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Modulating Hamiltonian approach to quantum many-body systems and crystalline topological phases protected by generalized magnetic translations
Physical Review B ( IF 3.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-09-05 , DOI: 10.1103/physrevb.110.094410
Yuan Yao 1 , Akira Furusaki 2, 2

We discuss the topology of the parameter space of invertible phases with an onsite symmetry G, i.e., quantum many-body ground states that have neither fractionalization nor spontaneous breaking of the symmetry. The classification of invertible phases is known to be obtained by counting the connected components in the parameter space of the invertible phases. We consider its generalization — the deformation classes of the mappings from n-dimensional spheres Sn to this parameter space for arbitrary integer n. We argue a direct one-to-one correspondence in the framework of lattice models between the noncontractibility of Sn and (i) the classification of invertible phases in d dimensions when dn; or (ii) zero-dimensional invertible Hamiltonians parametrized by Snd when d<n, using an isotropic modulating Hamiltonian approach. Explicitly, we construct the noncontractible spheres of two-dimensional invertible phases, i.e., n=2 and d=2. We also propose a large class of crystalline topological phases protected by a generalized magnetic translations.



我们 d 讨论 i 的参数空间的拓扑 n 可垂直相 n 现场对称性 G ,即既没有分馏也没有对称性自发破缺的量子多体基态。已知可逆相的分类是通过对可逆相的参数空间中的连通分量进行计数来获得的。我们考虑它的概括——n 维球体映射的变形类 Sn 到这个参数空间为任意整数n。我们认为在晶格模型框架中,以下各项的不可收缩性之间存在直接的一一对应关系: Sn (i) d 维可逆相的分类 dn ;或 (ii) 零维可逆哈密顿量,参数化为 Snd 什么时候 d<n ,使用各向同性调制哈密顿方法。明确地,我们构造二维可逆相的不可收缩球体,即 n=2d=2 。我们还提出了一大类受广义磁平移保护的晶体拓扑相。