Based on 1,491 real quotes from businesses in United States.
Yelp calculates estimated costs by gathering and analyzing real quotes provided to consumers by businesses on Yelp. Actual costs may vary.
Key takeaways
The best time to install new ductwork is during home construction, when walls, ceilings, and floors are open
Ductwork installations are always more costly when retrofitting an existing home
To ensure a well-designed system that operates efficiently, hire a licensed HVAC pro
Houses with forced-air heating or central air conditioning rely upon a network of ducts and vents to deliver warmed or chilled air to rooms. Ducts are large rigid or flexible metal tubes that connect from the main heating or cooling system to the vents located in floors, walls, or ceilings. An air handler (or vent) in the HVAC unit (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) controls airflow throughout the house.
Installing a home’s ducts and vents is least expensive during new construction, because house framing is exposed and easy to access. Putting in a ductwork system in existing homes—called “retrofitting”—isn’t as easy, but may be unavoidable during a remodel or when changing to a forced-air system for air conditioning or heating. Retrofitting a duct system involves difficult construction in tight areas, such as crawl spaces and attics.
Installing vents—registers at the end of the ducts that control airflow into a room—is the last and easiest part of ductwork system installation, because work can usually be done from inside the rooms.
This cost guide looks at installing ductwork and vents in both new and existing construction.
The following numbers represent national average costs for installing new ductwork and vents in an average-size, 1,600–2,000-square-foot home.
Installing ductwork (new construction). Project costs are based on installation in areas that are relatively easy to access while the home is being built.
Low: $2,000
Avg.: $5,000
High: $8,000
Retrofitting ductwork (existing home). Installing ducts in an already-built structure carries considerably higher labor costs.
Low: $4,500
Avg.: $10,000
High: $15,000+
Average cost of ductwork by linear feet, installed. When considering material costs, it can be helpful to compare prices by linear feet of ductwork (because you’ll be paying for a certain amount of length).
Low: $10 per linear foot
Avg.: $17 per linear foot
High: $25 per linear foot
Installing a single vent. If you’ve added on a single room that you want to heat and cool, you may just need one new vent or register connected to the home’s existing ductwork. Typical costs to install a new vent or register: $175–550 each.
Labor is typically 60% or more of the cost of ductwork installation. That cost goes up as you install more ducts, longer ducts, or ductwork with more circuitous turns.
Additional cost factors include the following:
Number of stories in the home. Larger homes with more floors mean more duct materials and labor time.
Accessibility. Locating ducts in difficult-to-reach areas can also drive up overall cost. Homes with minimal crawl spaces under the floor or above the ceiling, or that have tight inner-wall spaces, make access difficult and limit the types of ducts that can be used.
Adjacencies. Basements and attics that are adjacent to the room being serviced (a basement ceiling that’s also the living room floor, for example) generally pose the least difficulty for HVAC installers—which can make the work less time-consuming and expensive.
Installing ductwork isn’t typically a DIY home improvement project. HVAC pros are trained in proper sizing, routing, and installation of ductwork for maximum energy efficiency—which helps prevent costly energy waste when you run your heater and air conditioner.
The best way to save money when installing new ductwork is to have the system designed by a knowledgeable HVAC contractor, who can maximize efficient usage of the materials and simplify the difficulty of installation.
Make sure to get bids from 3–5 reputable, licensed HVAC contractors. Ask friends and neighbors for recommendations, and search online reviews.
To learn more, read Homeowner‘s guide to hiring an HVAC contractor.
How much does it cost to put in ductwork?
It’s always more affordable to install HVAC ductwork in unfinished homes, where access is easier. This typically costs $2,000–8,000. To install or replace existing ductwork in a finished home, prices range from $4,500–15,000+.
How much does it cost to add a vent to a room?
If you’re adding a vent at the end of a single duct run, which is already connected to an HVAC system, the total cost is typically $175–550.
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