Lot Name Location
Cottage Grove Parking Garage

Cottage Grove Parking Garage is located on the northeast region of campus and can be accessed from Cottage Grove Avenue.

Del Mar Lot

The Del Mar Lot is located at 4590 South Maryland Parkway, on the northeast corner of Maryland Parkway and Del Mar Street with an entrance on Ascot Drive.

Gray Lot

The Gray Lot, formerly known as the White Lot, is located on the southwest region of campus and can be accessed from University Center Drive.


The HAB Lot is located at the southeast corner of South Maryland Parkway and East Harmon Avenue. The lot includes parking outside the Harmon Auxiliary Building and the Graduate Arts Studio.

Lot B

Lot B is located on the northeast region of campus and can be accessed from Maryland Parkway.

Lot C

Lot C is located on the northeast region of campus and can be accessed from Maryland Parkway.

Lot CJ

The CJ Lot is located on the southeast region of campus on the corner of Harmon Avenue and Maryland Parkway.

Lot D

Lot D is located on the southeast region of campus and can be accessed from Maryland Parkway.

Lot E

Lot E is located on the northeast region of campus and can be accessed from University Road.

Lot F

Lot F is located on the southeast region of campus and can be accessed from Brussels Street.

Lot G

Lot G is located on the southeast region of campus and can be accessed from University Road.

Lot H

Lot H is located on the southeast region of campus and can be accessed from University Road.

Lot I

Lot I is located on the southeast region of campus and can be accessed from Harmon Avenue, off of University Center Drive.

Lot J

Lot J is located on the northeast region of campus and can be accessed from Harmon Avenue, off of University Center Drive.

Lot K

Lot K is located on the southeast region of campus and can be accessed from Harmon Avenue off of University Center Drive.

Lot L

Lot L is located on the northwest region of campus and can be accessed from Harmon Avenue, off of University Center Drive.

Lot M

Lot M is located on the southwest region of campus and can be accessed from Tarkanian Way.

Lot N

Lot N is located on the southwest region of campus and can be accessed from Harmon Avenue, off of University Center Drive.

Lot O

Lot O is located on the northeast region of campus and can be accessed from Cottage Grove Avenue.

Lot P

Lot P is located on the northeast region of campus and can be accessed from Cottage Grove Avenue.

Lot Q

Lot Q is located on the northwest region of campus and can be accessed from Harmon Avenue, off of University Center Drive.

Lot R

Lot R is located on the northwest region of campus and can be accessed from Cottage Grove Avenue.

Lot S

Lot S is located on the northwest region of campus and can be accessed from Harmon Avenue, off of University Center Drive.

Lot T

Lot T is located on the northwest region of campus and can be accessed from the Flamingo Access Road.

Lot U

Lot U is located on the southeast region of campus and can be accessed from Brussels Street.

Lot V

Lot V, also known as the visitor's lot, is located on the northeast region of campus and can be accessed from Harmon Avenue, off of Maryland Parkway.

Lot X

Lot X is located on the Paradise Campus and can be accessed Bock Street, off of Tropicana Avenue.

Lot Y

Lot Y is located at the southeast corner of Cottage Grove Avenue and Maryland Parkway in front of the Foundation Building. It is also located at the northeast corner of Cottage Grove Avenue and Maryland Parkway in front of The Degree residential complex.

Lot Z

Lot Z is located on the southeast region of campus and can be accessed from Brussels Street.


The MAB 1 lot is located at the northeast corner of South Maryland Parkway and East Rochelle Avenue. The lot is on the east and west sides of the Maryland Administrative Building 1.


The MAB 2 Lot is located on South Maryland Parkway, near East Rochelle Avenue and surrounds the Maryland Administrative Building 2.

Resident Lot A

Resident Lot A is located on the southeast region of campus and can be accessed from Brussels Street.

Resident Lot B

Resident Lot B is located on the southeast region of campus and can be accessed from Tropicana Avenue.

Scarlet Lot

The Scarlet Lot, formerly known as the Black Lot, is located on the southwest region of campus and can be accessed from University Center Drive.


The SL1 lot is located on the west side of the Shadow Lane Campus Services building, and can be accessed from Hastings Avenue.


The SL2 lot is located on the north side of the Shadow Lane Campus, and can be accessed from Wellness Way.


The SL3 lot is located on the northeast side of the Shadow Lane Campus and can be accessed from Wellness Way or Hastings Avenue.


The SL4 lot is located on the southeast corner of the Shadow Lane Campus and can be accessed from Hastings Avenue.


The SL5 lot is located at the southwest corner of Shadow Lane and West Charleston Avenue. The lot is located to the south side of the Shadow Lane Biotech Research building and the east side of the Shadow Lane Dental School building.


The SL6 lot is located at the northwest corner of Shadow Lane and Pinto Lane. The lot is located to the south side of the Medical Education Building.

Thunder Lot

The Thunder lot is located on the southwest region of campus and can be accessed from Tarkanian Way or Tropicana Avenue.

Tropicana Parking Garage

The Tropicana Parking Garage is located on the southwest region of campus and can be accessed from Tropicana Avenue.

University Gateway Parking Garage

University Gateway Parking Garage is located at 1208 Dorothy Avenue, on the corner of Maryland Parkway and Dorothy Avenue and can be accessed from the south side of the building, on Dorothy Avenue.