Guy Reichard

Guy Reichard is a Self Leadership Coach and Executive Resilience Builder who empowers high-achieving professionals, executives, and business owners to lead authentically with calm, clarity, confidence, and compassion. He helps his clients navigate challenges, overcome fears and self-doubt, and grow into purposeful, values-driven leaders. With a heart-centered, science-backed, and trauma-informed approach, Guy guides his clients to connect with their Authentic Self, align with their core values, and create meaningful change in their lives and leadership. His work focuses on enhancing resilience, emotional intelligence, presence, and well-being while addressing barriers like perfectionism, impostor syndrome, people-pleasing, and tough inner critics. With over 15 years of coaching experience and 20 years in consulting and business development, Guy brings a unique blend of empathy, insight, and strategic perspective to help his clients thrive.


  • MBA, York University Schulich School of Business
  • BA with Honors, Psychology, York University

Professional Achievements

  • Founder, HeartRich Self Leadership & Resilience Coaching
  • Over 4000+ Hours Coached
  • EZRAx Executive Leadership Coach

Certifications & Organizations

  • Adler Certified Professional Coach
  • HeartMath Coach & Mentor
  • Meditation & Mindfulness Teacher
  • Professional Certified Coach, International Coaching Federation

Favorite Piece of Advice

You know you can achieve great things and please others, but it’s even more important to know and respect who you are beneath accomplishments and titles. It takes courage and self-compassion to break the cycle of overachievement, people-pleasing, and perfectionism. As you clarify your values, build resilience, and cultivate self-leadership, you’ll feel a powerful shift that brings out your best self for yourself and everyone around you.

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