Lived In Phoenix AZ, Gaithersburg MD
Also known as Joseph Lombardi Donato, Donn E Reinker, Donald Lombardi, Ronald Reinker
Includes Address(7) Phone(10) Email(7)
Lived In Phoenix AZ, Orem UT, Bardstown KY, Erie PA
Also known as Donn Reinker, Ronald Reinker, Donald Lombardi
Includes Address(14) Phone(12) Email(18)
Lived In Weston CT, Falls Church VA, Phoenix AZ, Norwalk CT
Related To Joel Reniker, Jenifer Reniker, Paul Reniker, Teresa RenikerAlso known as Donald A Reniker, Donald E Reinker, Dale Reinker, Dale RenikerIncludes Address(11) Phone(18) Email(17)
Demographic Info for Donald Reinker
Statistics based on US Census data for all 6 people with this name.
69 yrs
67% are in their 60s, while the average age is 69.
Our wealth data indicates income average is $95k.
50% of these people are married, and 50% are single.