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Heat Recovery Steam Generator
(HRSG) Components,
Aux Sys, Supplementary Firing
Definition of HRSG
HRSG is composed of economizer,
evaporator, superheater and its accessories.
Hot gas exhaust temperature reduces from
540 ℃ to 150-180 ℃ while it passes through
superheater, evaporator, economizer. The
released heat boils water supply in pipeline
and vapors it into steam.
Economizer is used to heat water supply up
to approaching saturation temperature.
Evaporator is used to heat water supply into
saturation steam. Its mixture of saturation
water and saturation steam in its inlet.
Superheater is used to heat saturation steam
into superheated steam.
Sorts of HRSG (based on circulation )
Natural Circulation. It uses the density differential between
decline pipelines and endothermic pipelines of heating
surface to generate cycle force power, which drives
working substances cycling inside HRSG naturally.
Forced Circulation. It uses not only the density differential
between steam and water, but also force circulating
pumps to drive working substances cycling inside HRSG.
Direct-through HRSG.
Water supply passes only one circulation and is heated
into superheated steam. No drum.
Compound Circulation HRSG.
Some heating surface follows natural circulation and the
others follows forced circulation.
Sorts of HRSG (based on heating surface
Horizontal HRSG.
Heating surface pipelines are vertical and gas
exhaust passes horizontally.
Vertical HRSG.
Heating surface pipelines are horizontal and
gas exhaust passes vertically.
Heating Surface of Forced
Steam Header of HP
Economizer I & LP Economizer
Steam Header of
HP Economizer Ⅱ
Steam Header of
LP Superheater
Steam Header of
HP Evaporator
Steam Header of
HP SuperheaterⅠ
Steam Header of HP
Superheater Ⅱ
Steam Header of
LP Evaporator
Steam Header of
Evaporator is downstream, others
are upstream.
a) Upstream has efficient heat
exchange, but requires better
pipelines to reduce volume.
b) Downstream gets power from
natural circulation and reduces
output of cycle pumps, according
to its saturation status.
c) If it’s designed upstream, there
may occur vaporization and
damage to hear exchange.
1. It’s saving ground acreage to set pipelines
horizontally and heating surface vertically.
2. It’s compact structure based on the small
diameter of pipelines.
3. It’s forced circulation and the circulating rate is
around 3–5.
4.Due to small volume of water, it’s fast to increase
temperature, which means large range of adjustable
load for peak operation. Usually it needs only 20-25
minutes to start up in cold status.
1.It’s more complicated operation and increase cost
of operation and maintenance.
2.It increases power consumption.
3. It’s lower stability based on the high center of
4. The supporting is complicated to support such a
Steam Procedure of Forced Circulation
1.It’s similar with natural circulation, but there are
forced circulating pumps (main/backup) under each
HP/LP downstream pipelines.
2.The circulating power in HP/LP evaporators is
supplied by forced circulating pumps, to insure safe
water circulation.
3.The LP drum can be used as deaerating drum and
mounted on the steel frame of HRSG, which could
simplify pipelines and reduce ground acreage.
It’s bi-pressure (HP/LP), horizontal, staged combusting and natural
circulating HRSG. The heating surface is standard N/E modules and
composed of shun out and staggered spiral fin tube and their
inlet/outlet headers in vertical layout, which will get best heat
exchange and lowest gas exhaust pressure drop.
Heating Surface of Natural Circulation
1.It’s good stability, due to low center of gravity.
2.There is large regenerative capacity to adapt various
3.Pipelines of heating surface are vertical layout.
4.Easy to operate and maintain.
1.It’s slow to startup/stop or change load, due to large
water volume.
2.Large ground acreage.
Steam Procedure of Natural Circulation
The feed water via the inlet header flows into the
pipelines of the HP economizer to be heated and
then goes into the HP drum.
After the feedwater gets into the HP drum, it
goes into the HP evaporater via the decline
pipes at the bottom of HP drum. After the
feedwater is heated into saturated water in the
evaporater, it flows back to the moisture
separator in the HP drum.
After the saturated water has been seperated
from the saturated steam, the later one via the
upper of the HP drum goes into the HP
superheater and then be heated up to
supersaturated steam which goes out of the
outlet header of HRSG.
Sprinkler has been set between the first and the
second superheater so as to maintain the normal
temperature of the working supersaturated steam.
Part of the LP steam has been extracted from the
LP drum to the deaerator and deaerate the
desoluable gas.
Steam Procedure of Natural Circulation
Inlet Steam Header
of HP Economizer
Pipelines of
HP Drum
Pipelines of
HP Evaporator
Superheater II
Superheater I
Water Supply
Keep Proper
To Steam
Principe of Deaerator
Gas Hazard
Insoluble gas, such as oxygen and nitrogen,
impedes heat exchange and corrupts pipelines.
Thermal Deaerator Principle
Dalton's Law of Partial Pressure:
The pressure of a mixture of gases is equal to
the sum of the pressures of all of the
constituent gases alone.
Henry‘s law:
Several conditions to ensure that effect:
1. Water must be heated to saturation temperature, to
ensure that the water vapor pressure close to the entire
surface of the water pressure.
2. Must be timely escaping the gas emitted in the water,
so that the various gas pressure from surface of water
reduce to zero or minimum.
3. There should be sufficient contact area between water
need deaerated and steam need heated. And reverse flow
is preferred.
Deaerator structure
1- water supply
2- condensing water
3- water from water tank
4- water from HP heater
5- steam inlet
6- steam room
7- venting
( spray filler)
Thermal Deaerating Procedure
Two stages: general deaerating, deeply deaerating.
Deaerating Procedure. Condensing water passes by the
spread tubes of inlet header and 140 pieces of uniform
distributed constant speed (16T/h) nozzle and be ejected
into spray deaerating space as cone-shaped water
The condensing water is heated rapidly to saturated
temperature under deaerating pressure since the heating
steam and water membrane are fully mixed in this space.
Most of the non-condensing gas are removed during
spray deaerating stage.
Condensing water goes into the lower multi-layer
sprinkler tray and is boiled again by mixing deeply with
steam, to remove the leftover non-condensing gas. The
dissolved oxygen standard could be less than 7ppb,
which is called deeply deaerating procedure.
Deaerated water, meeting the dissolved requirement,
flows into deaerating water tank for water supply system.
Other deaerating methods
Vacuum Deaerating.
The dissolved gas will escape automatically
when reduce the gas pressure on the water
For example: feed demineralized water into
condenser water tank from the annular tube
mounted outside the steam exhaust cylinder.
Chemical Deaerating is a supplementary means of
deaerating to remove the residual oxygen.
NH2.NH2+O2 N2+2H2O
① Water temperature is higher than 100℃ for fast
②Water pH value is around 9-11 for fast reaction.
③Surplus capacity of hydrazine in the water.
a) Start hydrazine feeding pump when HRSG starts.
b) Water temperature should be higher than 105℃ and
saturated temperature.
Adjusting Drum Water Quality
Method: Add NO3PO4 into HP/LP drum.
a) Adjust the pH value of water.
b) The Ca+, Mg+ and PO4
- react into soft sediment and
drain out of drum, to prevent from generating furring on
the inner side of drum wall, which will be harmful for
heat exchange.
Adjusting Drum Water Level
Tri-parameter: water level, water flow and steam flow.
Adjusting Water Level:
1、Adjust single-parameter if steam flow is less than
20% rated flow.
2、Adjust tri-parameter if steam flow is more than 20%
rated flow.
Dynamic Equilibrium of Water Level:
Condensing Flow + Fill Water = Supply Flow = Steam
Principe of Water Level Gauge
1、Glass Water Level
Principle: Connectivity
Differential: Due to heat
loss, gauge’s value is a
little bit lower than real
Electronic Pressure Difference
 The static pressure of the point A
 Pa=Pg+Hs* ρ’’g+Hw* ρ’*g
standard water column
 The static pressure of the point A’
 Pa’=Pg+Hr* ρr*g
 The differential pressure between
the point A and the point A’ is the
differential pressure of the
electronic differential pressure
water gauge
 ΔP= Pa’- Pa=[Hr* ρr-(Hw* ρ’+Hs* ρ’’)]*g
 由Hs= Hr- Hw带入上式:
 Hw= [Hr* (ρr- ρ’’)- ΔP/ g]/( ρ’- ρ’’)
 Hr,pr is the design value of the
gauge.Generally, the temperature
of the standard water column is
38 degree
凝液罐Condensing Tank
Relationship of difference and level L
Nearly Reverse
It’s a must to calibrate the electronic
pressure difference gauge before use.
Usually use glass level gauge as
Pinch, Less Enthalpy and Hot-side
Temperature Difference
Pinch Δtx: It’s also called as node temperature
difference. It is the temperature difference between
saturated vaporizing water and exhaust from output of
Less Enthalpy Δtw: It’s also called close to points
temperature difference. It’s the temperature difference
between water from outlet of economizer and saturated
temperature under matched pressure. Economizer is
designed into less saturated status to prevent from
being vaporized when economizer absorbs too much
heat under partial load of gas turbine.
If close to point temperature difference is over range, it
will reduce heat absorption, which means less heat
absorption in evaporator. In order to ensure the same
evaporation, the surface of heat absorption should be
increased. So it’s usually set close to point temperature
difference as 5-20 ℃.
Hot-side temperature difference. It’s difference between
exhaust temperature from superheater inlet and steam
temperature from superheater outlet. If reducing this
difference, it can obtain higher superheat and enlarge
surface of heat exchange in superheater. Usually it’s
set around 30-60 ℃.
Heat recovery steam generator
Influence of exhaust resistance
Increase of exhaust resistance means increase of
pressure difference between HRSG inlet and venting
The faster flow or larger heat transfer factor it is, the
less surface of heat exchange it needs.
But it will cause the increase of exhaust pressure to
gas turbine and decrease of power output.
Every 1kPa resistance it increases, the output reduces
Exhaust Venting Temperature
It depends on node temperature difference. In order to
prevent from low temperature corrosion, it’s better 10 ℃
higher than acid dew point.
The exhaust venting temperature is usually 110-130 ℃.
The acid corrosion’s range is 100-130 ℃, and tube wall’s
temperature is a little bit higher than water inside, so the
water supply temperature could be 5-10 ℃ lower than
acid dew point when burning sulf-fuel.
The exhaust dew point is due to the acid volume in
exhaust, SO3 volume converted from SO2 and
overfeeding air factor of HRSG.
Relationship of Venting Temperature and
Corrosion Strength
Sulfuric Acid
Temperature/ ℃
Legend & Abbrev. of HRSG
Refer to PDF file.
Chapter 2
Structure and Accessory of HRSG
Structure of Natural Circulation
1- expansion joint
2- inlet flue
3- heat preservation
4- drum
5- chimney
6- outlet flue
7- expansion joint
8- economizer
9- downstream pipeline
10- evaporator
11- superheater
12- manhole
13- steel frame
14- upstream pipeline
#7 HRSG in
Nanshan Power
Plant (natural
#7 HRSG in Nanshan Power Plant
(natural circulation)
#7 Gas Turbine in Nanshan Power Plant
Forced Circulation HRSG
Upper Transition
Venting Chimney
Steel Frame
L-type Flue
Inlet Flue
#10 HRSG in
Nanshan Power
Design Parameters of #10 HRSG
Steam Pressure of HP Outlet
Steam Temp. of HP Outlet
Max. Continuous Evaporation Vol. of HP Outlet
Steam Pressure of LP Outlet
Steam Temp. of LP Outlet
Max. Continuous Evaporation Vol. of LP Outlet
Steam Pressure of Deaerator
Steam Temp. of Deaerator
Evaporation Vol. of Deaerator
Temp. of Water Supply
Inlet Temp. of Condensing Heater
30 ℃ circumstance temp. / 180CST heavy oil
#10 HRSG in
Nanshan Power
#10 Gas Turbine in Nanshan Power Plant
#3 HRSG in
Nanshan Power
Plant (bypass flue)
When the steam pressure is
over 16MPa and even
reaches supercritical
parameters, choose directly-
through HRSG
to improve circulation
Steam Header
Each steam header is an integrated module, which is
composed of tubes of heat exchange surface, steam box,
tube plate, side plate and sealing box. Tubes of heat
exchange surface is composed of horizontally staggered
spiral fin tubes. It’s node length is 6.25-8.0mm. There are
2 piece of tube plate and 8 pieces of side plate to
support all the tubes inside steam header.
Structure of
Steam Header
Steam Header of HP Superheater
Steam Header of LP Superheater
Steam Header
Assembly of Steam Header
Structure of CMI Steam Header
CMI heat exchanger is designed to allow free
expansion of tubes.
Combined Header
Combined header is the last assembly after tubes and
The combined header of economizer and superheater
are the same.
The combined header of evaporator is different usually.
The diameter of inlet is smaller than the one of outlet,
because inlet is water while outlet is mixture of steam
and water.
It’s composed of Inlet L-type flue, outlet flue and
In order to support the pressure and impact of gas
exhaust in normal operation, it use steel sealing frame
and different steel outside to strengthen structure.
There is 100mm thick inner temperature preservation in
L-type flue to mitigate thermal impact during startup.
There are temperature preservation outside outlet flue
and chimney to prevent low temperature.
Exhaust Venting System
The chimney is 60m tall and there are water-resistance
device inside. Lightening protection measure and anti-
aircraft collision warning lights are also mounted on
the outlet of chimney.
Chimney is mounted on the backstop and connected
with outlet flue by metal expansion joint.
The temperature preservation structure ensures that it
isn’t higher than 50 ℃ when circumstance temperature
is 25 ℃. The material of temperature preservation is
aluminosilicate fiber and the temperature drop is no
more than 4 ℃ from gas turbine exhaust to inlet
(superheater) of HRSG.
It’s full-TIG welded structure for the heating surface
and the connectors of steam headers.
Expansion Joint
There is flexible expansion joint before L-type flue to
absorb horizontal and vertical expansion of L-type flue.
Non-metal expansion joint absorbs downward and
forward displacement generated by HRSG in hot
operation status.
It’s universal compensation, isolation and noise
Tube Material of HRSG
20G, carbon steel. The tube and pipe production
process strictly, and it can be used as a high-pressure
tubes ≤ 480 ℃ heating surface tubes and ≤ 430 ℃
header pipes, without pressure limitation.
12Cr2Mo1G, Austenitic alloy steel. It has a good overall
performance, but the high temperature strength and
technological properties such as 12Cr1MoVG Steel ≤
580 ℃ of the superheater, reheater, ≤ 565 ℃'s header,
Structure of HP Drum
In order to meet the quick-start and various load needs,
HP drum uses large-diameter cylinder, bi-layer structure
both inside and outside; liner for the isolation shell,
shell casings for the pressure.
First stage separation is a large space jet gravity
separation. The mixture of steam and water goes from
the bottom of the drum to the mezzanine, spray from the
top down, and separate by gravity.
Second stage separation uses waving plate separator
and uniform steam orifice in front of the steam outlet at
the top of drum.
In the largest continuous evaporation, water in drum can
maintain 3-4 minutes.
Structure of CMI HP Drum
Whirlpool Destroyer
Downstream Pipeline
Feed Water Distributing Header
Mist Eliminator
Water Supply from Economizer
Mixture of Steam and Water
from Evaporator
Saturated Steam to Superheater
Multi-aperture Separating Plate
Structure of HMI Drum
Structure of Drum
Downstream Pipeline with
Whirlpool Destroyer
16 pieces of Whirlpool
Connecting Tube
Centerline of
Drum Diameter of
Inner Feed Water
Steam Header of
Desuperheater is mounted before HP/LP superheater
outlet to adjust and control the temperature
superheated steam.
Desuperheating manner is water spray desuperheating.
The desuperheater is composed by flute-shaped tube
and mixed-lined tubes. Its diameter and thickness are:
HP(325*20mm), LP(325*10mm). The length of mixed-
tubes are: HP(4m), LP(3.95m), to ensure water and
steam will be fully mixed to prevent steam header from
being superheated or damaged.
HGC4-8 Multi-stage Centrifugal Electric
HP Feedwater Pump
Manufacturer Germany KSB
Model multistage centrifugal pump)
Quantity 2×100%
Rated Flow 230 M3/H
Net Positive Suction Head 5.3 M
Head 930 M
Rotating Speed 2983 RPM
Model of Motor AMA400L2L BAH
Power of Motor 750 KW
Rated Current 85 A
Voltage/Frequency 6000 V/ 50 HZ
Rotating Speed 2977 RPM
Power Factor 0.88
Manufacturer of Motor ABB
Mechanical Seal
Pump’s joint is vertical, which is easy to take out rotor
for maintenance. It’s mechanical seal between pump
body and shaft. The sealing surface of HP feedwater
pump is mutual meshed by static and rotating ring
made by graphite and tungsten carbide. (Mechanical
seal picture is shown next page.) Sleeve(7) is
connected to rotating sealing ring(2) on shaft. Sealing
gland(8) press static sealing ring(5) and rotating
sealing ring(2) together.
In order to long-time work, cooling water is used to
take out the friction heat generated by the relative
movement between static ring(5) and rotating ring(2).
Mechanical Seal
Wash and Steam Sootblowers of
Heating Surface
Washing spray pipes are mounted upon the parallel
tubes of feedwater heater and HP evaporator to spray
water to 100% cross section of steam pipelines to
wash pipeline fouling regularly.
Washing water could be HP feedwater or LP
The rotating telescopic steam sootblowers are
mounted along the fin tubes. The steam sootblowers’
working pressure and temperature are 2.5MPa and 350
℃. The layout of steam sootblowers is suitable for the
moving stroke of sootblower tubes.
It is designed to continuously work half a year. At the
same working condition, the reduction of HP/LP
superheated steam should not be more than 1T/h as
well as the reduction of venting temperature should
not be more than 2 ℃.
There are three steam sootblowers each floor and
totally 9 floors. Overhaul platforms are mounted each
two floors.
HP Feedwater Pump
Seal of HP Feedwater Pump
LP Feedwater Pump
Seal of LP Feedwater Pump
LP Circulating Pump
HP Circulating Pump
Deaerating Circulating Pump
Safety Valve
Control Valve
Valve /
HP Drum
LP Drum
Electric Switch
The end.

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Heat recovery steam generator

  • 1. Heat Recovery Steam Generator (HRSG) Components, Aux Sys, Supplementary Firing
  • 2. Definition of HRSG HRSG is composed of economizer, evaporator, superheater and its accessories. Hot gas exhaust temperature reduces from 540 ℃ to 150-180 ℃ while it passes through superheater, evaporator, economizer. The released heat boils water supply in pipeline and vapors it into steam.
  • 3. Economizer is used to heat water supply up to approaching saturation temperature. Evaporator is used to heat water supply into saturation steam. Its mixture of saturation water and saturation steam in its inlet. Superheater is used to heat saturation steam into superheated steam.
  • 4. Sorts of HRSG (based on circulation ) Natural Circulation. It uses the density differential between decline pipelines and endothermic pipelines of heating surface to generate cycle force power, which drives working substances cycling inside HRSG naturally. Forced Circulation. It uses not only the density differential between steam and water, but also force circulating pumps to drive working substances cycling inside HRSG. Direct-through HRSG. Water supply passes only one circulation and is heated into superheated steam. No drum. Compound Circulation HRSG. Some heating surface follows natural circulation and the others follows forced circulation.
  • 5. Sorts of HRSG (based on heating surface structure) Horizontal HRSG. Heating surface pipelines are vertical and gas exhaust passes horizontally. Vertical HRSG. Heating surface pipelines are horizontal and gas exhaust passes vertically.
  • 6. Heating Surface of Forced Circulation Steam Header of HP Economizer I & LP Economizer Steam Header of HP Economizer Ⅱ Steam Header of LP Superheater Steam Header of HP Evaporator Steam Header of HP SuperheaterⅠ Steam Header of HP Superheater Ⅱ Steam Header of LP Evaporator Steam Header of preheater Design: Evaporator is downstream, others are upstream. Analysis: a) Upstream has efficient heat exchange, but requires better pipelines to reduce volume. b) Downstream gets power from natural circulation and reduces output of cycle pumps, according to its saturation status. c) If it’s designed upstream, there may occur vaporization and damage to hear exchange.
  • 7. Advantages: 1. It’s saving ground acreage to set pipelines horizontally and heating surface vertically. 2. It’s compact structure based on the small diameter of pipelines. 3. It’s forced circulation and the circulating rate is around 3–5. 4.Due to small volume of water, it’s fast to increase temperature, which means large range of adjustable load for peak operation. Usually it needs only 20-25 minutes to start up in cold status.
  • 8. Disadvantages: 1.It’s more complicated operation and increase cost of operation and maintenance. 2.It increases power consumption. 3. It’s lower stability based on the high center of gravity. 4. The supporting is complicated to support such a weight.
  • 9. Steam Procedure of Forced Circulation 1.It’s similar with natural circulation, but there are forced circulating pumps (main/backup) under each HP/LP downstream pipelines. 2.The circulating power in HP/LP evaporators is supplied by forced circulating pumps, to insure safe water circulation. 3.The LP drum can be used as deaerating drum and mounted on the steel frame of HRSG, which could simplify pipelines and reduce ground acreage.
  • 10. Design: It’s bi-pressure (HP/LP), horizontal, staged combusting and natural circulating HRSG. The heating surface is standard N/E modules and composed of shun out and staggered spiral fin tube and their inlet/outlet headers in vertical layout, which will get best heat exchange and lowest gas exhaust pressure drop. Heating Surface of Natural Circulation Module 1 Module 2 Module 3 Module 4 Module 5 Module 6 Gas Exhaust HPEconomizer1 LPEvaporator LPSuperheater HPEconomizer2B HPEconomizer3 HPEconomizer2A HPEvaporator HPSuperheater1A HPSuperheater1B HPSuperheaterII
  • 11. Advantages: 1.It’s good stability, due to low center of gravity. 2.There is large regenerative capacity to adapt various loads. 3.Pipelines of heating surface are vertical layout. 4.Easy to operate and maintain. Disadvantages: 1.It’s slow to startup/stop or change load, due to large water volume. 2.Large ground acreage.
  • 12. Steam Procedure of Natural Circulation The feed water via the inlet header flows into the pipelines of the HP economizer to be heated and then goes into the HP drum. After the feedwater gets into the HP drum, it goes into the HP evaporater via the decline pipes at the bottom of HP drum. After the feedwater is heated into saturated water in the evaporater, it flows back to the moisture separator in the HP drum.
  • 13. After the saturated water has been seperated from the saturated steam, the later one via the upper of the HP drum goes into the HP superheater and then be heated up to supersaturated steam which goes out of the outlet header of HRSG. Sprinkler has been set between the first and the second superheater so as to maintain the normal temperature of the working supersaturated steam. Part of the LP steam has been extracted from the LP drum to the deaerator and deaerate the desoluable gas.
  • 14. Steam Procedure of Natural Circulation Inlet Steam Header of HP Economizer Pipelines of Economizer HP Drum Pipelines of HP Evaporator HP Superheater II HP Superheater I Water Supply heated downstream heated Moisture Separation Saturated Steam de- superheating Keep Proper Temperature To Steam Turbine
  • 15. Principe of Deaerator Gas Hazard Insoluble gas, such as oxygen and nitrogen, impedes heat exchange and corrupts pipelines. Thermal Deaerator Principle Dalton's Law of Partial Pressure: The pressure of a mixture of gases is equal to the sum of the pressures of all of the constituent gases alone.
  • 16. Henry‘s law: Several conditions to ensure that effect: 1. Water must be heated to saturation temperature, to ensure that the water vapor pressure close to the entire surface of the water pressure. 2. Must be timely escaping the gas emitted in the water, so that the various gas pressure from surface of water reduce to zero or minimum. 3. There should be sufficient contact area between water need deaerated and steam need heated. And reverse flow is preferred.
  • 18. Deaerator structure (Sprinkler) 1- water supply 2- condensing water 3- water from water tank 4- water from HP heater 5- steam inlet 6- steam room 7- venting
  • 20. Thermal Deaerating Procedure Two stages: general deaerating, deeply deaerating. Deaerating Procedure. Condensing water passes by the spread tubes of inlet header and 140 pieces of uniform distributed constant speed (16T/h) nozzle and be ejected into spray deaerating space as cone-shaped water membrane. The condensing water is heated rapidly to saturated temperature under deaerating pressure since the heating steam and water membrane are fully mixed in this space. Most of the non-condensing gas are removed during spray deaerating stage.
  • 21. Condensing water goes into the lower multi-layer sprinkler tray and is boiled again by mixing deeply with steam, to remove the leftover non-condensing gas. The dissolved oxygen standard could be less than 7ppb, which is called deeply deaerating procedure. Deaerated water, meeting the dissolved requirement, flows into deaerating water tank for water supply system.
  • 22. Other deaerating methods Vacuum Deaerating. The dissolved gas will escape automatically when reduce the gas pressure on the water surface. For example: feed demineralized water into condenser water tank from the annular tube mounted outside the steam exhaust cylinder.
  • 23. Chemical Deaerating is a supplementary means of deaerating to remove the residual oxygen. NH2.NH2+O2 N2+2H2O Conditions: ① Water temperature is higher than 100℃ for fast reaction. ②Water pH value is around 9-11 for fast reaction. ③Surplus capacity of hydrazine in the water. Caution: a) Start hydrazine feeding pump when HRSG starts. b) Water temperature should be higher than 105℃ and saturated temperature.
  • 24. Adjusting Drum Water Quality Method: Add NO3PO4 into HP/LP drum. Function: a) Adjust the pH value of water. b) The Ca+, Mg+ and PO4 - react into soft sediment and drain out of drum, to prevent from generating furring on the inner side of drum wall, which will be harmful for heat exchange.
  • 25. Adjusting Drum Water Level Tri-parameter: water level, water flow and steam flow. Adjusting Water Level: 1、Adjust single-parameter if steam flow is less than 20% rated flow. 2、Adjust tri-parameter if steam flow is more than 20% rated flow. Dynamic Equilibrium of Water Level: Condensing Flow + Fill Water = Supply Flow = Steam Flow
  • 26. Principe of Water Level Gauge 1、Glass Water Level Gauge Principle: Connectivity Principle Differential: Due to heat loss, gauge’s value is a little bit lower than real level.
  • 27. Electronic Pressure Difference Gauge  The static pressure of the point A  Pa=Pg+Hs* ρ’’g+Hw* ρ’*g standard water column  The static pressure of the point A’  Pa’=Pg+Hr* ρr*g  The differential pressure between the point A and the point A’ is the differential pressure of the electronic differential pressure water gauge  ΔP= Pa’- Pa=[Hr* ρr-(Hw* ρ’+Hs* ρ’’)]*g  由Hs= Hr- Hw带入上式:  Hw= [Hr* (ρr- ρ’’)- ΔP/ g]/( ρ’- ρ’’)  Hr,pr is the design value of the gauge.Generally, the temperature of the standard water column is 38 degree 汽包Drum 凝液罐Condensing Tank Hr
  • 28. Relationship of difference and level L Nearly Reverse Caution: It’s a must to calibrate the electronic pressure difference gauge before use. Usually use glass level gauge as reference. O ΔP
  • 29. Pinch, Less Enthalpy and Hot-side Temperature Difference Pinch Δtx: It’s also called as node temperature difference. It is the temperature difference between saturated vaporizing water and exhaust from output of evaporator. Less Enthalpy Δtw: It’s also called close to points temperature difference. It’s the temperature difference between water from outlet of economizer and saturated temperature under matched pressure. Economizer is designed into less saturated status to prevent from being vaporized when economizer absorbs too much heat under partial load of gas turbine.
  • 30. If close to point temperature difference is over range, it will reduce heat absorption, which means less heat absorption in evaporator. In order to ensure the same evaporation, the surface of heat absorption should be increased. So it’s usually set close to point temperature difference as 5-20 ℃. Hot-side temperature difference. It’s difference between exhaust temperature from superheater inlet and steam temperature from superheater outlet. If reducing this difference, it can obtain higher superheat and enlarge surface of heat exchange in superheater. Usually it’s set around 30-60 ℃.
  • 32. Influence of exhaust resistance Increase of exhaust resistance means increase of pressure difference between HRSG inlet and venting chimney. The faster flow or larger heat transfer factor it is, the less surface of heat exchange it needs. But it will cause the increase of exhaust pressure to gas turbine and decrease of power output. Every 1kPa resistance it increases, the output reduces 0.8%.
  • 33. Exhaust Venting Temperature It depends on node temperature difference. In order to prevent from low temperature corrosion, it’s better 10 ℃ higher than acid dew point. The exhaust venting temperature is usually 110-130 ℃. The acid corrosion’s range is 100-130 ℃, and tube wall’s temperature is a little bit higher than water inside, so the water supply temperature could be 5-10 ℃ lower than acid dew point when burning sulf-fuel. The exhaust dew point is due to the acid volume in exhaust, SO3 volume converted from SO2 and overfeeding air factor of HRSG.
  • 34. Relationship of Venting Temperature and Corrosion Strength Sulfuric Acid Concentration Temperature/ ℃ MaterialLoss
  • 35. Legend & Abbrev. of HRSG Refer to PDF file.
  • 36. Chapter 2 Structure and Accessory of HRSG
  • 37. Structure of Natural Circulation 1- expansion joint 2- inlet flue 3- heat preservation 4- drum 5- chimney 6- outlet flue 7- expansion joint 8- economizer 9- downstream pipeline 10- evaporator 11- superheater 12- manhole 13- steel frame 14- upstream pipeline
  • 38. #7 HRSG in Nanshan Power Plant (natural circulation)
  • 39. #7 HRSG in Nanshan Power Plant (natural circulation)
  • 40. #7 Gas Turbine in Nanshan Power Plant
  • 41. Forced Circulation HRSG Upper Transition Section Economizer Evaporator/Superheater Venting Chimney Drum Steel Frame L-type Flue Inlet Flue
  • 42. #10 HRSG in Nanshan Power Plant
  • 43. Design Parameters of #10 HRSG Steam Pressure of HP Outlet Steam Temp. of HP Outlet Max. Continuous Evaporation Vol. of HP Outlet Steam Pressure of LP Outlet Steam Temp. of LP Outlet Max. Continuous Evaporation Vol. of LP Outlet Steam Pressure of Deaerator Steam Temp. of Deaerator Evaporation Vol. of Deaerator Temp. of Water Supply Inlet Temp. of Condensing Heater 30 ℃ circumstance temp. / 180CST heavy oil
  • 44. #10 HRSG in Nanshan Power Plant
  • 45. #10 Gas Turbine in Nanshan Power Plant
  • 46. #3 HRSG in Nanshan Power Plant (bypass flue)
  • 47. Directly-through HRSG When the steam pressure is over 16MPa and even reaches supercritical parameters, choose directly- through HRSG to improve circulation efficiency.
  • 48. Steam Header Each steam header is an integrated module, which is composed of tubes of heat exchange surface, steam box, tube plate, side plate and sealing box. Tubes of heat exchange surface is composed of horizontally staggered spiral fin tubes. It’s node length is 6.25-8.0mm. There are 2 piece of tube plate and 8 pieces of side plate to support all the tubes inside steam header.
  • 50. Steam Header of HP Superheater
  • 51. Steam Header of LP Superheater
  • 54. Structure of CMI Steam Header
  • 55. CMI heat exchanger is designed to allow free expansion of tubes. Expansion: Forward Backward Downward
  • 56. Combined Header Combined header is the last assembly after tubes and frames. The combined header of economizer and superheater are the same. The combined header of evaporator is different usually. The diameter of inlet is smaller than the one of outlet, because inlet is water while outlet is mixture of steam and water.
  • 57. Flue It’s composed of Inlet L-type flue, outlet flue and chimney. In order to support the pressure and impact of gas exhaust in normal operation, it use steel sealing frame and different steel outside to strengthen structure. There is 100mm thick inner temperature preservation in L-type flue to mitigate thermal impact during startup. There are temperature preservation outside outlet flue and chimney to prevent low temperature.
  • 58. Exhaust Venting System The chimney is 60m tall and there are water-resistance device inside. Lightening protection measure and anti- aircraft collision warning lights are also mounted on the outlet of chimney. Chimney is mounted on the backstop and connected with outlet flue by metal expansion joint.
  • 59. The temperature preservation structure ensures that it isn’t higher than 50 ℃ when circumstance temperature is 25 ℃. The material of temperature preservation is aluminosilicate fiber and the temperature drop is no more than 4 ℃ from gas turbine exhaust to inlet (superheater) of HRSG. It’s full-TIG welded structure for the heating surface and the connectors of steam headers.
  • 60. Expansion Joint There is flexible expansion joint before L-type flue to absorb horizontal and vertical expansion of L-type flue. Non-metal expansion joint absorbs downward and forward displacement generated by HRSG in hot operation status. It’s universal compensation, isolation and noise reduction.
  • 61. Tube Material of HRSG 20G, carbon steel. The tube and pipe production process strictly, and it can be used as a high-pressure tubes ≤ 480 ℃ heating surface tubes and ≤ 430 ℃ header pipes, without pressure limitation. 12Cr2Mo1G, Austenitic alloy steel. It has a good overall performance, but the high temperature strength and technological properties such as 12Cr1MoVG Steel ≤ 580 ℃ of the superheater, reheater, ≤ 565 ℃'s header, pipeline.
  • 62. Structure of HP Drum In order to meet the quick-start and various load needs, HP drum uses large-diameter cylinder, bi-layer structure both inside and outside; liner for the isolation shell, shell casings for the pressure. First stage separation is a large space jet gravity separation. The mixture of steam and water goes from the bottom of the drum to the mezzanine, spray from the top down, and separate by gravity. Second stage separation uses waving plate separator and uniform steam orifice in front of the steam outlet at the top of drum. In the largest continuous evaporation, water in drum can maintain 3-4 minutes.
  • 63. Structure of CMI HP Drum Whirlpool Destroyer Downstream Pipeline Feed Water Distributing Header Mist Eliminator Water Supply from Economizer Mixture of Steam and Water from Evaporator Saturated Steam to Superheater Multi-aperture Separating Plate
  • 65. Structure of Drum Separator Downstream Pipeline with Whirlpool Destroyer 16 pieces of Whirlpool Separator Connecting Tube Scrubber Steam Outlet Mist Eliminator Centerline of Drum Diameter of Drum Inner Feed Water Pipeline
  • 66. Steam Header of Desuperheater/Superheater Desuperheater is mounted before HP/LP superheater outlet to adjust and control the temperature superheated steam. Desuperheating manner is water spray desuperheating. The desuperheater is composed by flute-shaped tube and mixed-lined tubes. Its diameter and thickness are: HP(325*20mm), LP(325*10mm). The length of mixed- tubes are: HP(4m), LP(3.95m), to ensure water and steam will be fully mixed to prevent steam header from being superheated or damaged.
  • 68. HP Feedwater Pump Manufacturer Germany KSB Model multistage centrifugal pump) Quantity 2×100% Rated Flow 230 M3/H Net Positive Suction Head 5.3 M Head 930 M Rotating Speed 2983 RPM Model of Motor AMA400L2L BAH Power of Motor 750 KW Rated Current 85 A Voltage/Frequency 6000 V/ 50 HZ Rotating Speed 2977 RPM Power Factor 0.88 Manufacturer of Motor ABB
  • 69. Mechanical Seal Pump’s joint is vertical, which is easy to take out rotor for maintenance. It’s mechanical seal between pump body and shaft. The sealing surface of HP feedwater pump is mutual meshed by static and rotating ring made by graphite and tungsten carbide. (Mechanical seal picture is shown next page.) Sleeve(7) is connected to rotating sealing ring(2) on shaft. Sealing gland(8) press static sealing ring(5) and rotating sealing ring(2) together. In order to long-time work, cooling water is used to take out the friction heat generated by the relative movement between static ring(5) and rotating ring(2).
  • 71. Wash and Steam Sootblowers of Heating Surface Washing spray pipes are mounted upon the parallel tubes of feedwater heater and HP evaporator to spray water to 100% cross section of steam pipelines to wash pipeline fouling regularly. Washing water could be HP feedwater or LP feedwater.
  • 72. The rotating telescopic steam sootblowers are mounted along the fin tubes. The steam sootblowers’ working pressure and temperature are 2.5MPa and 350 ℃. The layout of steam sootblowers is suitable for the moving stroke of sootblower tubes. It is designed to continuously work half a year. At the same working condition, the reduction of HP/LP superheated steam should not be more than 1T/h as well as the reduction of venting temperature should not be more than 2 ℃. There are three steam sootblowers each floor and totally 9 floors. Overhaul platforms are mounted each two floors.
  • 74. Seal of HP Feedwater Pump
  • 76. Seal of LP Feedwater Pump