The Green

UD and the State of Delaware

A Message from President Assanis

UD President, Dennis Assanis

The First State … the Diamond State … the Blue Hen State — Delaware is undoubtedly a special place. Those of us fortunate enough to live and work here know that this is home to a rich and broad diversity of cultures, histories, perspectives and opportunities. As I always say, Delaware has it all.

Without a doubt, Delaware’s greatest strength is its people. Wherever my wife, Eleni, and I go in the state, we are inspired by their energy and optimism.

The University of Delaware is inextricably tied to the state’s remarkable past, actively shaping its dynamic present and deeply engaged in realizing its exciting future. UD is proud of its extensive and enduring contributions to our state, and we are honored to be a part of Delaware’s vital growth and limitless potential. 

President Assanis Signature

Dennis Assanis
President, University of Delaware


Fueling Delaware's Economy


The University of Delaware has a

$3.2 Billion Impact 

in the state, fueling Delaware's economy. 


Supporting jobs statewide


of the state’s total workforce

$1.3 billion 

in earnings from those jobs

Spending Locally

$515 million

in capital spending by UD in 2019-2022

$167 million 

 spent by students and visitors annually

Returning a High Yield

$1.2 billion

in additional combined earnings for Blue Hen alumni, thanks to their UD education

$97 million 

generated in state tax revenue

* In operating appropriation

Educating Delaware’s Students for Success

  • UD and the State of Delaware | University of Delaware
  • UD and the State of Delaware | University of Delaware
  • UD and the State of Delaware | University of Delaware
  • UD and the State of Delaware | University of Delaware