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Nancy Landis in Missouri

Nancy Landis found in Saint Louis, Bridgeton and Union.

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Nancy L Landis, Age 80 (Deceased)

Resided in Saint Louis, MO
Lived In Springfield VA Includes Address(4) Phone(2) Email(3)

Nancy Landis Langer, Age 70

Resides in Saint Louis, MO
Lived In Hickory NC, Conover NC, Newton NC, Asheville NC Also known as Nancy Luann Landis, Nancy L Brodeur, Langer N Landis, L Nancy Includes Address(15) Phone(13) Email(4)

Nancy H Boughton, Age 90

Resides in Union, MO
Lived In Kokomo IN Related To Donald Boughton, William Boughton Also known as Nancy L Boughton, Nancy L Landis, L Landis Includes Address(7) Phone(8) Email(3)

Nancy A A Smith, Age 60

Resides in Ellisville, MO
Lived In Guilford IN, North Bend OH, Chicago IL, Canton MS Related To Brian Smith, Cledith Smith, William Smith, Sandra Smith, Donna Winchester Also known as Nancy Anne Smith, Nancy Anne Cummings, Patrick Landis Includes Address(22) Phone(11) Email(5)

Demographic Info for Nancy Landis

Statistics based on US Census data for all 4 people with this name.

89 yrs
100% are in their 80s, while the average age is 89.
Our wealth data indicates income average is $75k.
0% of these people are married, and 100% are single.