant Proffesor Department of Mechanical Engineering, Laxmi Institute of technology,
Sarigam, Gujarat, India
Abstract - In double pipe heat exchanger, there is
continuously requirement on improving the performance and
effectiveness. In order to achieve this, many parameter is to be
changed like flow of fluid, tube diameter, number of tubes,
baffle arrangement, different types of baffles shapes and baffle
spacing. This experiment is performed on the double pipe heat
exchanger for parallel flow and counter flow using baffles and
analysing and comparing it with double pipe heat exchanger
with and without baffles .
Key Words: Heat Exchanger, Double Pipe, Parallel
Flow, Baffles, Triangular Baffles .
Heat exchanger may be defined as it is an devices
which transfers the energy from hot fluid to a cold
fluid which have maximum rate and less investment
and running cost. The rate of heat transfer is depends
on thermal conductivity of dividing wall & convective
heat transfer coefficient between the fluids and wall.
Heat transfer rate also changes according to the
boundary conditions like insulated wall condition or
adiabatic condition.
1.1 Double pipe heat exchanger
A double pipe heat exchanger (also sometimes referred
to as a 'pipe-in-pipe' exchanger) is a type of heat
exchanger comprising a 'tube in tube' structure. As the
name suggests, it consists of two pipes, one within the
other. One fluid flows through the inner pipe
(analogous to the tube-side in a shell and tube type
exchanger) whilst the other flows through the outer
pipe, which surrounds the inner pipe (analogous to the
shell-side in a shell and tube exchanger).
In double pipe heat exchanger there are two types of
flow parallel flow and counter flow .In parallel flow hot
fluid and cold fluid in the double pipe heat exchanger
flow in a same direction and in a counter flow hot fluid
and cold fluid flow in apposite direction.
2. Experimental setup
1.2 Types of Fluid Flow
© 2020, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.34 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 4470
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 07 Issue: 03 | Mar 2020 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072
 Copper Pipe (Inner
Pipe) Specification :-
Length - 800mm
Thickness - 2mm
Inner diameter - 25mm
Outer diameter - 27mm
 Copper Pipe With Baffles
Specification :-
Baffles dimension - 48 × 48 × 48 mm
Baffles thickness - 5mm
Number of baffles is - 5
 Mild Steel Pipe(Outer
Pipe) Specification :-
Length - 1000mm
Thickness - 5mm
Inner diameter - 50mm
Outer diameter - 55m
 Digital Temperature Indicator
Specification :-
Supply - 4-20 mA /0-1V/0- 10V
Accuracy - J,K Thermocouple +/-1
LED display colour : Red Range :
0 to 400 °C
 Thermocouple
Specification :-
Thermocouple - Type J (iron -
Range - -40 °C to +750 °C
3.1. Nomenclature
Qf - Heat transferred between fluids ,
Cph - Heat capacity of hot fluid , KJ / Kg K
Cpc - Heat capacity of cold fluid , KJ / Kg K
mh - mass flow rate of hot fluid , Kg/min
mc - mass flow rate of cold fluid , Kg/min
U – Overall heat transfer cofficient , w/m2 k
1. The heat transfer rate for hot
side Qh = mh × Cph (Th1 – Th2)
Where ,
Th1 - inlet temperature of Hot fluid , °C
Th2 - outlet temperature of Hot fluid , °C
2. The heat transfer rate for cold side
Qc = mc × Cpc ( Tc2 – Tc2 )
Where ,
Tc1 = inlet temperature of cold fluid , °C
Tc2 = outlet temperature of cold fluid , °C
3. The Overall heat transfer rate
r1 = inner radius of copper pipe , mm
r2 = otuer radius of copper pipe , mm
hi = heat transfer coefficient inner , w/m2
ho = heat transfer coefficient outer , w/m2
K = Thermal counductivity, w/m k
4. Area of the Heat Exchanger
Aera of cylinder(copper) = 2πr(h+r) , m2
Aera of cylinder (mild steel) = 2πr(h+r) , m2
Aera of Heat Exchanger (A) = Aera of cylinder (MS)
– Aera of cylinder (copper)
© 2020, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.34 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 4471
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 07 Issue: 03 | Mar 2020 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072
5. LMTD equation for parallel and counter flow
Where ,
Δt1 = th1 - tc2
Δt2 = th2 - tc1
th1 = inlet temperature of hot fluid , °C
th2 = outlet temperature of hot fluid , °C
tc1 = inlet temperature of cold fluid , °C
tc2 = outlet temperature of cold fluid , °C
6. The overall heat transfer coefficient can be
calculated by using following formula :-
Q = U × A × ∆Tm
3.2 Effectiveness By NTU (Number Of Transfer
1.The Thermal capacity rates of HOT and COLD
Ch = mh × Cph
Cc = mc × Cpc
Where ,
Cph , Cpc speciic heat of fluid , KJ/Kg K
2. Heat Capacity Ratio (R)
Where ,
Cmin = Ch and Cc which are less value Cmax =
Ch and Cc which are higher value
3. Number of transfer unit (NTU)
4. Effectiveness for the Parallel and Counter flow
© 2020, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.34 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 4472
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 07 Issue: 03 | Mar 2020 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072
By performing this experiment we concluded that the
heat transfer rate Q is minimum without baffles and
maximum with triangular baffles .the hot fluid is vary
as low, medium, high and the cold fluid is constant.
then the cold fluid is vary as low, medium, high, and
the hot fluid is constant this type of setting is used to
get the proper reading because of this we know that
in the triangular baffles the LMTD and the
EFFECTIVENESS is maximum as compare to without
triangular baffles. By analysis this experiment we
know the maximum heat transfer rate are in
triangular baffles as compare to without baffles.
We are very much thankful to Gujarat Technological
University for including this subject “User Defined
Project”, in our syllabus because without it, would not
happen so early to develop such type of creativity. We
are very grateful to our college especially to our
Mechanical Department. We also thankful to our
respected H.O.D. Mr. Parikshit Patel and project guide
Mr. Vishal Naik and Project Coordinator Mr. Ashish
Patel for providing their immense support and
valuable guidance whenever we needed. We also
thankful to our all supporting faculties to give their
important time to us and of course, we can’t forget to
© 2020, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.34 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 4473
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 07 Issue: 03 | Mar 2020 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072
thank to our Parents who is always with us to help and
give full support to us in every good work we do.
[1]Nawras Shareef Sabeeh, Nawras Shareef
Sabeeh,"Thermo-Hydraulic Performance of Horizontal
Circumferentially Ribbed Double Pipe Heat Exchanger",
Journal of Engineering and Development, Vol. 18, No.3,
May 2014, ISSN 1813- 7822 2.
[2]Afify, R. I., and Abd-Elghany, M. E., "Turbulence
and heat transfer measurements baffles in circular
pipe", Engineering over doughnut-and-disc Research
Journal, Helwan University, El-Mattaria Faculty of
Eng., Cairo, Egypt, Vol. 52, pp. 1-20, 1997.
[3]Yilmaz, M., “The effect of inlet flow baffles on heat
transfer”, Int. Comm. Heat Mass “Transfer, Vol. 30,
pp. 1169-1178, 2003.
[4]Dutta, P., and Hossain, A., "Internal cooling
augmentation in rectangular channel using two
inclined baffles", International Journal of Heat and
fluid flow, Vol. 26, pp. 223-232, 2005.
[5]A. R. EL-SHAMY, "Turbulent Flow and Convective
Heat Transfer in an Annulus with Perforated Disc-
Baffles", Eighth International Congress of Fluid
Dynamics & Propulsion 2006, Sharm El-Shiekh, Sinai,
Egypt, Paper No.: EG- 185.
[6]Ameer A. Jadoaa, "Experimental Investigations Heat
Transfer and Pressure Drop Characteristics of Flow
Through Circular Tube Fitted With Drilled Cut-Conical
Rings", Eng. And Tech. Journal, Vol. 29, No.3, 2011.
[7]Yakut, K., Sahin, B., and Canbazoglu, S., "Performance
and flow induced vibration conical ring turbulators",
Applied Energy, 2004; 79(1):65-76.
[8]S.A. Berger, L. Talbot, L.S. Yao, Flow in curved pipes,
Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics 15 (1983) 461–512.
[9]D.E. Briggs, E.H. Young, Modified Wilson plot
techniques for obtaining heat transfer correlations for
shell and tube heat exchangers, Chemical Engineering
Progress Symposium Series No. 92, 65 (1969) 35–45.
[10]A.N. Dravid, K.A. Smith, E.W. Merrill, P.L.T. Brian,
Effect of secondary fluid motion on laminar flow heat
transfer in helicallycoiled tubes, American Institute of
Chemical Engineers Journal 17 (5) (1971) 1114–1122.
[11]L.A.M. Janssen, C.J. Hoogendoorn, Laminar
convective heat transfer in helical coiled tubes,
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 21
(1978) 1197–1206.
[12]G.T. Karahalios, Mixed convection flow in a
heated curved pipe with core, Physics of Fluids A 2
(12) (1990) 2164–2175.
[13]R.K. Patil, B.W. Shende, P.K. Ghosh, Designing a
helical-coilheat exchanger, Chemical Engineering 92
(24) (1982) 85–88.
[14]M.A. Petrakis, G.T. Karahalios, Technical note:
Steady flow in acurved pipe with a coaxial core,
International Journal for Numerical Methods in
Fluids 22 (12) (1996) 1231–1237.
[15]M.A. Petrakis, G.T. Karahalios, Exponential
decaying flow in agently curved annular pipe,
International Journal of Non-Linear
Mechanics 32 (5) (1997) 823–835.
[16]M.A. Petrakis, G.T. Karahalios, Fluid flow
behaviour in a curved annular conduit, International
Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics
© 2020, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.34 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 4474

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  • 1. International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056 Volume: 07 Issue: 03 | Mar 2020 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072 PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS OF A DOUBLE PIPE HEAT EXCHANGER WITH AND WITHOUT TRIANGULAR BAFFLES Prince Rai1, Ramesh Vishwakarma2, Shivam Singh3, Ranjit Singh4, Ritesh Chaurasiya5, Vishal Naik6 1Department of Mechanical Engineering, Laxmi Institute of technology,Sarigam 2Department of Mechanical Engineering, Laxmi Institute of technology,Sarigam 3Department of Mechanical Engineering, Laxmi Institute of technology,Sarigam 4Department of Mechanical Engineering, Laxmi Institute of technology,Sarigam 5Department of Mechanical Engineering, Laxmi Institute of technology,Sarigam 6 Assistant Proffesor Department of Mechanical Engineering, Laxmi Institute of technology, Sarigam, Gujarat, India ---------------------------------------------------------------------***--------------------------------------------------------------------- Abstract - In double pipe heat exchanger, there is continuously requirement on improving the performance and effectiveness. In order to achieve this, many parameter is to be changed like flow of fluid, tube diameter, number of tubes, baffle arrangement, different types of baffles shapes and baffle spacing. This experiment is performed on the double pipe heat exchanger for parallel flow and counter flow using baffles and analysing and comparing it with double pipe heat exchanger with and without baffles . Key Words: Heat Exchanger, Double Pipe, Parallel Flow, Baffles, Triangular Baffles . 1.INTRODUCTION Heat exchanger may be defined as it is an devices which transfers the energy from hot fluid to a cold fluid which have maximum rate and less investment and running cost. The rate of heat transfer is depends on thermal conductivity of dividing wall & convective heat transfer coefficient between the fluids and wall. Heat transfer rate also changes according to the boundary conditions like insulated wall condition or adiabatic condition. 1.1 Double pipe heat exchanger A double pipe heat exchanger (also sometimes referred to as a 'pipe-in-pipe' exchanger) is a type of heat exchanger comprising a 'tube in tube' structure. As the name suggests, it consists of two pipes, one within the other. One fluid flows through the inner pipe (analogous to the tube-side in a shell and tube type exchanger) whilst the other flows through the outer pipe, which surrounds the inner pipe (analogous to the shell-side in a shell and tube exchanger). FIG.1.2.1 In double pipe heat exchanger there are two types of flow parallel flow and counter flow .In parallel flow hot fluid and cold fluid in the double pipe heat exchanger flow in a same direction and in a counter flow hot fluid and cold fluid flow in apposite direction. 2. Experimental setup 1.2 Types of Fluid Flow FIG.2.1 © 2020, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.34 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 4470
  • 2. International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056 Volume: 07 Issue: 03 | Mar 2020 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072  Copper Pipe (Inner Pipe) Specification :- Length - 800mm Thickness - 2mm Inner diameter - 25mm Outer diameter - 27mm  Copper Pipe With Baffles Specification :- Baffles dimension - 48 × 48 × 48 mm Baffles thickness - 5mm Number of baffles is - 5  Mild Steel Pipe(Outer Pipe) Specification :- Length - 1000mm Thickness - 5mm Inner diameter - 50mm Outer diameter - 55m  Digital Temperature Indicator  Specification :- Supply - 4-20 mA /0-1V/0- 10V Accuracy - J,K Thermocouple +/-1 LED display colour : Red Range : 0 to 400 °C  Thermocouple Specification :- Thermocouple - Type J (iron - constantan) Range - -40 °C to +750 °C 3. READING AND CALCULATION 3.1. Nomenclature Qf - Heat transferred between fluids , Cph - Heat capacity of hot fluid , KJ / Kg K Cpc - Heat capacity of cold fluid , KJ / Kg K mh - mass flow rate of hot fluid , Kg/min mc - mass flow rate of cold fluid , Kg/min U – Overall heat transfer cofficient , w/m2 k 1. The heat transfer rate for hot side Qh = mh × Cph (Th1 – Th2) Where , Th1 - inlet temperature of Hot fluid , °C Th2 - outlet temperature of Hot fluid , °C 2. The heat transfer rate for cold side Qc = mc × Cpc ( Tc2 – Tc2 ) Where , Tc1 = inlet temperature of cold fluid , °C Tc2 = outlet temperature of cold fluid , °C 3. The Overall heat transfer rate Where, r1 = inner radius of copper pipe , mm r2 = otuer radius of copper pipe , mm hi = heat transfer coefficient inner , w/m2 ho = heat transfer coefficient outer , w/m2 K = Thermal counductivity, w/m k 4. Area of the Heat Exchanger Aera of cylinder(copper) = 2πr(h+r) , m2 Aera of cylinder (mild steel) = 2πr(h+r) , m2 Aera of Heat Exchanger (A) = Aera of cylinder (MS) – Aera of cylinder (copper) © 2020, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.34 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 4471
  • 3. International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056 Volume: 07 Issue: 03 | Mar 2020 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072 5. LMTD equation for parallel and counter flow Where , Δt1 = th1 - tc2 Δt2 = th2 - tc1 th1 = inlet temperature of hot fluid , °C th2 = outlet temperature of hot fluid , °C tc1 = inlet temperature of cold fluid , °C tc2 = outlet temperature of cold fluid , °C 6. The overall heat transfer coefficient can be calculated by using following formula :- Q = U × A × ∆Tm 3.2 Effectiveness By NTU (Number Of Transfer Unit) 1.The Thermal capacity rates of HOT and COLD Ch = mh × Cph Cc = mc × Cpc Where , Cph , Cpc speciic heat of fluid , KJ/Kg K 2. Heat Capacity Ratio (R) Where , Cmin = Ch and Cc which are less value Cmax = Ch and Cc which are higher value 3. Number of transfer unit (NTU) 4. Effectiveness for the Parallel and Counter flow  READING WITHOUT BAFFLES PARALLEL FLOW :- COUNTER FLOW :- © 2020, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.34 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 4472
  • 4. International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056 Volume: 07 Issue: 03 | Mar 2020 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072 PARALLEL FLOW:- COUNTER FLOW :- PARALLEL FLOW:- COUNTER FLOW :- COUNTER FLOW :- 4. CONCLUSIONS By performing this experiment we concluded that the heat transfer rate Q is minimum without baffles and maximum with triangular baffles .the hot fluid is vary as low, medium, high and the cold fluid is constant. then the cold fluid is vary as low, medium, high, and the hot fluid is constant this type of setting is used to get the proper reading because of this we know that in the triangular baffles the LMTD and the EFFECTIVENESS is maximum as compare to without triangular baffles. By analysis this experiment we know the maximum heat transfer rate are in triangular baffles as compare to without baffles. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT We are very much thankful to Gujarat Technological University for including this subject “User Defined Project”, in our syllabus because without it, would not happen so early to develop such type of creativity. We are very grateful to our college especially to our Mechanical Department. We also thankful to our respected H.O.D. Mr. Parikshit Patel and project guide Mr. Vishal Naik and Project Coordinator Mr. Ashish Patel for providing their immense support and valuable guidance whenever we needed. We also thankful to our all supporting faculties to give their important time to us and of course, we can’t forget to © 2020, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.34 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 4473  READING WITH TRIANGULAR BAFFLES PARALLEL FLOW :-
  • 5. International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056 Volume: 07 Issue: 03 | Mar 2020 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072 thank to our Parents who is always with us to help and give full support to us in every good work we do. REFERENCES [1]Nawras Shareef Sabeeh, Nawras Shareef Sabeeh,"Thermo-Hydraulic Performance of Horizontal Circumferentially Ribbed Double Pipe Heat Exchanger", Journal of Engineering and Development, Vol. 18, No.3, May 2014, ISSN 1813- 7822 2. [2]Afify, R. I., and Abd-Elghany, M. E., "Turbulence and heat transfer measurements baffles in circular pipe", Engineering over doughnut-and-disc Research Journal, Helwan University, El-Mattaria Faculty of Eng., Cairo, Egypt, Vol. 52, pp. 1-20, 1997. [3]Yilmaz, M., “The effect of inlet flow baffles on heat transfer”, Int. Comm. Heat Mass “Transfer, Vol. 30, pp. 1169-1178, 2003. [4]Dutta, P., and Hossain, A., "Internal cooling augmentation in rectangular channel using two inclined baffles", International Journal of Heat and fluid flow, Vol. 26, pp. 223-232, 2005. [5]A. R. EL-SHAMY, "Turbulent Flow and Convective Heat Transfer in an Annulus with Perforated Disc- Baffles", Eighth International Congress of Fluid Dynamics & Propulsion 2006, Sharm El-Shiekh, Sinai, Egypt, Paper No.: EG- 185. [6]Ameer A. Jadoaa, "Experimental Investigations Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop Characteristics of Flow Through Circular Tube Fitted With Drilled Cut-Conical Rings", Eng. And Tech. Journal, Vol. 29, No.3, 2011. [7]Yakut, K., Sahin, B., and Canbazoglu, S., "Performance and flow induced vibration conical ring turbulators", Applied Energy, 2004; 79(1):65-76. [8]S.A. Berger, L. Talbot, L.S. Yao, Flow in curved pipes, Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics 15 (1983) 461–512. [9]D.E. Briggs, E.H. Young, Modified Wilson plot techniques for obtaining heat transfer correlations for shell and tube heat exchangers, Chemical Engineering Progress Symposium Series No. 92, 65 (1969) 35–45. [10]A.N. Dravid, K.A. Smith, E.W. Merrill, P.L.T. Brian, Effect of secondary fluid motion on laminar flow heat transfer in helicallycoiled tubes, American Institute of Chemical Engineers Journal 17 (5) (1971) 1114–1122. [11]L.A.M. Janssen, C.J. Hoogendoorn, Laminar convective heat transfer in helical coiled tubes, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 21 (1978) 1197–1206. [12]G.T. Karahalios, Mixed convection flow in a heated curved pipe with core, Physics of Fluids A 2 (12) (1990) 2164–2175. [13]R.K. Patil, B.W. Shende, P.K. Ghosh, Designing a helical-coilheat exchanger, Chemical Engineering 92 (24) (1982) 85–88. [14]M.A. Petrakis, G.T. Karahalios, Technical note: Steady flow in acurved pipe with a coaxial core, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 22 (12) (1996) 1231–1237. [15]M.A. Petrakis, G.T. Karahalios, Exponential decaying flow in agently curved annular pipe, International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics 32 (5) (1997) 823–835. [16]M.A. Petrakis, G.T. Karahalios, Fluid flow behaviour in a curved annular conduit, International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics © 2020, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.34 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 4474