Left of a voicemail on my mother's business machine, which is in a different city than where I live, regarding a lawsuit against me and to avoid calling my attorney. He left two different numbers to call him back at, 347-933-6679 and 347-983-0089.
posing as a worker from the attorney general office asking about my 2012 tax return stating that I owe over $4000.00 to them... and that an arrest warrent has been issued for me since I haven't replied to their letters... he refused to let me speak to a superior and he said I was a criminal and his supervisor didn't talk to criminals
Calls repeated for an employee of the company I work for as a receptionist. He is foul mouthed, vulgar, and makes verbal threats against me when I will not connect him to the employee (who does not wish to take the calls).
‡These comments come from users of Spokeo and from third party websites. The information may be out of date. Spokeo has not validated or verified any of these comments.