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Mapping epistemic pluralism: A network analysis of discursive practices in communities promoting refused knowledge about healthcare and wellbeing
Poetics ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2024-10-21 , DOI: 10.1016/j.poetic.2024.101929
Marco Serino, Ilenia Picardi, Giancarlo Ragozini

This article presents an analysis of discourses performed in communities that share and disseminate knowledge refused by institutional science. The study focuses on an online community concerned with alkaline water, food, and lifestyle, aiming at understanding how promoters of refused knowledge in this community enrol other forms of knowledge, including science. Theoretically, this work is framed in Science & Technology Studies, and in the tradition of actor-network theory, situating itself in a recent turn that takes epistemic instability and pluralism into due consideration, thus overcoming opaque views of the opposition between science and non-science. Empirically, this fine-grained analytic purpose is addressed by a mixed-method strategy in which discursive practices are observed through a web-ethnography conducted between January 2020 and December 2021 on the relevant online spaces and then analysed qualitatively and quantitively by means of formal techniques. Relying on the tools of social network analysis, the discursive space of the community under study is formalised as a two-mode network of knowledge claims and heterogeneous actors enrolled in discourse to sustain those claims. Then, community detection is performed to map the different assemblages of claims and actors and the relevant repertoires characterising those assemblages. Finally, multiple correspondence analysis applied to two-mode networks is used to highlight the dimensions of concern and meaning expressed in the knowledge organisation of this community.



本文分析了在分享和传播机构科学拒绝的知识的社区中进行的话语。该研究侧重于一个关注碱性水、食物和生活方式的在线社区,旨在了解该社区中被拒绝知识的推动者如何吸收其他形式的知识,包括科学。从理论上讲,这项工作以科学与技术研究以及行动者网络理论的传统为基础,将自身置于最近的转变中,该转变适当考虑了认识的不稳定性和多元化,从而克服了科学与非科学之间对立的不透明观点。从实证上讲,这种细粒度的分析目的通过混合方法策略来解决,其中通过 2020 年 1 月至 2021 年 12 月期间在相关在线空间进行的网络民族志观察话语实践,然后通过正式技术进行定性和定量分析。依靠社交网络分析工具,所研究社区的话语空间被正式化为知识主张和参与话语以维持这些主张的异质参与者的两种模式网络。然后,执行社区检测以绘制索赔和参与者的不同组合以及表征这些组合的相关曲目。最后,应用于双模式网络的多重对应分析用于突出该社区知识组织中表达的关注和意义维度。