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Sop Sample Sop Sample
The Naval Actions Of The War Of Afghanistan
The naval actions of the Revolution to the mountains of Afghanistan, the Marines have served valiantly
in every one of our nation s conflicts. For hundreds of years, Marines have fought, lived and died with
honor, continuing the Marine Corps legacy of service to our nation. Every Marine, past and presents, his
earned their place within this proud culture of traditions, symbols and valves. On November 10, 1775
two Battalions of Continental Marines were born in Philadelphia, PA. They were formed as a branch of
infantry troops that were able to fight on both sea and on the shore. Since then the role of Marines has
grown and evolved, expanding to aerial and warfare. They earned the titles of American s third Air Force
and the Second Land Army. The Marines have served in the majority of American wars and armed
conflicts. I served in the Marines for eight years, and the experiences and knowledge you get is nothing
like you have every got. Joining the Marines is a long process, and there are a lot of steps to take before
one can call himself a United States Marine. Marines a highly exclusive, highly motivated bunch. Those
who become Marines do so because they want to, not because of the benefits or other reasons. Here are
the steps of joining the Marines. Is becoming a Marine right for you. You need to decide if you re truly
ready, you need to choose the right path for you, you need to meet with a recruiter, and ace the ASVAB
(Armed Service Vocational Aptitude Battery), process in
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October Sky Essay
Homer Hickam was a teenage boy from a mining town in West Virginia called Coalwood. He inspired to
build rockets when he seen the first artificial satellite, Sputnik, streak across the stars. With his friends
and the local nerd, Homer sets out to do just that but with many errors and trials. Along with the town,
Homer s father thought they were wasting their time with their rockets. He wanted Homer to be a coal
miner just like everyone else but Homer knew he didn t belong there. As time went on, some people from
town became interested in seeing the homemade missiles launch into the sky. The boys became popular
and were known as the Rocketboys around town.
When Homer and his friends fired one of the first rockets off and it crashed ... Show more content on
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During this time Homer s dad was really disappointed in him because he quit football to build these
rockets. Homer says he is never going to mine coal. One day after they shot off a rocket, the police came
to the school to arrest Homer and his friends for starting a forest fire. They gave up on building rockets
because all of their dreams were crushed. That night his father was hurt mining and Homer quit school
and worked in the mines to help pay the hospital bills. His dad changed his attitude about Homer when
he worked in the mines because he thought he was doing the right thing. Homer didn t like it at all and
his hopes and dreams were gone. After work one night, Homer s mom told him that Miss Reilly was sick.
When he went to visit her, she told him that he didn t belong in the mine and that he needed to stick to
his dreams. That night he opened the book she gave him and started to work on the math and where the
rocket went when the police said that it started the fire. He calculated that he didn t start the fire.
Homer quit his job, went back to school, and won the County Science Fair. He was sent to Indianapolis
for the National Science Fair. His dad was disappointed again that Homer went back to building rockets.
He was the only one in town who didn t believe in Homer and his friends. His father helped him out
when all of Homer s rocket supplies were stolen in Indianapolis the night before the science fair. His
father made him
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Apes and Behavioral Research
The term ape has been associated with imitation based on the behavioral research carried out on apes that
has shown that apes are good imitators. Many primatologists who are against animal culture have argued
that the learning of behaviors by apes is not a form of social transmission but rather simple imitation. De
Waal seems to refute the scientific meaning of imitation which is defined by goals, rewards and
punishments. I think de Waal makes a compelling argument for the complexity of imitations. He
proposes three criteria for one to imitate which include; identification, understanding the goal and having
background knowledge on the task. Imitations contain learning aspects within them. If they did not,
human beings for example would be able to do any physical activity that they wanted to, which is not the
De Waal makes also talks about a theory that some primatologists have come up with to explain why
human raised apes are better at imitating human behavior than wild apes. Enculturation implies that
human reared apes operate on a different mental plane because they have benefited from human culture
simulation. This way of thinking is at the hallmark if speciesism. It implies that our form of culture
helped the apes tap into a mental ability that they wouldn t have if they were not raised by humans.
While others see enculturation as a way to show that animals lack culture, de Waal proposes otherwise.
He suggests that enculturation is a form of cultural learning in
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In The Late 1890S They Would Begin To Experiment With Gliders
In the late 1890s they would begin to experiment with gliders of their own. They knew they had to
master the art of controlling flight before they could invent this mechanical flyer. Much of their early
ideas with gliders would be derived from bicycles as they felt bicycles and flyers were not as different as
they seemed. The bicycle required stability and they compared it to the need for lateral balance in a flyer.
Orville thought this problem could be solved with the wings. He figured if they pilot could control parts
of the wing tips it could create force to give balance to the machine. He would create an early sketch of it
and basically is was a lever the would cause one wing to go up and the other to go down in the opposite
direction ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
They would need a place with suitable high wind speeds to keep their experimentation going. In their
hometown of southern Ohio consistent high wind speeds were uncommon to say the least. Wilbur figured
finding such a place on their own could be problematic. Wilbur would end up writing to an expert on
aviation at the time, Octave Chanute. Octave provided possible places to conduct his experiment and
other questions Wilbur had regarding their experiment. In 1900 Wilbur had decided Kitty Hawk, North
Carolina would be a perfect location with its constant high wind speeds. When they arrived at their new
testing sight they began assembling their glider from back home. Initially they tested their glider without
a pilot to make sure it was working correctly and was safe for use. Eventually they would fly the glider
as the pilot and it could sustain flight for as long as two minutes. This seemed like a major
accomplishment but was just the start of their goal. They were far from the first to achieve flight, but
their wing and elevation ideas were proved successful. Also, this gave them much needed practice in
piloting a flying machine most importantly. They would again take a break with their experiments after
this attempt and return a year later. This time they had built a second glider but it was much larger than
its predecessor. Though the size was impressive it turned out to be a failure. They did succeed in getting
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Osmotic Potential, Chlorophyll ) Potengths
The effect of sodium chloride (NaCl) concentrations (0.0, 60, 120, 240 mM) on growth, osmotic
potential, chlorophyll content, protein content of (Vicia faba L.) seedlings was investigated.
NaCl caused an increase in plant height with low and medium concentrations and a decrease with the
highest concentration, in both measurement periods. No significant effect was observed in the number of
leaves or leaf area with low concentration, while a decrease was noticed for each, with two higher
concentrations and in both measurement periods.
Salinity increased both fresh and dry weights of the shoot in the two measurement periods. Osmotic
potential (O.P.) showed a significant decrease with the increase in concentrations, and in the duration of
the stress periods.
Salinity significantly reduced chlorophyll a content in both measurement periods. It also significantly
reduced chlorophyll b , total chl., and carotenoids contents after ten days of treatment.
An increase was observed in the protein content in the two measurement periods due to the impact of
salinity stress. A directly proportional relationship was found between protein content and the increase in
salt concentrations in the first measurement period, while it was inversely proportional in the second.
Osmotic potential; Chlorophyll; NaCl; Plant height; Protein
1. Introduction
The over salinity of the soil is one of the main factors that limits the spread of plants in their natural
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The Necessity Of Radical Reconstruction After The Civil War
The necessity of Radical Reconstruction After the Civil War had ended a period of reconstruction was in
mind, but failed to succeed. President Andrew Johnson s principle was that the South never had a right to
succeed. He also believed that blacks should not have any role in the reconstruction. Johnson appointed
provisional governors and ordered them to call state conventions to establish new, all white government.
Radical Republicans believed that people of all skin color had the right to be equal. In their opinion,
blacks should have the same political opportunities as well as rights as whites. They wanted to see the
powers of national government expanded since they believed the war was fought for equal rights. A Civil
Rights Bill was passed on in 1966 which stated That all persons born in the United States and not subject
to any foreign power, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Despite the hardships, the war for African American freedom was not over. It was a necessary time
period in order for us to understand what country we want to live in, what changes had to be made.
The most significant events of the 1920s The 1920s, also known best as the roaring twenties were a
major breakthrough in the countries. Jazz, movies, radio, dancing, consumer culture based on credit,
increased personal freedom, and for some, increased wealth, but not for all. The 1920s were marked by a
bit of a government corruption, mostly an outcome of the administration of Warren G. Harding. He
himself was not corrupt, but chose incorrect companions like Harry Dougherty, who accepted to not
prosecute criminals, and Albert Fall, who took half a million dollars from private business in exchange
for leases to government oil reserves at Teapot Dome, later becoming the first cabinet member to ever get
convicted of a
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Essay Religion in American Politics
The United States of America has the most diverse religious population in the world. In places like Iraq,
Syria, Israel, Afghanistan, Yemen, and other countries too numerous to mention, countless lives are lost
over religious differences. In America, a Protestant can live happily next door to a Jew, who might live
across the street from a Muslim, or a Catholic, or a Sikh, or even a Humanist! This is in no small way
attributed to the fact that the US Constitution s First Amendment includes what is known as the
establishment clause, which states that Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of
religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, effectively separating affairs of religious institutions
from secular, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
It was starting to look as if politics were beginning to become more secular. As it is well known, after
Kennedy s assassination, Lyndon B. Johnson carried out the rest of Kennedy s term, and then ran for
reelection in 1964. Johnson, a left leaning Democrat found himself up against Barry Goldwater from the
right minded Republican Party. Early on in the 20th century, many of Protestant denominations had
adopted progressive, social reformist doctrines, that many people still value to this day. Despite being
Protestant, Goldwater s platform took a much more conservative approach. This ended up backfiring on
him, however, as many Christian publications stated that they opposed Goldwater s policies. He was
further stigmatized by the religious publication The Christian Century as turning his patriotic rhetoric
into religious nationalism. To make matters worse for Goldwater, in October of 1964, less than a month
before the general election, 725 Episcopalian clergy and laymen from forty one states signed a resolution
accusing him of a transparent exploitation of racialism. Richard Nixon, a Republican and ex Vice
President at the time, claimed that these allegations were the most vicious in political history. As a result,
Lyndon Johnson won the 1964 election in an unprecedented landslide victory, with Barry Goldwater only
winning six states: his native Arizona, and five states in the heart of the Bible Belt (Kosmin 1993:174 5).
While religious leaders in the end
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Information On My Future Career
Recently, I have been using CFNC.org to gather more information on my future career. CFNC.org has
provided me with more knowledge about my future than I could have gotten using Google. One goal of
mine while writing this paper is to show how interested I am about my future. Another goal I do have is
to teach the reader more information about a specific career path. Every individual has their own career
plan, and possibly could be interested in the same career as me. In the CFNC.org website, there are
multiple surveys you can take to get a better feel for what type of career you might like. During the
Career Cluster Survey I honestly had a few difficult decisions. There are tons of questions so you know
your results should be accurate. At the end of your survey you will be shown a poll with your results. Out
of my results, my top three were Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics, Information
Technology, and Business Management and Administration. The career I probably should not go for
would consist of Transportation, Distribution and Logistics. With my results I plan to be a Computer
Programmer. CFNC.org also has another survey I took, the Basic Skills Survey. This survey allows for
you to find your best life skills. In all the surveys are questions that will better help you understand
yourself. After you take this survey you will be provided another poll with your results. I have received
Mathematics, Active Listening and Learning Strategies as my top
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mid term paper
Mid Term Examination, Winter 2010
Level: Masters Full Marks: 100
Program: MBAe Section B Pass Marks: 60
Course: Financial Management Time: 3 Hrs.
Term: III
Candidates are required to be original and fair in the presentation of their answers.
The figures in the parenthesis indicate the marks for respective question.
Attempt all the questions
Section A
Attempt all questions
Each question carries 6 marks [5 x 6 =30]
1. You have to pay $12,000 a year in school fees at the end of each of the next six years. If the interest
rate is 8%, how much do you need to set aside today to cover these bills? [3]
Find out the PV of $ 12,000 as 6 years annuity. Answer $ Rs 55476
You have ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Dividend Payout Ratio being constant, EPS growth rate will be equal to dividend growth rate. Next year
s EPS = 8% more than Rs 5. Answer = Rs 5.4
Alternative way,
EPS 1 = EPS 0 + Retained earning per share x Rate of return
EPS 1 = Rs 5 + 3.2 x 0.12 = Rs 5.4
Section B
Attempt any three questions
Each question carries 15 marks [3 x 15 = 45]
6. The Tanner Company s cost of equity is 18%. Tanner s before tax cost of debt is 12%, and its tax rate
is 40%. Using the following balance sheet, calculate Tanner s after tax weighted average cost of capital.
(Assume that this accounting balance sheet also represents Tanner s target capital structure) All figures
are in Ten thousands.
Rs 100
Accounts Payable
Rs 200
Accounts Receivables
Accrued taxes due
Long term debt
Plant and Equipment, net
Total Assets
Rs 2400
Total Liabilities
Rs 2400
While computing D/E ratio or D/V and E/V ratio, we always use only long term capital (debt, pref stock,
equity). So D = 400 and E = 1600 in this case and V = sum of both = 2000
Thus, we get Wd = 0.2 and We = 0.8. This will be used in all of the three problems, since its not
changing with question.
Kdat = 7.2 %, Ke = 18%. Hence we get WACC = 15.84%
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Femininity In Tank Girl
An interesting depiction of femininity is in Jamie Hewlett s 1988 Tank Girl, where Rebecca Buck, or
Tank Girl, is presented as untraditionally feminine. Her appearance is definitely a challenge to the typical
comic book girlish look, which are usually long hair and a curvy figure. Tank Girl instead wears outfits
that are chaotic with wacky colors and symbols, all while brandishing weapons and having a sly smile.
This combination of femininity with a masculine streak where she flaunts her body while acting gross,
makes her appear as a overwhelmingly punk rock empowered woman.
Physically Tank Girl looks womanly, yet she is far more realistically proportioned than some female
characters, with a small chest and average waistline, she shows a
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How Does Shakespeare Use Satire In King Lear
Often in literature, the author will use satire to convey his meaning. Many people wonder if Shakespeare
made a satire when writing the play KING LEAR. What makes KING LEAR a satire or what makes
King Lear not a satire is the debate, and I am going to reveal the truth to this question during my essay.
Some people consider King Lear to be a satire.The things that the real King James and the fictional King
Lear have in common are pride, craziness, and they both had three kids First, both kings had a lot of
pride and liked to be flattered.In the play King Lear wanted his daughter to tell him how much they loved
him. That showed a lot of pride. In The True Law of Free Monarchies James defended monarchical
absolutism which asserted that kings derived their authority from God and could not therefore be held
accountable for their actions.That shows a lot of pride. Second both Kings are crazy. King James was
never wrong. In Speech to Parliament one of the crazy things he says is he is also a ... Show more content
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One of the things that are similar is that they both have three kids.The difference between the kids are
that King James has one daughter and two son and king lear has three daughters. They both have dealt
with some foolish stuff in their lives.King lear and King James where both foolish and not wise .King
Lear had two daughter that turn against him because of the way he treated them and talk to them when
bring together all the evidence from both sides and comparing and contrasting it makes it a little more
easier to help decide who s right and who s wrong.This prove that the stores are different because King
James didn t have any child turn on him.The are more than one side to this story something s have been
found to be similar and something s are
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Speach Stand by Me Analysis
The movie Stand By Me is a great portrayal of a group of four young friends who set out to find a dead
body. These boys have many trials and tribulations and manage to maintain their friendship throughout
the movie. Gordie, Chris, Teddy and Vern are an unstoppable cast; showing their trust, friendship, and
insecurities to one another. The main role of Gordie LaChance is played by Wil Wheaton. He is having
trouble in his life at this time because he just lost his brother and his parents are having a very difficult
time dealing with it. Chris Chambers was played by River Phoenix. Chris is considered a loser because
of his family and everybody thinks he will do nothing in life. Through it all, the group of kids looks up to
Chris and he is ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
When the old man calls his father looney Teddy flips out. He starts kicking and punching even though he
s on the other side of the fence. This remains a problem with the group because they have to spend time
comforting him before they get back on the road again. On more than one occasion Teddy got in small
fights with almost all of the different group members. Teddy hinders group development by forcing the
group to devote time and effort to control his behavior.
Chris remains one of the leaders, but even at times presents a problem to the group. He has a very tough
attitude and almost gets his eye burned out in the beginning trying to stand up against bigger, tougher
kids. At the end of the movie he almost gets attacked with a knife for mouthing off to the same group of
kids, but Gordie bailed him out. By standing up against difficult group members Gordie really showed
his leadership skills. Gordie seems to have a lot of personal issues with finding this dead body because of
how often he thinks about his older brother who had passed away. Gordie really takes this trip/adventure
personally mainly because of how close he feels to this dead body. Only a few months before this trip,
Gordy s older brother Denny had been killed in a car accident, and Gordy has been ignored at home
since, which we see in flashbacks. Gordy aspires to be a writer, but the only support he had came from
his brother. Now Gordie feels a very close relationship with
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Roy Adaptation Theory
Running head: ROY S ADAPTATION MODEL Nursing theory is an organized framework of concepts
that are designed to guide nursing practice and provide a foundation for clinical decision making. There
are many different types of nursing theories. This present paper will focus on one of the Grand theories,
the Roy Adaptation model (RAM). The paper is divided into four main sections focusing on the
importance of the RAM; summary of key concepts; view of RAM on specialization; and conclusion.
There has been an evolution of nursing practice from when Florence Nightingale started. Nurses used to
take direct medical direction to an evolution of independence. Today, advanced practice nurses are PHD,
DNP, researchers, nurse practitioners, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The six steps include assessing behaviors, assessing and categorizing the stimuli, making a diagnosis,
setting goals, implementing interventions, and evaluating achievement. Roy also emphasizes that the
nurses should use their intuitive skills while assessing and initiating interventions. Roy s adaptation
theory has been used to perform nursing research for the past 35 years (Dobratz, 2008). The Boston
Based Adaptation in Nursing Research Society (BBARNS) helped provide and validate the use of Roy
adaptation model in nursing research. They helped identify over 163 studies of which 116 had links to
the RAM process. As a consequence, this theory has been used world wide for research including holistic
methods. I have practiced as a cardiology nurse for the past twenty years and I have seen the
implementation of RAM. Roy s theory can be applied to research pertaining to Cardiology patients. On
example of this is patients suffering with heart failure. It is estimated that 5.1 million patients have heart
failure and one in 9 will die from it (CDC.gov). Furthermore, more than half the patients gt; 65 years of
age are readmitted with heart failure with in 6 months. This has started to place a significant burden on
many health care organizations and
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Clenbuterol Research Paper
prohibited use of Clenbuterol
How to Walk For Weight Loss as far as weight loss is concerned, the simpler you make it the easier you
will achieve you will be able to your goals. You can start by brisk walking and combine this with the
right eating plan. Soon you will realise that you are on your way to get rid of unwanted pounds. However
it is advised to stay away from prohibited use of Clenbuterol. Whenever you take a health supplement it
is advised to consult with your physical instructor about its usage.
Why you need to choose walking?
Walking is a wonderful exercise for everyone whether you are a kid adult or an old man. Walking is easy
on your joints and you can increase its intensity according to your body s capability. To perform this
exercise you do not need any equipment. You simply need a good pair of walking shoes to start. In case
whether it is ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
You constantly need to challenge your body so you can increase its intensity. In case you are suffering
from any body ailment, you can seek advice from your doctor. Consult your doctor not only before doing
walking, you need to consult before doing any kind of exercise.
Short walks will also bring results people think that only by walking one hour or more body will be able
to burn fat. On the contrary even if you walk for 15 minutes at a steady pace every day you will burn
around 70 cal. If you add 15 minutes walk routine in your day than at the and of the month you will be
able to burn 2100 more calories than before. If you have time then add 15 minute walk to times a day.
Make it a social thing call your friends, take your neighbours and gets along with you to a nearby park or
a community area where kids will play. You can walk from your home to that place and back to your
home. It is a fantastic way to catch up with your friends and at the same time burn good calories.
Increase your
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Ancient Human Brain
Our brains today are capable of thinking, making decisions, learning, and creating new ideas and
inventions. However, 1.8 million years ago, our brains were not as capable nor were they as advanced as
our modern brain. Studies suggest that this increase of brain size was all due to an unexpected factor that
occurred almost 2 million years ago; this skill discovered by the homo erectus known today as cooking.
Humans also discovered how to propagate traits into crops, making them easier to collect and consume.
Millions of years ago, ancient humans developed new and more modern ways of collecting and eating
their food, which then led to the development of the brain and the better of the human race. After, the raw
food eating Australopithecus, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Other crops such as wheat, rice, and other cereal grains have been domesticated by humans. The
domestication of these crops became ancient civilizations primary source of food. By providing a more
dependable and plentiful food supply, farming provided the basis for new lifestyles and far more
complex societies. Now, societies could spend less time searching for food and more time building up
their societies. Cereals were an important part in helping the Mayan, Near East, Asian, and all of the
American civilizations rise to how they are today. Domestication of crops also led to the domestication of
animals around 8000 B.C. Civilizations that have become what they are today, ...owe their existence to
these ancient products of genetic
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Today, The United States Illustrates Many Circumstances
Today, the United States illustrates many circumstances of race in which a group of a given descent is
discriminated against solely based on their physical appearance, despite the high demand for equality.
Linda Darling Hammond states that the color line divides [populations] still... even in the 21st century
and will continue to divide people in future centuries ( Unequal Opportunity: Race and Education ).
Some debacles of race include those of a minority population being targeted, however the opposite is true
for those trying to become a part of a college or university. In the college application process, the federal
government requires the administrators to ask which race the applicant is from on their college
application, in order to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
During one point of the the film, the two of them went separately to a job application center in which a
white lady was working. To John, the lady was kind and had faith that he would definitely fulfil her
clients wishes for an employee without really knowing him, however, to Glen, she nearly immediately
lectures him about how laziness is not acceptable and will do him no good, despite the fact that he was
John s equal. To show how many instances, big or small, of racism are exhibited, even today, a news
article published by CNN, states that 49 percent of blacks and 18 percent of whites believe racism to be a
very serious problem ( Poll: Most Americans See Lingering Racism In Others ), particularly in the
college admissions process. Similarly, in the college this process, race is a large determiner affecting
whether or not a person is going to be accepted into any given university, but on the contrary, whites face
the hardship due to their lack of diversity. Whites, particularly males, have a harder time being accepted
into prestigious colleges because the colleges have a strong desire for diversity in their student body,
creating an easier, less rigorous academic standard for someone of a
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Californa Science Center
Alqarni, Abdullah Homework Assignment # 8 Geology 1, Section # 1176 or 1177 (pick one) Dr. Beraki
Woldehaimanot Date (assignment completed) QUESTIONS GEOLOGIC TIME 1. Distinguish between
numerical (radioactive) dates and relative dates. numerical specify the actual number of years that have
passed since an event occurred; relative means placing rocks in their property sequences of formation 2.
Refer to the geologic cross section accompanying question 10 on page 333 (your textbook). Your task is
to place the lettered features in the proper sequence, from oldest to youngest. 3. Would you expect to find
fossils of humans and Dinosaurs in the same rock? Explain. No. 4. Define half life. Half life is defined ...
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Impermeable, surficial materials such as massive bedrock and asphalt paving prevent infiltration so
moisture runs off or evaporates. Water infiltrates more readily into moist, unsaturated regolith than into
dry regolith. Dense, vegetative cover enhances infiltration because soils are typically moist and porous,
thus runoff is retarded. In forested areas, trees slow down the rate at which precipitation is delivered to
the land surface, and considerable moisture is temporarily stored in humus and forest litter. On gentle,
tree covered slopes and flat lying terrain, slow runoff enhances infiltration. Runoff is accelerated on steep
slopes and in areas with sparse vegetation, and infiltration decreases accordingly. The rate at which water
is delivered to the land surface has a very important effect on infiltration. Short lived storms with intense
rainfall result in lower infiltration and increased runoff because the water piles up on the surface faster
than it can infiltrate. During periods of light to moderate rainfall, runoff is retarded and infiltration rises
accordingly. Special environmental conditions, such as snow melting above frozen ground, greatly
intensify runoff and reduce infiltration; conversely, snow melting above unfrozen ground can result in a
high percentage of the moisture infiltrating the soil. Thus regional and local climatic factors are also
important. 9. How does geology
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A Baseball Cap For Dave Analysis
In A Baseball Cap For Steve, the reader is able to see how Morley Callaghan depicts a society where the
value of belongings are based off their potential for resale or trade through the marxist lens. As
reinforced in Callaghan s characterization of Dave Diamond who as the protagonist is heavily impacted
by Callaghan s societal depiction. Callaghan explains how Dave is a product of the money oriented
society because he is experiencing interpellation. This causes Dave to have the inability to favour his son
s emotions over money. The reader is able to sense Dave s favoritism towards money when he says, See,
Stevie, he whispered. That windbreaker you wanted! And ten dollars for your bank! Won t Mother be
surprised? (Morley, 5). This quote
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The Aryan Brotherhood, The Guerilla Family, And The...
Prison gang/security threat groups are growing and impacting penitentiary s around the world in a
negative way. The Aryan Brotherhood, The Guerilla Family, and the Mexican Mafia are three of many
powerful and efficient gangs that flourished in a California prison. Each of these gangs has its own
differences and have a long term history that explains to the reader how these gangs started their record
of criminal acts such as murder, drug trafficking, etc. Correctional staff main goal is to minimize the
violence that come with the prison gangs. It is concluded that the best way to control gang violence is
through separation of members and enemies. Whether if it s through transporting members to other
prisons or through segregation. Studies have shown these findings may not always be effective because
of the growth of prison gangs and the unique ways of communicating with other inmates in prison and on
the outside world.
Prison Gangs and Security Threat Groups
Prison gangs are flourishing in modern prisons throughout the U.S. every day. Every gang has its own
way to distinguish themselves from other gangs. Colors, symbols, hand signs, race, and tattoos are some
of the characteristics gangs use to identify which gang each member belongs to. The increase in gang
activity has been a growing concern to correctional facilities because prison gangs ultimately put staff
and non members safety at risk. Gangs, such as the Aryan Brotherhood, Mexican
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The Effect Of Advertising On Society
The Harms Of Advertisements
Today, in such a globalized economy, advertisements play a vital role in helping to reach consumers
across the globe. Compared to the past, advertisements appear to be much more numerous now and their
aim is to lure people into buying products at all costs, even if it means misleading the average consumer.
Many turn a blind eye to these promotions as they see it as an essential tool in an increasingly capitalistic
free market to fuel economic growth. Unfortunately, the surge of unchecked advertising has lead to some
adverse effects on societies whether they be moral or ethical in nature. The SAFRA gym advertisement,
is an impeccable example of the adverse effects of advertising in today s society. The ... Show more
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The misconceptions of advertisements can clearly be seen in this case as it is implying that your life will
always be dull if you are not a member of our establishment even if a person is already a member of a
similar establishment. As a result, people might start to find things that are wrong with their lives when
their isn t and convince themselves that the only solution to the nonexistent problem that is to become a
member of this establishment. These misleading advertisements can also lead people to develop body
image issues especially women as they begin to think that the reason why they aren t getting the same
attention as the woman in the advertisement is because they don t look like her even though they might
look like perfectly healthy individuals themselves. In most societies, it is considered quite important that
women prioritize their physical appearance in order to attract men as it is expected that men are to make
the first move in a romantic setting. This is showcased in the SAFRA gym advertisement where the lean
fit woman manages to catch the eye of the two muscular men who completely abandon their workout.
This gym advertisement targets the younger female audiences by giving the impression that if you want
to be like that woman who can attract two strong men, you must come to our gym. The advertisers use
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Outline Of A Business Rules
PART A 1. Business rules: 1. ABS has donation centers in all major cities and each capital city
throughout Australia. 2. Details of each donor must be recorded by the ABS staff It is the responsibility
of each ABS staff to record all the details of donors 3. Each ABS staff member will have unique id, first
name, last name. This represents that particular person is an ABS staff member 4. Each donor will have
unique id, first name, last name, gender, date of birth, address, phone number. This states that, the person
who is going to donate blood should submit his/her whole details. 5. Each donor must specify his/her
medical conditions. Medical conditions means whether he/she is perfectly alright or suffering from any
disease. 6. Each donor ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
12. ABS staff must decide which donation must be taken. This is to make sure that donor is healthy and
not effected by any disease. 13. Staff member must record the details of donor and details of the patient.
This is to check that donor s group is matching to patient s group or not. 14. Staff member must state
which staff member taking the donation and ABS donation centre. 15. ABS staff needs to know the blood
group of the donor, age , date and time of the donation. 2. 3. 4. 5. a) b) PART B Creating an RDM
Identifying the Attributes and creating RDM for each table For ABS_STAFF Table ABS_STAFF
(staff_id, staff_name, staff_title, staff_gender, address_id, centre_id) Primary key (staff_id) Foreign key
address_id references ADDRESS table Foreign key centre_id references ABS_CENTRE table For
ABS_CENTRE Table ABS_CENTRE (centre_id, centre_name, no_of_staff, address_id) Primary key
(centre_id) Foreign key address_id references ADDRESS table For ADDRESS Table ADDRESS
(address_id, street_num, street_name, phone_num, state_name, capital, pin_code) Primary key
(address_id) For ABS_QUALIFICATION Table ABS_QUALIFICATION (qual_id, qual_name,
qual_type) Primary key (qual_id) For STAFF_QUALIFICATION Table STAFF_QUALIFICATION
(staff_qual_id, qual_id, staff_id) Primary key (staff_qual_id) Foreign key qual_id
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The Dichotomy or also Achilles and Tortoise Paradox: Introducing the first paradox Achilles and the
Tortoise . This paradox is very similar to the idea of the Dichotomy so by explaining the example of
Achilles and the Tortoise both will be covered. Zeno came up with the idea of the Dichotomy, which
means dividing by two. As an example for this he came up with the example of a character called
Achilles. One day Achilles and a tortoise had a speed race against each other. Obviously the tortoise is
much slower to Achilles was so modest to allow him to have a head start of 100 meters. As Zeno and
Aristoteles says, when the race starts Achilles has to catch up with the tortoise so he sprints. While this is
happening he is halving the distance towards the tortoise. There is no problem here because assuming no
acceleration or deceleration, he is always going to half the distance as shown on this picture:
Assuming that Achilles is running at 10meters per second (m/s) one can logically say that ... Show more
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As with Achilles and a tortoise this one even further stresses the idea that motion is just an illusion. In
this example Zeno assumes that time, in his definition, is only made up of a series of moments . In this
paradox one arrow, just a regular arrow, has been shot or is just simply in motion. Zeno himself states
that with his paradox, no motion is occurring while the arrow is in motion. This is because he assumes
that for each instance of time, which can be broken up into small intervals as defined earlier by him, no
movement occurs. Again explaining this more in detail, he is saying that because of all these moments
occurring and being able to divide these up into smaller intervals which then ultimately lead to the point
where the arrow is not moving at all because time has moments and no movement occurs in that moment
of time. This is why Zeno claims that the arrow is not moving at
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Sodium Bicarbonate Case
A. Natural Environment
i. Physical Resources. o The company has the largest share (approximately 75%) of the sodium
bicarbonate capacity in the United States. and is the largest consumer of baking soda as it fills its own
needs for company produced consumer and industrial products. Case 35 10 ii. Wildlife o Animal feed
producers use sodium bicarbonate nutritional products predominantly as a buffer, or antacid. o For dairy
cattle feeds and make a nutritional supplement that enhances milk production of dairy cattle. o Sodium
bicarbonate has also been used as an additive to poultry feeds to enhance feed efficiency. Case 35 9 iii.
Climate o Sodium bicarbonate has been used to remove lead from drinking water. o The search for new
uses of sodium ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Switched to all electric warehouse forklifts at one site and reduced 27MM cubic feet of propane usage.
c. Participated in an Energy Curtailment Program and saved 1,161 kWh.
d. Replaced and upgraded packaging line equipment at one site that will save an estimated 66,444
KWH/yr. churchdwight.com [2]
3 Political/Legal
a. Church Dwight relied on acquisitions and management changes to improve its international footprint
and reach. Case 35 7
b. Continued to pursue expansion of its specialty products into international markets. Case 35 11
c. Church Dwight is committed to providing a healthy and safe workplace.
d. Continue to assess the impacts of operations and products on the environment and promote
environmental awareness among to employees. churchdwight.com [2]
4 Sociocultural
a. More products were added to the consumer line up.
b. Church Dwight brought many of its marketing tasks in house as well as stepping out with
groundbreaking and often controversial marketing campaigns. Case 35 7
c. The first major in house marketing project was in dental care.
d. Church Dwight rode the crest of increasing interest by both dentists and hygienists in baking soda for
maintaining dental health. Case 35 7
C. Task
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Franco Zefferelli s Romeo and Juliet and Baz Luhrmann s...
The astounding perils of young love has been eloquently captured in the story of Romeo and Juliet.
Franco Zefferelli and Baz Luhrmann are the creators of the two most renowned film adaptations of
William Shakespeare s Romeo and Juliet. Zefferelli, the more traditional director, created his Oscar
winning version in 1968. Baz Luhrmann put an abstract, modern twist on Shakespeare s classic and
created the 1996 version that raised millions of dollars in box office sales. Being that these two films are
so different, I have chosen to compare them to one another, using the famed balcony scene as my focus.
In the Franco Zefferelli adaptation, proceeding the extravagant Capulet party, Romeo walks down a dark
stone path alone with his very ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
She vocalizes her love and adoration for Romeo, not knowing that every word she speaks falls upon his
ears. Unable to contain his elation about what he has just heard, Romeo leaps from the darkness below
the balcony, abruptly startling Juliet. She retreats towards the doorway of her room, feeling violated and
unsure about Romeo s presence. She appears angry because of their families hatred towards eachother.
The interaction between them is forbidden, so she turns towards the her room, ready to leave, until she is
halted by Romeo s confession. If given the opportunity, he would choose to deny the Montague name so
that he may share his life with her. Surprised, Juliet returns to where Romeo awaits her.
During this scene, the soft light continually falls upon Juliet s angelic face, yet Romeo predominantly
remains in the darkness, shadowed. This may reference the goodness of the Capulets and the supposed
evilness of the Montagues from Juliet s standpoint. The camera is also pointed up during this scene when
directed towards Juliet, yet pointed down when directed towards Romeo. Zefferelli may have used these
camera angles to show that Juliet is considered someone Romeo admires although he is considered a
lesser man by the Capulet family.
As the scene continues, Juliet explains to Romeo the consequences of them being caught together, and as
she sadly and amorously gazes at him, he hides behind a tree branch to protect himself. Juliet moves to a
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Descriptive Essay On Car
To start off a car defines a person very well, it shows personal interests, values, and obviously how much
money they are willing to spend on transportation. Also my personal career will definitely contain some
greasy fun work preferably Diesel Technician. One of my first few memories with cars is me just playing
with toys when I was very little. By the time I was five or six my parents had given me a miniature truck
I could drive around the block and yard. Not long after that I got into bikes. Within a couple of months I
had a fleet of bikes ranging, from a bike from the nineteen forties to a newer chopper styled bike. As
soon as I turned fourteen I got a real job. Before I could afford a vehicle I drove around and constantly
fixed my grandpa s junk truck. One bad thing is that his truck belonged in the junkyard. It leaked gas, oil,
and transmission fluid after three months of driving it and it went straight to the junkyard. Then a couple
months later at fifteen, I had already bought my own small truck. This was quite the step up this one only
leaked oil, but it was very slow. Going from zero to sixty mph took about twenty five seconds. This is
when I got myself a nice car that was fast, comfortable, and didn t leak anything. That car was a ninety
six Lincoln Town Car, but the car has over two hundred twenty thousand miles on it. After putting ten
thousand miles on it in seven months it went to the junkyard. Now comes the nicest, most reliable, and
smallest car that I
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Symptoms Of Lyme Disease
Lyme Disease
Lyme disease is an infection that affects many parts of the body, including the skin, joints, and nervous
system. It is a bacterial infection that starts from the bite of an infected tick. The infection can spread,
and some of the symptoms are similar to the flu. If Lyme disease is not treated, it may then cause joint
pain, swelling, numbness, problems thinking, fatigue, muscle weakness, and other problems.
This condition is caused by bacteria called Borrelia burgdorferi.
You can get Lyme disease by being bitten by an infected tick. The tick must be attached to your skin to
transmit the infection. Deer often carry infected ticks.
The following factors may make you more likely to develop this condition:
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Malaysia s Chocolate Market to 2014
More information from http://www.researchandmarkets.com/reports/1796653/
Chocolate Market in Malaysia to 2014 (Confectionery)
Description: Introduction Chocolate Market in Malaysia to 2014 (Confectionery) is a comprehensive
resource for chocolate market data from 2004 to 2014 and market/company shares for 2008 09.This
report also provides data on expenditure and consumption as well as key distribution channels, and
reveals the leading companies in the Malaysian chocolate market. Features and Benefits Identify key
market segments by analyzing market size data for the chocolate market Design business strategies by
gaining insight into quantitative market trends over 2004 09 and expectations for 2010 14 Identify key ...
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croeconomic Profile Macroeconomic Indicators Chapter 5 Research Methodology Methodology
Secondary research Market modeling Creating an initial data model Revising the initial data model
Creating a final estimate Creating demographic value splits Primary research Data finalization Ongoing
research LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1: Chocolate, Malaysia, value by segment (MYRm), 2004 14 Figure
2: Chocolate, Malaysia, volume by segment (kg, million), 2004 14 Figure 3: Chocolate, Malaysia,
company share by value (%), 2008 09 Figure 4: Chocolate, Malaysia, distribution channels by value (%),
2008 09 Figure 5: Annual data review process LIST OF TABLES Table 1: Chocolate category definitions
Table 2: Chocolate distribution channels Table 3: Chocolate, Malaysia, value by segment (MYRm), 2004
09 Table 4: Chocolate, Malaysia, value forecast by segment (MYRm), 2009 14 Table 5: Chocolate,
Malaysia, value by segment ($m), 2004 09 Table 6: Chocolate, Malaysia, value forecast by segment
($m), 2009 14 Table 7: Chocolate, Malaysia, volume by segment (kg, million), 2004 09 Table 8:
Chocolate, Malaysia, volume forecast by segment (kg, million), 2009 14 Table 9: Chocolate, Malaysia,
brand share by value (%), 2008 09 Table 10: Chocolate, Malaysia, value by brand (MYRm), 2008 09
Table 11: Chocolate, Malaysia, company share by value (%), 2008 09 Table 12: Chocolate, Malaysia,
value by company (MYRm), 2008 09 Table 13: Chocolate, Malaysia, distribution channels by value (%),
2008 09 Table 14:
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Preterm Birth Consequences
The Consequences of Preterm Birth
Preterm birth is defined as the birth of a baby before 37 weeks gestation age. The stages of preterm can
be subdivided into different stages. Very Preterm is 20 32 weeks, Moderately Preterm is 33 36 weeks,
Early Term is 37 38 weeks gestation stage. According to the statistics gathered by the World Health
Organisation (WHO) (2015) in 2012, there are more than 1 in 10 babies born preterm every year with an
estimated 15 million born preterm every year. There are a wide variety of factors that cause preterm
birth, examples including: a multiple pregnancy, substance abuse and smoking, assisted reproduction and
a low socio economic status. Studies have also shown that certain ethnicities are at a higher risk of
delivering preterm than others. According to an external study included Nosarti et al (2010) in the USA,
19% of black non Hispanic pregnancies ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Breathing with underdeveloped lungs manifests itself in preterm infants and Respiratory Distress
Syndrome (RDS), RDS is primarily caused by Pulmonary Surfactant deficiency which means the lungs
cannot expand and contract normal. If left untreated, preterm infants may become fatigued, apnoeic and
hypoxic (a condition in which the body, or a particular region within the body, is deprived of oxygen).
Apnoea of Prematurity (AOP) is a common condition in premature infants which according to Kids
Health (2015) is when an infant during sleep temporarily stops breathing for 15 20 seconds. This
condition is most common in infants born before 35 weeks gestation age and infants with AOP will also
have drops in heart rates (bradycardia) causing them to appear pale or bluish and their bodies to be limp.
The likelihood of a premature infant having AOP is increased as their birth weight decreases, AOP may
begin 2 days after birth however in most cases it clears up after 2 3
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Xbox One Vs Ps4 Research Paper
For the last couple of years all I have been using is the Xbox as the main console I use for gaming. I have
been very happy with my results, but I think that might change. Ps2 had a great run, but in my opinion
once the Xbox 360 came around I think it beat the Ps3. Now, that the Ps4 has come around it has
changed everything. This essay is about the Xbox one and the Ps4. At the end of this I will choose which
Is better and why. First we will talk the Ps4 which Is a gaming console made by Sony, a Japanese
company. Other than being a new console, it has also brought new features that It has never had in the
past. With the xbox 360 s controller being called the best controller ever made, Ps4 knew they had to step
it up. In this model Playstation ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Speaking of online play, some games on the Ps4 do not need to go online to play, which good for the
times my wifi goes down or if I dont have wifi. I have a habit of burning through controller batteries
quick and i don t feel going out and buying a $30 rechargeable stands, but this is where Ps4 comes into
place. This console is more convenient because it is smaller that the Xbox one. The Ps4 already come
with a rechargeable cable which means that instead of waiting for my controller to get done charging, i
can play and charge it at the same time.
In conclusion the Ps4 comes out on top overpowering the Xbox one, although that could change.
Microsoft has unveiled that they are coming up with a new console called Project Scorpio that is
planning to beat the Ps4 by adding some of the Ps4 s features like vr(virtual reality) combined with their
own. I still have hope for, since i have been using the Xbox all my life, but we will have to wait and see
later this year to see what it has and for now, the Ps4 reigns
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My Family Research Paper
For as many years as anyone can remember, my family has hunted. This tradition is takes its main roots
in Sweden. The earliest history that anyone in our family knows begins with my Great Great Grandfather
Bengt Bengtson. He lived in Munkfors, Sweden and worked as a lumber company s hunter. He was
appointed to this job because of his exceptional shooting ability. He also used his expertise to provide
sustenance for his family. The necessity and skills of hunting were taught to his son Gustav Bengtson.
Great Grandpa Gus immigrated to the United States in 1926 at the age of 25 to start a new life. The
practice of hunting was still an integral part of life, even in America. My mom s paternal grandfather,
John, was not an immigrant, but he was ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Our hunting party consisted of myself, my grandfather, my mother, my uncle, and my cousin. In the state
of Colorado, you have to be 12 years of age to acquire a hunting license, so I spent the first few years of
my hunting experience as a tag along to my mother: the only one with a hunting license most years. Kids
are loud, they stomp around, and they get tired and bored easily. These are the traits of a poor hunter, so
it would make sense that as a nine and ten year old, I did not see very many animals, let alone a
successful hunt. When I was of age, I accquired a license to hunt cow elk. Though I was successful in
filling my tag, the hunt felt artificial and I didn t feel like a hunter, I felt like a kid with a gun. The elk
were standing on the side of road, and my grandpa scared them from crossing the road. My mom got me
set to shoot and propped up the gun. The shot was no more than about 100 yards, a quite easy short shot.
The only thing I really did was pull the trigger. I am very grateful for everything that my family did to
help me get my first kill, but I did not feel as though I d accomplished anything. The kill that I am most
proud of that I feel as though solidified my status as a hunter, not
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The Effect Of Skeletal Muscle On The Human Physiology...
Roben Houspian 2/27/15 Muscle Physiology 1
Abstract: In this experiment the measurements of skeletal muscle fibers of the rabbit are in millimeters.
The average length for the three muscle fibers after adding the solution A which contained only 0.25%
ATP in distilled water was 20 mm. The average length for the three muscle fibers after adding the
solution C which contained 0.5M KCl and 0.001M MgCl2 in distilled water was 1.77 mm and the
average length for the three muscle fibers after adding the solution B which contained 0.25 % ATP and
0.5 M KCl with 0.001 M Mgcl2 in water was 1.77 mm.
Introduction: According to the Human Physiology Laboratory Manual ,BIOL 282 ,page 31 , the reason of
performing this experiment is to learn how the muscle contraction occurs based on the molecular level
and what kind of factors are involved .As a matter of fact, skeletal muscles contain a lot of nuclei
because of the cell fusion while being developed and are made of cylindrical cells that have myofibrils.
The myofibrils contain sarcomeres and the
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Georgia Rental Application Case Study
Georgia Rental Application
Georgia Rental Application is the primary instrument required by a landlord to access the tenant during
the selection for the tenancy. The application has various sections requiring inputs from the tenant. The
tenant must prepare this application form in entirety and sign in acceptance to the authenticity of the
information provided in the form. In addition, it is necessary that all tenant/s must sign this form when
more than one person is seeking the tenancy. For an example, both spouses need to sign the form when
they are renting a dwelling in joint name. Duly prepared Georgia Rental Application must contain
Personal information about the tenant and his/her family members and other particulars like contact
Employment information of the tenant highlighting the worthiness for ... Show more content on
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You may choose to provide additional particulars of other incomes like alimony or child support in case
you need the consideration.
Step 3: Residential History Please provide particulars of previous residency like address, move in date,
rent, name of landlord, contact information and reason for leaving for past three years starting from the
most recent on the top.
Step 4: Credit History Please answer five questions in this step and provide relevant information in case
your answer is yes to any of the questions.
Step 5: References Please complete this section diligently. Specify your bank information like name of
the bank as well as account type and number. Continue by entering the names and phone numbers of
three credit references.
Step 6: Signatures and Authorization Please sign Georgia Rental Application and authorize the landlord
to verify the particulars provided in the form to complete preparing Georgia Rental Application in
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A Study On An Online Course
Scenario 1: A staff member scans photographs from some out of print books for use by a
professor on his course web site for an online course.
Scenario 2: The semester has started and some students have not received their textbook, so
one student makes electronic copies of the textbook and distributes the copies to others in the course.
He does not collect any money from his classmates.
The above scenarios both take place in an educational environment, which immediately calls fair
use to mind. Fair use allows for a copyrighted work to be used for criticism, comment, news reporting,
teaching, scholarship and research (Copyright.gov, 2011). In both of these cases, claims could be made
that the people using the copyrighted work are doing so for teaching or scholarship purposes, which
would make both of them eligible for fair use. Yet, fair use has four factors that have to be taken into
consideration when determination if the use is indeed fair. These four factors are: commercial or non
commercial use, nature of the work, amount or substantiality of the worked used, and impact of the use
on the work (Copyright.gov, 2011). These factors are what really make case for the difference between
these two cases.
The first factor of fair use is commercial vs. non commercial use. These two cases may seem
different initially, but they are actually the same in respect to this factor. The student in scenario 2 is
copying the textbook and giving it away free to their
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The Importance Of Technology In Psychology
The field of psychology draws inspiration from a vast array of subjects. Tactics and techniques garnered
from various disciplines widely apply throughout many areas of psychological research. Over the past
two decades, technological growth has had a strong impact on the numerous healthcare disciplines. For
instance, technology has impacted psychology in the areas of research methods and treatment
procedures. The widespread availability of computers and smartphones supercharged the development of
new technologies and treatment programs to now help aid previously unreachable clients through
therapeutic resources. Technological developments in the past few decades have inspired psychologists
to provide access to therapy on several different platforms. Telepsychology is the term used for therapy
and other psychological treatments provided through such means (Novotney, 2017). The American
Psychological Association (2012) defines telepsychology as the provision of psychological services using
telecommunications technologies . These technologies include webcams, chats, texts, emails, and the
Internet ( Guidelines... , 2012). According to Novotney (2017), one reason people use online therapy is
the ease of accessibility it provides as well as the lower costs compared to traditional therapy sessions.
Many people live far from a therapist s office and were unable to attend therapy sessions until the advent
of these online counseling organizations (Novotney, 2017). Additionally,
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The Importance Of Obesity In The United States
The basic aim of the paper is to carry out research work on the social concern which I have selected
obesity. The topic of obesity has been selected because it has become a major social concern of the
United States as well as other industrialized countries. Information related to the research of obesity will
be helpful for determining major causes and adverse consequences which are associated with obesity in
the U.S. This topic was selected with the hopes in finding effective ways which can be used for
preventing the ever increasing numbers of obesity in the world. While a lot of people try to blame
children, and even adults, being overweight and obese on genetics, that does not play as crucial of a role
as people try to make it sounds. Some ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
As stated previously, along with home and school based intervention, it needs to get even bigger with
community and government based interventions. Education is the key. By organizing community
activities, walks can be planned to encourage physical activity, paths can be made for children to ride
bikes on, and playgrounds can be established for things like basketball and other physical activity. By
coming together as a community and encouraging these things within our children, obesity can decrease
significantly over the next five to ten years. Preparing foods at home and leaving fast food chains alone is
also a major factor in preventing obesity. The fast food industry has become a huge target in the obesity
rate. Erci Schlosser s surprise best seller, Fast Food Nation, featured some familiar demonization
arguments: A cynical industry targets children, reshapes their eating habits (it is hugely profitable to
increase the size and the fat content of their portions ), and literally spongers an epidemic ( no other
nation in history has gotten so far so fast ) (Kersh Morone,
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The Road Brown V. Board Of Education Of Topeka ( 347 U.s.
Historical Setting The road to Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka (347 U.S. 74 (1954)), is littered
with many Supreme Court cases that have battled for equality in education. The Fourteenth Amendment
strengthened the legal rights of newly slaves and became the stomping ground for many Supreme Court
decisions. There were six separate cases concerning the issue of segregation in public schools that was
heard and consolidated into the one case named Brown v. Board of Education. The cases included were
Brown v. Board of Education (347 U.S. 483), Briggs v. Elliott (342 U.S. 497), Davis v. County School
Board of Prince Edward County (347 U.S. 483), Bolling v. Sharpe (347 U.S. 497), Belton v. Gebhart
(347 U.S. 483) and Bulah v. Gebhart, (347 U.S. 483), which discussed the implications of segregation in
public school. The Brown case decision could not have happened prior to 1954 if these cases had not set
a precedent for violations of the Fourteenth Amendment under the equal protection clause. In the case
Plessy v. Fergguson (163 U.S. 537(1896)), this case was responsible for the separate but equal doctrine,
where segregation began. In the case, Sweatt v. Painter (339 U.S. 629), African American law students
fought for an equal opportunity education. These cases also helped set the precedent for the Brown v.
Board of Education case. In the case, Missouri ex rel Gaines v. Canada (305 U.S. 337 (1938)), Lloyd
Gaines, a graduate of Lincoln University, an all black college,
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Parenthesis In Virginia Woolf
Now, when the reader wants to know more about what Jacob does in his room, the author introduces the
other characters at Cambridge, like Professor Huxtable, Sopwith, and Erasmus Cowman consequently.
Since the sequence of events in inner life is not logical, and even thoughts themselves are sporadic,
random and inconclusive, the action is presented in fragments. The move or break in the narration makes
it fragmentary, and it creates a kind of difficulty to maintain the harmony of the incidents. The entire
novel is set in a form where there is never any concrete explanation of what is happening and why is
happening. Rather, it is left on reader to find the link between the scattered events. Parenthesis: Virginia
Woolf makes use of parenthesis in her writing for the different purposes. Sometimes it represents a shift
in characters thought, and sometimes it is used for remarks by the author or sometimes it is used to give
certain facts about a character. She utilizes parentheses to set the statement apart ... Show more content
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As she describes the whole life of Mr
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Strategic Analysis Red Bull
Red Bull s path to a better Blue (ocean)
Austria vs. Netherlands
Assignment: Strategic Analysis Red Bull
Date: 22.10.2008
Class: L2BV M Strategy Marketing 2/02
Lecturer: Gerbrand Rustenburg
Ruud Kuijpers 1539334
Mark Mungroop 1540960
Stefan Andreas 1531650
Jason Lucas Luijckx 1538688
Executive summary
A thorough analysis of energy drink producer Red Bull concludes that the company was set up to market
just one product, Red Bull. Eventually it started marketing a variety of slightly modified energy drinks.
Now Red Bull is energizing people around the globe, touching down in over a hundred countries
The Red Bull consumers can be divided into ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Red Bull strongly relates its brand to extreme sporting events, popular and high profile clubs and bars but
also to a kind a necessary daily energizer. They initiate their energy drink into more than 100 markets
around the world with the same effective vision as their initial product launch in Austria.
Mission statement: Red Bull is dedicated to upholding Red Bull standards, while maintaining the
leadership position in the energy drinks category when delivering superior customer service in a highly
efficient and profitable manner. Red Bull creates a culture where employees share best practices
dedicated to coaching and developing our organization as an employer of choice.
Although the Red Bull mission statement is not very specific it is applicable to their company. It clearly
shows that Red Bull wants to lead the market through values and efficiency and recognizes the
importance of employee satisfaction.
The company was set up to market just one product, Red Bull Energy Drink. However, since 2003 the
company also introduced a low sugar version of the drink. Although not well known yet in Europe or
America, Red Bull is marketing Red Bull coffee and Red Bull cola in Asia. Anno 2008 Red Bull is
marketed in over 100 countries worldwide, serving almost every continent.
The Red Bull customers are can be divided into
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An Introduction To Admittance And Impedance
Immitance is a general term to describe admittance and impedance. Impedance is the measure of
opposition to energy flow (sound) into the ear at the plane of the tympanic membrane. Admittance is the
total energy flow through the vibrating system. Immitance audiometry is a test battery using acoustic
impedance or acoustic admittance to estimate hearing sensitivity and function of the middle ear system.
Impedance is typically measured as compliance now. Tympanometry is the test battery for measuring the
compliance of the ear in equivalent volume across a range of pressures. It provides an estimation of
hearing sensitivity and middle ear function in relation to ear canal volume, compliance, and middle ear
To perform an ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
If the pressure is not within that range, it could suggest Eustachian tube dysfunction.
The compliance, or mobility, of the tympanic membrane is also noted as a tympanometric compliance
value. Compliance is measure in cubic centimeters (cc) or milliliters (ml). The point on the pressure scale
where the maximum compliance occurs is essentially equal to middle ear pressure of the ear tested and is
known as the point of maximum compliance. The peak compliance should be within the range of .2 cc to
2.0 cc. If the compliance is considerably lower than .2 cc, it may lead to a diagnosis of tympanosclerosis
or otosclerosis; however, if it is much higher than 2.0 cc, it may imply ossicular disarticulation or a
hypermobile tympanic membrane.
Compliance is plotted over a range of pressures on a tympanogram. There are five possible types of
tympanograms that may result from the test: type A, type As, type Ad, type B, and type C. A type A
tympanogram suggests a normal conductive system functioning. The peak pressure is noted within the
normal range ( 150 daPA to 50 daPa) and the point of maximum compliance occurs within a normal
range (.2 cc to 2.0 cc), as well. The ECV should also fall between .65 cc and 1.75 cc. There is no
indication of a middle ear pathology if a client receives a type A tympanogram. It is important to note
that this test battery is not designed to detect a sensorineural hearing loss, because it solely reports outer
and middle ear functioning.
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Guinea Pigs As Pets Lab Report
TOPIC: Guinea Pigs as Pets
QUESTION: How do guinea pigs look like?
ANSWER: 1. They have small and compact body. 2. They have small ears and eyes.
3. They have short legs and little feet with long claws.
SOURCE: Guinea Pig Anatomy. Animal Corner (https://animalcorner.co.uk/guinea pig anatomy).Web.
07 Nov 2017.
TOPIC: Guinea Pigs as Pets
QUESTION: How do guinea pigs look like?
ANSWER: 1. About 8 10 inches long, weighing about 2.5 lbs. 2. Different patterns, colors and hair type
SOURCE: Guinea Pig. Happy Hollow Park and Zoo
14 Nov 2017.
TOPIC: Guinea Pigs as Pets
QUESTION: How do guinea pigs behave?
ANSWER: ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Urinary tract Infections Female Guinea Pigs can get a condition known as cystitis, inflammation of the
bladder, which can lead to blood in the urine or difficulties urinating.
SOURCE: https://www.pbspettravel.co.uk/blog/common guinea pig illnesses/
TOPIC: Guinea Pigs as Pets
QUESTION: How do you take care of guinea pigs when they are sick?
ANSWER: 1. Have a vet examine the guinea pig
2. Vet will give you care instructions and provide you with a treatment plan.
3. Administer medication to guinea pig. Use a syringe to administer liquid medications, and administer
pills using a hemostat.
4. Use butterfly catheter when administering fluids under the skin
5. If administering eye drops, put guinea pig on table facing away from you.
6. When guinea pigs are not feeling well, it is better to have them stay on a folded towel instead of
regular bedding
7. Use thermal wraps to keep your guinea pig warm when it is chilled
8. Make certain your guinea pig does not have any bad reactions to medication. Keep a close eye after
first administration. 9. Hand feed guinea pigs when they don t appear to have an appetite. 10. Weigh
guinea pig once a day 11. Return guinea pig to vet if they are not
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The Universal Inner Struggle Revealed in Hamlet Essay
The Universal Inner Struggle Revealed in Hamlet
Life is defined by the struggles it presents us. Without these constant tests of our fortitude, we would
never grow as mature human beings. This is the one common denominator linking all people, past,
present, and future. It is no mystery why our literature and art reflect this characteristic. The creation of a
character is a mirror image of a human. Shakespeare perfectly understood this truth. He crafted Hamlet,
Claudius, Polonius, and his many other characters so that they would reflect life and in this way,
entertain and educate his audience. Shakespeare s outright goal may have been to simply make money,
but along the way, he sculpted beautiful characters filled with ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
After all of Hamlet s scheming, planning, and thinking, he gets his proof by simply being in the right
place, at the right time. The time for words, words, words is over; action is necessary. But again, Hamlet
falters. Recognizing the effects of prayer, Hamlet seethes: A villain kills my father, and for that I, his sole
son, do this same villain send to heaven (3.3.76 78). The prince is again in a bind. Allowing the reader
access to his thoughts makes Hamlet an instantly sympathic character, and quenches the voyeuristic
appetite of the reader. Hamlet s struggle is not over, and the reader wonders if he will ever meet an
agreeable fate.
As Hamlet contends with his internal struggle, he also wrestles with his desire to make his situation
better. Like the internal struggle, this need to play the hero is something that the audience can identify
with. The only difference is that not everyone has the heart to do it. Accepting the charge from the Ghost,
Hamlet swears, O cursed spite, that ever I was born to set it right! (2.2.188 89). A father and a king have
been slain. And the king s most seeming virtuous queen (1.5.46) has married her husband s brother.
Against these great obstacles, Hamlet takes on the noble quest of revenging his father. First, he must set
things right with his mother. Vowing to speak daggers to her, but use none (3.2.374), the
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Similarities Between Bend It Like Beckham
Gurinder Chadha, the director of Bend It Like Beckham and Bride and Prejudice, invisions similar ideas
in both films. This can be seen throughout both movies by the way the protagonists gets told what to do
by their mothers due to their gender. Another concept that has been used in both films is the difference in
cultures between Indians and Americans. Gurinder Chadha shows this by putting the two cultures next to
each other so we can see the differences and similarities between them.
Culture clash is when different cultures have a difference in their beliefs and their values. Most of
Gurinder Chadha s movies contain characters from different cultures that have different beliefs and ideas.
She also puts the characters in a different country so we can see their experiences of another ... Show
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Without not knowing too much about Indian culture, Darcy wore white to the wedding, as in his
culture(American) white is worn at weddings. However, white in Indian culture is worn in funerals as it
shows peace and purity. It is very rude to wear white for a wedding in India. This scene is a great
example of culture clash as the film technique of costume is shown through the different clothes they
wear in events which causes the two cultures to clash with each other. In Bend It like Beckham, after
winning the final soccer game. The protagonist (Jesminder) is getting dressed into her clothes that she
will wear at the wedding. Her teammates that were helping her are fascinated by the colourful clothing
and the difference in styles compared to their own english culture. There is also a scene in which the
mother of Jesminder is angry at Jesminder for wearing shorts while playing football. She says I don t
want you running around half naked in front of men, huh? This shows that Indians normally wear long
clothing that covers most of their skin, while the English people wear casual clothing, either short or
long. Although the characters in both films don t like
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One of my great difficulties with Kant s moral philosophy...
One of my great difficulties with Kant s moral philosophy is that it suggests that our moral obligations
leave us helpless when dealing with evil. Kant s theory sets a high ideal of conduct and tells us to live up
to that ideal regardless of what other persons are doing. Imagine you are a character in a Shakespearean
play and are watching your father getting murdered. He is the King and you aspire that one day you will
take his place (Even though you know it won t happen, because you re a woman). Your brother takes the
initiate to kill him and take his place. I m sure you would not be thinking oh, it s fine that he killed your
father because being king is a great thing and it doesn t matter how or why he got there. Most likely you
d be ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Kant s idea seems to be that we treat someone as an end only insofar as we act toward him or her in a
way that he or she can understand as appropriate or justified: we should be able to explain our reasons in
such a way that the person will see the reasonableness of acting in the way we propose. Thus, for
example, Kant writes: he who is thinking of making a lying promise to others will see at once that he
would be using another human being merely as a means, without the latter at the same time containing in
himself the end. For he whom I propose by such a promise to use for my own purposes cannot possibly
assent to my mode of acting toward him, and therefore cannot himself contain the end of this action.
What is ruled out by this idea appears to be actions which treat others in such a way that they do not have
the opportunity to consent to what we are doing. So we treat others as mere means when we force them
to do something, or when we obtain their consent through pressure or dishonesty. That s something I
think is special about being human having a normative self conception, wanting, to respect yourself,
thinking of yourself as worthy or unworthy, rating yourself, especially now with media sites such as
Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and even online dating sites. It s a condition that gives a strange extra
dimension to human life, both a special source of pride and interest and a profound cause of suffering.
Some animals certainly want to be
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EU Design
EU Design s Rise in the Apparel and Fashion Industry
Current Management Style EU Design s management style was founded in a very small business
environment. There was little standardization of individual tasks. In a small business, everyone on staff is
expected to be involved in all day to day business activities. This creates a very informal relationship
between workers and management. In addition to the small business aspect, EU Design is in a creative
industry. Many of the people in this industry are not trained or educated in formal business practices. A
creative mindset takes precedence over the structure of the business. For EU Design, quality of product is
not an issue at the present time. The company is ISO ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Regular videoconference meetings with the staff of both offices can be implemented. Given the time
difference one office would have to come in very early or the other office would stay late. This may be
difficult but should be adhered to so all employees are receiving the same information. This could be
tried on a monthly basis. These meetings would help to create a more cohesive environment between
New York and Hong Kong. This would also give the Hong Kong office a chance to provide requested
feedback to New York. As a supplement, an online open forum for questions from one office can be
posted and answered by the other office when it opens.
Incentive Systems
Currently there is no formal incentive system. Many of the rewards are based on Berardi s perception of
employee performance. If he does not have the opportunity to have direct communication with all
employees, it is a possibility that he is not able to appropriately assess individual performances. The
employees themselves felt that above standard performance was not always noted. This sometimes
resulted in sub optimal achievements being recognized while the employee going the extra mile was
getting passed over.
A new incentive system must include a formal evaluation method of employee performance. In order to
evaluate, official job descriptions must be written to use as a benchmark. These descriptions give the
employees the framework within which to efficiently
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The Red Scare Of Nicola Sacco And Bartolomeo Vanzetti
By 1920, the Puritan legacy, the cant of nativist racists, the economic wars, World War One, the crime
wave, and the Red Scare had conditioned the American people to fear and despise certain groups. These
groups usually included eastern and southern Europeans. The arrest and trial of Nicola Sacco and
Bartolomeo Vanzetti was fixated more on the battle between Anarchy and American traditions rather than
the actual evidence the prosecution presented. The Red Scare played a massive part in this. The Sacco
and Vanzetti case reflects the fears of immigration, immigrant crime and anarchy. Within a week of going
into war on April 1917, acts of political repression against radicals began and continued with increasing
severity throughout the war inducing the Red Scare of 1920. The fear of communism increased when a
series of strikes occurred in 1919. The police of Boston went on strike and 100,000 of steel and coal
workers did as well. The communist usually always got the blame. As America entered the 1920s, the
hostility towards immigrants was mounting to incomparable levels. The Bolshevik Revolution of 1919
brought about the fear and panic of communism which led to the institutionalization of Red Scare
policies that contained violations of civil rights and stained the images of immigrants. There was a large
belief that because of the Bolshevik revolution in Russia, there was a vast possibility of an uprising
happening in the United States. The United States was scared that
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Napoleon s Collapse Essay
Napoleon s Empire Collapses By Lucas Research Outline I. Introduction (Brief comment leading into
subject matter Thesis statement on the reasons why Napoleon s empire collapsed) II. Body Napoleon s
success and the process of the downfall, the reasons why the empire collapsed A. Napoleon s story 1.
Napoleon s success a. Napoleon rose through the army b. Napoleon defeated Coalitions and became the
emperor 2. The process of the downfall of the empire a. Many Coalitions were held against Napoleon b.
Napoleon was force to abdicate, but he became the emperor again c. Waterloo Napoleons Last Battle B.
The reasons of the downfall of the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Since Napoleon s decision showed no respect but metamorphic confidence, the Spanish fought him off.
Napoleon s optimism predicted Napoleon s failure as well. In 1814, Napoleon defeated the Anti French
troop at Brenner city; he thought he would win again. He separated his troops in order to attack his
enemies, but he did not realize that he left the way to Paris unimpeded for his enemies. It led Napoleon to
the loss of the wars against the sixth Anti French Coalition. Moreover, Napoleon s bravery made him
succeed in his wars, but it also made him ignore his soldiers feelings. Once he got involved in a battle, he
would fight until he won. So once he lost, he lost his army s power, soldiers and morale. After losing
those important foundations, he was not able to control such a huge empire any more. Beside those
positive characters, Napoleon also had some negative characters that overset him. Ambition is the
uppermost characteristics that made his empire collapse quickly. For example, in 1812, Napoleon s
ambition extended to Russia. His army invaded Russia. Alexander I carried out a scorched earth policy.
Whatever Napoleon captured, the Russians burnt everything before retreating. Day after day, Napoleon s
army ran out of supplies. Finally, Napoleon lost the war in a painful way. Not only Napoleon but also his
empire and his people suffered the consequence of his unreasonable ambition. Napoleon was haughty
and self centered; he did not like listening
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Julie Thao Case
An experienced nurse Julie Thao was taking care of 16 yeas old Jasmine Gant who was about t give a
birth. Thao is accused of making a mistake that had terrible and tragic result on the life of a pregnant
teenage, unborn child, Gant s family, health care, and Thao s life. Thao mistakenly gave Gant an epidural
anesthetic intravenously instead of an IV antibiotic for a strep infection. Within minutes of receiving the
epidural IV, Gant suffered seizures and died. Her child, a boy, was delivered by emergency Caesarean
section and survived. So what caused this tragedy to happen? According to investigation, Thao
improperly removed the epidural bag from a locked storage system without authorization, she did not
scan the bar code, which would have told ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Thao is working hard to improve healthcare and safety of the patient. Ms. Thao is doing a fellowship at
Texas Medical Institute of Technology In Austin to help hospital around the country to make health care
safer. By trying to improve the heath care and safety of patients Ms. Thao is following the provision 6,7,
and 8 in the ANA code of ethics.
This case serve as a influential example that remind nurses that they are not doing the right thing by
working overtime but putting a patient s life at a risk. Ms. Thao s case has helped stimulate efforts to
ensure that caregivers are treated fairly without forgiving them of responsibility for risky behavior.
According to a cross sectional study involving 237 nurses, approximately 65% of the nurses have made
medication error. Only 31% of the participants reported medication errors. According to the study the
most common type of reported errors were wrong dosage and infusion rate. The most common causes
were using abbreviations of the drugs and similar names of the drugs. However, the study did not find
any relationship between medication years and years of experience, age, and working shift. Yet study
found association between intravenous injection and gender (Cheragi at al
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  • 8. Essay Religion in American Politics The United States of America has the most diverse religious population in the world. In places like Iraq, Syria, Israel, Afghanistan, Yemen, and other countries too numerous to mention, countless lives are lost over religious differences. In America, a Protestant can live happily next door to a Jew, who might live across the street from a Muslim, or a Catholic, or a Sikh, or even a Humanist! This is in no small way attributed to the fact that the US Constitution s First Amendment includes what is known as the establishment clause, which states that Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, effectively separating affairs of religious institutions from secular, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It was starting to look as if politics were beginning to become more secular. As it is well known, after Kennedy s assassination, Lyndon B. Johnson carried out the rest of Kennedy s term, and then ran for reelection in 1964. Johnson, a left leaning Democrat found himself up against Barry Goldwater from the right minded Republican Party. Early on in the 20th century, many of Protestant denominations had adopted progressive, social reformist doctrines, that many people still value to this day. Despite being Protestant, Goldwater s platform took a much more conservative approach. This ended up backfiring on him, however, as many Christian publications stated that they opposed Goldwater s policies. He was further stigmatized by the religious publication The Christian Century as turning his patriotic rhetoric into religious nationalism. To make matters worse for Goldwater, in October of 1964, less than a month before the general election, 725 Episcopalian clergy and laymen from forty one states signed a resolution accusing him of a transparent exploitation of racialism. Richard Nixon, a Republican and ex Vice President at the time, claimed that these allegations were the most vicious in political history. As a result, Lyndon Johnson won the 1964 election in an unprecedented landslide victory, with Barry Goldwater only winning six states: his native Arizona, and five states in the heart of the Bible Belt (Kosmin 1993:174 5). While religious leaders in the end ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 9. Information On My Future Career Recently, I have been using CFNC.org to gather more information on my future career. CFNC.org has provided me with more knowledge about my future than I could have gotten using Google. One goal of mine while writing this paper is to show how interested I am about my future. Another goal I do have is to teach the reader more information about a specific career path. Every individual has their own career plan, and possibly could be interested in the same career as me. In the CFNC.org website, there are multiple surveys you can take to get a better feel for what type of career you might like. During the Career Cluster Survey I honestly had a few difficult decisions. There are tons of questions so you know your results should be accurate. At the end of your survey you will be shown a poll with your results. Out of my results, my top three were Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics, Information Technology, and Business Management and Administration. The career I probably should not go for would consist of Transportation, Distribution and Logistics. With my results I plan to be a Computer Programmer. CFNC.org also has another survey I took, the Basic Skills Survey. This survey allows for you to find your best life skills. In all the surveys are questions that will better help you understand yourself. After you take this survey you will be provided another poll with your results. I have received Mathematics, Active Listening and Learning Strategies as my top ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. mid term paper Mid Term Examination, Winter 2010 Level: Masters Full Marks: 100 Program: MBAe Section B Pass Marks: 60 Course: Financial Management Time: 3 Hrs. Term: III Candidates are required to be original and fair in the presentation of their answers. The figures in the parenthesis indicate the marks for respective question. Attempt all the questions Section A Attempt all questions Each question carries 6 marks [5 x 6 =30] 1. You have to pay $12,000 a year in school fees at the end of each of the next six years. If the interest rate is 8%, how much do you need to set aside today to cover these bills? [3] Answer: Find out the PV of $ 12,000 as 6 years annuity. Answer $ Rs 55476 You have ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... [3] Answer: Dividend Payout Ratio being constant, EPS growth rate will be equal to dividend growth rate. Next year s EPS = 8% more than Rs 5. Answer = Rs 5.4 Alternative way, EPS 1 = EPS 0 + Retained earning per share x Rate of return EPS 1 = Rs 5 + 3.2 x 0.12 = Rs 5.4 Section B Attempt any three questions Each question carries 15 marks [3 x 15 = 45] 6. The Tanner Company s cost of equity is 18%. Tanner s before tax cost of debt is 12%, and its tax rate
  • 11. is 40%. Using the following balance sheet, calculate Tanner s after tax weighted average cost of capital. (Assume that this accounting balance sheet also represents Tanner s target capital structure) All figures are in Ten thousands. Assets Amount Liabilities Amount Cash Rs 100 Accounts Payable Rs 200 Accounts Receivables 200 Accrued taxes due 200 Inventories 300 Long term debt 400 Plant and Equipment, net 1800 Equity 1600 Total Assets Rs 2400 Total Liabilities Rs 2400 Answer: While computing D/E ratio or D/V and E/V ratio, we always use only long term capital (debt, pref stock, equity). So D = 400 and E = 1600 in this case and V = sum of both = 2000 Thus, we get Wd = 0.2 and We = 0.8. This will be used in all of the three problems, since its not changing with question. Kdat = 7.2 %, Ke = 18%. Hence we get WACC = 15.84% Find ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. Femininity In Tank Girl An interesting depiction of femininity is in Jamie Hewlett s 1988 Tank Girl, where Rebecca Buck, or Tank Girl, is presented as untraditionally feminine. Her appearance is definitely a challenge to the typical comic book girlish look, which are usually long hair and a curvy figure. Tank Girl instead wears outfits that are chaotic with wacky colors and symbols, all while brandishing weapons and having a sly smile. This combination of femininity with a masculine streak where she flaunts her body while acting gross, makes her appear as a overwhelmingly punk rock empowered woman. Physically Tank Girl looks womanly, yet she is far more realistically proportioned than some female characters, with a small chest and average waistline, she shows a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. How Does Shakespeare Use Satire In King Lear Often in literature, the author will use satire to convey his meaning. Many people wonder if Shakespeare made a satire when writing the play KING LEAR. What makes KING LEAR a satire or what makes King Lear not a satire is the debate, and I am going to reveal the truth to this question during my essay. Some people consider King Lear to be a satire.The things that the real King James and the fictional King Lear have in common are pride, craziness, and they both had three kids First, both kings had a lot of pride and liked to be flattered.In the play King Lear wanted his daughter to tell him how much they loved him. That showed a lot of pride. In The True Law of Free Monarchies James defended monarchical absolutism which asserted that kings derived their authority from God and could not therefore be held accountable for their actions.That shows a lot of pride. Second both Kings are crazy. King James was never wrong. In Speech to Parliament one of the crazy things he says is he is also a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... One of the things that are similar is that they both have three kids.The difference between the kids are that King James has one daughter and two son and king lear has three daughters. They both have dealt with some foolish stuff in their lives.King lear and King James where both foolish and not wise .King Lear had two daughter that turn against him because of the way he treated them and talk to them when bring together all the evidence from both sides and comparing and contrasting it makes it a little more easier to help decide who s right and who s wrong.This prove that the stores are different because King James didn t have any child turn on him.The are more than one side to this story something s have been found to be similar and something s are ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. Speach Stand by Me Analysis The movie Stand By Me is a great portrayal of a group of four young friends who set out to find a dead body. These boys have many trials and tribulations and manage to maintain their friendship throughout the movie. Gordie, Chris, Teddy and Vern are an unstoppable cast; showing their trust, friendship, and insecurities to one another. The main role of Gordie LaChance is played by Wil Wheaton. He is having trouble in his life at this time because he just lost his brother and his parents are having a very difficult time dealing with it. Chris Chambers was played by River Phoenix. Chris is considered a loser because of his family and everybody thinks he will do nothing in life. Through it all, the group of kids looks up to Chris and he is ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... When the old man calls his father looney Teddy flips out. He starts kicking and punching even though he s on the other side of the fence. This remains a problem with the group because they have to spend time comforting him before they get back on the road again. On more than one occasion Teddy got in small fights with almost all of the different group members. Teddy hinders group development by forcing the group to devote time and effort to control his behavior. Chris remains one of the leaders, but even at times presents a problem to the group. He has a very tough attitude and almost gets his eye burned out in the beginning trying to stand up against bigger, tougher kids. At the end of the movie he almost gets attacked with a knife for mouthing off to the same group of kids, but Gordie bailed him out. By standing up against difficult group members Gordie really showed his leadership skills. Gordie seems to have a lot of personal issues with finding this dead body because of how often he thinks about his older brother who had passed away. Gordie really takes this trip/adventure personally mainly because of how close he feels to this dead body. Only a few months before this trip, Gordy s older brother Denny had been killed in a car accident, and Gordy has been ignored at home since, which we see in flashbacks. Gordy aspires to be a writer, but the only support he had came from his brother. Now Gordie feels a very close relationship with ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. Roy Adaptation Theory Running head: ROY S ADAPTATION MODEL Nursing theory is an organized framework of concepts that are designed to guide nursing practice and provide a foundation for clinical decision making. There are many different types of nursing theories. This present paper will focus on one of the Grand theories, the Roy Adaptation model (RAM). The paper is divided into four main sections focusing on the importance of the RAM; summary of key concepts; view of RAM on specialization; and conclusion. There has been an evolution of nursing practice from when Florence Nightingale started. Nurses used to take direct medical direction to an evolution of independence. Today, advanced practice nurses are PHD, DNP, researchers, nurse practitioners, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The six steps include assessing behaviors, assessing and categorizing the stimuli, making a diagnosis, setting goals, implementing interventions, and evaluating achievement. Roy also emphasizes that the nurses should use their intuitive skills while assessing and initiating interventions. Roy s adaptation theory has been used to perform nursing research for the past 35 years (Dobratz, 2008). The Boston Based Adaptation in Nursing Research Society (BBARNS) helped provide and validate the use of Roy adaptation model in nursing research. They helped identify over 163 studies of which 116 had links to the RAM process. As a consequence, this theory has been used world wide for research including holistic methods. I have practiced as a cardiology nurse for the past twenty years and I have seen the implementation of RAM. Roy s theory can be applied to research pertaining to Cardiology patients. On example of this is patients suffering with heart failure. It is estimated that 5.1 million patients have heart failure and one in 9 will die from it (CDC.gov). Furthermore, more than half the patients gt; 65 years of age are readmitted with heart failure with in 6 months. This has started to place a significant burden on many health care organizations and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. Clenbuterol Research Paper prohibited use of Clenbuterol How to Walk For Weight Loss as far as weight loss is concerned, the simpler you make it the easier you will achieve you will be able to your goals. You can start by brisk walking and combine this with the right eating plan. Soon you will realise that you are on your way to get rid of unwanted pounds. However it is advised to stay away from prohibited use of Clenbuterol. Whenever you take a health supplement it is advised to consult with your physical instructor about its usage. Why you need to choose walking? Walking is a wonderful exercise for everyone whether you are a kid adult or an old man. Walking is easy on your joints and you can increase its intensity according to your body s capability. To perform this exercise you do not need any equipment. You simply need a good pair of walking shoes to start. In case whether it is ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... You constantly need to challenge your body so you can increase its intensity. In case you are suffering from any body ailment, you can seek advice from your doctor. Consult your doctor not only before doing walking, you need to consult before doing any kind of exercise. Short walks will also bring results people think that only by walking one hour or more body will be able to burn fat. On the contrary even if you walk for 15 minutes at a steady pace every day you will burn around 70 cal. If you add 15 minutes walk routine in your day than at the and of the month you will be able to burn 2100 more calories than before. If you have time then add 15 minute walk to times a day. Make it a social thing call your friends, take your neighbours and gets along with you to a nearby park or a community area where kids will play. You can walk from your home to that place and back to your home. It is a fantastic way to catch up with your friends and at the same time burn good calories. Increase your ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. Ancient Human Brain Our brains today are capable of thinking, making decisions, learning, and creating new ideas and inventions. However, 1.8 million years ago, our brains were not as capable nor were they as advanced as our modern brain. Studies suggest that this increase of brain size was all due to an unexpected factor that occurred almost 2 million years ago; this skill discovered by the homo erectus known today as cooking. Humans also discovered how to propagate traits into crops, making them easier to collect and consume. Millions of years ago, ancient humans developed new and more modern ways of collecting and eating their food, which then led to the development of the brain and the better of the human race. After, the raw food eating Australopithecus, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Other crops such as wheat, rice, and other cereal grains have been domesticated by humans. The domestication of these crops became ancient civilizations primary source of food. By providing a more dependable and plentiful food supply, farming provided the basis for new lifestyles and far more complex societies. Now, societies could spend less time searching for food and more time building up their societies. Cereals were an important part in helping the Mayan, Near East, Asian, and all of the American civilizations rise to how they are today. Domestication of crops also led to the domestication of animals around 8000 B.C. Civilizations that have become what they are today, ...owe their existence to these ancient products of genetic ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. Today, The United States Illustrates Many Circumstances Today, the United States illustrates many circumstances of race in which a group of a given descent is discriminated against solely based on their physical appearance, despite the high demand for equality. Linda Darling Hammond states that the color line divides [populations] still... even in the 21st century and will continue to divide people in future centuries ( Unequal Opportunity: Race and Education ). Some debacles of race include those of a minority population being targeted, however the opposite is true for those trying to become a part of a college or university. In the college application process, the federal government requires the administrators to ask which race the applicant is from on their college application, in order to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... During one point of the the film, the two of them went separately to a job application center in which a white lady was working. To John, the lady was kind and had faith that he would definitely fulfil her clients wishes for an employee without really knowing him, however, to Glen, she nearly immediately lectures him about how laziness is not acceptable and will do him no good, despite the fact that he was John s equal. To show how many instances, big or small, of racism are exhibited, even today, a news article published by CNN, states that 49 percent of blacks and 18 percent of whites believe racism to be a very serious problem ( Poll: Most Americans See Lingering Racism In Others ), particularly in the college admissions process. Similarly, in the college this process, race is a large determiner affecting whether or not a person is going to be accepted into any given university, but on the contrary, whites face the hardship due to their lack of diversity. Whites, particularly males, have a harder time being accepted into prestigious colleges because the colleges have a strong desire for diversity in their student body, creating an easier, less rigorous academic standard for someone of a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. Californa Science Center Alqarni, Abdullah Homework Assignment # 8 Geology 1, Section # 1176 or 1177 (pick one) Dr. Beraki Woldehaimanot Date (assignment completed) QUESTIONS GEOLOGIC TIME 1. Distinguish between numerical (radioactive) dates and relative dates. numerical specify the actual number of years that have passed since an event occurred; relative means placing rocks in their property sequences of formation 2. Refer to the geologic cross section accompanying question 10 on page 333 (your textbook). Your task is to place the lettered features in the proper sequence, from oldest to youngest. 3. Would you expect to find fossils of humans and Dinosaurs in the same rock? Explain. No. 4. Define half life. Half life is defined ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Impermeable, surficial materials such as massive bedrock and asphalt paving prevent infiltration so moisture runs off or evaporates. Water infiltrates more readily into moist, unsaturated regolith than into dry regolith. Dense, vegetative cover enhances infiltration because soils are typically moist and porous, thus runoff is retarded. In forested areas, trees slow down the rate at which precipitation is delivered to the land surface, and considerable moisture is temporarily stored in humus and forest litter. On gentle, tree covered slopes and flat lying terrain, slow runoff enhances infiltration. Runoff is accelerated on steep slopes and in areas with sparse vegetation, and infiltration decreases accordingly. The rate at which water is delivered to the land surface has a very important effect on infiltration. Short lived storms with intense rainfall result in lower infiltration and increased runoff because the water piles up on the surface faster than it can infiltrate. During periods of light to moderate rainfall, runoff is retarded and infiltration rises accordingly. Special environmental conditions, such as snow melting above frozen ground, greatly intensify runoff and reduce infiltration; conversely, snow melting above unfrozen ground can result in a high percentage of the moisture infiltrating the soil. Thus regional and local climatic factors are also important. 9. How does geology ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. A Baseball Cap For Dave Analysis In A Baseball Cap For Steve, the reader is able to see how Morley Callaghan depicts a society where the value of belongings are based off their potential for resale or trade through the marxist lens. As reinforced in Callaghan s characterization of Dave Diamond who as the protagonist is heavily impacted by Callaghan s societal depiction. Callaghan explains how Dave is a product of the money oriented society because he is experiencing interpellation. This causes Dave to have the inability to favour his son s emotions over money. The reader is able to sense Dave s favoritism towards money when he says, See, Stevie, he whispered. That windbreaker you wanted! And ten dollars for your bank! Won t Mother be surprised? (Morley, 5). This quote ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. The Aryan Brotherhood, The Guerilla Family, And The... Abstract Prison gang/security threat groups are growing and impacting penitentiary s around the world in a negative way. The Aryan Brotherhood, The Guerilla Family, and the Mexican Mafia are three of many powerful and efficient gangs that flourished in a California prison. Each of these gangs has its own differences and have a long term history that explains to the reader how these gangs started their record of criminal acts such as murder, drug trafficking, etc. Correctional staff main goal is to minimize the violence that come with the prison gangs. It is concluded that the best way to control gang violence is through separation of members and enemies. Whether if it s through transporting members to other prisons or through segregation. Studies have shown these findings may not always be effective because of the growth of prison gangs and the unique ways of communicating with other inmates in prison and on the outside world. Prison Gangs and Security Threat Groups Prison gangs are flourishing in modern prisons throughout the U.S. every day. Every gang has its own way to distinguish themselves from other gangs. Colors, symbols, hand signs, race, and tattoos are some of the characteristics gangs use to identify which gang each member belongs to. The increase in gang activity has been a growing concern to correctional facilities because prison gangs ultimately put staff and non members safety at risk. Gangs, such as the Aryan Brotherhood, Mexican ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. The Effect Of Advertising On Society The Harms Of Advertisements Today, in such a globalized economy, advertisements play a vital role in helping to reach consumers across the globe. Compared to the past, advertisements appear to be much more numerous now and their aim is to lure people into buying products at all costs, even if it means misleading the average consumer. Many turn a blind eye to these promotions as they see it as an essential tool in an increasingly capitalistic free market to fuel economic growth. Unfortunately, the surge of unchecked advertising has lead to some adverse effects on societies whether they be moral or ethical in nature. The SAFRA gym advertisement, is an impeccable example of the adverse effects of advertising in today s society. The ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The misconceptions of advertisements can clearly be seen in this case as it is implying that your life will always be dull if you are not a member of our establishment even if a person is already a member of a similar establishment. As a result, people might start to find things that are wrong with their lives when their isn t and convince themselves that the only solution to the nonexistent problem that is to become a member of this establishment. These misleading advertisements can also lead people to develop body image issues especially women as they begin to think that the reason why they aren t getting the same attention as the woman in the advertisement is because they don t look like her even though they might look like perfectly healthy individuals themselves. In most societies, it is considered quite important that women prioritize their physical appearance in order to attract men as it is expected that men are to make the first move in a romantic setting. This is showcased in the SAFRA gym advertisement where the lean fit woman manages to catch the eye of the two muscular men who completely abandon their workout. This gym advertisement targets the younger female audiences by giving the impression that if you want to be like that woman who can attract two strong men, you must come to our gym. The advertisers use this ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. Outline Of A Business Rules PART A 1. Business rules: 1. ABS has donation centers in all major cities and each capital city throughout Australia. 2. Details of each donor must be recorded by the ABS staff It is the responsibility of each ABS staff to record all the details of donors 3. Each ABS staff member will have unique id, first name, last name. This represents that particular person is an ABS staff member 4. Each donor will have unique id, first name, last name, gender, date of birth, address, phone number. This states that, the person who is going to donate blood should submit his/her whole details. 5. Each donor must specify his/her medical conditions. Medical conditions means whether he/she is perfectly alright or suffering from any disease. 6. Each donor ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... 12. ABS staff must decide which donation must be taken. This is to make sure that donor is healthy and not effected by any disease. 13. Staff member must record the details of donor and details of the patient. This is to check that donor s group is matching to patient s group or not. 14. Staff member must state which staff member taking the donation and ABS donation centre. 15. ABS staff needs to know the blood group of the donor, age , date and time of the donation. 2. 3. 4. 5. a) b) PART B Creating an RDM Identifying the Attributes and creating RDM for each table For ABS_STAFF Table ABS_STAFF (staff_id, staff_name, staff_title, staff_gender, address_id, centre_id) Primary key (staff_id) Foreign key address_id references ADDRESS table Foreign key centre_id references ABS_CENTRE table For ABS_CENTRE Table ABS_CENTRE (centre_id, centre_name, no_of_staff, address_id) Primary key (centre_id) Foreign key address_id references ADDRESS table For ADDRESS Table ADDRESS (address_id, street_num, street_name, phone_num, state_name, capital, pin_code) Primary key (address_id) For ABS_QUALIFICATION Table ABS_QUALIFICATION (qual_id, qual_name, qual_type) Primary key (qual_id) For STAFF_QUALIFICATION Table STAFF_QUALIFICATION (staff_qual_id, qual_id, staff_id) Primary key (staff_qual_id) Foreign key qual_id ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. Dichotomy Investigation: The Dichotomy or also Achilles and Tortoise Paradox: Introducing the first paradox Achilles and the Tortoise . This paradox is very similar to the idea of the Dichotomy so by explaining the example of Achilles and the Tortoise both will be covered. Zeno came up with the idea of the Dichotomy, which means dividing by two. As an example for this he came up with the example of a character called Achilles. One day Achilles and a tortoise had a speed race against each other. Obviously the tortoise is much slower to Achilles was so modest to allow him to have a head start of 100 meters. As Zeno and Aristoteles says, when the race starts Achilles has to catch up with the tortoise so he sprints. While this is happening he is halving the distance towards the tortoise. There is no problem here because assuming no acceleration or deceleration, he is always going to half the distance as shown on this picture: Assuming that Achilles is running at 10meters per second (m/s) one can logically say that ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... As with Achilles and a tortoise this one even further stresses the idea that motion is just an illusion. In this example Zeno assumes that time, in his definition, is only made up of a series of moments . In this paradox one arrow, just a regular arrow, has been shot or is just simply in motion. Zeno himself states that with his paradox, no motion is occurring while the arrow is in motion. This is because he assumes that for each instance of time, which can be broken up into small intervals as defined earlier by him, no movement occurs. Again explaining this more in detail, he is saying that because of all these moments occurring and being able to divide these up into smaller intervals which then ultimately lead to the point where the arrow is not moving at all because time has moments and no movement occurs in that moment of time. This is why Zeno claims that the arrow is not moving at ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. Sodium Bicarbonate Case A. Natural Environment i. Physical Resources. o The company has the largest share (approximately 75%) of the sodium bicarbonate capacity in the United States. and is the largest consumer of baking soda as it fills its own needs for company produced consumer and industrial products. Case 35 10 ii. Wildlife o Animal feed producers use sodium bicarbonate nutritional products predominantly as a buffer, or antacid. o For dairy cattle feeds and make a nutritional supplement that enhances milk production of dairy cattle. o Sodium bicarbonate has also been used as an additive to poultry feeds to enhance feed efficiency. Case 35 9 iii. Climate o Sodium bicarbonate has been used to remove lead from drinking water. o The search for new uses of sodium ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Switched to all electric warehouse forklifts at one site and reduced 27MM cubic feet of propane usage. c. Participated in an Energy Curtailment Program and saved 1,161 kWh. d. Replaced and upgraded packaging line equipment at one site that will save an estimated 66,444 KWH/yr. churchdwight.com [2] 3 Political/Legal a. Church Dwight relied on acquisitions and management changes to improve its international footprint and reach. Case 35 7 b. Continued to pursue expansion of its specialty products into international markets. Case 35 11 c. Church Dwight is committed to providing a healthy and safe workplace. d. Continue to assess the impacts of operations and products on the environment and promote environmental awareness among to employees. churchdwight.com [2] 4 Sociocultural a. More products were added to the consumer line up. b. Church Dwight brought many of its marketing tasks in house as well as stepping out with groundbreaking and often controversial marketing campaigns. Case 35 7 c. The first major in house marketing project was in dental care. d. Church Dwight rode the crest of increasing interest by both dentists and hygienists in baking soda for maintaining dental health. Case 35 7 C. Task ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. Franco Zefferelli s Romeo and Juliet and Baz Luhrmann s... The astounding perils of young love has been eloquently captured in the story of Romeo and Juliet. Franco Zefferelli and Baz Luhrmann are the creators of the two most renowned film adaptations of William Shakespeare s Romeo and Juliet. Zefferelli, the more traditional director, created his Oscar winning version in 1968. Baz Luhrmann put an abstract, modern twist on Shakespeare s classic and created the 1996 version that raised millions of dollars in box office sales. Being that these two films are so different, I have chosen to compare them to one another, using the famed balcony scene as my focus. In the Franco Zefferelli adaptation, proceeding the extravagant Capulet party, Romeo walks down a dark stone path alone with his very ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... She vocalizes her love and adoration for Romeo, not knowing that every word she speaks falls upon his ears. Unable to contain his elation about what he has just heard, Romeo leaps from the darkness below the balcony, abruptly startling Juliet. She retreats towards the doorway of her room, feeling violated and unsure about Romeo s presence. She appears angry because of their families hatred towards eachother. The interaction between them is forbidden, so she turns towards the her room, ready to leave, until she is halted by Romeo s confession. If given the opportunity, he would choose to deny the Montague name so that he may share his life with her. Surprised, Juliet returns to where Romeo awaits her. During this scene, the soft light continually falls upon Juliet s angelic face, yet Romeo predominantly remains in the darkness, shadowed. This may reference the goodness of the Capulets and the supposed evilness of the Montagues from Juliet s standpoint. The camera is also pointed up during this scene when directed towards Juliet, yet pointed down when directed towards Romeo. Zefferelli may have used these camera angles to show that Juliet is considered someone Romeo admires although he is considered a lesser man by the Capulet family. As the scene continues, Juliet explains to Romeo the consequences of them being caught together, and as she sadly and amorously gazes at him, he hides behind a tree branch to protect himself. Juliet moves to a dark ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. Descriptive Essay On Car To start off a car defines a person very well, it shows personal interests, values, and obviously how much money they are willing to spend on transportation. Also my personal career will definitely contain some greasy fun work preferably Diesel Technician. One of my first few memories with cars is me just playing with toys when I was very little. By the time I was five or six my parents had given me a miniature truck I could drive around the block and yard. Not long after that I got into bikes. Within a couple of months I had a fleet of bikes ranging, from a bike from the nineteen forties to a newer chopper styled bike. As soon as I turned fourteen I got a real job. Before I could afford a vehicle I drove around and constantly fixed my grandpa s junk truck. One bad thing is that his truck belonged in the junkyard. It leaked gas, oil, and transmission fluid after three months of driving it and it went straight to the junkyard. Then a couple months later at fifteen, I had already bought my own small truck. This was quite the step up this one only leaked oil, but it was very slow. Going from zero to sixty mph took about twenty five seconds. This is when I got myself a nice car that was fast, comfortable, and didn t leak anything. That car was a ninety six Lincoln Town Car, but the car has over two hundred twenty thousand miles on it. After putting ten thousand miles on it in seven months it went to the junkyard. Now comes the nicest, most reliable, and smallest car that I ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. Symptoms Of Lyme Disease Lyme Disease Lyme disease is an infection that affects many parts of the body, including the skin, joints, and nervous system. It is a bacterial infection that starts from the bite of an infected tick. The infection can spread, and some of the symptoms are similar to the flu. If Lyme disease is not treated, it may then cause joint pain, swelling, numbness, problems thinking, fatigue, muscle weakness, and other problems. CAUSES This condition is caused by bacteria called Borrelia burgdorferi. You can get Lyme disease by being bitten by an infected tick. The tick must be attached to your skin to transmit the infection. Deer often carry infected ticks. RISK FACTORS The following factors may make you more likely to develop this condition: ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. Malaysia s Chocolate Market to 2014 Brochure More information from http://www.researchandmarkets.com/reports/1796653/ Chocolate Market in Malaysia to 2014 (Confectionery) Description: Introduction Chocolate Market in Malaysia to 2014 (Confectionery) is a comprehensive resource for chocolate market data from 2004 to 2014 and market/company shares for 2008 09.This report also provides data on expenditure and consumption as well as key distribution channels, and reveals the leading companies in the Malaysian chocolate market. Features and Benefits Identify key market segments by analyzing market size data for the chocolate market Design business strategies by gaining insight into quantitative market trends over 2004 09 and expectations for 2010 14 Identify key ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... croeconomic Profile Macroeconomic Indicators Chapter 5 Research Methodology Methodology overview Secondary research Market modeling Creating an initial data model Revising the initial data model Creating a final estimate Creating demographic value splits Primary research Data finalization Ongoing research LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1: Chocolate, Malaysia, value by segment (MYRm), 2004 14 Figure 2: Chocolate, Malaysia, volume by segment (kg, million), 2004 14 Figure 3: Chocolate, Malaysia, company share by value (%), 2008 09 Figure 4: Chocolate, Malaysia, distribution channels by value (%), 2008 09 Figure 5: Annual data review process LIST OF TABLES Table 1: Chocolate category definitions Table 2: Chocolate distribution channels Table 3: Chocolate, Malaysia, value by segment (MYRm), 2004 09 Table 4: Chocolate, Malaysia, value forecast by segment (MYRm), 2009 14 Table 5: Chocolate, Malaysia, value by segment ($m), 2004 09 Table 6: Chocolate, Malaysia, value forecast by segment ($m), 2009 14 Table 7: Chocolate, Malaysia, volume by segment (kg, million), 2004 09 Table 8: Chocolate, Malaysia, volume forecast by segment (kg, million), 2009 14 Table 9: Chocolate, Malaysia, brand share by value (%), 2008 09 Table 10: Chocolate, Malaysia, value by brand (MYRm), 2008 09 Table 11: Chocolate, Malaysia, company share by value (%), 2008 09 Table 12: Chocolate, Malaysia, value by company (MYRm), 2008 09 Table 13: Chocolate, Malaysia, distribution channels by value (%), 2008 09 Table 14: ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. Preterm Birth Consequences The Consequences of Preterm Birth Preterm birth is defined as the birth of a baby before 37 weeks gestation age. The stages of preterm can be subdivided into different stages. Very Preterm is 20 32 weeks, Moderately Preterm is 33 36 weeks, Early Term is 37 38 weeks gestation stage. According to the statistics gathered by the World Health Organisation (WHO) (2015) in 2012, there are more than 1 in 10 babies born preterm every year with an estimated 15 million born preterm every year. There are a wide variety of factors that cause preterm birth, examples including: a multiple pregnancy, substance abuse and smoking, assisted reproduction and a low socio economic status. Studies have also shown that certain ethnicities are at a higher risk of delivering preterm than others. According to an external study included Nosarti et al (2010) in the USA, 19% of black non Hispanic pregnancies ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Breathing with underdeveloped lungs manifests itself in preterm infants and Respiratory Distress Syndrome (RDS), RDS is primarily caused by Pulmonary Surfactant deficiency which means the lungs cannot expand and contract normal. If left untreated, preterm infants may become fatigued, apnoeic and hypoxic (a condition in which the body, or a particular region within the body, is deprived of oxygen). Apnoea of Prematurity (AOP) is a common condition in premature infants which according to Kids Health (2015) is when an infant during sleep temporarily stops breathing for 15 20 seconds. This condition is most common in infants born before 35 weeks gestation age and infants with AOP will also have drops in heart rates (bradycardia) causing them to appear pale or bluish and their bodies to be limp. The likelihood of a premature infant having AOP is increased as their birth weight decreases, AOP may begin 2 days after birth however in most cases it clears up after 2 3 ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. Xbox One Vs Ps4 Research Paper For the last couple of years all I have been using is the Xbox as the main console I use for gaming. I have been very happy with my results, but I think that might change. Ps2 had a great run, but in my opinion once the Xbox 360 came around I think it beat the Ps3. Now, that the Ps4 has come around it has changed everything. This essay is about the Xbox one and the Ps4. At the end of this I will choose which Is better and why. First we will talk the Ps4 which Is a gaming console made by Sony, a Japanese company. Other than being a new console, it has also brought new features that It has never had in the past. With the xbox 360 s controller being called the best controller ever made, Ps4 knew they had to step it up. In this model Playstation ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Speaking of online play, some games on the Ps4 do not need to go online to play, which good for the times my wifi goes down or if I dont have wifi. I have a habit of burning through controller batteries quick and i don t feel going out and buying a $30 rechargeable stands, but this is where Ps4 comes into place. This console is more convenient because it is smaller that the Xbox one. The Ps4 already come with a rechargeable cable which means that instead of waiting for my controller to get done charging, i can play and charge it at the same time. In conclusion the Ps4 comes out on top overpowering the Xbox one, although that could change. Microsoft has unveiled that they are coming up with a new console called Project Scorpio that is planning to beat the Ps4 by adding some of the Ps4 s features like vr(virtual reality) combined with their own. I still have hope for, since i have been using the Xbox all my life, but we will have to wait and see later this year to see what it has and for now, the Ps4 reigns ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. My Family Research Paper For as many years as anyone can remember, my family has hunted. This tradition is takes its main roots in Sweden. The earliest history that anyone in our family knows begins with my Great Great Grandfather Bengt Bengtson. He lived in Munkfors, Sweden and worked as a lumber company s hunter. He was appointed to this job because of his exceptional shooting ability. He also used his expertise to provide sustenance for his family. The necessity and skills of hunting were taught to his son Gustav Bengtson. Great Grandpa Gus immigrated to the United States in 1926 at the age of 25 to start a new life. The practice of hunting was still an integral part of life, even in America. My mom s paternal grandfather, John, was not an immigrant, but he was ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Our hunting party consisted of myself, my grandfather, my mother, my uncle, and my cousin. In the state of Colorado, you have to be 12 years of age to acquire a hunting license, so I spent the first few years of my hunting experience as a tag along to my mother: the only one with a hunting license most years. Kids are loud, they stomp around, and they get tired and bored easily. These are the traits of a poor hunter, so it would make sense that as a nine and ten year old, I did not see very many animals, let alone a successful hunt. When I was of age, I accquired a license to hunt cow elk. Though I was successful in filling my tag, the hunt felt artificial and I didn t feel like a hunter, I felt like a kid with a gun. The elk were standing on the side of road, and my grandpa scared them from crossing the road. My mom got me set to shoot and propped up the gun. The shot was no more than about 100 yards, a quite easy short shot. The only thing I really did was pull the trigger. I am very grateful for everything that my family did to help me get my first kill, but I did not feel as though I d accomplished anything. The kill that I am most proud of that I feel as though solidified my status as a hunter, not ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. The Effect Of Skeletal Muscle On The Human Physiology... Roben Houspian 2/27/15 Muscle Physiology 1 Abstract: In this experiment the measurements of skeletal muscle fibers of the rabbit are in millimeters. The average length for the three muscle fibers after adding the solution A which contained only 0.25% ATP in distilled water was 20 mm. The average length for the three muscle fibers after adding the solution C which contained 0.5M KCl and 0.001M MgCl2 in distilled water was 1.77 mm and the average length for the three muscle fibers after adding the solution B which contained 0.25 % ATP and 0.5 M KCl with 0.001 M Mgcl2 in water was 1.77 mm. Introduction: According to the Human Physiology Laboratory Manual ,BIOL 282 ,page 31 , the reason of performing this experiment is to learn how the muscle contraction occurs based on the molecular level and what kind of factors are involved .As a matter of fact, skeletal muscles contain a lot of nuclei because of the cell fusion while being developed and are made of cylindrical cells that have myofibrils. The myofibrils contain sarcomeres and the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. Georgia Rental Application Case Study Georgia Rental Application Georgia Rental Application is the primary instrument required by a landlord to access the tenant during the selection for the tenancy. The application has various sections requiring inputs from the tenant. The tenant must prepare this application form in entirety and sign in acceptance to the authenticity of the information provided in the form. In addition, it is necessary that all tenant/s must sign this form when more than one person is seeking the tenancy. For an example, both spouses need to sign the form when they are renting a dwelling in joint name. Duly prepared Georgia Rental Application must contain Personal information about the tenant and his/her family members and other particulars like contact information Employment information of the tenant highlighting the worthiness for ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... You may choose to provide additional particulars of other incomes like alimony or child support in case you need the consideration. Step 3: Residential History Please provide particulars of previous residency like address, move in date, rent, name of landlord, contact information and reason for leaving for past three years starting from the most recent on the top. Step 4: Credit History Please answer five questions in this step and provide relevant information in case your answer is yes to any of the questions. Step 5: References Please complete this section diligently. Specify your bank information like name of the bank as well as account type and number. Continue by entering the names and phone numbers of three credit references. Step 6: Signatures and Authorization Please sign Georgia Rental Application and authorize the landlord to verify the particulars provided in the form to complete preparing Georgia Rental Application in ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. A Study On An Online Course Scenario 1: A staff member scans photographs from some out of print books for use by a professor on his course web site for an online course. Scenario 2: The semester has started and some students have not received their textbook, so one student makes electronic copies of the textbook and distributes the copies to others in the course. He does not collect any money from his classmates. The above scenarios both take place in an educational environment, which immediately calls fair use to mind. Fair use allows for a copyrighted work to be used for criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship and research (Copyright.gov, 2011). In both of these cases, claims could be made that the people using the copyrighted work are doing so for teaching or scholarship purposes, which would make both of them eligible for fair use. Yet, fair use has four factors that have to be taken into consideration when determination if the use is indeed fair. These four factors are: commercial or non commercial use, nature of the work, amount or substantiality of the worked used, and impact of the use on the work (Copyright.gov, 2011). These factors are what really make case for the difference between these two cases. The first factor of fair use is commercial vs. non commercial use. These two cases may seem different initially, but they are actually the same in respect to this factor. The student in scenario 2 is copying the textbook and giving it away free to their ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. The Importance Of Technology In Psychology The field of psychology draws inspiration from a vast array of subjects. Tactics and techniques garnered from various disciplines widely apply throughout many areas of psychological research. Over the past two decades, technological growth has had a strong impact on the numerous healthcare disciplines. For instance, technology has impacted psychology in the areas of research methods and treatment procedures. The widespread availability of computers and smartphones supercharged the development of new technologies and treatment programs to now help aid previously unreachable clients through therapeutic resources. Technological developments in the past few decades have inspired psychologists to provide access to therapy on several different platforms. Telepsychology is the term used for therapy and other psychological treatments provided through such means (Novotney, 2017). The American Psychological Association (2012) defines telepsychology as the provision of psychological services using telecommunications technologies . These technologies include webcams, chats, texts, emails, and the Internet ( Guidelines... , 2012). According to Novotney (2017), one reason people use online therapy is the ease of accessibility it provides as well as the lower costs compared to traditional therapy sessions. Many people live far from a therapist s office and were unable to attend therapy sessions until the advent of these online counseling organizations (Novotney, 2017). Additionally, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. The Importance Of Obesity In The United States The basic aim of the paper is to carry out research work on the social concern which I have selected obesity. The topic of obesity has been selected because it has become a major social concern of the United States as well as other industrialized countries. Information related to the research of obesity will be helpful for determining major causes and adverse consequences which are associated with obesity in the U.S. This topic was selected with the hopes in finding effective ways which can be used for preventing the ever increasing numbers of obesity in the world. While a lot of people try to blame children, and even adults, being overweight and obese on genetics, that does not play as crucial of a role as people try to make it sounds. Some ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... As stated previously, along with home and school based intervention, it needs to get even bigger with community and government based interventions. Education is the key. By organizing community activities, walks can be planned to encourage physical activity, paths can be made for children to ride bikes on, and playgrounds can be established for things like basketball and other physical activity. By coming together as a community and encouraging these things within our children, obesity can decrease significantly over the next five to ten years. Preparing foods at home and leaving fast food chains alone is also a major factor in preventing obesity. The fast food industry has become a huge target in the obesity rate. Erci Schlosser s surprise best seller, Fast Food Nation, featured some familiar demonization arguments: A cynical industry targets children, reshapes their eating habits (it is hugely profitable to increase the size and the fat content of their portions ), and literally spongers an epidemic ( no other nation in history has gotten so far so fast ) (Kersh Morone, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. The Road Brown V. Board Of Education Of Topeka ( 347 U.s. Historical Setting The road to Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka (347 U.S. 74 (1954)), is littered with many Supreme Court cases that have battled for equality in education. The Fourteenth Amendment strengthened the legal rights of newly slaves and became the stomping ground for many Supreme Court decisions. There were six separate cases concerning the issue of segregation in public schools that was heard and consolidated into the one case named Brown v. Board of Education. The cases included were Brown v. Board of Education (347 U.S. 483), Briggs v. Elliott (342 U.S. 497), Davis v. County School Board of Prince Edward County (347 U.S. 483), Bolling v. Sharpe (347 U.S. 497), Belton v. Gebhart (347 U.S. 483) and Bulah v. Gebhart, (347 U.S. 483), which discussed the implications of segregation in public school. The Brown case decision could not have happened prior to 1954 if these cases had not set a precedent for violations of the Fourteenth Amendment under the equal protection clause. In the case Plessy v. Fergguson (163 U.S. 537(1896)), this case was responsible for the separate but equal doctrine, where segregation began. In the case, Sweatt v. Painter (339 U.S. 629), African American law students fought for an equal opportunity education. These cases also helped set the precedent for the Brown v. Board of Education case. In the case, Missouri ex rel Gaines v. Canada (305 U.S. 337 (1938)), Lloyd Gaines, a graduate of Lincoln University, an all black college, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. Parenthesis In Virginia Woolf Now, when the reader wants to know more about what Jacob does in his room, the author introduces the other characters at Cambridge, like Professor Huxtable, Sopwith, and Erasmus Cowman consequently. Since the sequence of events in inner life is not logical, and even thoughts themselves are sporadic, random and inconclusive, the action is presented in fragments. The move or break in the narration makes it fragmentary, and it creates a kind of difficulty to maintain the harmony of the incidents. The entire novel is set in a form where there is never any concrete explanation of what is happening and why is happening. Rather, it is left on reader to find the link between the scattered events. Parenthesis: Virginia Woolf makes use of parenthesis in her writing for the different purposes. Sometimes it represents a shift in characters thought, and sometimes it is used for remarks by the author or sometimes it is used to give certain facts about a character. She utilizes parentheses to set the statement apart ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... As she describes the whole life of Mr ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. Strategic Analysis Red Bull Red Bull s path to a better Blue (ocean) Austria vs. Netherlands Assignment: Strategic Analysis Red Bull Date: 22.10.2008 Class: L2BV M Strategy Marketing 2/02 Lecturer: Gerbrand Rustenburg Ruud Kuijpers 1539334 Mark Mungroop 1540960 Stefan Andreas 1531650 Jason Lucas Luijckx 1538688 Executive summary A thorough analysis of energy drink producer Red Bull concludes that the company was set up to market just one product, Red Bull. Eventually it started marketing a variety of slightly modified energy drinks. Now Red Bull is energizing people around the globe, touching down in over a hundred countries worldwide. The Red Bull consumers can be divided into ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Red Bull strongly relates its brand to extreme sporting events, popular and high profile clubs and bars but also to a kind a necessary daily energizer. They initiate their energy drink into more than 100 markets around the world with the same effective vision as their initial product launch in Austria. Mission statement: Red Bull is dedicated to upholding Red Bull standards, while maintaining the leadership position in the energy drinks category when delivering superior customer service in a highly efficient and profitable manner. Red Bull creates a culture where employees share best practices dedicated to coaching and developing our organization as an employer of choice. Although the Red Bull mission statement is not very specific it is applicable to their company. It clearly shows that Red Bull wants to lead the market through values and efficiency and recognizes the importance of employee satisfaction. The company was set up to market just one product, Red Bull Energy Drink. However, since 2003 the company also introduced a low sugar version of the drink. Although not well known yet in Europe or America, Red Bull is marketing Red Bull coffee and Red Bull cola in Asia. Anno 2008 Red Bull is marketed in over 100 countries worldwide, serving almost every continent. The Red Bull customers are can be divided into ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. An Introduction To Admittance And Impedance #1: Immitance is a general term to describe admittance and impedance. Impedance is the measure of opposition to energy flow (sound) into the ear at the plane of the tympanic membrane. Admittance is the total energy flow through the vibrating system. Immitance audiometry is a test battery using acoustic impedance or acoustic admittance to estimate hearing sensitivity and function of the middle ear system. Impedance is typically measured as compliance now. Tympanometry is the test battery for measuring the compliance of the ear in equivalent volume across a range of pressures. It provides an estimation of hearing sensitivity and middle ear function in relation to ear canal volume, compliance, and middle ear pressure. To perform an ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... If the pressure is not within that range, it could suggest Eustachian tube dysfunction. The compliance, or mobility, of the tympanic membrane is also noted as a tympanometric compliance value. Compliance is measure in cubic centimeters (cc) or milliliters (ml). The point on the pressure scale where the maximum compliance occurs is essentially equal to middle ear pressure of the ear tested and is known as the point of maximum compliance. The peak compliance should be within the range of .2 cc to 2.0 cc. If the compliance is considerably lower than .2 cc, it may lead to a diagnosis of tympanosclerosis or otosclerosis; however, if it is much higher than 2.0 cc, it may imply ossicular disarticulation or a hypermobile tympanic membrane. Compliance is plotted over a range of pressures on a tympanogram. There are five possible types of tympanograms that may result from the test: type A, type As, type Ad, type B, and type C. A type A tympanogram suggests a normal conductive system functioning. The peak pressure is noted within the normal range ( 150 daPA to 50 daPa) and the point of maximum compliance occurs within a normal range (.2 cc to 2.0 cc), as well. The ECV should also fall between .65 cc and 1.75 cc. There is no indication of a middle ear pathology if a client receives a type A tympanogram. It is important to note that this test battery is not designed to detect a sensorineural hearing loss, because it solely reports outer and middle ear functioning. A ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 42. Guinea Pigs As Pets Lab Report NOTE CARD TOPIC: Guinea Pigs as Pets QUESTION: How do guinea pigs look like? ANSWER: 1. They have small and compact body. 2. They have small ears and eyes. 3. They have short legs and little feet with long claws. SOURCE: Guinea Pig Anatomy. Animal Corner (https://animalcorner.co.uk/guinea pig anatomy).Web. 07 Nov 2017. TOPIC: Guinea Pigs as Pets QUESTION: How do guinea pigs look like? ANSWER: 1. About 8 10 inches long, weighing about 2.5 lbs. 2. Different patterns, colors and hair type SOURCE: Guinea Pig. Happy Hollow Park and Zoo (http://www.hhpz.org/files/hhpz/documents/AnimalFactSheets/HHPZ_AnimalFactSheet_GuineaPig.pdf).Web. 14 Nov 2017. TOPIC: Guinea Pigs as Pets QUESTION: How do guinea pigs behave? ANSWER: ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Urinary tract Infections Female Guinea Pigs can get a condition known as cystitis, inflammation of the bladder, which can lead to blood in the urine or difficulties urinating. SOURCE: https://www.pbspettravel.co.uk/blog/common guinea pig illnesses/ TOPIC: Guinea Pigs as Pets QUESTION: How do you take care of guinea pigs when they are sick? ANSWER: 1. Have a vet examine the guinea pig 2. Vet will give you care instructions and provide you with a treatment plan. 3. Administer medication to guinea pig. Use a syringe to administer liquid medications, and administer pills using a hemostat. 4. Use butterfly catheter when administering fluids under the skin 5. If administering eye drops, put guinea pig on table facing away from you.
  • 43. 6. When guinea pigs are not feeling well, it is better to have them stay on a folded towel instead of regular bedding 7. Use thermal wraps to keep your guinea pig warm when it is chilled 8. Make certain your guinea pig does not have any bad reactions to medication. Keep a close eye after first administration. 9. Hand feed guinea pigs when they don t appear to have an appetite. 10. Weigh guinea pig once a day 11. Return guinea pig to vet if they are not ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 44. The Universal Inner Struggle Revealed in Hamlet Essay The Universal Inner Struggle Revealed in Hamlet Life is defined by the struggles it presents us. Without these constant tests of our fortitude, we would never grow as mature human beings. This is the one common denominator linking all people, past, present, and future. It is no mystery why our literature and art reflect this characteristic. The creation of a character is a mirror image of a human. Shakespeare perfectly understood this truth. He crafted Hamlet, Claudius, Polonius, and his many other characters so that they would reflect life and in this way, entertain and educate his audience. Shakespeare s outright goal may have been to simply make money, but along the way, he sculpted beautiful characters filled with ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... After all of Hamlet s scheming, planning, and thinking, he gets his proof by simply being in the right place, at the right time. The time for words, words, words is over; action is necessary. But again, Hamlet falters. Recognizing the effects of prayer, Hamlet seethes: A villain kills my father, and for that I, his sole son, do this same villain send to heaven (3.3.76 78). The prince is again in a bind. Allowing the reader access to his thoughts makes Hamlet an instantly sympathic character, and quenches the voyeuristic appetite of the reader. Hamlet s struggle is not over, and the reader wonders if he will ever meet an agreeable fate. As Hamlet contends with his internal struggle, he also wrestles with his desire to make his situation better. Like the internal struggle, this need to play the hero is something that the audience can identify with. The only difference is that not everyone has the heart to do it. Accepting the charge from the Ghost, Hamlet swears, O cursed spite, that ever I was born to set it right! (2.2.188 89). A father and a king have been slain. And the king s most seeming virtuous queen (1.5.46) has married her husband s brother. Against these great obstacles, Hamlet takes on the noble quest of revenging his father. First, he must set things right with his mother. Vowing to speak daggers to her, but use none (3.2.374), the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 45. Similarities Between Bend It Like Beckham Gurinder Chadha, the director of Bend It Like Beckham and Bride and Prejudice, invisions similar ideas in both films. This can be seen throughout both movies by the way the protagonists gets told what to do by their mothers due to their gender. Another concept that has been used in both films is the difference in cultures between Indians and Americans. Gurinder Chadha shows this by putting the two cultures next to each other so we can see the differences and similarities between them. Culture clash is when different cultures have a difference in their beliefs and their values. Most of Gurinder Chadha s movies contain characters from different cultures that have different beliefs and ideas. She also puts the characters in a different country so we can see their experiences of another ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Without not knowing too much about Indian culture, Darcy wore white to the wedding, as in his culture(American) white is worn at weddings. However, white in Indian culture is worn in funerals as it shows peace and purity. It is very rude to wear white for a wedding in India. This scene is a great example of culture clash as the film technique of costume is shown through the different clothes they wear in events which causes the two cultures to clash with each other. In Bend It like Beckham, after winning the final soccer game. The protagonist (Jesminder) is getting dressed into her clothes that she will wear at the wedding. Her teammates that were helping her are fascinated by the colourful clothing and the difference in styles compared to their own english culture. There is also a scene in which the mother of Jesminder is angry at Jesminder for wearing shorts while playing football. She says I don t want you running around half naked in front of men, huh? This shows that Indians normally wear long clothing that covers most of their skin, while the English people wear casual clothing, either short or long. Although the characters in both films don t like ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 46. One of my great difficulties with Kant s moral philosophy... One of my great difficulties with Kant s moral philosophy is that it suggests that our moral obligations leave us helpless when dealing with evil. Kant s theory sets a high ideal of conduct and tells us to live up to that ideal regardless of what other persons are doing. Imagine you are a character in a Shakespearean play and are watching your father getting murdered. He is the King and you aspire that one day you will take his place (Even though you know it won t happen, because you re a woman). Your brother takes the initiate to kill him and take his place. I m sure you would not be thinking oh, it s fine that he killed your father because being king is a great thing and it doesn t matter how or why he got there. Most likely you d be ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Kant s idea seems to be that we treat someone as an end only insofar as we act toward him or her in a way that he or she can understand as appropriate or justified: we should be able to explain our reasons in such a way that the person will see the reasonableness of acting in the way we propose. Thus, for example, Kant writes: he who is thinking of making a lying promise to others will see at once that he would be using another human being merely as a means, without the latter at the same time containing in himself the end. For he whom I propose by such a promise to use for my own purposes cannot possibly assent to my mode of acting toward him, and therefore cannot himself contain the end of this action. What is ruled out by this idea appears to be actions which treat others in such a way that they do not have the opportunity to consent to what we are doing. So we treat others as mere means when we force them to do something, or when we obtain their consent through pressure or dishonesty. That s something I think is special about being human having a normative self conception, wanting, to respect yourself, thinking of yourself as worthy or unworthy, rating yourself, especially now with media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and even online dating sites. It s a condition that gives a strange extra dimension to human life, both a special source of pride and interest and a profound cause of suffering. Some animals certainly want to be ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 47. EU Design EU Design s Rise in the Apparel and Fashion Industry Current Management Style EU Design s management style was founded in a very small business environment. There was little standardization of individual tasks. In a small business, everyone on staff is expected to be involved in all day to day business activities. This creates a very informal relationship between workers and management. In addition to the small business aspect, EU Design is in a creative industry. Many of the people in this industry are not trained or educated in formal business practices. A creative mindset takes precedence over the structure of the business. For EU Design, quality of product is not an issue at the present time. The company is ISO ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Regular videoconference meetings with the staff of both offices can be implemented. Given the time difference one office would have to come in very early or the other office would stay late. This may be difficult but should be adhered to so all employees are receiving the same information. This could be tried on a monthly basis. These meetings would help to create a more cohesive environment between New York and Hong Kong. This would also give the Hong Kong office a chance to provide requested feedback to New York. As a supplement, an online open forum for questions from one office can be posted and answered by the other office when it opens. Incentive Systems Currently there is no formal incentive system. Many of the rewards are based on Berardi s perception of employee performance. If he does not have the opportunity to have direct communication with all employees, it is a possibility that he is not able to appropriately assess individual performances. The employees themselves felt that above standard performance was not always noted. This sometimes resulted in sub optimal achievements being recognized while the employee going the extra mile was getting passed over. A new incentive system must include a formal evaluation method of employee performance. In order to evaluate, official job descriptions must be written to use as a benchmark. These descriptions give the employees the framework within which to efficiently ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 48. The Red Scare Of Nicola Sacco And Bartolomeo Vanzetti By 1920, the Puritan legacy, the cant of nativist racists, the economic wars, World War One, the crime wave, and the Red Scare had conditioned the American people to fear and despise certain groups. These groups usually included eastern and southern Europeans. The arrest and trial of Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti was fixated more on the battle between Anarchy and American traditions rather than the actual evidence the prosecution presented. The Red Scare played a massive part in this. The Sacco and Vanzetti case reflects the fears of immigration, immigrant crime and anarchy. Within a week of going into war on April 1917, acts of political repression against radicals began and continued with increasing severity throughout the war inducing the Red Scare of 1920. The fear of communism increased when a series of strikes occurred in 1919. The police of Boston went on strike and 100,000 of steel and coal workers did as well. The communist usually always got the blame. As America entered the 1920s, the hostility towards immigrants was mounting to incomparable levels. The Bolshevik Revolution of 1919 brought about the fear and panic of communism which led to the institutionalization of Red Scare policies that contained violations of civil rights and stained the images of immigrants. There was a large belief that because of the Bolshevik revolution in Russia, there was a vast possibility of an uprising happening in the United States. The United States was scared that ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 49. Napoleon s Collapse Essay Napoleon s Empire Collapses By Lucas Research Outline I. Introduction (Brief comment leading into subject matter Thesis statement on the reasons why Napoleon s empire collapsed) II. Body Napoleon s success and the process of the downfall, the reasons why the empire collapsed A. Napoleon s story 1. Napoleon s success a. Napoleon rose through the army b. Napoleon defeated Coalitions and became the emperor 2. The process of the downfall of the empire a. Many Coalitions were held against Napoleon b. Napoleon was force to abdicate, but he became the emperor again c. Waterloo Napoleons Last Battle B. The reasons of the downfall of the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Since Napoleon s decision showed no respect but metamorphic confidence, the Spanish fought him off. Napoleon s optimism predicted Napoleon s failure as well. In 1814, Napoleon defeated the Anti French troop at Brenner city; he thought he would win again. He separated his troops in order to attack his enemies, but he did not realize that he left the way to Paris unimpeded for his enemies. It led Napoleon to the loss of the wars against the sixth Anti French Coalition. Moreover, Napoleon s bravery made him succeed in his wars, but it also made him ignore his soldiers feelings. Once he got involved in a battle, he would fight until he won. So once he lost, he lost his army s power, soldiers and morale. After losing those important foundations, he was not able to control such a huge empire any more. Beside those positive characters, Napoleon also had some negative characters that overset him. Ambition is the uppermost characteristics that made his empire collapse quickly. For example, in 1812, Napoleon s ambition extended to Russia. His army invaded Russia. Alexander I carried out a scorched earth policy. Whatever Napoleon captured, the Russians burnt everything before retreating. Day after day, Napoleon s army ran out of supplies. Finally, Napoleon lost the war in a painful way. Not only Napoleon but also his empire and his people suffered the consequence of his unreasonable ambition. Napoleon was haughty and self centered; he did not like listening ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 50. Julie Thao Case An experienced nurse Julie Thao was taking care of 16 yeas old Jasmine Gant who was about t give a birth. Thao is accused of making a mistake that had terrible and tragic result on the life of a pregnant teenage, unborn child, Gant s family, health care, and Thao s life. Thao mistakenly gave Gant an epidural anesthetic intravenously instead of an IV antibiotic for a strep infection. Within minutes of receiving the epidural IV, Gant suffered seizures and died. Her child, a boy, was delivered by emergency Caesarean section and survived. So what caused this tragedy to happen? According to investigation, Thao improperly removed the epidural bag from a locked storage system without authorization, she did not scan the bar code, which would have told ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Thao is working hard to improve healthcare and safety of the patient. Ms. Thao is doing a fellowship at Texas Medical Institute of Technology In Austin to help hospital around the country to make health care safer. By trying to improve the heath care and safety of patients Ms. Thao is following the provision 6,7, and 8 in the ANA code of ethics. This case serve as a influential example that remind nurses that they are not doing the right thing by working overtime but putting a patient s life at a risk. Ms. Thao s case has helped stimulate efforts to ensure that caregivers are treated fairly without forgiving them of responsibility for risky behavior. According to a cross sectional study involving 237 nurses, approximately 65% of the nurses have made medication error. Only 31% of the participants reported medication errors. According to the study the most common type of reported errors were wrong dosage and infusion rate. The most common causes were using abbreviations of the drugs and similar names of the drugs. However, the study did not find any relationship between medication years and years of experience, age, and working shift. Yet study found association between intravenous injection and gender (Cheragi at al ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...