| Architecture |
Addressing Schemes (retired)
Refs * Registration * Extensibility
This document is retired, see details below
This was an attempt to index URI schemes and their
specifications, whether they were registered or not. As noted in
2003 discussion, it has become unwieldy to maintain and hence is retired. If
you're making up a new scheme, be sure you know about scheme registration.
If you see an unregistered URI scheme, please contact the
developer; feel free to bring it up in the uri list,
and consider the UriSchemes topic in
the ESW Wiki as a place to collaborate on patterns of use and abuse in URI schemes.
The stuff below is only here for historical purposes.
*unreg denotes an unregistered URI
scheme. Registration and extensibility are discussed below.
see also: automation details below,
separate scheme notes, including
historial stuff
86 schemes:
- spec: [CBnpbbjcfnc]
- spec: [CndJvcpfnc1999]
- acap
application configuration access protocol
spec: [CPppcnCnfgnc1997]
To add vCard entries to Communicator's Address Book
spec: [NcpDvdgnnFQC1999]@@argh! URIs are noun phrases, not verb phrases
- spec: [Dfnnffpfwvcc1998]
- reserved by: [nnnddfcm]
- spec: [nnMngYm]
- spec: [NMHwCNMngHyp1998]
Castanet Tuner URLs for Netcaster
spec: [NcpDvdgnnFQC1999]
- spec: [ngCnnfPy71999]
- cid
content identifier
spec: [CnnDndMgDnfm1997]
- data
spec: [Dcm1998]
originally proposed by Masinter on www-talk.; hmm.. use it in
combination with a new MIME type for dates? e.g.
data:text/date,1999-03-04T204208 test
- dav
spec: [HPxnnfDbdng1999]
- spec: [DcnyvPc1997]
spec: [bff]spec: [DNcm2000]
spec: [dcm1998]
yikes! looks like a terrible idea! @@check to be sure the URI
scheme guidelines say why
- fax
spec: [fpnC2000]
- file
Host-specific file names
spec: [nfmcc1994]
- spec: [fngpcfcn]
spec: [FndvFn`2000]
``Unlike the Web, information on Freenet is not stored at
fixed locations or subject to any kind of centralized control.''
-- 1.1. What is Freenet? in the Freenet FAQ as of Aug 2000 .
That's a property of http, ftp, etc., but not a property of
the Web in general; e.g. it's not true of news: URIs.
in discussion in the freenet project:
- ftp
File Transfer Protocol
spec: [FPFm1996]
- gopher
The Gopher Protocol
spec: [GpFm1996]
- spec: [fGMMgvc1998]
spec: [CnvnMmd1997]spec: [H323cmdfnn2001]
- spec: [CnvnMmd1997]
- spec: [CNndym]
- spec: [nwcm1998]
- http
Hypertext Transfer Protocol
spec: [HypxnfPcHP111999]
- https
Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure
spec: [HPvnPcVn301996]
- spec: [npbNmngJnvdb1998]
- spec: [yp]
- imap
internet message access protocol
spec: [MPcm1997]
access to MIME body parts is interesting, but..
hmm.. it sure would be nice if IMAP could be used as a
proxy service for mid:
- spec: [nnPnngPcPPPP2001]
spec: [MdfPCvcpc1996]
notes on integration of synchronous communication
in the Web
- spec: [NwfJvPcHnd2000]
- spec: [CndJvcpfnc1999]
- spec: [JvQP1999]
- ldap
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
spec: [nDPFm1996]
- spec: [nccfBkFDbn1994]
- spec: [CndJvcpfnc1999]
- spec: [CnvnMmd1997]
Mail folder access
spec: [NcpDvdgnnFQC1999]
- mailto
Electronic mail address
Electronic mail address; The mailto URL scheme
spec: [mcm1998]
note that callto: and mailto: are misnomers. URIs are noun
phrases. You can do other things with phone numbers than call
them; for example, you could have a web page of your history
with a caller pop up in response to the phone ringing (e.g.
using caller id. (c) 1998 Jamie Zawinski <jwz@jwz.org> )
- spec: [mncbxnpfXMDF1999]
- mid
message identifier
spec: [CnnDndMgDnfm1997]
- spec: [CndJvcpfnc1999]
- modem
spec: [fpnC2000]
- news
spec: [nwcm1998]
- nfs
network file system protocol
spec: [NFcm1997]
- nntp
USENET news using NNTP access
spec: [nfmcc1994]
- opaquelocktoken
spec: [HPxnnfDbdng1999]
spec: [fpny1998]
used in obsolete drafts
- pop
Post Office Protocol v3
spec: [PPcm1998]
- spec: [PP3nfc1997]
- spec: [Dfnnfpnfwvcc1999]
- prospero
Prospero Directory Service
spec: [nfmcc1994]
spec: [Pc1998]
In every installation of win98, under
C:\WINDOWS\WEB\Wallpaper you'll find a file called "windows98.htm"
that contains the line:
<IMG SRC="res://membg.dll/membg.gif" BORDER=0 WIDTH=329 HEIGHT=47>
- rtsp
real time streaming protocol
spec: [mmngPcP1998]
- spec: [ndzvPc1997]
- spec: [Wnfmcc1997]
Remote Execution
spec: [MbGnWb]
- spec: [DPcm1998]
- service
service location
spec: [vcmpndvccm1999]
- sip
session initiation protocol
spec: [Pcm1997]
- spec: [ynxfmbby2000]
For NNTP postings via SSL
spec: [NcpDvdgnnFQC1999]
- soap.beep
- soap.beeps
- spec: [CnvnMmd1997]
- spec: [bff]
- tel
spec: [fpnC2000]
reserved by: [fpnC2000]
used in previous drafts
- telnet
Reference to interactive sessions
spec: [nfmcc1994]
- tip
Transaction Internet Protocol
spec: [ncnnnPcVn301998]
- reserved by: [nfmcc1994]
- spec: [nfmccfvnBdc1997]
- urn
Uniform Resource Names
spec: [Nynx1997]
- spec: [Dddngcm1997]
- vemmi
versatile multimedia interface
spec: [VMMpcfcn1997]
- spec: [Vdxpcfcn1997]
- spec: [CndJvcpfnc1999]
- wais
Wide Area Information Servers
spec: [nfmcc1994]
- spec: [WDPWdyHdbjcD1998]
Distributed directory service.
spec: [WHpcfcn1997]
- z39.50r
Z39.50 Retrieval
spec: [nfmccfZ39501996]
- z39.50s
Z39.50 Session
spec: [nfmccfZ39501996]
- [nnPnngPcPPPP2001]
Internet Printing Protocol (IPP): IPP URL Scheme. Internet Draft issued 2001-02-13.
- [H323cmdfnn2001]
H.323 URL scheme definition. Internet Draft issued 2001-02.
- [ynxfmbby2000]
URI syntax for smb library. John Quirk, 2000-12-26.
- [DNcm2000]
DNS URL scheme. S. Josefsson, Internet Draft issued 2000-11-24.
- [NwfJvPcHnd2000]
A New Era for Java Protocol Handlers. Brian Maso, 2000-08.
- [FndvFn`2000]
[Freenet-dev] Freenet URL`s. Lawrence W. Leung, (no dc:type found)2000-05-08T10:03:20.
- [fpnC2000]
URLs for Telephone Calls. A. Vaha-Sipila, Internet RFC 2806 issued 2000-04.
- [mncbxnpfXMDF1999]
The Semantic Toolbox - on top of XML-RDF - Ideas on Web Architecture. Tim BL, 1999-06-18.
- [HypxnfPcHP111999]
Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1. J. Gettys, J. Mogul, H. Frystyk, L. Masinter, P. Leach, T. Berners-Lee, Internet RFC 2616 issued 1999-06.
- [CndJvcpfnc1999]
Client-Side JavaScript Reference. Netscape Communications Corporation, 1999-05-28.
- [Dfnnfpnfwvcc1999]
Definition of printer: URLs for use with Service Location. St. Pierre, Isaccson, McDonald, Internet Draft issued 1999-02-19.
- [vcmpndvccm1999]
Service Templates and service: Schemes. Guttman, Perkins, Kempf, Internet Draft issued 1999-02-05.
formerly: The service: URL Scheme, Guttman, 22 Nov 1996.
- [HPxnnfDbdng1999]
HTTP Extensions for Distributed Authoring. Goland, et. al, Internet RFC 2518 issued 1999-02.
- [CHPCcngPc1999]
The CHTTP Caching Protocol. (no dc:type found)1999.
- [NcpDvdgnnFQC1999]
Netscape DevEdge Online FAQ - Client Technical. Netscape Communications Corporation, (no dc:type found)1999.
- [ngCnnfPy71999]
Authoring Content for RealPlayer 7. RealNetworks, Inc., 1999.
- [JvQP1999]
Java SQL API. Sun Microsystems, Inc., 1999.
- [fGMMgvc1998]
URLs for GSM Short Message Service. Vaha-Sipila, Internet Draft issued 1998-12-09.
- [dcm1998]
The "eid" URL Scheme. Finseth, Internet Draft issued 1998-11-02.
- [Dfnnffpfwvcc1998]
Definition of afp: URLs for use with Service Location. Wallace, Internet Draft issued 1998-10-30.
- [npbNmngJnvdb1998]
Interoperable Naming Joint Revised Submission. orbos, 1998-10-11.
- [DPcm1998]
SDP URL Scheme. FUJIKAWA, KURIYA, Internet Draft issued 1998-08-07.
- [Dcm1998]
Data: URL scheme. L. Masinter, Internet RFC 2397 issued 1998-08.
- [PPcm1998]
POP URL Scheme. R. Gellens., Internet RFC 2384 issued 1998-08.
- [ncnnnPcVn301998]
Transaction Internet Protocol Version 3.0. Lyon, J., Evans, K., J. Klein, Internet RFC 2371 issued 1998-07.
- [mcm1998]
The mailto URL scheme. P. Hoffman, L. Masinter, J. Zawinski, Internet RFC 2368 issued 1998-07.
- [nwcm1998]
The hnews URL scheme. T. Stockwell, Internet Draft issued 1998-06-17.
- [Pc1998]
Res Protocol. Microsoft Corporation, 1998-06-11.
- [NMHwCNMngHyp1998]
NM: How to Create a NetMeeting Hyperlink on a Web Page. Microsoft Corporation, Microsoft Knowledge Base article 1998-04-22.
- [mmngPcP1998]
Real Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP). Schulzrinne, H., Rao, A., R. Lanphier, Internet RFC 2326 issued 1998-04.
- [nwcm1998]
The 'news' URL scheme. Gilman, Internet Draft issued 1998-03-09.
- [WDPWdyHdbjcD1998]
WhoDP: Widely Hosted Object Data Protocol. Gordon Mohr, Internet Draft issued 1998-03-02.
- [fpny1998]
URLs for Telephony. A. Vaha-Sipila, Nokia, Internet Draft issued 1998-02-23.
- [CnvnMmd1997]
Conversational Multimedia URLs. Cordell, Internet Draft issued 1997-12-16.
- [ndzvPc1997]
Rendezvous Protocol. Martin Calsyn, Microsoft Corporation, Internet Draft issued 1997-11-21.
- [CPppcnCnfgnc1997]
ACAP -- Application Configuration Access Protocol. J. Myers, Newman, C., Internet RFC 2244 issued 1997-11.
- [Dddngcm1997]
the UUID addressing scheme. Charlie Kindel, Internet Draft issued 1997-11.
- [DcnyvPc1997]
A Dictionary Server Protocol. R. Faith, B. Martin, Internet RFC 2229 issued 1997-10.
- [NFcm1997]
NFS URL Scheme. B. Callaghan, Internet RFC 2224 issued 1997-10.
- [MPcm1997]
IMAP URL scheme. C. Newman, Internet RFC 2192 issued 1997-09.
- [Wnfmcc1997]
The RWhois Uniform Resource Locator. S. Williamson, M. Mealling, Internet Draft issued 1997-08-02.
- [nfmccfvnBdc1997]
Uniform Resource Locators for Television Broadcasts. D. Zigmond., Internet Draft issued 1997-06-10.
- [Vdxpcfcn1997]
Videotex URL Specification. D. Mavrakis, H. Layec, K. Kartmann., Internet Draft issued 1997-05-20.
- [Pcm1997]
SIP URL Scheme. H. Schulzrinne, Internet Draft issued 1997-05-14.
- [WHpcfcn1997]
WHOIS++ URL Specification. Internet Draft issued 1997-05.
- [Nynx1997]
URN Syntax.. Ryan Moats, Internet RFC 2141 issued 1997-05.
- [CnnDndMgDnfm1997]
Content-ID and Message-ID Uniform Resource Locators. E. Levinson, E. Levinson., Internet RFC 2111 issued 1997-03.
- [VMMpcfcn1997]
VEMMI URL Specification. D. Mavrakis, H. Layec, K. Kartmann., Internet RFC 2122 issued 1997-03.
- [PP3nfc1997]
A POP3 URL Interface. Earhart, Internet Draft issued 1997-01.
- [GpFm1996]
A Gopher URL Format. Casey, Krishnan, Internet Draft issued 1996-12-04.
- [FPFm1996]
A FTP URL Format. Casey, Internet Draft issued 1996-11-26.
- [HPvnPcVn301996]
HTTP over SSL (in The SSL Protocol Version 3.0). Freier, Karlton, Kocher, Netscape, (no dc:type found)1996-11-18.
- [nfmccfZ39501996]
Uniform Resource Locators for Z39.50. R. Denenberg, J. Kunze, D. Lynch., Internet RFC 2056 issued 1996-11.
- [MdfPCvcpc1996]
Mirashi draft@@ (also: PICS service) spec. Internet Draft issued 1996-08-26.
- [nDPFm1996]
An LDAP URL Format. LDAP-WG, T. Howes, M. Smith, Internet RFC 1959 issued 1996-06.
- [nfmcc1994]
Uniform Resource Locators (URL). T. Berners-Lee, L. Masinter, M. McCahill, Internet RFC 1738 issued 1994-12.
- [nccfBkFDbn1994]
An Architecture for Bulk File Distribution. Internet Draft issued 1994-07-27.
- [nnMngYm]
AOL Instant Messenger: Test Your Remote. (no dc:type found).
- [nnnddfcm]
Internet Standard list of url schemes. (no dc:type found).
- [CNndym]
CNRI handle system. (no dc:type found).
- [bff]
rebol URL stuff. (no dc:type found).
- [fngpcfcn]
finger URL Specification. IETF URI Working Group, Internet Draft issued .
- [yp]
ILU types. (no dc:type found).
- [CBnpbbjcfnc]
CORBA interoperable object reference. .
- [MbGnWb]
Mobile GUI On The Web. Daniel Dardailler, (no dc:type found).
- [FqnykdQnM]
Frequently Asked Questions: AIM URLs. (no dc:type found).
Internet Standard list of URI schemes is maintained by IANA according to RFC2717.
This dates back to...
A new naming scheme may be introduced by defining a mapping
onto a conforming URL syntax, using a new prefix. [...]
It is proposed that the Internet Assigned Numbers
Authority (IANA) perform the function of registration of new
RFC 1630 URIs in WWW, June 1994
I periodically look at
Internet Drafts containing "URL scheme" and the URI spec
materials maintained by Roy Fielding to find new
Unregistered schemes should not be deployed widely and
should not be used except experimentally. If you are
designing a URI scheme, please see Guidelines for new URL
Schemes, November 1999.
To the question "how many private URL schemes are there?," the
answer was given that there were perhaps 20-40 in use at
Microsoft, with 2-3 being added a day; WebTV has 24, with 6/year
added. Maybe others have similar number of schemes.
minutes of the Uniform Resource Locator Registration
Procedures (urlreg) WG meeting at the
39th IETF Meeting in Munich, Bavaria, Germany, Aug 1997
@@pointer to complaint about unregistered schemes in
It is recommended that those proposing a new scheme
demonstrate its utility and operability by the provision of a
gateway which will provide images of objects in the new
scheme for clients using an existing protocol. If the new
scheme is not a locator scheme, then the properties of names
in the new space should be clearly defined. It is likewise
recommended that, where a protocol allows for retrieval by
URL, that the client software have provision for being
configured to use specific gateway locators for indirect
access through new naming schemes.
RFC 1630 URIs in WWW June 1994
The two on
my personal to-do list are
mid: and irc:.
@@how did Mosaic, viola, and Midas handle this? @@cite
libwww API for adding new schemes, @@cite relevant Java APIs.
5.3: Can I register my own protocol with Navigator?
It is possible to use NCAPI to register your own protocol.
For instance, if you want to have all calls to
"mySuperProtocol:" handled by your application, you should
use NCAPI methods to get that functionality. However, it is
not possible to register a viewer protocol on the Unix
platform releases of Navigator.
DevEdge Newsgroup FAQ
an 1999: Netscape Navigator has long lacked extensibility in
URI schemes, and it has had broken parsing. But the Mozilla folks are working on
it. See bug
excerpt from
Appendix A: Registering an Application to a URL
Protocol in
Internet Client SDK
The following example shows which registry values must be
added to register a new application (notepad.exe in this
example) to handle a new URL protocol (note:).
(Default) = "URL:Note Protocol"
URL Protocol = ""
(Default) = "notepad.exe"
(Default) = "c:\windows\notepad.exe %1"
By adding these settings to the registry, attempts to
navigate to URLs such as note:c:\myfile.txt would launch
Notepad to edit the file c:\myfile.txt. Of course, all the
commands supported under Shell\Open are supported, including
DDEEXEC (in other words, "command" is not the only key you
can put under the verb).
I recently (Mar 2001) made this index into a semantic web development project, with the help of Sean Palmer and Aaron Swartz see:
- make dublin core bibliography formatting available separately from the resto of the stuff that the transformation does
- merge RFC title/date/author/etc. stuff in from rfc-index;
merge endorsement info from STD1?
should refine dc:date to dc:issued for RFCs and internet drafts; infer dc:date using cwm/AlgyKB
and someday...
- IDEA: :implements and :uses as well as :specifies; i.e. give pointers to implementations of the schemes and documents/resources that use them, as well as specs
- rdfs:seeAlso, :reserves
- handle copyright year, who better
- IDEA (discussed with EricP in MN 21Mar2001): enhance
XSLT processors to grok arbitrary RDF and make it look
like bySubject/frameHappy RDF.
also, do back-chaining
on xpaths, so that when I ask for */dc:creator, I
get subproperties too.
aha... I'm not alone in wishing for this... see
RDFT, Stefan Kokkelink 2001-03-19
- dublin core types (done, to some extent)
dublin core feedback: dca:agentName is redundant; just dca:name, pls.
Dan Connolly
created 1996/01/02 03:37:23
$Revision: 1.95 $ of $Date: 2007/04/06 16:20:54 $