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W3C/WAP Workshop:
the Multimodal Web

The convergence of W3C and WAP standards, and the emerging importance of speech recognition and synthesis for the Mobile Web

Shangri-La Hotel,
Hong Kong, 5-6 September 2000

See also: Position Papers, and Workshop Overview

Dave Raggett's introduction and meeting notes.

As an outcome of this workshop, W3C is now now seeking submissions for detailed proposals as a precursor to chartering a multimodal working group.

TUESDAY, September 5
Time Topic Presentation/Activity Responsible person
9.00-9.15 1. Welcome and goal setting   Program Committee
9.15-9.30 2. Introductions   All attendees
9.30-10.10 3. Convergence requirements 
10 minute summaries of positions
Nuance Position Steve Ehrlich
Peter Monaco
Rajesh Ragoobeer 
Digital Channel Partners Position Daniel K. Applequist
Philips Position — Framework for Web Content Adaptation Jon C.S. Wu
Eric C.N. Hsi
Warner ten Kate
Peter M.C. Chen
SEC Position Sachiko YOSHIHAMA
10.10-10.30 4. Convergence requirements identification Brainstorm Each attendee contributes one requirements
10.30-11.00 Break Each attendee votes for most important requirements
11.00-11.40 5. Integration of WAP and VoiceXML languages
10 minute summaries of positions
Summarize status of W3C's multimodal dialog requirements and specification Marianne Hickey
PipeBeach Position — VoiceXML and WML Convergence (224Kb PDF) (Especially sections on Dialog Markup Language: Status of requirements & Voice-Enabling WAP Sites by Transcoding WML to VoiceXML) Scott McGlashan
Telstra Position — The Rise of the Multimodal WEB (Especially section on Developers and the discussion of transcoding vs alternative representations) Andrew Scott
Phone.com & HP position — Towards Convergence of WML, XHTML, and other W3C Technologies Ted Wugofski
Dave Raggett
11.40-12.30 6. Integration of WAP and VoiceXML languages
requirements and approaches
Multiple parallel breakout groups to specify and prioritize requirements for an integrated WAP/VoiceXML language and identify promising technical approaches  All attendees
12.30-13.30 Lunch
13.30-14.00 7. Single authoring
10 minute summaries of positions
NTT DoCoMo position — WML-NG Style Sheet Requirements Kazunari Kubota
IBM position (150Kb PDF) Stephane H Maes
NEC position — XML document navigation language Naoko Ito
14.00-15.00 8. Single authoring
requirements and approaches
Multiple parallel breakout groups to specify and prioritize requirements for single authoring, and identify promising technical approaches All attendees
15.00-15.30 Break
15.30-15.50 9. Convergence of WAP and VoiceXML architectures
10 minute summaries of positions
PipeBeach position (especially section on synchronization of WAP and VoiceXML Browsers) Scott McGlashan
Aurora position — The impact of distributed speech recognition on multimodal interfaces to the mobile web David Pearce,
Dieter Kopp,
& Wieslawa Wajda
See also Avios DSR paper (97Kb PDF)
15.50-17.00 10. Convergence of WAP and VoiceXML architectures
requirements and approaches
Multiple parallel breakout groups to specify and prioritize requirements & technical approaches All Attendees
17.00-18.00 11. Integrate requirements & approaches Representatives from each breakout group meet to merge requirements and approaches for presentation  on Wednesday at 9.00 Representatives from each breakout group



WEDNESDAY, September 6
Time Topic Presentation/Activity Responsible person
9.00-9.15 12. Discuss other requirements from topic 4:
Organize parallel break out groups on specific convergence requirements (possible topics include SMIL, disabilities, guidelines, etc.) Program committee
9.15-10.30 Breakout groups identify and prioritize specific requirements and identify promising alternative solutions
10.30-11.00 Break
11.00-11.30 13. Present merged reports from topic 11 Merged report on Integration of WAP and VoiceXML languages Program committee
Merged report on
Single authoring
Merged report on Convergence of WAP and VoiceXML architectures
11.30-12.30 14. Present reports from activity 12 Reports from other breakout groups:
Program committee
12.30-13.30 Lunch
13.30-15.30 15. Determine how existing or new standards committees/working groups can solve major issues from topics 13 and 14 Brainstorm--Identify existing or new committees/working groups to solve major issues from reports Program committee
Discussion--Recommend which existing or new committees/working groups should solve major issues from reports
15.30-16.00 Break
16.00-17.30 16. Identify future actions Create specific recommendations to existing committees and/or recommendations to create new committees Program committee
17.00 Workshop ends