Introducing Swift Crypto

I’m thrilled to announce a new open-source project for the Swift ecosystem, Swift Crypto. Swift Crypto is a new Swift package that brings the fantastic APIs of Apple CryptoKit to the wider Swift community. This will allow Swift developers, regardless of the platform on which they deploy their applications, to access these APIs for a common set of cryptographic operations.

This new library provides a cross-platform solution for using the CryptoKit APIs on all platforms that Swift supports. This means that on all platforms Swift supports you can now simply write the following to get all of the CryptoKit APIs:

import Crypto

On Apple platforms, Swift Crypto defers directly to CryptoKit, while on all other platforms it uses a brand-new implementation built on top of the BoringSSL library. This gives Swift users easy access to a set of easy to use, safe cryptographic APIs on all platforms, and is an extremely useful tool when writing cross platform cryptographic code.


There are many powerful things that Swift Crypto makes extremely easy. For example, safe authenticated encryption that hides your data and resists attackers trying to modify it using AES GCM is as straightforward as:

func encrypt(input: [UInt8]) throws -> Data {
    // Don't forget to save your key somewhere!
    let key = SymmetricKey(size: .bits256)
    let sealedBox = try AES.GCM.seal(input, using: key)
    return sealedBox.combined!

This code avoids some of the numerous pitfalls that you can encounter when constructing encryption schemes yourself. For example, it ensures that you use a randomly selected nonce, and that you authenticate your ciphertext. Both of these protect against various attacks on the system, but are not necessarily automatic in many other cryptographic libraries.

Similarly, it’s straightforward to generate message authentication codes, which you could use to ensure that data was not tampered with:

func authenticate(message: [UInt8]) -> [UInt8] {
    // Again, don't forget to save your keys!
    let key = SymmetricKey(size: .bits256)
    return Array(HMAC<SHA256>.authenticationCode(for: message, using: key))

And even the quite complex logic of performing elliptic curve key exchanges is covered by Swift Crypto. For example, using Curve25519 to generate a shared secret:

func curve25519SharedSecret(myKey: Curve25519.KeyAgreement.PrivateKey, theirKeyBytes: [UInt8]) throws -> SharedSecret {
    let theirKey = try Curve25519.KeyAgreement.PublicKey(rawRepresentation: theirKeyBytes)
    return try myKey.sharedSecretFromKeyAgreement(with: theirKey)

The end result of these simple but powerful APIs is that you can now construct secure cross-platform encryption schemes with almost no code, and without requiring much expertise.

For more details on Apple CryptoKit, please see WWDC 2019’s “Cryptography and Your Apps” session and the project documentation. For the rest of this post, I’ll discuss what Swift Crypto brings the ecosystem, and what users should care about when working with the project.

What is Swift Crypto?

At its heart, Swift Crypto is a very simple idea, made up of two parts:

  • The APIs from Apple CryptoKit, published in a library under an open source software license.

  • A complete greenfield implementation of those APIs using Google’s BoringSSL as the underlying implementation of the cryptographic primitives.

However, alongside these simple ideas are a number of very complex implementation concerns. The first of these is about hardware. While much of Apple CryptoKit is a straightforward implementation of well-known cryptographic primitives, a subset of the API is built around using Apple’s Secure Enclave processor to securely store and compute on keying material. Apple’s Secure Enclave processor is not available on non-Apple hardware: as a result, Swift Crypto does not provide these APIs.

The second covers the software distribution model. In order to make it easier for developers to update Swift Crypto when they are using it on non-Apple platforms, we took advantage of the Swift Package Manager to distribute Swift Crypto. This allows users to pull in security fixes and API updates via simple swift package update.

The third issue is about compatibility. It is vital that users can trust that the results they get from Swift Crypto are the same as those they get from Apple CryptoKit. It is simply unacceptable for the same inputs to the same API to produce semantically different results when using Swift Crypto and when using Apple CryptoKit. To this end, we have also arranged a shared test suite, which ensures that both Swift Crypto and Apple CryptoKit are required to meet this criteria.

In some cases, this has required extra, fairly subtle, work to bridge mismatches between the validation required by Apple CryptoKit and the validation done by BoringSSL. In one or two cases this also required completely new implementations of some algorithms. This will continue to be the majority of the work on this project going forward, but we considered it vitally important to ensure that users can expect that all the functionality provided by Apple CryptoKit that possibly can be will be available in Swift Crypto.

Given that we had do to this extra work, what advantage is gained from having two backends, instead of consolidating onto a single backend for both CryptoKit and Swift Crypto? The primary advantage is verification. With two independent implementations of the CryptoKit API, we are able to test the implementations against each other as well as their own test suites. This improves reliability and compatibility for both implementations, reducing the chances of regression and making it easy to identify errors by comparing the output of the two implementations.

The end result of this project is a package that can be installed anywhere Swift is supported, that gives you the best implementation available for your given platform, and that makes it easier to write safe cross-platform or server side applications in Swift.

Swift Crypto is a semantically versioned Swift package, and is made available under the Apache 2.0 license. This makes it easy and reliable to use absolutely everywhere.

Evolving Swift Crypto

As Swift Crypto’s core goal is to provide a cross-platform solution for using Apple CryptoKit’s APIs on a wider range of platforms, the API will naturally follow the evolution of Apple CryptoKit itself. However, as Swift Crypto is an open source project, there is some scope for proposing API directly to Swift Crypto. Depending on the scope of these APIs, they may also be considered for parallel implementation in Apple CryptoKit.

With the exception of APIs requiring specialised hardware, it will always be the case that where an Apple CryptoKit implementation of an API is available, Swift Crypto will use it, but when such an API is not available it will be possible to use the Swift Crypto-based implementation. The core APIs will move in step with Apple CryptoKit, and our test suite is shared with Apple CryptoKit ensuring that both projects must pass each other’s test suites for the API, ensuring that both Swift Crypto and Apple CryptoKit will be completely compatible.

Please note, however, that an important design principle of Swift Crypto is that supporting all cryptographic primitives is an explicit non-goal. The risk with supporting many primitives is that it becomes much harder for users to make choices, especially safe ones. Please be aware of that if you consider proposing new API surface: some primitives may not be supported because the project already has equivalent primitives using more widely-deployed or secure alternatives.

Get Involved!

If you’re interested in any of Swift Crypto, come and get involved! The source is available, and we encourage contributions from the open source community. If you have questions or would like to discuss Swift Crypto, please feel free to chat on the Swift forums. If you would like to report bugs, please use the GitHub issue tracker. We look forward to working with you, and helping move the industry forward to a better, safer programming future.