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Enabling The Quantum Ecosystem

Oxford Instruments NanoScience designs, manufactures, and supports market-leading research tools that enable quantum technologies, new materials development, solid state and condensed matter physics, nanotechnology research, advanced materials and nano device development. We create the environments for discovery and measurement.

Our Core Expertise

Creating extreme, low temperature environments

Dark side of the moon is -183°C

Proteox achieves -273°C

Creating forces to act on a sample

Our magnets have ranged from 9 Tesla to a record breaking 32 Tesla (the Earth’s magnetic field is 0.00005 Tesla)

Oxford Instruments NanoScience

Global footprint

27 offices in 17 countries, employing over 2000 people.

NanoScience & Sustainability

"Questions that are organic in nature can’t be solved using the laws of classical mechanics or classical information theory. To answer questions in nature, calculations need to be done differently, right down to the way the question is asked. Even if computers were the size of a planet, certain problems couldn’t be solved using a traditional computer. For example, solving protein structures and protein folding - the process by which a protein becomes biologically functional - is only possible using the laws of quantum mechanics."

Stuart Woods, board member and former Managing Director of Oxford Instruments NanoScience

Services Footprint

60+ years’ experience in cryogenic and superconducting magnets

  • The first commercial dilution refrigerator was built by Oxford Instruments in 1966
  • Oxford Instruments developed the world's first superconducting magnet

Training and 24/7 Virtual Service Support

  • Global distribution of technical centres with associated engineers

Tailored Service Plans

About our Service Plans

Quantum in Action

Examples of the innovative work that our customers are doing all over the world.

Yale University

Explore the world of quantum superconducting circuits with Dr. Rodrigo Cortiñas, Postdoctoral Associate at Quantronics Laboratory (Qlab), Yale University

In a recent webinar with Physics Today sponsored by Oxford Instrument NanoScience, Cortiñas discussed the building of classical versus quantum circuits, the Hamiltonian engineering of qubits and how the Kerr-Cat qubit got to “live”.

To begin, can you explain to us the difference between making a classical circuit versus a quantum circuit?

I would say that deep down, all circuits - together with the rest of nature - are quantum. It so happens that in most situations found in real life the quantum effects are completely washed away, and what is left is what we know as classical physics.

In conversation with Yale University Read more


Accelerating UK Quantum Computing with Rigetti.

We embarked on a three-year partnership to demonstrate the reliability of mature cryogenic technology, with a Rigetti system hosted at the Tubney site. The Innovate UK-funded project, launched in 2020, to develop the infrastructure to support commercial adoption of quantum computing, has seen great success.

The project brought one of the first commercially available quantum computers to the UK, capable of running continuously for months at a time. The reliability of our Proteox systems, strong infrastructure, and high level of service and expertise enabled Rigetti to provide its UK partners with uninterrupted cloud access, running algorithms seamlessly.

Oxford Quantum Circuits

We’re joined by Connor Shelly and Brian Vlastakis, Senior Quantum Engineers at Oxford Quantum Circuits (OQC).

For those that don’t already know OQC let’s start from the beginning: who’s Oxford Quantum Circuits, and what’s your take on quantum?

Sure. At Oxford Quantum Circuits, we build quantum computers. We focus on Quantum Computing as a Service - QCaaS - to help our customers trailblaze new commercial and scientific approaches.

Read More OQC and Oxford Instruments OQC Toshiko launch

Glasgow University

Oxford Instruments NanoScience is reaching the end of its involvement with an Innovate UK funded project aimed at commercialising quantum technologies. The consortium, led by Oxford Quantum Circuits and including University of Glasgow, Kelvin NanoTechnology, SEEQC and Royal Holloway in addition to Oxford Instruments, was awarded £7 M in 2020 to produce superconducting circuits at commercial scale in the UK, the largest award of its kind. Phase one of the project, to specify and establish cryogenic quantum device measurements as a service, is now complete. The University of Glasgow and Kelvin NanoTechnology will continue using and developing the service, providing greater access to cryogenic equipment for researchers and startups in the UK and globally.

“We’re excited to be using Proteox, the latest in cryogen-free refrigeration technology, and to have the system up and running in our lab,” comments Professor Martin Weides, Head of the Quantum Circuits Group. “Oxford Instruments is a long-term strategic partner. Proteox is designed with quantum scale-up in mind, and through the use of its Secondary Insert technology, we’re able to easily characterise and develop integrated chips and components for quantum computing applications.”

Glasgow University and Oxford Instruments In Conversation with Glasgow University


Oxford Instruments NanoScience partners with leading European institutions, including renowned research groups from Germany, France, Spain, Finland, and Portugal. The group is led by the Walther-Meißner-Institute (WMI) of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities in Garching, Germany on a European project for developing new quantum applications. The collaborative consortium was awarded a three million Euro grant from the EU Quantum Flagship Programme, for its proposal on ‘Quantum Microwaves for Communication and Sensing (QMiCS)’.

QMiCS aims at creating a technological basis for improving communication and sensing methods by employing dedicated micro- and nano-structured circuits. The circuits, cooled down close to absolute zero temperature, generate microwave radiation exhibiting a particular quantum mechanical property called ‘entanglement’.

European Quantum Flagship Programme

Enabling Quantum

Walk the Proteox assembly area and learn about Oxford Instruments NanoScience's next generation dillution refrigerator as well as its' Secondary Insert, Bottom Loader and software expertise.

Meet the Engineers

Introducing the team behind Proteox from conception to design, development and testing.

Quantum across Oxford Instruments

To learn more about how Oxford Instruments enables the quantum ecosystem visit Quantum Technology

Plasma Technology

Oxford Instruments Plasma Technology provides state of the art materials deposition and etching processes for quantum technology R&D, device development and production. Using our strong expertise in plasma etching and deposition of materials, we enable researchers and engineers to work with a wide range of materials and build critical quantum device components such as single-photon detectors, quantum interconnects, tunnel junctions, integrated quantum optics/photonics, nitrogen vacancy centres, and more.

Thin layers of superconducting niobium and titanium nitride for quantum qubits and superconducting nanowire single photon detectors are deposited by ALD in the PlasmaPro ASP with exceptional deposition rates, high conformality and high superconducting temperatures. Click here to find out more about our processing for superconducting quantum applications

Surface control is critically important for the functionality of all quantum devices but particularly for photonic quantum devices such as nitrogen vacancy colour centre-based devices and photonic integrated circuits. Find out for about surface engineering for quantum application in our webinar ‘Advances in Atomic Layer Etch for Quantum and more’


Oxford Instruments NanoScience designs, supplies and supports market-leading research tools that enable quantum technologies, new materials and device development in the physical sciences. Our tools support research down to the atomic scale through creation of high-performance, cryogen-free low temperature and magnetic environments, based upon our core technologies in low and ultra-low temperatures, high magnetic fields and system integration, with ever-increasing levels of experimental and measurement readiness.

Andor Technology

Andor's high-performance detector solutions are central to fundamental research on Entangled Photon Systems and Ultracold Quantum Gases. Quantum entanglement occurs when two photons remain connected, even over large distances, such that actions performed on the quantum state of one have an instant effect on the other, requiring the ability to accurately register single photon events with high confidence and with high measurement rates.

Similarly, the rich field of Quantum Gas studies, such as Bose Einstein Condensates, benefits considerably from advanced detectors that can image fast dynamics of trapped species, often in small quantities, right down to individual trapped atoms or ions. Fundamental research advances across the broad fields of quantum imaging feed directly into advanced domains such as quantum computing, quantum communication and quantum sensing.

Furthermore, Andor’s spectroscopy and cryostat solutions, which operate down to 3K, are widely used for optical characterisations within the field of advanced Quantum Materials, such as Quantum Dots, Color Centres and Nitrogen Vacancy Centres.

Materials Analysis

The performance and scalability of Quantum technologies are underpinned by the materials in the devices. Understanding material composition, structure and surfaces to the atomic level is crucial in creating high-performance devices with minimal losses or errors. Oxford Instruments supplies a range of materials analysis solutions that enable confident, accurate and automated measurement of those key material parameters.

Pico-meter resolution surface imaging with our AFMs ensures your critical dimensions are maintained with further capability to map thermal, mechanical or electrical properties. Material consistency and structure can be analysed to the nanometre scale with electron microscope-based analytics including energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy (EDS) and electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD). New techniques like BEX, (backscattered electron & x-ray imaging) enable low-dose chemically sensitive imaging of large areas. For those devices or materials where measuring their properties at low temperatures is essential, our Raman and photoluminescence systems can deliver results down to 4K, enabling the direct observation of electron-phonon coupling in superconductors, landau level splitting in graphene or single photon emission from NV centres.

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