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bytes at work AG
System on module vendor for TI Arm-based processors with in-house manufacturing and design services
Since 2010, the bytesatwork team have used their know-how and expertise to develop into one of the leading embedded Linux providers in Europe. Consistently working according to the software-first approach – because software drives innovation. All products and solutions are developed, assembled and produced in Winterthur, Switzerland. Therefore, they meet Swiss quality standards—and the standards of our customers.
Procesadores basados en Arm
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Recursos disponibles
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Regiones compatibles
- América del Sur
- América del Norte
- China
- Europa
- India
- Japón
- Oceanía
- Resto de Asia
- África
Sede central
- Technoparkstrasse 7
- Winterthur, 0041-52-2137979
Placa de evaluación
BYTES-3P-BE-AM6254 — bytes at work bE-AM6254 system on modules for AM623 and AM625 Arm Cortex-A53 1.4-GHz processors
Industrial-grade reliability paired with a powerful 3D graphics core, high-speed memory, dual display interfaces and advanced security features to meet the needs of industry 4.0
The byteENGINE Am62x, or bE-AM6254, is a system on module based on the AM623 and AM625 processors, with flexible (...)
Placa de evaluación
BYTES-3P-SITARASOMS — Bytes en el trabajo SOM de Sitara
bytes at work develops industrial computing products and services. They offer SOMs based on Sitara Arm® processors.
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