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Performing Womanhood and Carefare in Hungary
Theatre Research International ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-26 , DOI: 10.1017/s0307883323000391

In the present article,1 I will examine how topics of domestic work, care and family values were critically addressed by female performers in 2022 on various Hungarian stages. Two short analyses will show that the notion of womanhood is deconstructed through questioning superficial and populist images of traditional female roles. While Baby Bumm – Propinquity Effect, a community theatre production highlights the actual toll of becoming a mother, a one-woman-show titled God, Home, Kitchen detects the numerous and often contradicting roles assigned to an average Hungarian female citizen by politicians. Both productions build on the physical limits of the performers’ bodies, the actual burden of taking care of children, as well as fulfilling duties in and outside the household, to show the unreal nature of politicized ideas on women. This is a public topic that further emerged in post-pandemic times, especially in the light of the government's determination of acceptable social participation for women.



在本文中,1我将研究 2022 年匈牙利各个舞台上的女性表演者如何批判性地探讨家务劳动、护理和家庭价值观等话题。两个简短的分析将表明,通过质疑传统女性角色的肤浅和民粹主义形象,女性概念被解构。尽管Baby Bumm – 邻近效应,一部社区戏剧作品强调了成为母亲的实际代价,这是一部名为“上帝、家、厨房发现政治家赋予匈牙利普通女性公民众多且常常相互矛盾的角色。这两部作品都以表演者身体的物理限制、照顾孩子的实际负担以及履行家庭内外的责任为基础,展示了对妇女的政治化观念的不真实本质。这是一个在后疫情时代进一步出现的公共话题,尤其是在政府确定女性可接受的社会参与的情况下。