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label / falabel / fa
label / frlabel / fr
label / rulabel / ru
label / trlabel / tr
description / bndescription / bn
উইকিমিডিয়া বিষয়শ্রেণী
description / cadescription / ca
categoria de Wikimedia
description / ckbdescription / ckb
پۆلی ویکیمیدیا
description / eldescription / el
κατηγορία εγχειρημάτων Wikimedia
description / eodescription / eo
kategorio en Vikimedio
description / gudescription / gu
વિકિપીડિયા શ્રેણી
description / hedescription / he
קטגוריה בוויקיפדיה
description / ilodescription / ilo
kategoria ti Wikimedia
description / jadescription / ja
description / kodescription / ko
위키미디어 분류
description / videscription / vi
thể loại Wikimedia
description / zhdescription / zh
description / zh-hansdescription / zh-hans
description / zh-hantdescription / zh-hant
Property / category's main topic
Property / category's main topic: Rožaje / rank
Normal rank
Property / category's main topic: Rožaje / reference
links / fawiki / namelinks / fawiki / name
links / enwiki / namelinks / enwiki / name
links / trwiki / namelinks / trwiki / name
