Excursion - 旅游和旅行 WordPress 主题
正在寻找一种令人兴奋地展示您的旅行社的方式吗?想发展您的旅游业务吗? Excursion 是 WordPress CMS 模板吸引访问者的绝佳解决方案。这个响应式主题具有吸引人且迷人的外观以及广泛的功能。您可以在不同的区块中为网站提供有价值的内容。此外,该模板是高度可定制的,因此即使没有任何编码技能,您也可以进行任何修改! Excursion 已经针对速度和 SEO 进行了优化,这将带来更多好处。
March 30, 2024:
- Update sample data located in Sample Data directory
- Fixed miscellaneous CSS bugs with the theme layout
July 28, 2023:
- Changed sample data in the excursion_customizer_export.dat, excursion_widgets_settings.wie, excursion_wordpress.xml file, located Sample Data directory
- Solved some miscellaneous CSS bugs with the theme layout and improve code
- Update WordPress Version and all plugin
- Update Revolution Slider plugin
November 21, 2022
- Fixed Responsive of Travel Packages
- Fixed some minor bugs
1 Reviews for this product
It is a perfect template and support. My problem was resolved quickly
Thank you, we appreciate it !
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