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IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IOSR-JMCE)
e-ISSN: 2278-1684,p-ISSN: 2320-334X, Volume 13, Issue 3 Ver. I (May- Jun. 2016), PP 67-70
DOI: 10.9790/1684-1303016770 www.iosrjournals.org 67 | Page
Heat Treatment Enhancement Of Counter Flow Heat Exchanger
By Api Sn And Super Kool Xtra
, Aravinthasamy.A2
, Asarath.B3
, Ashokraja.P4
, Karthick.G5
Assistant Professor, 2345
UG Students Department Of Mechanical Engineering, M.Kumarasamy College Of
Engineering, Karur, Tamilnadu-639113, India.
Abstract: We all know that heat exchanger is one of the equipment to transfer the heat between the fluids.Heat
will transfer from one side of fluid to another side of fluid. In this project weare using counter flow heat
exchanger. in this heat exchanger one kind of fluid will come from one side and another kind of fluid will come
from another side. Both fluids will be sending inside to the tube in opposite direction. Here we are using two
medium one is hot fluidand another one is APISN (American Petrol Institution of Super Natural) with B grade
oil. Inside of apparatus we are using copper tube, to enhance the heat transfer. Because that copper is having
higher thermal conductivity (385 W/m K).when we compared to the carbon steel (19 W/m K), copper is having
more thermal conductivity. The reason for choosing copper tube is not only higher thermal conductivity; it's also
having properties like corrosion resistance, max allow able stress and internal pressure. Hot fluid will be send
through the way of inside of the copper tube. Over the copper tube will send APISN oil, both will be send in an
opposite manner. In a setup of counter flow heat exchanger, we put two holes with some dimension. When the
fluid goes inside of the tube we insert the digital thermo-meter to note down the temperature of both inlet and
outlet. After taking all reading we will evaluate the counter flow heat exchanger with term ofefficiency.
Keywords: heat exchanger, counterflow,APISN, XTRA KOOL oil, copper
I. Introduction
1.1. Heat Exchanger:
Heat exchange is equipment in which the process of heating or cooling occurs; the heat is transferred
from one liquid often cooled to another liquid often heated. The transfer of heat in an exchanger between two
liquids could be move out through direct contact of transmission through the value separating the fluids. The
previous type is called direct contact heat transfer while the later as regenerators, surface heat exchanges. The
process of heat passes occurs through direct contact and mixing of the hot and cold fluids.
There are three primary classifications of heat exchangers according to their flowarrangement.Inparallel-
flowheatexchangers,thetwofluidsentertheexchanger at the same end, and travel in parallel to one another to the
other side. In counter- flow heat exchangers the fluids enter the exchanger from opposite ends. The counter
current design is the most efficient, in that it can transfer the most heat from the heat
(transfer)mediumperunitmassduetothefactthattheaveragetemperaturedifference along any unit length
ishigher.See counter flow exchange. In a cross-flow heat exchanger, the fluids travel roughly perpendicular to
one another through the exchanger.
For efficiency, heat exchangers are designed to maximize the surface area of the wall between the two
fluids, while minimizing resistance to fluid flow through the ex- changer. The exchanger's performance can also
be affected by the addition of fins or corrugations in one or both directions, which increase surface area and
may channel fluid flow or induce turbulence.
The driving temperature across the heat transfer surface varies with position, but an appropriate means
temperature can be defined. In most simple systems this is "log mean temperature difference" (LMTD).
Sometimes direct knowledge of the LMTD is not available and the NTU method is used.
1.2. Principle Of Heat Exchanger:
In a heat exchanger, the fluid flows can be performed in multiple arrangements. One can easily show
that thermodynamically, the most efficient heat exchanger is the counter-flow heat exchanger ,but other
concerns than the thermodynamic effectiveness are taken into account when designing a heat exchanger: the
maximum permissible temperatures in one fluid, or more often considerations of size, weight or cost. It follows
that the configurations of exchangers that are encountered in practice are relatively numerous. However, we can
gather these configurations in three main geometries:
• counter-flow: in which fluids flow in parallel and in opposite directions;
• parallel-flow: in which fluids flow in parallel and in the same direction;
• cross-flow: in which fluids flow in perpendicular directions. We will denote the hot fluid by index h, and the
cold fluid by index c. It is based on the principle that heat transfer takes place between two bodies at
Heat Treatment Enhancement Of Counter Flow Heat Exchanger By Api Sn And Super Kool Xtra
DOI: 10.9790/1684-1303016770 www.iosrjournals.org 68 | Page
different temperatures, from the one at a higher temperature to one at a lower temperature. In which fluid is
having a higher temperature when we compared to other fluid. That temperature will be transferred from
higher temperature medium to lower temperature medium. Besides the geometric configuration, exchanger
sizing or performance depends on many parameters.
In what follows, we will assume that the heat exchange coefficients Uh and Uc and thermophysical
properties of fluids maintain a constant value at any time in the entire heat exchanger. If this assumption is not
verified, then in order to study the performance of the exchanger, it is necessary to divide it into small volume
elements, in which these properties can be considered constant. The calculations are then much more
cumbersome. Finally, we always assume that the heat exchanger is globally adiabatic, that is to say, there is no
heat exchange with the surroundings.
II. Experimental Set-Up Of Counter Flow Heat Exchanger
Fig No.1. Experimental Set-Up of Counter Flow Heat Exchanger
In an experimental set-up of counter flow heat exchanger is consider some of the equipment. Even that
all instrument‟s is play major role in this project. we use around six equipment‟s to this project. We listed below
the equipment‟s which are all we used.
The equipment‟s are:
Copper tube
Digital thermometer
Gate valve
III. Result And Discussion
S.NO Ts Thi Tho Tci Tco
1 35 29.5 25.3 32.8 33.7
2 40 36.2 31.7 32.8 34.2
3 45 41.7 37.1 32.8 34.6
4 50 46.6 36.8 32.8 36.2
CTable no: 1. Water Test Reading
S.NO Ts Thi Tho Tci Tco
1 35 30.1 26.7 32.8 37.3
2 40 34.2 31.6 32.8 39.7
3 45 39.6 36.1 32.8 41.5
4 50 42.7 39.4 32.8 44.6
Table no: 2. APISN oil
S.NO Ts Thi Tho Tci Tco
1 35 28.6 24.2 32.8 34.2
2 40 33.7 28.6 32.8 35.7
3 45 37.5 31.1 32.8 38.6
4 50 41.2 34.7 32.8 39.1
Table no: 3. Super koolxtra Test Reading
Heat Treatment Enhancement Of Counter Flow Heat Exchanger By Api Sn And Super Kool Xtra
DOI: 10.9790/1684-1303016770 www.iosrjournals.org 69 | Page
Graph.1.Hot and Cold Temperature vs Source Temperature
IV. Application
Heat diffusion bonded heat exchangers are utilized in a wide range of industrial applications including
the oil and gas industry, power generation, chemical processing and more. There are over 2,500 Heat
exchangers currently in active operation, with an international customer base benefiting from the plethora of
monetary, special and performance related benefits our products afford.
Oil and gas industry:
This innovative technology provides customers with a multitude of important benefits including
superior capabilities at extreme temperature and pressure, as well as a far more compact size compared with
other heat exchanger products on the market (PCHE exchangers are up to 85% than shell and tube exchangers).
Power generation:
A safe, reliable and low cost electrical energy supply is critical to ensuring power continuity in the
future. Heat technology can be used to optimise the effectiveness of plants in a variety of important niche
applications such as;
1. Energy recovery
2. Energy storage
3. Solar thermal energy
Industrial gases:
With the high level of energy demanded by cryogenic air separation, Heat can help customers in this
market to optimize performance while still minimizing costs.
The arrival of novel plant and other air processing technology involving Heat exchanges can significantly
enhance effectiveness while reducing the overall footprint of the equipment.
V. Conclusion
The analysis of heat exchangers with unknown outlet temperatures is a straight forward matter with the
effectiveness–NTU method but requires rather tedious it erations with the LMTD method. When all the inlet
and outlet temperatures are specified, the size of the heat exchanger can easily be determined using the LMTD
method. This project mainly done according to our future project in conditioning the room temperature. So, that
this is our view where we have sustained that these oil grades can be used to change the room temperature fast.
As we have used two grades of oil and water in that the APISN oil grade gives the more efficiency than the
water and super koolxtra. Normally, API SN gives more efficiency. Eventhough we have used copper tube to
give more efficiency than the normal API SN due to thermal conductivity of the copper.
[1] Ackerman, R. A., 1997, Cryogenic Regenerative Heat Exchangers, International Cryogenics Monograph Series, Plenum
Publishing, NewYork.
[2] Afgan,N.,M.Carvalho,A.Bar-Cohen,D.Butterworth,andW.Roetzel,eds.,1994, New Developments in Heat Exchangers, Gordon &
Breach, NewYork.
[3] Afgan,N.H.,andE.U.Schlunder,eds.,1974,HeatExchangers:DesignandTheory Sourcebook, McGraw-Hill, NewYork.
[4] Andreone, C. F., and S. Yokell, 1997, Tubular Heat Exchanger: Inspection, Maintenance and Repair, McGraw-Hill, NewYork.
[5] Azbel, D., 1984, Heat Transfer Applications in Process Engineering, Noyes Publications, Park Ridge,NJ.
[6] Bar-Cohen, A., M. Carvalho, and R. Berryman, eds., 1998, Heat exchangers for
sustainabledevelopment,Proc.HeatExchangersforSustainableDevelopment,Lisbon, Portugal.
Heat Treatment Enhancement Of Counter Flow Heat Exchanger By Api Sn And Super Kool Xtra
DOI: 10.9790/1684-1303016770 www.iosrjournals.org 70 | Page
[7] Bhatia, M. V., and P. N. Cheremisinoff, 1980, Heat Transfer Equipment, Process Equipment Series, Vol. 2, TechnomicPublishing,
[8] Bliem,C.,etal.,1985,CeramicHeatExchangerConceptsandMaterialsTechnology, Noyes Publications, Park Ridge,NJ.
[9] Bohnet,M.,T.R.Bott,A.J.Karabelas,P.A.Pilavachi,R.Se´me´ria,and R.Vidil, eds., 1992, Fouling Mechanisms: Theoretical and
Practical Aspects, Eurotherm Seminar 23, Editions Europe´ ennesThermique et Industrie,Paris.
[10] Bott, T.R., 1995, Fouling of Heat Exchangers, Elsevier Science Publishers, Amsterdam, TheNetherlands.
[11] Chisholm, D., ed., 1980, Developments in Heat Exchanger Technology, Vol.I, Applied Science Publishers,London.
[12] RameshR*.,Dr.R.Vivekananthan.,(2014)„Al2O3Nanofluid For Heat Transfer Enhancement In Aircraft Systems‟. International
Journal of Innovative Research in Engineering Science and Technology ISSN 2320-981x, 64–68.
[13] Ramesh R, Dr.R.Vivekananthan “Application of Al2O3Nanofluid for Enhance Heat Transfer Rate in Shell and Tube Heat
Exchanger” IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IOSR-JMCE)e ISSN: 2278-1684,p-ISSN: 2320-334X,Volume 11,
Issue 2.

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  • 1. IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IOSR-JMCE) e-ISSN: 2278-1684,p-ISSN: 2320-334X, Volume 13, Issue 3 Ver. I (May- Jun. 2016), PP 67-70 www.iosrjournals.org DOI: 10.9790/1684-1303016770 www.iosrjournals.org 67 | Page Heat Treatment Enhancement Of Counter Flow Heat Exchanger By Api Sn And Super Kool Xtra Ramesh.R1* , Aravinthasamy.A2 , Asarath.B3 , Ashokraja.P4 , Karthick.G5 1* Assistant Professor, 2345 UG Students Department Of Mechanical Engineering, M.Kumarasamy College Of Engineering, Karur, Tamilnadu-639113, India. Abstract: We all know that heat exchanger is one of the equipment to transfer the heat between the fluids.Heat will transfer from one side of fluid to another side of fluid. In this project weare using counter flow heat exchanger. in this heat exchanger one kind of fluid will come from one side and another kind of fluid will come from another side. Both fluids will be sending inside to the tube in opposite direction. Here we are using two medium one is hot fluidand another one is APISN (American Petrol Institution of Super Natural) with B grade oil. Inside of apparatus we are using copper tube, to enhance the heat transfer. Because that copper is having higher thermal conductivity (385 W/m K).when we compared to the carbon steel (19 W/m K), copper is having more thermal conductivity. The reason for choosing copper tube is not only higher thermal conductivity; it's also having properties like corrosion resistance, max allow able stress and internal pressure. Hot fluid will be send through the way of inside of the copper tube. Over the copper tube will send APISN oil, both will be send in an opposite manner. In a setup of counter flow heat exchanger, we put two holes with some dimension. When the fluid goes inside of the tube we insert the digital thermo-meter to note down the temperature of both inlet and outlet. After taking all reading we will evaluate the counter flow heat exchanger with term ofefficiency. Keywords: heat exchanger, counterflow,APISN, XTRA KOOL oil, copper I. Introduction 1.1. Heat Exchanger: Heat exchange is equipment in which the process of heating or cooling occurs; the heat is transferred from one liquid often cooled to another liquid often heated. The transfer of heat in an exchanger between two liquids could be move out through direct contact of transmission through the value separating the fluids. The previous type is called direct contact heat transfer while the later as regenerators, surface heat exchanges. The process of heat passes occurs through direct contact and mixing of the hot and cold fluids. There are three primary classifications of heat exchangers according to their flowarrangement.Inparallel- flowheatexchangers,thetwofluidsentertheexchanger at the same end, and travel in parallel to one another to the other side. In counter- flow heat exchangers the fluids enter the exchanger from opposite ends. The counter current design is the most efficient, in that it can transfer the most heat from the heat (transfer)mediumperunitmassduetothefactthattheaveragetemperaturedifference along any unit length ishigher.See counter flow exchange. In a cross-flow heat exchanger, the fluids travel roughly perpendicular to one another through the exchanger. For efficiency, heat exchangers are designed to maximize the surface area of the wall between the two fluids, while minimizing resistance to fluid flow through the ex- changer. The exchanger's performance can also be affected by the addition of fins or corrugations in one or both directions, which increase surface area and may channel fluid flow or induce turbulence. The driving temperature across the heat transfer surface varies with position, but an appropriate means temperature can be defined. In most simple systems this is "log mean temperature difference" (LMTD). Sometimes direct knowledge of the LMTD is not available and the NTU method is used. 1.2. Principle Of Heat Exchanger: In a heat exchanger, the fluid flows can be performed in multiple arrangements. One can easily show that thermodynamically, the most efficient heat exchanger is the counter-flow heat exchanger ,but other concerns than the thermodynamic effectiveness are taken into account when designing a heat exchanger: the maximum permissible temperatures in one fluid, or more often considerations of size, weight or cost. It follows that the configurations of exchangers that are encountered in practice are relatively numerous. However, we can gather these configurations in three main geometries: • counter-flow: in which fluids flow in parallel and in opposite directions; • parallel-flow: in which fluids flow in parallel and in the same direction; • cross-flow: in which fluids flow in perpendicular directions. We will denote the hot fluid by index h, and the cold fluid by index c. It is based on the principle that heat transfer takes place between two bodies at
  • 2. Heat Treatment Enhancement Of Counter Flow Heat Exchanger By Api Sn And Super Kool Xtra DOI: 10.9790/1684-1303016770 www.iosrjournals.org 68 | Page different temperatures, from the one at a higher temperature to one at a lower temperature. In which fluid is having a higher temperature when we compared to other fluid. That temperature will be transferred from higher temperature medium to lower temperature medium. Besides the geometric configuration, exchanger sizing or performance depends on many parameters. In what follows, we will assume that the heat exchange coefficients Uh and Uc and thermophysical properties of fluids maintain a constant value at any time in the entire heat exchanger. If this assumption is not verified, then in order to study the performance of the exchanger, it is necessary to divide it into small volume elements, in which these properties can be considered constant. The calculations are then much more cumbersome. Finally, we always assume that the heat exchanger is globally adiabatic, that is to say, there is no heat exchange with the surroundings. II. Experimental Set-Up Of Counter Flow Heat Exchanger Fig No.1. Experimental Set-Up of Counter Flow Heat Exchanger In an experimental set-up of counter flow heat exchanger is consider some of the equipment. Even that all instrument‟s is play major role in this project. we use around six equipment‟s to this project. We listed below the equipment‟s which are all we used. The equipment‟s are: Pump Copper tube Digital thermometer Thermocouple Gate valve Heater III. Result And Discussion S.NO Ts Thi Tho Tci Tco 1 35 29.5 25.3 32.8 33.7 2 40 36.2 31.7 32.8 34.2 3 45 41.7 37.1 32.8 34.6 4 50 46.6 36.8 32.8 36.2 ALL READINGS ARE IN o CTable no: 1. Water Test Reading S.NO Ts Thi Tho Tci Tco 1 35 30.1 26.7 32.8 37.3 2 40 34.2 31.6 32.8 39.7 3 45 39.6 36.1 32.8 41.5 4 50 42.7 39.4 32.8 44.6 Table no: 2. APISN oil S.NO Ts Thi Tho Tci Tco 1 35 28.6 24.2 32.8 34.2 2 40 33.7 28.6 32.8 35.7 3 45 37.5 31.1 32.8 38.6 4 50 41.2 34.7 32.8 39.1 Table no: 3. Super koolxtra Test Reading
  • 3. Heat Treatment Enhancement Of Counter Flow Heat Exchanger By Api Sn And Super Kool Xtra DOI: 10.9790/1684-1303016770 www.iosrjournals.org 69 | Page Graph.1.Hot and Cold Temperature vs Source Temperature IV. Application Heat diffusion bonded heat exchangers are utilized in a wide range of industrial applications including the oil and gas industry, power generation, chemical processing and more. There are over 2,500 Heat exchangers currently in active operation, with an international customer base benefiting from the plethora of monetary, special and performance related benefits our products afford. Oil and gas industry: This innovative technology provides customers with a multitude of important benefits including superior capabilities at extreme temperature and pressure, as well as a far more compact size compared with other heat exchanger products on the market (PCHE exchangers are up to 85% than shell and tube exchangers). Power generation: A safe, reliable and low cost electrical energy supply is critical to ensuring power continuity in the future. Heat technology can be used to optimise the effectiveness of plants in a variety of important niche applications such as; 1. Energy recovery 2. Energy storage 3. Solar thermal energy Industrial gases: With the high level of energy demanded by cryogenic air separation, Heat can help customers in this market to optimize performance while still minimizing costs. The arrival of novel plant and other air processing technology involving Heat exchanges can significantly enhance effectiveness while reducing the overall footprint of the equipment. V. Conclusion The analysis of heat exchangers with unknown outlet temperatures is a straight forward matter with the effectiveness–NTU method but requires rather tedious it erations with the LMTD method. When all the inlet and outlet temperatures are specified, the size of the heat exchanger can easily be determined using the LMTD method. This project mainly done according to our future project in conditioning the room temperature. So, that this is our view where we have sustained that these oil grades can be used to change the room temperature fast. As we have used two grades of oil and water in that the APISN oil grade gives the more efficiency than the water and super koolxtra. Normally, API SN gives more efficiency. Eventhough we have used copper tube to give more efficiency than the normal API SN due to thermal conductivity of the copper. Reference [1] Ackerman, R. A., 1997, Cryogenic Regenerative Heat Exchangers, International Cryogenics Monograph Series, Plenum Publishing, NewYork. [2] Afgan,N.,M.Carvalho,A.Bar-Cohen,D.Butterworth,andW.Roetzel,eds.,1994, New Developments in Heat Exchangers, Gordon & Breach, NewYork. [3] Afgan,N.H.,andE.U.Schlunder,eds.,1974,HeatExchangers:DesignandTheory Sourcebook, McGraw-Hill, NewYork. [4] Andreone, C. F., and S. Yokell, 1997, Tubular Heat Exchanger: Inspection, Maintenance and Repair, McGraw-Hill, NewYork. [5] Azbel, D., 1984, Heat Transfer Applications in Process Engineering, Noyes Publications, Park Ridge,NJ. [6] Bar-Cohen, A., M. Carvalho, and R. Berryman, eds., 1998, Heat exchangers for sustainabledevelopment,Proc.HeatExchangersforSustainableDevelopment,Lisbon, Portugal.
  • 4. Heat Treatment Enhancement Of Counter Flow Heat Exchanger By Api Sn And Super Kool Xtra DOI: 10.9790/1684-1303016770 www.iosrjournals.org 70 | Page [7] Bhatia, M. V., and P. N. Cheremisinoff, 1980, Heat Transfer Equipment, Process Equipment Series, Vol. 2, TechnomicPublishing, Westport,CT. [8] Bliem,C.,etal.,1985,CeramicHeatExchangerConceptsandMaterialsTechnology, Noyes Publications, Park Ridge,NJ. [9] Bohnet,M.,T.R.Bott,A.J.Karabelas,P.A.Pilavachi,R.Se´me´ria,and R.Vidil, eds., 1992, Fouling Mechanisms: Theoretical and Practical Aspects, Eurotherm Seminar 23, Editions Europe´ ennesThermique et Industrie,Paris. [10] Bott, T.R., 1995, Fouling of Heat Exchangers, Elsevier Science Publishers, Amsterdam, TheNetherlands. [11] Chisholm, D., ed., 1980, Developments in Heat Exchanger Technology, Vol.I, Applied Science Publishers,London. [12] RameshR*.,Dr.R.Vivekananthan.,(2014)„Al2O3Nanofluid For Heat Transfer Enhancement In Aircraft Systems‟. International Journal of Innovative Research in Engineering Science and Technology ISSN 2320-981x, 64–68. [13] Ramesh R, Dr.R.Vivekananthan “Application of Al2O3Nanofluid for Enhance Heat Transfer Rate in Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger” IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IOSR-JMCE)e ISSN: 2278-1684,p-ISSN: 2320-334X,Volume 11, Issue 2.